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Israel. Thanks so much for joining us. Lawrence good toe so you, lawrence. Lawrence second hour of fox friends starts right now. Huge Rocket Barrage targeted the city of ashdod. We saw multiple impacts across this heavily populated area. We took cover next to a building but you could see the rockets coming off the gaza strip and slamming into buildings in this community. Ainsley that was our own trey yingst on the ground about 90 minutes ago as hamas fired strikes early this morning toward central israeli. Israeli media now reporting 800 israelis 800 israelis have been killed since the war began. Steve meanwhile, this is a live look at 2 00 in the afternoon in gaza city as smoke is rising from israels air force launching a wide ranging Counter Strike on hamas targets in gaza overnight our time. Brian and thats what trey yingst got up to today. Joining us live on the ground in israel is trey. Trey, whats around you . There is active fighting taking place right now along the border between israel and gaza. We are about as close as you can get are from that border. And behind me there are tanks and Armored Vehicles preparing to enter the gaza strip. They are simply waiting for the order to start the ground invasion. This Morning Hamas and Islamic Jihad launching more rockets toward major Population Center and jerusalem. How many people were slaughtered. Israeli media reporting just this hour that 800 civilians and soldiers were killed in that initial Cross Border Attack dozens taken captive where they are currently being held beneath gaza. We know according to the Israeli Military more than 1,000 militants crossed into israel at 0 different locations along the border. They were not immediately engaged in fire fights by troops or Police Officers. They took hostages. Hamas Militant Laying in the middle of the road. Scene still active. The towns we are reporting in are still receiving fire. We were in a town Called Sderot Yesterday and hamas militants entered it again. I want to show you behind me here as these vehicles are moving and precinct to get ready for what is going to be speaks of fighting inside of grin i have ordered a complete siege on the gaza strip. There will be no electricity. No food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting Human Animals and we act accordingly. The words there by the Israeli Defense minister, more than 4500 rockets fired into gaza since this war began. To give you a sense of how significant that is, 201451 day operation. A conflict between israel and gaza and the same amount of rockets were fired during that time period. What we are looking at today and what happen throughout the weekend is horrible. Its horrific. Difficult to put into words what has taken place. A trauma for the israeli people. Part of the reason you will see such a heavy response against the gaza strip. Lawrence trey, you have been in the middle east and covered these conflicts for a long time. We know that hamas and hezbollah were meeting in beirut. But the question i have what is the incentive for iran . Talk about iran wanting the shias and the Sunni Muslims to get back together. The fact that the peace deals, is threatening iran . S i have been reported gaza 201. I remember 2019 speaking with hamas and jihadi officials and they told me they were receiving funding and support from the iranian regime. According to the Wall Street Journal, we understand that iran helped hamas to coordinate this attack. And that would make sense because we have seen conflicts between israel and gaza before but nothing of this magnitude. There was a coordinated effort to inflict terror on the israeli, Civilian Population. These militants did not enter into Southern Israel and simply attack military bases. They targeted Civilian Homes where they took women and children and slaughtered them in their beds. Taking captives going to a Music Festival and mowing down 260 people. There are images circulating online they conducted themselves in the same way that militants from the Islamic State conduct themselves. And that is part of the reason that israel wants to send a message in the strikes that they are conducting right now more than 1,000 strikes overnight. You see in the distance these vehicles and these tanks preparing to enter gaza. And it will be a siege that the region has never seen before. This has been described by officials fox news as the darkest day in the countrys. About to see a war of unimaginable proportions. A where that could easily erupted into a regional conflict. Brian trey, what is interesting is they have always pulled back noah instead of going into gaza after strikes from hamas. They did not want to go to the block by block had that they are doing now. Your sense they are mobilizing to such a capacity that they are going to go block by block in gaza after first doing the airstrikes which are happening right now . Absolutely. They are targeting the neighborhoods along the eastern part of the gaza strip and the northern part of gaza. They are preparing a path in. Behind me you can see this activity. It is coming amid those explosions you hear in the distance. Those are airstrikes. They continue. Again, they want to make sure they hit as many of these hamas positions from the air before they enter on the ground. One more significant number here that we should talk about, 300,000 israeli reservists have been called up to fight in this war. A formal Declaration Of War has been submitted by israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. There are not only israeli troops deployed here to the southern border, thousands of them, but also to israels northern border after rocket fire and mortar fire from a Lebanese Militant Group hezbollah yesterday. That organization threatening to get involved in the fight and it is an unpredictable arena that israel faces in the coming weeks. Steve trey, its interesting you brought up that israel has called up 300,000 reservists because i was talking to somebody who used to be in the idf. But after you leave the idf, Israeli Defense forces, until you are 45 years old, they can call you up at any time. I was talking to a guy in miami yesterday. He got the call, as soon as the airport opens, they are trying to figure out how to get him and perhaps hundreds, if not thousands of people who are in america to the fight in israel right now. So its not just people in that region. Its people on this side of the atlantic who are trying to figure out how to get over there to help their side. Trey absolutely. Americans are supporting the israelis and saying that they will send an Aircraft Carrier closer to value to show support. The