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♪ ♪ ♪ hello america i am mark levin. this is life, liberty and levin. iran is the israeli strategic affairs minister and war cabinet member a very close confidant to prime minister benjamin netanyahu welcome mr. ambassador for a quick trick to be with you. it seems to me here in the united states the better the idf is doing the more israel and the idf run criticism from the media. the better the idf is doing, the more people around the world's routing and the better the idea for doing the more, do not want to break -- dragged into politics let's just say the more hostility there seems to bigness israel's i do not leave the impression the american people feel this way, absolutely not for the american people want to kick butt and hit as hard as you can and as fast as you can. to get that impression israel? or could s consider from the beg of the war everyone stands we are a victim. late it's a very good conversation which over the brutal enemy that not only attacked us in the most horrific way on october 7 given the size of our country it was equivalent of 20911's kidnapped 240 hostages in the wake of the brutal attack as we go in go into actually when i consistent brutal enemy that's a liberty targeting us in using own people as human shields as you know they have an entire terror tunnel network underneath gaza it makes it very hard to prosecute the war. in their plan as you know is they want us to go in and they are keeping siblings as human shields they are hoping when israel unintentionally targets this not target civilians but unintentionally harms those civilians those civilians are killed the whole world would turn against israel because that is what has happened before instead of blaming the civilian casualties on hamas they could call for cease-fire they call for us to end this war against hamas we are not going to end the war against hamas for not going to agree to a cease-fire just like you would not agree to a cease-fire that month after the bombing of pearl harbor or japan or pearl harbor. to prosecute this war until hamas is eliminated. this around that we had and gaza as you note many rounds over the last decade or so. this round is going to be the last round we are going to eliminate military capabilities we are going to end their political rule of gaza we are going to ensure that gaza never poses a threat to the people of israel. the country is united behind that mission i and a very powerl way. whether there's people in the united states or europe or elsewhere the doesn't want israel to win, too bad israel is going to win we are going to finish off hamas and in doing so it is not just going to be a victory for israel. it's going to be a victory for all the forces of peace in a moderation in our region. as you know hamas as part of and access of tear that begins in tehran. they control hezbollah and lebanon they have militia in iraq that are attacking you. they have attacked us and have attacked saudi arabia and have hamas and islamic jihad in gaza they have tear militia all over the world. they want israel to lose. on the other side there's israel, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates they are all of america's allies in the region and it is very important for us to win. we'll meet when the forces of peace and progress win. at if we lose, which we are not what they want us to lose if we lose that axis of tears going to grow is going to be a threat not just to israel to threat to the moderate arab countries in the region as a threat to europe ultimately a threat to the united states the axis of tear belief begins in tehran. remember those people in tehran refer to israel as the small. they referred to the united states is the great state their leading chant is death to america death to israel. and winning this war in israel we are protecting america and we are protecting all of the forces of civilization around the world. i know people who are on our side there are many, many as you say throughout the united states and throughout the world pulling for us to win we appreciate the solidarity and the support we are going to win and win for us and all tin all the world. >> mr. ambassador i am a little perplexed to. even before you folks are done there are countries like ours, like mine just decided how a post- gosspost gossip territorio look. a two state solution. i imagine this annoys you a little bit. i voice it that way but those are israelis who are losing their lives. their blood is being poured in gaza. it seems to me israel should have some say on what happened since israel took that territory after they were attacked by egypt and gave it to the palestinians. so the two part question here, number one do people understand do terrorists really are interested in managing estate, a country? what hamas wants what iran wants what hezbollah wants is a caliphate. that's why they are in all these other countries that is why they are trying to topple the so-called moderate arab countries. they want you to defeat and take on iran. said they do not lose as you werarejust saying their own cous that is number one. and number two what is this idea the international community are one country and another except for israel gets to decide the fate of the gaza territory. >> we are not in a war thousands of miles away for you to be in afghanistan or iraq or somewhere. it's hundreds of yards