Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702

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>> happy thanksgiving. welcome to a new hour of "fox news live." i'm molly line. >> i'm kevin corke. pro-palestinian protesters rally against what they call one of the most horrific genocides being carried out in our time in gaza. [chanting]. alexis mcadams is live with more. >> i've been covering these protesters quite a few weeks. today we got to cover the thanksgiving day parade. these protesters poured red paint on the ground trying to symbolize the blood that they say has been bleeding out there in gaza for innocent people and blocking the parade route. it just wrapped up a short time ago. went on quite a few hours. let's take a look at what it looked like. started around the parade route. it continued on across the city there. the group says they're going to continue to march and won't stop until there's a cease fire here. hundreds of people showing support for the palestinian people demanding the united states stop supporting what they believe is a genocide. investigators here at the nypd did step in to clear the route. this is what the mayor had to say. >> we're going to continue to be in full force and we're going to continue to monitor all of the chatter that is taking place to assure that people can enjoy the holidays. we'll do our job, your job is to have as much fun as possible. >> there was lots of fun at the macy's thanksgiving day parade. no specific threats to the thanksgiving day parade here in new york city. but the israel-hamas war created with the feds call a heightened threat environment so they beefed up patrols to keep everybody say. >> are we seeing an increase of calls for violence? absolutely. they come from outside of the country and inside the country. there's no threats to the parade or new york at this time. the level of coordination between state and federal parters in is at an all-time high. >> the nypd deals with these large gatherings. for the protests, they've dealt with them every week for quite some time. they watch where they're going and they don't step in until they block traffic excessively. they need to make sure everything moves along. everything is under control right now. kevin? >> thanks, alex. i covered a lot of protests in 2020. you're doing yeoman's work out there. we want to bring in jamil, founder for the national security institute at george mason and also served as associate counsel to george w. bush. in his new op-ed, he's on the "wall street journal," the website there and says that we can't return to a pre-9-11 mindset or foreign surveillance. it's a provocative take. tell me why in a nutshell. >> well, kevin, one of the challenges here today, you have a bipartisan coalition of folks saying we need to limit u.s. surveillance and cut back on what we're doing to address foreign threats to the united states because they believe that there might be an impact on american's privacy. the real threat is a threat that foreign actors post to us and our allies abroad as well. it's credible that we maintain that capability to survey foreigners outside the united states and protect americans here in the united states as we go forward the next two years with a massive terrorist threat on the horizon, two wars going on and threats around the world including in the indopacific from china. >> this is a tight rope for americans to walk. the collection of information to keep the broader community safe has to be paramount. >> that's right, kevin. there's been challenges the fbi has faced. we need to address those head on and solve those problems. what you don't want to do is prevent the fbi from identifying the threats of the united states in the united states by saying you can't look at lawfully collected information. the question is, can they figure out if they're talking to people in the united states and what are they talking about. that's the most important time. that's the real challenge. that's where we need to make sure we don't hamper. reforms are needed. protect that area of collection. >> i'm glad you said reforms are needed. there's evidence to suggest that there's millions of americans that flat out don't trust the agencies based in part on information that we have now been able to uncover the last several years. frankly by virtue of the fact that some of the behaviors have been less than optimal. i'm being generous when i say that. >> no, kevin, you're right. there's been significant problems. we need to fix those problems. what you don't want to do is throw the baby out with the bath water, lose important collection particularly when a terrorist or foreign spy is talking to somebody in the united states. you don't want to lose the capability for that. you want stop the lies told to the fisa court. this was not about the collection we're talking about now, but lies told by a lawyer. you need to throw the back at those people that violate the law, do things unlawfully. at the same time, like collecting information against terrorists and spies overseas, you don't want to prevent us from finding out are they talking to an american or recruit somebody or victimize an american here in the united states. >> i respect the hard-working professionals and the folks that are actual patriots that want to protect this country and do the right thing. skepticism is warranted and i appreciate the fact that you point out that there has to be reform before once again you go down this pathway of saying look, we want to protected, give them the opportunity to protect us and doing their job. at the same time, when we have seen abuses of power, the number of abuses of power, it's going to be a hard sell for some. thanks. i appreciate your perspective. you bring things back home the right way and i know you care about this country deeply. thank you. we appreciate it. >> thanks. happy thanksgiving. >> same to you. molly? >> 13 women and children to be freed from hamas terrorists tomorrow morning. the israeli government spokesman is here after this. >> we'll talk to you tomorrow. >> any updates? >> i'm not prepared to give you an update until it done. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? 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>> molly: absolutely. thanks, jeff paul. we appreciate it. giving us insights there. now let's bring in israeli government spokesperson hyman. thanks for joining us on the cusp of a challenging day, a hopeful day. a lot of mothers and fathers and family members with their hearts in their throats. i want to get your insight. your level of confidence in to if we will actually see the beginning of a release and some of these people coming home. >> first molly, let me say hahappy thanksgiving. for us in israel, it's a bitter sweet thanksgiving. because it's sweet because we hope for those families that were told today that hopefully their children, maybe their wives will be released tomorrow. for them, it will be sweet. we look forward to seeing photos of toddlers and children and babies being hugged by their parents and grandparents today. it's buitter because there's still 200 stuck in underground dungeons being held with terrorists with machine guns. we know exactly who the enemy is, what they are and what they have done. so we're waiting with hope and prayer that those families are reunited tomorrow. again, we know who we're facing. >> i absolutely -- that's part of the challenge here, what's been so heart wrenching to see this unfold. we know the first groups are expected to include men and women among them, a little 3-year-old. here's how her aunt talked about this situation. >> we hope and believe she should be. she's a 3-year-old child. who should never be a hostage anywhere in the world. we only hope that she is. her birthday is friday. she's turning 4. she should not be spending her birthday in the dark in gaza. >> molly: we hope she and all of these hostages come home. we're thinking about your citizens, the israelis and all of these people to come home safely. this was described by a government official as very complex. when you're dealing with people you can't trust, you can't trust hamas. so how do you move forward as this continues to go on in these stages? are you concerned about that? >> so as you reported, the agreement is in stages. we'll have hopefully 13 of our hostages return tomorrow and around a dozen for four days and the ultimate number is 50. again, that leaves many, many behind. so we will be moving on. this is a temporary humanitarian pause. it's not a general cease fire. we will be moving ahead with our plan, the plan that we started from the beginning, which is to dismantle hamas, bring down the government in gaza and to free gaza from hamas and ultimately to bring home those 240 israeli hostages, every single one. no one will be left behind. >> molly: absolutely. qatari officials have been deeply involved in this. they said we're hoping by the fourth day to have an agreement to release more. and as well as an extended pause, which is part of the challenge here. so two things. are you concerned that any type of pause allows hamas to essentially harden their defenses, perhaps booby trap the gaza strip and make things for challenging for your soldiers? also what that could mean down the road, as you mentioned, for some hostages that will be left behind, fathers and brothers? >> we haven't forgotten what happened on october 7 when those terrorists stormed our borders, beheading babies, burning families alive, killing children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children. we haven't forgot who we're up against. we haven't forgot that they fight, perpetrate the double war crime of shooting at our citizens. it's a very complicated urban warfare and the deal itself is very complicated. i want you to understand that this war has affected every israeli. my friend's son is being held in gaza. every single israeli knows somebody who has been killed or is being held. and we pray for their return. we pray for their return very, very soon. we will plow ahead with our mission because we can't allow a terrorist regime like hamas to sit on our border and do what they've said that they were going to do, which is repeat october 7 again and again and again. so tomorrow will be a bitter sweet day. it is after all thanksgiving weekend. then after that pause, we'll move forward. obviously we got to this point because we were hitting hamas so hard. they desperately want a break. we'll see where it goes. the ball is very much in their hands. they know we want all of our people home. we'll do what we need to get our people home and then continue the mission. >> molly: a nerve racking day. thank you so much. we appreciate it, avi. thanks for joining us thanksgiving and wish you a good thanksgiving as well. >> thank you. happy thanksgiving. >> molly: happy thanksgiving. kevin? >> kevin: molly, the deepening divide among democrats. that as we continue here on "fox news live." the arrival of holiday season brings with it a kind of wonder. for the little ones, and for anyone who's young at heart. from gourmet goodies, to fully prepared meals, harry and david makes it easy to turn your gatherings into memories that last a lifetime. 