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Straight to a fox news alert, just in, brandnew images from the west bank. This appears to be clashes likely between palestinians there and Israeli Defense forces. Just remember in the west bank there are various zones, area a, area b, area c, some are in Israeli Military control, others in palestinian military control. Multiple checkpoints you come in and out of controlled by the idf, depending on level of security. I have been in an area like that caught in crossfire. In a moment youth arabs can take on a checkpoint in the west bank. West bank is separate from what you see on your map in the gaza strip. Brian might plug in a map of the west bank. Ariana ound ainsley they are hours ahead of you. Fbi is warning americans to be vigilant, major cities are on alert, chicago, philadelphia, l. A. , in europe, they are feeling the same way. This guy, who they are saying is former hamas chief, they said he is still actively involved, asking protesters to take to the street to deliver message of anger in support of palestine. Brian people talk about two state solution, gaza and the good luck with that, blinken is meeting with Mahmoud Abbas today. Can you imagine a war in which rocket fire or gunfire coming from the west bank at israelis, they will be thoroughly surrounded. This is likely rimal. Lawrence clash with police and if you are american, you are not only concerned what is happening there, this same thing has been called this day of rage to happen in the states, as well. The question is how are police going to respond to this. All of nypd has been called in, if you have a uniform, you have been told to put the uniform on and be prepared for anything. Brian you saw riots, uk in support of palestinians, hamas, it is terrorists. In spain, same thing we see clowns at columbia to harvard in support of palestinians and understood by the west bank they are rioting trying to get in. We have pictures of yemen, fully supported by the iranians and they are rioting and taking hamas call to show your support by having day of jihad, so that is indeed happening. Ainsley overall, most of all of us are proisrael, most of the country is proisrael, they should be. France is proisrael. The president of france is telling everyone, you are not allowed to protest and have propalestinian protests, we will not allow that in france. Lawrence there is a split in the country, pete, you want to respect civil liberty. I went to a protest yesterday, it is supposed to be worse today. You have people calling for jihad. It is important to know, these are same folks jihadists that attacked us here in new york city. The same folks that iran is funding, these are our enemies, as well. Same ideology, hamas equals isis, hamas equals al qaeda. Same world view. This is a moment of clarification, it is one thing looking at the conflict over decades and have nuance view. It is another thing to protest after what hamas did, killing innocent civilians, targeting youth and elderly and innocent. To defend that and deny that is a revelation of the underbelly of this rooted in islammism, rooted in supremacy over the west and over jews. You have to have a clear understanding. Ainsley it is hard to defend that, what they are teaching children, to hate jews, hate americans, hate anyone that doesnt have their same Belief Temperature it is hard, they have been indoctrinated. Everyone believes it, that is all they hear, they are immersed in it. How do you fight that . Lawrence well cover this all morning. You are looking at live footage of the west bank, protesters are clashing on this day of rage. This is happening across the country, as well as international. Mark mered ith is live outside of the white house on how the fbi and Law Enforcement are preparing for this global day of jihad. Apparently ainsley trey yingst, too. We just saw him up there, live in israel. Brian lets go to trey yingst, he is on his way to check out the area in and around the iron dome and trey, you are Hearing Sirens . Trey were not Hearing Sirens here, we are getting alerts on our phone now, significant breaking news. There are air raid alerts sounding across northern israel. This means one of two things, means hamas has fired longrange rocket toward northern israel or that they are firing from southern lebanon. We will wait to see what information we can gather. Show you on my phone, all these are rocket alerts that just came up in northern israel. This is east of the city of hifa. Not just southern and central israel, the entire country is on alert. According to israeli media, hamas is claiming responsibility. Again, we do not know if this was fired from gaza and longrange rocket or fired from southern lebanon. Hamas is claiming responsibility for the rocket fire into northern israel. All of this comes as we have new reporting for you this morning, told by diplomatic source that currently inside the gaza strip, israelis are warning civilians with roofknock hit or leaflets that their village will be destroyed. This was confirmed by a source in gaza city, i reached out to hamas for a response and here is what they had to say. This is absolutely wrong. This is not our decision. This is not our policy and it is also technically impossible. How can you prevent one million palestinian from leaving their houses or homes from site to site if they want to do it, this is impossible. Trey in the past, hamas officials have lied in statements. I also spoke with a senior hamas official in gaza about the casualtieses we saw in Southern Israel and he said they did not happen. This is significant and different than the Evacuation Order palestinians received overnight, general Evacuation Order from northern part of gaza. Israelis are giving palestinians just 24 hours to evacuate, that is 1. 