Continuing to prepare for their Ground Attack in gaza. To the south, a barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip Set off the iron dome Defense System over israel prompting further response from Israeli Military. This all as 29 americans have been confirmed killed and 15 more still missing since hamas attacked Southern Israel last saturday. Welcome to fox news live. We have lived team coverage. Trey yingst is live in Southern Israel. We will start you off on the latest on the Ground Operation in gaza. Good afternoon. We have seen continued rocket fire. Throughout the day today it really as thousands prepare along the israel border. They are joined by tanks in apcs waiting for the orders to come through. It could be just a matter of hours before israeli troops entered the gaza strip. A lot of anticipation growing. You can see behind me people are growing with their everyday lives. The country is at war nine days in. Today we did get a look at some of the weapons that the Israeli Forces recovered from the bodies of hamas militants. You can see it was quite an extensive arsenal. You can see rocket propelled grenades recovered by the Israeli Military in the southern part of their country. They say they found about 1000 of these brought in by fighters to use against israeli communities along the border. This just accounts for 20 of what was recovered. Hamas planned a battle for days. The israelis say most of this if outside help but are prepared for what they will face inside of gaza. Very common in the gaza strip they walk around to make new ied s, new charges against our troops you can see all of these made inside gaza by groups there. This is what they will face when they entered the strip. I believe they have about five times more at the gaza strip. We have nothing to surprise us. Israeli forces understand these are the types of weapons they will face almost immediately when the orders do come through. The Defense Minister Meeting with troops trying to keep morale high ahead of that invasion. There will be no situation. They were sitting silent. There was this infrastructure. Until we eliminate all we will not complete the mission. We have been speaking with dozens of soldiers at the border they all say the same thing theyre motivated by the images that they saw last weekend in Southern Israel. What unfolded near the gaza border. The slaughter of their fellow countrymen. They say they are motivated and ready to fight. Absolutely incredible video you showed there. The homemade weaponry. Only 22 of it. We have to remember that on top of iran supplying very sophisticated weaponry across the region, not just in gaza. Absolutely. I have impressed the idf about this today. If any of the weapons came directly from iran and they said no. They believe that these are all handmade. They learned how to make them on youtube. Theres a real understanding on the israelis that they have had years to educate themselves online. How to make explosive devices and weapons that can be used when they do enter the gaza strip. Remember, guerrilla style tactics to be conducted when israelis do enter gaza. It will be a difficult battle. They want to work very hard to maintain their composure and also hold territory inside gaza. This will not be a one or two day operation but we expect weeks. Tray jinxed in Southern Israel. As israel gets ready for a Ground Invasion, clashes on the northern border are intensifying great talcott is live from the israeli Lebanon Border with the latest there. That is right. We are here in Northern Israel keeping an eye on a possible second front. Take a look at what we saw and heard today. You are looking at the border , just the other side of that Mountain Ridges lebanon. That is where the iranian backed hezbollah Militant Group is. It is been showing various positions all along this border today. We have heard some of it and we have heard israeli tank fire responding. Hezbollah has threatened to go big here if israel escalates in the south. That could be coming up. Hezbollah is a mighty possible enemy. They claim to have 100,000 fighters. As many as 150,000 rockets in its arsenal. It has done a war with israel many times in the past. Israel today said they dont want war with hezbollah. Hezbollah said today these various strikes, we just heard a few in the background right now, they are just warnings. They have been deadly, even today. The benefactor is saying something else. If israel invades, there will be farreaching consequences. That Broad Campaign by israel seems very, very close. A huge buildup of troops. And the plight of the palestinians inside of gaza. Hundreds of thousands of peers that any kind of major Ground Incursion by israel will focus on the northern bid of the gaza strip including gaza city. This is all interrelated. Hamas is a close ally of hezbollah. Backed by iran. The u. S. Is very worried about it. That is why it has sent a second Aircraft Carrier group to the mediterranean. They are just off the coast. Back to you. And i ask you about the people that are living just south of the Lebanon Border in israeli . Give us a lay of the land. How close are they to that border and the militia men that are setting those Morning Shots right now. Is there any warning that these people should get out of there . They are very close. Literally on one side 300 yards excuse me 900 yards. Housing settlements. There been sirens. Folks going into shelters all day. When we