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deal has been struck overnight to open the rafah border crossing to some critically injured palestinians as well as foreign passport holders. and this is significant since it might allow some american citizens stuck in gaza the opportunity to leave. chief fox news correspondent jonathan hunt joins us live from jerusalem with the very latest. jonathan, it has to be some very good news, good news indeed, lauren, as we hit the 10 a.m. hour here in israel and we understand from the reporting of the associated press that some of those foreign nationals have already now crossed from southern gaza into northern egypt via the rafah border crossing at the southern end of the gaza strip. we do not know at this point whether those who have crossed or will cross will include americans. but we assume that this involves all foreign nationals, all foreign passport holders. so we await to see when and if all of those americans who have been stuck inside gaza for more than three weeks now are able to get out today. we are also learning of this agreement that the qatari government has helped broker that as part of it. some critic injured palestinians will also be allowed to leave for obviously urgently needed medical treatment. just short time ago, we saw that fleet of ambulance ses that you see there going across the border from egypt into gaza to pick up some of those critically injured palestinians that all obviously happening at the southern end of the gaza strip at the northern end, intense fighting between israeli forces and hamas continues as the it is particularly intense around gaza city as the israeli forces appear to be trying to encircle gaza city. we learned the news from the idf overnight night that nine israel soldiers were killed when they were hit by an anti-tank guided missile. those nine in addition to the two idf soldiers we reported killed yesterday. so that brings the total number of israeli soldiers killed since the beginning of this ground operation to 11. israel meantime, launched an intense airstrike on jabalia that is just north of gaza city. that caused a couple of buildings there to collapse. the idf says that underneath those buildings was a tunnel network and that is why the buildings then collapsed as those tunnels were were destroyed. they say that they killed a significant member of hamas's northern command in that strike, as well as dozen of other hamas fighters. now, hamas claims that many civilians were also killed in that strike. we have no confirmation on numbers of civilians who may have been killed. but the breaking news right now at 10 a.m. here in israel, lauren, is the foreign nationals are being allowed to leave gaza after more than three weeks stuck there via to the rafah border crossing into egypt. and we believe that that will include some americans. lauren all right. thank you so much, jonathan. doing an excellent job there in jerusalem. stay safe. thank you so much for bringing that update. and keep it here on fox for all the latest news out of israel and the middle east and the region, as well as around the globe. i'm lauren greene in new york. we will return xi is the side of ukraine, enjoying romantic evening in beijing just a few weeks ago. the fact, is the pentagon wants u.s. credit card with no limit and no accountability. >> the department of defense is only federal agency that has never in history of ever been audited. your inspector general insisted he be in charge. do you not see the irony there with respect to ukraine? >> i am confident our respected general will do a great job in making sure that we remain on track with our responsibilities in ukraine. >> laura: of course, no one believes that, i don't think austin believes that. a blockbuster piece in time lay bear the corruption in ukraine and the lack of accountability for the billions, mostly from america that is poured into ukraine. top presidential advisor to zelenskyy telling simon shuster, that people are stealing like there is no tomorrow. zelenskyy fired most of his cabinet, including defense minister, earlier this year, you may remember. he was never forthcoming about the reasons for that shakeup. more from the time article. the president was warned in february that corruption had grown rife, but dith erred giving his allies the chance to deal with the problems quietly. that zelenskyy is a crafty one. no one they want no real tracking of $100 billion we already sent. corruption in ukraine is rampant and that is terrible for biden, who knows a thing or two about corruption. new revelations that ukraine has a full-blown recruitment crisis on its hands. here is more from the investigation. some branches of ukraine military, shortage of personnel is more dire than deficit in arms and ammunition. zelenskyy's close aide tells me if the u.s. and allies come through with all weapons pledged, we don't have the men to use them. okay. which begs the question, why is biden doubling down there to rebuild and reimagine ukraine's infrastructure, that's why. >> we rebuild ukraine economy and offset damage by russia, it will help to reimagine investing in industry, infrastructure and supply chain connected to europe and to the world, civil society. >> laura: is this a green new zelenskyy deal? all this, democracy sounds familiar. same type of arguments made for iraq and afghanistan. we got to stop the taliban or girls will not be able to attend school. how did that, wo out? democracy-building in iraq? the truth is they have no defined strategy to save ukraine or defeat russia, summer offensive was supposed to be the answer and no plan b. they don't want joe biden to face defeat on the global stage when up for