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aid trucks are goings in from egypt. more are hoping to escape the war zone. five of the americans inside gaza strip crossed the border so far. >> carley: israel continue to inch toward gaza city in attempt to squeeze hamas fighters in the center. >> todd: you're watching "fox and friends," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. trey yingst is on the ground in israel, what is the latest? >> trey: good morning, battles rage inside the gaza strip. israeli fighter jets overhead and days after this ground operation began, israelis are taking heavy losses inside gaza. the death toll is at 17 soldiers killed in battles with hamas militants. i will show you destruction on northern part of the gaza strip. israelis say they targeted number of cells in northern gaza. cells were using explosive devices and throwing grenades at idf troops and soeldiers engage them with artillery fire and tanks, according to a statement released this morning. we are learning from daniel hagari, 242 hostages are confirmed held inside gaza. rafah between gaza and egypt, we understand yesterday hundreds made it out, foreign nationals and injured palestinians taken to egyptian hospitals. among the group, five americans, i've been able to confirm were released and are inside egypt. five of them, aide workers. now today we do understand more foreigners will be let out. i'm talking with one woman who is at the border waiting for egypt to open the crossing and she has been told she will make it to egypt today. >> carley: good news for her. trey yingst live in southern israel, thank you, trey. pierre rayhov has been covering conflict in the middle east for 25 years and joins us now. you live 10 miles from the gaza strip during this intense time. what has life been like for you right now? >> it is kind of tense once in a while because we hrocket alerts. i had an alert 30 minutes ago. every house in my city has a shelter, we have to rush to our shelter. i was out walking the dog and the rockets exploded above my head. there was shrapnel all over, that is one thing to understand. the iron dome is destroying most of the rockets from hamas and other organizations within gaza. when they explode, it is not the end of the story, you have shrapnel falling on the ground. this is metal, really hard falling from high altitude. it is causing a lot of damage. i saw a fire this morning because of one of the rockets. >> carley: you are one of just a few journalist who have interviewed dozen of hamas, islamic jihad for a documentary you released called "suicide killers," what did you learn through the interviews? >> well, it is simple and complicated. those people live in an oppressive society, often stolen by their parents, brainwashed in school and mosque and every level of society. end result is at some point in their life, they want normal life they cannot have on earths, they need to kill other people and eventually themselves. if they go kill some jews, nonmuslims, they will end up in heaven surrounded by 72 virgins and will have wine, everything they can't have access on earth will be allowed on the other side. i want to add something, when we are talking about terrorists, we are talking about people that i met, a lot trying to kill, whether children or soldiers or innocent people, whatever, they were trying to kill. in the case of what happened on october 7, it was not only terrorists, it was massacre, they tortured women and kids and put them on fire and burn them to death. this is much beyond terrorism, it is barbaric. >> carley: what they have done and what they say they will continue to do. israel says their goal is to root out hamas. the question does remain, can you root out an ideology? can you kill it? >> well, unfortunately, what has been happening in the territory is for so many years, people have been lying about it. i'm sorry to say, a lot of media take side of palestinians without knowing what was happening over there. in palestinian textbooks, sometimes financed by european union, you have a lot of pages teaching kids israel doesn't have right to exist, jews are monsters and should be killed. it is every level of society. i believe once israel has gotten rid of hamas and other terror organizations within gaza, international community should put together government, temporary government making sure that all the incitement on television in the mosque, at school, in every single habitation is going to disappear so in couple or three generations, people will be ready for simple existence of israel, since israel doesn't want to destroy them, they want to destroy israel. >> carley: thank you joining us, stay safe. turning to this. nancy pelosi served with subpoena in upcoming criminal case, we'll tell you what we are finding out about all that this morning. >> todd: carley, you stayed up to watch, we have a new world series champion. >> the texas rangers win the world series! >> todd: that's right, team from arlington, texas, capturing t the -- in history. 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>> todd: yeah. >> janice: we got to go, don't listen to him. >> carley: we appreciate it. >> todd: voting down effort to censor rashida tlaib over repeated anti-israel remark, accusing rashida tlaib of antisemitism activity after she called to cut off military aid to israel, closest middle east ally in response to the october 7 attack. mike johnson says the lower chamber made the right call. >> we allow members to vote their conscience on that, it is important to beat the democrats on policy. if you go undo the road and censor one another, you open pandora's box. a lot of members say things. >> carley: a student was charged with making death threats against jewish classmates. he was denied bail yesterday, he will remain behind bars until hear hearing on november 15th. if convicted, he faces up to five years in prison, 250,000 dollars in fines. cornell addressing students, saying we will not tolerate antisemitism at cornell and will not tolerate hate of any form, racism or islamaphobia and the sheriff making this strong statement, as well. >> there is zero tolerance for antisemitic behavior, we have no room for that in our community. we