Look at that. Mike tobin taking cover on the israel gaza border as Missile Attacks continue. Israel is still promising a Ground Assault into gaza is imminent. This is a special 2 hour addition of the fox report. We have Team Coverage of war in israel. Alexandria hoff with more as President Biden pledges to remain focused on american still held captive by Hamas Terrorists in gaza. Steve harrigan live in lebanon where there are growing fears of escalation by hezbollah and roger wicker on the other chambers response to this. Mike tobin live in the southern israel with the latest. Reporter for 14 tonight we watched rocket fire and watched the ground to see if the israeli invasion of gaza begins. Forces staging up and down the gaza strip some 300,000 strong, with reservist called up to combat duty, they are training while they wait for their orders. 188th brigades, getting ready to do what the Defense Minister called the long and painful processable donating hamas. Strikes go into the gaza strip as israel says they are planning, a preparation before the invasion. The Chief Of General Staff said the airstrikes are part of the preparation. He stressed professionalism. Gaza is complicated, Densely Populated. The enemy is preparing a lot of things but we are also preparing for them. All idf capabilities, be brave with that thought. Reporter 28 trucks made from egypt to the gaza strip limited to just food and water, no fuel came in with those aid trucks and 20 trucks is a drop in the bucket compared to the need. There was some hope that people with foreign passports would have the opportunity to get out of the gaza strip. That did not happen. Two americans held hostage by hamas did get out of the gaza strip yesterday but still, israel has increased the number of people they believe are held hostage by hamas and Islamic Jihad to 210. John we saw that footage of you taking cover on a fairly severe and close rocket attack. Tell us the circumstances. Reporter the same area where i am standing tonight. Theres a place where we will always scout out a place. We were pretty safe at the time. At the northern end of the gaza strip. The last two night around 8 00, there have been big barrages of rocket fire out of the gaza strip. That was intense with a great number of rockets and that is part of the strategy, attempting to overwhelm the Iron Dome System that fires interceptors at the rockets. They were successful in overwhelming it, one rocket, two rockets go through last month. John they fired 6,000 on the Opening Weekend of this barbaric invasion. How many might they have left . Anybody know . Reporter no one does know. With the help and Financial Support and weapons support and smuggling support from iran they have increased, the town im in now was out of rocket range because they had flying pipe bombs made in machine shops. They have better rockets with better range that can reach to tel aviv. With hezbollah firing from the north they can reach tel aviv from the north, with the exception of the negative desert and a lot down by egypt, the country is in range. John thanks. Tensions boiling on the border with lebanon. The idf says and Israeli American Reservist died after hezbollah launched several antitank missiles. Chief International Correspondent Steve Harrigan live in lebanons capital, beirut. Reporter that reservists name he was a dual american and israeli citizen. He responded as a reservist, came over to fight and was killed by Antitank Fire coming from lebanon, from hezbollah. The fighting between hezbollah and israel over the northern border has been steady but so far contained. Number 2 at a funeral for a slain hezbollah fighter and hezbollah would already be in the heart of the fight and also that they would be willing to join the fight, to join the attack against israel if israel does launch a Ground Operation. Hezbollah would be a more powerful foe against israel from hamas in addition to Tens Of Thousands of rockets, thousands of fighters with Combat Experience with years of fighting in syria and they are seen as a Terrorist Organization by the us. John it has been relatively peaceful compared to october 7th but israel says it is at war with hezbollah. Reporter both sides are issuing the same warning, the Israeli Defense minister and the hezbollah chief warning the other side will pay a great price. We see that price paid in the past in 2006. A 30 day war between hezbollah and israel. Israel has increased its power and experience making it a very potent foe for israel. Reporter Steve Harrigan reporting live from beirut, lebanon. The us House Of Representatives is still without a speaker, which codes to all us aid to israel. For more on what is happening in the senate side, lets bring in mississippi senator roger wicker who is on the science and transportation, environment and public works committees. What you and the senate look at what is going on or not going on in the House Of Representatives, what are your thoughts . We need a speaker of the house, that individual brings legislation to the floor, with the defense supplemental bill, gives the sun opportunity to make the United States stronger. The house needs to be working on this. I assume the Armed Services committee, and they are getting ready for this. Let me tell you this. This proposal by the president needs a lot of work, the border part of it goes to Border Security and not just to Sanctuary Cities and things like that. I will tell you what it does do. It gives opportunity to retool our submarine Industrial Base. This is something i have been asking for with the administration to fulfill our treaty obligations, the United Kingdom and australia. We are going to build up our Submarine Capability if this 3. 4 billion passes. The other thing i want to point out, most of this will be spent in the United States employing American Manufacturing workers, building ammunition and weaponry in the United States. John we have two Aircraft Carrier battle groups off of his real. Presumably there is at least one submarine in each of those. As awesome as the carriers are, the submarines are just as lethal, even more lethal. Senator wicker they are an absolute necessity. We named 20 more submarines, Attack Submarines than we have now. Particularly with xi jinping and Communist China rattling the sabers and threatening taiwan, and repaired for the invasion of taiwan in 2 or 3 years. We absolutely need those submarines. The big ships and surface ships are part of it but we are way behind on submarines. I was able to persuade the administration to add this component and we need to fulfill our obligations and the good guys, japan, australia, south korea and our friends in taiwan, would be a lot better off and a lot stronger in the pacific and a lot better chance of keeping the peace, preventing china breaking out. John you have been fighting for the submarine program for a long time and we wish you well in that endeavor. Senator wicker for national security. John on the house side, there seems to be a battle regarding support for israel, a significant side that supports hamas in this. What about the senate. Is the support for israel fairly solid . Senator wicker in the house only a small set of people are supporting hamas. In the senate, support for israel is even more overwhelming than it is in the house. There may be, there will be some differences about how we spend this money and how much we spend, but support for israel, one of our oldest allies and most steadfast friends is strong in the senate and in the House Of Representatives. We will get that portion of the bill through as well as most of the components of the president s proposal if we target it to being spent in the United States. Not so much foreign aid but aid to our Industrial Base, getting us ready for the next wave and making it stronger. This has been a wakeup call. The manufacturing base, this can be a real victory for making the United States stronger, making our Industrial Base and the American Workers who work there a lot more productive. John those Defense Contractors When Producing Arms For America and its allies they play well and employ a lot of people. Mississippi senator roger wicker, thanks. Meanwhile, here at home, President Biden held no Public Events as war continued to rage in the middle east. Alexandria hoff has more