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Now im going to hannity and tonight, coming up, were going to bring you the very anm the ground in the fro middle east with our friend Trace Gallagher. Also, texas senator ted cruz will be here tonight. And ufc president white. Will join us. He has a huge announcement, lirecord setting a huge recordg bud light, the official beer of the ufc. Looks like anheuserbusch trying to send a message. Messa anyway, it appears that the American Beer Giant is now Gettingepeared Tamericang Back S Selling beer after what wasr wht a detour w into World Politics didnt work out well. But first, our top storyt didn tonight, chaos. Violence continues to rock the entire middle eastt ur top s for the conflict that some believe could erupt into a major global conflict and war. But is the biggest threat to america actually coming from within . Because in every major city, every state there are leftists who exhibit more fidelity to the people gaza than americans who are murdered and taken hostage by terrorists, by israelis murdered and taken hostage. In fact. And ta for weeks now, we haveke witnessed some of these in fe have Excuse Afterese excuse and in many cases even pelebrating the barbaric acts perpetrated by the terrorist hamas. And even speaking out in support of hamas. This is not a fringe group of lunatics either. Were talking about collegeluna professors, many, many college studentstics about c at our fint universities, health care providers, bankers, prominent celebrities, even members of congress. They clearly hate israelalthca and the jewish people that live there. Re s, promiand supposedly they loae capitalism. They detest the very idea of america, although they really seem to enjoy living here. But of course, this seditious hatred and bigotry extends all the watheyerica, y. He eas the east river in new york,t where the United Nations has ere the wrought historically with antiamericanism and antisemitis nationsm. Antis for example, today, listen to the u. N. Secretary generaemel and. The list of excuses for the actions, the terrorist actions, hamas. Take a look. It is important to also recognize as the attacks by hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian People have been subjected to 56 yearsople h of suffocating occupatioavn. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements, plagued by violence. Their economy stifled. Then people displaced and their homes demolisheded. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing. Ive said this for some time of the antiamericanism, the vitriol and antisemitism at is time, frankly, as far as im concerned, for the u. N. To be evicted from america. Theyre an antiamerican organization. They serve no purpose. Victed they take up valuable real estate in new york city. F can that it doesnt deserve. Xp and we, the taxpayers, you know, we payayer the bulk of moneys just for the privilege of being hated a as well as our closest ally, israel. Anand while were at it, lets cut all ties and funding to all these globalisd , let organizat. The w. H. O. , they covered up for the Communist Chinese and covet the wef. They want nothing but worldwidet socialism or the idiotic Parisic Climate Accords where we pay the bulk of money and india and china recognized as developing nations and pay next to nothing. And by the way, while were at it, lets get rid of every other antiamericarens organization. When was the lasat time one of these groups actually made anybodys life better . Probably never. So lets invite the worlds brainles as life bs, selfimport diplomats. Let them clog the traffic of some other country. I say china. Let china have the un and theyi can spend the billions annually to to keephave the that failing institution running. Now, sadly, weve come to expect this kind of extremism from diplomats around the world, but its far more shocking to see the massive prohamas protests on Americaotests N Streets In Cy after city after city, People Holding that call for a global islamic revolution. Others praising the brutal actions of hamas, including the , the murder, the torture, the families burned alive, the kids abducted and the babies beheaded. You know, some even ripping down posters, featuring, Murd The Missing American and Israeli Children Nower Being Heldican Hostage by hamas. This is evil. It is Happeninand Isen now bg ie in our time. What kind of person . Tear it down. A poster of a missing child. Far left. Hatred. Bigotry is seemingly in this country in numbers that i dont think anybody expectedt. And thats why the White House Press secretary, karine jeanpierrene jean, wasm to condemn antisemitism yesterday and instead only wanted to talk about islamophobia. Abouk at this. Please w what is the level of concernu right now about, the potential rise of antisemitism in light of everything going on in israel . So a couple of things. Look ts , we have not seen any credible threats. I know theres been alwayslw questions about credibleays threats. And so i just want to make sure that thats out there. But, look, muslims and those perceived to be muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate fueled attacks. A and certainly President Biden understands that many of our prderstandb arabamericans and palestinian american loved ones and neighbors are worried about the hate being directed at their community. The ha nice way to flip that anyway. He later clarified her remarksi rema and said that she