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reality. israel's war against hamas terrorists increases our risk of getting hit but not all that leaves us vulnerable. president biden has the left southern border wide open. they've reached a whole other level. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the f.b.i. is now investigating direct and indirect ties between hamas terrorists in particular but also others living in america. remember, in recent months border patrol has stopped 169 people on the terror watch list and those are the ones they know about. because we're seeing more than a million and a half gotaways already in our country. >> the reality is that the terrorism threat has been elevated throughout 2023. the ongoing war in the middle east has raised the threat of an attack against americans in the united states to a whole other level. it will serve as an inspiration the likes of which we haven't seen since isis launched its caliphate several years ago. >> harris: he also took a pause for almost ten seconds, don't know if he was deep in thought or what was going on. he had been asked if our nation is safer than it was before president biden took office. when president trump was in office, was it safer then or now? he finally spoke and said that the terror threats are elevated but we are better prepared. republican lawmakers agree the risks are greater and blaming biden's policies. >> you combine war in the middle east with an open border on our southern border that is an invitation from the biden white house. >> that is a form of domestic insecurity, national insecurity. the biden administration has done a terrible job. >> we are at risk. we need to wake up. >> harris: mike waltz and counter terrorism expert nathan sales in focus. let's go to team fox coverage. mike tobin is on the ground in israel. first david spunt at the justice department. david. >> f.b.i. director christopher wray has access to an incredible amount of intelligence. things that you, i and people watching don't know. the rhetoric ramped up over the last few weeks and clearly he is choosing his words carefully. watch this. >> we also cannot and do not discount the possibility that hamas or another foreign terrorist organization may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil. >> some of those cases with ties to hamas they are indirect people that are inspired. i interviewed him on october 18th a couple of weeks ago in california where he warned about lone wolf attacks. >> we're particularly vigilant to the possibility that lone actors here in the united states could in some way out of inspiration misguided inspiration that they draw from the conflict in the middle east. >> the director of the national counter terrorism center warned that other terrorist organizations are watching and waiting. >> they are seeking to capitalize on this moment to galvanize supporters and organize for attacks. >> regarding a rise in anti-semitism across the united states, the f.b.i. director told senators the jewish community is uniquely targeted by most terrorist organizations really across the spectrum. >> when you look at a group that makes up 2.4% of the american population, it should be jarring to everyone that same population accounts for 60% of all religious-based hate crimes. so they need our help. >> anti-semitism was increasing before hamas attacked israel on october 7th. clearly his rhetoric has ramped up an increase with a sense of urgency since we spoke two weeks ago. >> harris: david spunt, you are blunt but i got it right this time. ambassador nathan sales. former counter terrorism coordinator at the state department. ambassador, just to begin here, when you see what is going on here in the united states, what is the conversation like at your level, at the diplomat level? >> what we're seeing in america since october 7th is sickening. let me be frank, unamerican. america is the world's bastion of religious freedom. that guarantee of religious freedom extends to everybody regardless of your faith. so to see a massive surge in anti-semitism and to see it concentrated on our mostly -- elite universities undermines the moral standing on our universities and calls on state and federal officials to make sure there are no follow-on attacks on jewish communities in america. >> harris: you bring that up first. are you concerned that that group might be where we would find some of these already on the terror watch living among us type lone wolves? >> i think the main concern that we have to be worried about is so-called inspired attacks. that's not to say hamas or hezbollah or other terrorist groups might send operatives here with specific instructions or carry out attacks. that might well happen. but i think the greater risk is people who are inspired by the violence committed by hamas against israelis and jews to carry out something similar here in the u.s. we're starting to seeing worrying signs of that. anti-defamation league has indicated that hate crimes against jews are up 400% this month over where the levels were last year. clearly the anti-seamites feel emboldened to act. >> harris: why won't another arab nation take the refugees from the palestinian area now? >> they've gone further and said they are willing to sacrifice millions of lives in order to prevent their territory from