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sister, a daughter, a wife, or a friend should join us to unite against rape. this goes beyond politics. if we can't agree that rape is wrong, then we have accepted the unacceptable. >> bill: a lot of comments there, sheryl sandberg calling the world's attention to the atrocities of hamas against women. former facebook coo calling out women's group for a deafening silence on the rape of israeli women at the hands of hamas. what impact can a message like this have? i'm bill hemmer and it's tuesday. some ways it's only tuesday. >> dana: i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." for those of you who did rent see "the five" last night. he described it as a sexual atrocities and if you do that, and you get the response from people rather than saying well, you know, but on the other hand. but if you say sexual atrocities, then you obviously will get the reaction, hopefully, that sheryl sandberg was looking for. she was there for an event featuring testimonies from israeli police officers. atrocities that failed to draw a response from women's groups around the world. >> bill: you got the u.s. condemning hamas for going back on the deal to release more than a dozen women held hostage last friday. the truce breaks over the weekend. state department says the terror group wants those victims silent and out of sight. >> the fact that they continue to hold women hostages, the fact that they continue to hold children hostages, the fact that it seems one of the reasons they don't want to turn women over that they've been holding hostage and the reason it fell apart they don't want the women to talk about what happened to them during their time in custody. >> dana: we're live from the state department. hi, gillian. >> good morning. the state department has condemned hamas's use of rape as a weapon of war against women and girls as you mentioned. back on october 7th but also insinuating hamas's sexual atrocities may still now be ongoing. >> we have seen hamas commit atrocities both on october 7th and since october 7th. and we obviously condemn that and support israel's actions to hold hamas accountable for them. >> jewish american tech titan sheryl sandberg pleaded for officials to believe israeli women. >> do we believe the hamas spokesperson who said that rape is forbidden or do we believe the women whose bodies tell us how they spent those last minutes of their lives? >> october 7th witnesses yesterday also gave firsthand accounts of exactly what hamas did to women. listen. >> there was a woman leaning on her bed, she was half naked from the waist down. she was shot in the back of her head. >> it is drawing outrage from democratic women leaders calling out organizations that claim to care deeply about women's issues. listen. >> it is outrageous that some who claim to stand for justice are closing their eyes and their hearts to the victims of hamas. >> when i saw the list of women's rights organizations who have said nothing, i nearly choked. where is the solidarity for women in this country and in this world to stand up for our mothers, our sister and our daughters. >> the state department told me in the briefing yesterday that they fully support israel's ongoing investigation into these sexual crimes committed on october 7th and since then. they also said incidentally they have been briefed on all the details of exactly what happened that is documented on october 7th. so these claims are not without unfounded evidence and even intelligence. bill and dana. >> dana: thank you so much. congresswoman jayapal over the weekend with dana bash said she condemns hamas but especially in regards to the rape when dana was asking her about it. karine jean-pierre asked about that yesterday and here is what she said. >> we've been clear what hamas did is reprehensible and full stop. we'll continue to be clear about that and we think about rape and the use of rape as being used as a weapon, that is also reprehensible and that's full stop. i'll just leave it there. >> dana: she didn't call out jayapal but the question was in relation to and the white house is probably getting tired of having to do that but the more that they are willing to be very clear hopefully it would stop but then you mention these women's groups, bill. all of these groups who were very much there remember, they campaigned very heavily against the nomination of brett kavanaugh to the supreme court. >> bill: i go back to kristin gillibrand's statement. when i saw a list of women's rights organizations who said nothing i nearly choked. that's world health organization, no statement. we went back and look at all this. no specific. planned parenthood, women's march, emily's list, democratic women's caucus. i stand with her. so how they align with curse tin gill grand and hillary clinton and sheryl sandberg remains to be seen. we'll see whether or not the groups speak up. if they do we'll bring it to you. college campuses, check this out. >> so on campus there is essentially no space that is not at risk of being taken over by hostile students. i experienced personal derogatory comments made about us online. it's nuts. >> bill: congress wants answers on that. they are looking into that this morning. we'll watch that next hour. they want to hold some of the morey let schools america accountable for the rise of anti-semitism. the housed indication committee holds that hearing at 10:00 a.m. time and the presidents of harvard, m.i.i.t. and penn wille there. caroline downey for the national review. noa fay at columbia university at manhattan's upper west side. good morning. noah, you