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368 the fight benjamin netanyahu once again refusing calls for a cease-fire as his troops pushed deeper into gaza american military base further attacks by iranian proxies for good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪ the biden administration is responding to the attacks with air strikeairstrikes targeting k facilities in syria. the administration insists the strikes are working to deter a wider conflict in the middle east. we have team coverage lucas tomlinson is live in wilmington, delaware president biden to spend the rest of veterans day weekends. he was met by hundreds of pro- palestinian protesters. but first jeff paul is live on the ground in southern israel. ask jon, the fighting is going a late into the night israeli forces continue to hit areas of northern gaza. a little while ago was on the floor's been shot up into the sky and a few moments after that you could hear the loud booms of the outgoing artillery as well as possible airstrikes. idf's focus on tightening that circle around gaza city parade they are targeting some of the main medical centers in that region. israel is adamant hamas is using these medical centers as strongholds for their operations for the ongoing bombardment is reportedly leading to power outages in hospitals causing patients to go untreated and more civilians to flee israel estimates 200,000 people have left northern gaza for the south over the past three days alone. it's a major concern for other regional leaders in saudi arabia hosted an emergency summit involving leaders from the palestinian authority, syria, iran, and qatar which are all calling for the end of israel's military operations. however israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that cannot happen until hamas is dealt with. >> if you want peace you have to destroy hamas. if you want security you have to destroy hamas. if you want to assure the future of israel, you have to destroy hamas. this is what israel is required to do and this is what israel will do. >> today marks the five weeks since more than 200 people were taken from their homes here in israel. and held hostage in gaza. thousands of people tonight got together in tel aviv hoping to bring their stories to life and hoping that will somehow bring them back home. >> some of israel's neighbors could certainly accept a refugees from gaza if they wanted to but there does not seem to be an awful lot of open doors to make that happen. >> wanted the main questions lingering out there from other world leaders is who else could come in and for the people who call gaza home there is a concern that if they do leave they will not have a home to come back to you. it is a storyline we are watching for you to see the leaders of those nations i just mentioned a short time ago all coming together those are headlines you need to be watching. jon: jeff paul in southern israel thank you. now fox news alert at u.s. european command confirms u.s. military aircraft crashed overnight in the eastern mediterranean sea. it happened during a training operation. authorities are investigating what caused the aircraft to go down. we will bring you any more details as we get them. president biden is observing veterans day in delaware today after replaying earlier at arlington national cemetery meantime attacks on american forces in the middle east ramp up as a pro- palestinian demonstrators gather outside the president's home. lucas tomlinson is live in wilmington, delaware with the latest. >> and jon, on this veterans day good time to remember the tens of thousands of american troops deployed to the middle east some 2502 iraq. some 900 to neighboring syria about 60 of those troops have been injured and recent rocket and drone attacks by eye rotting iranianbacked proxy forces. all have returned to duty we are told. president biden speak in arlington national cemetery today at the tomb of the unknown soldier reminding people to troops deployed in harm's way. >> suite must remember only 1%, 1% of our society today protects 99% of us. in 1%. we owe them, we owe you. >> president biden marking veterans day at arlington national cemetery link this wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier he appeared a bit confused after biden executing an about-face after initially walking back to join the official delegation he was s and directed by his army escort sgt first class spoke to the assembled crowd and the nation. they have been 48 attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east since october 17. six of the those attacks have taken place since winds at use of strike eagle to a warehouse storing weapons used by ironic and its proxy forces in eastern syria the pentagon said it held rockets and drone drones used to attack u.s. troops. jon, uss eisenhower is selling south of yemen into a location where the proxy forces shot down a 32 million-dollar american report drone earlier this week a ballistic missile was launched at israel and shot down the outer space. the first time in combat has taken place in space the arrow three similar to the u.s. anti- ballistic missile system and the super horns you see here aboard the flight deck of the eisenhower could be used to strike the missile sites and yemen possibly this weekend. north saudi arabia hosted a large arab summit in the middle eastern leaders demanding an end to the war in hamas accused israel of war crimes. many believe it saudi arabia warming relations with israel that sparked the october 7 massacre. today it appears the saudi and iran getting closer. iran's president visit saudi arabia for the first time in 11 years. the de facto ruler as the two countries restored diplomatic relations and march. president biden also hosts china can help mediate an end to the israeli hamas war in gaza. vice president and ship present invited me too sheeting paying in san francisco on wednesday. jon: it is not been lost on a lot of observers the iranian proxy forces are launching attacks on american personnel. america has responded by going after weapons warehouses and that kind of