Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

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>> martha: good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum. breaking now, a huge moment has just unfolded at the united nations. hillary clinton and new york senator kristen gillibrand rip on progressive reluctance to condemn hamas' atrocities against women. all right. you know what? we have something live from the white house. let's listen in. >> from jake sullivan about this. i can only speak for the president. that's who i can speak for. we've been clear what hamas did is absolutely reprehensible and full stop. we're going to continue to be clear about that. we think about rape and the use of rape as being used as a weapon. that is also reprehensible. that's full stop. i'll leave it there. that is speaking for the president of the united states. i've been very clear on that. >> any comment though -- congressman jayapal -- >> i just laid out what we believe is unacceptable. >> i know you said you don't want to -- i want to ask you about reporting about the border talks linking to ukraine funding on capitol hill. one of the factors we're told that has made this so difficult for the democratic negotiators is the view of republicans that the white house -- >> martha: we want to dip in to that for a moment because it was pertinent to the topic we're starting with here today. the questions about an open and clear condemnation of rape as a weapon of war. let's listen to what was said at the u.n. but three very prominent democrats speaking out against many in their own party who seem to refuse to see it the way that they do. watch this. >> it is outrageous that some who claim to stand for justice are closing their eyes and their hearts to the victims of hamas. >> the world has to decide who to believe. do we believe the hamas spokesperson who said that rape is forbidden and therefore it couldn't possibly have happened on october 7th? or do we believe the women whose bodies tell us how they spent the last minutes of their lives. >> when i saw the list of women's rights organizations that have said nothing i nearly choked. where is the solidarity for women in this country and in this world to stand up for our mothers, our sisters and our daughters? >> martha: stunning moment from the u.n. a short time ago. let's bring in karl rove, former deputy chief of staff to george w. bush and markperson, pollster and ceo of stagwell. very moving moments from these three women are asking what is going on? where is the support from these women's groups and hillary clinton came out very early on and said no cease fire. she said a cease fire will only empower hamas. it seems like we have a very big divergence here, mark, in what is happening in the thought process on this from the democrat party. >> look, i think sheryl sandberg wrote a great op-ed where she highlighted that women's groups had been supposedly progressive but completely silent on the rape and other events here in the sexual violence that was committed by hamas and hillary clinton, you know, i worked with her for many years. she had personal experience with the arab-israeli negotiations in 2000. she has been quite strong and unequivocal that hamas is a terrorist organization that should be dealt with in that respect. these women, one former new york senator, current new york senator a prominent business woman, they all stand united in this. >> martha: karl, i wonder what you thought of karine jean-pierre's answer on this. she said of course its reprehensible. of course the president thinking it's terrible. you know, rape is a terrible thing. >> yeah, full stop. twice. i thought the three statements by the former first lady and former secretary of state, current senator and as mark points out a prominent business person were powerful and to read these reports, i was struck by one where an eye witness saw one of the victims repeatedly raped. she screamed in anger, go ahead and kill me, i won't live anyway. when the last hamas terrorist had his way with her, he put a bullet in her head. this is evil. it show what's we face in this world. god bless three of our leaders in business and politics to speak out the way that they did and i wish the white house spokes western could muster up a tenth of the emotion and force that they did. >> martha: when it comes on the heels of a tepid comment by congress woman jayapal from michigan, let's watch what she had to say this weekend. all right. we have played that a bit earlier. you've seen it throughout the day. i want to look at the politics of this, mark. let's play congress woman jayapal and this montage at this abandon biden event in dearborn, michigan, where the congress woman is from. watch this. >> i already answered your question. i said it's horrific and i think that rape is horrific, sexual assault is horrific. it happens in war situations. however, we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> it's horrible. but you don't see israeli soldiers raping -- >> dana, i think we're not -- i don't want this to be the hierarchy of oppressions. >> you're announcing that president biden has lost the 2024 election. >> 25,000 muslims are in wisconsin. he won by 