1 Million People, indication israel is likely planning to go in on the ground. Ainsley what percentage believe in hamas and share their ideology and think this is okay . Trey look, two Major Political parties in both gaza and west bank. You have hamas and fatah. Both have military wings and both have ability to fire rockets. You have islamic jihad. These organizations dont always get along. Ive been in gaza when there is rocket fire. Just observation, there are groups of people cheering when rockets are fired from the gaza strip. There are two Million People in gaza and many fear hamas. They are very afraid about what is happening now and ive spoken with the average palestinian in gaza who said this week to me, this was a horrible thing that happened, the slaughter of israeli civilians, it is a mixed bag when you talk to palestinian. There are many that support hamas, that is how they got elected, but many women and children are quite frightened about what is taking place and we know the death toll is rising each and every hour. We are showing images of the west bank. You laid out hamas control in gaza. What is Power Balance between fatah and hamas in the west bank . Who actually controls the ground were there to be decision to strike israel from the west bank. How much power does hamas have there . Trey thats a great question. In terms of governmental power, fatah controls entire west bank led by president Mahmoud Abbas. There are towns and cities in the west bank that are under hamas rule. When you drive through them and weve done just that, on lamp post you see green hamas flags and just a few weeks ago, fox news had an exclusive with the israeli army in the west bank and went to tocorum, in the israeli territory. As we were there, israelis were engaged in a gun battle for hours. Israelis were firing from the Kitchen Window and killed one militant. This is west bank. There are thousands of militants in the west bank and they have not been activated to launch widescale attack. Throughout the year they launched individual attacks. It is major battlefield for israelis and part of reason you have seen increase in troop deployment. Also in the west bank. Security situation is boiling here. There is a real understanding what is happening in the south could spill into the west bank. Lawrence The Big Question nationally, internationally they are calling for this day of jihad. When you talk to hamas officials, what are they expected folks to do . Look at west bank, you see hamas flag in the crowd. What are they call their people to do during this day . Trey they are calling for acts of violence. It is dangerous, as relates to broader Palestinian Cause. Ive spoken with friends in east jerusalem, palestinians who say this is worst thing to happen to the Palestinian Cause in history of their people because they understand the average person watching may not understand nuance between hamas and fatah and the average palestinian who works alongside israel in tel aviv and they may associate all palestinians with hamas and the violence that took place on saturday morning temperature is a dangerous cause and a gray area. You see University Students in the United States protesting before israeli civilians are put in the ground and buried. When you look at this as an observer and look at the individuals, they either dont understand what they are protesting and supporting or b, being apol jettic for the massacre of civilians. This is important to understand and if you are home watching this fold, it is important to know the difference . Hamas and average palestinian. Many palestinians live where i live, they go to the beach, they are average people, but hamas militants can give them a bad name fchl they dont make a clear distinction about what is happening in the south and massacre of 1200 and those that were taken captive into the tunnel of the gaza strip. It is Information War Happening Parallel to this ground war in Southern Israel. Ainsley trey, i know in jewish tradition, they want to bury tradition to bury the dead immediately. Sometimes correct me if im wrong, the next day, right . How are they handling this when some of them dont have bodies of their loved ones or everything is in political unrest or so much unrest how do you bury someone and arrange the synagogue and all