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♪ ♪ kat: it's thanks giving weekend. time when many of us enjoy gathering with family. and some enjoy having enough days off in a row to quietly recover from minimally invasive cosmetic procedures while coworkers are none of the wiser and a fan of mine thank you so much for your love and support, and to everyone watching because they're at overwhelm their parents who never turn off fox news hi i'm kat and thank you. whoever you are i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving full of gratefulness for what you have and a wonderful black friday full of realizing that gratitude is no reason to stop from committing physical violence to get the stuff that you still need. >> must be one around here somewhere. >> the last one just left. some lady had it on lay away. >> what lady? >> fur coat. >> buddy -- >> jingle all the way once you realize that arnold goes through that less to make his son happy and wife won't find out that he lies it is less heartwarming winding new a turbo suit shouldn't be enough to stay many that marriage although thanksgiving may be over it is just beginning of the holiday season. there's christmas, there's hanukkah that office holiday party with an open bar or as i threek call it a trap. >> this is still an office and even though it's dark outside, the rules don't turn off. >> the rules may not turn off -- >> free booze not so free if it taste like your boss would be impressed to see that you know all the words to my pony but that cost you your job? the house speaking of, a lot of people find holidays with their family to be extremely stressful. especially if they're hosting one firm did a survey about holiday hosting some of the numbers were kind of weird. 41% expect guests to not go into closed rooms without their permission i know sex dungeons are more popular than i thought they were 71% it takes them at least a full day to prepare to have guests over. >> it is a crying shame older kids couldn't make it. >> elle get that don't worry about it. let me get it. >> to which new yorkers said we get it. your home is more than one room. 25% said hosting requires more mental preparation than physical preparation. which sounds like exactly the excuse i'm going to use when my family asked me while i'm sitting there in my childhood room instead. and over after two and a half hours just two and a half hours. that's not even enough time for me to watch my favorite christmas movie. eyes wide shut -- ♪ ♪ >> my advice, if you want to make hosting easier on yourself, use disposable plates and silverware you won't do dishes and niece who got back from college will have fun yelling at you she won't leave early. it might be most time you will spend with her all year or hate hosting that much just -- not do it. >> baby, did i say something wrong? >> a lot of things wrong -- >> you want to meet grandma? here she is. kat: of course you would be giving up a huge opportunity to feel better and more important than everyone else. by the way, i think the best way to talk politics at the dinner table is to just not -- that's why i always come prepared with some less controversial prompts to steer the conversation if it starts heading that way stuff like, it sure is cold out there. or how about them lions or -- everyone here is going to die who do you think will be first? listen. i know it can be tempting to want to set your family members straight over their political views but the truth is no matter how passionate you are about a topic yelling at and yengt aunt or uncle won't help it's not like they can do anything to change it. well unless -- of course, you'll also have to deal with that one aunt who grills you about why you're single. >> family wants you to have a relationship. >> i know that's clear. >> early christmas present for you is a blind date. j i love it. kat: i get it that's tough. you're upset because you don't want to disappoint your aunt not because you're disappointed in yourself speaking of disappointment someone who gets dispeacessed around winter months mayor clinic has advice to save you getting 30 minutes to two hours of natural sunlight per day wow thank you mayor clinic i'll find time and sunshine to lay out in sunbathe for 14 minutes week in middle of the winter here i thought you wouldn't have practical advice anyway holidays are a busy time a lot of places to be another survey found that average american visits five dichght houses. to which new yorkers said dude question get it you guys have houses. anyway, the same survey found that 22% said they wish that new years parties were skippable this year. >> don't drink party all year and going kanye on you. kat: weird i didn't realize 42% of you were forced into gun point and even though that makes a lot more sense than you going there willingly on purpose to listen to cranked up ring tones and fight with coke heads when you throw up the well vodka trying to make it fun i'm exactly hollyist