white house reaction to the ongoing crisis. Reporter the president did receive a briefing by phone this afternoon. The statement was released regarding humanitarian aid, the president wrote the opening of this Essential Supply Route was the result of days of diplomatic engagement at the highest level. It was clear in my public statements and private conversations that military and assistance was critical, urgent need that had to get moving. We got a glimpse at the oval office were a phone call the president made yesterday with the two Israeli American hostages, mother and daughter, Freed By Hamas. Thank you so much. President biden how are you . I want to thank you on behalf of israel. President biden that has been long serving, just glad to get you out, weve been working on a long time. Reporter the president was clear that work was being done to bring the remaining hostages home but was less clear when responding to a followup question after that call. The Ground Invasion reporter the president said yes to whether israel will delay a Ground Invasion until getting hostages out. The white house than quickly issued a correction to that, the president was far away, didnt hear the full question. It sounded like would you like to see more hostages released, he wasnt commenting on anything else but the interesting part, we just got a response from the president as he was leaving church a short time ago. Our Producer Sarah asked are you encouraging the israelis to delay the invasion . The president replied i talking to the israelis. We dont know if that was yes or no but the talks are being had. John the white house is pushing to get the rest of those hostages out. Reporter absolutely. They are working roundtheclock to do so. They want a pathway for americans who are in gaza who want to come home and make sure they can exit. John thank you. Hundreds of propalestinian protesters are taking to the street in brooklyn. Organizers demanding the us halt any military aid to israel. Cb cotton reports live with the latest. Reporter the crowd cleared out at this point but signs indicate they may be coming back to this area. I will have my Photographer Zoom in. You can see the crowd moving this way. Thousands cramming into this single city street in Brooklyn Today chanting, calling for Palestinian Liberation and demand the us leaders, namely President Biden to end their support for israel. This part of brooklyn is one of the largest arabamerican communities in the country but this was a multicultural crowd. We heard chance in english and arabic but also spanish. I saw signs in korean and chinese, similar propalestinian rallies happening in cities and colleges and universities across the country and now some deep pocketed donors to these schools speaking out saying some of these rallies just terminate against israelis and jewish students and are antisemitic. One says the universitys leaders have not done enough to protect jewish and israeli students. I want you to know we cannot protect your children from proterror Student Organizations because the president of Columbia University will not speak out against proterror Student Organizations. Reporter colombia in response to the professors remarks, Columbia University writing in part there is no greater priority than the safety and wellbeing of our community. We will continue to offer support to and work with our students, faculty and staff, to ensure everyone feel safe on our campus and our community. Back here live again, we see some of those protesters making their way back to the city street. This demonstration comes on the heels of another one we saw in manhattan where more than 100 people were arrested after they sat in the middleoftheroad calling for a ceasefire in israel hamas war. John you mentioned brooklyn is home to a large arabamerican community but also home to a huge jewish community, in new york city, i should say, is home to alarmist largest Jewish Population outside israel. Reporter thats right. I can tell you some of these demonstrations, we have seen some of the jewish faith demonstrating with the propalestinian supporters, we saw that today. I can tell you there were no countered demonstrations. This crowd was in support of palestinians. I will tell you before thousands crammed into the city street we saw a Truck Display images of kidnapped israelis moving through this intersection and people were booming at the truck, the truck quickly got out of here, we never saw the vehicle after that. John cb cotton, thank you. More live coverage of the war in israel moments away. Mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. Uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. Thats my babyyy ow get mucinex instasoothe. Its comeback season. Can we get real clear about life with psoriasis . Yeah, im ready. Is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms . Like the coveritups and brushitoffs . Enough with good enoughs. Dont stay hiding or hurting. When your lotions and creams dont do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, its time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. Make the appointment and ask about real clear skin. John some headlines, the Border Crossing between gaza and egypt, humanitarian aid to enter the gaza strip. Unicef says the convoy 20 truck surveyed the came in will save some lives, its not enough. Fighting has intensified on israels northern border between israeli fighters and hezbollah fighters. Official said his militant group is in the heart of the war between israel and hamas. Erects Prime Minister warned oil prices could rise if the conflict spreads in the middle east. There was a call for an immediate ceasefire between israel and the Hamas Terrorist Group. Tensions continue to run high in the middle east as the us bolsters its support for israel. Us forces took down drones and missiles launched near the coast of yemen headed for israel and facing increased threats for installations in a rack and syria. David spunt is live in the pentagon with more. Reporter several vehicles, several vessels from the United States navy moving forward toward israel should any type of conflict arise whether from lebanese based hezbollah or another uranian proxy like the houthi militia. We are talking about the Uss Kearny Which shot down 15 drones in four Cruise Missiles using sm 2 surfacetoair missiles. Theyve been used in combat since 2016. Since the Hospital Strike in gaza us Intel Services have been looking through video, audio and other sources as the Defense Department claims the rocket originated in the Palestinian Authoritys realm. Authorities are following two rockets that were fired at us and Coalition Forces in air at, one hit and md storage facility, that weathers the the other was intercepted in baghdad. No casualties is the good news, came after three Drone Attacks in syria and iraq, two drones targeted the garrison in syria. Coalition forces destroyed one of those drones while the other resulted in minor injuries. And it resulted in minor injuries. An American Contractor died from a cardiac episode while seeking shelter from the attacks. We have the capability to defend broader interest in the region and deter escalation. And broader expansion of the conflict that began with hamass attack on israel civilians. Reporter 2500 troops in iraq, 900 in syria, the us is active in those regions though the focus is on israel and gaza. Defense officials look at what happened in a rack and syria as separate of what we are seeing between israel and gaza. The United States remains ready, in an aggressive posture should anything change on that front. John those ships are joining the Gerald Ford Carrier Strike Group in the eastern mediterranean. Ford is a big deal. Reporter it was a huge deal commissioned in 2017, 5000 sailors can fit on board 90 aircraft. The navy calls a, quote, the biggest baddest warship. Took years to make, 2005 would run initial conversations for the ford began. Its 1100 feet from side to side, travels 35 kn, 35 miles per hour. Ahead. The biggest, baddest for the gerald ford, and they will think twice what they may do. John hope its the big stick that maintains a semblance of peace. David at the pentagon, thank you. Lets bring in Lieutenant Colonel dave grossman, psychology professor, and professor of military studies. The