becoming a haven for the palestinians. it is a very good question to ask and i think at least part of the answer is because the surrounding countries, egypt and jordan and others, have their own security concerns. they are concerned that hamas operatives might try to exploit refugee flows and destabilize their own countries. i have to say if arab countries, if muslim countries are allowed to worry about security risks america is allowed to worry about that, too. >> harris: absolutely as we watch the flow come across our border. thank you for getting us started. for the very first time since the israel/hamas war began october 7th when hamas terrorists breached the border and went over and killed civilians in israel, tortured them and set them on fire and raped them. since then some people are being allowed to leave the war zone at the rafah crossing that goes into egypt. i was just describing that. if you are injured they may take a few but don't want anybody else. americans are not among the evacuees. not allowed to make their way into egypt because of hamas. secretary blinken testified hamas is stopping 1,000 american citizens from escaping. that's more hostages, i would think. israel is continuing its campaign to crush the hamas terrorists pushing farther into the gaza strip with its ground offensive now. senior correspondent mike tobin is there. mike. >> we're in ashkelon off the northern end of the gaza strip. i want to talk about the border with egypt. as you mentioned foreign passport holders crowded the rafah area hoping they would get across the rafah crossing there and make it into egypt. ambulances showed up on the egyptian side this morning with a promise they would be able to take some of the sick and wounded out. we know some of them got out. we hear from palestinians that 110 foreign passport holders got out of the rafah confrontation and made it to egypt and escaped the disaster that's shaping up in the gaza strip. however, there was a note that was -- a list circulating around in the palestinian population today. we don't know how official it was. american passport holders and british passport holders were not on the list. the british consulate put out a statement hopeful to get people out tomorrow. we haven't heard anything from the americans. some of the americans we're tracking inside the gaza strip are not hopeful they'll get out. there is blood shed in the gaza strip. a great crater that formed up in the refugee camp after an israeli air strike. israel said it was formed by a hamas tunnel that collapsed when the air strike came in. hamas said some of the hostages were killed in that strike. an advisor to prime minister benjamin netanyahu told me today that's a hamas lie. one of the things i can give you a look at today is one of the iron dome batteries. you have seen the missile intercepts. this town has been preserved because of this. this is what the batteries looked like. i talked with a general who operates the air defense for the whole country. they provide some comfort to the soldiers in the ground knowing there is a layer of protection for their families while they are engaged in combat. israel is paying a price. over the past 24 hours 15 israeli soldiers have been killed in combat. >> harris: everybody pays a price in war. war should always be the last result of anything. hamas went after citizens and started this one. mike tobin, thank you. i want to go straight to congressman mike waltz of the great state of florida who serves on the house armed services foreign affairs and intelligence committees. he is a former green beret commander. we'll lean on his acumen there. i want to start with the americans blocked by hamas from leaving the war zone and getting to safety in egypt. i have no reason to believe why egypt wouldn't take our americans. they have to be able to get there. hamas is blocking. i ask the question, wouldn't that technically make them hostages or could they become that? are they in danger? >> they are in danger, harris. i agree with you. they are essentially de facto hostages. hamas is not letting them leave. they are not letting american citizens leave, on top of the ones that they took out of israel. but i think we need to take a step back here. i think the administration's policy is completely inverted and backwards. we need to be sending a very clear message to hamas's backers whether it's turkey or qatar or others that are backing them that if the hair on an american's head is touched, they will all feel the ramifications, not just hamas leadership themselves. my question is, if we supposedly share in israel's objectives that hamas is going to be destroyed, then why are hamas's leaders freely moving and living in these countries around the world from the international standpoint? why aren't we treating them like we did the leaders of al qaeda and isis and putting them all under massive amounts of pressure. if they are worried where they will sleep at night and these countries are worried about their relationship with the united states going forward, that changes the dynamic for american citizens that are being held hostage. instead it is what can we give, what can we concede, and it is more of an appeasement approach. >> harris: what you just framed there is what i've been wondering since the day after the attack october 7th on