were at another point where we showed that presentation earlier in our live shots, that was a mile and a half away. We heard the crackle of gunfire on that Mountain Ridge by the hezbollah militants. We also heard the israeli tanks on the other side. There are Bomb Shelters here. The area is determined to live here, to live through this and face the enemy. It could get very, very tricky and very hot here if things escalate down south. Near the Lebanon Border, greg palkot. Thank you so much. Rich fbi director Christopher Wray announcing a search and threats here in the United States. Mark meredith is live at the white house with more on this. Good afternoon to you. President biden has spent much of this weekend on the phone reaching out to the israeli and palestinian leaders trying to make sure that this conflict does not get worse or Even Deadlier than it already is. We are worried about the potential escalation. We dont want to see any actor widening this conflict, opening up additional fronts that will distract the forces against the primary fight against hamas. They are the humanitarian needs as well. U. S. Says it is reaching out to other nations egypt, jordan as well as United Nations to bring humanitarian assistance to the civilians in gaza. Taking additional as engaging in relationships with families of americans. The families tweeting about it within the last hour. Additional resources to israel. They are monitoring the threats here in the u. S. And abroad to u. S. Citizens. The fbi says it is well aware that someone could carry out a lone wolf attack here in the u. S. In support of hamas. We heard from the director earlier today. He was on the phone earlier. Increase threats to these groups jewish americans, Muslim Americans here in the u. S. Moving quickly to mitigate them. We saw a few of the major u. S. Cities whether beyond new york, d. C. , l. A. , schools, houses of worship just because of that increase chatter. As for president biden, as for now, no Public Events on his schedule today. Given how quickly things can change, we will stand by and wait and see mode. Could get busy click. Mark meredith at the white house thank you. For more on the International Response to the conflict in the middle east we are joined by thank you for joining us on this show. Can i just come up for a second, ask you about this Ground Invasion that we are all anticipating. The whole world is watching. Israels Defense Forces have been warning that they are about to go in. This will be a very tricky situation for these soldiers because of just the way the gaza strip is laid out. Can you talk to us about how difficult and challenging the situation is when you consider the tunnels, boobytraps and tho face, the civilians that are still inside including americans in those 150 hostages that you are looking for. How difficult will this be . Thank you for having me on. You are 100 right as well as all the reporters. I want to make very clear and i think your question also highlights it. The state of israel and its soldiers, the Defense Forces, are engaging to protect our borders and israels civilians. Hamas actually uses civilians as Human Shields or ponds, if you will, hiding beneath hospitals, schools, mosques. Actually preventing them from using big humanitarian corridor. The entrance of Ground Troops if the state of israel were not so completely committed to protecting human life wherever possible would not be necessary because, as you can imagine, there would be better ways for the state of israel to attack the terrorist that i remind us on saturday morning surprised us with thousands of rockets and ongoing barrages of rockets which were mentioned before. Each one of those rockets a double War Crime Being chocked out in targeting Israeli Citizens from very, very heavily populated neighborhoods within the gaza strip endangering those civilians. I think what that highlights and actually must be very clear, it is hamas, not only responsible for the barbaric acts of terror that we saw in which thousands were murdered, burned, raped, abducted, injured over the october 7 and in the coming days that we have had, but, also, and what will result in this Ground Incursion that the state of israel must take as any responsible country must to protect its civilians and borders from this ongoing war. We know your enemy is hamas. We know that this is obviously a very impossible situation as long as they continue to hide behind civilians. Someone was talking today about how this could be avoided. Let me play a clip for you from the ceo of that Antidefamation League on how this can all be avoided. This could end today. It could be stopped if hamas would give up the hostages and say they would put down their arms and work out a means to live in peace with israel. The organization with the power to stop this is hamas. Is there a world in which you see that that could actually happen where hamas perhaps with the regional partners influencing hamas, coordinating together to try to do some sort of an exchange . There is a world in which that can happen. Global powers and the organizations are actually mandated to protect international law. Should be concerned with palestinians as well as israels rights to defend itself. If those countries were to lean in and all funding, all source of aid, all sorts of what powers hamas genocidal terror, hamas one proxy of the genocidal regime in iran along other Side Proxy Set up wage this