thing. >> that is right spreads the first step in the escalation ladder it is notable it has been six attacks at u.s. forces in the middle east since the pair of f-15 strike eagle's launch the airstrike in eastern syria as you mentioned destroying a warehouse but not personnel that sent me an option for the present to start killing iranian soldiers and iranian revolution to guard forces and its proxy forces if it wanted to step up the strikes certainly u.s. forces know where they live it. >> lucas tomlinson a navy veteran your self we thank you for your service and honor you on this veterans day as we do all veterans, thanks. for more on the latest developments in isr israel's wan hamas. retired joe frappuccino who served as the u.s. central command top spokesperson. it is very slow going for israel. it is generating a lot of criticism for that nation among the other nations of the world people are saying it's got to stop this thing but it does not appear they are anywhere close to achieving their goal of eliminating hamas and my right? which are absolutely right and i just want to say thank you for having me on for them to thank all of our veterans for their service and i know -- i wish all of our troops in harm's way a safe veterans day. i am not sure exactly how would fully eliminate hamas which is the goal of israel. if you think about since 2006 hamas has become ingrained in every aspect of life in gaza. the goal is to fully eliminate hamas. it is important to note that hamas is an arabic acronym that translates into islamic resistance movement. that is arm resistance to israel. with each one of these strikes, with each of these gruesome videos that are coming out with every civilian that's killed in gaza hamas gets exactly what it wants. this is an information war and information campaign as much as a military campaign and hamas has very plugged in. well developed information program but they can get videos out much faster. and so as you are eliminating hamas from the ground you are almost growing the resistance movements. jon: we saw them bring embedded journalists with them into israel the october 7 attacks, embedded journalists quote unquote who actually many of them were freelancing for major news outlets in this country ascnnand the "new york times." >> that is right. that is really what the idf it's part of what the idf is up against here. you mentioned it, it's been mentioned at the top the idf is resisting this pressure for a 72 hour cease-fire. and the position here is that hamas brokered, they broke the 2008 cease-fire that was established by egypt. they cannot allow a cease-fire. they cannot live with hamas on its border. one way to think about this it's odyssey a complex situation is that the state of israel is almost in some ways getting smaller. many israelis have moved out of the towns in the north because of hezbollah rockets. many are moving out of these towns that are near gaza. and so for israel they viewed this as an issue of statehood. as a second war for independence. i may be a final way of thinking about this is that one idf leader told me this is not about october 7. this is about ensuring october 7 never happens again. now if that is the case they have to be cognizant of this information and they have to have a plan for what comes next and hamas after gaza correction what comes next in gaza after hamas unfairly don't have a plan there. jon: the great criticism of israel has to do the number of civilian deaths first of all israel told civilians to leave northern gaza. hamas told them to stay. a great, great number of people who are dying we do not know what that number is we cannot accept hamas figures. those people were there because hamas told them to stay there but. >> the idf is allowing for our pauses shoot schrock in supplies and allow civilians to move south. so the idf is cognizant but the idf is resisting pressure to drive down that risk of civilian casualties by using smaller bombs and by allowing a 72 hour cease-fire. a lot of the complexity geopolitical complexity all around this issue i think it maandmaybe is not fully understd and hamas is really winning the information. jon: last question gazans essay the hospitals are coming under attack. israel said that is where hamas is hiding his underground bunkers and command centers and weapons storage depots right underneath the hospitals. will we ever get an answer to that question? >> i don't think that we ever will. hamas is first with the information and then once the information is out it almost does not matter. as we have seen with a couple of these strikes it almost does not matter the correction. the images, the videos coming out, obviously nobody wants to see that. nobody wants to see children injured. but those things in the long term i fear they are going to hurt israel's reputation and they are going to hurt israel in this war. jon: as you say it's an information war is much as anything on right now hamas appears to be winning. colonel joe thank you very much. reaction on the war against hamas for president donald trump held a rally in claremont, new hampshire earlier today. he delivered remarks on a range of topics including israel and ukraine. >> i kept israel safe. i kept ukraine's if you never would have gone and i did it through osmosis it was safe he was never going to go in. and i kept the whole world to save the attack on israel would never have happened would never have happened. again iran had no money they were broke. we would have left afghanistan with dignity and strength instead of our greatest embarrassment for. >> i will immediately restore and expand the trump travel ban on entry from terror countries which is a big thing. we had no terror during my administration f part i will implement strong and ideological screenings for all immigrants and if you hate america, if you want to abolish israel, if you sympathize with jihadists and people that hate our country because they are not getting in. then we will stop because you have to go for the other side. if you hate america i have to go for the other side. jon: as we noted several ceremonies held today to honor our veterans. more than 20000 people took part in new york city's annual veterans day parade it featured 25 floats more than 150 cars. 280 groups march along manhattan's fifth avenue saluting our nation's heroes, the veterans. also in the big apple the intrepid museum hosting a commemorative wreath laying ceremony on the hudson river. a call ♪ ♪ in the nation's capitol a similar scene in the navy memorial holding a wreath laying ceremony to honor the service and sacrifice of u.s. sailors. coming up on the fox report, pressure is mounting on israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu to impose a cease-fire in gaza. some say that pressure is coming from some of israel strongest allies. former state department senior advisor christian whiton is here to talk about it next. pped with. which means mr. harvey... could picture the perfect night. we're delivering more happy for the holidays. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) free of free palestine. free free palestine. free free palestine. jon: crowd police estimated some 300,000 took to the streets of london today to show support for palestinians. protesters march through central london and t towards the u.s. ey demanding a cease-fire in the gaza strip. >> there are children and we want the war to stop. cease-fire we want a cease-fire it is terrible what is going on. there's no justification there cannot be justification. >> there'sthere is also a larget of counter protesters pretensions got a bit heated with police arresting at least 82 people there. thousands of anti- israel protesters rallied across manhattan on friday night. the demonstrators part of a they fled manhattan for gaza protest that began at columbus circle on 59th street in manhattan and made its way to the entrance of grand central terminal the mob could be seen banging and kicking a locked door that led to the tethe terminal two tempoy suspend train service which serves roughly half a million people a day. he protest escalated israeli flags were burned and fake blood was smeared at the entrance of the "new york times" building. police confirmed multiple people were taken into custody. international support for israel remains divided across the world. mass of a pro- palestinian protest in new york city friday night and london today appear to reflect a generational divide working against israel. amid all the rallies around the world global support for israel appears to hang in the balance. former state department official joins us now. christian are you surprised israel is taking the brunt of the so much anti- israel sentiment right now? >> i am surprised at the scale of it and how much of it has been occurring domestically here in the united states. it generates a problem for both political parties vertically for the democrats though. if this keeps going there are separate echoes of 1968 were a large antiwar contingent essentially disrupted the democratic party and ironically elevated richard nixon to the president who is much more hawkish. we don't see certain signs of that yet. some of these pro- hamas if you can call them that are anti- israel protesters can make an electoral difference like michigan might have an impact. around the world it's a little bit surprising how quickly this happened so soon after october 7 in a massacre. it also says something about how long it has been since 911 when the full world felt the impact of gruesome terrorist murder it's essentially not as shocked as they should be by what hamas is done. >> is taken by the johnson of the british accent that on the street interview hamas started this on october 7 and israel is responding that boggles the mind people are blaming israel on our citizens were attacked and kidnapped and murdered. politically in britain the labour party which has been out of power for some time is almost certain to win the next general election. the internal coalition the predecessor of the labour party wasn'twas seen as anti- somatics pushed out its current leader is trying to clean up that image. at the constituency is rooting pretty hard against israel turning to what's on the ground for israel i think the government they are, there is a saying you bought the ticket, enjoyed the ride. they've already incurred the downside it's not just people in the street you have a political gathering and saudi arabia where the iranians are welcome by the saudi's that is a real shocker. but clearly israel is determined seems to beat making progress at. sometimes enough ethical war this sounds harsh to say the most ethical way to end a war with the least amount of casualties is to end it as rapidly as possible which is what israel seems to be doing except for some of the humanitarian pauses. >> what does a postwar gaza look like? >> of prime minister netanyahu ruled out today allowing the palestinian authority to run gaza. that creates an additional hurdle. that's one possibility the army it goes in, clears out the greatest amount possible and impose some authoritarian government so hamas does not spring back to life contrary to public opinion or contrary to popular opinion there's a lot of support among palestinians. putting the palestinian authority in charge runs part of the west bank about controlled somehow by israeli money or israeli forces. netanyahu has ruled that out his government also may fall on see combat is over he is going to receive a lot of blame for the october 7 attack in the first place. but really it is very unclear and with no support from anyone aside from the united states it's hard to see how there will be a durable lasting solution where you have essentially israeli control and the façade of palestinian control. you may have to have a new israeli government come up with a different formula. >> it is a vaccine and frightening situation in many respects. thank you. >> think you jon. >> more mayhem to tell you about in the u.s. southern border from a dangerous and deadly high-speed car chase to more approaching caravans of migrants heading to america from mexico. bill is there for it all. >> jon high profile human smuggling crash in texas this week killed eight people including two innocent americans the smuggling is not slowing down coming up after the break new texas dps videos shows with their troopers are dealing with everyday on the roads out here. ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ -missing punches? -unnecessary! -check reversals? -unnecessary! -time sheet corrections? -unnecessary! -unentered sick time? -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -when you can take this phone, you'll be ready. -make the unnecessary, unnecessary. let your employees do their own payroll. proudly made in tennessee, a safe step walk-in tub is the best in its class. the ultra-low easy step helps keep you safe from having 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app you can scan the qr code on your screen or go to foxne no end in sight as customs and border protection struggles to keep up with the surge of illegal migrants agents are also seizing an alarming number of illegal drugs like aa fentanyl at the southern border. bill melugin live at the border in texas with an update for us. ask which tip of the talk about illegal crossings we have to show video from here in texas and arizona. when you have a new video we were to show your viewers from their large groups of migrants are crossing illegally claimed to be operated by border patrol. fires burn areas california and the pico to wildfire season big at risrisk border patrol going d checking on them there come from all of the world including india, china will bring her to texas take a look at this. new video showing troopers chasing a human smuggler built the del rio area produce driving a stolen black tahoe because often the brush all the illegal immigrants in the cargo bailing out into the shrubs trying to escape texas dps border patrol pull up and they go after them they go into the brush they arrest everybody including that human smuggler. we will show you how these pursuits to first start. take a look at the second video from this texas dps helicopter also near del rio. a group of illegal immigrants heading in the brush off of a highway. then they have a human smuggler pull up in a car, they'll go rushing to the car and load up or they think they're going to get taken for a ride deeper into the united states. while they did not have texas dps a bird was watching the helicopter ready down to a trooper on the ground the trooper pulled the car over every single person inside of it was arrested that's it troopers out here deal with every day. go back to california massive fentanyl bus to show you. take a look at this the port of entry cbp officer stopped a car they found a spare tire in the smugglersmuggler's vehicle with5 pounds of fentanyl pills in them over 40 packages with the street value of more than $8 million but that is enough lethal doses to potentially kill millions of people. early next week house republicans are expected to vote on a privileged revolution to po potentially impeach dhs secretary mayorkas that was introduced by georgette representative who just had two of her constituents killed here in texas when they were crushed into by a human smuggler over on the other side of the state will send it back to you pickwick stunning nobody in washington seems to want to get a handle on the southern border. built pollution at that border thank you bill. after recent rise in special interest migrants from middle eastern countries caught at our border, some lawmakers are urging depart department of homd security to strengthen border security as the war and israel rages on for joining us now for the congresswoman and on this veterans day wheat note she met her husband while they were both serving in the united states air force so congresswoman happy veterans day as you see on our graphics thank you for joining us this evening. >> thanks for having me on. >> what is a solution. we heard horrific things from that report from bill melugin. millions of dollars worth of deadly fentanyl enough to kill millions of people. smuggled into this country were not catching them all progress you are absolutely right just this year alone over 2.8 million interactions with illegal migrants have happened that our southern border we have a zero tolerance stance on illegal. when the biggest proms are facing as lawmakers is that this administration is indeed already undermining the laws that are on the books we have to hold them accountable and i will be supporting that revolution to impeach mayorkas because frankly this guy's a part of that problem. doesn't seemed like anybody at the department upon security really cares about tightening up at the southern border. >> in fact this is a creation of their own making biden and harris were campaigning on open border policy on the soft on illegal immigration's were seeing effects of that it's not racist or xena phobic for bordr security we need to continue to share the message. jon: is not fair to the people who are applying for u.s. green cards the right way when going and so forth and waiting their turn. we've got millions of people walking across the border. >> in fact this illegal immigration is in fact lengthening there is indeed at national security threats in the middle east an increase in calling for violence it is a very real concern. >> you seen special interest aliens and places that do not like the united states. we have seen huge numbers of their people coming across the border and we haven't no idea what they are up to her what their intentions are. >> there we have countries at the communist chinese party or r sending people here as well. it is interesting to me as a member of congress as a minority woman i've been actively engagee in this conversation. it is interesting we see that leftist controlled media really stopped their parity is saying we are a racist and xena phobic because you now have biden filling small sections of the southern border we all know trump was right on this messaging and frankly the republican party these have zero tolerance on zero immigration is indeed hurting all americans. >> congresswoman republican of florida thank you. >> thank