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major developments, congress just passed a bill giving $14.3 billion in aid to israel but joe biden has already threatened to veto it because it doesn't money. plus, israeli prime minister netanyahu today says that nothing is gonna stop them from going into gaza and getting the job done and now gaza city is surrounded. we're seeing explosions erupt across the night sky, a live report from the ground later in the show. but, first, loving china but hating us that's the focus of tonight's angle. all right, the preparations for the date are underway so, what is he going to wear? how long will their conversations last? who is better at smalltalk? >> the president says is he looking forward to meeting -- to meeting with president xi and -- and so not going to get into details about this meeting that's going to happen this month, going to be in san francisco. it's going to be a constructive meeting. >> laura: constructive for whom? jp morgan? goldman sachs? i don't know, new york hedge fund? certainly not the american people. but one thing is certain. xi does not meet with foreign leaders unless he wants something that they are prepared to give him. and he wants those trump tariffs lifted. >> is the u.s. considering lowering tariffs or easing sanctions or making some gesture to make sure that meeting happens? >> this is intense competition. we want to move forward with china. we understand that. and intense competition means intense diplomacy. that's what you're gonna see. that's what the evidence is going to -- is going to be doing and having, you know, a tough conversation. >> laura: we're all getting played here. those tariffs, they are coming off. >> we take national security actions using economic tools. we do so in narrowly targeted ways and not choking off growth in china. >> laura: i knew it. for china's meaningless promises on climate change, biden is prepared to reward them by dropping tariffs that are necessary and that trump knew were necessary to offset all of china's rampant trade cheating. this is kind of like a bank teller handing a gun to a robber in the middle of a bank heist. it's completely insane. you're witnessing a spectacular sabotaging of america by our own president. by opening our southern border, destroying our energy independence, all the inflationary spending, and now surrendering more u.s. manufacturing to china. if they are not bought and paid for at the white house, they all sure acting like they're. all of them are making their pilgrimages to beijing with gavin newsom winning the prize for most on so obsequious. he was sucking up to the ccp, even promoting china's electric vehicle chips, which by the way, infuriated california manufacturing executives back honestly. now, many of you are sitting there wondering, what explains the democrats' love affair with china the answer boils down to this. the left hates america so much right now that it's going to side with any ideology hostile to us even if it bands free speech, commits genocide and wants essentially to women to stay in a subordinate position. and speaking to that, this week president xi told the women's congress that we should actively foster a new type of marriage and child bearing culture. adding that it was the role of party officials to influence young people's views on love and marriage, fertility and family. how deliciously ironic is that? liberals are supporting china and china is supporting the patriarchy. do you see how twisted up in knots liberals have gotten? now, while they brand republicans, by the way as anti-democratic, biden is sad ling up to the most democratic aregime in history. and that's the angle. our next guest has another theory to explain why democrats and especially liberals are so eager to compromise with the spot dick regime like china. could it be that many on the left actually prefer how the ccp rules fear and repression which is why they are undermining our system here at home. our next guest fled china during chao's revolution. same marxist forces that compelled the communist takeover of her homeland. joining us now is survivor move's cultural revolution and author of mao's america. what's your warning tonight to the united states? >> the warning is a war has been raged to america and that is the cultural revolution. a cultural revolution that i experienced in china that's destroyed china. and it is taking place right here in america. >> explain how the use of propaganda promoted by government organs and government officials works on the young minds, especially. >> yes, that's the indoctrination in school. i grew up in china, mao's china and i went through the government school indoctrination. we were taught the world is made of two kind of people. the oppressors and the oppressed. and by now americans are very familiar with this concept. they are oppressed. there are virtuous people and the oppressor are the evil ones. there is no thinking involved. all you need to do is decide who is who and if this is depressure, you need to recess it. you need to do anything necessary to eradicate it. that's what happened during the revolution when the red guard turned against the teachers, principals and teachers and parents, because they're condemned as the enemy oppressors. this is same thing that we see on the american streets right now. the pro-hamas protesters and we seem them on campus and we see the same thing. which is astonishing that now the people are targeting jewish students just because they are now categorized as the oppressors. same toxic ideology. >> laura: i'm sorry to interrupt. i also want to ask you about how the government, the regime, has to separate parents from their children and turn a child against parent, social credit system but also this idea of at that time ling on your neighbors and informing on your neighbors. i remember the