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6 00 a. M. In gaza and this is our continuing breaking News Coverage of the war in israel, fox news at night. And this is now a live look at gaza city, 40 minutes before sunrise. Over the past few days these last minutes of darkness have been used by isreali forces to unleash a barrage of air strikes, rocket fire that has crippled gaza. 300,000 isreali troops are now on the border with gaza waiting for word to begin what appears to be a major ground assault. The death toll is also rising with each side losing upwards of a thousand people, 22 americans are also confirmed dead. And 17 more remain unaccounted for. As the Biden Administration scrambles to rescue u. S. Citizens being held hostage by hamas. We begin tonight with the Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent greg palkot. Greg, we are hearing loud noises and seeing flashes, any indication from where you are that this ground war has started or just air strikes . Trace, yeah, we have no indications of ground action yet although we see a lot of preparations for that. What we are seeing indications of are renewed series of air strikes by the Isreali Air Force against targets inside gaza. They have been hitting hamas militants, infrastructure steadily the last five days. We are about to go into day six of this war between israel and hamas. Again, the toll is growing on both sides. 1200 and more dead inside israel and again as you indicate among that 12022 americans, a big drama point in all this, there are so many areas of drama is 150 hostages that are believed held inside gaza, the gaza strip by hamas. And again, there could be as many as 17 americans among them. In the past couple days and just today we have just seen an incredible infiltration by the hamas militants of the Southern Isreali area on the other side of gaza strip. Just today we were a couple miles away from the border and it was still believed to be unsteady. Also weve been watching a series of blasts coming from the gaza side, from the hamas militants, we were into a bomb shelter, three or four times during this past day when we were in the city of ashkelon, a couple miles away from the border, again, isreali air strikes. Back to the hostage situation, we spent a little time today with a Isreali American Man who flew in yesterday because his father has gone missing, gone missing saturday morning. Take a listen to what he told us. At 6 30 he called, said there is alarms and he is going into the shelter of the since then we lost touch. Isreali american talking about his father, 64yearold daniel, he went with a friend saturday to fish near his home in Southern Israel next to the gaza strip. Hamas militants arrived, his car full of bullet holes, Fishing Tackle in the trunk. His body not found. Do you think he is being held hostage in gaza . At this point i hope so. At this point i hope so. That would be the best. Best right now, yeah. Igor flew to comfort his mother. My mom cant imagine without him. And helped search for his beloved and highly regarded father. Theyve had little world from isreali government, igor has several words for hamas. They should be completed. Every Terrorist Organization should be erase from the face of the earth. Incredible stuff, trace. Once again saturday morning about 5 30 in the morning he was surf casing on a beach, we asked igor if he could talk to his father now what would he say . Very simple, come home, dad. Come home. We here in the hear in the distance a rumble, we believe are indications of more air strikes, another wave of air strikes by the Isreali Air Force against hamas militants inside gaza. A lot of devastation there and a lot of horror here. Back to you. Trace yeah, greg, well get back to you, Heart Rendering stories, if you hear about the Ground Invasion starting. Greg, thank you. Lets bring Informer Isreali ambassador to the un on the ground in israel, danny denon. Ambassador thank you so much for coming. I want to put this sound bite on, gilad erdan, he said this. We need to strike residential areas in gaza because the terrorists as we know they hide amongst civilians, they use them as human shields. And if we truly want to eradicate the hamas Terrorist Infrastructure we have to continue the military operation. It will take weeks if not more. Trace do you agree, ambassador, because on the righthand side of the screen we are kind of watching a gaza city. We expect the Ground Invasion is eminent. Do you agree that these forces should go in and attack residential areas of gaza . This is an All Or Nothing proposition . Trace, our goal is very simple, eradicate hamas period. We are facing a isis terrorist group. We have seen what they are capable of going. Since the date of the holocaust we havent seen such atrocities, in one day, more than one thousand jews being slaughtered. In our nation, in our independent country, we dont have any other option but to go and find those terrorists, barbaric terrorists and kill them. How do you do that . We dont intend to hurt civilian on paying that is our goal. We know hamas are using them as human shields, hiding in hospitals, hiding in residential areas. So, we are calling the palestinian population to move out. Still have place to go in gaza. So, we tell them exactly where we are going to go, which neighborhoods we are going to attack and we ask them to move. And actually i will do that. If they are watching us now, i am telling them, we are coming in. We are going to hand down those barbaric terrorists and kill them. So, dont stay around them. If you live