israel and their citizens. i've been wondering why are these countries allowing even a former commander, a former leader of hamas to live there, qatar, the leader who called for all of the protesting and quote, unquote, do something on your own, which if you are a lone wolf it sounds like a command and control issue, he told the world on that friday three weeks ago get out, go, do what you can, carry the message. he clearly has a voice and he is parked right there at the offices for hamas in qatar. >> harris, after 9/11, we told a number of countries, we told the world you are either with us or against us. we made it very clear and we turned that dynamic on its head. instead we have others saying you need us more than we need you and you need us to get these hostages out. and that is basically give hamas all the leverage. >> harris: and time. those conversations have been very slow. >> that's right. >> harris: let's get to this and we can go back. overnight a u.s. military base in iraq was attacked by a drone. you mentioned what it was like for our people to be there. can you look at all the places where we are in the middle east right now? first of all we have the map up, congressman. i don't know if you can see it. the 28th attack on our u.s. men and women in the military by iran-backed terrorists since october 17th. it creeps up every day. no injuries or damage in the latest facility that was hit reported on a u.s. base. the pentagon is now sending 300 additional active duty military personnel to the region on top of the 900 announced last week. bringing the total number of people deployed there to 1,200. first of all, what are all those missions? i have had two colonels, a general, ambassador tell me they need to pull those people out. what is your take on it? why do we have so many people that can be hit at this point? >> well, the majority of those forces, these aren't massive bases, they are very small bases with special operators, intelligence professionals and keeping a lid on isis. we have still been hitting much of isis's leadership in syria. those drones, those helicopters, special operators can't parachute in from the space shuttle. they have to be there in theater. the problem is iran has been hitting them because they can get away with it. we've let them get away with it. this administration has allowed over 100 attacks in the last two years and iran will trade the lives of its proxies in iraq or syria or lebanon for american/israelis lives all day long. that's a good deal for the ayatollah. only when they feel the pain will they stop. and that's what this administration has a policy problem. they have this massive funding bill, supplemental bill before congress. my issue with it it's throwing a lot more money after bad policy whether it's bad policy on the border or bad policy with iran. we in congress have to drive policy changes, not just keep signing more checks. >> harris: let's keep it there. the white house is going after some of you over this new bill to aid israel. it would give the jewish state more than $14 billion, which it would get from taking that same amount from all of the money that was added for those 87,000 people at the i.r.s. who will knock on our doors personally, i guess, there will be so many of them. fox has obtained a white house memo titled house republicans set an unprecedented bar for helping israel defend itself. it reads this way. this is a time for all of us to come together and not undermine our national security that is internal point scoring over safety in the world. it sounds like they are writing it to themselves. what is your response? >> well, again, it's bad policy, not money. we have to pay for these -- we have to pay for this aid. and i certainly support pulling it from the waste that we've seen in the last several years. but again whether it is biden backing us into a stalemate, a war of attrition because he didn't give ukraine what he needed up front. dithered us into this stalemate. a wide open border. he is asking for more money to process more people rather than putting title 42, remain in mexico and policies in place that would deter these migrants from coming and finally, iran is flush with cash, yet they just want a blank check to basically fight against both sides of the same issue. how about we cut off the cash and force the sanctions, stop the waivers, and stop paying a billion dollars per head per hostage? that's how you cut off the money to terrorism, not just let them have more money and demand more money from the american taxpayer. it is horrible policy and they have to do a 180 on their middle east policy. >> harris: it was bad enough when we thought it was north of 230 hostages. i take the conversation to where we began, the 1,000 americans that hamas is not letting leave the country. if you couple all of that with no more money to that region because the aid for gaza strip now is also something that democrats want to fight about at this point. we have to get our people back before we keep paying money. your last thought. >> that's absolutely right. we need to start imposing consequences on the people behind this. but let's even take a step back further, harris. we also have a terrorist super state in afghanistan. there are reports of the taliban giving passports to al qaeda and other groups so bin laden has