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late news, fox news at night. and breaking tonight, more hostages every now been released but the fighting is set to begin again in just hours unless mediators can somehow extend the pause. but if and when the war goes on, the biden administration is pivoting on hamas urging the israelis to change their attack strategy. we'll get to our correspondent on the ground in israel in moments but we begin with campus unrest here at home where another ivy league school is facing an investigation from the department of investigation over anti-semitism on campus t chief religion correspondent lauren green is live in the new york city news room with more on this. lauren, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, trace. well, fox news digital has learned the department of education's office for civil rights has launched an investigation into harvard university over how it has handled anti-semitic incidents on campus. the agency says it will look into whether the ivy league school failed to respond to alleged harassment of jewish and israeli students in the wake of the israel hamas war. there is also continued fallout over a letter written by a collaborative of pro palestinian students blaming israel for the attacks by hamas. alumni and donors have slammed harvard president claw dean gay for not doing enough. she recently announced the formation of an advisory board to combat anti-semitism and in a recent letter condemned the phrase from the river to the sea. that prompted pushback from more than 100 harvard professors who sent a letter to president gay slamming her for bowing to pressure from wealthy donors. now harvard joins over half a dozen schools who are also under investigation by the department of education. education secretary miguel cardona has previously warned that schools that fail to protect jewish students could lose federal funding. a spokesperson for harvard says they support the rights of civil rights to ensure students's rights to access programs are safeguarded and will work with the office to address their questions. meanwhile next tuesday we will hear from harvard president directly when she testifies before a house committee. along with the president's of mit and the university of pennsylvania. trace. >> trace: lauren green live for us in new york, lauren thank you >> let's bring in the co-author of stolen youth bethany mandel and cherise trump. thank you for both coming on. we appreciate this. you look at harvard and you look at the videos and talk to the students, obvious they did a horrific job of protecting those kids. >> absolutely. imgay friends with the former director of the harvard hill andrew and he was telling me right before we came on air that the situation at harvard is really bad and he's looking at this investigation and he's wondering are they actually going to do anything. i know from my time at rutgers when he was executive director there and at rutgers they opened a similar investigation in 2018 and nothing came of it. so i'm wondering if this is a delay tactic on the part of harvard they know the spotlight is on them right now and they don't want the bad press so they're like, yeah, yeah, we'll open an investigation, don't worry we have it covered and then they'll stall and not do anything. >> trace: exactly right, a lot of these investigations just kind of come to deadends. bill ma gern wrote in the wall street journal in fairness harvard is no worse than most other universities here. then again that's the scandal, it ought to be. today the places that are supposed to be ex 'em lars how civilized is supposed to behaved are loud behavior as well as incoherent in their responses. it's a fair assessment. academia is a mess. >> very accurate point and unfortunately what's going on right now is you're seeing universities seriously struggle with addressing the anti-semitism issue because of the fact they operate in a wofford contradictions. they can't square their policies and their initiatives and nairtives with what they're being asked to do when it comes to protecting jewish students on their cause because their ideology and who they support with the ideology is israel and jewish students are part of the colin eyesers part of the evil oppressors so they have a hard time squaring that narrative with their policies and there is a huge double standard when it comes by equal protection and policies on their campuss. >> trace: meantime bethany you have faculty and parents signing a letter calling on yale to combat anti-semitism the letter reads in part, quoting here, in some, yale has enabled a climate of hostility to jews and pro israel voices and it really kind of goes from harvard to yale, we can name a bunch of other scores, that have kind of just let this thing get out of hand. >> yeah. i mean, i'm honestly sick of the letters, i'm sick of the investigations. put your money where your mouth is. if there's such an issue on your campus, and there is such an issue on your campus, stop donating. stop sending your children. like the buck has to stop somewhere. and i'm done with the hot air rhetoric coming from the american jewish community as well. like put your money where your mouth is and stop giving them your money. >> trace: yeah. it really is. you talk about the hot air and rhetoric the yale president peter responded by saying quoting here i have made clear that anti-semitism islamophobia and hatred toward palestinians and israelis are emphatically against our values and principles at yale. he's kind of both sidesism this whole thing there is no violence towards these people and they have to include everybody. he should say look, the anti-semitism is absolutely not welcome on this campus. >> absolutely. it shouldn't be that difficult for them to make these very clear statements. they should have -- leadership of the university should have morale clarity. people look to them for that especially when it comes to condemning terrorism. it should