20,000 votes. we will change the vote. we will swing it. >> i will tell you on behalf of the michigan muslim community, we won't vote for you. >> i will workday and night in arizona to ensure the voters abandon by den. >> they're saying we will make sure that president biden loses the 2024 election based on this issue, mark. >> well, i don't think they're going to want to elect president trump on this issue. so i hear their threats. i don't think they're realistic. they disagree with the administration's policy. you know, i brought my own chart here today, which remember, that it shows that 80% support israel, 20% don't. consistently. if you ask most americans who is responsible for the violence in gaza, it's the hamas that committed the attack. so yes, there is a split, but i think it's a smaller split than i think is shown in the media. i think at the end of the day, the younger voters in particular who support hamas over israel, are they really going to want to bring the republicans in to office? the swing voters here are solidly pro israel in every poll. >> martha: karl, is this a factor? >> he can turn it in to a positive. if you believe hamas is raping and pillaging women and the massacre of innocent women and children is acceptable, i don't want your vote. these are a small group of rebel rousers. the one that troubles me is congress woman jayapal. she's the chair of the progressive caucus in the house democrats. this is a woman that aspires to leadership and plays an important role inside the house democratic caucus. for her to suggest that the rape of innocence by the hamas terrorists is somehow counter balanced by some unnamed act of the israelis is ridiculous and insulting. so if i were the biden high command, i'd say bring it on. let's make this an issue. if you want to say you're not going to vote for us because we're condemning the murder and innocence and rape of women, go ahead. let's make it an issue. >> martha: thanks, mark penn and karl rove. let's go to tel aviv. elon levi. thanks. good to have you with us today. what goes through your mind as you listen to this back and forth in america? >> you know, i remember on the morning of october 7th beginning to hear reports about the sexual violence perpetrated by hamas death squads. initially not wanting to believe it. the initial reports became a deluge of evidence about women that were brutally raped, mutilated afterwards. now we're seeing with this important event at the united nations with that critical support from sheryl sandberg and secretary clinton making it absolutely clear that this is beyond reprehensible. this is really a shocking reminder of why israel has no choice but to go to the end and topple the hamas rapist regime. because they can be no impunity for people that use sexual violence against innocent women and girls and we expect everyone, people that may be till now have not completely condemned hamas' atrocities or tried to find excuses or trying to tie israel's hands and stop it from defending itself to understand exactly what we are fighting against and understand that we are fighting for humanity in the most basic sense of the right of women and girls to be in their homes, to be at music festivals and not be rained by mass terrorists. >> i want to put up a photo of mia shem when she was reunited with her mother and brother. because we remember the face of this young woman having a great time at this music festival. this -- look at her eyes. i would encourage everybody to look at her face. this is one of the young women that was in hamas' custody for over 50 days. they made her do a video at one point. we saw one of two videos that came out of these hostages. i would ask you to look at her eyes and think about the experiences that these young women have been through and how many years -- i don't know specifically what happened to mia. we hope this didn't happen to her -- how many years it will take to get back to normal. but then you hear congress woman jayapal. she says yes, but israel. thousands of people -- >> there's no yes or but. >> martha: thousands have been killed. what would you want to say to her in answer to that, sir? >> there i yes, but after rape. rape is not legitimate in any circumstances whatsoever, period. rape is not resistance. it's an act of savagery about innocent people. women that were raped and tortured to death, mutilated afterwards. there's no excuses for that. it's not enough to say that we completely condemn hamas' atrocities against israeli woman. no protest in the world has anyone ever uttered a world of condemnation against the hamas rapist regime. it's important to stand side by side with israel as we bring those rapists to justice. anyone who is trying to call for a permanent cease fire that leaves our hostages in gaza and hamas in power is saying that the rapists that perpetrated those atrocities on october 7th should get away with it, should not face justice and should be free to reoffend as hamas is telling us it wants to do october 7th again and we're not going to do it. we're going to stand up for the women and girls of this country. >> martha: quick answer if you can. when you listen to this back and forth, are you worried the united states is