soviet union, which i studied many years ago when it was still communist. and that was a big deal. you know, tell on your neighbor and you get something for it. we saw that during the blm riots when some of the kids were telling on their parents and they weren't anti-racist enough. >> that's exactly what the indoctrination do. and turn everything into something like ideology based. and if your parents say something during the cultural revolution against the party, you report your parents. some parents end up being executed. here we are doing the same thing and would encourage the government even encourages, biden even encourage people to report family members that have extreme views. and what is exstrategic view? that's determined by the government. what is acceptable, what is not. and when people have they are enemies, they are extremists. that's what we see. this toxic ideology foment hatred. >> laura: xi, the need to destroy religion and tradition and history that's all wrapped up in this with monuments, with books, with, you know, they are banning, you know, books in school such as huck finn and all these classic american books. but that has to go as well, correct, in this type of revolution. >> that is cultural revolution. you get rid of anything that is foundational. anything that is old and in china that's the chinese civilization to be replaced. and here the radical left is trying to get rid of the american funding, principles to replace with marxist ideology, simplified as dei. >> laura: xi, i could talk to you for hours and i'm sure i'm going to have you on the podcast. great to see you. thank you so much. now, to justify their big reproach mob with xi, biden and the gang say in addition to new pledges on climate change, that's laughable, china will also enter nuclear arms control talks with the united states. but, remember, xi never does anything that's not in china's interest. and tonight, according to the telegraph, the pentagon believing that the people's liberation army is developing a new type of icbm that is a heavy multi stage missile that leaves earth's atmosphere and travels around the world at huge velocities before reentering and descending toward its target at 20 times the speed of sound. by the way, that missile, that is so dangerous that america decided huh-uh, that's too dangerous to exist. we're joined tonight by congressman mark green, member of the house foreign affairs committee. congressman, great to see you. defense analyst say that this weapon would be most useful in an early stage bombardment where china decides to take taiwan. is biden being played in these talks that are coming up? >> absolutely, laura. thanks for having me on the show. we are talking about a guy who negotiated $6 billion deal for five folks to come home to a regime that had been planning an attack on israel for two years. their ability to negotiate anything is suspect the withdrawal from afghanistan, stair step sanctions. these guys shouldn't negotiate at a lemonade stand. and here they are going to go over and t take away the tariffs that were so effective and hurting the economy of china, which, when you think about it, that's really where national power comes from. the ability to buy tanks and ships, missiles, hypersonic missiles comes from the health of your economy. of course, theist he has done a good job to destroy our own, too. >> laura: janet yellen was out today kind of softening everyone up about this upcoming meeting. they have already done all the work. they have already made all the decisions. biden is going to roll in and formalities with xi in san francisco in november. here she was just explaining what our relationship now is like with china. watch. >> we have put forth a vision of the world grounded in values we share with these allies and partners and in which there is also a healthy and stable economic relationship between united states and china. >> and healthy economic relationship between china and the united states and we have a $375 billion trade deficit that will only grow once those tariffs are off. >> that's right. and $600 billion worth of theft and intellectual property. the schizophrenia and the way this administration deals with china is just laughable. i mean, you got the department of defense saying that they are the greatest national security threat to the united states and coming to congress begging for money. yet, you got these guys saying oh, we are all buddies now. meanwhile 24,000 chinese have come across our southern border and i chair the committee on homeland security. 24,000. 5,000 percent increase. i mean, these people are putting their t tentacles. data mining for our kids. the chinese communist party not our friend. >> laura: congressman, tiktok, we did this last night. that wars the angle last night. i will restate it for people who missed it. they have the most well-funded, most sophisticated lobbyists current lid operating on capitol hill they're all bought and paid for by china. bytedance is the parent company of tiktok. bytedance is chinese controlled. china is effectively pouring money into capitol hill so that republicans don't kick up too much of a fuss about tiktok. the fact that that's on our kids phones at all is a complete outrage and it's money that is corrupting the whole system up there on capitol hill and you might as well just give your phone to the chinese. if you are going to have a tiktok app., sorry. you have just given away all your personal information. congressman, it's great to see you as always. thank you. israel hats gaza city surrounded as it's preparing all-out assault. biden administration talking about a pause, a live report from the ground in moments (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> laura: israel is making advances in its war against hamas as we have seen massive explosions erupt all across the sky in gaza tonight. the