misheard the question, which seems to be a very common in the common Biden Administration these days. Joe, Misheard The Questionhe by mpathi two other times this week. Now, the hamas sympathizers free palestine crowd are demanding that israel do nothing. Theyre all calling for a cease fire after israel has hadack on the worst Terror Attack on their soil in their history. Now, of course tsoil i it woulda one sided cease fire. Hamas is Launching Thousands of rockets daily and has previously broken every single cease fire that has ever been agreed to. Over the years, tens and tens and tens of thousands of rockets have been fired from gaza, from lebanon, hezbollaheta into israel. This has to end. Israel cannovefrom ebanon, t wir of rockets being fired at their isy. R every single solitary week, the free palestine crowd, they dont really want a cease fire. They just want to give hamaswd, more time to reload, resupply. And while theyre out anwhile thof probably traps wha the incursion of israel occursel. Now, by the way, the same crowd doesnt actually want the palestinian to be free, because if that was the case, hey would be Callin G For Hamasbe to be annihilated. An. Terrorist rulers of gaza they dont allow anyone to be free. Theres no freedom of speech. Theres no freedom of religion. Theres no freedom of the press. Theres no free and fairm of elections. And look at how they treat minorities. Many Rel Dom Of The Press are executed a. But the free palestine crowd, they dont carminoxecuted,e. That would be too truthful for them. They dont care about freedom at all. Care, therhful to thethey just h israel into the sea and in the Process Killing as many jews as possible. And then they would justify it all the way. That is what is in hamass charter. That ichs what they have vowed to do. We should start paying attention to their own words. But the hate, the hysteria is now so bad on the left that, even Hillary Clinton is getting heckled. Watch this. Who is . , hyst smiling during speech, beg fornt joe biden calliner a 100 billion of funding formo ngerinisrael, taiwan and ukrain. Im supposed to just follow these together and pretend like were going to rush to World War Three . And rob is going to let me right heresorr. Were going to talk to you. Okay. Im sorry. You know, this is not. This is not the way to have a conversation. If you want to have a conversation. Youre welcome to come talk to me afterwar not the way okay. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Youre going to wait for me, right . I will wait for you. And i will listen to you, and i yu. Spond to yo but. Right. Actually, i do not. Well, that just is jusu. Ell, ju again, people voice are what need to be heard. Yeah, they are being heard. It is not speaking for the american people. Well, thats your opinio ard. N. Ts yo ur thats your opinion. But. But. Well, lets sit down. Weve heard your. Wow. The left loves it when Hillary Clinton lecturesinton us about the evils of stolen elections while perpetuatingletv the russia hoax. But they just cant seem to tolerate her when she voices support for israel. And meanwhile, former president obama, hes now but more than happy to lecture seemcountry about both sides the of the conflict in the middle east. Also, by the way. Barak, spare us your about conflict lectures. S remember, it was obama who was the first idiot as president ah that sent billions to Iran Absoxchange for absolutely nothing while iranian proxies were murdering american soldiers in iraq at the time. Obama he was hoping to make them rich. And naturally, biden picked up where barak left off. And here we are on the precipice of yet another war. But according to reports, biden is encouraging israel to delay the Ground Invasion to negotiate the release of more hostages. Let me be clear. Anbody wantssoldierstime. Everye released more than i do. Prevery one of them, including every american. But why on earth do Democratn T Sever put so much faith and hope intys the murdering terrorists who just brutalized southern israel, the ones that were killing little babies, eveng beheading them . Because that doesnt seem wise. It doesnt seem particularly helpful to me. Here now with the very latest, hes on the groundo me is Fox Ns At Night Host our friend Trace Gallagher is there. All right. The very latest on the ground. X lets talk about alsoer the delay. S friend e gallagyou know the E Administration to delay the ground incursionounding. Yeah, i mean, theyre going to push because theyre afraid this thing is going to blow upe into a much bigger regional war and maybe possiblyaf into a evd that, sean. And its not just the ground war. They worry about. Its these attacks that youre seeing from iranian proxies. I mean, you kind of talked ear about it earlier there. And you have to remember lierthat Secretary Of State antd blinken just said a few days ago that if these iraniaay is an are known to be going afterus f u. S. Forceorces, there would be swift and decisive consequences. And yet now in the past two weeks, john, we have had we 14 attacks on u. S. Forces, mostly in iraq. S obve had two dozen u. S. Service members woundesed. E no and the Secretary Of State has made no comment, no response at all about that, which is concerning to a lot of people. Cernin as for the Ground Invasion on iraq, the primeg le. Benjamin netanyahu today met with Israeli Forces and he told them that they are ready to go. He said, quoting here, that the next stage is