be very ease country for the university leadership to condemn terrorism. minnesota americans agree with that sentiment so it shouldn't have been difficult for them but it actually was and that points to something much more insidious going on the campuses with the administrators and leadership and it's a serious dereliction of the leadership at this point. >> trace: yes. cherise, bethany, thank you both. we appreciate it. well the fox news at night common sense department would like to note that it's only been a few days since the actress susan sa ran done said jewish nebul america who are afraid are getting a taste of what it feels like to be muslim in america. of course she was shut down by muslim americans because she has no idea what it's like to be muslim in america. but now another actress, cynthia nixon from sex in the city is chris siding israel's war on hamas saying there needs to be an immediate ceasefire and she's sick and tired people explaining away deaths in gaza as a routine toll of war. though she doesn't reveal who exactly used the phrase routine toll of war. and when cynthia nixon made her comment she pointed out that she has two jewish children whose grandparents are holocaust survivors. common sense thinks that means her criticism of israel is more warranted. cynthia nixon in her effort to promote gaza joined a 5-day hunger strike in dc although she left the strike after two days because of a work commitment. common sense finds it unusual that the same woman who accused joe biden of starving gaza has decided starving herself is not the answer. back now to the breaking news, more hostages being released by hamas and one child hostage being sent to yet another terror group. nate foy is on the ground tonight in northern israel. >> israel and hamas accusing each other of violating the temporary ceasefire agreement. three explosions in the northern gaza strip injured several israeli soldiers and led to a gun fight with hamas, the first exchange of fire in five days. despite the short-lived fighting, the ceasefire extension runs through tomorrow. and the violence didn't stop a fifth consecutive prisoner whose standing exchange. ten israelis and foreign nationals left in exchange for 30 palestinian prisoners but nearly 140 israeli hostages remain in gaza including 10-this 10-month old baby and four year old borrow. taken into custody by her mother by hamas terrorists who handed them over to a different terrorist group according to the idf p hamas also took this woman's daughter after murdering her son 53 days ago. >> i'm asking from you, president biden, to help me. i'm really beg you to bring her back home. >> reporter: in qatar today cia director burns discussed a larger possible deal this as the first of three military plains carrying humanitarian relief bound for gaza landed in egypt. while israel anticipates a larger conflict on the northern front. >> we will ensure that the residents of the north return to a different, better, and most stable security reality. >> reporter: trace two of the ten israeli hostages released included a mother and her 17 year old daughter who was seen holding the family's dog while flanked by terrorists during the exchange with the red cross. the temporary pause in the fighting is set to expire after tomorrow and the israeli war cabinet is meeting tonight. trace. >> trace: nate foy in northern israel for us in what is early morning nate. thank you let's bring in the ceo of the american family counsel carr and former navy seal who trained cameron hamilton. cameron first, this is the israeli defense spokesperson about restarting this. watch. >> as soon as we will get the green light from the government of the state of israel to continue operations, we will do so, because we understand that there is a direct link between ground operations and pressure on hamas and their willingness to hand over the hostages. and we are ready and equipped to do so. >> trace: he talks about the green light there, cameron. what do you think? does the green light come in just hours or is this pause in some capacity extended. >> thanks for having me trace. i think right now it's a very challenging scenario where they're trying to bring as many hostages back. israel's taking great effort and stride to do so so i think that they're really trying to adhere to the sympathies of the family that really it's rifting, it's captivating. we see these young women and children that have been put into slavery and have been captured so they're going to expend every effort to bring them back likely israel will capitulate in some manner. the real disadvantage we run into with a scenario like this is you only embolden and further legitimize actors like this. >> trace: we should also note most of the hostages still being legaled mostly men, young men. the wall street journal writes the forks quoting, the u.s. push to have israel fight a more targeted war signals a shift away from president biden's full-throated support at the outset for the campaign to oust hamas. it is clear, this administration is pivoting, and the longer this ceasefire goes the more they kind of back off of it. >> yeah. and it's very, very troubling. for of all, for these hostage families, trace, every day is october 7th. it's still october 7th. hamas is torturing these people every day. and yes, the fact of the matter is, israel is a humane country. they'll do everything in their power to win those men women and children back but at the end of the day they have to eliminate the genocidal threats on their borders, hamas and other threats, too, it could easily go to hezbollah a daily shooting war in the north of israel. so this is absolutely critical and the united states cannot soften on this. if we do we are undermining not only our ally israel but giving a gift to terrorist organizations around the world and helping iran and we can't do that. >> trace: from the new york post, a 10-month old israeli boy, nate foy was talking about this, the youngest captured