reelection. this massive sum of money they want now for ukraine tied to legitimate aid for israel is a cynical and widely irresponsible political ploy. delays defeat in ukraine to secure biden's victory in 2024. that's the angle. joining me now is senator tuberville. i know you saw this on capitol hill. they really do i think think we're that stupid tying aid to israel to this boon doggle amount in ukraine given what we learned in this time magazine investigation. >> you got to right, laura, clown show on the hill. they look for any crisis to make money, borrow money. we are printing $100,000 per minute to pay for this stuff. we don't have the money. we're borrowing money from china, people we are preparing war for. it is absolute clown show. >> laura: john kirby is outraged anyone would interfere with the administration desire to send this money overseas. watch this senator. >> demanding offset means supporting israel and ukraine is a break with normal bipartisan process that can have devastating impact overseas. shouldn't be any political games played with our national security. >> laura: senator, do democrats want -- apparently no debate on this. shame of likes of you and senator hawley and others shame you into supporting ukraine and if you don't, i guess you're no better than hamas. >> they think we should bite on anything they throw out there, laura. it's really a shame. they don't do anything for the american taxpayer, money going out of the country and looking at ukraine and israel now. we've got to do something at the border and that is what we should do as republicans, stand up and say we're all for israel. what a travesty that was. unless they do something for the american people at the border, we don't do something, you don't get anything. >> laura: we'll get into that lieutenant governor of texas in a minute. i couldn't agree more. mitch mcconnell is unhappy with you for holding up nomination. of course nominations could be voted on in due course. mcconnell took a shot at you, give you a chance to respond. >> this is a bad idea, i still think it is a bad idea. i'm mong those trying to convince senator tuberville to express opposition some other way, by peep whole actually make plsz as opposed to military heroes sworn to stay out of politics. >> laura: senator, apparently now you're against military heroes because you believe there should be normal course of nomination, especially pushing t abortion issue in the military event. i'm all for the event, we're in a tough time, our military is struggling to put a group together, army, navy, air force, i don't work for senator mcconnell. i work for taxpayers of this country. i thought we were pro-life, i am. we will fight that. i do not like memos from the white house telling us to do our job and don't worry about voting on this law, we'll pass it for you. we should do it and have a voice for the american people in the senate, on the senate floor about this. i will not change my mind. tomorrow i'm putting some nominees on the floor myself to get them confirmed because chuck schumer won't do it fchl we have to do his job, that is fine. >> laura: the rubber hit says the road, if they decide they don't want to vote on this, they want it for next year, correct? >> correct. we are fighting for american people in our country. >> laura: when you watch blinken and austin, do you think they know what is going on in ukraine? >> it looks like a rerun, they are poetic in how they talk and what they say, they talk in rhythm and rhyme and don't give substance. >> laura: infrastructure in ukraine and essentially a green new deal for ukraine, that's what he was essentially describing there. >> remember, president biden said our number one crisis is climate change. it is not israel. it is not middle east. it is not ukraine. these people have no idea what they are doing, we better worry about this country first. we're declining as a nation and if we don't make our country stronger, we will have huge problems outside our borders. >> laura: peace through strength. thank you. some rays of hope breaking through the clouds in the d.c. swamp. common sense is not dead. proposed a separate vote on 14.3 billion request for aid to israel, they want to cut spending in order to offset the cost. the idea is actually simple, take the 14 billion from the obscene 80 billion that bideneer marked for the irs. they plan to hire thousands of new agents who would harass hard-working americans. if the choice is to cut bureaucracy or grow it, democrats will choose the latter. licans released a partisan and woefully inadequate package with no aid to ukraine, no humanitarian assistance for gaza, and poison pills that help wealthy ta x cheats avoid paying their fair share. how the heck could that be their highest priority? it's only when the hard right govern the republican caucus. >> laura: now they don't for a second consider g the fiscal cliff. clean-up is far worse for our national security than whatever may happen in ukraine. of course, chuck and most of the accept to and octogenarians on the hill will be gone by the time their unsustainable spending grabs america by the throat it. will be another generation's catastrophe to deal with joining me now is kevin hassett. former trump chair on the council of economic advisers. kevin, i want to start with the danger posed by the interest that we have to pay every year on our debt. now, a lot of people say, laura, don't do this topic because people don't want to hear. guess what? this is really important. it's now $659 billion. okay? that's the interest. we get nothing for it. that's right off the top. that's what we have to pay. so how much more can we add to the debt until the interest