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with judge jeanine pirro "the five". hunter biden is playing the victim in a new interview. as we learn bombshell new details about his second indictment. the first son is facing nine new criminal charges for allegedly not paying more than, not paying for more than $1.4 million in taxes but also blowing that cash on his lavish lifestyle. quote. if convict hunter could spent 17 years in prison but never mind his corruption, hunter biden telling in an interview that republicans are only concerned about him as a way to destroy his fathers presidency. >> and their most illegitimate way rational way they're trying to destroy a presidency so it's not about me and their most base way what they're trying to do is they're trying to kill me knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle. >> hunter's southern blaming the republicans who thinks the political pressure from g.o.p. lawmakers played a role in beefrg up the charges. >> what happened between june 20 and yesterday? the facts didn't changed. what change was the enormous political pressure put on the u.s. attorney when he made a deal for what the facts and law showed to him deciding i don't want that grief any longer so i'll be a tough guy and take two pages of a misdemeanor where millions of americans file late and turn it into a 56 page document if his name wasn't hunter biden this wouldn't have happened. >> how is joe biden feeling about the second indictment of his son while it seems like he's too busy thinking about which celebrities he will be with tonight in california, watch him ignore reporters asking about hunter. >> any comment on the new charges against your son mr. president? >> well, judge, i think you disagreed with hunter's attorney abby lowell. >> i got to tell you if i were in trouble i would hire abby lowell but he's wrong here. look. the truth of the matter is that he had a plea deal that even the department of justice could not justify, even the department of justice one question said there is no precedent for anything like this so abby with due respect don't tell me this is that nothing has changed here. what has changed is the fact that hunter biden is being held responsible and accountable. this is not a guy who filed late returns. this is a guy who didn't file returns. and you know what? for everybody including the associated press who says well you know he was an addicted son i'm here to tell that you his tax failures were post-addiction issues. first of all i couldn't take out $1.6 billion from the citibank account where i bank. he was involved in human trafficking money launder, he was a foerng agent, none of that stuff was filed here. this is nothing more than lipstick on a pig taking the same charges and tell us everything we knew about this dirtbag's lifestyle, meaning hunter biden. no one is trying to kill you. people are trying to make sure there's the same justice for you as for everybody else in america and one final thing, that is that for those who say oh joe biden has nothing to do with this. you got james comer and congress trying to do what the department of justice and fbi should be doing 327 emails with joe biden using a sued name contacting members who are partners of hunter biden lying he didn't know about his sons businesses that he never did business with china did nothing illegal with china didn't take money from china lying when he said he did nothing illegal period. jane biden got money. james biden sent money to joe biden and we still haven't seen a memo that indicates it was a loan. >> harold hunter's attorneys are trying to make the case that nothing changed here but we saw and change that irs whistleblowers came forward to talk about what they couldn't pursue so it's important to listen to them now to remind them what they were saying. >> it appeared to need based on what i experience tlaed the u.s. attorney in delaware in our investigation was constantly hamstrung limited marginalized be doj officials as well as other u.s. attorneys. a number of times we were not able to follow the facts. >> prosecutors instructed investigators not to ask about the big guy or dad when conducting interviews or follow up on what's app messages from hunter biden i cloud backup where he suggested he was sitting next to his father. >> these are career irs investigators making these comments. >> doesn't matter what political party anybody is in. when you're accused of something the greatest thing in our legal system is presumption of innocence. every american gets that. it is curious president trump has said over and over again what he's facing he would not be facing some of the charges he's facing if his name were not trump and i think hunter biden said he wouldn't be facing the charges if he were not named biden so both of this are using a similar political argument. i've not read the indictment closely enough