stand shoulder to shoulder with our jewish friends and counterparts and will do everything to keep them safe. when you have professors on specifically on the campus of cornell, that perpetuates the problem that we're seeing across this nation. >> carley: attorney general merrick garland says the justice department and fbi ramping up efforts to protect jewish communities nationwide in response. >> we are focusing efforts on confronting and disrupting illegal threats wherever they arise. justice department has no tolerance for violence or threats of violence fuelled bike antisemitism or islamaphobia. >> todd: congresswoman nancy pelosi getting served subpoena for an upcoming criminal case in her home state. >> honorable nancy pelosi, speaker for the 11th congressional district of california, have been served with third party subpoena, after consultation with the office of general counsel, compliance is consistent to extent it requires nonprivileged information. >> todd: nancy pelosi's team not revealing information on the case, a source says it is connected to the criminal trial of the man accused of breaking into her home and attacks her husband. the trial will begin one week from today. all eyes on the state of virginia, commonwealth, being closely watched as bell weather for 2024. >> carley: talking to a candidate who is running to change that. >> we have entire house and senate up, most important election in the nation because what is at stake is that the entire future of the platform. this is a toss up. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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>> no pressure at all. we're going to win this thing because we have a message. on day one of this campaign, my background, i've been an entrepreneur, i started maternal healthcare company. i decided to go into politics because of my newborn son luca. we need a new group of peep toll bring us together. business people like the governor, that is why he's been successful in virginia. we can be successful together. we need a new generation of leaders to bring us together, make sure we have good schools, no idiology, focus on excellence and invest in law enforcement. my opponent endorsed by eight groups that are calling to defund the police. we will nots do that. we will celebrate the police here in virginia. >> todd: what policies will republicans enact if they get the trifecta in virginia? the governor, republican, flipping the senate is what you are trying to do and keep the house of legislature there. >> common sense legislation is the bear minimum. but when it comes to legislation, focus on empowering parents. one of the laws that was struck down by the radical left is controlled state senate this past year was law called sage's law that would have required administrators and schools to notify parents if their child was suicidal at school. that was shot down. we will cut taxes, we want to give $2200 tax rebate to residents. that was struck down by the state senate. they think they know what to do with your money better than you do. last piece, pass common sense safety legislation. this radical left controlled state senate and sided fentanyl drug dealers. this radical left controlled state senate struck that down and partnered with fentanyl drug dealers instead of families. that is crazy. >> todd: so if republicans sweep virginia, the question becomes, what happens in 2024? will republicans as a bellweather win the presidency? win the senate and house of representatives nationally? will that president be glenn youngkin. >> you have to ask that question to folks that are a lot smarter than i am. we are so focused on winning this election. there are five days left. we are in the home stretch and bringing new people under the republican tank here in virginia. in my race, one thing i committed to day one, we will create a new republican coalition here in virginia. 10% of my district is latino, 10% is south asian and we're in the communities bringing all immigrants together because they are upset that the democrats here in virginia have produced nothing and all they are doing is blocking our great governor's agenda. bring people together, pass common sense legislation and that is what we'll do in virginia and we'll win this thing. let's do it. >> todd: i'm curious if your election will be bellweather on whether latinos are going to republicans nationally. the thing to watch in 2024. juan pablo segura, thank you, best of luck, sir. >> carley: there is this, sports world losing a legend. college basketball coach bob excite's family announcing he died at his home. writing we are grateful for thoughts and prayers and appreciate continued respect for our privacy as coach requested a private family gathering. coach knight won three championships at indiana, he was inducted in college hall of fame and basketball hall of fame. coach knight was 83 years old. >> todd: and your texas rangers are world series champions. >> in the air to left center field. guerie l is back. it is done. on the virge. it has happened, the texas rangers win the world series. >> todd: you love to see the celebrations, semien, two-run homer and seager. the fighting will cain's popping champagne after winning the first title in franchise history. a lot of texas rangers fans on "fox and friends" staff. fans love this chaotic scene at a dallas bar. you had to expect it to happen there. all of texas takes -- >> >> carley: that is a huge bar. >> todd: with exception of houston. that is what i'm being told. everything is bigger in texas. it is a serious thing at a bar in texas. >> carley: bingo, a lot of confetti at that bar that is bigger than texas. 