payment alone becomes unsustainable, kevin? >> well, i think it's already unsustainable, laura. you were right to mention the blank check that we have given the defense department and other areas of government under the biden administration. and, you know, if you gave me your checkbook and gave me a blank check, the odds are that your checking account would be empty pretty soon, right? that's where we are, sadly, as an american people. here's the thing, the most chilling way to think about it. if you look at the latest cbo outlook, this is before all this new spending we are talking about, then the deficit over the next 10 years consume late to about $25 trillion. $25 trillion. that's the same size as the whole economy. that's about how much g.d.p. we make in a year. and so against that back drop, if you want to spend more money on this, then you need to cut money on that. and i absolutely 100 percent support sending money to israel and defending them after this terrible massacre. but, again, there is no reason in the world why we can't cut something else and, you know, the house people chose irs agents which really upset the democrats. what i would do is say to biden, i would go a step further and say if you want to spend more money on anything, then you're going to have to go back to this old word sequester cut spending on everything else proportionately to pay for the thing if you want to do. if you want to spend more money on ukraine, fine, cut everything else to pay for it. we can't afford it anymore. >> laura: over at msnbc, they are absolutely, you know, outraged that anyone would want to cut irs funding to pay for aid to israel. watch this. >> the opening conversation that the new speaker wants to have with the president of the united states in the middle of a crisis is let's elevate our concerns about the irs and the 80,000 employees that were added to their ranks for what purpose than to say well you get the money only if you cut the irs. you just look stupid. >> laura: kevin, that's a shock it was such a disaster as rnc chair with that analysis. look, again, they think they can keep writing checks like there is no tomorrow. but what happens tomorrow when our interest payments on this debt is bigger than the defense budget and it keeps growing and growing and growing? then what happens? >> right. yeah, that's right. well, what happens is that eventually the u.s. is going to have to have a massive retrenchment or we are going to default on our debt or the fed is going to print so much money that they inflate -- then what happens is that everybody's welfare is worse off. you saw what inflation has done to everybody. how real incomes are down since 2019 under the biden administration. >> laura: got to be much worse. >> by 4,000 bucks it. will be twice as bad if we don't start to get our house in order. think about the israeli issue. this is not the last bill. i'm sorry to say. we know this is going to drag on. they are going to need more money. therefore, you have to be prudent and budget and think about how are we going to pay for this? and so the republicans are being responsible, the democrats are being irresponsible. >> laura: clearly, biden, they know ukraine is gone. they lost ukraine, and they don't want to actually have this come into play for the election next year. the summer offensive turned out to be a total flop. they know it. and they are not telling the american people. that is shameful. kevin, thank you. now, while the administration is worried about other nation's borders as senator tuberville alluded to, the terrorists may be taking advantage of our open border. texas lt. governor dan patrick has new news there, next. ♪ is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this! because it's powered by the next generation 10g network. more speed for your business? it's not just possible. it's happening. get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities. ♪ >> can you say that hamas hezbollah, or other iran backed terrorists are not in the u.s. currently after possibly illegally crossing our southern border? >> senator, let me assure you that anyone who poses a threat to our national security or our public safety is an enforcement priority of ours? >> laura: are you reassured? alejandro mayorkas' job isn't to enforbes the border. i hate to break it to you. it's to manage the flow of humanity across the border. and for those 169 individuals on the terror watch list who have been arrested this fiscal year, the administration says don't worry, that just demonstrates that the system's working. forget the fact that we have no idea how many terrorists may have slipped in unnoticed. i mean, don't worry about that. that's just inconvenient fact. joining me now is texas lt. governor dan patrick. dan, the white house is asking for $14 billion in this emergency supplemental. they are throwing everything together. $14 billion for border enforcement and detention facilities. but, given where you sit, do you have any faith that any of that money would actually be used to detain and deport migrants? >> absolutely not, laura. and listening to your last guest, the one thing our founders didn't do was to insist on a balanced budget in the constitution. 49 other states have to have a balanced budget. so, in texas, we just passed out of the texas senate today $1.5 billion to continue building the texas border wall. well, we have to take that money from somewhere. we can't print it like washington does. so we have to balance our budget. and now, laura, we are spending about 4 billion every two years on border security. we are effective with our money. we know where the money goes. washington doesn't. and for them to say that they take, you know, high priority, they take terrorists are caught, they have no idea, laura, 8 8 million people have come here. that would be the 14th largest state in the country if you put them one place. 