though i read summaries of and it's serious. there's jail time that goes along with this. hunter said he's innocent. we give him that presumption and we have to wait for the facts and tried to be held. i think with regard to the witnesses you showed at the start of your asking me the question this all blew up remember because they went into a courtroom in delaware and the two sides didn't have a meeting. minds about what the plea agreement was about. hunter's team thought it would covering everything and was a global blanket immunity agreement tan justice department thought it period tainted only to matters the gun stuff and tax stuff a couple number of years. >> the department knew because they hit it in the plea deal regarding the gun. >> let's get back to the facts. i understand people around herd want to see him buried. >> no i just want to see justice. >> so do i. the greatest thing that happens in the courtroom that hearing was held to let the defendant know when you plead guilty to something you go before a judge and the judge asks do you understand what you're pleadings to and neither side understood. >> how could they not understand it? the justice department wrote it up. >> the outcome is what you want in the judicial system. the court set you are not in agreement. >> this is kruchlt it's never been done before. >> well whatever the case the court said this is not, you all do not have an agreement. even when those whistleblowers did what they did they didn't do that. it was that judge that put us where we are because he said you guys don't have agreement. i think if i were in hunger's shoes i would be disappointed i didn't sign that agreement balls you at least take some of those charges off the table. so my point is when we get the facts and he goes before a jury and convicted he will face the music. if not the case and he's acquitted, fine. >> 58 pages lots of details and the number one thing about the taxes on money how did he get that money and who are his partners and the media is going out of their way to distance joe biden from the indictment. listen. >> no mention of joe biden no reference to joe biden indictment. >> hunter biden is not president. joe biden and there is no allegation in the 56 page indictment that the president did anything wrong. >> hunter biden was never running for office. this is a false charge set up by republicans. we will see. >> there's yet to be any evidence that president biden had anything to do with the criminal charges his son faces. >> so we move from never being in business to not being in the indictment. >> yes, this is what the media does, cover for him. it's so telling of the moment. we are told this is justice. harold you said serious indictment. on its face it is but it's the exact opposite of justice. why drop it now? he's about to testimony before james comer about to answer questions. under investigation can't talk about that anymore. will he sees justice? you hear people say no way it's going 17 years and even guilty what will judge do, wave his magic pardon wand. they don't mention anything about suspicious activity reports, sued names, emails, one sentence in there about russia and china. they found it easiest to say he didn't pay taxes, he paid hookers. let's throw the book at him call it justice and even so we can compare to it trump which is different. >> jimmy do you want to enlighten bus the jokes you've decided to pull? >> i have a serious point. reacting to what hunter said. they're not trying to destroy biden's presidency the biden doesn't need help with that. he's polling find isis now. okay. like 27 percent. to the hunter point. i give him a d in accounting but a on how he spent the money. no lie. fast cars fast women. i got to be honest the docket looks similar to the way it looks now but they wouldn't extend money because me dad wasn't sitting vice-president of the united states at the time and the alibi is hunter didn't work in government exactly. why would biden email him information under a false name? that's the bigger take-away here. they had indy interfered in the 2020 election and we know they did because we were told, you can't talk about this, not a thing. it will wrongly influence the election. now we have guilty pleas to the money we knew were the thing, scam. >> up next, the cowardly ivy league presidents who couldn't condemn the genocide of jews are in serious hot water as donors bail. some of the best traditions start under a tree. it's where we gather as a family. it's where we experience the excitement of opening day. it's where we caught our personal best. and this tree is where it all began. this christmas start traditions under your tree... share the tradition of visiting santa's wonderland at bass pro shops and cabela's. and get your free photo with santa. bass pro shops and cabela's. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ we come from people we can be proud of. seeing all the places i come from, i know. if it's a serrano, it's something to be proud of. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. ♪ >> specifically calling for the genocide of jews does that constitute harassment? >> it is directing harassment. >> the answer is yes calling for the genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct krerkts? >> again it depends on the context. >> ivy league presidents are scrambling to save their jobs after disgracing themselves for failing to call out antisemitism on their campuses, university president asked to resign by penn business school because the school is losing out on a hundred million dollar donation from the donor who was quote appalled by the university stance on antisemitism. harvard president claudene gay says i'm sorry. even kamala's husband is trashing them. >> we have seen the presidents of some of our most elite universities literally unable to denounce calling for the genocide of jews as antisemitic. that lack of moral clarity is simply unacceptable. >> you know katie i'll start with you, you -- u-penn is set to lose a hundred million dollars and now she's apologizing for her testimony. she had one week to prepare for that testimony. if they had asked the question about any other group i doubt she would have hesitated to answer the question. the calling of genocide of any group is bad conduct. >> let's be clear the presidents are not apologizing because they somehow found more clarity on the issue. it's because they're losing these hundred million dollar checks and are embarrassed about that. when they talk about the context and how they could get to these answers all three of them having the same one essentially what is the context? they're penalized by the situation on campus so the context of the olympics is they would think who is making the claim is, that person morrow presented than the person making the claim, we don't think the jews are as oppressed as the palestinians. the context is such it's okay to make calls for genocide because of this allegation that the people making the calls are being oppressed somehow whether that's true or no they can't look at things in terms of right or wrong. it's one of the most horrific incidents in history. it's an obvious answer but because of the life on college ca campuses they've gotten themselves in this position which again is not because they have found some answer. they had some read them a statement they tried to reread and now they're saying they're sorry with their jobs on the line. >> harvard misgendering, phobia constitutes violence according to title 9 about the antisemitism requires context. >> first of all everything katie said is correct about the hire can i of oppression. but the same time a hundred million dollars is a drop in the bucket for those institutions. it's got to reach $600 million. next month we have poison ivy about the funding of these schools and they're international hedge funds who teach classes through a marxist line. that's why they're so smug. they're afraid of the students if anything and certainly not the donors and wedded to one world view and hide behind free speech. that's their mantra. tell that to the conservatives and the christians and the white kids and everybody else on campus who has been on the wrong side of that woke olympics and so we have got to the genocide of an entire people as old as time and they want more context. >> there's a sound i'd like to you listen to harold by i think it's harvard president. >> in that moment i was focused on our university's long-standing policies, align wee the u.s. constitution that says that speech alone is not punishable. i was not focused on but i should have been. >> okay. that's penn's mcgill. she's saying the constitution protected me. >> so i'm a penn undergrad and i think it's simple. i don't know about the woke olympics. what i know is if you can condemn terrorism if you cannot identify that genocide of a population of people as something you're not going tolerate within the policies of your campus particularly when you have it in your rule book and policy book you shouldn't be in that role. i hate to say this school has been embarrassed the last several weeks, so many of my classmates and i signed the first letter weeks ago when mcgill didn't respond why you had roger waters who has spoken about israel and jewish people i think in an awful way, they had him coming on the highest jewish hol hol hol holiday yom kippur and i try to send a few nickels back every year but i joined the call saying i would only send a dollar until we had substantive change. she had opportunity to show maturity and didn't. whatever her motivation coming back is up to her. i don't think she's fit to be president of the school and it's unfortunate but you have one job when you're the president of a university when it comes to promoting dynamic