us is getting involved to some extent as david mentioned, shooting down drones and other rockets headed for israel. Do you have a fear of the United States being dragged further into this conflict . I am author of the book on killing. International bestseller. Scholars cited over 3500 times, talk about atrocity and evil and empowerment of atrocity. Look at these mindless attacks on israeli civilians, we think they are mindless but they are not. They are nazi germany, same dynamic in place in which they commit these horrible acts. Once somebody has committed an act like that and once our nation is invested in a horrendous act, whether it is the holocaust or the slaughter of Israeli Citizens and they are trapped. The fighters are trapped. Nazi germany had to fight to the bitter end, there was no surrender against such evil. Israel is faced with another dynamic. It is and empowerment. Simultaneously and trapped by atrocity. This atrocity in the hands of hamas, they cannot surrender. Israel cannot accept, who are responsible for this. We talk about the fact that dropping bombs from 20,000 feet or Firing Artillery from two miles back is war. We accept that but cutting heads off of babies, packing people into the gas chamber, women and children of this most recent horrible event, youve got to understand there is no surrender, no armistice with such people. They have intentionally placed themselves in this environment. John there is substantial protest in favor of the palestinian side in the halls of congress and the streets of the United States. Why do you think it is that having seen the barbaric behavior of hamas people are still taking the side . We saw the same thing in world war ii. Lindbergh who flew solo across the atlantic, the foremost aviator of his time was frozen out of world war ii because he was a nazi supporter, a hitler supporter. Before they realized what hitler represented, there was this enormous lead big group, we probably would not have been able to declare war on germany, they declared war on us after pearl harbor. Nazi sympathizers who really hadnt grasped the magnitude of evil, they were politically and professionally distorted from that point on. These sympathizers with hamas have got to be treated like we would treat nazi sympathizers, this dynamic that it has created by atrocity. They burned all their bridges, we see something similar in cities today. And they and trapped criminals in the same dynamic. Its a tragic cycle but the end to it is do the right thing on our part. John hard to believe people could look at what happened and feel any affinity for hamas. Thank you. Uptotheminute coverage of the war in israel continues after this break. Mlb partners with tmobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. 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Unicef says the first convoy of aid trucks will save lives but its enough it is not enough, i should say, for a longterm solution. 20 trucks brought food, water and medical aid but 200 trucks lined up near the Border Crossing that opened only briefly today. The cairo peace summit held between dozens of countries today ended without a breakthrough. Arab leaders condemned israels Siege Of Gaza and european nations said civilians should be shielded from the israel hamas war. The israeli material is offering to ramp up attacks on gaza. Tens of thousands of troops gathering at the gaza border as israel prepares for what is expected to be a Ground Invasion. Lucas tomlinson is live with the latest. Reporter is relapse top general is blunt. His forces will soon be assaulting gaza to wipe out hamas. Translator we are going to go into the gaza strip. We will embark on an Operational Mission to destroy hamas operatives and infrastructure. We have in our mind the memories of the images and those who fell saturday two weeks ago. Reporter Israeli Forces taking live fire training, this will bear little resemblance to the fierce urban combat these forces will be facing. When you look at urban combat, theres nothing easy about it. Hamas will be waiting. One goal is to push Hamas Out To Sea and prevent them from what we saw two weeks ago but also prevent a rocket launch platform. Since the beginning of the war the idf says hamas had 450 failed Rocket Launchers that landed inside the gaza strip. That included the deadly misfire, parking lot near the hospital earlier this week. Earlier today, humanitarian aid entered gaza the first time through egypt. President biden pledged 100 million to gaza and the west bank. Earlier, we went to an israeli army base where 1400 israelis killed by hamas have been taken. Some of these bodies arrived boobytrapped, babies with her heads cut off, she thought she would never see atrocities worse than the holocaust until now. Weve seen pelvis is broken, bones broken, takes a lot to break a pelvis. Legs were broken. Grandmothers down to children. The one body that came in they thought was one body and only when they took a ct did they see two spines and they saw they were able to see a mother and child locked in an embrace. Reporter they are for ramping up airstrikes in gaza. For context, israeli f15s launch on mission so close to the target a few minutes away, they have to fly over the mediterranean to properly arm satellite guided bombs. John despite the footage of the rocket that failed, theres an awful lot of people who believe it was an israeli bomb that landed there. Reporter a lot of evidence to the contrary. Earlier, we showed footage of what a satellite guided bomb, when those bombs strike their targets theres nothing left, deep craters, everything is destroyed. The picture of the aftermath, cars were still intact, evidence of a fire. It sucks the air out. There is no fire. This rocket that misfired, landed in the park, experts say it caused the fire, it didnt make much of a creator and there is too many cars still intact, all evidence that this was a misfire from a rocket from gaza and not satellite guided bombs. Theres not much left. John a lot of people dont believe it. As tensions rise in the middle east, theres a Global Travel alert, lets bring in a former senior adviser, Senior Fellow for strategy and trade at the center for national interest. Good to have you on. You worked at the State Department. Not sure i heard of a Worldwide Travel warning for americans. What does it mean and why . One pertains to the covid pandemic and others that were issued in the wake of 9 11 and the lead up of the invasion of iraq. The State Department sees a viable threat around the world, they dont use that word. Might decide beyond protest and engage in violence targeting americans, kind of a surprise, how quickly this has come back as a major issue, and peace between israel and arab states establishing double medic relations, morocco as well. The type of jihad is him seems to be a real threat that is coming back. John the sympathizers to the palestinian cause, even though you hamas because our vocal and getting a lot of attention. It has only been two weeks since hamas marched across the border and butchered so many israelis and americans for that matter. Domestically we are seeing it as residual wokesm, hatred of americanism, the 1619 project produced by the New York Times that said we are not a nation based on freedom, but in fact a nation based on slavery, colonialism, on evil. We see people like that think the worst of america and the best of our enemies and turning abroad to where we are seeing this throughout arab countries, muslim majority countries, so easy for governments to blame his real, and advanced political islam. People will believe any lie including, including the the israelis bombed this hospital. He resumed paying the palestinians more than 100 million. He did, his predecessor shifted the dialogue from people who sit israel and palestine must be solved for peace in the middle east to pointing out iran was behind the problems in the middle east. Biden reversed that releasing money to the un agency that gives money. Bidens state Department Said money going through this will end up with hamas. And iran, the paymaster for hamas and hezbollah, a lot of leeway, the export of oil, violation of us sanctions and 6 billion for hostages that was recently released. That has breathed life back into this palestinian cause. Jason good to