700 migrants are heading to the southern border and group of democratsic mayors are heading to wash to demand the white house do something about it. >> todd: is this enough of a smoking gun for democrats? literal check, people. james comer says he has proof joe biden got a laundered check from china. he just unveiled it to the american people, we are unveiling it with you. we will follow the money with that man, david webb, when we return. to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can dramatically relieve ra and psa symptoms, including fatigue for some. it can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> todd: the massive migrant caravan heading to texas growing in just 24 hours thanks to tips from chinese influencers teaching them to cross into our country. >> carley: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: organizers say there are more than 7000 people marching through mexico to the southern border. going through the panama gap jungle, that area is gaining popularity because social media influencers are showing step by step border crossing tutorials posted on a tiktok linked video app. the video shows migrants where to find guides. even democratic mayors are sounding the alarm on this growing tension. >> we have to pivot and shift based on the incoming of 100,000 migrant asylum seekers. we opened 210 emergency shelters, i hope everyone understands new york city has done more than its share. new york city residents have used their tax dollars. we need help from the state and federal government. >> brooke: eric adams is joining other mayors in washington, d.c. calling on federal aid. the mayors from chicago, new york, denver, los angeles and houston are requested 5 billion in additional aid to cover migrant shelters and services and expanded work approval and coordinator position. the group of mayors will meet at the white house this morning before bringing the requests to congress. >> carley: brooke, thank you. bring in david webb to talk about this. good morning. you heard from mayor eric adams. he is heading to washington to ask for more money for the migrant crisis. he said this is unsustainable crisis that is man-made, we must secure our border and ensure those crossing go through the vetting process and we have decompression strategy. the white house has stuck to their border policy, given the fact top democrats are calling for change, what happens next? >> david: well, first of all, kudos to brooke, i read her reporting on this and i have over time, well done on this. hat tip on this. as far as mayor track suit, that is what mayor adams is, just a prop. even in that statement he talks about the problem, he doesn't identify who caused the problem, joe biden and adams. they all stood up and danced to the tune of we welcome illegal aliens and the taxpayers didn't choose this problem, mayor adams, joe biden, kamala harris and everyone created the problem with their policies. there should be no surprise here thchl is a propped up trip to washington because they now have a problem. say they give work permits. say they give them work permits, where are they going to work? where are the jobs? if it takes 10 years to get the hearing, will they go to work 10 years somewhere? united 11, local union for hotel workers, 15,000 people on strike and the hotels are going down to l.a. skid row which has been there since the 1900s and hiring illegal aliens to replace union workers. what is going on here is they are trying to gas light and blame the american people for problems that democrats, democratic administration and leftist open border policies have pushed. on the darrien gap. an organization funded by george soros out of chicago is leader of the new caravan, he does media and talks about it. he's pushed these issues since 2013. we are getting the result of democrat policies, leftist open border policy and to taxpayers in the city, you elected these officials and chose this. you have to live with the problem you helped create. >> todd: there is also this, ongoing investigation into the biden family business. there is a 40,000 dollar check james comer is focused on, addressed to joe biden. here he is last night talking with sean hannity. watch this. >> this check traces back to china, that what's app message. hunter biden on board of burisma, he is not qualified. head of burisma asked hunter biden, can you help us relieve the pressure? joe biden does that after hunter biden asks him to, he goes to ukraine and gets the prosecutor fired. >> carley: most alarming thing about this 40,000 check, it traces back to china and this money exposes president biden of future blackmail. here we go again on this story, david. >> david: 40,000 of millions of dollars of what, 20 shell companies, nothing to see here. joe biden, he stood up and said, show me the money. here is the money. it is only $40's,000 but under criminal code, that is a direct tie and should go further and to congress, james comer and all of them, jim jordan and others, that have been fighting to expose corruption in the biden family, they need to take this further. can they get it through christopher wray and the fbi and get criminal referrals beyond? subpoena hunter biden and the others and subpoena the president of the united states. enough. we are seeing this on full display and all they care about in the biden crime family is while he's in presidency, they are protected and after he's out, who knows what happens then. all they care about is where we are now and where they are now. they need to be investigated, subpoenas need to go out, he has full subpoena power and james comer should use it. >> carley: david webb, thank you for joining us, have a great day. an opinion piece in the "wall street journal" warns democrats the party isir taking itself apart over israel. >> todd: a democrat is demanding his party starts standing up for one of the closest allies, that story is next. what? 