genocidal war against humanity. Against civilization. It is actually that combination of countries, institutions like the un, like the red cross attempt to step in and lean and enjoyed that if we were to actually activate all of the possible leverages that we have including egypt and turkey and qatar that hosted house the leadership of hamas that hides not only below civilians but out of the country. Yes, we could stand up to genocidal terror if we were clear that there was no war on equivalency and the war world cherishes and will not have the continued false Moral Equivalency that actually enables and empowers them to continue using civilians including Palestinian Civilians as shields and pawns in this war michal cotlerwunsh thank you it reminded the president of the messaging that hamas sends to the people as they try to make israelis the enemy of palestinians. We appreciate the work that you are doing that is so important right now. I think its very critical that we understand that it is that lethal antisemitism that fueled the atrocities that we saw. It also fuels the terrible and awful denial justification, excuse for those atrocities and it is the antisemitism that we have to identify and come back together. Yes. Thank you so much, michal cotlerwunsh. Thank you for having me on. Rich Hundreds Of Stars have signed an open letter in support of israel saying hamas had barbaric acts of terrorism. We are live out in california. Claudia. Good afternoon, rich. As a conflict escalates, just a massive show support for israel now coming for the hollywood community. 1000 celebrities and filmmakers have signed on an open letter by the Creative Community for peace it reads in part calling on our friends and colleagues in the Entertainment Industry to speak out forcefully against hamas and do whatever is in their power to urge the Terrorist Organization to return the hostages to their families. Those who signed onto this letter include jerry seinfeld, jerry lee curtis, amy schumer, michael douglas, mark hamill and doctor dean cain who. On fox and friends this weekend. Very rarely do i agree with statements coming out of hollywood but this is a nobrainer. I am glad that there were 7000 people that signed this letter. It should have been 70,000, in my opinion. How anyone could not call out the atrocities of what hamas is not going after children, holocaust survivors, civilians and butchering them in the disgusting way they have is beyond me. The letter concludes our thoughts are with all those experiencing unfathomable levels of fear and violence and we hope for the day when israelis and palestinians can live sidebyside in peace. Movie studios are also drumming up donations including Fox Corporation which has donated 1 million to United Jewish Appeal. This is one of the many nonprofits providing humanitarian aid in the region. Claudia live for us. Thank you. Israeli Ground Operations are expected to begin any moment now as they have resources along the border with gaza. Pr we wilisl talk with dan Israeli Resident next. Er t we can make this work. And the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice . I can make this work. That seems to be universal. I can make this work. I can make this work. No wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. Because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. Ameriprise financial. Pano ai chooses tmobile for business for 5g solutions. Because tmobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. With the freestyle libre 2 system, know your Glucose Level and where its headed. No fingersticks needed. Manage your diabetes with more confidence. Freestyle libre 2. Try it for free at freestylelibre. Us this is a special alert. Israel is under attack and israels enemies seek our destruction. The people of israel need immediate help. Rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. Our people are targets in their own homes. Many have lost everything and fear for their lives. The International Fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. Our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. Your urgently needed gift of only 45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. Time is literally running out. What we need you to do is to act now. Youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Its true. Plus, when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible. Its happening. Rich the israeli Defense Forces prepare their Ground Operation in gaza. We are joined by an american israeli and former embassy abbasid or that is live for us right now in israel. You are supposed to begin a graduate program this week. I assume you always knew there was an opportunity or chance for violence in israel given the chance violence there but did you ever expect this to happen . Hi. Thanks for having me. Honestly, no. We never expected anything to this extent. It is been a complete shock. Today would have been the first day of class. Obviously, that is not happening you have the whole world of israel put on pause here. It has affected us in every single way imaginable. You talk about starting class this week. The consequences beyond that. When you walk around town, how different is that they are then eight days ago . It is heartbreaking to say, but a lot of israel feels a bit like a ghost town. You have people mostly sheltering in place unless there is something quite urgent or important to do. I was about to be studying