that when everything is a war zone . Trey great question and i want to talk about the Funeral Process and will describe something a little graphic, i want to warn our viewers. Yesterday at Music Festival site before everything erupted and they chased down the militant, we watched israeli officials stood and dug through debris of burned bodies in the ground. Civilians, people attending a Music Festival, burned pieces of human. You have to bury all of a person as jewish tradition. That is what they were doing at that site and we have seen similar sites at different massacres that took place. Jewish tradition, they want to bury as soon as possible. It is agonizing wait for so many families, they dont know if their loved ones were taken into gaza or slaughtered and havent been found in the communities along the border and israeli troops have not made it to all areas along the gaza border because it is too dangerous. Tomorrow will mark one week since the massacre took place and we have this tense situation. In terms of funerals, a lot of them are taking place at location on the mount in jerusalem. There have been so many funerals, they had to stagger them and cant bury the same day. Every 30 minutes, they bury them and give them respect. A sad thing i read this morning about a lone soldier, a soldier from abroad who came to serve in the israeli army and his family couldnt make it because the massacre took place and so many flights are cancelled to israel and local people were calling on anyone able to go to the cemetery to arrive because there was no one at this Young Persons funeral. Just a tragic event and it just gives you a sense of families, especially those abroad or cant get into israel, how they must be mourning at this moment. Ainsley gosh, trey, sorry. Brian we are seeing unrest in yemen to show solidarity with terrorists. There is a huge protest there, Big Palestinian Flags or hamas flags. It should not be a surprise, their government is supported by the rebels and supported by the iranians, part of friction between iran and saudi arabia. We will keep an eye on that should that unfold. We heard, trey, in jordan, right by the border, Jordanian Police are trying to control what could be an aggressive riot in support of what hamas is calling for and you have to wonder in a country that small, you dont know where your enemy is, am i correct . Trey absolutely. We saw images earlier today of jordanian officials firings teargas at demonstrators that approached the border with israel. There are traditionally not protest along the jordanian border, this is how much this is igniting the entire region. It was once described by an Israeli Defense official in tel aviv who said the Iranian Regime is like an octopus, it has tentacles all over the middle east. Threats are not just from hamas and islamic jihad, they come f from map israelis identified all locations and it is a serious threat. As noted earlier in the show it would overwhelm the iron dome, it is not just gaza and lebanon, it is syria. We have seen mortar fire from southern area. The yemenis are supported by iran and you have Militia In Baghdad and surrounding area and the regime has longrange ballistic missile, this is a widespread threat. In egypt, a Police Officer slaughtered two israelis that were on a tour. Entire region is erupting internally in israel, Tension In Jerusalem in the refugee camp just outside of jerusalem, we saw clashes a number of times between Israeli Security sources and palestinian youth. There have been calls in larger cities in the west bank to take to the street. It is not as widespread as officials worry about, but have to brace for this possibility against this call of global day of jihad. Protest erupting in the middle east. In solidarity with fellow arabs with palestinians. Why do so many countries not want palestinian refugees, especially egypt . Historically speaking, they have not welcomed refugees, there is space and money for that to happen, why is that the case . Trey great question, when we look at their world, there are many countries, including saudi arabia and countries like bahrain and qatar and egypt that borders the gaza strip that basically say they support the Palestinian Cause and give money to the palestinians and Palestinian Authority in the west bank and officials inside gaza controlled by hamas. When it comes to taken palestinian refugees, they have not been vocal about that. Egyptian leadership are negotiating Ceasefire Agreements and also ones that provide support to palestinians in gaza, but not offering evacuation root or pushing israelis to allow all palestinians out. One second, my producer just handed me her phone to give more information about that news we broke in with off the top about the rocket fire that came, we are learning it came from gaza, longrange rocket fired from the gaza strip to northern israel, outside of haifa. Israel other missiledefense system, david sling intercepted the rocket. Gives sense of Onion Type System israel uses to intercept the fire. It is larger systems like david