coming. Thats all he would say. People are wondering when that next stage will come. But beyond the ground war, israel has its hands full. Were talking about defending themselves in four different directions. Rockets coming from hamas overn gaza. Rockets coming from hezbollah over from ha over lebanon. E sy and then you Havrie Syriaa Shoo Tishooting two rockets into israel today. And to make matters worse, rockt the Israeli Forces actually captured and caughts and killed some hamas divers off the coast. They had come out of a tunnelthy into the water and their plan ths apparently to land hhe tunna southern israeli beach. They were killed and their tunnellled and t blown up. But in the end, the consequences of this, you had israel in 24 hours going after 400 Terrorist Targets in those targeting as they killed four hamas leaders ed fors. D they and they will continue their i wi mean, mean, 400 in 24 hourse the early days, day two and three of this war. We have not seen those numbers. In quite some time. But they are saying that therewn will be no cease fire, the ground war right now. We do not expected to goleast forward, at least in the nextht 24 hours beyond that. Its unclear, john. So let add to that, you have saudi arabia, according to reports, intercepted a Houthi Rebel Missiles headed towards israel. You mentioned hezbolla saudi are north trace. You mentioned syria and theyre firing into into israel. Hamas rockets targeting tel aviv. That doesnt seem likethat d a rationale for a cease fire or to slow the ground. Seems t that seems to me to at the moment to actually speed it up, because thats the only way these Rocket Attacks are goingt to stop, because theyre now coming from all directionsar to yeah, they are. And youre exactly right. I mean, there is no recipe here for trying to slow this down and to get a humanitarian effort, see if they can human get these hostages freed. Right now, you have all sides. It get thesyou about these iranian proxies. And hezbollah in the north continues. Now,has block in trth continue d their big rockets, but they ed their small to fire arms into places like kiryat shemona, 22,000 people now evacuated there. Its kind of the same strategy they used back in 2006 when we were up covering the war with israel and lebanon. Rou fire these rockets and firne rockets until you get a bigger response. The questionl you is when that bigger response comes, does it come Partiallyhat Bigg M the United States, which is nown talking about reinforcinowg israels iron dome with some iron dome batterie s . El its unclear exactly the level the United States will be willing to step over the lineover the and get more i, sean. But we are seeing signs of thath every day, which is why there is so much concern in this errnadministration, in theis Biden Administration, about this thing blowing up dehe by r, even talk about, you know, Contingency Plans on how you would evacuate ghe middle east, Evacuatin Americans from the middle east. They say they hope it doesnt mime to that, but thats of where a lot of people, including a lot of people in the biden administratioe a l believe this war is going in that direction. When you add up the the yemen and syria and the iranians behind all of it, the saudi involvement, lebanons involvement, we are we really we arare talking about the Ente Middle East being a power powder keg. And i youre right. I think we are probably at that 24 to 48 hour mark where israel thw will, in fact, move to next level. I would take the words of bibi pretty seriouslyink we are hour trace will be watching tonight. Great report. Thank you. Keep us updated. Now amid a shocking increase in global terror, including attacks on u. S. Abroad. Bad news at our own southern border. Illegal crossings have now hit an all time high and even worse. An anutewe have no idea how many people are actually getting across undetectegh and ed and we theyre coming from. Now, remember, by the end of this year, under joe bidenso and abetting illegal immigration policiese nd , we he nearly 8 million Illegal Immigrants in this country. But so far, this we ha year, more than 160 suspected terrorists have been apprehended. The border, which is an all time record. In just recent weeks, 160 s 19 iranians, 17 syrians caught at the border. Usts have ehended how did thg who paid for them to get there . Why were they theret they the . Biden did recently just request billions in new border funding. But according to senator ted cruz of texas, who will join in a moment, the moneyll de will all be used to accelerate the Processingssoney Wil of illn immigration instead of actually enforcing the border anyway. To recap, the United States is now facing unprecedented crises here at home. The economy is in shambles. Ang abroad. Is ioinly enfor but according to john kirby, biden has done everything perfectln y. You know, hes just done everything. Aplus. Take a loo john kirby k. You only give him a reportan card. Aplus. T to give him i mean, is that hn in chief. Ever sthat never stops in the e. In the end, the dutiesin t he and responsibilities are global. I mean, we are one nation that has truly, Weio Globalnse responsibilities and is managing iities, at all. Reactio here now with reaction, texas senator ted cruz. We awere a little over seven ad a half million Illegal Immigrants is going to go to 8 million by the end of the year. Thats three years. S, going 99 of those people have stayed. Theres been no vettin and of any