away from israel it is right across the border. on so obviously we are going to have to make sure we don't have a force to emerge in gaza after we finish the war they could possibly threaten israel. because we cannot have what happen october 7 happen again. we are going to be involved in this throughout. the prim prime minister sit isrl for a long time is going to have to retain overwriting security responsibility a lot of people got upset about that. what he is saying is the most obvious thing in the world. we have to be able to ensure a terror organization does not reemerge in this post hamas and gaza were going to rid of hamas and get rid of islamic jihad. this is a two-year snuff warriors from now, 20 years from now we are not going to have a new terror organization emerge there and who's going to stop it? who's going to buy for the terrace and kill them? you see what is happening your viewers may know about the day of similar and the west bank pretty a palestinian authority there they are not stopping terrorism there israel has to go in on the ground for israeli troops have to go into cities like jeanine to make sure we are rooting out terrace and they are there is no question israel is going to have to retain overwriting security responsibility for this is foreseeable future as for what we will see in gaza? that is it interesting conversation will have to have that with our partners in the united states the arab partners in the region and around the world. it is a lot of different opinions about that but i will tell you what we are not going to have. we are not going to have hamas are going to have to have gossip. here's another point gaza has to be read d radicalized. we cannot allow any force there that's going to educate the next generation of palestinians to hate israel. to hate jews, to hate america by the way as well we cannot allow it to happen. cap look into the schools. we look into the mosque you make sure you don't have a media and a cultural environment that's poisoned the next generation. the best historical example i can give you for that is what happened in world war ii the united states had a decisive military victory over germany and japan and they put in place different regimes there and ensured the next generation of germans and japanese would not be poisoned against the united states and today germany and japan are two great allies of the united states. but we have to have is a real change in gaza. a realtor future for the people who live in gaza for the palestinians who live in gaza a future that can put us on some path ultimately reaching a peaceful settlement of our conflict that has not happened in the last 30 years. it hasn't unfortunately great hopes of the oslo process is going to happen for theirs hopes israel withdrew from the territory which we did 17 years ago withdrew all of our troops from there. somehow peace would emerge it's not going to emerge. after october 7 israel is not going to roll the dice with the security of its citizens we are going to have to ensure that in gaza there's going to be whatever the structure will be that we will be decided after the war. we are going to have to make sure there's not a force there that's a building and building and building up to ultimately attack israel. and i will tell you something, the market. this a lot of people are not hopeful. we were living under this illusion that somehow this would all work out. if you keep talking about a two state solution's o something god will happen. with the with a real problem of what young the palestinians are learning. what they are teaching in their schools. you're from this capitol to that capitol backcapitol it doesn't . look at what a young palestinian is learning in school. look at a young palestinians sitting on screens that will decide a next generati next-geny put a lot of in this process and israel has to defeat completely eliminate from gaza and build something else. and building something else we have hope of a different future for israel, for our security but also from palestinians and all of our partners in the region. you know the abraham accords were done just a few years ago, it brought real hope to the region. if we have a decisive military victory in gaza, i think the next step will be to hopefully expand peace between israel and the arab neighbors for i think that is possible but it will definitely not happen without a victory in gaza. a victory and gaza against hamas will be a bloke that axes of terror led by iran. it will be like the iranian octopus losing an arm. the second would be a peace between israel and saudi arabia. it's difficult to see that but it's a clear path toward that future and it begins by defeating hamas in gaza. jon: you said many important things one your talk about the culture. if you lose the culture you lose the country. and if you can change the culture you can save society. we have a cultural issue and our own country as you no doubt have seen from israel was going on in our universities with going on in our streets was going on in our media it's quite disgusting. not the people but the ruling class elites, the mouthpieces for the elites, they embrace this cultural route that's happening in the united states it's very important what you said about changing the culture because you cannot change the politics you cannot change the government if you don't change the culture that's important. when