you. jon: sells a comely fox apart to florida sheriff's deputies in critical condition after authorities say a driver intentionally ran them down. details when the fox reportfa continues. and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. jon: former nfl quarterback dj hayden is one of six people killed in a car crash in houston earlier today. police a black chrysler ran a red light hit an accurate suv that h had the right of way. it is unclear which car hayden was in. hayden spent nine seasons a nfl first-round pick of the raiders after he nearly died following a collision at practice will playing at the university of houston he also played for the lions and jaguars. three of his former college teammates also killed in today's car crash. tj hayden was 33 years old. to florida sheriff's deputies are critically injured after police say a driver hit them with their car intentionally. the sheriff said the suspect has a history of getting violent with law enforcement. thdana marie is alive with that case. >> a bit of positive news tonight one of the deputies hit has been released from tampa general hospital but deputies say the man driving the car was intentionally out to kill law enforcement this was not his first attempts. the ambush caught on camera were not quite sure the moment of impact out of respect for those deputies. you can see in the video the driver deliberately mowing down this to deputies in the dived out of the way they responded to a call thursday my from a woman who said her son was in a mental health crisis. that man is identified 28-year-old ralph. deputies tried to speak with him but he left in his car. when he returned he ran them over. as he approached the other deputies he was tased and then arrested. deputy manwell santos will need multiple surgery on his leg moving forward. >> extremely happy is how i feel. there is nothing better than to see but live day out here i'm happy to be here. the chances of me being here pretty slim and none for a second but i made it out here. >> the other deputy is still in the hospital possibly needing an amputation. he has a lengthy criminal past including 18 mental health cases, five arrests and several felonies despite this record res show he was given probation rather than facing jail time in the past. he is being charged with three counts of attempted murder of a law-enforcement officer. >> what a sad case. thank you. helping the wounded veterans find their way back to healthy productive lives that's the aim of former president george w. bush annual warrior bike ride. dr. marc siegel joined the former commander-in-chief of the special veterans day event the doctor joined us next. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. 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he talks about how to get there. one that says i am in the light let me help you get into the lights. with such hopefulness of the first things you get on the bike you are talking mud, rain, cold, when you are on the bike you already start feeling better your blood is pumping, you feel better, people are helping each other out. you see someone go buy a double amputee on a bike that is out public knew with her arms. a new route to people on. from then he extends it out after words with hugging, with caring, and that is what he said to me that was most impressive. he said at the worldcom instead of yelling at each other would hug each other would be back on the right track i found that to be an incredible sentiment especially on back veterans day. >> especially with so much hatred going on in the world right now. doctor marc siegel got a presidential hug himself. doctor thank you regrets are i treasured it thank you jon. for more information former president bush campaign to help wounded veterans log onto bush dr. marc siegel thanks. oh dear, coming up an organ deer caught between iraq and a hard place catches a lucky break. that story next. we're delivering more happy for the holidays. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? 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[cheering] >> in ukraine, how do people commemorate the first anniversary of the liberation. under attack for the first time in 52 days. in warsaw, tens of thousands join nationalism march on poland's independence day. the rally martha chavez in recent years warsaw mayor says this event was peaceful. and kenya, the doomsday cult leader found guilty of illegally disturbing films. mckenzie has yet to be charged mass death incident associated with his preaching. in mexico city officials are tightly restricting water usage for 20 million people. the cuts follow months of severe drought. in paris, emanuel macron sounding the alarm on climate change. he says melting glaciers post unprecedented challenge for community. in buenos aires, taylor swift sank off political posters outside the singers first ever argentinian concert. the poster search fans to vote against a right-wing populist candidate in next week's presidential election. that's a look at stories from around the globe. police in oregon spring into action after homeowners alerted them to a deer in distress. video shows hindlegs wedged between the metal bars of a fence. carefully set it free and a burst of energy the deer found a way into the woods. officers protect and serve everyone in the community. an unusual hit and run nearly derail mint condition pickup truck in new jersey, a deer crash landed onto jane fonda pickup truck is a potential buyer pulled up. the startled deer quickly ran off leaving behind a sizable fire winter with the purchase anyway. bond reduced the price by $900, and expensive here. reminder corporation partnering with u.s. that will make camel kickoff campaign for the third consecutive year to help end veteran homelessness. log on to honor forward to shop or donate. scanned the qr code on your screen or go to the website. a great cause. go ahead and attacked fox the 11th of november, wednesday 2023 veteran a call. i am jon scott, thanks for watching with you tomorrow. big weekend show is next. ♪ ♪

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