talk to you. Our coverage of israel continues with the fox report right after this. To finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. Ive been maintaining. The weight is gone and its never coming back. With golo, ive not only kept off the weight but im happier, im healthier, and i have a new lease on life. Golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. Who loses 138 pounds in nine months . I did golos a Lifestyle Change and you make the change and it stays off. soft music fun music mom, can i help . Camping was fun, but it looks we brought the woods back with us. If you have kids, then you really need weathertech. Its the ultimate way to kid proof your vehicle. From lasermeasured floorliners for the front and rear. To cargoliner. Seat protector. And seat back protectors. Weve got you covered. Your turn. [laughter] find these American Made products at weathertech. Com. John new york woman back in the United States after surviving the hamas Terror Attack that killed 250 people at the israeli Music Festival. Matt finn with more on her harrowing escape. Reporter we talked to natalie, and his merit an american citizen with an israeli born mother. They go to israel every year. Two weeks ago today natalie was at the Music Festival when Hamas Terrorists invaded and started slaughtering people. Natalie tells us she tried to escape by car but ran for her life on foot. Try to imagine you are in an open field, theres nowhere to hide. Stories i overheard from other people, had to hide under other dead bodies and pretend they are dead for hours. Terrorists walking by them and they lie there and pretend that they are dead. Reporter natalie says she ran for four hours straight, finding safety at a nearby town where she met a Good Samaritan who let her hide in the trunk of a car to get to the border and out of israel. Now that shes back in the United States she wants to spread the message, let the world know that innocent unarmed people were at the Music Festival celebrating peace when Hamas Terrorists attacked and killed so many people. John did she talk about the opening seconds of the attack. It must have been surreal to be at a Music Festival and then gunshots and rockets start exploding. Reporter thats how she described it and security asked them to get out of their cars. Weve seen video where there is the bottleneck of cars trying to exit this festival and it came to the point terrorists on foot got so close they had to get out and run. They were running for their lives in an open field, fish in a barrel, she was running with her friends at one point and took shelter in a ditch. Those friends died. You could only imagine the trauma this girl is going through. She is reliving these memories and these videos are surfacing, she saw a Video Surface where terrorists were shooting randomly into the bathrooms. She said i used those bathrooms just before i took off, extreme trauma and horror for the survivors. John she is fortunate to be alive when so many lost their lives. Matt finn, thanks. Continuing coverage of the war in Israel Straightahead on the fox report. My a1c was up here; now, its down with rybelsus®. His a1c . Its down with rybelsus®. My doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. I got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. Rybelsus® isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. Dont take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. Stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Gallbladder problems may occur. Tell your provider about Vision Problems or changes. Taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. Side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. Need to get your a1c down . You may pay as little as 10 per prescription. John Police Investigating after the president of the detroit synagogue was found stabbed to death in the neighborhood of Lafayette Park. No word on a suspect or motive, the Detroit Free Press reports Samantha Wall led the synagogue, a former aide to melissa slotkin. The detroit synagogue since 2022. Coverage of the war in israel continues. President biden spoke with two americans held hostage and released yesterday by Hamas Terrorists. Judith and her daughter natalie were handed to Israeli Forces yesterday becoming the first hostages released by the terrorist group. French military intelligence says israel was not responsible for the Hospital Explosion in gaza last week, france joined the chorus of nations including the United States in absolving his real of responsibility for that blast. Israels Ground Invasion of the gaza strip appears to be evident. Israeli forces have been preparing an offensive campaign in response to the Surprise Attack by hamas two weeks ago. Join Fox Corporation in the Emergency Fund in association with the United Jewish Appeal. Scan the qr code on your screen or donate, vijay afedand why. Org. Fox corporation donated 1 million as part of Relief Efforts after the devastating Terror Attacks in israel two weeks ago. Im john scott, more special coverage of the war in israel as this expanded edition of the fox report continues at the top of the hour straightahead. 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Once or twice. Neutrogena® retinol [background noises] jon is really rocket exposing pummeling gaza city tonight israel still promising a Ground Assault into gaza is imminent. Good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. We have Team Coverage cb cotton is live in brooklyn. Pro palestinian demonstrators are rallying. First the Senior Correspondent mike tobins live in southern israel with the latest there, mike. Jon, this town has been the target of more than 1000 hamas rocket since october 2. They braced for more as we all watch Israeli Forces to see if the Ground Invasion will begin. Israeli forces bolstered by 300,000 reservists who have been called up for combat duty are training as a stage along the edges of the gaza strip. 188th Armored Brigade the brigade just to name a few. Waiting to begin with the Defense Minister has described as the long and painful process to eliminate hamas. Escaping a airstrikes in the gaa strip and estimated 700,000 palestinians out of 1. 1 million have evacuated south of what is known as israels Chief Of General Staff says the airstrikes coming into gaza are part of the preparations of the Ground Invasion. Speaking to soldiers in the brigades stressed professionalism. Gaza is complicated. Gaza was Densely Populated the enemy is preparing a lot of things there. But we are also preparing for them. All capabilities are the maneuver be brave without thought. 28 trucks made it into the gaza strip today they are only carrying food and water no fuel. They are just a drop in the bucket compared to the need and among the gaza population. There was hope that when the Rafah Crossing Open they get the aid trucks in foreign nationals would make it out. That did not happen today. Meantime two americans didnt make it out after being held hostage by hamas for almost two weeks despite that israel up the number of people they believe are being held hostage in the gaza strip to 210. Jon i imagine those two who were released are being questioned, debriefed to see if they can gather any intelligence about where they were held appeared and also guessing they probably do not know much. The first stop was a Military Base they were accompanied by a Retired Israeli General who has been put in charge of trying to secure the release of the hostages. They were debriefed. There was a lot of discussion that went on. Some of things im sure been kept from us there is also a lot of effort to get them reunited with their families. You can imagine that was reported all the people involved. Im sure their blindfold and all of that probably going in and coming out over ever they were held. Mike tobin in southern israel, mike thank you. And meanwhile here at home at present biden was briefed again on the war between israel and hamas this afternoon he consulted with his Security Team and at delaware but that is where Alexandria Hoff is standing bite with more white house reaction to the ongoing crisis. That update from national Security Team was made the phone call he is here in Rehoboth Beach were getting a glimpse into the oval office were present biden spoke with the mother and