sling and arrow system that could intercept rocket or missile fire from place like yemen or iran. Israel has a Multi Facet System to intercept any projectiles, but it is not perfect and can get overwhelmed if there is fire from multiple directions, that is another way that palestinian militant try to overwhelm the system here, they fire multiple times from multiple locations in multiple directions, you saw it live on the ground when others pass through and slam communities along the border. You saw it yesterday on fox and friends, we were just over the gaza border and theres a pool of blood and shrapnel on the side of a building because they can cause significant damage. Latest reporting, there was a rocket fired from the gaza strip toward city of haiffa in northern part of israel and it was intercepted by david sling system. Brian trey, with Defense Missile systems, do they have to be pointed in the right direction or they go wherever the rocket goes . Do they have Missile System to protect against rocket this is yemeni, it is getting denser and denser and emotion seems high. Is there a Missile Defense system just for the north and one just for the south . Trey there are a variety of batteries they use in israel. They are pointed Different Directions to intercept a variety of fire. An interview we did with david gold, top Defense Official in israel, man responsible for creating the iron dome defense system. I asked him how do you create a system that is able to Intercept Rocket Fire from gaza and fired from lebanon . He told me, you have to try a variety of Different Things at the same time and one of them will work and they have created Defense Systems that have high success rate. Look at gaza war in the past, i was here in 2014, nine years ago in gaza city and reported from Southern Israel. We watched as more rockets slammed into rockets across this your honor ko, it was because of the technology, it was not that advanced nine years ago, it is part of the reason israeli casualties from rocket fire are not as high. Majority of casualties were from the crossborder massacre that left 1200 soldiers and civilians dead. Lawrence trey, you are looking at live pictures of this day of rage in yemen. If you look closely, you see children of all ages, adults there with guns, with knives, you see hamas flag being flown, as well as israeli flag. Not the israeli flag, the Palestinian Authority flag, as well. But on this day of rage and trey, you were eluding to this about iran having tentacles on all the terror cells. Can you talk about the overall goal . Were seeing live pictures from all these countries and we are anticipating protests in american cities, as well. What does iran want them to do . Trey a lot of this is stemming from hamas. They have often called for days of resistance in the past and what they are looking for now, people to resist what they see as occupying forces, the israelis. Hamas officials believe they did the right thing by slaughtering civilians. The people that israelis are dealing with are not objective, clearminded people and that is important in all this. I need to read something here and i want my cameraman to pan out the window here to show you some cars that are coming back from a funeral. This is a scene across a lot of israel at the beginning of this procession of cars as you see in the United States, there was a lead car that had two flags on it. These cars, were not sure, the last one in the procession, it gives sense of the funerals taking place across Southern Israel. People have to bury the dead and so many cases weve heard stories of them burying one friend and going to another funeral. Questions you are hearing in israel, are you okay, how are you feeling, did you go to the funeral . You can see this ambulance here, not sure if that is part of the procession or not. It is a time of mourning, but israel doesnt have time to mourn or process what is taking place because they are preparing for war and what officials have told us could be months long. Israeli officials are not mincing words, they said we have taken the gloves off, the civilian death toll is rising, you heard our reporting earlier and complete neighborhoods have been levelled because of bombs dropped on gaza since saturday morning. They are preparing for extended ground operation. This will not be an easy battle. We saw in the battle of 2014, many Israeli Soldiers died in attacks inside gaza. Soldiers say there were Suicide Bombers issue roadside bombs, facing urban battle with Guerilla Warnary tactics and they know the gaza strip like the back of their hand, they grew up there, they have a Tunnel System 300 miles in length. This is not easy for israel to do. When they hold territory in gaza like when the United States was in afghanistan, they face insurgency of the population, everyone will be Feeding Information to hamas. There will be effort to target as many israelis as possible and they have to be careful where they move and what they destroy, there are dozens of israeli citizens, soldiers and foreign citizens