8 million people. they don't know where these people go when they drop them off. they don't fingerprint. they don't do a background check on everyone. they get a few. let me tell you what, bet your bottom dollar, hamas and other terrorists from around the world have crossed this southern border since joe biden has been president and before. they sneak in somewhere. you know, we apprehend people, but they are the got-aways or the people we never see. >> laura: i'm sure they are just doing jobs that americans won't do, dan. by the way, mayorkas dodged several questions with senator johnson earlier. watch this. >> how many people has this administration let into the country? >> let me say at the outset that our job would be a lot easier if the broken immigration system was fixed. >> no, mr. secretary. i want a number. how many people have you let into this country? >> i should also. >> okay. i will give you the number. it's about 6 million. >> laura: okay. whenever they say the broken immigration system. i say 'was working pretty well in 2019. but this is all -- that's all they have. >> yeah. and, you know, when senator johnson said 6 million. that doesn't count the got aways and, remember, law enforcement thinks for every one we catch, remember, that's the ones we apprehended that two or three others get in. you multiply that in big numbers. this administration has turned their back on america, turned its back on texas. turned its back on law enforcement its turned its back on families though are seeing their children die from fentanyl. this administration doesn't give a damn about the lives of people in this country or those who are sex trafficked, the member, the women, the children who have come over here that are automatically put into sex trafficking, they don't care. this a cold-hearted administration, their only goal is to get people by the millions into this country one day turn them into citizens to vote. this is a plan. this isn't an action. this is malfeasance. this is their plan. they don't care. they don't care that we see through it. they don't care. >> laura: and they are ruthlessly focused on what they want to do whereas republicans kind of focused with each other. >> absolutely. >> laura: what did you think of adams in new york now saying he will pay for plane tickets for migrants out of the city. apparently he wants to send them back to you. this is like hot potato. you send them to him he sends to you. full up. can't take any more migrants. essentially the same thing from boston and chicago as well. >> yeah. all these sanctuary cities weren't really sanctuary cities, were they? you know, it was all just a facade. they didn't really want these people. and if they send them back to us, guess what? we have more buses than new york has. let me put it that way. we will send them right back and other blue states. only thing i don't want want, laura people's in martha's vineyard people own houses down to texas. that could be a problem for us. martha's vineyard, we don't want those folks. >> laura: that is really funny. dan, great to see you. thanks so much. all right, now it's time on halloween for our political palate cleanser. check this out. time to show off the kids of the angle. first up is vice president tomi kids kamala harris. adorable fighter pilot in a care bear. poppy the lifeguard. poppy rules the roost. samantha fox's son teddy dressed up as slapy from goose bumps. hey, slapy. and producer david cats kids carter, dakota dressed up as olaf and anna from frozen. all right. i have -- my kids are too old. i won't allow them to trick or treat. they will scare you if you go to the door with large children. coming up, a live report from israel and plus what universities are doing to silence speech on campus when it comes to the atrocities committed by hamas. that's next. ♪ i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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>> laura, the numbers are just stunning when we start to prepare for this report that number was at 245. already up to 27 now. the most recent attack in iraq at al-asad air base this was two armed drones. that's where u.s. forces are based al-asad in the desert out there. no casualties from the latest attack. the number 2 7 a. tacks occurred just in the past two weeks. and they occurred against u.s. forces, both in iraq and in syria. the attacks are carried out by armed drones and by rockets as well. and they are carried out by armed groups aligned with iran. and as that happens there, here in northern israel, we're seeing a steady stream of attacks so far hezbollah using shorter range missiles, keeping the attacks to the border area. perhaps out of fear if they break out their larger, more powerful missile, they can sink deep into israel, they could face a massive retaliation from israel. laura, back to you. >> laura: steve, thanks so much for that and tens of thousands of students from the country and frankly around the world are applying early decision or early action to yale university this week. it's still considered one of the premier institutions of higher learning. and has an endowment of about $40 billion. and five former u.s. presidents, new england its alumni. many of yale's big donors were shocked recently to see students siding with a terror organization, hamas, chanting from the river to the sea. and some even blaming israel for those hideous wh horrific attacs on october 7th. then the yale daily news edited a student article that detailed hamas' murders