israeli defense force is reporting that in the last few hours over 130 hamas terrorists have been thwarted. for more we go live to ashould israel where lucas tomlinson is standing by, lucas? >> laura, israel's top general says his forces have entered gaza city and now have the city surrounded and have managed to cut the palestinian see a number of flares overhead. israeli forces on the ground can better see the enemy. now, after a number of series of airstrikes, israeli forces continue moving in and out of the strip. three divisions converging from three different directions. one pushing from the east approaching the sea. israeli soldiers moving slowly, methodically, laura, clearing out not only homes and buildings as you can see here, in order to attack that spider web of tunnels under ground. they don't want hamas fires to pop up behind them as well. continue israeli air force now destroy 12,000 targets inside gaza. israeli pilots dropping bombs not just in gaza, west bank and syria, too. they have been busy in the air as well. for the first time in history, laura, israeli f-35 shot down a cruise missile earlier fired by yemen by iranian backed proxy fighters. traveling over 1,000 miles to reach israel. one of the reasons israeli navy surface to air missiles to better protect the jewish state southern flank. the system has been active shooting down another ballistic missile fired from yemen. iron dome, of course, is used to intercept short range targeted about gaza. patriot system. saw a number of israeli f-15s orbiting overhead no doubt waiting for targets to strike. laura? >> laura: lucas, thank you so much. stay safe, my friends. calls for a cease-fire have not stopped and as i explained last night, doing that would just give hamas the green light to continue raping, murdering and beheading innocent civilians now we wanted to know why there is so much support it seems on the streets for hamas and palestinians supporting hamas. we sent a produce tore a pro-palestine protest today. and here's what we found do you view hamas as freedom fighters? >> i do categorically because that's what they're. there is no way around it. they are not a terrorist organization. >> do you think hamas is freedom fighters. >> of course they are. >> all violent resistance justified? all resistance is justified. >> you cannot blame them for retall great lakes. hamas retaliation that's like 1% of israel has been doing. >> netanyahu killing me now. killing me now. killing me now. palestinian free no. israel. this is palestinian everything. everything is palestinian. >> laura: former deputy secretary of defense under president trump and richard goldberg a former director of countering iranian weapons of mass destruction at the nfc under trump. eldrich, it's a common refrain brerst what hamas did as barbaric and cruel and heartless and criminal that it is, war crimes it's justified. they are repeating the actual talking points of the top hamas leadership. >> yeah, i mean, i think that's obviously untrue. i mean, can you look at independent movements of the past, irish, et cetera, others who did not engage in anything like the atrocious barbarism that happened on october 7th. i think that's facially controvertible. laura, you are absolutely right. this is when we need to have israel's back. israel ♪ asking for u.s. troops. it's not asking for u.s. intervention. asking for the political support, the financial support and where necessary the military supply to be able to go in restore deterrence. the biden administration deterrence, slow-walking away from support, you know, just as the incursion is about to start in earnest and exactly how we shouldn't be treating an ally willing and able to take care of its own security. we should be demonstrating not only to israel but india, poland, south korea, maybe the taiwans of the world this is how we stand behind allies real willing to go the mile in a just cause. >> laura: richard, reuters is reporting tonight that the leader of hezbollah will be speaking for the first time since the attacks on october 7th what do you expect will come out of that freak. >> we know he is going to do saber ratling. we will watch if he actually escalates further on the northern border. there is an active conflict on the northern border of israel. there is rockets and missiles being fired every day. the israelis are retaliating. of course, the fear is that the iranians will give the direction to nasa real la to light up that northern border with 150,000 rockets that he has. now, very important that the united states continues to send message of deterrence to the islamic republic. iran is pulling the strings whether it's hamas, hezbollah, houthis as you just heard about in the report. militias attacking u.s. forces. it's all iran. if we are going to continue to be in this nuclear deal with iran. freeing up money for the islamic republic at the same time we say don't, don't, don't interfere. don't escalate. what message is the ayatollah really getting? >> elbridge, fox has not confirmed this but there are reports that al-asad has agreed to provide hezbollah with russian-made missile defense systems that sounds troubling happening not only in the region but beyond, including with russia which has obviously had a hand directly or indirectly in this ultimate bank roll and arbiter. i don't think it's a coincidence that xi jinping and vladimir putin spent hour talking alone without aides at the belt and road in beijing. we absolutely are seeing greater coordination. this is a reality. i think essentially what is happening is from a geopolitical point of view is that china, more than anyone, but also russia is trying to stretch us out trying to deplete us and can you see the president in his oval office address he did not even mention china. i think we are falling in the hands and your angle was exactly on this point. we