in gaza today, dont stay around the hamas head carer its. Dont stay around the hamas terrorists. Move out. Take your family, move out to different area. Trace ambassador, are there still talks going on between israel and egypt to get some of these people who want to leave gaza into egypt . Well, thats something that you have to discuss with egyptians. We do not control the border between gaza and egypt anymore. We left gaza 18 years ago in 205. Part of this disengagement we are not controlling the checkpoints with egypt. So, its up to the egyptians to decide what they are doing. But we dont care about people leaving gaza. And as i said earlier, we do everything we can to minimize the cash civilian casualties. Trace lastly, i just want to know, sir, what about the concerns about hezbollah in the north, is there concern about having to fight a war on two fronts . Well, you know, if you look at the numbers today i stood on the phone with defense committee, we approved the equipment of 300,000 soldiers, thats more than enough to deal with hamas and in gaza. The reason we did it, we want to send a clear message to hezbollah, we have no intention to start another front with hezbollah, but if they will join the cycle of violence they will meet the might of the idf and bury hezbollah under the rubble of lebanon. Trace yeah. Former ambassador, danny, thank you for your time, we appreciate. 22 americans are now confirmed dead in the attack on israel. A number that is expected to grow. Mary rav terry is live with more on that part of the story. Yeah, trace, grim news tonight. The white house saying there is more disturbing numbers of americans killed during the israel hamas war, john kirby of the National Security council says 22 americans are dead and tonight the white house says that number is expected to grow. We know that these numbers are likely to increase in the days ahead. As the president said this afternoon, this attack has brought to the surface painful memories, and the scars left by millenial of antisemitism and genocide of the jewish people. They have not yet released the identities of 22 americans. Some of those killed may have included a whoer who used her only body to shield a teenage son. President biden made this stark comparison while visiting Jewish Community leaders. I just hate the cruelty against the jewish people. And i would argue its the deadliest day for jews since the holocaust. Still there is Little Information for American Families who are in anguish as the white house isnt confirming where these americans died. And is deferring those questions to the State Department who s working to determine whether those still missing could have been killed or taken hostage, trace. Trace sounds like information they simply do not have, thank you. We are told the Biden Administration is working behind the scenes to locate and Rescue Americans being held hostage by hamas and work tonight, a major Law Enforcement group is also involved. Jeff paul is live with the latest on the u. S. Rescue effort. Good evening, trace. The National Security council john kirby said not only is the Hostage Recovery but they are also talking to other allies and partners in the region. They are casting a wide net but there are still a lot of Unanswered Questions. Where they are and in what condition, no. Sadly we dont know. And that makes efforts very very difficult. Again, in these early hours, we dont know if they are all in one group, broke up into several groups, we dont know if they are being moved, what frequency and to what locations. All of those questions were working hard to answer. There are roughly 17 americans who are unaccounted for at the moment. Kirby admits that number could fluctuate depending on if they are sound safe and sound. Now as far as sending in any american forces, into places like gaza to rescue any of those hostages, the white house hadnt made any operational decisions when asked john kirby admitted they just dont have enough information at the time to make that move. Defense secretary lloyd austin says the u. S. Has people on the ground in israel to help with intelligence and planning in regards to the Hostage Recovery. Austin made those communities while in brussels for a meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization where he also had this to say. For anyone thinking about trying to take advantage of the agony in israel, to try to widen this conflict or to try to spill more blood, we have just one word. Dont. President biden also vowed to work every aspect regarding the Hostage Crisis in israel. But he says, when it comes to specifics with that, he says it would be bizarre to discuss the steps his administration is taking to bring everyone home. Trace Nicole Parker and former navy seal, cameron hilton, welcome to both of you. Nicole, you first. When the fbi is sent to locate, investigate, identify americans impacted by the war, what exactly does that mean in your estimation . You know, my guess would be that we all the fbi has what we call legal Attache Offices all around the world, office in tel aviv in israel, cairo, egypt. Throughout the middle east. I believe that the fbi is strongly involved in locating and trying to understand and investigate americans that are missing and those that have been killed. It is an all Hands On Deck effort and they are coordinating with the local Law Enforcement in israel as well as counterparts internationally. It is a very complex situation. But the key is to locate where these americans may be whether its through different means of Tracking Devices