we come back mr. ambassador, my question for you is this, would it not help israel, the region the reduction of terrorism funds that are still flowing into iran were not? with a billions and billions and billions of dollars coming into iran. what do you think of that when we return. we will be right you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? it's true. plus when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. mark: welcome back america. we were the former israeli ambassador to the united states is really strategic affairs admitted, confidant of the prime minister. he will always be mr. ambassador to me. mr. ambassador that money flown into iran and from my run iran g into terrorist operations and so forth, shouldn't more be done by the united states, by europe, from other countries to stop the flow of money pouring into iran as a result of the exports? that was the case if you years ago now they are flush with cash. >> absolutely nothing good will come from giving money to iran. just to your viewers know iran is responsible for 93% they are responsible for around one 100% of has below budget. they are responsible arming and financing them. they are responsible for the militia who are attacking the ignited states in the it that'ss in the region. iran is the head of the snake. iran is the problem in the region and giving them money for any reason does not help. what should happen is the toughest sanctions should be put on iran. they should be enforced there are tough sanctions on iran. but also united nations security council sanctions should be snapped back. just a few weeks ago one of the security council sanctions humor that nuclear deal that was done a few years ago. in that deal all of the security council began to sunset after five years there were no arms restrictions on iran. and after eight years it was missile restrictions who do you think is lobbing the missiles at israel right now we have 10,000 rockets fired at us where the missiles coming question what they are coming from ir from iry the way is providing russia with the drones at missiles they are using against ukraine that is iran. martha not snapping back the sanctions in the security council? the united states thankfully withdrew from the deal if you would years ago but they are still in the deal why are they still the deal? why not stop back security sanctions why not pressure iran question mccoy not enforce the oil sanctions and you should know in your viewers should know around 90% of the oil is going to china. there is no secondary sanctions being put in place. right now iran is north of 2 million barrels a day they are exporting that is almost where they were before president trump decided to withdraw from the nuclear deal with iran. so the sanctions are not being enforced i implore the biden administration to enforce the sanctions on iran. you squeeze iran because all the money that goes to iran is not going to a g.i. bill for returning members of the revolutionary guard it is going to fund iran's war machine. and iraq, in syria, and lebanon and gaza in yemen everywhere else it iran is your enemy did the enemy of israel but the enemy of america that nothing good will go from giving money to iran i hope the united states will come together as it should at enforcing the toughest sanctions and putting a credible military threat on iran to ensure they didn't have any ideas about breaking ahead and trying to get a nuclear weapon because the nuclear weapons program keeps advancing keeps advancing they have to face a credit credible military threat they have to have crippling thank sanctions the third thing because people have forgotten it. a year ago for having this conversation there were protests throughout iran. the iranian people hate their regime. they should be given the support of the world right now. those iranian people are key to a better future for iran and the united states and israel. there is no reason why iran cannot be a partner of the united states but this is an enemy. credible military threat support the people of iran. do not forget about them they are the key to having a better future for the region picot exit problem is i'm not seeing any of the sensing the opposite of this. and so on your point about nukes, what happens if they get a nuke? what happens in the middle east then what happens to any leverage what happens to the united states? i do not see any relentless effort to stop iran from getting nukes other than some diplomatic behind the scenes other than that nothing do you see something? was i deafly do not see enough outside october 7 was a wake-up call for israel. as you know the prime minister netanyahu made it very clear for many, many years israel's going to do it ever it has to just stop iran from developing nuclear weapons. that commitment still holds but now the people of israel understand the dangers we face on our border hamas is on our southern border and as you said on the southern border and got another on our northern border. i think the people of israel understand the danger of a nuclear to have these types of terror proxies that are threatening your population. hundreds of yards away to have these by iranian nuclear umbrella. will be a catastrophe a catastrophe for israel. a catastrophe for the middle east and a catastrophe for the world which is what israel is going to do whatever it has to do to prevent iran from developing