are a senior and been in columbia 3 1/2 years. what has this experience been like for you as a jewish student on campus for the past two months now running? >> i mean, where to begin? i mean, really, the more i talk about it, it helps me a lot but it also forces me to realize how few words i have to really sum up exactly what is going on on campus. we were just talking about how jewish students we have to walk through these rallies, demonstrations, these protests that are calling for the death of our people and the death of the one nation we have. and that's just one example. otherwise my personal bulletin boards and my white boards on my dorm door have been vandalized repeatedly and on my way here i had to take another photo of another incident. i am receiving cyberattacks on side chat. seriously, these are just a few examples to paint a picture. >> dana: how has that affected your schoolwork and your studies in your senior year? >> i hate to expose myself really but, i mean, it's been detrimental. really, i have only just now felt like i've been able to catch up again and now we're moving into finals and we end december2nd so we are in for another long haul. >> bill: it has turned over some rocks in american society that i think a lot of people -- i think you would probably agree with this -- that a lot of people did not see out there. >> no, anti-semitism was lurking in academia for a long time but it has met asty sized now because of the radical groups that nobody knew were there. born in the last 15 years. students for justice in palestinian. the radical professors preaching this anti-israel dogma. that student's testimony shows dei department supposed to protect the minority vulnerable students on campus, you are out of luck in you are jewish. you are. academia treats jews like the white oppressors and not entitled to the dei protection. >> dana: she said college and university presidents have a responsibility to foster and uphold a safe learning environment for students and staff. now is not a time for indecision or milquetoast statements. you will have three university presidents on the record today. what do you think they should be asked? >> these prestigious universities have claims they are cracking down. columbia launched a task force. if they are serious about combating anti-semitism they'll investigate the muslim student association chapters. they have ties to terrorist organizations, look into their funding. middle eastern countries have funneled millions of dollars into these groups. they back the boycott di vestment sanctions movement. it comes from them truly on college campuses. >> bill: we'll see how they defend themselves. noa, to your classmates, right? you are proud of columbia, aren't you? you wanted your degree in the last 60 days your mind has been twisted 180 degrees i imagine. do those on campus distinguish themselves from the palestinian cause as opposed to hamas and what happened on the 7th? >> if they do, they've done a terrible, terrible job. because as we were talking about before, just yesterday we had a possible incident at the columbia school of social work in which one student group was proposing an event in which they taught about the attacks as a, quote, counter offensive movement. so, i mean, i don't know. >> bill: did they deny what hamas did? and has done with these hostages? >> i don't know exactly what they are -- what they are saying in terms of, you know, explicit statements like that. but what i'm hearing, though, is that they are saying that this is a justifiable and legitimate form of resistance. when i go out and say when we hear this that means you are supporting hamas. then people will say well, this isn't exactly what we're saying and these students don't mean it like that. they just mean we want this, etc. , etc. people will contest this once you call them out. between us and the rest of the people watching absolutely. these students are pro-hamas, full stop really. >> absolutely. systemic rape and murder are calling it heroic rebellion. there is no way to square that. >> bill: we'll stay on it. you are brave. good luck on campus. >> dana: love having you both here. thank you so much. the walls appear to be closing in on president biden as house republicans look to formalize impeachment inquiry into the president. this morning i.r.s. whistleblowers will testify about the biden family finances. chad pergram is on capitol hill with more. hi, chad. >> good morning. house investigators will also release a 78 page interim staff report looking at potential involvement of president biden in foreign business dealings by his family members. james comer contends some of the money came from overseas. >> what matters is the way the money was paid to joe biden was directly through influence peddling. now this is the second payment or series of payments to joe biden that came directly from china. there is no disputing that even the white house isn't disputing the money to repay joe biden, if it was a loan, came from china. >> republicans are aiming to hold a vote to formalize an impeachment inquiry into president biden next week. shapley and ziegler speak to the committee today. >> i'm from the banking industry. one of the things we always knew if there were these loan agreements that were floating out there with no actual loan document, that is tantamount to money laundering and tax evasion is what that is. >> democrats say funds directed to president biden were repayments for a truck belonging to hunter biden. democrats contend republicans are trying to execute an election year diversion. >> they are like ahas been and the great white whale and moby dick chasing hunter biden for ten months alleging some shadowy, sinister family conspiracy. >> republicans want to hold an impeachment inquiry vote because they need to put a gop win on the table for the base. dana. >> dana: chad pergram, thank you. another busy day. >> bill: here we go now. here is the rundown in washington. 