at tel aviv university. When i went to class, i was one of the few people that went to get my Dorm Assignment because im an International Student and that is where i am supposed to be living. There was only about five people checking in. These poor students i came to learn in israel, learn about the region and came into a conflict the same day and moving into the dorms. It was heartening to see i saw peers all over the world including Israeli Arabs that were going to be my peers and will still be my peers when we get back to classes. The Secretary Of State is in the region. Returning to israel tomorrow. Youve had the Senate Majority leader there. As an israeli, as an american, but hasnt meant for you to see the response of the government . It has been very heartening. It has been so uplifting not just to me but israelis here on the ground. Ive spoken to people on the front lines. Ive spoken to people that have had loved ones murdered in the Music Festival massacre. Almost everyone i have spoken to as much in the response to the u. S. , Biden Speech In Particular was very uplifting. Bipartisan support. Lots of clips online for candidates for president expressing their support. It has been all of the difference in the world. You have got a very small country in israel. You are not very far from gaza. Or from hezbollah in the north and lebanon and other back to militia throughout the region. Do you feel for your personal safety . Have you thought that you may not want to stay there . That is an interesting question. I will take it into parts. I have. For my safety. I wish it were not true, but it is true. I cannot lie. Twenty minutes before i hopped on for this call i was in the bomb shelter. This conflict is not slowing down. Hamas is not slowing down. Now the thought of how i thought about leaving, my friends from the u. S. Out asked that same thing, no, i have it. This is where its supposed to be. This is where i meant to be. The jewish people myself included are not going anywhere. You are prepared it could be a while before life returned to normal and you could be in classes. That is true. It is a reality have to face. A reality my Brothers And Sisters here in israel have to face. But my grandparents did not have a seed of israel. It is not something we can give up. We do not really have another option. This is where we are meant to be and we will fight for our home. Rich thank you for joining us this afternoon. Please stay safe. We are all hoping you can begin that Masters Program very soon. Thank you so much. Have a good night. We will go back to Southern Mike Tobin straight ahead. 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Electricity, water food all becoming scarce as there is in expected Ground Invasion coming soon. A really tough situation for the palestinians right now as the border in egypt is still closed. Last i checked, even to americans. American palestinians stuck inside as well as other nationals from around the world that are inside the strip right now. Really difficult situation as they try to get out. Israeli Defense Forces still preparing for that Ground Invasion. Ground operations in gaza as they operate resources around the border. Mike tobin is live in Southern Israel right now with what he is seeing on the ground as we anticipate this big move. We still see the Ground Forces moving around. Replacing in troops getting into place. I can hear the israeli drones overhead. We hear it time to time. A Little Machine gun fire. The big Ground Invasion never materialized. A source tells me that there are a number of different factors and they want to minimize the risk to the soldiers that take all the different factors into consideration before that Ground Invasion is launched. Coming here to the edges of the gaza strip where the troops are basing. He met with them and said this will be a war that changes the situation in the middle east forever. We will reach all hamas activists and until we eliminate all, we will not complete the mission. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu met today with the families of the hostages. The official number of hostages at the moment is 126. Israel says 20 of them are over the age of 75. A group advocating for the hostages said their medical conditions range from a baby that needs formula to parkinsons disease to people who have gunshot wounds. There is also a threat to health in the gaza strip where the humanitarian crisis rose by the day. Looking at the humanitarian crisis, despite promises that the siege would not be lifted in the gaza strip, water was turned back on today. People do now have access to water. Even the people expected to evacuate into the south of the gaza strip. An american in the southern end of the gaza strip with their five children, also u. S. Citizens, tells us they have been surviving all Bottled Water they are draining any bike battery to keep their phones charged. They have had access to bread but the bread lines are long. They have no optimism that the crossing that would allow them to escape to egypt that it will open anytime soon. You have covered so many wars give us your insight. It is the hope that there might be some other option on the table other than a Ground Invasion amongst israelis, from what you are hearing on the ground from locals there, what i keep hearing from people that go on fox news, from my sources, there is this option floating up there that there could be a Prisoner