realized his dream as a massive caliphate to fund terror all over the world. it is in iran and self-imposed in kabul as well and under this administration. >> harris: a terrorist super state in afghanistan. wow. congressman, thank you very much. appreciate your time. as you can see in gaza right now, the sun is setting and we know that's when much of what happens in the war between israel and hamas terrorists happens after dark. so about this time each day we start to see that in our live pictures. right now we are keeping our eye on a situation that you know i focus on every day, it's the people who are captured and we hope are still alive, the hostages. in cities across america protestors are taking down continuing to vandalize the posters of those hostages. how posters of kidnapped israelis ignited a firestorm on american sidewalks. one woman is tearing down the posters in the middle of new york city. >> i think the people who are putting this up and formeanting this kind of ugliness should be ashamed of themselves. >> harris: look in the mirror, lady. these instances have caused altercations as some people are trying to protect those posters. >> don't touch me, don't touch me. no, don't touch me. no, don't touch me. get out of here. >> harris: nypd arrested a 21-year-old man for ripping down the posters, giving information about hostages and keeping them on the minds of americans. police say it is being investigated as a hate crime but the task form as possible bias incident. we want to keep the hostages always in focus here. here are just three more. we do this every day. the faces of children today held by hamas terrorists. and you can help the activists who created these. we had the artists on last week who were doing this. they're israeli and working with people back home in their country to put together all the information so that we know who has been taken. download and print from their website and post them in your community. kidnapped from we'll read their names. an 8-year-old. a 15-year-old israeli. five years old, israeli. we'll keep them in our prayers. all right. the cornell college student who is accused of threatening a mass shooting of jewish americans and other anti-semitic violence on campus is due in a federal courtroom today. investigators say he is 21-year-old patrick dye, a junior at cornell, an elite college, ivy league. he posted violent messages online targeting jewish students and the building which houses a kosher dining hall. this kind of anti-semitic rhetoric is ramping up on college campuses across america creating a culture of fear for so many. alexis mcadams is on the campus of cornell, university. alexis. >> that building you are talking about with the kosher dining hall and has a heavy police presence as the junior here at cornell is no longer on campus after investigators say he posted a series of threatening messages saying he would kill jewish students at cornell university. the f.b.i. got involved. found the i.p. address and now in custody. i talked to the sheriff a short time ago at the jail where he was booked under 24 hour surveillance here. look at his mug shot. we got it a short time ago from the sheriff's department in new york. this comes as patrick dye faces federal charges after investigators tell us he posted the online threats to shoot up the kosher dining hall and writing he would slit the throats of jewish students on campus. people were up in arms. investigators on high alert. according to the complaint we looked at the f.b.i. and new york state police used dye's i.p. address to track him down finding a dozen hateful posts linked to that computer. students i talked to say the rise in anti-semitism across the country is jarring. >> i definitely new anti-seam adve anti-seamtism existed. >> the posts were found over the weekend. adding police to the campus and the center for jewish living. jewish students tell me they're glad there has been an arrest but think it is an example of a big problem here. >> to think people hate you for what you stand for has to be a pretty bad feeling. >> yeah. i mean, it is bad. but i think it's important that we are strong and we will be strong. for us it doesn't matter so much. we'll stay strong and we are going to fight and stay proud and faithful and stay true to our cause. >> patrick dye is still at the county jail. transferred to the federal courthouse where he will go in front of a judge at 2:30 this afternoon to hear more about the federal charges. it comes after the heavy police presence. they will be here until students feel at ease. >> harris: i know it can happen for suicide watch. he is under 24 hour surveillance at the jail. any idea what they are watching him for? >> well, his dad had told the "new york post" last night they believe he has been threatening to possibly commit suicide. a series of depression issues. that might be one reason and also they said when the u.s. marshal transferred him to the county jail it's something they do leading up to federal charges. they want to make sure nothing happens to him at this point. >> harris: always wonderful to have you on the program. great reporting. thank you. >> thanks. >> harris: f.b.i. director christopher ray said anti-semitism in our nation is reaching unprecedented levels. >> i will say this is a threat that is reaching in some ways