nuclear weapons. but the key to a strategy that will work at stopping them from achieving their goal it works every day the important thing is to have the three legged policy that i talked about a credible military nuclear breakout crippling sanctions for the economic squeeze on iran and a real diplomatic effort not to speak to the leaders of iran to speak to the people of iran the dissidents of iran that is a policy that will work it worked with the soviet union and it will work with iran. thirty-six mark: and we come ban casualties i'm not talking about gaza i am talk about the rest of the arab world. that is the slaughter that goes day in and day out and iran in syria, and iraq, in yemen and all of these countries that really do practice islam a islac phobia one against the other. don't you find it a little ironic that here you are trying to defend yourselves in the most humane way possible like no army on the face of the earth with all these restrictions and obstacles and yet all of your neighbors who complained about civilian casualties are busy slaughtering their own people. we will be right back. okay, i'm on my way. uh. ugh! out of ink? 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>> i like how you say the little audit. you would be a good diplomat. it is shameful but you have seen the hypocrisy of the middle ea east. probably the only places more critical than the middle east is the united nations. people cast israel and excoriate us when we take action note country we are aware of in the world is taken the action we have taken to keep the civilian population of our enemy out of harm's way. as born and raised in the united states as you know. as you can hear from my accent. and aunt israel i always asked myself have been born and raised in nine states and growing up there and really loving america thinking america is a good and decent country not a perfect country we are all imperfect. it is great superpowers go the best country in the history of the world and how it is treated. also its enemies in times of war others did not do that if you know anything about history. but when i think about what israel does i ask myself the ww a d question what would america do face with this threat? here's the question i'm going to ask. i'll put it in american terms so you understand what happened on october 7 and the war are currently eight but waging right now imagine that you have 58 -- 60000 americans killed on a single day the equivalent of 2 29 -- >> 911c50000 taken over your southern border and then you're going to go and wage war. with the entire world is going to talk to you about is how much humanitarian assistance is going to the people who live in those areas and make sure you're doing everything to keep the innocent civilians out of harm's way. what do you think america would do if it was facing the threat that we were facing? not thousands of miles away caves but literally on your southern border and let me add something else for you as well. you have half of your population rushing to bomb shelters because they are firing rockets onto every single day. what do you think the american government would do? israel should be judged by not some standard of perfection any other country operate that we are operating by the idf is most moral army in the world would see the links to keep the civilians out of harm's way on their fighting a war on the home front. not thousands of miles away and that is the difference. and for all of those people who criticize israel, israel should win i said this once years ago with the war on gaza or idf should win a nobel prize for peace for how we fight wars no other country would be doing what we are doing. we are going to stick to our own values and pushback against anybody that would say israel's acting in an immoral way only one trying to keep the civilians out of harm's way is israel and hamas is doing everything to keep it civilian population out of harm's way and the key to helping the palestinian civilians is to get rid of hamas to free gaza from hamas and that's if they can have a better future. who cares about them should be looking for israel to win. went quickly and win decisively. and you mentioned it let me just say a lot of the leaders in that region we speak to them and they may not say it publicly but they all say it win. just do it in three weeks without civilian casualties. if you can find that magic wand or i can waive it and all the sudden hamas and other terrorist organization will disappear without a single palestinian civilian casualty, i will take it in the minutes. that's not the war are waging it's unfortunate we have to do this but would you gu when you e going into berlin, when you guys were going to defeat japan, you understood the most important thing was to achieve that victory. that gave the chance of a better future parade that is where israel is now part that's the mission we are on we are going to have to complete that mission for our sake. for the sake of palestinians, for the sake of the whole region anthe sake of the world. because at the end of the date this is a battle as the prime minister said from day one between the forces of civilization and the forces of barbarism. if you are on the side of civilization you are standing with israel. mark: i can cite this audience, my radio audience the vast majority of americans on every survey that has been done since october 7 stance with