Exchange perhaps for those hostages if hamas has over the hostages, egypt, turkey and the rest of the regional partners that are very much in a state of panic right now over a possible refugee crisis. If you get them to pressure hamas could they release the hostages, could this be avoided . It certainly would be a best case scenario. I get a great deal of emotion. Israelis have been subject to a great deal of terror. Nothing like this. Once you get among the israeli public, a great deal of unity. They wanted very much to get after them. They want very much to prevent hamas from having the ability to do anything like this ever again they want justice and they want this to never happen again. Mike tobin lived for us. Thank you. Appreciate it. Eric adams is criticizing the attacks on israel saying that is not islam. As he continues to express support for israel. Cb cotton is live in israel. Pro palestinian rallies are happening across the country. Wrapping up on long island. A speaker at the podium describing palestinians rush to evacuate Northern Gaza likeness. It is a war zone. Nobody is holding hands. Nobody has buses to take people to safety. These women, children, elderly come out of their houses. Rally, one of several protests supporting palestinians that have happened across the city this week. On friday thousands marching through times square. Resistance is justified when people are occupied. As this continues, new york city mayor eric adams is doubling down on his views. On saturday, the mayor speaking at a church in Staten Island blaming demonic energy for the Surprise Hamas attack in israel are reminding people that hamas should not be associated with people that practice islam. Hamas is a demonic Terrorist Organization that killed innocent children, raped women and destroyed and shot people in front of their loved ones. That is not islam. This comes from an earlier message from adam saying this. We are not all right. We are not all right when we see young girls pulled from their home and dragged through the streets. We are not all right when we see grandmothers being pulled away from their homes in children shot in front of their families. We are not all right when right here in the city of new york we have those that celebrate at the same time when the devastation is taken place. The mayors passionate defense of israel comes as we have now learned a 19yearold woman has been charged with assault and harassment as a kate crime after police say she struck an israeli student with a broomstick on the campus of Columbia University on wednesday rich cb cotton live for us in new york. Thank you. America is making no Spirit Eisenhower Aircraft Carrier now on its way and the Mediterranean Sea closer to israel marking the second Carrier Strike group to make that move in the region. , we will have more from Thebala Pentagon right after this. Yay woo hoo ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. My active Psoriatic Arthritis can make me feel like im losing my rhythm. With skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, im getting into my groove. uplifting music along with significantly clearer skin. Skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. 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So dont wait, call the number on your screen. Or donate at mercyships. Org. Meet the portable blender we can barely keep in stock. Blendjet 2 gives you icecrushing, big blender power onthego. So you can blend up a mouthwatering smoothie, protein shake, or latte wherever you are recharge quickly with any usb port. Best of all, it even cleans itself just blend water with a drop of soap. What are you waiting for . Order yours now from blendjet. Com before they sell out again vo in three seconds, pam will decide. pam im moving closer to the grandkids wait. I got to sell the house vo dont wait, just sell directly to opendoor. Easy as pie. pam piece of cake. vo whichever. Get your Competitve Offer at opendoor. Com. The u. S. Is sending a second navy Carrier Strike group to the Mediterranean Region in support of israel. The latest from the defense department. Secretary austin is back in the u. S. Now from his trip to israel. His main priority today working to free the american hostages held inside of gaza as well as trying to ensure the ongoing war in israel does not become part of a broader regional conflict with the entrance of hezbollah. Take a listen. Not to provoke everyone but a very clear message of deterrence that no one should do anything that widens this conflict in any way or furthers it from any direction. They have zero plans or intentions of deploying american troops to israel but are continuing to serve in an advisory role only. The Defense Secretary issued a new directive. Ordering the strike group to begin moving to the Eastern Mediterranean as part of our effort to deter hostile actions against israel or any efforts against widening this war following hamas attack on israel this is precisely the right message at the right moment to send israels enemies. Nothing should be off the table. Iran and hezbollah should understand we have two Carrier Strike groups in the region for a reason. We will not sit by and let iran and its cats pause like hamas and hezbollah destroy as a nation. The white house during the Press Briefing confirmed that just under a handful of those individuals are believed to be held captive inside of gaza. Tough, tough situation. Thank you for