and kidnapping of civilians. references to rape and the bee headings were removed from the article. while they issued a correction a few days ago saying the claims were unsubstantiated. but then, shortly before air, after a huge pressure campaign from students and alums, the newspaper issued an apology, saying they were wrong. the student sentenced by the paper and she joins me now. is a harr, okay you, well, do you feel vindicated now. >> thank you so much for having me today. i think the undoing the yale daily news correction is a positive step forward but it doesn't make the initial action any less insidious. this was a reflection of student trends to not even justify but to simply deny hamas' brutality. >> laura: so, sahar, after the editor's note was posted on your article saying anner reasonnous correction that has been since retracted, tortured writing clas about rape were left out until we asked them why that was still missing, they hadn't really responded. so now it's back in. so it's back in now. so, your reaction to that? >> again, it should never have been taken out in the first place. hamas' rapes and bee headings were completely substantiated. reporters were on the ground within 48 hours. and they vaped it f videotaped e world to see likely to recruit other young men to their brutalization campaign. so the initial denial was a major student newspaper, a flagship newspaper deciding to side with them it's horrifying and the effectiveness of a public pressure campaign shows we can make a difference they don't make corrections by this often. so meticulously. this was uniquely anti-semitic event. and i'm glad that the public, excuse me, saw that it was targeted, that it was horrifying, and that it was wrong. >> laura: yale daily news says they are adding it back. in they did the wrong thing in the first place and then it was a very ham-handed, hand foisted way of trying to get back on course. but wild things happening on campus, sahar, i think this is just the beginning of the crack in the facade of the so-called tolerance set on campus. the truth matter in the end. sahar, thank you for writing your piece and thank you for coming on tonight. kamala harris' former staffers turns out they are coming after her. tulsi gabbard tells us why. that's next. ♪ goli, t(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this! because it's powered by the next generation 10g network. more speed for your business? it's not just possible. it's happening. get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities. ♪ >> now the biden administration knows it's getting squeezed by its base over the issue of support for israel. and the progressive base knows who they might be able to mold, kamala harris. >> children continue to die at the wall because of this country's inhumane policies. much like the policies against those in palestine. [cheers] >> first of all, a terrorist organization, hamas struck israel in the way that it did. i think it is important to recognize also the distinction between a terrorist organization hamas and the palestinian people and civilians. [applause] and they should not be conflated. >> laura: she is very smart. is kamala seeing an opportunity here, maybe, the base turning against biden but she can kind of split the baby here? i'm on your side. don't worry, wink, wink. even her former aides know she can be influenced. politico reporting that a letter is being care could you lated among them urging her to seek an immediate cease-fire between israel and hamas and calling israel's gaza campaign a genocide. joining me now is tulsi gabbard, former hawaii congresswoman army reservist. they know they have a problem here with significant percentage of their own base. what is kamala up to there? >> i don't know if kamala knows what she is up to. but the reality here is when you look at things like what representative cori bush is saying, what the squad is saying, what so many of these other people who are saying who are accusing israel of committing a genocide, it is the height of hypocrisy because they are apologist and supporters of these islamist terrorists who are call for the genocide. the extermination of all jews not just in israel but all around the world. we are seeing this being carried out by violent mobs and threats and other things happening against jewish people literally around the world. and the worst part is they are doing this under the guise of well, we care about innocent people and we don't want people to get hurt when, in fact, they are in essence supporting and apologizing the barbaric actions hamas against be in the, women and civilians. >> i call it creating the monster. they are dr. frankenstein and now the monster in their progressive wing is turning against them shocking development. it's not a shocking development. this is always been there. but it's also deeply anti-american, is it not? >> it is. and it is against the very foundational principles and values of who we are as a country. these democrats, they have called people like me an islamophobe for many years just for speaking the truth about radical islam. about the threat that this islamism poses to the freedom and peace of security of the american people and people around the world. >> laura: well, do you believe, as do some of these republicans in the senate, that we should be bringing in more afghan refugees. we brought in 80, 90,000. we didn't vet any of them. i'm sure they are great people and helped us in afghanistan. did do we have 80,000 interpreters or drivers? i don't think so. >> we unquestionably. biden's open borders and the fact that we have got millions of people coming in who are not vetted in any way, shape, or form who have not