are sum indicating and begging the chinese. >> this is a fantastic opportunity for them going forward to exploit their opportunity. we are not addressing in the way that we need to. unilaterally disarming ourselves vis-a-vis leverage that you need in a situation like this. trump would have never done that obviously those were his tariffs. richard, we are hearing the white house equivocate as i mentioned earlier and thought talk -- the drum beat for a cease-fire is growing on capitol hill. dick durbin and others, this is a political calculation it seems that they're making because bleeding support among young people and among arab americans, is it not? >> absolutely this is political. we saw j street a radical left wing organization start lobbying capitol hill late last week calling for what they call humanitarian pause. suddenly the white house is talking about a humanitarian pause. this is a code work word. it's a political euphemism for cease-fire or hamas victory. iranian victory. we can't allow this to happen. why is it happening? well, the people you just interviewed on the street there, the anti-smythes that are in these crowds, they have embedded themselves in the radical left for years. part of this intersectionism. so, suddenly, the far left thinks oh, this is our cause, too. we are sudden bely pro-hamas on the far left. they are putting pressure on members of congress, house, the senate, the white house. we need joe biden to stay strong here with israel. more importantly, we need all republicans to speak out and say no. there will not be a humanitarian cause. we're not going to let hamas win. >> laura: and do not tie israel to ukraine. that is ridiculous. so that can't happen. israel stands on its own. elbridge and richard, both of you, thank you. there are disturbing developments. we have talked a lot about disturbing developments on the border. but a new one tonight. you won't believe it. but lieutenant chris olivares is going to show us next. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: attacks on border patrol agents, individuals on the terror watch list who have been stopped, children, just dropped over the border fence, toddlers. illegals cutting and crawling under razor wire. record breaking number of migrants from all over the world. and now we have explosives. just a few weeks ago, an ied was discovered hidden in a backpack along with ammo on the u.s. side of the border. courtesy of this thermal drone video you kind of see the action unfolding, the black spots are cartel members in mexico and they are throwing the explosives. joining me now live from mcallen, texas is lt. chris oliver was the texas department of public safety spokesperson. what can you tell us what do you know with these explosives and what could have been done with them what could happen with them were they not intercepted. >> good evening, of course. as you mentioned very disturbing and shocking when you see the images and when you know for a fact that now we are finding explosives as a law enforcement agency. we are finding explosives being left on the u.s. side in texas right there in that picture you seize border patrol recovered that particular explosive the video you saw that is an actual gun battle taking place right across the river which fronton island occupy general land office commissioner don buckingham gave us authority to take control of this 170-acre island. because of that we are able to capture all of these events taking place within several hundred yards from the island across in mexico which is the most violent area along the texas-mexico border. so now that we are there operating 24/7, we are capturing these gun battles and now hearing explosives being detonated right across the river. it makes it a dangerous and volatile situation where you know the cartels and we know for many years the cartels have been operating in that specific area because they are fighting for lucrative smuggling, drug smuggling routes. now you have explosives in the mix. that makes it more dangerous. of course, if we weren't there to capture these types of events, the american people would not know what is taking place. and how serious these threats and how close these threats are to the border. >> i want you to listen to the white house's response to questions about terrorists who have been able to infiltrate the u.s. through the southern border. watch this. >> is it possible that somebody who wants to commit a terrorist attack during a time of elevated threat crossed the southern border into the united states already? >> i couldn't possibly answer that question. all i can do is tell you that we have remained vigilant. >> laura: okay. chris, your response to that? they are recovering makeshift explosives. they can't even say it's possible that we're vulnerable to a potentially devastating terror attack because of their purposeful efforts to leave the border open? >> laura, we know for a fact there has been elevated threat for the past three years because of an unsecured border. the fact that the federal government has shown complete neglect to protect the american people and secure the border, that just shows how irresponsible they are to actually acknowledge a fact that we have problems. we have a serious threat at the border. we look at all the comments that have been made by the federal government. when they say the border is secure. the border is closed. that we have done more than anyone else to secure the border. we know that's completely false. the state of texas is doing more -- the state of texas is doing more than anyone else, laura. we see that right now firsthand. if it wasn't for us actually showing these images, the american people would not know the threats that are taking place, especially when you take into account the number of terrorists that have been encountered at the border. >> laura: they are fighting