inside the gaza strip being held by hamas following the massacre on saturday morning. Ainsley hamas is saying 13 hostages have been killed in israeli airstrikes, they will sell that as you killed your own people, meanwhile, they would not be in that country, if they had not been ambushed and abducted. Trey we dont have a lot of information about the hostages, because intelligence regarding what the israelis have is limited. They about the Tunnel System, but the wall between israel and gaza is one of the most advanced in the world. They told us about sensors on the wall, barbed wire and surveillance balloon and steel plates, the israelis have some understanding of the tunnels along eastern border of gaza. What they dont know, inside the gaza strip, where are holes they pop up out of, not just gaza city, khan yunis is in the middle and rafah near egypt. In terms of hostages, they dont know where all of them are or how many were taken, they are getting to areas along the border being reclaimed and searched by the israelis, they dont know if people were dead or taken into gaza and you have issue of how densely populated the gaza strip is. They may say they are being held in the tunnel and be holding them in an Apartment Building inside gaza city and there is limited intelligence inside of gaza. We have seen operations in the past where israelis conducted raids to the gaza strip, only days later to have a variety of civilians be captured and executed by hamas. Hanged because they were providing intel to the israelis. This is not like where they go in and rescue a group of hostages, we are looking at months long operation, which will be difficult. Hamas will be trying to ensure israelis have no idea where the hostages are. This is their bargaining chip. The israelis, if they wanted to, could take and hold the entire gaza strip. We dont know what the plans are moving forward. Once inside, two priorities, according to Prime Minister netanyahu, to destroy hamas. They want to demilitarize the gaza strip, how they do it, well know more in the coming days and weeks. Dozens of israeli civilians and soldiers, a group of foreigners and likely not all located in the same play. There is a wing of hamas called the shadow group, these are people tasked with Holding Hostages inside gaza. We learned this from analysts that observed movement of hamas. We talked about this earlier in the show, we had Seen Movement and seen hamas training and limiting the amount of rocket fire and people chalked it up to hamas wanting to be prepared. We didnt know they were preparing for massive Ground Invasion into Southern Israel where they would slaughter civilians. Lawrence excellent reporting out there, pete, it is important to note, right now as we look at live footage of yemen to listen to their words. They say they want peace, Pay Attention to their action during this day of rage. They have guns, knives and calling for open openly for jihad. Pete that is what young people are taught, to hate jews, attending a rally like that is commonplace. When it comes following what hamas did to the innocent , it shows how deep that evil is. Ainsley this is capital city of yemen, they have been protesting since sunday because they were excited about this, it is a propalestinian rally, they were excited and cheering for it. They are declaring victory is near, holding up signs. We saw someone holding a gun, looked like someone had a knife and pictures of i assume hamas leaders. Brian i dont think they are upset about the casualties in israel, they are happy about it. Protest rage across the arab world, in the u. S. , police are on high alert after the call for a global day of jihad and they heard them. Ainsley Mark Mered Ith is live with preparation in d. C. And other big cities, we are worried in new york, too. Good morning. We are watching a lot of developments, but here at home, white houses it is in Constant Contact with state and federal officials as they prepare for protest or violence in major cities because exchief of hamas called for demonstration in cities worldwide. Some cities are boosting police presence, including new york city. Nypd is beefing up patrol around schools and places of worship. There are things to worry about, we have a lot of jews that live in new york city, a lot of people go to a lot of houses of worship and synagogues and nypd has to be prepared and people, as well. Protest supportive of israel and palestine have been popping up. There is effort to clamp down on protests overseas. In france the Interior Minister imposing a ban on propalestinian protest. We still have seen palestinian supporters show up in places like paris within the last 24 hours despite the ban happening. In d. C. , we have seen Security Beef up at the capitol. We will see if there is anything as the president heads to philadelphia. Brian bring in former House Speaker newt gingrich, he joins us now. I thought we would have a speaker by now, Steve Scalise beat jim jordan by a couple dozen votes, Steve Scalise said he has less support, he bows out and jim