jollyist person and putting up a christmas tree is just making a mess you have to clean up later. i might learn that the hard way because i actually just cut down my first real tree and i'll show you the video in a little bit but even so i really love this time of year. because i actually love to spend twiem my own family. no matter what the situation, with yours is the best way to have the best day is to put differences aside and focus on things that can bring people together. like making fun of whatever toxic couple posted engagement news on instagram aunts will loves go accept and uncles seem uninterested raise stakes and play bets on how long they'll last and if you're overwhelmed by hustle an bustle of the holiday season e don't worry. you'll be having a sad lonely boring fat february before you know it. shake off your turkey sandwich coma because we've got a fantastic show for you this saturday elbows for best shopping errands our hilarious panel will get you ready for the holiday season plus are you going out last because of the high cost of parties. stay right here. kat: as a wise man with a mustache once said rent is too damn high these days everything is too damn high groceries gas this time of year. good times. so my team hit the streets to see how people are coping with the high cost of having fun this holiday season. attack -- take a look. ♪ ♪ >> cost a lot to have fun -- concerts sporting events, honestly, it's a lot. for a new yorker that has to pay rent and bills and stuff like that. >> i find myself having lesses fun up here and spend so much municipal on little things than if i lived in florida. >> i can't do anything anymore and can't buy a cup of coffee and enjoy life. >> combination is -- dining out accumulation very expensive. >> go out to eat and vacations and -- just getting expensive. >> i'll take it easier this holiday season normally do something tough but i'll take it easy and lay low on the gifts. >> you can have fun with that money. >> have fun with that money -- >> tell me -- >> there's lots of free things in the city we're not from new york and we've done loads for nothing here. >> definition of fun is just spending twiem, you know, people you love, your family -- you know, and siblings anything like that. >> i don't think that -- the holiday is about spending money. be around enemy care about you and love you that's what the holidays to me is about. >> are you cutting back on restaurants and concerts to save a few bucks who better co-host of the big money show on fox business of the podcast karen and joe macky all right brian i want to ask you because you seem i can't picture you anywhere outside of an office setting. [laughter] so like -- what do you -- >> i never go outside an office. kat: what do you do for fun? >> with the people that lovely lady who said there's lots you can do for fun for free like taking a walk. taking a walk is really fun but here's the problem with the world we lev in everything has to be enis it a gram fun it keapght be enjoyable but like a picture that wows people. and my walks do not do that. so i feel like when i'm on a walk something i enjoy i'm not having fun because i can't post about a cat that's the problem we have today. kat: got it karen did you gay is it a big issue with live events not spending must be on them? >> these are poor dorks i don't care at all. if you're seeing celebrities a certain percentage people scared low in a lot of cognitive tests so couldn't tell if they were stupid because they're obsessed with going to concerts and seeing celebs or stupid to start with. kat: should change to you guys are a bunch of poor dorks on fox business. >> like that didn't poll well and we went with something else. kat: i don't know. macky what about you? >> i'm doing very well and very successful so i don't really feel the pressure from inflation. but i think maybe that answers the question why everyone is so dour -- cheaper. you know what i mean peel are out there struggling they have to choose between six flags and prescriptions. kat: all of this does not apply to my live events that are coming up when i do my shows you would say -- >> i would not go on my walk and i would go to your live show because it is so more fun and when i post about it, everyone is actually going to love me because i have been in proximity to you outside of the office. kat: i want to mac that clear because it's a it says here 20% of the americans willing to take on debt to be able to afford their favorite entertainment activity never done that in my life. >> subscribing going into debt every one of you -- but -- it's not. no don't stop going to see taylor swift she doesn't care about you she's a billionaire -- you know, like if you're that obsessed maybe create something worth seeing. you know maybe be that event yourself. kat: yeah. >> be the event. that's hard to do. >> that's what my road manager tells me but i'm at baltimore if you want to come out to that we're going to have