been checked. >> laura: share values nigel in england. you can't call it a clash of civilization, why not? it is a clash of civilization no women's rights. pluralism. free expression, none of that. that's not on the table. >> no. that is the hypocrisy of seeing these lgbtqia activists out there holding and waving the trans flags combined with the palestinian flag. >> laura: that's a new level of stupid. >> they don't understand what this islamist ideology where they actually want to kill people. they want to kill those people specifically. >> laura: they have to tie ukraine to israel because they know ukraine won't stand on its own. that funding and, again, they are trying to cheat the american people through their representatives by saying okay. you support you want to stand with israel. well, guess what? we are going to sneak in all of this other money we are going to take out of your pocket and bank account to go and support something that increasingly americans are understanding. >> laura: it's not working. >> this proxy war against russia is pushing us closer to nuclear war and it's not this in our best national security interest to do it. >> laura: tulsi, great to see you. >> laura: matthew perry's death larger problem in america what is it? this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. >> laura: we've been learning more about a new epidemic in america, loneliness. the tragic death of actor matthew perio over the weekend brought more attention to this issue and his memoir released a few years ago he addressed not only has addiction to drugs in alcohol, but how lonely and isolated he often felt writing i'm lonely, but there's a coupl of people on the payroll to kee me safe it's so sad, especially knowing that he didn't want to feel that way brady told the ne york times he hopes to marry an have children and the future, h said he thought he'd be a great father. according to gallup nearly one and four people worldwide is reporting feeling lonely perhap not surprisingly those between the ages of 19 and 29 are among the loneliest. 57 percent of that group report feeling alone joining me now as patrick mcdavid host of the ppd podcast. patrick, good to see you. you did a deep dive into this, what do you find is behind this epidemic? >> great to be on with you. everybody is devastated when they heard the news that matthe perry, we all grew up watching friends, one of the greater shows of all time bear there's couple of times to a. we look at data from 1960 until today, in 1960 in the u.s. the total population that lived by themselves was 7 million. today it's 38 million, that's a increase of 442 percent. while population from 60 until today has only grown 90 percent. loneliness has grown 442 percent . some say why is that happening? all of these same people saying the loneliness epidemic is terrible, but are the same ones akimbo with the policies and ba policies have consequences. matthew pair is somebody who ha lived his life not to its fullest, he had another 30 year left to live, but this is also you showed the chart earlier, i want to give you a story about one of the best acting coaches in la i met with him 17 years ago because i was thinking abou getting into the space of possibly acting. he said patrick, the hardest thing about acting is the following thing. if you're creative, it's dangerous when you don't have any work. how do you do without working? i said i like to work. in acting you're not going to work most of the time steve got a lot of time with your hands, your drinking alcohol in all these other things. it's heartbreaking to see this, but it's a very common thing. all the strikes took place with the writers guild, actors guild. all of these things with not writing. hollywood wasn't producing movies great it's got to be challenging for a creator to sa you can't work very. >> corn consumption with young men across the spectrum is skyrocketing. one young man and his late 20s recently told men's health that i don't have a lot of time for socializing or dating, it is easy to turn too because it's right there. but you just feel lonelier afterwards. what is your message to men struggling with this addiction and it is another epidemic in the united states leading to more isolation and shame in loneliness. katie i ran and i can tell you having 45,000 insurance agents, a lot of young agents getting into the business i talked to a lot of these young guys that struggle with. you can get a free and there's so many different versions to it , so why have to pursue dating great it's one of the worst things. what porn can do to a young man . family anderson is probably the one of the best to get insight into perigee's been a figure a lot of people look at. end she was teaching her sons saying, stop watching porn because she experienced been watching it and said here's wha the relationship was. so the worst thing for boys and i think it's a romantic to see that taking place. my concern again as more with the younger population who are not managing expectations properly. there going to be disappointed. to keep putting off marriage fo saying no marriage, or children or just going out, so they retreat inward onto a screen, into binge watching tv and that kills the social interaction as well. this is a big topic, we have te seconds to close it out. >> it is an issue that's going to be happening. it's not going to go away anytime soon, but if you are young man, i would avoid porn a all costs. >> laura: great to see you tonight. my kids are too old but my dog is into perigee helped out tonight at the house. candy, she is dressed as a banana. that's it for us tonight thank you for watching

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