against texas. they don't want texas to reveal this information. because then, you know, it's all exposed. chris, i have some shocking news tonight ice says that a venezuelan illegal failed to disclose a homicide conviction to border patrol back in july and was released into the united states with a notice to appear, of course at an ice office. shocker, he did not appear. but, guess where they finally arrested him? living in state provided housing on joint base cape cod. chris? that's one individual. he hadn't committed a brutal crime but how many others are out there in the 8 million or so? >> exactly great point. that's just another individual that was able to get by, was released to the country. take into account the number of got-aways 1.6, 1.7 known million got-aways that have been reported, of course, the number is much higher. that's based off an estimation. when you have encountered i individuals that have been on the cartel members. in this case violent individuals from other countries that have serious criminal background amend released to the country and the country right now. the threat is already here. and that's real shocking. that's why i say that the federal government has shown complete neglect to acknowledge the fact we have unsecured border. to this date they still refuse to do anything to secure the border. >> laura: chris, americans across the country know what is going on. i think they take their out at the box next year. disturbing allegations of voter fraud. guess what happened to an election that took place, a primary election in connecticut? yeah. overturned. the details, next. ♪ my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person. i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. ing >> laura: there is no such thing as voter fraud, nothing. another maga conspiracy theory, right? well, one primary race in connecticut was so rife with fraud, that the results have been overturned by a judge after shocking new video surfaced of what appears to be multiple people stuffing absentee ballots into collection boxes. a judge ruling that the bridgeport mayoral democrat primary has to be held again to determine who should be on the ballot. now, incumbent mayor joe gannon defeated john gomez by just 251 votes. but a primary redo is very tricky because general election is on tuesday which means voters may have to come back after they vote in the primary to vote on the rightful democrat nominee if they even know who it is then. joining david heard mayor connecticut g.o.p. chair. caved, both of those men are still on the ballot since gomez was running now as an independent. does that change your campaign here but i want to get to this fraud issue as well. >> let's start with his name is actually gomes. it's not gomez. i don't even know what to say. we're all scratching our head here. the -- the court has ordered that the primary that they actually present the plan for the primary on the 15th of november, which is obviously a week after the ballot. i don't know any way that this isn't going to lead to more litigation that is going to run into possibly the next term. i don't even know how they are going to do it. so we are just scratching our head. unfortunately, what we're doing is we are saying only in bridgeport and just kind of have to laugh it off. in terms of my. >> laura: bridgeport, yeah, bridgeport is notoriously corrupt. sorry, i used to live in new haven. know it well. even if i didn't know how to say gogomes right nice little correction. races have been a mess for a long time. we have to address what happened here. it's such a reflexive comment for someone to say oh there is no such thing as voter fraud. that's all just made up. but we have evidence and i'm looking at the pictures of this video, too, ben. we have evidence that this happened, the judge was so moved by this evidence that even how difficult this is going to be said no. we're overturning it. we're pulling it back. >> absolutely, laura. ben, how big is this? >> this is big. and what is interesting is, it's not only the gannon campaign but the gomes campaign also engaged in this activity. kind of both sides trying to cheat the other side out of a victory. what's really sad about it, laura, is the legislature had an opportunity, just recently in a special session to address these issues. and they chose not to. they chose not to increase criminal penalties. in fact, one of the women involved on the gannon campaign had recently been referred by the state elections commission for the state attorney for criminal prosecution for doing this very same thing four years ago in the gannon election. the legislature chose not to increase penalties. they chose not to produce or create mandatory minimum jail sentences, increase fines. they chose not to address the ballot box issue, which is are no longer needed in connecticut nor i do think they are needed anywhere in the country for that matter. in fact, recently we adopted an early voting program in connecticut that's going to take place next year, start next year. and that is in person program. you cannot use a ballot box for early voting. you must go to the polling place to vote. >> laura: good. >> they have already admitted we don't need these things. and when you have democrats in bridgeport saying it's just the way it is or democrats have raised cheating to an art form, you know it's bad. so, the legislature needs to step up and address this situation because it's just out-of-control right now, laura, in bridgeport. >> laura: yeah. well, david, i hope you can breakthrough. my goodness does bridgeport need a sane, you know, an actual sane leader so we appreciate both of you being here tonight. sorry this segment is so short. we got some breaking news. a verdict has just been reached in the trial of crypto fraudster sam bankman-fried. those results in moments. ♪ >> laura: the