by hamas and his family have been handed off to another palestinian terror group and they call it more psychological torture and fear that the children are being held as a trophy. a lot of this, cameron is psychological warfare. agreed? >> i absolutely would agree. i think that we're going to see more of it continue, especially now that we find that the business of terrorism is profitable. again they benefit from carnage and destruction and they do so smiling and they're willing to do it time and time again. unfortunately, israel is going to expend every effort to bring hostages back but that will only further embolden certain activities by groups like these. an incredibly challenging scenario israel does at some point need to pull the gloves off and finish the conflict and root out this cancer to the palestinian people. it will be the only way there will be a lasting peace. number two on the foreign policy front with the united states we need to stand in solidarity with israel and make it unequivocal the fact we want all american hostages returned, no exceptions, no favors to be asked, no benefit for hamas until that is done. >> trace: yeah, i have about 30 seconds left for you elan because i want to know about the us getting attacked by the houthi refshls and the proxies, why is the administration backing off calling the houthi rebels a terrorist organization. >> certainly the houthi rebels are a terrorist organization, the biden administration is looking at it and redesignating that. >> trace: they backed off today. it's a group. it's a terrorist -- no, it's a group. go ahead. >> that's right and it's a mistake. bottom line it's not just the houthis, it's the houthis, hamas, hezbollah, this must lead to a fundamental reevaluation of our iran policy. because at tend of the day the houthis and hezbollah and even hamas don't make decisions without iran's blessing, that's the head of the snake and we have to deal with the head of the snake. >> trace: elan carr, cameron hamilton thank you >> the iowa caucuses 48 days away the republican presidential contenders taking a long hard look at the most recent polling and so is bill melugin live with us tonight with our democracy 24 report. >> reporter: trace good evening. the iowa caucuses less than two months away talking mid january, donald trump still has a commanding lead in polling over the rest of the field. take a look. he's got a nearly 30-point lead in iowa followed by former u n ambassador nikki haley and florida governor ron desantis both polling at about 16%. meanwhile vivek ramaswamy was all over iowa today holding town halls and a multitude of cities there. he has 17 events scheduled in iowa between today and thursday. and he moved his campaign headquarters to iowa from ohio as he continues his blitz of the state. >> iowa, automatically puts us in a position where many of the people who would have is on been reluctant to support me because i'm not necessarily dancing to their tune, that gets to a choice where they have to support and gets us where we need to be. >> florida governor ron desantis plans to finish all of iowa's 99 counties on saturday with a final rally in jasper county, iowa. he picked up a recent endorsement from evangelical leader bob and will be dough baiting california governor gavin newsom on fox news thursday night. >> you need somebody leading the charge, somebody leading the charge like i did in florida who's going to inspire people to support the effort because they see your vision is going in the right direction. we did that in florida. we'll be able to do it nationally. >> reporter: nikki haley also picked up an endorsement today from americans for prosperity the political arm of the coke brothers networkment she campaigned in new hampshire today. >> in every poll, we beat biden by 10-13 points. so this isn't just about the presidency. this is about governorships up and down. >> reporter: meanwhile donald trump said over the weekend, if he is elected to a second term, he is planning to try the repeal obamacare, once again trace we know that is one of the most controversial topics out there. >> trace: the democrats are campaigning on it we'll talk about that later. thank you >> let's where i in the straight shot tezlyn figaro as well as strategist mehek cooke. thank you both for coming on we appreciate this. i want to put this up because this is the nbc iowa poll. you can see it's three people on this thing, donald trump is way up there, mehek, it's a big lead. if this was a football game it would be over. what are your thoughts on this? >> this is no surprise. i think that donald trump is going to continue to lead in iowa, new hampshire, and all the states that are upcoming including south carolina. and it's because he's a tried and true tested candidate who has solutions for everyday average americans. and you're also seeing the justice system today being weaponized against him and his family trace. so american people are tired of that. we see donald trump in us, we know the justice system has been against parental rights, been against us in taxes. we have a huge issue in america and trump could be the solution. >> trace: yeah. tesla i want to read this jim garity from national review. the following, the same phenomenon as 2016 ego arrogance and unrealistic turn around are keeping non-turn candidates in the irs and in some cases attacking each other instead of making the case for someone besides trump to be the nominee. what do you think? is that an accurate statement? >> well, they're campaigning. and i'm independent by the way so i don't have to pick either side but when we talk about polls, polls don't vote. since you brought up 2016 let's remember that they said hillary clinton would beat donald trump and we found that not to be true. so this is really going to come down to the people and candidates need to knock each other out of the box like we've seen desantis move up in the polls currently endorsed by the iowa governor as you just mentioned