enthusiastic conversations even if i disagree you got to make it safe for kids to be able to share their views and learn. i'm against punishing kids. i saw a friend say he was going to put the names down and not hire them. these are kids. give people opportunity for second chances but the president of the school to go before a congressional committee and not be able to condemn terrorism and genocide are not fit to be president of the school. >> jimmy wrap it up. >> i agree with harrell until they have to fire her. she shouldn't get the grace of a resignation there. are certain questions you don't get a second crack at. if we are hiring a babysitter and ask are you going keep the kids safe, no. if they call me back after reflecting on this, you're not hiring them, okay? so all i want to say is i have never been prouder to attended nassau junior college and engaging in super mario and watching these dopes. >> coming up, flame royal hypocrisy climate obsessed elites are demanding you give up meat while they dine on juicy burgers. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. 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(guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet. if you want to stop the insanity, try golo. >> hypocrisy was on the menu at the big u.n. climate conference in dubai. united nations set to call on wealthy nations to eat less meat because it's going to save the planet or something like that. actually to be more clear they want you to give up your burger but as for them, that is a different matter. according to climate summit's on line portal they list their menu. global elite's who attend ate gourmet steak and burger. one surrender if you want beef or meat you pay them a visit. another promise is smoked brisket ribs and burgers and jimmy. your reaction? i mean there's so much here. >> yes, and you realize a lot of these people are full from eating steak on the private jet travel to go the conference so you pick and choose your spots. every time u.n. gives advice i wish there were a button who asked you. who cares? this is like severaling alcohol at intervention. it's the opposite of what you should do. the climate movement is a fraud. this is more proof. you think the guy who tells you to eat bugs is thinking that? he's flying in a private jet listening to the beatles while you eat beetles. >> the lab raise ed meat is less nutritious. >> this is hypocrisy from covid. the democrats, i mean their addicted this this totalitarian mindset, so to them it's not about hypocrisy anymore. it's about class. we are elite. you're not. so you eat that or don't eat that. if they really cared about climate emissions and all that they would go after china, india. leave me alone with my gas stove. no one is taking my gas stove from me. >> harold is going to try. harold, if you were in dubai and you're not, would you consume meat or stand in solidarity with the plant eaters? >> i'm going to have a steak when i leave. i had a steak last night and before that. you would think at some of these events here, i believe in climate change. i believe we have to address this seriously. i don't think we are with these kinds of efforts. imagine scientists that make up these panels to begin to assess the effectiveness of next generation battery technologies, next generation agricultural technologies. some aspects of agriculture are more harmful to the environment, but the next generation i would be wanting to know if i were on this panel i would have jimmy and his experts who know about batteries and outer space to say come tell me. two years ago those batteries were not as efficient. where are we now? when they engage in this kind of behavior it belittles a big serious point so i hope they get their act together. >> katie. >> first i want to let everybody know that lab grown meat is grown in a vat, massive steel vat. think about if you're thinking about eating that. they say people need to reduce meat intake because agriculture and farming generates 10 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. yes because people need to eat in the world so there's a cost for keeping people feds and they're playing with fire when it comes to tinkering with the food process and how we grow food to feed the population not of rich countries like united states but countries in africa india klein -- china, sri lanka was able to farm their food in a year. the country went into economic collapse and imported all their food. so they continue to find ways to controllable everybody through their food sources whether it's agriculture or farming or ranching meat, but it can really result in catastrophic consequences. they need to focus on technology that can help change and capture what they see as emissions harmful to the environment but not by trying to control the way people feed their population because that's a good way to cause famine which communist countries have done in the past. >> and let them eat bugs. >> coming up next, or maybe a cake made of bugs. jay leno rolling around town in ultra futuristic cyber truck. we will see about that. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. directv sports central brings your games, stats and scores together... and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to a $400 reward card. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back. first up elon musk hotly anticipated and super futuristic cyber truck hitting the streets, tesla has begun first batch to enthusiasts. >> elon? >> it's truck number 5. >> oh really? >> just came off the line. it's incredible. >> your honor you were saying when we did this segment a week or two ago you were maybe dubious but now you have a stronger opinion. >> you know i like it. i think first of all i don't like to buy anything the first year it's out because there's always problems with it so you wait a few years. then i it was looking at it not for the segment but it doesn't have a hatchback so i get a truck because i have so many dogs and you need the hatch to go up. >> you did buy the bentley the first year. >> i did. >>, no. >> kate your thoughts on this truck. would you drive it? i would never biane electric car. that's my current stance but this would get me closest and elon is letting me own a tank. it's bullet proof, stainless steel body 0-60 in 2.5 second, massive payload i can own a thanks to be elon musk. close to e.v. >> it's not square like escalator or something. >> you could mountain a gun on it. >> katie could you see yourself driveing this? >> no, i drive a jeep wrangler with no technology. i will let someone else dyna drive me in a cyber truck. >> jimmy would you drive katie? >> i actually have a white bronco and my wife has never behaved better. >> whatever you do don't take katie out in your white bronco. >> up next, selfy obsessed tourists strike again, a group of tourists capsizing a boat in venice canal. >> good. >> a group of tourist capsizing a boat in venice canal by ignoring orders to stop moving around but were standing up taking selfies and they're lucky to be alive. >> i'm so sick and tired of ego centric people who have to take pictures of themselves everywhere. join the moment. no one wants to see your picture. we said wait as public health problem last week. it's a public health nuisance. >> yes, the smart phone has maybe everybody dumber. you know how often people in new york city walk in the middle of an avenue looking at their phone. if i hit you and that's your mindset it's almost addition by subtraction. these are stupid people. >> katie you have the same view? >> they're told not to do this, they did it anyway. now they have to have more rules for people on these both and it won't be as much fun so follow the rules for once and stop ruining it for everybody. >> pete. >> i don't know what everybody is talking about here. [laughter] >> how about that? better that way. >> i got memories you don't ever. >> judge, do you think if they warn people about this is that less than a liability? >> yes, the question is i mean, can you sue them? it's sue them for whatever damage oh kurds to that gondola. >> this couple here went through a rinse cycle a couple getting march idz in a car wash, here is a charming video of their ceremony. >> i do, take you to be my wife. to have and to hold. >> i'm going to refrain from commenting on. this what are your thoughts about this? >> knowing car washes they have unlimited marriage package. i like this strategy because it's probably an easy marriage to get out of. your honor we got married at a car wash and i didn't simonize the tires. >> would you consider this? >> i love it because i grew up in a car wash. my parents owned two car washes so i appreciate people using this as a moment that can be part of if rest of their lives. the brushes might scratch your car. >> parently she's a monthly membership and all the other venues were so expensive thank you joe biden she got march any a car wash. >> if she's the women who overbear's on the car wash she last a lot to deal with. >> i love how you got the biden blame in there. judge your thoughts. >> i like love but who cleans their car every day? >> my his ban washes his car every day. >> what is he saying she's got to wash? i don't know if i'd want to be him. >> i agree. >> another compelling story. not cry, you better not pout, i'm telling yo ♪ . >> that's the gosh darn king of rock 'n roll elvis presley. it's fan mail friday. rock 'n roll question from my girl michelle on facebook what is something funny you and your siblings did a children you still laugh about today? >> i can't think of anything. >> you guys don't have anything funny as children? did you ever shoot somebody with a fire extinguisher? >> we used to have a flashlight and read books under the covers. that's not funny. >> since