they might have been using. But it is an all Hands On Deck effort, the fbi number one priority is to help americans and hopefully bring them closely. Trace the bbc says, this leaves the isreali government with a dilemma when it comes to the hostages, doesnt something fraught with risk or does it wait for longer until hamas is so weakened by the air strikes that it might be more willing to make a deal. Would you wait, cameron . Or do you go in as soon as possible . Trace, thanks for having me. Unfortunately as i have said earlier, this is an impossible i think so mission where the consequences are real. The problem we face with an aggressor like hamas, they are not willing to negotiate on pragmatic issues so we have no indication to believe that they would actually preserve the live of these hostages. They have expended with human life radically and aggressively. So, i think the best option here is for israel to go and effectively, quickly with lethality using all the tools and industries available and with the advice and council of american troops that can give them insights. Trace yeah i think its exact right. The question becomes, nicole, before you do anything, before you move anywhere, the intel has to be precise and so far it hadnt. It doesnt appear to have been precise. I know, there are a lot of Unanswered Questions right now, we are in the beginning stages of this. The fbi is going to involved in gathering intelligence both over seas also funneling that information to the United States. Protecting our land here in the United States, its extremely important that americans are vigilant right now. We have we are not liked, we are definitely a target. Jewish community centers, synagogues, people need to be on high alert, have your head on a swivel and be aware and vigilant, be careful what you are posting on social media. We could be the subject of a cyber attack, or physical attack. But the key is that we are alert and vigilant and that the fbi is sifting through every piece of intelligence that is out there. Trace there is talk, cameron, when you go into these things the first thing you want to do is go after these hamas commanders. Is that a Fair Assessment in your estimation . Are you following the intel and trying to go after the people you want to rescue . So, its a bit of both. Its again a very complicated endeavor. The way that hamas leads, they are very kind of differentiated at levels of leadership. So, sometimes you will have commanders who arent even in the same geographical region. Weve seen that right now where leaders of hamas dont live in palestine, they have their families in living in qatar and other parts of the world. Somebody will be acting as a Ground Commander for those on site and Holding American and isreali hostages. Theyll have to be effective. By cutting off some of their leadership hopefully you will drive the remaining forces into confusion and chaos and use that to your advantage for the rescue. Trace cameron, nicole, thank you both. Well meantime President Biden is now naming names after being criticized for failing to mention i ran in his address to the nation on tuesday. Kevin corke is live in dc with the president s cryptic message to the iranians. Evening, trace. In so much as it was a warning arguably it was a bit cryptic telling iran to be careful and a pair of warning against getting involved in israels conflict with hamas amid fears of growing regional conflict in the area. We moved the u. S. Carrier fleet to the eastern mediterranean, sending more fighter jets there in that region. And made it clear, made it clear to the iranians, be careful. Ah but critics tonight are suggesting that the administration is actually trying to walk a bit of a rhetorical tight rope and not doing a good job of it some would say. Warning one minute the iranians ought to be careful, going to Great Lengths they cant prove the regime had anything to do with the attacks at all. We havent seen anything that he will its us they specifically cut checks to support this set of attacks or that they were involved in the training. Meantime a growing number of congressional lawmakers are looking to block iran from accessing the 6 billion in funds that the Biden Administration released back in august. Senators tom cotton and leader Mitch Mcconnell will seek unanimous consent to block that money from tehran, well see how that works out, that could happen fairly soon. Trace lets wrong in elon carr and len, former Senior Adviser to the u. S. Special representative to iran. When you say iran is 100 involved in this, why do you say that . Well, hi, trace. So, here is a what Everybody Knows in washington including the Biden Administration. If it walks like iran, if it quacks like iran, if it hunts like iran, its iran. Everybody knows this. Now i know this is inconvenient for the Biden Administration to admit considering its record over the last couple years, the 6 billion ransom they just paid and all the problems with its current iran envoy who is under fbi investigation. But the truth is we are going to have to face the reality that behind hamas, behind hezbollah about a are pup let masters in tehran. And eventually we are going to have to deal with that. Elon, i wonder why its so important for you and your group, you see what is going on around the world and in the United States to organize these pro israel so datity rallies across the u. S. Thank you for having me. Israel is grieving, the Isreali Community is grieving. There are personal stories of Isreali Americans, including people on my staff who have lost