waning in its support when you hear these comments from the white house as well? >> the u.s. administration and the american people have been unwaivering in their support for israel in day one. they have a duty to defend ourselves. our self-defense bringing down the terror regime responsible for the october 7th massacre. president biden has been very clear on that, leaders from both parties and we're confident that that will remain. the american people understand what happened on october 7th. those barbaric atrocities. they understand that that cannot go unanswered and that has to be responded to with the down fall of the hamas terror regime. >> martha: thanks, eylon. good to have you here with us. thank you. so a live look at a pro-palestinian protest that ongoing at this moment. you can see the crowds in the streets in brooklyn at this event, which is called "flood brooklyn for gaza." scenes like these shocking to see in these countries. prominent jewish democrats are blasting this protest in philadelphia as a huge crowd decided that it would be effective to shut down the deli or the restaurant of a jewish owner because he's jewish. so they blamed him with genocide at goldies in philadelphia. watch. [chanting]. >> martha: so we just heard a live response from the white house on this. that is next. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. [chanting]. >> martha: that's a sunday in philadelphia. hundreds of pro-palestinian demonstrators targeting a jewish-owned restaurant last night defacing the doors and the windows with stickers that read "free palestine." the while house condemning the attack as anti-semitic and unjustifiable following the lead of the pennsylvania's jewish governor, josh shapiro. watch this. >> the purposeful gathering of a mob outside of a restaurant because it is owned by a jewish person, well, that's anti-semitism. plain and simple. it's critically important that those that deface property as was done in philadelphia last night, those that break the law should be arrested and should be prosecuted. that needs to happen. >> martha: with me john lavigne, and noah roffman from the national review. great to have you with us. noah, let me start with you. what do you see going on here in this scenario? >> i see something that is valuable in so far as it exposes, reveals the degree to which these people that are motivated by animus toward jews. originally this was about a cease fire. then hamas violated the cease fire. they claimed credit for an attack on civilians at a bus stop in which a young woman that was pregnant was murdered. this is not about peace. this is vandalizing private property, disrupting holiday celeb celebrations, going after jews. it demonstrates the degree to which we're confronting here is naked raw anti-semitism and only getting worse which makes me shutter for what we're about to see. >> martha: it was said over the weekend what we're seeing is 10 to 12 charlottesvilles across the country every day. >> every day. >> martha: do you agree with that? >> absolutely. this is like two months. it's like a month. it's striking. we all remember how awful charlottesville was and the response from democrats and republicans. i see these condemnations. i want to know what action is being taken. in new york city, we had a man charged, facing charges now for insulting the prophet mohammed. have these people been charged with anything? what is the crime for going to jewish businesses and chanting death to chews every night? there's no charge. the reason is the democratic party is beholden to a number of demographics in a couple of swing states that are sympathetic to hamas. that's a fact. there was a poll after the terrorist attacks that 50% of what muslims said hamas did in israel was justified. if president biden needs to chase that vote, we're in a dark place in our country. >> martha: i want to remind everyone. we're looking at a live shot, a protest taking place in brooklyn. bill maher made an interesting comment. you go back to the origins of the country, the judeo-christian values that the founding fathers wrote about and put in the constitution. he raises this question about where our sense of self as americans and patriotism has gone. watch this. >> under his administration, his next one, schools will teach students to love their country, not to hate their country like they're taught now. this is what i see when i see kids demonstrating these kids demonstrating for hamas, the most liberal people in the world. >> martha: he's talking about the next trump administration. bill maher has not been a big supporter of the former president by any means. but he has a point to make there. what do you think about it? >> i think it's a point that is valuable in as much as the sort of pluralist compact that this younger generation has inherited. they don't look upon as being real. they see it as something as sort of a veneer, a patina over a social contract in this country that is exploitative, that is ill liberal, intoller ranted of minorities. the foundation against tenants of this country are a lie. it's all a ruse they have been taught. so they come into adulthood believing they're hoodwinked thinking that this is a myth to ensure they're