historic levels. in part because, as you know all too well, the jewish community is targeted by terrorists across the spectrum. our statistics would indicate that for a group that represents only about 2.4% of the american public they account for something like 60% of all religious-based hate crimes. >> harris: michael masters from the secure community network. this is your specialty. michael, thank you for being with me. can you talk with me about the concern among college campuses and how you would like that to be dealt with? >> i think we heard it directly from our college students. they are scared, they are intimidated. we have seen instances of them being barricaded into locked rooms as individuals are pounding on the door calling for free palestinian. we have increased incidents being reported. we're monitoring at our command center over 220 events on campuses. protests, civil unrest, attacks on jewish students. assault and harassment. it is a difficult time for the jewish community broadly. it is more difficult for ow jewish students and we're not seeing the response from many of our academic institutions that we need to have. >> harris: what would that response be that you need to have that you are not seeing from the most expensive academic institutions some of them in the world? >> well, i think for one the answer is not to blame the students who are being barricaded into rooms but statements of support. i want to compliment law enforcement. you mentioned the incident at cornell. almost immediately the cornell police were involved, new york state police were involved, f.b.i. was involved. our security personnel were in direct coordination with them. but the somewhat feckless comments we're seeing from academic institutions. there is no proportionality in the beheading of the children and raping of innocent civilians in israel. just in the individual that was arrested for those cornell threats, what was he saying? he was using the language of hamas. he was saying that we were going to victimize women, rape jewish women and behead jews. we're seeing that interplay around the country. >> harris: behead particularly jewish babies which is what hamas terrorists did to israeli citizens living in the kibbutz communities. you said 220 and i took that to mean criminal events on campuses. what period of time are you talking about? that's a lot of incidents. >> those are just protests and acts of civil unrest we're monitoring in our command center in order to help protect jewish students who are on those campuses. we have actually roughly about 94 incident reports from college campuses. we coordinate with partners like the adl to have coordinated information and intelligence sharing. 94 incidents of harassment, vandalism, security incidents. that doesn't count for the dozens, if not hundreds of other examples of swastikas being drawn or verbal threats being passed. when you have kids -- kids who are trying to show support for hostages and loved ones, family and friends murdered by a terrorist organization and they are being violently confronted in cambridge, massachusetts, on harvard's campus where i went to law school, that is just unacceptable. what's even more unacceptable is the silence, the breathtaking silence of not standing up for those kids and their free speech rights. >> harris: i don't know how confusing it could be. their number one job, before education, is to protect our students, our children on those campuses. it is unbelievable the deafening silence. not everybody feels that way. we've compiled a list of colleges who support and that becomes part of our reporting a little bit later today as well. they will meet their match in the numbers. i don't know if anybody can meet their match with 94 criminal incidents that you have had in the last few days. thank you michael masters, great to get your expertise on this. >> thank you. >> how many gotaways did cbp record in fiscal year 2023? >> i believe that number is over 600,000 as i'm sure you are well aware. the phenomenon of gotaways is something that has been a challenge for the department of homeland security for decades. we are dealing fundamentally with a broken immigration system. we are seeing an unprecedented level of migration throughout our hemisphere. >> harris: that's the man who admitted they lost track of 85,000 children last year who came across the border, right? that's the homeland security secretary mayokas and says he has a direct admission the biden administration failed to secure the border now a caravan of nearly 5,000 people making their way to the united states from southern mexico. the leader of that caravan, there is one leader, saying this. >> i believe that the biden administration has dropped the ball. joe biden has dropped the ball. does not know what to do with immigration. they have lost a lot of power or hasn't even called to make sure that he finds a way to stop this immigration. he has lost the ball and not doing anything. >> harris: the caravan leader takes on the president of the united states and schools him on how he is not keeping the border secure? that is rich. states straining the cover the cost. sanctuary city and they flow in. governor kathy hochul calls it unsustainable for state of new york. chicago facing questions over putting $150 million aside for illegal immigrants next