being there at the pentagon. As the war intensifies on the southern u. S. Border, officials remain on high alert. Griff jenkins is live in texas with mark. Hey, griff. Good afternoon, rich. Not only officials concerned, but also citizens. Let me take you to the sky. We have an active group right now coming across. You can see in this group that just crossed the river here into eagle pass they will try to get through this razor wire. Texas dps put there to deter them. It is not working. It looks like we have some women in there. Some children. We dont know who they are. Coming from venezuela. Thursday when i was here we had two lebanese men come to this very area. They were in their 20s as well as one egyptian. They will be sent off for heavier scrutiny. Look into their backgrounds. I just learned moments ago from sources that it just the first 14 days of this fiscal year, it began on october 1. They encountered across the entire southwest border individuals from 98 different countries. That is why concerned citizens are worried about this open border. Let me show you some Drone Footage of the group that was here. Twenty individuals. They stood down on the river there trying to ask the officials what was going on. Trying to talk to the migrants asking them why they work here. American flags rolled out a sign saying secure our border. I will show you another picture. That is a group that came early. Before dawn. Every morning we get a group of 100150 showing up here. War from honduras, guatemala and ecuador. It is because local Law Enforcement saying he is concerned about not knowing who these people are because the federal government does not tell them. There are syrians, russians, whatever in our area. Be on the lookout. Talk to people more. See what is going on. If they could be given a heads up, they are seeing them coming to their area, they will be more aware of it. There is not intelligence sharing of that nature right now perhaps we will learn that will change in the coming days as more more people are aware of what is coming across our border chris, thanks. Fox corporation has made a 1 million donation to the United Jewish Appeal as they mobilize to provide urgent relief to those impacted by the atrocities and israel. Scan the qr code to support the israel emergency fund. Much more on the war in israel coming up next. Son to jump into the fun and join in the celebration. 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I think she had been fighting it for some 23 years. She gained some Super Star Stardom on threes company. She later had a Successful Health and beauty business. Her family said she died peacefully. She was surrounded by her loved ones at home. Suzanne somers data 76. The Israeli Defense sources gathering tanks and resources. For more on this we will bring in retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg a fox news contributor. General, thank you for joining us. I want to get your sense of some reporting. The iranians have worn israel through the United Nations that if there is any Ground Offensive in gaza that there will be a response to that. How should israel respond to that . Thank you for having me. I think it is a very serious threat. This is where the United States can weigh in as well. You dont want to go there. That is why the battle group is there. That is the reason he has an higher group is going there as well. The important thing is the missiles. Basic load of the missiles around five600. 1000pound warhead. You really dont want to go there when you do it. Hamas started this fight. Letting the israelis finish the fight to the best degree. Trying to do so. What the israelis will do, if they do go into a ground result, the worst is in an urban area. Slower to afford the pistol range when you are doing the shooting. Its a hard thing to do. Stand back and isolate. The reason why think it is also important is to hold the forces in for a lot of them. They can have it therefore sustained calling an audible and go to the north as well. That is a major risk. It is much more capable force than hamas is spirit facing the two fights out there. The United States covering their backside. Telling iran to back off. They kind of proved it. Getting bad vices. You punch them in the nose real hard and they stand back saying maybe this was not such a good idea. That is what our president needs to tell them right now. Dont you get involved. Give them the support that they need. Its not really a military fight it is a political fight. Diplomatic fight in an economic fight as well. This administration Gave Authority over 250 million. We took that all the way in the last administration. Energy support to iran. You cannot normalize relations with a terrorist state. Do you think that israel can destroy hamas . That is a pretty deep goal. Committed to it. They win in 2014. They went in for a month. Accomplishing their objectives. They need to go full bore. Taking one of the building structures. So much to watch as this is just getting started. Thank you for joining us, Keith Kellogg. Rich that will do it for us this hour. Fox news continues next. Thanks for watching. I wanna hold you forever hey little bear bear. Im gonna love you forever cmon, bear. You dont. You dont have to worry. Be by your side. Ill be there. With my arms wrapped around. With the freestyle libre 2 system, know your Glucose Level and where its headed. 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