of the people biden has let in. And now were catching syrians, chinese, iranians at our border. Senator, if that doesnt scare americans, i dont know ifwhat will. Look, the world has gotten much, much more dangerous under joe biden and the democrats. Israel is at greater jeopardy, much greater jeopardy because of joe biden and the democrats. America is at greate is at gr jy because of joe biden and the democrats and your family and my family are at greater because of joe biden, of theme democrats. Bim going to suggest to principles that this president cant seem to figure out. T simpprincipl Presidenumber Ony to terrorists who want to us. And number two, stop letting in to this country, terrorists who want to murder us. Hes doing both. You talked about illegal immigration. The statistics are horrifying. Lets just take the Terror Watch List. Lets go back to 2017. You know how many people were apprehended on the Terror Watch List to the next year, 18 six, the next year,le 2019 zero,two. The next year, 2023, then 2021. How many on the terror watch . 15. What happened in 2021 . Joe biden. How about 22 . 98. How about 2023 . 169. 9. This open border we have is an Invita Invitationti for terrorists to come. And i believe right now, sean,a we are at a greater risk of a major Terrorist Attack in the of Aed Statere S at any point since september 11th. And the Biden Administrationr sk keeps doubling down on the policies that put us at risk. You know, whats so stunning about this is we know that were catching people on the Terror Watch List, are eople ont vetting many of the people. So the very few people we have caught, im sure, just a small percentage. Senator, i pray to god that im wrong, but i dont think i am. Pe and that is that because of these open border polic. Ery h eyes of joe biden, that we havad new terror cells in americ ja plotting, planning, scheming, the next attack on this country. I mean, is i how could you conclude anything else with the sheer number of people that he is allowing in . This has Nevercould Yo before. Senator. Yeah, look, my most recent podcast from yesterday, verdict with ted cruz, we do a deep dive on a memo that customs and Border Patrol put last loo week, and it was a memo from the San Diego Field Office advising te. N agents be on lookout for hamas, h, for Palestinian Islamic, because its a greater risk of their coming in. And they instruct agents that right now with the war in israel, a war that was war t funded by the billions that joea Biden Sentions to iran and sentd to gaza, that theres a greater risk that hamas and hezbolla s, Palestinian Islamic terrorists will try to clandestine cross the southern border. And the maddening thing is their response to it. You put up a minute agod th e ma to a. The headline about whd about this, this hundred and 5o billion supplemental and a portion of that Supplementaln Pt is called border security. And its the most ridiculous bait and switch youve ever seen. What biden is asking forait and is more money to accelerate illegal immigration, to process Illegal Immigrants faster. They want more people to do the paperwork and they want to have more resources to put even more Illegal Immigrants on buses and planes to every city in america. Is madness and they are justmea attempting some lunati. C to commit the kind of mayhem and murder here that were and ically seeing happening in israel. Let me ask you this. Lunad the the ambassador of israel demand the u. N. Is secretary resign. I concur. I look at all these globalist organizations, including the u. N. , we pay the majority of moneys, all the Money Wee Moe Give to the w. H. O. , the wey f. Why do wree pay the bulk of mony for the Paris Accords . Why is america funding, in the case of the u. N. , an organization and historically that has been antiamerican and antisemitic . Why are we funding this . Why is it here in this country . Look, the u. N. For a long time has been a vicious pit of antiisrael, anti semitism, of hatred. They have countries like cuba and libya and syria on the human rights council. Its a mockery. They exist to do investigation seemingly every week, attacking and undermining israel. Rican and i goant to say,are its striking. At the same time this is happeningwe fding thiry . , jor nominated to be the unitedaeinvg states ambassador to israel, a man named jack lew. Now, who is jack lew . Seemking ing isra was the treasy secretary under barack obama. Unra was integral in the United Nations passing resolution 2334. What is two, three, three, four . 2334. This passed in december of 2016, right after trump hadhm won the election, right when thama was on the way out and its a resolution. Its the most viciously antisemitic resolution in the u. N. Has ever passed. It condemns muchpassed. Modern y israel as illegally occupied territory. It condemns the Jewish Quarter of israel, of jerusalemllegal as illegally occupied territory. You laims the wester oide terri, you know, the image of barack obama wearing a yarmulke with his hand on the Westernbar Wall where the western wall, according to u. N. Resolution s them 233, four, is illegally occupied territory. And you know what Obama Administration did with jack lew enthusiastically participating . They orchestrated the u. N. Passing that and the tuzar sn s back and allowed it to happen. And at his hearing last week, thati asked jack about it. He said, well, it could have been much worse. I said, well, you could have vetoed it. America has an absolute veto we the security council, but barack obama didnt becauseu thE Administration Wante Cdt Bea to undermine israel. And were saying the chickens usinitiatielcoming home to roos the consequences, sadly, playing out right now, very ing sadlhomeconsequey. W. Senator ted cruz, as always, thank you. When we come back, members y. Tor ted of the squad, they justoff t continue to spew prohamas talking points. Weheuad lea to disp call it the of congress. Well discuss the very latest. SsStephen Miller, tutor dickson. Dont forget. Live audience shows tomorrow night. Tickets are free. 