relatives. And there are and there are Isreali Americans being drafted and going to israel, this is personal, this is deep. As the Prime Minister said there is not a family in israel that doesnt have a loved one who hadnt been killed or wounded or affected somehow. This is a disaster. First of all, these rallies are meant to come together and exhibit unwavering so date and commitment for the state of israel and its inalienable right to defend itself. Trace writes the following, senators joe manchin, jackie rosen, bob casey, Share Odd Brown facing Competitive Racing called on biden to freeze the assets, we are talking about iran and the 6 billion, freeze the assets while the u. S. Assesses whether iran played a direct role in the attacks. Are they right . Of course they are right. They shouldnt have given the 6 billion to begin with. But then they also should have enforced sanctions that the Trump Administration put in place to prevent iran from making money on the black market. You know, they had 4 billion in foreign reserves on january 20th, 2021. Today they have over 70 billion. So, that money guess a long way. So, yes. I mean of course they should freeze it. I say they should go further than that. They need to talk to qatar, they need to make sure the leader of hamas is extradited. They need to put pressure on everybody in the region and give israel enough space and enough diplomatic cover to do what it needs to do. Trace thank you both, gentleman. Coming up well talk to a man in Southern Israel who has not heard from his sisterinlaw in four days while she was at the Music Festival. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant. Is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms. Better than an antidepressant alone. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. 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But its not in a formal way so i dont really know. But i know that until now most of the people received dna tests with the bad is. They received the call and we didnt. We assumed that she is there. Trace yeah, and i know that you on the morning, on saturday morning you went down to the Music Festival after the attack happened. What were you doing down there . You were trying to find your sisterinlaw. Can you describe what it was like, ohad. It was crazy, we drove me and her husband. We drove there like four hours and we arrived very early so on the roads were still open. And we saw fire all over. And from both sides it was burning. We saw lots of people running away towards the road from the event. Thats it. It was crazy, really. We trace what are authority the telling you about the plan, are you being given information from the isreali authorities how they plan to do this . Until now we didnt receive anything anything because the authorities are dealing with the war. We are dealing with few places in the south with gaza, in the north with lebanon and syria. Now he nobody or there is not maybe there is something but nothing that we know about as civilians. Trace as you hear ohan, about these efforts by isreali and Special Forces to go in and try to find these hostages. Do you prefer that the soldiers and Special Forces go in as soon as possible looking for these people or that they wait and they weaken hamas more so maybe hamas is willing to negotiate. So, no, we should not wait, we cannot wait. Every minute is important. We cannot wait because time is everything. We know that they hold more than 100, close to 200 even hostages. But time is everything in these cases. We have to get in and get them out. Trace yeah, and if the isreali authorities were to give you information, ilhan, what would you want to tell how this is going to happen . Are they giving you any kind of insight . I want to hear they put everything on the side, no politics, no nothing. I dont care about politics, i dont care about anything. We just want to bring them home. Thats it. Trace yeah. And thats the most important thing. Ohad war is between countries, between armies. These are civilians. They just went for a Music Festival. Do you understand, there are women, there are children over there. Its crazy. Nobody deals with this. Trace yeah. Well our hearts go out to you. Best of luck to you. Well come back to you later in the show to find out if there is more information about this. Thank you for joining us. Thank you, thank you very much. Trace welcoming up, we are back on the ground in israel with a closer look at what our correspondents on the ground are seeing. And there has been action in the background as you can see live looking from gaza city. There was a series of explosions earlier. They seemed and they sounded like they were closer than weve been hearing the past couple days, are there more air strikes, is this ground war getting ready to begin . Our continuing coverage of the war israel continues. We actually have reinvented ocean voyages, designing allinclusive experiences for the thinking person. Viking voted worlds best by both Travel Leisure and conde nast traveler. Learn more at viking. Com. This is your season to smile with new dentures from aspen dental to gather together and discover the moments that matter, to jump into the fun and join in the celebration. To help get you ready, your Aspen Dental Denture team is celebrating 25 years of Affordable Care with an epic anniversary savings event. Dont miss enjoying a moment with fast repairs in our onsite labs and 20 off your custom dentures. Plus, we have a denture Money Back Guarantee so you can smile with confidence. Aspen dental. Book today. Trace