daughter who were Freed By Hamas yesterday heres a moment from the culprit. Just glad to get you out weve been working on a long time are going to get them all out god willing. [inaudible] projects i just want to say i hope you are both not only feeling but that is in good health as well. Yes we are. Thank you very much. God bless you guys. 10 Americans Still suspected being held by hamas right now captive the promise to get the remaining out is clear but things got a little less clear when the president responded to questions after that call. Reporter how is your call the american . It went well. Do that should they delay the Ground Invasion to get more hostages out . Yes. Saying yes to israeli delaying into gaza. The white house quickly issued a correction to that writing the president was far away. He didnt hear the full question the question sounded like would you like to see more hostages release he was not commenting on anything else is the president was leaving church a short time ago our Producer Sarah asked for clarification and this is what we got. Are you encouraging israel is to delay invasion . Have you any word on additional hostage releases concert . The question about delaying an invasion the president said he is talking to the israelis. Not exactly sure if we did get clarification whether he is encouraging a delay or israel is having one. The president obviously is talking to the israelis just about every day. Not a lot of clarification as you point out. Alexandria hoff with the president and rehoboth beat delaware. For more on washingtons reaction and the lack of a speaker in the house could stall much needed aid to our ally, israel le lets bring it near republican congresswoman nicole. Lets talk about the speaker situation for a while. Jim jordan is out. Who wants that job now . Today we are seeing a number of individuals step forward. It will be a rather crowded field. Probably around 10 individuals interested in doing the job. Well have a forum on monday to hear with their plans are to move forward. With the vision is for the conference in the country. They will have it of the vote on tuesday. Look, im disappointed it has gotten to this point. It should be happy with kevin mccarthy, he should never have been removed at such a shame eight agreed and removed them as speaker. I would have supported Steve Scalise as an early support of jim jordan pay started to the team did not rally behind jim jordan and get this done so we can move forward. But here we are. And i hope my colleagues recognize the importance of electing somebody quickly and this week. It needs to be done. We have an aid package, for the president we have to have an opportunity to delete a chance to debate and deliberately foster time and leverage quite frankly the upcoming appropriations process. Which funding runs out in 30 days. And so we have to move forward from this. We will go to the floor and support the person who comes of the process with the most votes. You think republicans or may be worried republicans just look silly for not being able to elect a new speaker after the first one after he was removed . I am certainly concerned about that. It is unfortunate we are too busy arguing with each others os headed taken the fight to the senate and the white house for the things the American People want to deliver some conservative wins. Look, like i said i would have been happy with kevin. It wouldve been happy to Steve Scalise, it wouldve been happy with jim jordan. Not all mcculloch saw it that way but this has to be it we really need to rally around the individual that comes to this process. There was a lot of bad feelings about how the process was how kevin was removed. Short of kevin wanting to run again to be the speaker i feel like this is going to be a nice open field. Lets have those real discussions. And maybe it is someone who should not have been so obvious. Maybe it was important that we hear from the Rank And File members about what their vision for our conferences. But regardless we have a lot of work to do and i get concerned every day that goes by it we are losing time and leverage in this appropriations battle right now. We are hoping to use our leverage to secure the border to force the senate to actually do something since they refused to take up the Border Security act that we passed back in may. Jon Obviously Israel Needs American Support right now. It is pretty hard to deliver that without a speaker in place. That his rights. And that is the thing we have to sometimes get out of the d. C. Bubble and realize the world is still spinning. Our ally, israel is at war. There are american hostages being held. We have Government Funding going to expire in a couple of weeks. Our open border remains open because the democrats in the senate and the white house refused to do anything about it. Therefore we need Republican Leadership to push them and use whatever leverage we have in this upcoming appropriations fights. But each day the clock is ticking. We are losing that leverage and we are not going to be happy with the result because we need time to be able to negotiate these bills. Look, and the appropriations we have passed four of the 12 bills we need to pass the remaining eight bills. The senate has done zero. So people are looking to the house for that type of leadership. We have to give it to the American People because the democrats quite frankly have failed. I hope we put aside the personal differences pretty think we will, i think we will, i think people were not happy with the way the process rolled out over the last two weeks but we have had some time to discuss our concerns and answer questions from the members. And i think we can meet in a place we have to do it for the good of the republican conference paid for the good of the institution of congress. And for the good of our country. Jon the president was more than 100 billion in aid for israel and also ukraine. Is there the appetite in the house . On the house aside to deliver the kind of money . I think these issues need to be taken up separately. I think the president when he is looking to do is leverage israel to get more aid for ukraine and get some other funding that he wants to see gm to through. He is going to take advantage of the fact republicans right now are not altogether in the house and do not have a speaker we are running out of time. If we had a speaker i would imagine that person would have said wind to take up the israel aid right now that is incredibly important. Ukraine has received funding we are open perhaps to more funding but we need to know where the money is going. What the goal, with the plan is related to that. With the border hes asking for more money as well. If this is going to be to process more paperwork our house more migrants in new york city, which my constituents do not want to see then that is another issue. We to make sure we get Border Security policy that stems the unsustainable and unsafe flow. Jon may be our control room can put up the slate of potential speakers who were interested in the job. By the end of the week if you are correct one of those people might be elected speaker of the house. Going to have a fractious caucus to deal with. Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis republican of new york thank you. Fighting is increasing between israel and hezbollah at israels northern Border Raising fears iran Backed Hezbollah will open a second front in the war. Chief International Correspondent Steve Harrogate is live in lebanons capitol, beirut. Jon, the Israeli Military has released videos that show it says the destruction of eight hezbollah Terrorist Cell in the lebanon just north of israels northern border. They say that attack came in response to more than 20 rockets fired by hezbollah the past 24 hours into Northern Israel. Right now were Hearing Warnings from both sides. Really using almost identical language. On the one side Israel Defense minister saying hezbollah would pay a heavy price if this war takes on the second front. If it does expand. A Transport Leader and saying israel would pay a heavy price that hezbollah is in the heart of the war and hezbollah will join the fighting if there is a Ground Operation by israel into gaza. In the meantime civilians are scrambling to get as far away from the border as possible. Many of the villages on the lebanese eyes turning into ghost towns as people headed north staying where they can many sleeping in schools in the south as well. Israeli officials trying to crate a buffer zone about 1 mile outside of the border to make sure civilians are safe if this war does indeed expand. Jon, back to you. Jon the hezbollah entry into the war seems like a sure thing to me. I cannot imagine hezbollah sitting back and watching if israel goes into gaza to go after hamas. Jon, if there is a Ground Operation by israel they will be tremendous pressure on hezbollah to enter the war and enter it in full. Keep in mind what happened 2006 when hezbollah did fight a war against israel they did pay a tremendous price there is tremendous destruction here in lebanon. Billions of Dollars Worth of destruction they would likely pay a heavy price and faced severe consequences this nation could be destroyed if they do enter it is a risk for hezbollah as well. It was a beautiful place. The paris of the middle east and now what a mess. Steve harrogate and beirut, lebanon thank you. Free palestine. Frfrfree, free, free palestine. And pro hamas protesters staging demonstrations all over the world. Many a largely peaceful Feud Dissolving into violence. Kitty logan reports from london. Hi jon there were more pro palestinian protests around the world on saturday. Including a large rally here in london. Around 100,000 people took part in a march through central london. Waiting palestinian flags and banners. They are calling for a ceasefire in gaza police keeping a close eye warning anyone showing public support for hamas could be arrested its a Terrorist Organization in person. Protesters ended up outside the Prime Ministers residence on Downing Street the Ma March Pasd Off Peacefully and has now dispersed. There was a similar pro palestinian protest in rome. Again calling for israeli airstrikes on gaza to stop. And for more aid to reach people there. And in sydney, so you thousands turned out to support the palestinian cause too. Again with feelings running high here police were warning against any violence or hate speech. There were no arrests at the protest here in london today. Authorities are warning about a big increase in antisemitic hate crimes. Something the police are also watching closely. Jon. Jon kitty logan reporting from london, thanks kitty. Mort live coverage of the war in israel just moments away. 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Its smarter, healthier pet food. This she■s a hero moment. Even today, only a quarter of Stem Graduates are women. Theyd go, oh, you dont look like an engineer. There is this preconception. Some things are for boys. But diversity drives innovation. My goal is to really flip the script. Pick something that you love and go for it. How do we live in space . How do we live on the moon . I want to help figure that out. You can create the blueprint. If you can see her, you can be her. Jon in michigan a Murder Mystery tonight police are investigating after the president of a detroit synagogue was found stabbed to Death Outside her home today and the neighborhood of Lafayette Park. Right now there is no word on a suspect or a motive. The Detroit Free Press report samantha led the Isaac Downtown synagogue since 2022. Also a former aide to democratic congresswoman. Our coverage of the war in israel continues now paid some headlines. The rafah Border Crossing between gaza and egypt finally open today but only briefly. Twenty trucks with humanitarian aid entered the gaza strip. Some 200 trucks have been lined up outside the crossing. Unicef said the initial aid convoy will save some lives. But it is still an adequate. On israels Northern Border Fighting has intensified between Israeli Forces and Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists. Hezbollah official said today his Iran Backed Group Is Quote In The Heart of the war between israel and hamas. Iraqs Prime Minister warned oil prices could rise if the conflict spreads in the middle east. Muhammad called for an immediate ceasefire between israel and the Hamas Terrorists group. So as hezbollah fires more rockets from lebanon into Northern Israel one killing an Israeli American. Must go to Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent greg appel caught near the lebanese border. Yes lebanon is about a mile and a half over our shorter. We have seen an uptick in activity. Israel and the iranian backed Hezbollah Group we heard artillery blasting away near here with flares to go up. We have heard Small Arms Fire. We have heard drones and jets signs of them may be the leading edge of a second front in the unrest. Defense minister bertagnolli he confirmed that we have been seeing and telling you all this past week its getting nasty here. Take a listen. Has decided to participate in the fighting and is paying a price for it. We must be vigilant and prepare for every possible scenario. The great challenges await us. Hezbollah and related groups are shooting from the nearby border rockets, antitank missiles, mortars have been infiltrating and yes the Small Arms Fire israel responded with artillery as well as tanks and there is evacuations of civilians on both sides of the border. This is a very hot border as hezbollah acknowledging tonight 19 of its fighters have been killed just in the last two weeks since the start of the war down south. And along the civilian casualties israel said six of its soldiers have died one of those in Israeli American he was raised in rockville, maryland he was a reservist he decide to come over here and fight he was called up and shot dead in the past 24 hours by eight militants on a mountain nearby again on saturday we heard from the other side the number two of hezbollah sounding as tough as israeli adversary ill give you a quote we are in the heart of the battle he said we are making achievements through this battle. The Ground Invasion looms in the south certainly we can expect more trouble appeared north. There was a time not that long ago when hezbollah that has changed. It was a powerful army now really. It is a huge army. Estimates of 100,000 fighters and perhaps even more alarming 150,000 rockets in its arsenal. It has had a lot of practice on the Ground Fighting in nearby syria. I think what we hear from the rhetoric of hezbollah is they will have to do something more when and if the israelis move on the ground. They have stated that certainly how big it will be we will find out may be in the next hours and certainly in the next days. Jon Greg Reporting from the israel Lebanon Border thank you. For more on this lets bring in Rob Maness Retired air force colonel. This Ground Incursion we have been hearing its coming for two weeks. It has not apparently started yet. Tell us why. I think the israelis are actually listening to some of the leaders in the west calling for waiting because of the Hostage Situation and the humanitarian situation. For chili President Bidens team walked back his answer that he made about 24 hours ago telling them to wait. Because the israeli command is not tied to any allied command and should not be waiting. The longer they wait the more the hamas the people who committed the atrocities on october 7 get the opportunity to recover from the massive strategic and operational airstrikes that have been continuing. Jon give her the Vice Commander of the largest airborne intelligence awaiting that the United States had. The United States air force had. When we look at the destruction coming from the air and gaza, and it looks almost indiscriminate. But i am guessing there is intelligence that says those buildings are hamas legitimate targets. You are absolutely right. This area is the most heavily surveilled and reconnaissance area of the Israeli Defense forces. And of course the United States has provided support in that regard. And we continue to do so. We have over 20000 troops just in the east mediterranean with two Carrier Battle Groups and amphibious response group. We are taking risk to do that. But our intelligence are supporting the effort i am sure. Those are legitimate targets. Hamas is known for decades to use civilians as shields but thats where they build and launch their Weapon Systems from Populated Areas and residential areas, apartment