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We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. So we are American Made from beginning to end. Shop now at show allegiance. Com. So both israel and the u. S. Have determined that the explosion near hospital last week was not caused by an idf strike. Other agencies around the worldo concluded as well. Now, Accordingt Caus by an i tod video and a mountain of other evidence. The explosion was the result of that misfired rocket from the islamic. We have audio proving that. Now, meanwhile, video show that the hospital was nowhere near as badly damaged s the re as initiallyshowin feared. Basically damaged a parking loho more. And by the way, thankfully, far fewer people, people died thanre y far , the reported 500. And yet the squad you know what we call the new hamas caucus in washington, they cant give up on the lie that israel was responsible. Theyre still pushinp on theg t, the Conspiracy Theory led by. Well, congresswomamn to leave. Whos now calling for a, quote, independent investigation of the incident. Forget about the video and what your own i show you by the way, we already know what happened through independent indepenlitigainvestigations. En and to leaves friend aoc, she hasnt been any better. Veps frienand heres what She Tt A Fellow Activist Posing as a journalist oves r msc, dnc overd. The weekend. Watch this doozy. And so they sa wahey say theyre fighting a war of selfdefense, a war that any other country, including the u. S. , would fight if they were in the same position. What is your reaction to that line of argument . I think one of the things thats important to recognizehes about this situation is the asymmetrame your reay of what i, as well as the collective punishment of what is happening to the Palestinian People atcrim this moment. War crimes do notes countnot and are not an appropriate response for other war crimes. Its a perfect tag team. Thats the guy identified as the guy who hates israel to begin with. It was reaction, former Senior Adviser to President Trump Stephen Miller, podcast host, tutor, diction tutor. Your reaction . Im calling it the hamas caucus because even with all the evidence. Gteam. There, you c you know, groups of ofas democratic congresswoman , the squad out there propagandizing on behalf hamas. Can you explain that to me . Well, with aoc, i think its pretty simple. Shes a useful idiot in this useful situation. Rashida tlaib is dangerous. But im thankful for the firstue amendment because we know exactly where she stands. Antisemit e is too nice of a word for rashida to leave. This is a woman who has made it clear she was celebrating on october 7th. She wantear she lebratins jews. She celebrates the murder of jews. And my question is, where is the rest of the Michigan Delegationo be in . Because this is a woman who is in a powerful position, ader in a leader in the michigan Democrat Party. And yet i havent hear mocrat pd gary peters condemn her. I havent heard Debbie Stabenow condemd kp tn her. Ive heard Haley Stevens condemn her. And when Haley Stevens waswell asked, she said, well, those people can make their own decision. But ive told you where i stand. Wait a minute. You have someone in your own party who is standing with terrorists, who is standing people who go in, but and murder people in yon ally alliedwho country. You are okay with that . Go wt going to condemn your colleague. I am calling on the Michigan Democrats to come out and say they do not acceptand say, thisd they do not agree with this. They are glad they know where rashida tlai tda b stands and ty want to make sure that people vote against this kind of rhetoric. Ant to what is your reaction to this, Stephen Miller agl the evidence,peopl you know, theres still out there spewing their lies, nemanding investigations when theres no need for one. I mean,edd meetin how you dee these people in congress and what should be donn congree well, first of all, they are regurgitating the propaganda of the butchers and barbarians r who murdered, brutalized and kidnappeered, rad innocent s and americans. That is a moral stains and on the democrat conference in the United States congress. And rashida tlaians. A moral b sh be expelled from Congress Forid continuing to Providllede Sympay and support and ideological comfort to the hamas barbarians that have savage innocent americans. American blood is on the hands of hamas. I think this comes down to the fact that you have a Stronlood G Movement within the Democratic Party that is both deeply antisemitic and deeply antie antiamerican and antiwest. And so they are Goinmeand Deepge with the terrorists and theyre going to side with the entities that housed and support and shelter the terrorists against what are perceived upport a as american interests, american lives and american is d asallies. And it is absolutely revolting. It is repellent that this is taking place. Sean, in the Democrat Party today. Oh, i guess that is is no the modern Democratic Party. There are no Moderatt Mocratices anymore. And then you have the ultra extreme, as we do here. I thought we werent supposed to blame victims. Unbelievable. Anyway, addiction. Stephen miller, appreciate you both. When we come back, The One And Only ufc man himself, dana white, is here to talk about the ufc, the newest partner, biggest sponsorship ever, bud light. Well tell you whats goinory dd on straight ahea d. Eloisa silence was a living. Theres something here you cant understand the haunting without understanding the history. Thousands of patients died and. 