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>> absolutely. listen, i think two things can be true. happened october 7th was vile. the president and most american as -- agree that hamas is terrorist organization. but killing like this is also wrong. when you see the president upside-down in his poll numbers with the base saying we disagree with us continuing to fund israel, this sophisticated army and military and they're killing indiscriminately, that is something that many voters -- we saw the poll numbers -- disagree with. we're calling for a cease fire. we believe the president has the ability to do it because he has way inside of that region of the world. >> kevin: doug, i want your response to that. they were talking about polling numbers. i want to share a couple here. the approval ratings as mentioned, frankly, this is not great news if you're the white house right now. in particular when it comes to the idea of whether or not the president is handling the business of america, when it comes to this war between israel and hamas. this is an nbc news survey. 56% say they disapprove of the way he's handling the israel-hamas war. for democrats, specifically as we drill down deeper in to the numbers, it is not good. 41% say they disapprove. 51% say they approve. doug, listen, if you're at 41% disapproval among democrats, you have a real problem. >> he's got a real problem on a lot of issues. i want to go back to what i just heard. a lot of things being thrown around putting limits on what israel does. i would love my cohort to say okay, show me the indiscriminate killing going on there. that's a powerful claim against the israel. hamas has been keeping people from leaving. they've done everything that they can to limit casualties. i take offense at indiscriminate calling. where is the same group of democrats when it comes to ukraine? i've not heard once the biden administration tell zelensky, be careful where you bomb, be careful where you go. make sure you're following the rules of war. it's only in this area here where the left has a problem with this. biden is in a real fix here. it's no way to solve this among the left. they want them out. hamas to continue to rule in the way they've been ruling in gaza. because there's no divide here among israel and hamas. this is a very bad position for the democratic party, especially the president. on that first stat that you showed when we first came on, 30% of americans approve of biden's foreign policy. i'd like to talk to 30% when you think of afghanistan, iran, ukraine and everything doing on in the world. something is not right here. >> kevin: crystal, i have 10, 15 seconds to reply. go ahead. >> i want to reply to some of the things he said. many members of the democratic party, over 30 members of the sitting congressional body has stated that they do not agree with the president's position, over 30 black clergy members have signed on for the president to call for a cease fire. many americans not only on the republican side by the democratic side have questioned the amount of aid going in to ukraine and the russia war. so people are speaking up on both sides saying that a cease fire needs to happen and that we don't want the president to continue supporting one side while other people on another side are being killed. so if you agree with that -- >> no, no, no. you talked about israel making indiscriminate killing in gaza. >> they're bombing a hospital. >> that indiscriminate killing as everything has done everything that they can, that's just wrong. we can have disagreements on settlement but when you talk about indiscriminate killing, that's not right. >> kevin: i'm certain if i had 30 minutes, you could keep going. i'm out of time. i'm so sorry, crystal. i'm up against a break. we'll have you back. thanks so much. molly, over to you. >> molly: oh, my goodness. on this thanksgiving day, the majority of democrats say that president biden's economy is in bad shape. we have another panel that will break that down next. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? 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>> i'm not prepared to give you an update until it is done. >> keeping my fingers crossed. >> president biden and the first lady were delivering pies to the local firehouse here in nantucket earlier. some of the firefighters had to respond to a false alarm at biden's $34 million home where he's staying this week. the secret service said it was a false alarm. there's been a hunter biden sighting on nantucket courtesy of biden's granddaughter. here's the president and his family doing the annual polar bear plunge. the biggest shock for is president is not the water temps, but the polls showing him lose to donald trump right now the new nbc poll. partly because of the state of the economy. the president insists it's improving. the price of gas has been lowered by $1.70 recently. let's go back to the day biden was sworn in to office. gas was $2.39 back then. it's up 37% from that day. now, earlier president biden spoke to members of the u.s. military, all five branches including space force. there