you beats me to it you need to live it up a little bit. >> it was in elmira. >> harold did anything funny happen in the ford house? >> my parents used to have dinner parties. my relatives would put on muck and i was lead singer and dancer. >> they loved me. elvis was in my neighborhood. >> we had one bb gun, my brother and i would play hunter and hunted and you had would wear a helmet and run as fast as you could and hunt the other one. >> the things little boys do. >> me and my brother would smoke crack and take money from a foreign country. >> weird. like we did chitos in dirt one time. >> the dirt had the same nutritional content as the cheetos. >> so, you know she's in therapy now but it's a good block on "the five." facebook question from joe. ready judge? >> why do i go first? >> i love you. what lesson were you taught you didn't follow but wish you did? >> oh, my mother wanted me to keep playing the piano. that's not funny. >> well it is. not to be funny. harold, any lesson? >> i don't know. a lot of them i didn't follow. it's hard to pick one. so, i used to not like to go to church as a kid. i thank god my parents made me go. you couldn't get breakfast on sundays if you didn't go church and it stuck with me. i now go church and want my kids to go to church. i thank my parents because if they didn't make me go i wouldn't ever my faith or it wouldn't be as central to my life. >> i'm going to absolutely just add throws two answers up. i agree with what harold said and sincerely wish i had continued playing the piano. my mom had me do it i think pretty good at one point. >> the game has changed, piano man biably joel is now piano them. katie advice you should have took. >> i don't know, maybe stuck with my accounting classes. >> just when you those it couldn't get spicier america. advice i should have taken and didn't don't wind up on a tv set with these people because they're too hunky. people tip me a five when i walk into the studio with these two. one more thing is up next, america. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (♪) kevin! kevin? kevin? ooh, nice. kevin, where are you? kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. i'll be home for christmas. you can count on me. please have snow and mistletoe. and presents under the tree right now, all over the country, kids at shriners hospitals for children® are able to go home and be with their families for the holidays. and it's only possible because of the monthly support of people just like you. thanks to a generous donor. every dollar you give can help twice as many kids like me and have double the impact. with your gift of just $19 a month, only $0.63 a day, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue® blanket as a thank you. and a reminder of the care you'll be providing so kids can be with their families. christmas eve will find me. 0 it only takes a moment to call the number on your screen. or you can visit right now on your phone or computer. thanks to a generous donor, your gift will go twice as far and help more kids like me. because every child just wants to be home for the holidays and your gift makes that possible. your call is the best gift of all. your gift will be my favorite christmas present this year. thank you for giving. please call the number on your screen or go online right now with your monthly gift. and when you do, your gift will have two times the impact. i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. >> it's time now for one more thing and judge, you first. >> it's time for my next view. okay, today is national brownie day and to celebrate we have some delicious brownies at the table for everyone, a big thank you to delese for sending the treats and everybody dig in and also, also while they're eating their brownies i'm on hannity tonight. put that up. there i am at 9:00. >> thank you. all right, harold. >> the los angeles rams are giving back this holiday season by taking a kids on a shopping spree, a hundred kids from west hills with rams players and clevelanders given $200 to spend served a meal after working up an appetite after shopping. thanks to the rams and the players for giving these kids a happy christmas. >> the rams are terrible this year. the kids beat the rams. >> good for them. they say that if a bird does its business on you it's good luck. this is different and sophisticated, mikayla and mitch had wedding ceremony in canada when unexpected visitor arrived, canada jay also known as a whiskey jack flew down landed on her head as her husband started his vows. the picture won the grand prize for international being photographer of the year competition. >> what do you think that means? >> goods luck. >> no, it's when they pipe on you it's luck. >> this is better. >> it means they should have got married in a car wash. >> maybe. >> take it back, america. >> on this one, i think you've never seen it is before. no one has ever done it is before. this is brian wake boarding on a skyscraper in dubai. pulled by a drone. goes off. watch this. the daredevil launches off a 77 story building on base jump descending 300 meters before lanning gracefully on the beach. 