israel and i hope that message gets back to the prime minister and the people of israel. mr. ambassador thank you very much be safe and god bless you and your family my friend. lex thank you. i want to thank the american people because the israeli people know that america stands with us and that is very heartening as we are waging this war appreciate thi the solidariy and the sympathy you have with israel and also we know america wants israel to win. mark: amen. we will be right back. i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. meet the portable blender we can barely keep in stock. blendjet 2 gives you ice-crushing, big blender power on-the-go. so you can blend up a mouthwatering smoothie, protein shake, or latte wherever you are! recharge quickly with any usb port. best of all, it even cleans itself! just blend water with a drop of soap. what are you waiting for? order yours now from before they sell out again! ♪ ♪ welcome back america. alex is associate director and research director of a camera committee for accuracy middle east reporting and analysis. they are doing a fantastic job i bookmark their site because they are monitoring what the media are doing and what they are reporting and providing that to we, the american people think it is important that we hear about this. alex, for the most part how are the american media doing? >> not well, not well. there are exceptions here and there but for the most part not will it all here is a telling example it is a window into the mind if you are willing to take that risk. he has been talking about palestinian casualties. many in the media are saying the hamas -controlled gaza ministry of health to make clear the numbers are not that reliable. found a way around that. she says, according to the palestinian ministry of health that's what she's going for casualty numbers but where did they get their numbers? they are not on the ground in gaza they are getting their number from the gaza hamas -controlled miniscontrolled minh she is laundering the casually statistics instead of saying these are hamas and numbers she is saying it comes the pa and ramallah trying to launder the numbers why would she do that? why would she go out of her way to make israel look as bad as possible make the palestinian side look as good as possible by covering up the fact these are very unreliable hamas numbers these are propaganda numbers coming out of hamas in gaza. she does this all of the time. this is one example of where she does her best to make israel to look as bad as possible make the palestinians look as good as possible. this unfortunately is typical of a lot of what goes on on cnn. not everything that every report but the majority of reports the vast majority of reports and she is a typical example of that. i can give you another example this is a window into the mind of these reporters to near times and middle east rasha tweeted the following on november 6, siege bombardment, striking bakeries targeting hospitals preventing aid. we see racing the military tacts before in syria. she is comparing israel to syr syria. which is incredible. now she has a history. when she was in college she wrote a letter to her college newspaper saying hamas and hezbollah are not terrorist organizations. she said this when she was on a scholarship from care the committee on american islamic relations which of course we talked about a lot is a hamas a front group and unindicted co-conspirators in the largest terrorism trial in her country's history that is how you get hired at the "new york times" or the los angeles times were her first job in the "new york times." having opinions like that in claiming hamas and hezbollah are not terrorist groups was not disqualified if you want to get a job at the "new york times," the los angeles times or amnesty international or human rights watch were all a huge part of the problem in this propaganda war against israel. mark: assert the "new york times" for a moment there's many scholars who have written very thorough books that are absently unchallenged for the "new york times" covered up the holocaust for the most part. the "new york times" put out an apology in 200 2001 which was a semi- apology but it's one or 50th year anniversary. it seems to me going to cover up the holocaust that rot is pretty deep at the "new york times." the "new york times" hired and then fired a man who was praising hitler who was a photographer for them in gaza they just hired this guy back the "new york times" put out anti-semitic cartoons, not one but two who has since apologized for them. what do you make of the "new york times"? the whole culture there seems to be really corrupted. >> it is. they have a serious jewish problem because the ownership the sulzberger family has a jewish history they are very uncomfortable with. this is been going back to the 1920s when they stuck up for some jewish interest and spoke out against anti- semitism and got slammed as being jews as being unreliable is only taking a jewish point of view on things and ever since then it really the "new york times" has tried to bend over backwards to show they are not a particularly jewish newspaper jewish ownership. the ownership is the problem here that has been truth through the generations the people that you mention to have written about it have covered this it is well known they have a real jewish problem there is no question about