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(engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> carley: both of president trump's sons are taking the stand in his civil fraud case in new york. >> todd: cheryl casone is here. >> cheryl: eric trump will testify today in the civil fraud trial of the president. eric is executive vice president at the trump organization and oversees the company operations. his brother, donald trump jr. took the stand yesterday testifying his father did not make business decisions while serving as president. he did not have professional training in accounting and the accountantses worked on the business, that is what we paid them for. ivanka trump will testify on friday. michael cohen admitted last week never told him to inflate value on financial statements, therefore this fake case should be dismissed. leave my children alone. you are a disgrace to the legal profession. things will get underway later today in lower manhattan. >> carley: certainly are and things getting underway in the house, the israel only aid package, there will be a vote coming down. >> cheryl: this is first test for newly minted house speaker mike johnson. first major test today. house will vote on israel-only aid package, not the $105 million funding request from the white house. proposing money going to israel, paid for by cutting the package to the irs. the package does not include money for ukraine. here is speaker johnson. >> appropriations bills, we will marry with border security. it is a top priority. we can't take care of other countries and conflicts if we can't seal our own border. >> cheryl: representative chip roy says it is in agreement with support for israel. >> we are standing shoulder to shoulder with israel and ready to send over sole legislation that is paid for. i think our democratic colleague are siding with the irs than to side with israel. >> cheryl: white house proposal includes money for ukraine, 14 billion in aid for israel, humanitarian assistance for both, money for the border and money for taiwan. the white house is threatening to veto this, the senate is controlled by the dems. it has a rough road to the senate and white house. having said that, senator cassidy thinks all of it will be linked together. get ready negotiations. >> todd: thank you. opinion piece in "wall street journal" warning democrats that the party isir taking itself apart over israel and it could be split for generation, facing negative consequences. it comes as progressives continue inflammatory rhetoric like this. >> i am co-sponsor of the ceasefire resolution. we are seeing thousands of children have died. this is not war, this is chaos. we have a responsibility to uphold our standards and commitment to human rights. bombing a refugee camp is a war crime. >> todd: wow, a state delegate and u.s. congressional candidate, joe, joins me now. how disheartening is it to hear fellow democrats basically abandoning the jewish people? >> it is no secret we have strong disagreement within our own party. what is disheartening, congress has a responsibility, because of three weeks of delay and chaos within the republican party we delayed funding to key ally israel and now because of continued political games republicans in congress are playing, we continue to delay that aid that israel needs for security at this time. >> todd: this goes way beyond house republicans, because there is this, white house announcing establishment of national strategy to counter islamaphobia. this happened yesterday, white house unveiling this as antisemitism itself skyrockets. you yourself called this the battle for the soul of our party. ari fleischer calling this move a political move to hold on to muslim votes in swing state michigan. -- what is your reaction when you see the leader of your party do this based upon politics and not what is right for your people issue the jewish people. >> republicans in congress are competing against each other to see who has the most anti-lgbtq -- reaffirming united states support for israel. he's put out strategies to combat antisemitism and antisemitism on college campuses and we have to recognize there is rise in islamaphobia and i'm glad the president has been a leader on all three fronts. >> todd: you said anti-lgbtq stuff. you yourself are a gay man. when you see the groups supporting hamas, you know what happens to members of the lgbtq groups in hamas? >> i do. they are engaged in this battle to defeat hamas terrorists. best thing the united states can do, most critical responsibility congress has is to make sure israel gets security funding to root out hamas terrorists. because of political games these anti-lgbtq republican leaders are playing in congress we are delaying critical funding israel need to protect civilians and protect hamas. >> todd: we know israel will get the funding, just a matter of how and i wouldn't say entire republican caucus is anti-lgbtq. we will leave it there, thank you, appreciate it. >> carley: head to second avenue deli, lawrence jones is having breakfast with friends this morning. you are there because second avenue deli is one of it is most famous jewish businesses in new york city. there is rise in antisemitism across the country. >> lawrence: if you need an example of why we're here this morning, good morning, carley and todd, listen to todd's last interview. there seems to be a tone deafness of what is happening across this country. there was a swastika drew on this building and one across the street, as well. number one hate crime group that is target 60% are jews in this country. we are here to stand in solidarity and talk to the community on their concerns. you have young ladies unable to walk to class on college campuses and jews cannot show their jewelry because it may identify who they are. this is a crisis in the country. we are here to talk with them and concerns they have and what they want to see from their leaders. >> carley: absolutely. i couldn't believe the statistic and i think it came as surprise to so many people that 60% number that fbi director christopher wray said 60% of hate crimes are with jewish americans. it is a concern. you are sitting next to a gentlemen, what are people say that you have spoken to? >> lawrence: they are hurt. they are hurt other members of the american family are not standing up for them. they are hurt, it seems like we are heading down a repeat of the holocaust and no one is concerned. college professors are standing with hamas, sharing their flags in the street. i'm out there interviewing protesters and i ask them where they stand. one hand they will say they don't stand with hamas, two seconds later they spew hamas talking points. the jewish community is aware. >> todd: it is ridiculous, we look forward to the next three hours. more "fox and friends first" right after this. here we go... 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"fox & friends" now. ♪ >> brian: fox news alert. the biden administration revealing at least 400 americans are still stuck in

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