a good time. >> macky when are you dropping your only fans? >> very soon but you have to spend money to make money and my fans will inspire peel to really get fit -- they don't need prescriptions anymore. >> absolutely. kat: that's true. your intro you're a sex symbol i think that's how most of america sees -- >> very, very sexy chubby dad bod is in. kat: is it. is that what your numbers show? >> i was hoping you couldn't come back to me so i'm really struggling at this point like i said i like to go on walks so -- i don't know. that one i might just take a longer walk joe rather than just subscribe. >> watch. >> we all like going on walks right -- it is beautiful. >> i have a dog in the city i love how that woman is like there's so many things and then couldn't name in. kat: we have a lot to discuss coming up tired of the letovers on thanksgiving does holiday stress have you feeling like a scrooge and face down in a punch bowl? we'll have answers to your questions, next. ♪ ♪ woman: who's that, who is that? cole: this is my puppy! woman: cancer. it's different in a child. because your child is still growing. charlie: i had 14 rounds of chemo. there's thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. girl: it is my first time having cancer. and it's the very worst. spokesman: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. woman: it's scary to watch your kid battle and fight for their lives. spokesman: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. woman: childhood cancer is hard. it's a long road. you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope. and especially with them being so young. spokesman: please, call, go on line, or scan the qr code for only $19 a month. families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. man: she grew up in this. so when we go to st. jude, she's happy, because that's her home. every time i take her to the doctor, she's excited because she gets to play. and that's all because of saint jude. spokesman: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. woman: [non-english speech] spokesman: let's cure childhood cancer together. kat: welcome back to fox news saturday night. does this time of year make you break out in a cold sweat and thought of candy kains and stocking stuffers send you in a panic survey reveals three in four americans are stressed about hosting guests at home this year top three worries are making sure everyone is having fun, what foods shob served and cleaning the house. so is there a secret to throwing the perfect stress free soiree back with me brian and joe mackie karen i feel like you are probably guest people are worried about coming to their house and judging them? absolutely. i was reading that right. >> what did it say 32% feel unprepared when having people over then don't have people over you're gross i don't to touch your booger hand railing and pee on your toilet seat children need to be 100% dressed i don't care how unprepared you are. i can't stand when you come over it is like overt your eyes from the helicopter penis and ked with a machete or whatever. >> where do you go for christmas? am i the only irish catholic have a thanksgiving -- but just clean your home. i guess -- >> yeah it was actually 32% are concerned about making sure everyone enjoys themselves, brian. to me that seems too low. >> yeah. like maybe third of us want you to have fun rest of us like whatever just come over you live with goggles on like things are okay and if you're on hook to host all of a sudden goggles go off like i can't believe i live this way now people see it that's where the stress comes from but worse when people come over with you with checklists inspecting but let us do what we do. >> more passive aggression if you heard of this cleaning service they're really affable. >> so you want them to be thinking about it for the rest of their lives. cleaning house is too expensive -- >> macky. >> kat, it's the holidays so i don't criticize of appearances to their faces but behind their back you're getting the christmas spirit here. but if you're worried about -- people coming over, don't clean. they won't want to come back when they see the mess i've got going on. >> that's actually interesting well everybody gets a goodie bag when they go to joe's house. if you're really feeling the holiday spirit this year, be careful not to take too far according to a new poll 14% say they lost their jobs at an office party the top fireball offense dancing with a coworkers flashing someone and kissing a client. side note anyone know where i can get an invite to this stuff. panel ever jingled to unemployment line? macky this top five behaviors number one was dancing with a coworkers number two flashing with someone. flashing someone i feel like there's a big gulf in terms of how appropriate number one is -- compared to number two. >> didn't make any sense also is the -- list of assents that hr said was okay was to dance. so this really comes down to like yeah