jordan, people say, im mad at the way jim jordan treated Steve Scalise, retort was i won the majority and he said america wants me, now Steve Scalise reporters are mad at jim jordan, what is going on . The key number is 217, couple of vacancies, 217 is majority. If you have 217, you got a speaker. If you dont, you aint got nothing. Brian they have nothing. Right now they have nothing. I think because of what is going on around the world, they should empower protemspeaker mchenry to call them in. Brian lace them together. Get them through a bipartisan vote. Some republicans will be no, some democrats will be no, it would pass and prove congress can operate even if House Republican is in chaos. Then republicans have by exhaustion keep looking at people until they find somebody who can get 217. 217 is the key number. No point going to the floor if you are at 190, dont go back to what happened with Kevin Mccarthy who had to take 15 bouts. He had more votes, he beat biggs by 18031, 200 solid votes going in and it took 15 ballots toir wa people out. Brian you are asking republicans to support republicans, hurn could be one, there are no plans to get behind Steve Scalise. Jim jordan will put himself out there again. More and more factions and you have also another congressman who said i want donald trump to come in. That would be hopeless, you cannot bring in an outsider and being president , you get to hire and fire your cabinet, being speaker, they get to hire and fire you. Idea of donald trump trying to placate 216 or 17 republicans would be absurd. Brian your plan put the pro tem, give him more power. Democrats want to pass this package. These are real people dying, this is a real war. We dont have luxury of saying, lets get back together in three weeks. Brian 29 countries prepared ways for their citizens to get out because of the war and we are not one of them. There is talk the u. S. Governments fly commercial and if we have to fly you out, we will make you pay. Stupid. Brian this is same as afghanistan. Biden Administration Says if you get here illegally, well put you up in a hotel. New york just signed a contract to put up illegals for free. Brian this is lack of coordination with socalled adults in the room now that they are in the white house. People watching at home know your grasp of International Affair and splitting the screen three ways counting us and seeing in yemen day of rage being taken up and unrest in jordan by the border and west bank they expect anything can happen here. Your take on the sections of the world reaction to the attack last saturday . We have not been blunt and direct enough for 20 years and keep trying to pacify people who are pretty open. Key message of hamas is simple, not a single jew will remain. Message of iran is simple, Death To America and israel. We need to be honest and confront this head on and make people pay a cost for it. Truth is, if we thought about a totally differently, we are liberating Palestinian People from dictatorship and they could have a Better Future if we destroy hamas. Brian weve been saying that my entire lifetime, arafat said people would be better off if i create peace ill be killed and now you have hamas who wins every election and is in power and more power than fatah and there is support for hamas out there. There is a lot of support, a lot of antisemitism, as we saw at harvard and in the rally in new york. I think we have to confront it head on. This is exactly the kind of antisemitism that led to the holocaust and the fact is if they could, hamas would kill every Single Person in israel. Brian lets end where we started, 10 00 today, republican conference will reconvene, what is your advice right now . Dont go to the floor until you have 217 votes and talk it through as long as it takes it. It once took months in 1856. Dont let that stop the Constitutional Government so empower pro tem speaker mchenry to call in the house and bring up the aid packages needed and get them through on bipartisan basis. Brian great to see you, especially at this time. Always have great perspective. Pete we continue with this breaking news, all live pictures were getting, on the left you see yemeni, on the right judea and somalia. Bring in. Sir, thank you for joining us, an upsdaet from your perspective. I hope you have heard trey yingst reporting, phenomenal. What comes next for the state of israel in response to the horrific attacks . So we will keep the pressure up on hamas, we will continue to target hamas Military Targets across the gaza strip and let me explain why this is so important. Hamas committed an awful isis type attack on our people and you have reported that extensively, killing the innocent , war crime after war crime after war crime. This Isis Type Brutality has to be eshg eliminated and that is what were doing, striking their infrastructure, hamas infrastructure, where we are targeting Military Bases and hitting their weapon stockpiles. Were going to come out of this with situation where hamas has been crushed and it is crucial that we do so