43 years old trying to do it for years. >> it's the infinity pool in dubai. >> don't do that. >> i'll be in texas at bucky's the greatest place in the world. you buy a lawn chair and grenade launcher. you can also buy my book the cancel culture dictionary. instead of going to the movie to unplug, you go the cast isn't diverse enough. leave the guns and the canoli. i'm teaching america how to give everybody the finger again because we need to. cancel culture dictionary let's go. >> that was a great show. have a great weekend, everybody. d forever. will cain is in for jesse and he is next.

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Foerng , People , Justice , Thing , Everything , No One , Dirtbag , Emails , Who , Fbi , James Comer , Say Oh , Congress , 327 , Money , Business , Businesses , Members , Partners , China Didn T , Sons , China , Haven T , Jane Biden Got Money , James Biden , Harold Hunter , Attorneys , Whistleblowers , Case , Climate Change , Memo , Couldn T , Loan , Irs , Investigation , Officials , Delaware , Tlaed , Times , Number , Investigators , Interviews , App , Messages , Prosecutors , Backup , Comments , Career , Doesn T Matter , Something , Presumption , System , Party , President Trump , Anybody , Innocence , Wouldn T , Some , Argument , Both , Summaries , Courtroom , Witnesses , Sides , Plea Agreement , Meeting , Department , Team , Gun Stuff , Tax , Global Blanket Immunity Agreement Tan , Hearing , Gun , Pleadings , Side , Defendant , Court , Agreement , Outcome , Kruchlt , Guys Don T Have Agreement , Shoes , Hunger , Table , Point , Music , Agreement Balls , Jury , Media , Fine , 58 , Allegation , Reference , Mention , Evidence , Charge , Office , Son Faces , Does , Questions , Opposite , Testimony , Sued Names , Activity Reports , Sentence , Magic Pardon Wand , Russia , Book , Jimmy , It Trump , It Justice , Hookers , Bus , Biden Doesn T , Polling , Isis , Him , Docket , Hunter Point , Accounting , Lie , Fast Cars Women , 27 , Work , Wasn T , Hunter Didn T , Alibi , Vice President , Government , Information , Scam , Up Next , Ivy League Presidents , Election , Pleas , 2020 , Tree , Genocide , Donors , Jews , Traditions , Bail , Water , Family , Excitement , Best , Opening Day , Tradition , Photo , Wonderland , Bass Pro Shops , Cabela S , Visiting Santa , Santa , Center Stage , Mark , Liberty , Baby Grand Piano , Save , Pay , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Gift , Places , Serrano , Ancestry , Family Heritage , Dads , Moms , Mom , Stage , Futures , Diplomas , Vo , Adult Education , Visit Finishyourdiploma Org , Harassment , Presidents , Context , Answer , Harvard Code Of Conduct Krerkts , Directing Harassment , Ivy League , Antisemitism , Campuses , Jobs , University President , Scrambling , The School , Donor , University Stance , Penn , Donation , Business School , A Hundred Million Dollar , A Hundred Million , Claudene Gay , Calling , Husband , Antisemitic , Universities , Kamala , Clarity , Black , Group , Apologizing , A Hundred Million Dollars , Conduct , Issue , Dollar Checks , Three , Olympics , Campus , Claim , Situation , Person Morrow , Calls , Person , Palestinians , Things , Wrong , Terms , Life , Incidents , College Ca , Statement , Position , Line , Violence , Title , Phobia , Harvard Misgendering , 9 , Drop , Bucket , Oppression , Hire , Institutions , 600 Million , 00 Million , Schools , Classes , Marxist Line , Poison Ivy , Funding , Hedge Funds , World View , Students , Free Speech , Mantra , Kids , Christians , Conservatives , University , Policies , Sound , U S Constitution , Speech , Constitution , Wee , Mcgill , Terrorism , Penn Undergrad , Population , You Shouldn T , Rule Book , Policy , Didn T , Roger Waters , Classmates , Many , Letter , Israel , Yom Kippur , Nickels , Hol , Dollar , Call , Opportunity , Maturity , Motivation , Fit , Job , Names , Friend , Views , Conversations , Harrell , It Up , Chances , Committee , Crack , There , She Shouldn T , Mask , Grace , Babysitter , Resignation , Safe , Junior College , Super Mario , Meat , Burgers , Elites , Dopes , Coming Up , Flame Royal Hypocrisy Climate , Side Effects , Stop Taking Farxiga , Risk , Ketoacidosis , Kidney Failure , Chronic Kidney Disease , Infection , Reaction , Symptoms , Yeast Infections , Perineum , Blood Sugar , Genital , Urinary Tract , Dehydration , Skin , Doctor , Carolers , Iphone , Apple , Condition , Ipad , Plan , Dad , Wreck , Verizon , 15 , Soloist , Titanium , Value , 700 , 1700 , Kimberly Stegmaier , Cancer , John David Carpten , My Name , Oncologist , Edith Perez , Child , Care , Mother , Responsibility , Words , Purpose , Kim , Research , Lives , Treatments , Patients , Faces , Smiles , Partner , Battle , Fight , Stand Up To Cancer , Human Lives , Cancer Research , Diet , Weight , Guitar Music , Insanity , Try Golo , Golo , 60 , Hypocrisy , Menu , Planet , Nations , Big U N Climate Conference In Dubai , United Nations , Burger , Line Portal , Climate Summit , Global Elite , Visit , Gourmet Steak , Surrender , Promise , Lot , Eating Steak , Conference , Brisket Ribs , Jet Travel , Yes , Advice , Spots , Button , Severaling Alcohol At Intervention , Who Cares , Climate Movement , Bugs , Proof , Fraud , Jet , Flying , Listening , The Beatles , Raise Ed Meat , Lab , Beetles , Democrats , Covid , Mindset , Class , Climate Emissions , Gas Stove , Dubai , India , Steak , Solidarity , Plant Eaters , Events , Next Generation Agricultural Technologies , Kinds , Efforts , Scientists , Agriculture , Environment , Generation , Battery Technologies , Effectiveness , Aspects , Batteries , Experts , Panel , Outer Space , Behavior , Kind , First , Lab Grown Meat , Vat , Meat Intake , Massive Steel Vat , World , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Farming , Cost , Feds , Tinkering , Playing With Fire , 10 , Food , Countries , Food Process , Sri Lanka , Klein , Africa , Country , Ways , Collapse , Technology , Consequences , Emissions , Food Sources , Ranching , Capture , Famine , Cyber Truck , Cake , Town , Jay Leno , Antidepressant , Depression , Impact , Lift , Vraylar , Depression Symptoms , Studies , Help , Saw , Children , Thoughts , Fever , Death , Changes , Antidepressants , Confusion , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Adults , Dementia , Stroke , Appetite , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Restlessness , Weight Gain , Coma , Sleep , Dizziness , Fatigue , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Treatment , Stats , Cable , Scores , Satellite , Reason , Games , Directv Sports Central , Cable Guy , Reward Card , Visit Directv Com , Touchback , Oh Yeah , 00 , 400 , Truck , Streets , Elon Musk , Truck Number , Enthusiasts , Batch , Tesla , 5 , Honor , Segment , Opinion , Problems , Hatchback , Dogs , Hatch , Bentley , Stance , Bullet Proof , Electric Car , Tank , Body , Stainless Steel , Biane , 02 5 , 0 , Thanks , Payload , Escalator , Mountain A Gun , Someone , Jeep Wrangler , Whatever , Wife , Bronco , Tourists , Canal , Tourist Capsizing A Boat In Venice Canal , Selfy , Selfies , Borders , Ego Centric , Picture , Pictures , Everywhere , Public Health Problem , Public Health Nuisance , Smart Phone , Everybody Dumber , Middle , Avenue , Walk , New York City , Rules , View , Phone , Subtraction , Addition , Laughter , Pete , Liability , Memories , Car Wash , Couple , Kurds , Gondola , Damage , Cycle , March Idz , Video , Ceremony , Car Washes , Strategy , Marriage , Marriage Package , Simonize The Tires , Parents , Part , Rest , Car , Women , Venues , Membership , Brushes , Parently , Overbear , Love , Ban , Story , Telling Yo , Elvis Presley , Fan Mail , Facebook , Gosh Darn King Of Rock N Roll , My Girl , Books , Somebody , Guys , Covers , Siblings , Fire Extinguisher , Flashlight , Bit , Elmira , Relatives , Dinner Parties , Muck , Lead Singer , House , Ford , Bb Gun , Brother , Dancer , Neighborhood , Helmet , Me And My Brother , Fast , Boys , Dirt , Chitos , Weird , Therapy , Content , Question , Joe , Cheetos , Block , The Five , Piano , Lesson , Judge , I Love You , I Don T Know , Them , Church , Didn T Go Church , Kid , God , You Couldn T Get Breakfast On Sundays , Go To Church , Faith , My Life , Game , Add , Piano Man Biably Joel , Accounting Classes , Couldn T Get Spicier America , Tv Set , Didn T Don Wind Up , Studio , Kevin , Ooh , Nice , Holidays , What S Going On , Cashbacking , Holiday Tradition , Snowglobe , Gonna Cashback On A , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Oooh , More , I Ll Be Home For Christmas , Big Time , Snow , Mistletoe , Home , Shriners Hospitals For Children , Families , Support , Reminder , Blanket , Rescue , 0 63 , 63 , 19 , Screen , Computer , Loveshriners Org , Magnesium , Strength , Course , Snowboard , Bone Health , Muscle , Surf , Skate , Qunol Magnesium , Qunol , Benefits , Brand , It S Time , Brownies , Big , Everyone , Treats , Dig , On Hannity Tonight , Delese , Holiday Season , Harold , Los Angeles Rams , Shopping Spree , West Hills , A Hundred , Rams , Players , Shopping , Meal , 200 , Luck , Bird , Wedding Ceremony , Canada , Mikayla , Mitch , Visitor , Head , Canada Jay , Vows , Whiskey Jack , Prize , Goods Luck , Competition , Photographer , Being , It Back , Skyscraper , Drone , Daredevil , Goes Off , 300 , 77 , Infinity Pool , Bucky , Texas , 43 , Culture Dictionary , Place , Lawn Chair , Grenade Launcher , Guns , Movie , Cast Isn T Diverse Enough , Canoli , Show , Finger , Let S Go , Will Cain , Weekend , Forever , D ,

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