it. it was true with the riots in new york the anti- jewish that al sharpton helped trigger in new york they did not cover what was going on. they covered as fighting between jews and blacks in new york and that was not what was happening it was an anti- jewish and that "new york times" for days did not cover it as even came out and said they were calling in stories that's not always been published by the paper the paper was not published in the stores they were called in by the reporters. so there is no question they have a jewish problem and they have an israel problem there's no question about it. we see that in their coverage over and over again they lead juror narrows men the world. quickly come back alex i want to ask msnbc which to me is also a particularly grotesque so-called journalism operation the host they have there, the propaganda they push, it seems to be to me really filled with hate towards israel hate towards america quite frankly. we will be right back. mark: welcome back america we are with alex committee for accuracy and middle east reporting and analysis. msnbc seems to be particularly heinous when it comes to so-called reporter got israel. what do you make of it? what you are exactly right we have had lots of problems with them we point out a lot of issues with them where they get things just totally wrong. they are extremely anti- israel. that is one of the requirements i think to be a host or a reporter for msnbc is to be just extremely anti- israel and probably anti-jewish in a lot of ways to prove gerry reed is one example of that. it's hard to take her seriously she's kind of crazy. but the whole network is like that. there are so many of them over there they just repeat palestinian propaganda they get it straight from hamas and it goes on the air with no filtering, no checking no nothing. they are absolutely off-line a member one interaction with them there is a palestinian man who was running with a knife at israelis and was shot. msnbc kept claiming he was assassinated, he was murdered yet there was a picture and a video of the man holding a knife running. this is on msnbc one of the reporters making these claims the hostessing bu host is sayine knife. even the msnbc host looked at the picture inside but i see the knife the reporters going and n, no, no, no knife even some of the newspeople there cannot believe what the reporters are trying to get off on the air. that is a propaganda outfit. station is ripe for annick counting they need a revolution at that station to become a new station again they are not, they are not a news station. mark: you have posts on msnbc that have histories of saying the most important things that. one has given a primetime show on the weekend joint reed is given a five nights a week primetime show al sharpton is given a weekend show and there are others. what always amazes me is nobody resigns over this. you've got scarbrough, you have others there why don't they say i cannot work at a network like this? but they don't do that, do they question a quick you are right there is no accountability people probably should resign we have seen other news outlets of people residing over some things that are happening that they cannot abide by. you are right it should happen. but i guess the paycheck speaks louder after off your work on msnbc you resign resign were too work? what else is there? mark: is not much gas i would guess a breed apart radar is what i see. let me ask you this question what about the choice of guests on some of these networks? of the experts the washington times of the "new york post" used don't these experts and guest to push a party line or an ideology? what's absolutely we saw what in particular a suppose had military expert who was working for one of the human rights groups that turned out doing a lot of work on israel a lot of criticism saying this bomb is too big and this was dropped to close to civilians. turned out he has a real fetish for nazi memorabilia. they were very, very embarrassing interactions between him how cool it was i got this ss insignia i got this ss helmet how wonderful, how cool. we lost us right at the human rights group knows been quoted by the "new york times." these people are recycled. there is the photographer who was fired and brought back by the "new york times" as you mentioned a mousy mark once again been quoted as if he is a reliable source. happens over and over again there is no accountability. the same thing is true for the palestinians. one day say the most ridiculous things, it turned out to be not true in the newspapers agree this turned out to be not true three days later to have the same guy on they don't say why did you push that stuff that's not true a few days ago question what they don't do that they did again like time zero restart the clock and take seriously the chargers a person makes. it is unfortunate but there's a complete lack of accountability. the israeli spokesmen came on and said totally wrong that they ever had them on again they would be hammering him about it there's no question about the topthattopic works it is fantas. with reporting an analysis of te thank you and as a result of coming on the program you will surely come under attack but that is okay. you folks are doing a good job so thank you very much. succinctly we have a saying we don't get ulcers we give ulcers. 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