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Now, after veering off course, which i thought was stupid and to the world cultural wars in the country , is this a strong message from anheuserbusch, bud light, that weve heard you loud and clear and were gettingre back on track. Anyway, here with more on all this, this Brand New Partnership is ufc president ceo dana white is with us. With t so i hades you on my radioto show today, but on radioday bu. 30 plus years ive been here. Im in my 28th year at fox. And you know, whats interesting to me is i refused to call for boycotts, firings, cancellations, any of this. Im against all of it. I didnt like it. To c all rings, ci it was stupid of. Budweiser, a bud light to get into that controversy is just dumb. And ive no idea why they waded into those waters. But my fear from the beginning was not the person that made that Dumb Decision or the people that made the Dumb Decision. When om the beginning i saw this tak, i was concerned about the people that work for bud light. Those are high paying career jobs. And i said that publicly. And im hoping, you know, Everybody Knows who you are. Dana no holds barred, kick ass, take no prisoners. I dont give an adam schiff. Youre in anybodys face. , so they purposely went with you. Tell us about itwho you. U. Yeah. You know, well us abou, first o, let me start with, you know, they were the first beer company that we really did business with. Theyre our first real beerr when we were getting started. And now were back with them and going into this deal. You know, i know the controversy and everything else, but for myself, going into a long term with another sponsor, i want to be with somebody that im actually aligned with. And i know people are were upset with what they didthat i, but im looking at all the good things that they do. You know, they emploing at ad t0 americans. They have thousands of vets that work for them. They spend 700 million a year with us farmers using their crops to their productsus and many, many other great things that anheuserbuschthakes done in this country. And those are the things that imusch had focused on whek at a long term sponsor, thats going to be where were going to do a six year deal here. I want to be with somebody that im aligned with. All those things that i just whenioned to you are what im about. N and not to mention they have this thing called folds e going here. Of honor im very. Enforcement and militarylitary and over the last i dont know how many years theyve spent spl like 45 million taking care of, you know, these servicemenoe and First Responders who have died, taking care of their families, scholarshipas for their kids and things like. That. So i am very aligned with anheuserbusc thh. All right. So let me be clear about a few things. There were other Beer Companies that wanted to partner with you. Correc right, let me bt you cer you dont need the money because you havehe money more my than anyone could ever want. And probably 4000 lifetimesle. So you didnt do it fo ryou di the money. You didnt do it. You knowdnt do , you did it fo the reasons stated, but you alsofo knew. And its already happening on social media that youd be attacked. Youd be accused of selling out. I want you to respond to thosefn people. Well, lets be clea r. When you do sponsorships, you definitely do sponsorships for the money, too. Money is definitely a part do sp of it. But money was not the decisionos making. You know, that wasnt the reason that i made the decision all the things that i just told you are why. I mean, there s more toor being aligned with a sponsor, a major sponsor like that for as long as im going to be, you know, there are many other things that are important to me other than just the money and the people that weret to m all involved in this jueotiation on every side absolutely, positively knowy moe that my choice was noty. Determined by money. Yeah, i know that. You know, one of the things that i would say is, you know,an when you factor in what you said about their support of the military, when abou that they supportsuppor us farmers, when you you factorn in. For me, the most important you n forthings, i knew it , happen. I knew great people that wor for budweiser once those the beer sales slipped dramatically because it was a strong message that. What the are you doing . Why are you diving into these cultural wars . It was stupid. Im sorry. At that time, your partner, your new partner being stupid, they should never have gotten into the political arena like that. But i do think and i hope this and im a christian. I believe in second chances. Forgiveness. Right. Im hoping that maybe the sakete of the people that needhe paeir Career Job Hell S Back toy their mortgages, car