10:00 a.m. eastern time you have the f.b.i. director chris wray testifying before the senate you'd committee. 10:15 president biden heads to boston for a fundraiser. 10:15 you have the presidents of the elite schools before the house committee. 3:00 later today zelensky out of kiev appeals to the u.s. senate on the need for more money for the war against putin. all that is going down today. we'll be on top of it all for you. meanwhile. there is this. >> oh. >> bill: that's something else. >> dana: this story is incredible. >> police stand-off outside a mom in virginia culminated in a massive explosion. we're asking what in the world happened? >> dana: the mayor of washington, d.c. returning from an international climate conference to a city under siege. what she is saying about efforts to fight crime. >> bill: border town in arizona merging as the center of the migrant manner. how the governor in the state is now responding. >> we need the federal government to provide more resources and we've been very clear about that consistently. this is a bad decision that impacts our border security. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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(gentle music) [explosion] >> bill: wow, that's a quiet suburban evening they say, wow, shattered by a massive home explosion in arlington, virginia. police say thehey were carrying out a search warrant after a man inside fired a flair gun dozens of times the house blew up as they were moving in. the fate of the suspect is not at this moment known. three police officers injured. watch that a couple times, right? >> i've been at this for 15 years and seen spikes in crime and i see our teamwork together trying everything at prevention, at accountability, at opportunity programs. we try it locally, we try it with partnerships with the feds and we'll drive it down. >> dana: mayor bowser addressing the crime crisis in d.c. after returning from the climate conference in dubai. the trend lines going the wrong direction. total and violent crime rising by double digits so far this year. kathy handerson is a member of an advisory neighborhood commission and thinks something has to change. just want to play one more piece of sound from muriel bowser when she got back. listen to call for one. >> while you were gone there were some reports saying why is the mayor over there when there are so many problems in the city with violence? any response to that? >> this is what i know about my job as mayor. it is many fold. the first thing is i have a great team. no matter where i am, my team is working and always in touch with me at a moment's notice. it was no different on this trip. >> dana: i'm sure that's true. there is a crisis raging in the nation's capital, kathy. tell us how you see it. >> absolutely. a serious public safety crisis. we're in the season of peace yet most of my community, most of the neighbors in the city are expressing fear. fear to get on the metro. fear to walk down the street. fear to drive in cars. fear to even go shopping in the supermarkets. we're in just in a terrible state where we're seeing -- we're now at 252 homicides. over 900 carjackings, total aggregate of violent crimes is up to 5,004 and no sign it is letting up. it is continuing to rise and we need to do something. i have asked the mayor to work with the council to call in the national guard to help patrol. it is what we need now to help get these numbers down and to help restore public safety. >> dana: what do you think is the root cause of the increase in crime? >> opportunity for people who have a -- they see this at a grand opportunity to do what they want and when they want with seeming impunity. >> dana: one of the things that caught my attention. call for number two. homicides up 32% year-over-year. robbery up 70%. motor vehicle theft at 92%. you can guarantee your car will be stolen and carjacking offenses that are horrible at 107% increase. you said you know people changing their personal behavior. perhaps not leaving the house or not going shopping or not participating in society. maybe they prefer to work or shop from home because they don't want to actually leave the house? >> yes, it's real' sad. if you want to talk about climate control, it would be advisable for citizens to get out to walk, to shopping activities, to walk downtown, to catch the metro to reduce their carbon footprint instead of driving. people are feeling like they need to shutter in place. they are buying if bulk. having their groceries delivered. if they don't get stolen upon delivery. people are just feeling afraid. we should not feel afraid in the nation's capital. we should not lead the nation in crime. we are the nation's capital. we are supposed to be the beacon of democracy for the free world. >> dana: d.c. is lucky to have you. let's stay in touch. this story hopefully gets better. we'll stay on it. >> thank you for addressing the horrible concerns here. >> dana: absolutely, thank you. >> bill: amazing message. well done. stage is set for the fourth republican presidential debate tomorrow night in alabama. chris christie will be on stage. he made it. ron desantis, nikki haley and vivek ramaswamy quality. doug burgum has dropped out as of yesterday at 11:02 eastern time. we missed it by two minutes. frontrunner donald trump skipping the event but will have a town hall later tonight in iowa at 9:00 eastern time. the caucus in iowa goes down january 15th. you turn into the new year and we fly right into the election season. >> dana: rest up and be ready. we'll be ready for you as well. it's called a pineapple express slamming into the pacific northwest as a weather nightmare. we have that for you next. plus commercial ships in the red sea coming under relentless attack from iranian proxy forces. will the biden administration take the threat more seriously or give iran free reign? >> they should hit back every time our troops are in jeopardy we should be striking back immediately. we have the means to do it. the president needs to give the authority to do it. kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? 