because as you know, there are middle east that contains many bad actors like hezbollah in lebanon and iran just over the horizon and they are watching. If we show weakness, they will draw conclusions and understand it is possible to hit israel with impunity, that is not a good lesson, it is crucial. Israeli people are united and understand well have difficult days ahead, but when this is over, we will have new reality in gaza where no longer are we threatened by this isis type violence. Ainsley if you look at the map of the gaza strip, you are telling folks who live in the northern region, including gaza city to move south because it appears a ground, yall are coming in boots on the ground, is pretty imminent. You are asking them to leave and we showed earlier this morning, fliers, notes, being thrown down in the air to land in the neighborhood to let people know were coming in, yall have 24 hours to move south. Talk about that, why you decided to warn them, they know in their hearts, this is going to happen, you will not stand by and let them invade your community and you dont fight back. Tell me what went into that. We want to minimalize number of civilian casualties. Every war in history has contained and involved civilian casualties. Country like the United States, like israel, we try to minimize Collateral Damage and in putting out those fliers, were urging civilians to leave areas we know there is difficult fighting, we dont want to see innocent people caughts up in the cross fire, it is inevitable, but we want to minimize the numbers. What is interesting, hamas is telling people to stay, to become martyrs for the cause. Hamas is using Gaza Civilian Population as a human shield for their military machine. And here i think it has to be said, targeting innocent civilians the way hamas targets israelis, that is war crime, you cant do what they and isis do, that is unacceptable. Using your own civilians as Human Shields is also war crime. We can say hamas is committing double war crime by deliberately trying to kill innocent israeli civilians and using their own civilian as human shield for military. Lawrence we have a live look at the west bank and yemen and this is response to what hamas called the day of rage, day of jihad. What is your response to this as even we prepare here in the United States for this day of rage . It is clear hamas has support and they are very committed to their extremist ideology theology and they pose Security Threat in other countries, not just for us. It is important that we understand in defeating hamas in gaza, we will not just safeguard israeli people and protect them from obvious threat, if we hit hamas hard and we succeed in crushing them, i think that will take a lot of oxygen out of the hamas machine and that will show that they are extremism, their hatred and brutal violence doesnt pay because democratic countries will stand up to protect their people and fight these President Biden called this sheer evil and that is exactly right, this is sheer evil and has to be defeated. Double war crime from targeting israelis to telling your own people to stay in the crossfire when given fair warning before a Ground Invasion. Sir, thank you for your time, we appreciate it. God speed. God speed. As we look in yemen and israel, we have a live look at middle east protest across middle east ahead of the Ground Invasion of gaza. We will talk to a Negotiation Expert coming up next. First check in with dana perino for what is coming up at the top of the hour. Dana thank you, been glued to the show. 24 hours to get out, israels warning to gaza. Is that enough time . Hamas supporters call are for day of rage, nypd has every officer in uniform, how serious is the threat . No speaker in sight, does anyone have a plan since they dont have the vote . Team fox coverage, join bill and me as we get you news you need today, see you in a few minutes. S s or more can be overwhelming. So, ask your doctor about botox®. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. Its the 1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. So far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand chronic migraine patients. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. 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Edward is a Veteran Reserve Officer for the Idf Negotiation Unit and joins us now. Of note, youve served your country for many years now. You have a son and daughter, two kids. Two boys serving on the front lines right now. This is personal for you. Yes. It is personal. Israeli people are very united. It is not only my kids it is amazing all the israeli people react to the reserve duty that. We had a 100 Response Rate to all the people in israel to serve as reserve. You did hostage negotiation. One thing to nudgeiate for one person or a few but another for over 100 inside an active war zone inside gaza. How does the Israeli Government approach this . Its very complicated because we are speaking about barbarians that have slaughtered and killed young babies, decapitated children, and