payments, rentpartner, and need those care and get their Health Insurance back, that maybes eness. Peoplet consider giving them another chance with ths, les, jobe clear understanding, if they screw up again like this, theyre never coming back. And you might be the guy thats able to bridge that gap. Maybe to give this company the y chance and maybe give it another look at it. And i know how muchanothe youre offered from other companies. It. It wasnt about the moneyr , but everythings about the money. But its not. So i hope for the workers that it works out for them because they were innocent victims in this. And theyre good people that need those. So ill give you the lastney word. Eople th yeah. You know, thats what i sayeed h to andoslast and its about li, like i said before, they run their business, they do their thing, then they do a lot of great things. They do a lot of great things. They emplot of grey 65,000 peopn this country. They take care of farmers and did you know that when theres big disasters, they shut the plant downe care f and they turn it into a Waterow Bottling Facility and they big they bottled 100 million bottles of water that theyve sent out to disaster100 mi wate. This im going to focus on the good that they do. We are very aligne good thad in many different areas and thats why theyre going to be my partner for the next six years. Look, i admire you knew that youd get in coming. Many you did it anyway. D that you have strong reasons why you did itsing to b. I really cared about then, and i care you did about now, the workers. And you know what . All these other things that you brought up that i also support the military, law enforcement, all these things. Gs that amazing. By the way, why didnt elonght p musk and zuckerberg get in tw octagon . You said you talk to both of them. What have. I want i want to see that. T yeah. Yeah. A lot of people want to see it. You know, i dont knoweah, a l i never say never, but yeah, i dont know. Well, well set dont kne. Well see. Well see how this plays out. It was all to me. It was all talk. On, ge elon, get in, get in shape. T get in the octagon. Zuckerberg, get ready. Game on. Everybody else. See it . Do it for charity. Itll be a great event for everyone. All right, dana, its interesting. Good luck with the partnership. And i hope those jobs people are rehired. Thank you. All right. Straight ahead, voters are turning on biden and his failed policies, with new polls showing trump ahead in a lot of key states. Ybody and the republican conference go now voting right at thiss hour. Who might be the next speaker . Might be. I dont know. Uck withand i jobs, tpeoplei sk the door, check your phone. An eagle. Lets see Who Winslot Of K chad pergram will update us straight ahead. Keepin us straight ahead. Keepin attentiogn on hearing loss sufferers. Do you struggle to hear loved ones . Do you have trouble keeping up with conversations . Do you listen to tv on max volume . Hearing loss makes you miss out on important moments. You feel alone. Start hearing better today with rca. Ou can all new micro hearing aids. The fda now allows to bring true high quality hearing aids direct to you through hearing america program. You can get State Of The Art Ultra Discreet Hearing Aids listed at over 1,000 for a special Introductory Price of just 299. Of just 299. Or pay as little only 29 a month with free shipping. These arentrdable. Cheap ampls that dont really work and you will never have to pay thousands again. Theyre affordable. 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Mark green, republican of tennessee, he withdrew voluntarily. And roger williams, the republican from texas, he got the least votes. So right now its between johnson and donalds. And if they get the green light, they could try to go to the floor sometime midday tomorrow. Keep in mind that tom emmer,lier he bested earlier today when he was the nominee for about 4 hours. Both johnson and donalds, but one of them could be the speaker nominee later tonight. Sean. All right, chad, thank you. Also tonight, with multiple crises now mounting, bells are ringing over bidens reelection chances. Look at this new poll. Donald trump has opened a six point lead Nationall Wnominee Yr Biden and rfk jr. While a poll of thight, che topn swing states also shows trump with a lead overw poll. Umh biden with reaction, Fox News Contributor kellyanne conway, who knows a thin. Ction fog or two about polls. How do we interpret this . Kellyannr can and cathing ore . Sean, these are massive sample sizes in two different sets of polls. So quickly, the National Poll . Of showed that donald trump has a commanding lead over joe biden. And wernde always told that rfk junior can take votes away from trump. But in this poll, he getmotis 1 and leaves the incumbent biden with just a third of the vote. Why is that relevant . Because 19 is exactly what ross perot got in 1992 as a third party candidate, undercutting the chances of incumbent George Herbert walker bush being reelected that year. But heres the rub. Ross perot got 19 of the popular vote, didnt win a single state, so he didnt win a single electoral vote. t win a. Ds to show which states he could swn if he can win one of those e seven swing states in the other set of polling by morning, Consult Bloomberin G where trump is beating biden in six of the seven swing states handily. E then were talking. But if hes going to be a spoiler the way perot wa s got 19 of the popular vote. Zero delegates. Bill clinton got 68. 