some people obl cross the line an do things that you probably shouldn't do with a coworkers when you're drinking but most people are will to have fun. so go ahead, dance. there's nothing wrong with dancing. yeem if they don't want to dance they'll people dance away from me all of the time. like you'll know. [laughter] kat: yeah. karen i feel like 14% of people who lost their job after an office party seems like very high number. >> that's a lot of people they said what -- back to dancing thing listen if like darrell and nancy want to pull out some swing moves leak who are we to stop them from practicing some like salsa that's beautiful. i want to watch that kind of dancing. but 14% are getting fired i feel like they're inappropriate jokesters. they're ones who are like my boss is going to love this fat joke about him. kat: only that on camera. that's like -- yeah. i don't know. i feel like what kind of dancing are they doing? there's really never seen bump and grind in maybe at the fox business christmas party. >> i don't know dancing a very wide category. so be careful what you're asking for here but i think office parties are like pac-man basically things that you can eat and things that are gong get you. focus on finding things you can eat stay away from the ghost. i think dancing is more of the ghost you're probably a good dancer joe sounds like you have accounts out there online. >> a terrible dancer i will keep doing it because they keep serving beer at the office parties maybe hr look at in the mirror. kat: note that there was no answer about whether or not there was bumping and griepgding at the fox business party -- okay. >> silence speaks loudly sometimes. to help relieve stress here's most florida deal ever buy a new roof you get a free turkey and ar-15 a florida roofing company is reportedly offering a roof and gobble special all month long because, quote, everyone needs an ar-15. the president of roof eves roofies said he saw something similar in alabama -- so why not bring it to florida? customers will have to undergo a background dhoak get the gun that's good. the question is what happens if somebody overcooks turkey? joe, the business owner said i figured hey -- we're in florida -- i mean, i mean i guess that actually kind of makes perfect sense to me it is on brand. >> you need roofing done with hurricanes. it seems backwards to me i want turkeys to get that money i was meaning to buy. >> karen what do you think about this promotion by roofies? >> nothing surprises me. guys companies name is roofy -- he has a sign like a legal llc like sir it is going to be roofies -- [laughter] that's so good. but no nothing can they're marketing to four-year-olds go around turkeys. >> if that's how roof buyers think. he could be a genius here i come from a line of people who open a bank account to get set of glasses i'm in for this kind of thing but when it comes to your roof you might want to think just a little harder than where is the turkey and gun, i don't know i'm not the expert on this? >> what if they do a bad job on roof and customer is mad and has guns? you put it together. kat: that's true but flip it said we have guns so we won't mess up your roof. >> either way the thing will not turn out well for roofies. if it hasn't already turned out. >> i want to know how many of these go through so we'll keep an eye on that here. okay if you're like most americans you're probably up to your eyeballs in leftovers. americans cook roughly 50 million turkeys on thanksgiving plus sides but a survey showed that many americans actually prefer leftovers to the actual dinner. and now even a pizza covered in thanksgiving leftovers so what do you do with all of the extra food? macky how many days you eat thanksgiving leftovers? >> seven -- ten -- ten. they say experts say food experts say four well i think we all need a food expert is here. we have to microwave it longer and add hot sauce and it's -- it's safe that way. [laughter] kat: oh. got it. so yeah you're a scientist. this pizza thing, i mean, i think it is just for people who are high, right? >> only time one would order that thing i think it is gross. like with my leftovers i bring them out to the homeless people and use the mashed potatoes to spell out i would prefer drugs. on the ground. kat: do you do that also? >> i don't do that thing. i think that pizza is awesome because problem with thanksgiving is the plate. the plate you can't eat you have to wash it now you put everything on a piece of bread you eat everything and then you eat the plate and you have no dishes. it is like the solution to thanksgiving. the pizza i'm in on that. >> it cost 11.23 that's pricey for a frozen pizza i say we move thanksgiving up to august 1st, 8/01. that's what i want on a hot summer day a thanksgiving pizza. >> you are the expert air-conditioning, karen. >> how do you get the smell of mashed potatoes out of your pocketing? >> what shall your favorite leftovers since you're the expert on panel. >> gravy with the stuffing. it just marinates after a few days. >> what about you? >> i'm getting degenerative heart failure sitting next to you. we're all going to die. >> i like hot sauce as universal preservative whatever you've got pour hot sauce on it it is going to be okay. >> that's right. masks flavor. whatever cranberry sauce. >> i almost gave you a high-five i do every time someone mentions hot sauce. >> shall i leave. scared those biceps coming too close to my face. >> don't worry they're mostly fat. kat: mostly fat okay thank you everyone. what a wonderful panel don't go anywhere yet coming up we're playing game panel will have to determine naughty or nice list. you can play along, next. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. i want the training to be uncomfortable. i want the mental part of it to be uncomfortable, so that when the game comes, it's easy. you got to mentally wake up and make a decision on who you want to be that day. how can i get better. how can i take this opportunity to step into a new level. i'm all about things that work. and with oofos, i saw a product that was working, that was helping. i actually feel better. i feel stronger. i feel faster. there once was a tree lovingly made to look real. so real, something magical happened. it helped create very real memories. balsam hill. ♪ kat: with all of the turmoil in these days you can be thankful for celebrity drama a gift that keeps on giving when stress and worries get you down have a drink and read about scandal and read about your troubles so we decided to take selects of 2023 and determine whether they're on santa cats i'm not santa but i guess i am now with naughty or nice list this year these elves breen ken burg and joe macky here to help me decide. all right. not first naughty or nice we've got cardi b. at a concert in las vegas threw her microphone because they threw her drink at her on stage and filed a police report but she was cleared of wrong doing by las vegas police so naughty or nice? >> nice -- [laughter] >> okay. so explain this to me what was you know you have struggled there a little? >> i thought she was nice but i didn't know which side -- >> i got handed this a minute ago. >> got it i didn't do any research but you don't throw stuff people at holding stuff harder than what you throw at if she was throwing -- holding nerf football maybe that makes sense i can get her. but she -- defended herself there's nothing wrong with that. >> karen. >> i agree wholeheartedly if you throw something at someone expect something thrown back at you. yeah. >> i like how accurate she was i don't know where that person was but she hit that person that's amazing. i think there are football teams. >> you were following this closely. >> vikings needed a quarterback until a while ago. >> when she does something she's not cancelable. i like that. you know, okay. another one here. kat: kim kardashian -- she told gq north sets up a lemonade stand and charges strangers $2 but if she knows you she'll scam you and their friends will say charge 20 for a lemonade doesn't have any change i think we can agree north is nice but is kim nice? i mean she -- i'll is she naughty or nice? >> she's a rat. >> i agree i didn't want to spoil it but snitched on north like now it is all over. but what do you think? >> got to blame the people who would pay $20 for lemonade too. a little bit but yeah. you're ripping people off teaching your kid it is okay to rip people off and you're -- dating all of these men publicly for publicity and then using lemonade stand for publicity. >> you thought opposite reason karen. >> i think kim is a rat but should expect nothing from north ripping us off with his last all buck album everything is a ripoff. >> tell us ways that kim is ripping us off. throwing glass or mic at the audience member. >> ripping us off think our own nipples around good enough. >> selling bra with nipples on outside of it. >> what if it is cold and now you have four nipples. >> now you did your research on that story just saying. >> that's true. okay another one here. patrick mahomes i don't watch it kansas city chiefs quarterback patrick admitted on a podcast that he's worn the same pair of underwear since rooky year since 2017 saying i clean them and wash them every once in a while at least adding i mean if we're in a hot streak i can't wash them i have to keep it rolling okay naughty or nice? >> naughty on this one. >> macky you think that's nice? >> i blame his wife. you know why buy him one pair of underwear. when you're right in a hot streak but a good appearance on gutfeld i don't change my shirt for a week. [laughter] >> you disagree? >> he's disgusting. but i feel it looks like she's had the same hair extensions in for a decade too i can't expect more from them. >> you have to buy hair extenses as somebody with a head full of fake hair about every year and you have to let them go buy new ones. exactly. >> you've been changing