year while many of the people living there, american citizens are struggling. in colorado, denver has spent $24 million on immigrant services as of september. jason chaffetz, former republican congressman from utah and fox news contributor. this is the opposite of putting america first. >> yeah, exactly. it is open borders. tacitly invited these people to come here. offensive to have mayokas lecture the united states senate we have a broken immigration system? they broke it. it was secure under donald trump. they broke it. they opened up the borders, don't enforce the law. enforce the current law and we'll help solve this problem. if you come across the border illegally not through a port of entry you are to be detained and put back into the country of which you came. they never do that. they purposely release hundreds of thousands of people who came here illegally. they just let them back into the homeland. >> harris: there is so much to get to here. i want to go back to the caravan leader. this thing is organized, right? he took on the president of the united states complaining our immigration system doesn't work and that the president has quote, unquote, dropped the ball. if he can say all of that, why can't the administration admit it? >> they can't admit it. big city mayors, they are sanctuary cities. they are sanctuary states. they can't shut it down. politically they think they'll have a problem. when mayor adams came into office, he encouraged and was supportive of having people that are here illegally actually vote. in minnesota they will allow people who are not here as legal citizens to be in law enforcement. are you kidding me? if you are a drug cartel, harris, and you wanted to make money, traffic guns, traffic people, traffic drugs, this is the perfect scenario. there is no better person than joe biden and kamala harris. joe biden is going to a family farm in minnesota. the world is falling apart. the border is open and that's what our administration is doing. >> harris: you tell me this particular vice president in charge of artificial intelligence, i laugh, i do. it feels like artificial intelligence coming from her and not like the cool tech kind. the white house politically will have a problem. what i take from that from you is that they are worried about the muslim vote. something we're learning more and more about. so they are in a pickle so to speak. they don't know which side to lean on. i'm not sure but i see what you are saying. the white house yesterday dodged a question about the risk of foreign terrorists taking advantage of weak security at our southern border. just watch. >> has the white house considered the possible that a terrorist could be in the country right now after crossing the southern border? >> peter, we're always concerned about the potential presence on u.s. soil of terrorists coming from overseas. >> 600,000 known gotaways just in the last fiscal year. is there any heartburn about leaving the border in such a condition that one of those 600,000 could be a terrorist? >> i can tell you that we are constantly monitoring as best we can all ports of entry to the country for the potential arrival of anybody who might wish us harm. >> is it possible that somebody who wants to commit a terrorist attack during a time of elevated threat crossed the southern border into the united states already? >> i couldn't possibly answer that question, peter. >> harris: i can help him. we know of 169 in the last few months that are on the terror watch list who came across that we caught up with but north of a million and a half gotaways are here. i can help him with that one. >> harris: i have lost a lot of respect for john kirby. i appreciate his service to the country but to say they are monitoring what's happening at the border? that's not their mission. the mission is to secure the border. to have a uniform role of immigration. that's what they are supposed to do, not monitor it. i have no doubt they watch them go right by. but you cannot find a border patrol agent in this country, some 20,000 people who think what is going on in this administration is the right thing to do. we caught 18 people on the terrorist watch list last month. last month. and at the same time the administration is testifying on capitol hill that they are concerned about a lone wolf. they will systematically allow hundreds of thousands of people that they caught and released them into the country. you can't have it both ways. >> harris: i'm more wore eft about a pack of wolves than a lone wolf. i don't know if we can stick the graphic back up. fiscal year 2017, 2 people on the terror watch list came into this country, in fiscal year 2022 that ended last month, 98. jason, look at that number. >> these are just the ones that we know about, harris, that's what is so scary. they have come across by the millions. by the tens of thousands they come across on a daily basis. and again, why doesn't the administration meet with the border patrol? brandon judd, the president of the border patrol council, do you think he is ever getting a meeting with kamala harris who is supposedly the czar in charge of this? no. i know i just mentioned it. as we are speaking she is giving a speech on artificial intelligence but won't secure the border or have the discussion about it. >> harris: what good would