welcome back to our continuing coverage of the isreali war, you can see on the lefthand side, its 2 minutes before sunrise in gaza. We have been hearing a steady stream of explosions in gaza. We talked to our correspondent greg palkot at the top of the show, he does not believe the ground war has gun just yet. We know there are 300,000 troops at the border with israel and gaza that are ready to go in as soon as they get the word. Of course we will keep you updated on that. Correspondents on the grown in israel are witnessing atrocities and destruction firsthand. Mike tobin with a closer look. Every hamas member, they will be destroyed. Isreali Defense Forces pummeling gaza with artillery. With gaza for the anticipated ground operation. The Isreali City Of Ashkelon continue to take fire from rockets wednesday. We were there. If you look in here real close you can see a little bit of the rocket, i cant pull it out because its buried into the ground. Its still hot. The explosion. You look, the rocket hit here, the force of the blast went this way. Blasted through that fencing and a house there that broke out all the glass. We have reports of all the injuries. It appears the injuries are really just the force of the broken glass that went through the next house over and the individual was hurt. And can you hear the off in the distance some of the impacts are being made from the rockets. This is a drill, sadly people in israel repeat over and over again. Under punishing air strikes, no water and no power. A Source Inside Gaza tells me civilians are paying the price and hamas fighters are hiding. Floors stained with blood. Bullet holes in the walls, beds and floors covered in blood. Trey yingst says the area is littered with bodies. It is the most horrific thing i have ever seen. It is a House Of Horror behind me and the entire neighborhood looks like this. Since the attack of october 7th, israel has been subject to multiple Cross Border Attacks from the north from lebanon and syria, one resulting in the deaths of three isreali soldiers, he believes islamic radicals are testing the response of the army hoping the army makes a mistake that opens a second front in this war. Trace, back to you. Trace mike. Thank you. Lets bring in elizabeth founder of lest people forget. And eric, middle east analysis. Eric, you look at the Pictures Mike was showing. I remember back in 2006 when we were up in Northern Israel between Hezbollah Bowl A and israel, i dont know how many times we had to take cover, we were up there for weeks. I know you in 2018 had to escape Hamas Rockets in a bomb shelter. You know what these people were going through during this attack, eric. Trace, what a resilient people. Have you about 15 seconds maybe to get to a bomb shelter. I was in the city of steroit that per the brunt of this hamas assault. The sirens wailed, trace, as an american at the time i didnt know quite where to run. And this he will its you something about the character of the people of israel, the Production Crew i was with could have been every man for themselves, could have ran and found cover for themselves. They came back to get me and take me to safety. And by the way, to give people an image of what the people in Southern Israel do, bus stops double as Bomb Shelters. Isrealis are experiencing that now again every day. Trace yeah, i remember being in Northern Israel, you would go in Bomb Shelters and families and children playing games down there because it was routine for them. Elizabeth, you run the First Digital holocaust museum, lest people forget. It seems people have forgotten, elizabeth. It definitely does. Some of the image as, video that we saw over the last few days unfolding in israel are some of the worse i have ever seen, some of the worse any of us intended to see in our lifetimes. They reminiscent to me only what i have seen in the holocaust materials i have unfortunately had to go through and regularly try to remind people of. The response weve seen proves my work is not done, so many people have forgotten. The response has been despicable across institutions, especially universities here in the United States and around the world and we failed as a society, we failed to stand up for our allies, recognize an enemy that doesnt want jews around, americans around. We need to reverse course. Trace reuters writes the following, michelle called for protests across the muslim world in support of the palestinians and for the peoples of neighboring countries to join the fight against israel. What do you think about this, eric . Do you expect protests, violence, maybe both . Trace i think it is possible. Im watching jerusalem personally because hamas has often framed this for al axa. Ham has has used the whose be as a when friday prayers spill out of that mosque, trace, its going to be very interesting to see what happens. And look, over the past few days, new york city, germany, london, even australia, weve seen these pro hamas rallies, so this friday could get very interesting. Trace yeah, the mosque is a compound of buildings including the Dome Of The Rock and other religious things. It is some of the holiest places in the world for muslims and christians. To you, elizabeth, what do you say to people who blame israel for the violence . I say open a history book, its that simple. Look, its easy to go with the crowd, go with the flow. I guess unfortunately other institutions, maybe celebrities are telling us to do. The fact stand strong, facts will always stand strong. Opening a history book, learn what came before us, learn that terrorists