buildings, hospitals, schools, all of those buried there all underneath them have a subterranean infrastructure of Logistical Support and communication support that hamas has spent decades building and unfortunately it using aid from the west in order to do that and buy more weapons. Not to mention the watch rockets into israel since october 7 or just before that. It is unbelievable that folks actually want the israelis to do their operations on the ground by the timing of something that does not make any difference. And that is they need to go when they are ready to go and when their forces are ready to go so that hamas, the people who create committed the atrocities on october 7 do not have the opportunity to recover from the strikes. Our intelligence will be supporting them and is supporting them i am sure that everything they can. We do know where the targets are print is very precise. This is the largest Precision Air operation than is ever been conducted in the city since the largest operation since world war ii in my mind. Jon the israelis say their goal is to decimate hamas eliminate hamas. Is that realistic . Yes, i think it is realistic considering the terrain. They are making terrain by destroying as many of the hamas targets and bringing buildings down that will enable them to move to the terrain. You will see sc, air, land assault that involves special Operation Forces to try to get at the Hostage Situation. And as this unfolds youll see some type of amphibious operation from the sea. Youre going to see air assaults. And you are going to see conventional assaults using armor, infantry, armored personnel, Fighting Vehicles and the like. And they continued Precision Air operation in the idf air force will transition right over to Close Air Support using precision bombing. Theyve been doing it for a long time they have a very good coordination system. I am glad our forces are in the area to provide deterrence against any other bad actors. But we are taking a lot of risk the russians are making notions about loading with hypersonic missiles from the north. They have fired missiles that had to be intercepted by the u. S. Navy, american bases in syria and iraq were just attacked by drones yesterday. So things are heating up. I hope the United States does not get drawn into this because being there as a Blocking Force for other bad actors that might want to intervene is a good thing but we dont have any business going in and shooting the Israeli Defense forces are more than capable of doing this. Jon the last 15 seconds we have youre happy to see the Carrier Groups offshore of israel just as a statement . Well, as a flexible deterrent option to keep other bad adversaries out of there, i am glad to see that but we are taking a very high risk with all that is going on. We were not in a proxy worth the russians and right now we are. Jon colonel rob maness its hot right now prethank you for joining us. And q, yes it is. Jon or uptotheminute coverage of foreign israel continues after a short break. Theres two things a young man wanna be a cowboy or a gangster. And a gangsters outta style. I got back to my roots. We come from a long line of cowboys. My grandfather, my greatgrandfather, my aunt even rode horses. When i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. Hi, my name is damion clark. And if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that youll definitely want to hear. Depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana Medicare Advantage dualeligible Special Needs plan. 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So, call the number on your screen now to speak with a licensed humana sales agent. Wouldnt you love benefits like a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent and overthecounter items . So, if you have medicare and medicaid, call the number on your screen now and speak with a licensed humana sales agent. If youre eligible, they can even help enroll you over the phone in a humana Medicare Advantage dualeligible Special Needs plan. So, call now. Humana. A more human way to healthcare. vo in three seconds, janice will win a speedboat. woman bingo im moving to the lake. Gotta sell the house. vo ooh thats a lot of work. woman ooh vo dont worry. Skip the hassels and sell directly to opendoor. woman bingo. vo get your competitive offer at opendoor dot com. Jon our coverage in the word israel some headlines not to travel to egypt or jordan as the terrorist Group Intensifies for the jewish state also warned citiawardedcitizens against nonl travel to morocco. Unicef says the initial aid convoy will save lives but not enough or long term solution. Twenty trucks were allowed into the besieged gaza strip today. Hundreds lined up outside the Border Crossing waiting to enter. And the cairo peace summit held among dozens of nations ended today without a breakthrough. Arab leaders of the conference condemned israels Siege Of Gaza and european nations in attendance said civilian should be shielded from the israel hamas war. On the palestinians in Brooklyn Today. Cb cotton is a live in brooklyn she has the latest on that. Good evening, jon. There were not just hundreds of protesters, there were thousands and they are still on the move at this hour per take a look behind me. You can see nypd following closely on their heels with these protesters have looped the block now several times. I want to go to some video we captured earlier weird chance like this. Long live. [inaudible] this rally was the second in less than 24 hours here in the city that drew a huge crowd today there are people wearing scarves, others waving the flag of the Palestinian Authority and many carried signs calling for Palestinian Liberation. This on the heels of another protest last night were 1000 people called for the u. S. To stop sending aid to israel. At one point to more than 100 people were arrested in front of senator kiersten jill browns office. Shes called for resources to replenish the iron dome. She signed onto a joint letter of other centers calling for humanitarian relief in gaza. Protesters telling our team what they want is for her and other politicians to demand a ceasefire. I am jewish myself. I do not like to see my Grief Weaponize to inflict violence onto civilians but i do not believe the actions of the Israeli Government are currently good either for the palestinians or for the Security Concerns for the israelis. Bigname donors unite against some demonstration of our happening. Ceo of apollo group global calling on other donors give only a dollar to the University Of Pennsylvania to purchase what he says is universities tolerance of antisemitism. Reexamining his support for the University Of Pennsylvania and former victorias secret ceo Les A Wexner Severing Ties with harvard university. Jewish students also saying they do not feel protected. I am honestly scared to share that on campus. That is really, really upsetting. Especially at a school like nyu where they talk about inclusion. They talk about sharing your identity. But that stops at jewish. That stops at israeli. Now again this a pro palestinian demonstration out here in brooklyn the crowd is still moving. It has gotten smaller at this point. I would say theres still more than 500 people out here demonstrating. Again they circled the block several times weve got a Large Police Presence out here at this hour to the city is on heightened alert even though near city mayor eric adams as his own Credible Threats right now. Still he has emphasized the importance of having his officers throughout the community at demonstrations and houses of worship just to make sure everyone feel safe. Jon it does not appear there was any counter protest to this pro palestinian protest that youve been talking about . Jon, i would say there were no counter demonstrators out here i will also point out it is the sabbath the jewish faith. Again large crowd out here this is one of the largest pro palestinian rallies ive seen yet here in the city. Quick cb Cotton Reporting live from brooklyn, new york thank you. More student protests this weekend as israels war against hamas continues. Jon many protesters out in support of palestinians. The Issue Dividing Campuses across the United States in the wake of the hamas Terrorist Attacks for joining us now Caroline Downey education reporter