complacent and productive members of a society that doesn't uphold its values. it's a myth. it's not true. bill maher is right. we both come from different of social compact for more so than the societies that they're lobbying for in the streets. they have to make up these fantasies about the palestinian -- >> martha: i don't understand why they're not -- if they want to march for the palestinian people and put "free palestine "on their own things, they should be encouraging people to free the palestinians from hamas who have held them down and back and that has fostered supporters among the people in palestine to some extent. a quick point about the piece over the weekend about rockefeller center and the people that own rockefeller center has supported the groups protesting against the christmas tree. >> the rockefellers fund has financed so many of these openly hamas group. one group that israel considers a terrorist organization. many of the groups that protested their christmas tree lighting were financed by them. so it's really -- >> martha: are they going to shut that money off now? >> of course not. they come at with you with barrage that you're misrepresentg this group. you can see what they said after october 7. they openly celebrated hamas and getting millions from the rockefeller brothers foundation. that reporting will continue. >> martha: thanks for your reporting. thanks, gentlemen. good to have you here. the pentagon is ramping up its response to more than 75 attacks on u.s. bases in the middle east from iran-backed terror groups. retired general joseph potel used to command our military in the region. he called on the biden administration to protect america's forces in harm's way. >> is it going to take a catastrophic attack on one of our ships or take american dead on one of our bases in iraq for this administration to actually take action that is going to stop iran? pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. ♪ if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so call unitedhealthcare and see how you can get more of what matters, with our broad range of plans including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with part d prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. these plans are made to support your whole health with $0 annual physical exams, $0 lab tests and $0 preventive care like mammograms and colonoscopies. and you'll get more for your medicare dollar with $0 copays on most covered dental services a $0 eye exam and an allowance for eyewear plus $0 copays on hundreds of prescriptions, at the pharmacy or by mail. now's the time to look at unitedhealthcare's variety of plans. so give us a call to learn more about coverage options in your area. with our right plan promise, you have our commitment to helping you find the right plan for your needs. and to help make life with medicare simpler, you'll get the all-in-one member ucard. only from unitedhealthcare, the ucard is your unitedhealthcare member id and much more. show your ucard when you visit your primary care provider, dentist or eye doctor, or fill a prescription at the pharmacy. and use it to access medicare advantage's largest national network of providers. you can count on unitedhealthcare to help you get the care you need, when you need it. enrollment ends december 7th. now's the time to learn more about america's most chosen medicare advantage plans and how they can open doors to a simpler healthcare experience with the all-in-one ucard. call unitedhealthcare today about the only medicare advantage plans with the aarp name and get more of what matters to you. 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>> you know, we've seen this from the houthis before. we've had some challenges with them in the past as they have targeted ships that are moving through the red sea and particularly as they get down in the south, this is not completely unexpected by the houthis. i'm glad to see the positioning of our ships in the right place so we can begin to address this. come to the aid where necessary of some of these vessels under attack. i think it highlights the bigger challenge that we're having across the region, which is responding to these elements that are loyal to iran, but doing iran's bidding in a variety of different ways. >> martha: the "wall street journal" wrote a piece today. it was titled "about those nonterrorist houthis." the biden administration took them off of the u.s. list of foreign terror organizations. it was part of the white house courtship of iran. we can see how that turned out. they soon could be returned to that list. what is your response to that move and how is it at play in what we're watching? >> you know, clearly i think the houthis are demonstrating that they are adversarying and acting in a way that is -- does not support our interests or the broader international interests, particularly in this critical waterway in the red sea. so adding them to the terrorist list is important. but what is actually more important is addressing these threats that they are currently posing. i think it's absolutely critical in this session in the red sea and other places in the middle east where we're seeing this in iraq and syria, to