are never people to align with. Its unfortunate to have to say that in 2023. Anyone has to be conventioned to stand against israel against terrorists thats somehow where we have gotten. Trace thank you both. And coming up, continuing breaking News Coverage of the war in israel and a ground war that is about to begin. Plus some of the days other top stories and why the house does not have a speaker. Congresswoman claudia joins us live next. Ive struggled with generalized Myasthenia Gravis. But the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. Vyvgart is for adults with generalized Myasthenia Gravis who are antiachr antibody positive. In a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. Most participants taking vyvgart also had less Muscle Weakness. And your Vyvgart Treatment Schedule is designed just for you. In a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. Vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. 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And right here you dont see anybody out on the street, but you dont see very much damage which is surprising considering in the past two days israel has launched some 7 to 800 air strikes. We will keep you posted on what is going on. Remember the Ground Invasion could begin at any moment. Now for an update on the other days top stories. Kevin corke on the fight for the house speaker. Majority leader Steve Scalise is the leading candidate but remains unclear whether he can muster the votes needed to ultimately win the job because at least a dozen republicans have not publicly lined up against scalise who can only afford to lose four of them, he is almost certain to lose that could pore tend a protracted battle to come. United Auto Workers Union ordering 8700 workers off the job at the kentucky truck plant, thats the companys largest. Uaw president said for a fair contract adding shutting down the plant should help big three automakers understand that. The latest Fox News Survey Shows President Bidens Approval Rating is lower than a snakes belly. 48 . I think the situation is now an emergency at the border. Thats up from 27 . Back in 2019. Worse, 66 say they disapprove of the job he is doing on border security. And trace, that is a figure that continues to trend downward. Back to you. Trace kevin, thank you. Lets bring in member of the house weighs and Means Committee congresswoman from new york, claudia. Thank you for joining us. Just getting back to the speakers race here. We know that Steve Scalise has been nominated. He can only afford to lose four votes yet you have Congress Members miller, boebert and massey saying they wont vote for scalise. Plan b might be in order, your thoughts. Yes, even more than that. Unfortunately we saw two excellent presentations from two concern serve testify leaders, Steve Scalise a hero and jim jordan earning that merit for great work as chair of the Judiciary Committee and many things he has done terrific as a conservative champion. We agree that in behind closed doors as we normally do this based on our rules that whoever won that race we would consolidate and support each other on the floor. I voted for Steve Scalise and jim jordan tweeted out and said lets gather around whoever wins this. Steve scalise said the same thing, if jim jordan wins we are going to gather around jim jordan. Now you have a number of republicans on the right that will not vote for Steve Scalise, is he a conservative and you have moderates, people in moderate district whose will not vote for jim jordan. So, we are at an em pass, something we will hopefully resolve sometime tomorrower. Trace i want to get your take on the middle east, fox news poll, in middle east conflict who do you side with more. Is it the isrealis, democrats say 59 isrealis. 25 palestinians. Republicans 79 , 11 . 5. 5 difference or you know, what it could be off. So, that means that you could have 55 of democrats supporting israel. It em sos like a low number. Look, these are difficult issues, people often look at the middle east, there is so much conflict over so many generations and really centuries that people tend to glaze over and not dig into the facts. Its critical to the u. S. Security whats happening in israel. Our greatest ally, the only democracy thats operating in the middle east. We have been part of something amazing that the Abraham Accords have taken a novel approval to bring middle Eastern Countries back and giving them an opportunity for peace and prosperity. The bidens administrations weak stance towards the iranians, the number one State Sponsor of terrorism around the middle east and unfortunately they have taken advantage of this weak moment where the Biden Administration has been complying, obviously the 6 billion. But also lifting sanctions against iranians on oil, you see the russia and china. Trace we are about to run into the end of the show, you are also sponsoring, trying to restock israels iron dome. Thank you som muc49h for your. So i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. Im still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. I did not want a dramatic change. I wanted something subtle. And im really, really happy with the results. Its still me, but with fewer lines. Botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crows feet, and Forehead Lines look better. The effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. 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Thats golo. Com. Trace good evening, its midnight on the east coast, 9 0

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