with the national review. Carolyn, it is fascinating to me how quickly things have turned. We saw horrific images just two weeks ago of civilians being shot. Burned alive, babies beheaded. People kidnapped. And yet, there are these protest now that say israel is being too tough on the palestinians. Word is that all come from . Great to be with you jon. I have attended a number of these demonstrations in manhattan just to report on them. Theres been a few observations buried the first is that a lot of leftwing groups like the Democratic Socialists Of America and other marxist organizations are often they are. That might speak to whats happening on College Campuses right now. Those protest at barkley, at other uc schools are not surprising to me because these coddled College Kids View Everything From Inter Sexuality and victimization. In their book palestinians are the underdogs subjugated by israel. They lump them in with a black lives matter lgbt. This is the next step of the oppression olympics. But you would think jews would get a meddle in them because they are historically among the most persecuted facing the most existential crisis out of any other group. But apparently they are disqualified. Jon it is interesting. So many of these people are so you have to have a Two State Solution. Hamas is committed to the elimination of israel thats part of their founding principle. How do you have a Two State Solution with the group that does not want the other state . Right explicitly in their Charter Hamas because of the eradication of jews. Not just in israel but across the world. These protest these participants have to be careful about the optics. They may be claiming they are supporting the palestinian cause. They are right to selfdetermination. But hamas just attacked israel. Israel is in the midst of it existenial crises. 41 of the jews in the world live in israel the other 41 live in the United States. So it is pretty clear we have to be able to say that hamas does want to exterminate jews. And unfortunately these protest participants are unable to admit that is what is happening right now. Jon we just saw the prominent and wealthy jewish leaders are ending or severely curtailing some of their donations to some of these schools that have allowed and may be fermented anti protest. Is the end to openness perhaps coming . I think for years these billionaires were blind to the radicalism that has been spreading throughout colleges. I think even parents were unaware of what their Tuition Dollars what noxious ideas they were funding. But now the attack against israel has been so agree just that i think we are in a moment of moral clarity donors are withdrawing their dollars and i think some of the indoctrination will go with them. Jon speaking of we saw the barbarity of hamas in those attacks two weeks ago. Then there is this attacked the supposed attack on a hospital which the palestinians were quick to blame on israel. Turns out it was a rocket fired by the palestinians themselves. But they got a lot of mileage out of it. The pr machine really work for them. Yes the Mainstream Media out lets like clockwork hopped on the false narrative without even checking for extra evidence. Because unfortunately legacy outlets are doing the bidding of hamas in this case. They assume israel is evil parade they assume israel is the oppressor even though she is our greatest ally. As i mentioned israel is a haven for the worlds jews. One of the most oppressed groups in the world. Jon Caroline Downey will have to say goodbye we appreciate your time tonight thanks for being with us. Our coverage of israel at work continues right after this. Have you ever considered getting a walkin tub . Well, look no further. 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Hi jon, there is a severe need for medical supplies to treat those injured and who are now fighting for their lives in israel and gaza. There is lots of effort to try and support the innocent victims in that region. California governor gavin newsom visited israel yesterday. You can see those pictures they are pretty met with patients in a Medical Center in tel aviv every made the stop ahead of his visit to china for a trip focus on climate issues. In a Statement Newsom pledges california support to help provide medical aid to israel and gaza but he said quote today i met with a californian who was shot during eight missile and grenade attack. She covered herself among dead people to survive. After hours of endless terror she was rescued and transported to a hospital. What the israeli people have experience is nothing short of barbaric terrorism. And yesterday israels president shared a photo from newsoms visit on social media. He wrote we will never forget our friends who stood by israel in the most difficult times. Medical aid is badly needed in that region. Various age groups collect donations worldwide to help Lisa Schiller a spokesperson for the Better Business bureau is warning folks to be very careful of Social Media Scammers who will take advantage of peoples willingness to help. She says peoples hearts are on the line and she wants people to be very careful but she encourages them to do their research on social media sources or charities before making a donation. Jon different at that Point Christie and i understand the Better Business bureau has a list of Relief Organizations they have vented themselves. That is right, jon it could be very helpful give. Org the Bbb Wise Giving Alliance website lists the bbbs accredited Relief Organization so people can go to give. Org click on that and searched for the names of those groups and get more details on their efforts. A few of those groups listed include the jewish Nat Nationald and the International Rescue committee. Jon good information for viewers to have. Christina coleman and los angeles. Christina, thank you. We will continue our coverage of the war in Israel Straightahead. My Little Family is me, aria, and jade. Just the three of us girls. I never thought twice about feeding her kibble. But about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. She was always out of breath. Thats when i decided to introduce the farmers dog to her diet. Its just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. Now shes a lot more active, shes able to join us on our adventures. And were all able to do things as a family. Get started at betterforthem. Com jon and update now on a developing story paid the Stabbing Death of a detroit synagogue president. The police have identified the victim 40yearold Samantha Wall. They say her body was found today outside her home in detroit Lafayette Park neighborhood. An investigation is underway but right now there is no word about a suspect or a motive. Walt was a former aide to democratic congresswoman alyssas lumpkin. Our coverage of the war in israel continues. Some headlines. President biden spoke with the two americans who were held hostage and then released yesterday. Judith and her daughter natalie handed over too Israeli Forces but they are the first hostages released by the terrorist group. French military intelligence that israel was not responsible for the Hospital Explosion and gaza last week. France adjoins a course of countries including the United States Absolving Israel of responsibility for that blast. At israels Ground Invasion of the gaza strip still appears to be imminent sprayed Israeli Forces have been preparing for an invasion in response to that surprise Terror Attack by hamas just two weeks ago joint Fox Corporation supporting the israel Emergency Fund in association with the United Jewish Appeal scan the qr code on your screen or donate at you ja fed ny. Org. That is how fox reports on this saturday october 21 of 2023. Just two weeks after that barbaric hamas attack in israel i am jon scott. Our live especial coverage on the war in israel continues with the big weekend show. That is coming up at the top of the hour straightahead. We will see you tomorrow with another addition of the Fox Resort A Special Edition beginning at 5 00 p. M. Eastern time live right here on fox news channel. Thank you for joining us. O prott their money with chase. Wooo tools that help protect. Alerts that help check. One bank that puts you in control. Chase. 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