your shirt a lot by the way. >> why you dissed him. >> why did that guy ask mahomes that question that's what i want to know like how did you get to that point in the interview i think that was a naughty question that's where i'm going -- >> what about your underwear a better interview than that. >> one more we do tom sandoval, obviously, he's known for cheating scandal in march this year cheated on ariana with cast mate raquel complained that public views him as, quote, a narcissist and ex has brand partnerships with "dancing with the stars," tom sandoval naughty or nice? >> did you struggle with that sawyer. >> struggling with this story because i have no idea who these people are. >> how did you avoid it? >> what the heck is that? >> when we get bombed i'm going to your bomb shelter ordered to hide from that -- how did you miss that? >> never heard of the man before -- >> i know everything that happens in pop culture -- nothing gets by me i'm safe as a 13-year-old. >> with a hot sauce buffet. leave the house you two -- >> no such thing as a hot sauce buffet is there? >> you'll get to the end of it. i'll tell you that. kat: that's a perfect note to end on i'm sure. thank you panel. joe, karen and brian. coming up we've got the secret to scoring best deals on busiest shopping weekend of the year. and retail therapy right here, next. kat: welcome back to fox news saturday thanksgiving weekend and smack dab to cybermonday and peaceful citizens into bargain maniacs in name of a discount toaster whether you brave crowds yesterday or hit the marketplace on monday shopping season can be overwhelming and overbudget so with everyone on hunt for best deal in town how can you find good deals amid next inflation and we have tip and tricks smart shopping expert at true thank you so much for being here this is a stressful time of the year including for me what is your overall advice for people in shopping in terms of deals? >> in terms of the deals best thing to do is to get organized many of us think we have our list in our head. but i suggest putting maybe in the notes app of your phones so you have your recipients gift ideas for each. a budget for each, and add yourself to that list because often we fall into a one for them one for me, and we treat ourselves which we should but then go overboard and bringing debt into the next year. kat: being that's not great news for me because organized is something i struggle with in every area of my life unfortunately. but it can be really stressful finding things for people who you maybe see once a year. >> yes that is so true if you're scratching your head and not sure what to give someone give a gift card, according to the national retail federation they've been the most popular gift for over a decade and they don't have to be impersonal i have a great suggestion for this company called perfect, you can upload a picture and message that goes on visa so kind of fun and festive and special and company just launched handwritten notes that you dictate note and then robotic scribes handwrite the note so when your recipient gets it feels very personal so i would definitely do that if you're not sure what to give someone so you don't gift badly. >> i mean i'm somebody who waits until the last minute do you think that this year is going to be closer maybe -- i know that some experts saying slower holidays season some not what do you think? >> i think it started earlier we have the second amazon prime day early in october and deals from best buy and target and wal-mart kohl's so it is a longer shopping season. i believe that deals are going to go all the way through. so take your time. something to remember, though, is that what's on sale in december are things like toys -- holiday decor winter apparel wait until december and focus on tech small home appliances fall apparel and gift sets and beauty and then last thing i would say is don't take a price at face value use a deal site to look for discounts coupon he have deals in all of the categories for cashback offers and coupons to sweeten that deal that retailers are already offering you. kat: is there a gift you should never give anyone? >> self-improvement unless they've asked i get pictures for teeth whitings and scales and -- shapeware things like that i just don't think that's an appropriate gift unless they're asking for a treadmill don't give them a treadmill if you think they should lose weight for example. >> i had a ex-boyfriend give me tidying up which -- i was like if you say i think i'm disgusting just say that. which, i mean, you know -- >> not a good feeling. >> it is not a good feeling so do you think that -- i saw a survey that said 97% of people plan to holiday shop who are 3% who don't shop? ming i don't know. >> where are the people they don't buy anything? how do they get away with that? >> take gifts they don't like and regift them later possibly. >> or maybe crafts at home. >> if you're handy on a budget make something by hand