remove the uncertainty associated with these attacks, we have to strike back in a very direct manner against those that are perpetrating these attacks and then we have to communicate clearly who is responsible and who is supporting those that are responsible. >> martha: that hasn't happened, general. how would you do that? would you attack iran directly in order to send a strong message? we have seen that work in the past. >> yeah. that is certainly could be on the path. but there's a lot of other things we can do right now. we can more aggressive and forward leaning in our own capabilities to address these organizations, the iranian supported malitias in iraq and syria as well to, again, directly attack those that are actually pulling the triggers and making the on-the-ground decisions to launch these. we have the capabilities. we addressed these networks before where the special operations forceces are the bes in the world doing this. we need to let them do it. >> martha: absolutely. thanks very much for your insights, general votel. thanks for your service to the country. thank you. >> thank you. >> martha: so rnc chair ronna mcdaniel on the move by democrats that some say deprive voters of their choice in the upcoming primary election, primarily in florida. also actor jonathan rumey best known for his role of jesus, with the message that he wants people to begin today as we begin advent and the christmas season coming up. >> the world wants you to think this time of year is about presents and shopping and cookies and trees. we know christmas isn't about something that you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. for the better part of the century, harry and david has been making gourmet gifts that bring people together. to share traditions and make new memories. to bring us all closer, even when we're apart. no matter when and no matter where, life is a gift best shared. harry & david. life is a gift. share more. 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>> i can't speak to that? >> why not? >> you have to speak to the dnc. >> does the white house have any thoughts on those voters being -- >> i can't speak to that. >> is it the hatch act or -- >> you're talking about 2024 election. i'm not going to speak to that from here. >> martha: can that we bring in ronna mcdaniel. great to have you with us today. can you explain a little bit to people what is happening in florida? we hear so much about the damage that is done to democracy and how important it is for people to vote and get out the vote and yet there's two people that are running in the democratic primary and they decided you won't have that choice in florida. >> not only that, they changed their primary calendar, doing everything that they can to ensure this from biden. that moved from iowa to new hampshire to south carolina. they're keeping names off the ballots. they say the republicans are a threat to democracy. we're not putting our thumb on the scale. they're making sure that biden is bubble wrapped. they're going state by state to try to eliminate donald trump from the ballot for a crime he hasn't even been charged for through the 14th amendment. the rnc has done an amicus on this. >> martha: in colorado and michigan, they have charged the former president with insurrection, which he has not been charged with. so you know, it is actually mind boggling when you look at what is going on between these two scenarios and all that we hear about the suppression of democracy when you look at how the parties are actually behaving. it's quite surprising. they're's president biden in tempe, arizona. watch this. >> today's republican party is driven by maga republican extremists. their extreme agenda if carried out would alter the institutions of american democratty as we know it. attacking the free press as the enemy of the people. attacking the rule of the law as an impediment. >> martha: so, you know, just assuming that the president there is speaking his mind, obviously, in what ways, if i were to ask him, you know, how exactly has this happened. how are we seeing democracy suppressed through what he calls maga republican extremists. how have voters been suppressed and how has the free press been -- from what i see, the free press has not been blocked at all from talking about the former president in any way. >> not at all. this was a president that was meeting with social media companies dictating what the they wanted them to print. so that prevents voters from knowing these facts before the election. that is suppression. it's ridiculous from them to say that. look at what they're fighting on voting laws. we're in 72 lawsuits right now with democrats going in to states saying we want to get rid of voter i.d.? why should we do that? every american agrees with that. we have to get i.d. out to buy sudafed. they don't want you to show an i.d. to vote? that's not good for democracy. they're the threat to democracy and they're trying to dismantle our electioned and soci social media. >> martha: so dean philips wants to run for the primary for the democratic party. he urged his congressman and a lot of people to get in. he said we need somebody to run against biden. nobody did except for maryann