the lead we just talked about, nikki haley endorsed by the coke network. these candidates are moving up to move into second or take on donald trump. campaigning is for the big boys and girls and that means sometimes you have to attack each other in order to move each other out the way. so i look forward to sewing them continue to run and ramaswamy should continue to run in 5k races rap like m&m do whatever it is he feels like he needs to move up 4%. >> trace: the biden administration campaign is saying trump wants your healthcare. says the following, quoting here, the american people have rejected maga attempts to take away their healthcare election after election. november 2024 won't be any different. oh, they're saying now the campaign strategy is, mehek, they're going to take your abortion rights, take your healthcare, take everything. >> these are just democrat talking points and fearmongering. you have elizabeth warren on record now stating obamacare has failed the american people. she must have received a surprise bill in the mail. the truth is president trump is right, the cost of healthcare is out of control. the truth is obamacare weaponized our healthcare system holding americans hostage because at the end of the day healthcare insurance companies were the ones price fixing and the are the ones holding us hostage in terms of our medical care. we need to be allow for personal option and reevaluate our healthcare system. so what donald trump is saying is correct. any candidate that says we need to repeal obamacare is correct. >> trace: tezlyn i have about 30 seconds to wrap it up. >> i expect them to be against it, they need something to run on and democrats need something to fight because they haven't done the best job that they are the way to go according to the polls. hot button itch, not everyone on the left thinks obamacare is the answer to everything but a lot benefit from it. but democrats need a better solution besides just saying obamacare is not the best and the republicans have to do the same, give the people an actual choice on what they would do if elected. >> tesla, mehek, thank you both >> coming up the border patrol shifting its resources to deal with the influx of migrant encounters at the southern border and the shifting of resources come with a strange move. later in the nightcap more big cities pushing to ban cars driving in certain areas during certain hours, an effort to get people to ditch their cars for public transportation. or take a bike. what about you? would you go carless? would you avoid that part of town all together? let us know on social media and x and instagram on trace gallagher. we'll read them in the nightcap. 8:bun on the west coast first a live look at the earth cam at seattle washington the space needle, over to downtown dallas texas, another earth cam shot. look at big d. and finally a live look, orlando, florida, home to over a dozen theme and water parks. if you can't join us, dvr us. we're coming right back. 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>> well, trace, thanks for having me on. i think it's unfortunate but not unsurprising. this is the biden administration's failed strategy over the last three years where they continue to try to just process more and more of these illegal aliens into the country instead of trying to solve the problem. instead of introducing new policies, new programs and new procedures to try to curtail the number of illegal apprehension, they don't seem to be interested in that instead wanting to search more and more personnel down there pulling them off of actual legitimate trade and travel at ports of entry and moving them to process more and more of these aliens. so i think it's a problem but something we've seen unfortunately over the course of three careers now. they don't seem to be changing their strategy at all. >> trace: yeah the border report writes immigration issues, are they making voters more conservatives, democratic leaders spar with president joe biden in the handling of the border in the state that was surprising of a democratic elected official new york city mayor eric adams warned in september the migrant crisis would destroy his city. what do you think? is this swaying democrats? is it swaying voters overall what's the sense you get out and about talking to people? >> i do think it's starting to sway individuals. when you have blue state governors and major blue state city mayors starting to talk about how the federal government's not doing its job, is not trying to solve the crisis, and is not trying -- and is not supporting them enough regarding the migrants they have in their individual cities and states, i think that's starting to resonate with people because what it shows the american public is this is not just simply a republican issue, this is a bipartisan issue that, bipartisan elected members and mayors believe that the administration is failing on their duties and responsibilities to protect american communities and stop this massive illegal immigration coming across the boarders. it's both sides republicans and democrats alike believe this administration is simply not doing enough and that's starting to show in poll after poll on. >> trace: you talk about massive illegal immigration influx, southwest border up 345% over biden compared to trump. that's a big number. >> well, it's a huge number. but it's also, it's what happens to these individuals that come across the border and are apprehended. and what dhs data shows you, month after month from the biden administration, despite what they say, despite what they tell you, that they're trying to send back individuals, you have somewhere around 64-65% every month being released into american communities. so if you're an illegal alien you have a two out of three chance of being released into the american communities you're going to take that chance that's why you see these numbers continue to increase and be at an all-time high month after month. >> trace: and they opportune to deny it's happening astounding in its own right. chad wolf great to have you. thanks sir. >> a new study shows natural immunity may provide better coverage against covid-19 than the vaccine and that includes hospitalization. dr. marty makary makes the house call next. and still ahead a dog takes to the slopes for a little bit of winter fun. and something knocked over the national christmas tree but it was not the bench but it was close. new viral videos next, but first live at centennial park in atlanta georgia. it's 11:32 on the east coast, 8:32 on the west. we're coming right back. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. when your keys are in the door and your body's like, “it's happening”! if you're worried about your protection, it's not the right protection. always discreet protects like no other. with double leak guards that help prevent gushes escaping from the sides. and a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. and it contours, to everybody. now this, is protection! always discreet- the protection we deserve! 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"the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. >> trace: first up in tonight's real news roundup more than 3,000 auto dealers nationwide now signing a letter to president biden urging him to quote tap the brakes on the administration's electric vehicle mandate t letter reads in part the demand today is not keeping up and evs are stacking up on our lots. the washington, dc city council is considering banning cars in parts of the nation's capitol beginning in 2026. the proposal calls for closing roads in three pedestrian corridors for several hours each week. and theoretically encouraging more walking, biking and use of mass transit. more on this story coming up in the nightcap. see what you think >> a small business in san francisco's about to be auctioned off after banks refused the mortgage because of the, quote, state of the city, which ain't good. the owner says he expects that building to be sold at a massive loss because as many as 30 lenders would not help. a business in san francisco refinanced >> and now a new study out of a stonia finds natural immunity provides better protection than vaccines sometimes and even hospitalization. a recent surge of respiratory illnesses in china has the world health organization concerned as you might imagine and the rest of the world wondering if this is a case of déjà vu. lauren green live with an update on this lauren. >> reporter: the world health organization publicly requested china provide clinical data about a spike of respiratory illness primarily among children. china says the outbreak appears to be an overlap of common viruses like the flue. the health agency says it is not conclusive bringing there is limited detailed information available to fully characterize the overall risk of these reported cases. however, due to the arrival of the winter season, the increasing trend in respiratory illnesses is expected. the who says a strain of bacteria called micro plasma pneumonia combined with respiratory illness might be to blame. china blames the outbreak in part of a unit gap after lifting the years long covid lockdowns something others lifted more than a year ago. despite skepticism china insists the country is safe. >> i would like to tell you that it is safe to do battle and business in chine and there is no need to worry. >> the cdc tells us it's monitoring a chinese outbreak and no correlation to any seasonal illness in the u.s. >> trace: let's bring in fox news medical contributor dr. marty makary. when i hear about respiratory illnesses in in china a and china says not to worry, i worry. i pick up my eyes and worry a little bit. maybe i'm skeptical but are you concerned about this at all? >> it's understandable people are sensitized by dogma coming out of china and we should always be concerned and keep in mind anything happening. i talked to doctors in china this week. what we're seeing is simple seasonal viruses right now. there's no indication take there's any novel pathogen something that would jump to the united states and cause a pandemic. right now what we're hearing in china is that the kids have been in lockdown for almost three years. they just came out of their covid zero policies in january of this year. so the kids are very naive to these infections. their immune system cause what they call unity debt so all the seasonal vices as winter sweeps in. they're getting rsv and pneumonia and flew and strep and all seasonal viruses. that's what's happening. >> trace: this is a doctor who is a little concerned, university of minnesota, dr. michael, he says nobody's reporting out rates of disease. they just say clinics are overrun but what does that mean? is it 3% of people infected, is it sen % and i pulled it out because it's a fair point. we had trouble during covid getting accurate information out of the china. still do. how bad is it are we getting the right numbers and if the numbers were off would you be more red sent to say, well, maybe we're out of the windows. >> if i was of all dr. ons ter home sees a dark cloud coming with every new infection. if you look at his record with sars he basically thought it was going to sweep across the united states and dr. fauci agreed at the time. we should always keep an open mind, viruses can mutate next week in a way that can cause a threat. i've spoken with physicians there is nothing new or different. we cannot rely on the numbers, i agree 100%. but we have satellite images and firsthand account of how busy the merge situate rooms and the clinics are. this is as busy, any winger season. >> including the common cold overly overusedd in the united states. it's marred the ntsb, hospitals are large and busy >> trace: but can we trust china the former covid at the white house said i always think the key is, to quote president reagan, trust by verify. seems like a fair policy. >> well, right now the who is making a bigger deal out of the crowded hospitals in china because they are almost overcompensating for their very bad response the first time there was a infection coming out. so they're really grandstanding and we need to turn over every piece of information we have. 