jury has reached a verdict in the trial of sam bankman-fried. joining me now is kelly o'grady. what do we know tonight? >> reporter: good evening to you, laura. so we are getting word that sam bankman-fried has been found guilty of the charges. we cannot confirm how many charges he has been found guilty of. there were seven counts including wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, as well as conspiracy to commit money laundering and a number of others. if convicted on all charges he is facing up to 110 years in prison. now, the jury began deliberating after a month long trial at roughly 3:15 today. do the math. they came to the verdict within four hours. just over four hours. that is never a good sign for the defendant. even in the bernie madoff trial, they took four days to come to a verdict. the elizabeth holmes trial seven days. what happens from here? we are expecting, of course, for the defendant to file an appeal. there is also a march trial where he faces a number of other counts and decades more in prison. certainly the fact that he has been found guilty tonight, not looking good for that march trial. i will say i have been in the courtroom, laura, a number of times. i think really what did it for the jury was the last thing they heard from witness testimony was sam bankman-fried taking the stand for multiple days and he really did a 180. in these types of trials, it comes down to credibility, especially when you have witnesses, your inner circle testifying against him. the jury has to ask themselves who do you believe? three people who are all saying we committed fraud. we plead guilty and he told us to do it? or someone who got on the stand, an mit grad and said, i can't possibly remember what happened back then? i can't recall that. that likely was the nail in the coffin for sam bankman-fried in the minds of the jurors. the verdict in roughly four hours. they didn't have to sit on this too much, laura. we'll bring you more on those counts when we have it. >> laura: all right, kelly. thank you so much. >> i really believe the role of a coach is multidimensional. the role of a coach is as a teacher, a parent, a counselor, all kinds of things. it's incumbent upon me to make sure i have created an atmosphere in which your son can develop to the fullest extent possible. >> laura: the sports world we all know lost a legend yesterday. coach bobby knight. 29 seasons at indiana. he led the team to three ncaa championships and made five final fours. he even coached the u.s. olympic team, got the gold medal in '84. coach knight embodied what it meant to work hard for gold even if at times he sometimes let his passion get the best of him. he leaves behind unbelievable legacy, athletes and coaches from across the country will continue to draw inspiration from him for years to come. joining me now the one of coach knight's former players, host of outkicks don't at me. dan, i always loved bobby knight. he was kind of one way he was kind of one of the first people cancelled in the woke culture of ours, although he did go on and continue to coach. he was bobby to his players, and i know you loved him. >> we did. it was our thing. it was rough. it was tough. i was there 16 years with him, laura. but it was our thing. the mafia. if you didn't like it, great. that's your deal. our thing, he was really tough. but do you know what? one of the things people didn't realize about him is that he was very fair. as a player you knew, if you came to practice every day and you worked, you were gonna get a shot. it might not be in the next game, but you got to keep working, keep working. he was very fair. he was very tough. but as i said, we knew what we got into and we loved it. he was very specific with who he recruited. he recruited people who had parents that were disciplinarians. he recruited people that could take being coached very tough. he crossed the line many times. many times i had to tell him as an assistant, what are you doing? but we all loved him. laura, we got great stories for the rest of our lives. >> laura: what happened with the basketball to your head? someone was telling me about that today. >> well, i was playing as a freshman. i don't know nothing, laura. we're in minnesota, practicing. he gets mad and jumps into the practice. i'm guarding him. and i stole the ball from him. i didn't know you weren't supposed to do that. he gets it and i stole it again from him. the next time, laura, he takes the ball, dribbles it an fires it. i'm in a stand still. you played basketball. he hits me in the face with it. i'm like, ah, crap. i give it back to him. i get in my stance because i'm gonna be tough. he hits me in the face again with it. i turn around an he kind of grabs my shoulder. i turned around with my fist. i didn't know what he was going to do. i was going to punch him. he started talking about how tough i was and that's what we needed. this is how sick we were, laura. i didn't run and tell my parents. you know what i thought? i thought, great. he's gonna feel bad and i'm gonna get into the game in the first half. and that's exactly what happened. my dad and mom, they never -- i never told them. coach knight comes out and this story is in there and my more goes, daniel, did this happen? yeah, it happened. i guess we were sick when you look back on it because all i thought was, he's gonna feel bad and i'm gonna get in the game in the first half. and i did. >> laura: i don't think it's sick at all. i don't think it's sick at all. he was rough. he wasn't perfect. but when the players turned out for him when they went after him, hundreds of them ended up coming to him and rallying to him. that told me the kind of coach he was and how he changed people's lives forever. dan, thank you. that's it for us. rachel is in for jesse waters and she's next.

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