it do to meet with her? democrats have proven at 1600 pennsylvania avenue this is not something they'll go to the mat for. they won't do it. i picked 2022. we are 169 for fiscal year 2023. i picked that because it was before october 7th. this was before what's happening in the middle east. so we've had a pile on on top of the situation they didn't see as a problem 30 days ago. >> they fundamentally changed the way they were enforcing the law. they chose not to enforce the law. they are not deporting people. that is their fundamental choice they made along the way. that's why we see the fentanyl deaths, people dying crossing the rivers, 85,000 children that you referred to earlier that they just lost. are you kidding me? 85,000 unaccompanied minors and they have no idea where they are. it's just a stunning -- this is a choice election. you can have security, financially secure at your border, security overseas or you can have the open season we have now with joe biden and kamala harris. >> harris: you have the white house, the presidential race and democrats on the hill right now and there is growing division between or among all of them on israel. and it is about to spill over onto the house floor. we're watching for that today. many house democrats especially are frustrated with congresswoman rashida tlaib's constant calls for a cease-fire by israel after they were attacked. some are even supporting a pending resolution to censure rashida tlaib for comments against israel. she was also part of a group of nine democrats who voted against a resolution in support of israel. wow. democratic congressman and presidential candidate dean phillips wants to run against biden saying i like everything he is doing. he is too old. he tore into his colleagues. >> i'm disappointed that progressives who look out for the underdog, who care about the diminished and disenfranchised, those being percent cavityed to not recognize what just happened on october 7th in such graphic form is really disconcerting and appalling. >> harris: the divide could be a breach that splits democrats for a generation with untold political consequences. jason. >> hamas was designated as a terrorist organization in 1997. systematically since then democrats more and more have been the ones who said they are pro-hamas. now, rashida tlaib, the congresswoman is so bright and smart outside of her congressional office she has a palestinian flag and a gay rights flag. the gay pride flag. not the brightest congresswoman on the block. you try to do those types of things and support gay rights in palestine, good luck with that. you know what? democrats are choosing. they are the ones preaching tolerance. if it is killing a jew they are just fine with it. i just cannot believe we're at this point in our society that the jewish people are targeted so aggressively. it is just absolutely disgusting and void of facts. what we've been teaching these kids over the last few decades, i really want them to dive deep. do they believe the holocaust happened? do they believe the 10 million jews were killed? i don't think they do. >> harris: jason chaffetz speaking plainly and getting to the facts. appreciate you. president biden has finally backed israel since last month's hamas terror attack. now he is starting already to soften his language a little bit. the reason, politics. we'll break down why the president might no longer be able to count on support from muslim voters. i touched on this moments ago. those votes are crucial to his -- they were crucial to his 2020 victory. stay close. but i wonder if you just take a few seconds to pray with me real quick. in the name of the father and son, holy spirit. amen. lord jesus, come to us now. help us to surrender ourselves completely to you. help us to listen to your voice. even when we're distracted or tired, we pray this in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. amen. thank you so much. i just want to encourage you that if you want to join me in more prayer, check out hallow it's the number one prayer app in the world. that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. >> harris: the israel/hamas war could reshape the 2024 election and be a disaster for president biden. muslim-americans overwhelmingly voted for him in 2020. support is slipping now for biden support for israel. the national muslim deck democratic council wrote the open letter to biden. we pledge the mobilize muslim, arab and withhold any votes for any candidate who did not advocate for a cease-fire. national security spokesman john kirby said hamas may benefit more from a cease-fire than israel. >> in terms of a cease-fire, our concern with that is that hamas benefits to the tune of being able to refit, renew themselves, plan and execute additional attacks. as i said yesterday, right now is not the time for a general cease-fire. it is, however, the time to consider pauses in the fighting. >> harris: a new op-ed from the hill says supporting israel is politically perilous for president biden. "politico" calls the issue a political wedge that will shape the contours of the 2024 election cycle. i want to bring in former dnc deputy press secretary, former georgia congressman doug collins will join us in a moment. jose, give me the calculus that has to happen for biden and the white house and getting those