williamson. r.f.j. is an independent candidate. he's very unhappy about not beining on the ballot in florid. watch this. >> your votes won't count in the state of new hampshire. that's why i'm here, by the way. that's why the president of the united states probably won't come here. that's why the president of the united states is not on your ballot. you think it has anything to do with the fact that joe biden finished five the here in 2020? i don't know. chance. either way, he boycotted you. his boycotting new hampshire in 2024. >> that's a democrat. they're bubble wrapping biden and make sure that he's the nominee even though he's approval numbers are so in the tank. >> martha: ronna mcdaniel, chair of the rnc. great to see you. good luck getting around. actor jonathan rumey is known for important traiting jesus in the hit show "the chosen." >> i'm rejected by others. >> i know. but not by the messiah. >> martha: why he's teaming up for liam neeson in a message for advent coming up. and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. ♪ if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage ends december 7th. so talk to unitedhealthcare about getting more of what matters, with our broad range of plans including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. you'll have $0 annual physical exams and lab tests. plus get more for your medicare dollar with $0 copays on most covered dental services a $0 eye exam with an eyewear allowance and $0 copays on hundreds of prescriptions. call unitedhealthcare today and let us help find a plan for your needs. ask about the all-in-one member ucard, too. and how it opens doors to a simpler healthcare experience. now's the time to get to know america's most chosen medicare advantage plans. call or go online today. 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>> hallow app is -- i don't want to give metrics or statistics. while they're impressive, the thing that i think people really need to know is that your life is only enriched when you have a relationship with your creator. this app gives you literally thousands and thousands of ways to do just that, whether it's scripture readings, bible, music, whatever your in-road is in to a deeper relationship with crist, hallow has an option for you. whatever denomination of christianity he might fall under, hallow has an option for you. there's something for everyone. >> there's night meditations. so often -- it's not uncommon for me to fall asleep to the voice you hearing now. it's not that it's boring. it's help you to unwind and connect with the lord as you head off to sleep. i recommend all of it. there's something there for everyone. what has the role of playing jesus meant in your life? i mean, we can talk about him for hours. every time anyone sees you now, they think oh, there's jesus. how does that work in your life as an actor and human being? >> it's been profound and completely surreal. ulti ultimately it's what i know will outlive me. if people are somehow drawn to the person of jesus because they have seen my portrayal and maybe they never heard of him or knew who he was or knew very much about him but now they want to go figure out for themselves like what did he really say? is this real? was he real? was -- is this true? who was he and why did he change the world irrevocably 2,000 years ago? what is it about him? they go and dive in to like the bible for themselves or they get on to this -- a path of exploration and wanting to know christ on a deeper level. my job is done. that is -- to do that for me is probably the most humbling career path that got could have ever brought me down. >> martha: season 4 is obviously -- the past season there was walking on the water and the beattitudes and all of this beautiful vision of the life of jesus. now you're getting to his life. how is this experience and what should people look forward to in season 4? >> yeah, season 4 gets us one season closer to the cross. but then ultimately the resurrection, right? but it's becoming -- it's becoming more difficult now to kind of stay sort of strictly within jesus' followers and that community. everybody is now talking about jesus. the authorities, roman and the jewish leaders of his community aren't very happy with how things are going in their towns. so it's getting a little more difficult for jesus' ministry. i think that's -- jesus knows it and he sees his followers starting to realize the weight of what is to come. >> martha: yeah. jonathan roumie, look for him and his voice on the hallow app. you can pray with mim and liam neeson this advent. i'll be doing it every day. hope you do it with me and i'm looking forward to it. jonathan, thanks so much. such a pleasure to have you with us today. jonathan stuck around and we had a really interesting conversation that will drop on my podcast, "the untold story" wednesday. so tune in for more of that conversation there. that's "the story" for this monday as we get a great start to this week. we look forward to seeing you tomorrow. meantime, stick around for "your world" which starts right now. see you tomorrow. >> neil: under attack and now firing back, the u.s. military

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