that have raped women. So we know that they will be hurting those people. They are sharing that information to the parents of those kidnapped people. So we have to act for ourselves, no other choice. We know they are capable of the worst things that one can imagine. And for us as israeli when we look at the event that happened last week you compare it, if you look at the size of the population in israel and you see the number of civilians that were killed, it is similar to equivalent in terms of size of 149 leaves or seven pearl harbors. We have to act together. We know that it is complicated because they are spread all over the different tunnels and underground of gaza. But we first operate thats the reason why we need to operate with ground forces, we have no other choice. The attitude is similar to the attitude of isis, even worse. So we have been in gaza in the past and done operation much further away as we needed to save hostages. We have done that in maybe its more complex because the number of hostages with 150 people but we have no other choice. No other choice. Youve done it before. Hopefully done successfully here or maybe hostages given back in exchange for other things we arent aware of at this point. Edward, thank you so much for your time and service. Appreciate it. Lawrence, over to you. Fox news alert and you really need to hear this. Cdp tells fox news that two men from lebanon were taken into custody just last night. Sparking new National Security concerns amid the hamas attack on israel. Encounters from illegal encounters on the Activity Watch List is at an alltime high. Good morning, ainsley, brian and lawrence. You know, you cant underscore just how concerning our border is. As we watch the events unfold in israel, there is a reason why nearly 50 of americans in the latest poll say they consider whats happening at this border an emergency. If we go to the drone you can see migrants coming up the bank. As you rightly point out, lawrence, here exactly where im standing in the last 24 hours cbp took two men in their early 20s from lebanon into custody. They are considered special interest aliens and they are being sent for ex Textive Vetting by the f. B. I. Dhs was created for the reason of making sure another 9 11 didnt happen. Yet here on our border, we dont know whats coming through. In just the past week here in this sector, they had more than 10,000 migrant encounters and they report there were 1,454 known gotaways. They observed or saw that many people come across our border and disappear in the night. We dont know who they are, where theyre from or why theyre here. Thats a snapshot of the week we have here. It comes as we learned earlier this week number of special interest aliens coming. In the past two years 650 from iran, 500 from syria, 135 from yemen and from lebanon, more than 160. This is all part of the picture. This is why the border officials here are worried about things as we have been reporting in the last couple of weeks in this eagle pass, sector, ground 0 for the migrant crisis, 90 plus of the workforce, Border Patrol force are processing migrants. I got up early way before dawn and shot the large group of migrants coming, 150 there, most of those were from Central America but they are busy processing. You have more than 60 miles that are totally unpat rolled, absolutely wide open. Thats what the cartels are taking advantage of. To learn that just yesterday we had two mid 20s individual males, single males from lebanon showing up here, thats a very concerning development that were keeping an eye on. Again, we have no indication that these individuals were here for any wrong purpose other than simply come and cross. Well find out once they are vetted. Here is the problem. Exactly how deep that vetting goes is a question because we dont know who they are, they could be lying to the officials, hopefully the f. B. I. And officials can find out more about them and perhaps lebanon will help us identify them. It is a concerning snapshot coming on the heels of what we are witnessing unfolding in israel, guys. Thanks so much. Just to put a button on it, pete. On this day of rage we have people coming across the border and have no idea where they came from. 60 miles of border unpatrolled. When you consider the size of the gaza border, a fraction of that and what happened with people with the wrong intent. We have no idea who is coming across. These are the ones weve encountered. How many have gotten through . If youre here now and making plans on the side. Thats what is scary. Israel did not know and their intelligence didnt catch this. I pray to god that doesnt happen in america that we dont have another 9 11. Ill cover more of this on the radio and saturday night. You will be on first at least four hours in the morning on fox friends. Well continue that coverage as it continues on this channel in just moments. All right. Stay tuned. Dana and bill are next. Keep it here. Bill great coverage. Good morning, everybody

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