'not ket, it's not riddle what they're experiencing there, it's simply a bad cold season with a bunch of different seasonal viruses. >> trace: okay. i trust you, not the riddle of the sphinx, dr. makary great to have you on as always. thank you, sir. >> first up in tonight's viral videos a snow-loving pup in wisconsin pulls up with her sled, the family calls her shredding roxy she's been enjoying it for ten years, the other dog macy prefers chasing the sled instead of riding it. >> trace: rescue workers after two weeks of being underground they survived on oxygen and food supplied through steele pipes >> a vibrant site dubbed the wanter melon aurora where they lit up the skies over fairbanks alaska. the red and green lights reminded him of the popular summer fruit a stunning site over snow covered trees. >> took about, what, oh, geez, 20, 30 minutes to clear the car off. then we had a knee-deep snow behind the car. >> more than three million people along the eastern shores of lake erie and ontario under a lake effect snow, more than a foot caused in many areas causing delays and closures and leaving locals for digging their family out. the national christmas tree took a trouble in the gust of wind. crews had to use a train to lift the 44 in place. tough year for the national tree, this is actually the second one of the season. the first one got needle cast a condition that makes the needles turn brown and fall off. can't have that. well police responding to a break-in and found a dear running through the isle. don't you know the animal smashed through a window and knocked over several things inside. it actually showed himself out. if you have a viral video to share share it with us on fox news night on social media >> coming up the city council in dc thinks to take cars off the road in certains time of town to create these so-called pedestrian zones. other cities around the world have tried it but would it especially courage you to use your car less or would you avoid that side of the city all together. still time to weigh in on x or instagram, at trace gallagher, at first a live look tonight at the london skyline. man, oh, man, beauty. you're 40 46 in london, eight, frooiks. >> your fox weather wednesday forecast looking out west, got some more fog locked in over the pugh gentleman sound but northern arizona snow for the higher elevation then we start to see the active weather pattern rise out of the agz and south. finally tapering off into the snow event. you can download the fox weather app or extreme from your favorite connected tv device. why choose a sleep number smart bed? because no two people sleep the same. only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number settings. it's so smart, it actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side for your ideal sleep temperature, and effortlessly responds to both of you. for your best sleep, night after night. now at its lowest price ever. the all-new queen sleep number c2 smart bed is only $880. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. ends monday. shop for a limited time and sleep next level. only at sleep number. ♪ >> trace: we're back with the nightcap crew, bill melugin, lauren green, dr. marty makary and mehek cooke. tonight's topic car free zones, dc proposing banning cars from certain areas of the city during certain times of the week to encourage people to ride bikes and use public transport. would car free zones in cities encourage you just avoid those areas of the city all together, mehek cooke let's begin with you. what's your strategy to get in and out of dc? >> look, when there's a will there's' way but i am using that car. >> i have all the options available to me and if i can't get my car i'll figure out other paths and avenues to get to where i need to go. >> trace: they've stopped before in all kinds of cities i'll explain when i talk about later, but if you go to a place you go, i i'm not going to ride my bikeism adjust going to ditch the city all together. >> i live in manhattan so i don't have a car, nobody has a car here, and the only thing i can say, i don't know statistics but it has to imagine it makes taxi drivers, taxi rates higher because they have to go around those areas and i'm. >>. >> trace: fair assessment, dr. marty makary i want to know dc, you are in dc we can see the capitol behind you. that's the problem if you're actually in dc which is not car friendly anyway, by the way, your thoughts. >> well, look, if they have these car-free zones i'm not going to be able to go there because if i get called into the hospital, i'm going to need to get airlifted back out. i think it is a' good because these car free zones there might be less carjacking in dc. >> trace: bill melugin your thoughts on this. >> i love that point right there. have you seen the vehicle registration fees here in california. >> trace:? >> trace: i have. >> if we pay that i'm using the dang car. hard pass. >> trace: they tried the road di diets in crore this they widened the bike paths. so you have no bikes and cars backed up to tim buck to. heres the pole would you do car free zones in cities x says nope i would not use public transport and avoid the same the same thing. you have spencer saying good idea as long as i don't get shot stand or step in human point during my stroll. >> dr. kathy. >> and bob lions if they create car free zones next year they can report carjackings are down in certain neighborhoods. there you have it. thank you all for joining the nightcap. and thank you all for watching america's late nice fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles, we'll see you right back here. same time. hello everyone

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