was one notable absence. the president did not call the crew of the u.s.s. gerald ford. it's in the mediterranean. the strike group should have been home for thanksgiving back in norfolk. >> kevin: thanks, lucas. by the way, if you'll allow me, wonderful job in your reporting over there in israel. stay safe when you're back over there. we want to welcome in stephen moore, former trump economic adviser and co-founder of the committee to unleash prosperity and chief economist at freedom works and doug is also here. steven, first to you. look, we all know the old adage, it's the economy, stupid. i think the white house can at least point to some progress over the last several months, gas prices are on the decrease. i think if food prices will ever begin to come back down and recede a bit and just maybe if interest rates can maybe take a break from the constant rising by the fed, they can point to some victories here, no? >> yeah, look, there's no question the economy is better than a year ago when we had 9.2% inflation. we brought that inflation down to about 4%. that is still way higher than the american people want it to be or the federal reserve wants it to be. i think there's three things that i think are really worrying americans right now. one is that prices are about 20% higher today than when trump left office. that's a big deal for family finances. number 2, look at the credit card debt, kevin, of americans. to maintain their living standards, americans are having to go more in debt. we're at a trillion dollars on that number. number 3, people are aware of what is happening with the craziness spending going on in washington creating the $2 trillion deficits every year. doesn't matter if you're republican or democrat. you know that is wrong. it's immoral and it has to stop. >> kevin: you make so many great points. i want to build off of a couple things that stephen said there. we're talking about interest rates up, crime up, food prices are up, gas is up, rented is too damn high to quote jimmy mcmillan. if i'm a gop pollster, i'm feeling good about our chances. >> yeah, you know, the real people are dealing with these prices, even though inflation is not as high. it's baked in to public perception. i have a feeling around the thanksgiving table today while people are probably trying to avoid talking about politics, they're talking about how it cost more than it used to and people are feeling that. we actually asked this to stephen's point, we asked people, do you think the increasing federal debt has an impact on your pocketbook. 76% of people said yes, they believe there's an increase in interest rates, increase in monthly bills on interest rates and whatnot. >> kevin: stephen, i know here in washington, we talk about this in this sort of bubble. well, it's a policy discussion and i understand that's what we all do for a living. when you get down to brass tacks, real families are really hurting out there right now. sometimes i feel like people just aren't hearing them. they may be trying to listen. i'm not so sure that the white house messaging is reaching its intended audience here. >> there's no question about it. you made the key point. washington is a bubble. it is a swamp. i live in the swamp. i know it. when everybody says gee, why are people so unhappy? get out of washington and go to iowa, go to north dakota. why don't you go to pennsylvania and see what is really happening on the street? you know, my first time i ever got involved in politics or paid attention to politics is in 1980 when ronald reagan debated jimmy carter, that famous debate. you made me remember this. reagan looked in the camera and said, are you better an than you were four years ago. now people are saying no, i'm not better off. if we get that biden-trump rematch, i think donald trump will say the same thing. >> kevin: so glad you mentioned that. not making me feel too old for knowing that. dustin, stephen's point is worth building on if you consider most people really are just trying to make it. a lot of people here, they may have lots of cash. listen, i know a lot of folks -- i was telling our floor director earlier, my barber shop, they're paycheck to paycheck. when gas is so much higher and food is higher, the mood really takes a dark turn. >> yeah, absolutely. the fox news poll, 3/4s of the people said the economy is bad. it means that 2/3s say that it's not going to get any better. that gives you a sense for where things are going to be in a year from now. people don't expect it to be better. a lot of price increases are baked in to their daily lives. they're being reminded at the gas pump and the grocery store the economy is bad. 52.6% disapprove of the president's overall job performance. that tracks his 53.5% disapproval of his handling of the economy. it is what is driving people's thoughts about him. >> the white house has to work on the messaging. they have a couple of things that they may try to build on. it's certainly not easy. in the time i have left, i know you're going to say i don't do that for a listing. i want to ask anyway. stephen, first to you. is joe biden at the top of the ticket on election day a year from now? >> no, i don't think he will be. i think you're looking at one of these democratic governors. it's hard to imagine joe biden serving four more years. i just want to say in a positive thing, this is thanksgiving. this is a great country. we'll get through this and we're going to prevail and we'll be great again. >> kevin: very well-side. dustin to you. biden at the top of the ticket in 2024? >> i'll tell you what democrats have told us. democrats don't think he will be on the top of the ticket. >> molly: a lot of chatter here in d.c. about that. it will be interesting to see how things work between now and the convention and beyond. happy thanksgiving. thanks for spending time with us today. we appreciate your time. over to you, molly. >> happy thanksgiving. thank you. >> molly: all right. speaking of your money, we're about to get a preview of the biggest black friday bargains with retail expert aaron sykes next. 