that's a lovely gift to receive as well. >> how far are you done with your shopping? >> zero done this is my super bowl busy every single day so i literally haven't started and i haven't thought about it and i shop for a living so rest assured if you're not there and vice president started that's okay. >> that made me feel a lot better and made a lot of people feel a lot better. all right any final words of advice? >> take your time make sure to have your list like i said -- look for deals, try to save a little bit more. and try not to bring debt into next year we hit one trillion dollars in credit card debt in the country so i would recommend if you're carrying a lot of credit card debt do debit or cash for holiday shopping so not a rough start. >> don't go into debt and ruin next year. >> thank you so much. christmas is right around corner so i thought it would be the perfect time to learn how to cut down a christmas tree. see how many fingers i lost next. ♪ ♪ i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works. ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. >> welcome back to fox news saturday night. now, just because it is the holiday season, doesn't mean that i can let up on trying new things. last time i hosted show i sort of learned how to dance like a kpop superstar will impress my corkers at next office party but this week i thought it was the perfect too imto lean into my lumber jack era by learning how to cut down the family christmas tree. watch. ♪ ♪ hey guys i'm at hidden pawn tree farm in new jersey and i'm going to cut do you a christmas tree at least i'll try. >> i'm excited because this is my first my brother was allergic to christmas trees so we had to have the fake one. >> there it is. ♪ ♪ it is not just about the tree it is about coming out it a real christmas tree farm and celebrating the old fashion traditions and roasting marshmallows not a lot of farms that exist anymore. >> this man told me i can pick out a saw myself. >> yep. >> have you ever told anyone they can't have a saw? >> people come with chain saws they bring their own chain saw -- >> like where are the trees? >> what the hell is that? >> a christmas tree. >> a christmas tree. >> chopped it down in the park. >> that goes back in the car by cutting real christmas tree you're supporting an american farminger an american industry. so by choosing the real option of a real christmas tree environmentally friendly you're supporting a farmer. nice shape. how full it is. it is perfect i think they're all perfect i grow them all so i love every tree that i grow so in my view all perfect and that's great thing about selling if a family is here and a little kid sees tree it can be bare on one side but if that's the true that kid picks out that's the one. >> i never thought that was a bad little tree. it is not bad at all really. maybe it just needs a little love. >> i'm confused how i use this to cut it. >> now what you have to do is hold with you know hand right and get down here. and right there -- i'll get it started for you just back and forth nice and easy. just like that. >> okay. >> oh, my gosh. >> you got it girl, hold it here now back and forth. >> leak that. see i told you i'm not good. okay why is this harder for me than it is for everyone. i can get it one way but not back the other way. [laughter] >> okay. hold on let me try. >> how about i get it started for you and cut it. first one he's ever seen that can't do this. i need to do some pushups. or one -- >> see you are a strong man. >> i'm a real man. a farmer. there we go. there you go your first real christmas tree. >> this is amazing look at this. smell that smells really good he made that seem like he was cutting butter. that was in a microwave -- maybe if we microwaved it would have been better. >> you did it. i want to be clear to everyone watching that i'm carrying this only for as long as it takes for us to get the shot. because it is kind of heavy. [laughter] >> you made it this far take it to the car and tie it on the roof. we'll sending it right through here. i don't to send yous through with it. >> there we go. >> cut that off. i look legitimate actually like i feel like i do. i feel like i do. that's because you have legit just another day at christmas tree farm. >> you've done enough, kat. and then tie a couple of strings on it and on your way home. merry christmas. >> merry christmas everyone. this is great. thank you to christian at hidden pawn tree farm now i have to figure out how to decorate it thank you for watching fox news saturday night set your dvr 10 p.m. eastern every saturday here on fox news and don't forget to follow social media at fn saturday night and come check me out live for the last two shows of my can't joke about that tour in norfolk, virginia enjoy the rest of the thanksgiving weekend i'm kat and good night from new york city. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

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