muslim votes. >> i think the president foremost we have to understand that biden has supported the muslim community since the very beginning. >> harris: he got a big chunk in 2020. >> we support israel. joe biden understands number one, we need to defeat hamas, we need to support the jewish community and need to support the muslim community at the same time. the long term vision is a two-state solution. that's just reality. so the sort of letters by the muslim democrats, look, it is unrealistic to have a cease-fire to defeat hamas. if we want to defeat a terrorist organization we need to engage with the enemy and that's what biden along with israel is prepared to do. >> harris: it's interesting. you said two things that might not be oppositional but i don't often hear them together. you have to support israel and my question was how do you keep the muslim vote? they are telling you you won't get it unlues you do what they say and don't support israel in the way you are supporting them now. do you think you can do both those things? how do you get the muslim vote? >> no question about it. we are a year away from a presidential election and with all due respect to the leaders from the muslim community that wrote this letter, i don't think that's true or representative of the muslim community as a whole in the united states of america. >> harris: sometimes beyond 14 months for this war. that's beyond what you are talking about. that might be a problem for biden. let's get to this. the white house yesterday danced around questions about the president's dip in support from muslim-americans. >> i'm not going to get every poll. paying attention, listening to what different communities are concerned about. obviously that's important to this president. i'm not going to go into every poll from here. >> harris: what does that say, doug? >> it says they don't want to deal with it. look, i appreciate my friend's response there. we have to support israel. it is incongruent to hold both at the time. what we see in the streets. we saw this just the other day when we were talking on "outnumbered." they are not for a two dash state solution. they are peacefully out protesting saying we support hamas and many have been saying we support whatever they did in the atrocities and brutality and murder. i'm not sure how the biden administration will dance around this. they don't want any help for israel. they don't want to take israel into account. they want israel to be gone. this is an annihilation of the jewish state protest. >> harris: hamas said it. hamas wants to wipe jews off the face of the map. that would be a one-state solution on their part. they won't be able to do it. campaign finance data showing vulnerable democratic lawmakers in 12 states took donations from political action committee tied to anti-israel squad members. the far left members of the house. all those lawmakers who took the donations voted for the house resolution standing in solidarity with itself rail in its war against hamas pointing to a divide in the party. make sense of this. how does this work out? >> look, it's politics and dem cismd every party has their extremes. we have extremes from the left. republicans have problems of their own. >> harris: let's focus on your party. >> i can tell you the president supports israel. the most important thing. he met with netanyahu and will continue to support them. the jewish community supports joe biden with this president. >> harris: what does he do to get the muslim vote? i feel like i ask the same question. you were the deputy press secretary. i have to know. >> it's not that complicated. the president is able to walk and chew gum at the same time. he is able to support the jewish community and help the muslim community as a whole and why he is the president of the united states you can do both things. >> harris: if muslim voters don't turn out for him. >> they will turn out. >> harris: the way they did in 2020, what happens to joe biden? what are we looking at in terms of what goes away? like 2%. >> i love how -- >> harris: i will go to doug. >> i think he has a problem. this idea he can walk and chew gum at the same time is funny at this. there is no walking and chewing gum. you either support israel. the muslim community in these letters have said you support israel we won't support you. i have to agree where will they go? stay at home and not vote? then look at it from the perspective their position is staked out with the position of hamas. this is what really will push not just democrat voters but push republican voters to look and maybe those independents who may or may not have trouble with both parties will look and say do i want to stand with groups that are going against this with the president? i want to stand with israel, not with this grouping here. i think it will tear up the vote in michigan and places like that. not an easy answer and you can't easily write it off. >> harris: think how small the margins are in battleground states and think about third party competition, dean phillips on the left getting into the race. the president will need every percentage vote he can get. this becomes one of those things we watch for. good to see you gentlemen. thank you. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." 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