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>> i think the individuals that are being hit so hard by inflation these days are the ones that can't afford it, right? so it is also keeping up the joness mentality where you go in and you've got to buy all of the hot toys this year and the bluey around the next gen stuff. you want to satisfy your children. you want to make it a special, momentum time of the year. when the budgets are already stretched so thin and we're carrying the highest consumer debt in history over a trillion dollars, we're paying 22% on that debt, so it is a very challenging time, which is a ton of mixed feelings really as we go into this holiday season. >> molly: how is the best way to stretch if you're trying to stretch that budget? >> what is interesting these days, you have options that are off brand, but recognizable merchandise. these are not market movers. it's brands like honey love. these are great discount brands. they don't have the overhead. they're online only. you can go in and you can get a cashmere pajama set for $100 versus even, you know, the local bloomingdale's brands that are charging 300 or $400 for that same pajama set. that said what they do is they make it feel like you're not purchasing an off brand retail item. so i think that we're going to see a lot of people trade down and default to brands like that. >> molly: thank you so much, erin. thanks for giving us time. happy thanksgiving. have a wonderful rest of your evening and get some pie or something. >> of course. >> molly: thank you. on this thanksgiving day, we want to go back to miami, the nonprofit making sure that those without a home or table are able to sit down tonight and they won't go hungry. dana marie has our report. take it away. >> thank you, molly. happy thanksgiving as well. i can tell you here it was a much different scene earlier this morning. this street was filled with hundreds of people eating at picnic benches and tables for that thanksgiving feast. preparations started two weeks ago. chefs made over 250 turkeys. volunteers got here at 5:00 a.m. to serve 3,000 meals. from pie to stuffing, no one walked away hungry. chef brian pollack cam here with a alcohol addition. now he serves those that need him. >> food is warm to the heart and soul. what we try to do here is not just about feeding people. it gives us a chance to get to administer to them and let them know there's a better way of living. >> now, the holiday kindness didn't end with the delicious meal. organizers handed out clothes and hygiene products. people got health screenings from local doctors and received hair cuts and a shower. >> those that are the least and the last of the community, the forgotten ones that are not together with family right now, that they have a place where they can sit down a little while, have a thanksgiving meal with all of the trimmings. >> and the generosity continues. they have to-go meals wrapped up for those that couldn't come. >> molly: thanks so much. there was just so much inspiration shoved in to that one story. what a gift. thank you so much for putting it together for us. thanks for working thanksgiving as well. happy thanksgiving. kevin? >> kevin: all right. take a look at this. some ring-tailed leapers in illinois getting their own thanksgiving feast. popcorn and pies and cups that look like charlie brown's shirt. the show debuted 50 years ago in 1973. if you know that, you have aarp. just kidding. >> molly: honestly, that looks delicious. i can do with that meal. >> kevin: great to be with you, my friend. >> molly: thanks for joining us. molly line, kevin corke. happy thanksgiving to everybody out there. 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Pennsylvania , The Street , Go To North Dakota , Washington And Go To Iowa , Attention , Debate , Camera , Ronald Reagan , Jimmy Carter , 1980 , Rematch , Dustin , Building , Cash , Barber Shop , Floor Director , Mood , Paycheck , 3 4 , Better , Sense , Lives , Price Increases , 2 3 , 52 6 , Disapprove , Job Performance , Grocery , Gas Pump , 53 5 , 52 6 , Thoughts , Ticket , Top , Governors , Joe Biden , Listing , 2024 , Black Friday , Money , Convention , Beyond , Preview , Aaron Sykes , Retail Expert , Eyes , Thyroid Eye Disease , Vo , Curse , Dogs , Feeding Food , Good , Real Food , Stilltreatted Com , Meal , Life , Eating , Living Being , Hearing Aids , Laughs , Time , Hair , Nobody , Brand Leader , Reason , 75 , Sale , Dinosaur , Build , Colorado , Godaddy , Order , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Partner , At Godaddy Com , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Settings , Firmness , Comfort , Sleep Temperature , Both , Beds , Sleep , Bed , Shop , Night After , Ends Cyber Monday , Little , Nest 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