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>> they are looking at that for sure. that's a possibility, dana. there is a whole lot of other stuff going around in this region. we are at a staging area for the israeli defense force. it is just outside of a town in southern israel. gaza is six miles away. you hear the repeated pounding of artillery into gaza. what we look at behind us. these are armored personnel carriers transporting 12 troops at a time bringing forces in and out of gaza from this location. they're pretty good at deflecting small arms fire and shrapnel shells. the attention is on the place called khan younis where it is believed the hamas leadership is hiding out. some of the heaviest irrelevant strikes are firing there now. the ground battle moves into the area. dozens of tanks and other armor. that area is densely populated. israel says it has killed 15,000 in gaza since the war began. they include in the number 5,000 hamas fighters. everybody getting into the act. israeli naval ships pounding gaza amid some talk of flooding hundreds of hamas tunnels. the hitch is hostages could be there as well. the latest figure we get on the hostages 138. some 105 were freed. some released today we understand meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that will be an emotional time. by the way, included in that 138, dana, is 15 deceased hostages. hamas holding onto those bodies as well. as well as eight israeli americans we believe they have. back to you. >> dana: all right. greg palkot. stay safe. >> bill: u.s. military ships under attack from iranian proxies. what is the response from the white house? you decide for yourself. national security advisor jake sullivan on the u.s. setting up more aggressive deterrents. he said this. >> we are in talks with other countries about maritime task force of sorts involving the ships from partner nations alongside the united states in insuring safe passage of ships in the red sea. the talks are ongoing as we speak. >> bill: how that works, don't know. mark is the chief executive of the foundation for defense of democracy. good morning to you. read your piece today with richard goldberg. president biden must face reality. it is time to act versus iran. one of the quotes here. president biden must face reality. the ayatollah in iran is attacking americans and allies without fear. biden so far has responded with american mush. khomeini won't back down until he runs into american steel. hey mark, what are they afraid of? >> well, the biden administration is afraid of escalation, as they say. the problem is iran is escalating in response to american inaction and weakness. we already have an american who was killed. i don't know how many more americans that will have to be killed until the biden administration hits back directly against iran's supreme leader. >> there is a theory is because they don't want to blow up a nuclear deal down the road. do you think there is validity to that argument? >> bill, there is no nuclear deal. iran has been massively escalating its nuclear program. most of that occurred when president biden got elected and decided to abandon the maximum pressure campaign of president trump and he adopted what i would call a stage gee of maximum concessions. given tens of billion else of dollars to iran and escalated their nuclear program. attacking troops in irrelevant rack and syria and unleashed proxies against israel in gaza and in lebanon. >> bill: i asked leon panetta over the weekend why the response has been soft. why do you think it is, mark? >> well again, bill, i think the theory of the case from jake sullivan and president biden is we can de-escalate and iranians won't hit us. they want to keep this conflict confined to gaza. they don't want israel going after hezbollah in the north even though 80,000 israelis have left their home in the north and hezbollah could do more damage to israel than hamas did to israel in gaza. they try to contain the conflict and they show american weakness and not steel. the more supreme leader in iran is escalating. we need to strike his navy like ronald reagan did in response to interference with the international shipping president reagan sank half the iranian navy and all those interference stopped. >> bill: soleimani was taken out the first week of january of 2020. nothing happened. the world held its breath and nothing happened. you write that president biden after dozens attack issued a sanctions waive are for $10 billion. the $6 billion ran some payments and 30 billion in oil revenue provides through non-enforcement of sanctions and the houthis were on the terror list and this administration took them off. in addition, you have these american hostages, the administration says one american woman, seven men are being held. do you think we'll ever see them again? >> bill, god willing we will. i worry we won't. again, hamas has been on a campaign of economic and psychological and emotional terrorism against the state of israel. i'm not sure if israel will see many of the hostages back or i'm not sure if we see our hostages back. the reason the israeli defense forces reinstated military operations they believe without overwhelming military pressure on hamas there would have been no hostages we leased. they will have to do that again if there is any chance anyone will see their loved ones again. >> bill: thank you for coming on today. check out his piece today in the "new york post." >> thanks, bill. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, the bengals won after beating the jacksonville jaguars late in overtime. >> he got it. >> dana: i don't need to till, it's a big win for cincinnati since the backup quarterback jake browning stepped in for the injured joe burrow. they watched their star quarterback injuring his ankle from jacksonville. it could have impact with playoff season around the -- >> i stayed up late. 15 minutes after midnight. >> dana: my sister doesn't know how we deal with monday night football. >> bill: for the league and if you are a football fan, this could have been potentially an afc championship game. jags and bengals if they had their two best players. burrow is out for the year. i don't know the fate of trevor lawrence. one of the best players. you remember the prediction i gave you before the season started? i predicted the jags would go to the super bowl. now that's in jeopardy. you know how we like predictions. >> dana: ask fsu what that's like. >> bill: arizona seeing a record number of crossings as border patrol is making big changes to try to deal with the migrant surge. not everyone approves of this. we're live at the southern border where it has been unrelenting next. and this. >> so many agents assigned to processing. some assigned to detain some of the people. a lot of the issues they're facing all hands on deck, they need more individuals t here and people to help and assist because the number of groups coming across is record numbers every single week. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> dana: a surge of migrants causing chaos in arizona. the epicenter of the crisis is the remote border town called lukeville. the cbp closed that port of entry yesterday to redirect border patrol officers to processing migrants. some say the decision is exacerbating the problem. tell us more. >> good morning to you. here in lukeville we're quite literally in the middle of nowhere. 2 1/2 hours to the closest major city. thousands are crossing illegally every day. the situation is completely unsustainable. step out and give you a look at the scene here. a mass of hundreds upon hundreds of people who have crossed the border illegally and are camped out at the border wall waiting to be apprehended by border patrol. you'll notice these are all single adult men. there is not a single woman or child in this group. you are looking at. these guys are coming in from all over the world, large amounts of african men from senegal, guinea, egypt, asia. middle east. this is the tucson, arizona sector. we just had 17,500 illegal crossings last week alone. the highest weekly total ever recorded. we talked to one man who told us he paid smugglers $10,000 to get here first flying to columbia. talked to another man from guinea who said once he is processed he plans to head to new york city. you might be wondering how does this happen when we have the border wall right here? well, there are breaches all in the wall. we want to show you this remarkable video we shot yesterday. look at this. border patrol and federal contractors trying to fix the hole in the wall when smugglers cut when immigrants pushed through the gap trying to get into the united states and successfully doing it before border patrol could fix it. they were trying to weld it. all the people started pushing through the hole in the wall. a human smuggler right on the other side of the wall dressed in black. sees our camera and gives us a shrug and salutes us. essentially saying there is nothing they can do about it. border patrol is finding these cuts in the wall all over the place. they try to fix them. there is nothing they can do about it. they say it is like a game of wack a mole. listen to what the border patrol union said. >> this is what has has been caused by an open invitation that said come one, come all and you will get released. it takes a toll on the men and women putting their lives on the line every day. >> take a look out of the san diego sector. a large amount of chinese male nationals that crossed illegally near the hot springs area. this is happening all along our southern border, guys. the entire world is showing up here at our doorstep. they are crossing illegally and expecting to get released here into the united states. it is happening in lukeville and in eagle pass and in san diego. dana, you mentioned off the tot the port of entry in lukeville is completely closed down. that's because cbp is trying to help border patrol apprehend these folks. on top of that all border patrol checkpoints in the tucson sector have been closed down. those checkpoints are invaluable for trying to be a second line of defense in stopping both human smugglers and fentanyl smugglers. all hands on deck, guys. you can see the situation completely unsustainable about 2,000 to 3,000 crossing right here every single day. >> dana: bill, in that live shot we could hear a lot of yelling. do you know what they were