8 of the delegatedes of. Sean a the electoral vote, seannd, but only 45 of the popular vote was enough to become a two term president ultimately. So were keeping our eye on rfk. In these state wide polls done by Morning Consult and bloomberso we ar would pug. Sean, these are the best numbers donald trump has had in his political career in these seven swing states georgia, arizona, michigan, wisconsi it n norto carolina, nevada and pennsylvania. Thisichigan relevant because our elections president ially ele not decided. Millions of votes across the country. Theyre decided by thousands of votest oats , a handful of states. And right now, trump is leading that. And also hes leading on allss h the major issues crime, inflation, russia, ukraineanate. China. Hes even leading on infrastructure, labor unions and housing. I guess it, pays to havee and a builder in the race. Yeah, and by the way, i think mostchso re, liby are ph absorbed that hes not going to get a fair trial in anyr case of the four cases coming up. But having a president s that doesnt know what day it is is a far worse scenario. Right. Kellyanne, thank you. All right. When we come back, Out Of Control crime across the some cities rethinking their defund the police policies. Well check in with leo 2. 0 to rally straight ahead. Are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower . Now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer from jacuzzi bath remodel. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and, no payments for one year. Jacuzzi has been making water feel great for over 65 years, and now you can get a gorgeous custom bath remodel at a price you can afford with no stress and, no mess. Ive been trying to get him to remodel that bath for years. I called and they didnt. Just one day and at a price we could afford. 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Ue to fo well continue to follow this ever developing story. Erdubbinand maybe one day theye a speaker. Also tonight, with skyrocketing crime in d. C. , our nationsng capital. Well, are they learning . Far left policie capitol,s like defund, dismantle the police . No bail laws just dont work. Yesterday, d. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser introduced new legislation in which reportedly targets retail troducedllows the Police Declare drug free zones and reverses several Police Reform measures that were put in place during the summer of 2020. Riots, the one that they never investigated. Anyway, bowser said in a statement, quotel push , the. We have a Policy Environment that supports our police our them to protect our community and make d. C. Safer. Aaron. A little to the action, obviously here with reaction. Fox news contributor leos reactt out. Tara, why does this not give me confidence . Leo its worth it is a publicity stunt, sean. This is nothing more than a dog and pony show. She had four years to dohad for something. And why this . This sonu to do g and dance rig oh, theres election in 2024. Let mehi be clear. Those things are those those reforms hes suggesting doesnt address gun violence, doesnt address carjacking, doesnt address robbery. You see, chief, between a rock and a hard place, shes in a democrat city that has been terrorized by criminals, but shsue just te. Cant honest and talk about Law And Order because shellemocrati be defeated. So this is nothing more than a dog and pony show. This is not going to solvedog an the problem. She was a leader of black liveps matter and defund the police. And now her city is paying for d a city that has a large minority population. This is worthless. You know, i still want to know why she in writing, rejected the National Guard in the lead up to january six. But thats a separate issue to me. Its simple. Every single american needs law ,order, safety and security if they want to pursue happiness. Everybut guess what . Hless. Many cities, thats not possible because speak of the. Idiotic policies. And this, youre right, doesnt go far enough. Everw ure absolutel der, safy youre absolutely right, because thats why trumps leading the pollmany cite becau. Because you see, democrats are sick and Tiredight Bec Of C and yet these politiciansth are tied to soros. Its money. Theyre tied to the progressive leftwing and they cant do what is right. Implement Law And Order, put these in jail. This is nothing more than a dog and ponyan show. Unbelievable. Leo to point out, im so glad peaker8 d you ar one point out 1. 0 is not good. Wasnt good. Those are distan1. 0 wasn t memory. I want to see what point out. Shell show some video shows 1 to point out right now. Okay. Ill show that next time youre on. I promist noe you. You you asked for it. You got it. All right. Thats all the time we have left this evening. Quick reminderr, i prom ats allaudi show tomorrowo ow t and thursday. Anyway, we have instudiomoro guests piers morgan, nikki haley, brian greenberg, emily companion, Jason Chaffetz tickets are free. Just go to hannity. Com and we an to have you. You ju its a pretty rowdy crowd. We throw footballs. We have a good time. Stomve to your puall right. Et dont forget to set your dvr so we never miss an episode. In the meantime, let not heart be troubled. Greg gutfeld. It starts right now to put a smile on your face. Have a great night. This is a fox news alert. Im kevin corke in washington

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