saying? >> what they are doing is they get mad if anybody tries to cut the line here. new people will cross illegally and they don't think they have to wait in line. they will try to walk up to the front and then you will hear the guys hooting and hollering trying to get border patrol's attention to get to the back of the line. some of us are waiting a long time. the bottom line. all folks expect to be processed and released into the united states. again we talked to one guy who said he plans to head to new york city, others heading to different cities. not showing them up and turning themselves into border patrol because they think three will be deported. they expect to be released and willing to camp and wait for it. >> bill: we are giving so much attention for the war in the middle east but have gotten away by this story. it would take you 152 miles to get to tucson and 195 miles to get to yuma. when you say you are in the middle of nowhere, you are right about that. >> yeah. it is a huge problem for border patrol with transportation. not even a mcdonalds out here. only food is at a gas station and you can see off in the distance border patrol is trying to process these people out. if we can pan to the left you can see they are trying to process these folks out as fast as they can but they aren't getting anywhere because there is a constant flow of people coming across. they will send people out on buses and have so far to go. they are not making a dent in the population here camping out. campfires and trash all over the place. the smell of human feces is in the air. haven't seen a situation like this since a couple years ago since we had 20,000 haitians under the bridge in del rio. border patrol overwhelmed and their morale is rock bottom having to deal with this. >> bill: the cartels know where to go yet again. bill melugin, lukeville, arizona. >> dana: university presidents are on capitol hill today. calls are getting louder are -- >> united nations must denounce hamas as a terrorist organization that uses rape as a weapon of war. the united nations must live up to its purpose of upholding the principles of international law and the united nations must condemn these evil crimes against humanity. e winter play y coming together. ♪ until... disaster struck. ♪ tensions... were high. ♪ luckily, replacement costumes were shipped with fedex. which means mr. harvey... could picture the perfect night. ♪ we're delivering more happy for the holidays. ♪ - hi, i'm steve. - i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the thing missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." - i observed the changes in steve's memory and i thought i should try that too. - after taking prevage, i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. cheesecake cookies? 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(we did it) start today at veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. >> we don't need that necessarily to tell us we ought to be transitioning out of coal. there shouldn't be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world. the reality is that we're not doing it. >> dana: social climate envoy calling to shut down coal plants everywhere. he gets his way, nearly 1 million jobs worldwide may disappear. a former pipeline worker was laid off after president biden canceled the keystone xl project as one of his first acts in office. he has work today and some words for us today. just before you get started, bugsy, the amount of american electric powered by coal right now is less than 20%. so how will it go if we eliminate all of that? >> i will tell you right now the american people are fixing to be a nine line bind which we already are because the cost of electricity has went up and the thing is, that coal puts a lot of people out of work. china's coal is going astronomically right now. they are getting stronger, america is getting weaker because of our energy sector. the same way with the oil and gas. you know as well as i do, oil and gas is what drives the world. you take joe biden and john kerry and put them in the same room and times them by ten you equal 0. we are america last, not first anymore. there are contractors and people ready to go that can lay gas lines and upgrade gas lines in any city even up in the east and you can have what am i trying to say, you can have electricity and gas cheaper than what we are by taking it away. because your windmills won't solve anything. they do not produce enough. >> dana: could you tell me what it's like for a worker to hear somebody like john kerry in a position of power suggest these jobs should go away? >> i can tell you right now, he is a joke. and there is a lot of people have suffered since biden administration has come to this united states of america. i am telling you right now, i know many people and many families that are struggling. look at today right now. what he is calling a climate health deal, look at your southern border down there with all the fentanyl coming across. why don't we solve this? this could be the next new 9/11 coming across with all the drugs. putting them in our water system or do anything to hurt us. and they are doing it with our jobs and people -- people cannot afford electricity. i don't see how people get by. >> dana: there are a lot of people wondering that exact same thing and everyone that's to pay for that electricity to heat and power their lives. >> coal can bring us back to where we are ahead and a super power in oil and gas. >> dana: let's stay in touch. i love talking to you. thank you. >> thank you

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