israelis that live in america, they are coming back here to fight. And the biden administration, were told is helping to arranges flights for those who are reservists in the United States who want to come and help israel in this operation into gaza. Bracing for war. There are no restaurants open you hear the explosions in the distance. This is an active conflict already there are very limited stores open across the country. People are doing everything they can. We have seen Restaurant Owners delivering food to soldiers, cars packed with pizzas, simple things they can do just to provide food to the soldiers who are now fighting in this battle you hear the stories. One moment to islet how much the israeli population is attached to what is happening now. They watched as their fellow citizens were slaughtered in their homes and as a result, they are ready to fight the militants inside gaza. And theyre also ready to do whatever it takes to save those that are injured and wounded during this conflict. Earlier today, we watched as rockets came off the gaza strip and some of them intercepted over the city of ashdod. There were more than 150 fired at one time. So they were sleeping by israels Missile Defense system and slamming into Apartment Buildings as we were inside the city. And we saw people come out of their homes and run into the flames before firefighters and Police Officers got there people just coming out of their kitchens and out of their bedrooms running into the neighbors home to see if they could find survivors. Not worried about their own safety, but simply trying to ensure that their neighbors are alive. And that is the spirit of what is happening here. Again, you hear those explosions in the distance. The airstrikes continue. My cameraman tells me here that there is a lot of movement behind me and can you see that this is not something that is going to this is not at the response we have seen in the past conflicts erupt israel and gaza. The field behind me next to the grip field with tanks. And oftentimes they will wait there for a number of days. These vehicles are ready to enter. They could enter the gaza strip later today. They are waiting on that final command. We have reached out to hamas and Islamic Jihadi officials inside gaza. Again we have reported there many times. They have not responded to our request for comment. Weigh we know inside the gaza strip from other journalists. It the death toll is riding rapidly there. There are hundreds of hamas killed in the strikes firefighters along the border. Also many civilians that have been killed. The israelis are making very clear given what took place, they are basically going to bomb the gaza strip into submission. And they are going to enter on the ground. You can hear the explosions there in the distance. Those strikes continue at this hour. Ainsley could you talk to us about the hostages . We have seen interviewed. A man lost his daughter. And is he looking for her. Another woman was crying this morning, i was watching an interview with her. And she was saying i dont know if my daughter is out there bleeding, needing her mother. I dont know where she is. I dont know if she is dead or alive. Please just bring her home. And when we look at you standing, you said thats as close to the border with gaza as can you get. We know on the other side of those trees, many of those hostages are somewhere back there. And were hoping that the military can go in and find them and bring them home and bring them to safety. You said earlier some of them are americans being held hos hostage. Tell us what you know. I wanted to explain i wanted to explain something gaza strip. Hamas and built wednesday to weapons and fighters to stay safe from israeli strikes. They think they can avoid the valerie bunker bombs being dropped right now. In some cases they can they tunnel so deep below the earth they are able to hide the militants and weaponry. According to hamas. They have taken th these hostag. Prisoners of war. Dozens of them into the tunnels beneath gaza. The israelis arent simply going to be able to go into gaza and rescue them in a commando operation. They have no idea where they are. So there are desperate families looking for answers or any piece of information but i think its also important to describe the level of chaos that has erupted here. We arrived at the Gaza Border On saturday morning. We were one of the first teams to get here. And there were Gun Battles Taking Place in the distance. And just chaos erupting. Civilians who had handguns had been drawn. They were firing towards militants at different locations along the border. Anyone who could fight the palestinian militants, they were doing so. The army showed up. Border Police Showed up. You sought video that we aired yesterday of Rescue Operations as they tried to save as many hostages as they could. But, still, many soldiers and civilians were dragged against their will into gaza and taken into these tunnels. So even once the israelis enter gaza, it will be incredibly difficult to locate where the hostages are. And there are foreign hostages plunge this group. And then to even try to rescue them without them being killed. Hamas today claims and, again, we have no way to independently verify this information. They claim four israeli Prisoners Of War were killed in israeli airstrike overnight. This could just be propaganda. Can you hear those explosions continue. Its a constant b bombardment. It could be propaganda. The israelis are hammering the gaza strip and they have no idea where the civilians and soldiers are located. Hamas has shown through their brutal they are willing to slaughter innocent people and bee head soldiers. It would not be surprising if they put the hostages next to the rocket launchers. Next to the weaponry targeted by israel. It is a mentality and it s. A coordinated effort to do what they can to inflict the most trauma and damage on the Israeli Military and the israeli population. Brain brain trey, just to recap, you believe that israel has taken all their bases back and ripped hamas out of the communities that they held for 40plus hours . Is that what the government has said . Thats what the Israeli Government has told us. They say 11 army bases were taken over by hamas militants when they first entered Southern Israel on saturday morning. But what we should note is that some of these areas are still contested. You saw our report yesterday from inside the Southern City of sderot. We got there and saw blood on the sidewalks. There were bodies underneath the rubble of the Police Station in sderot. There were bullet holes in windshields of cars that still had their blinkers flashing. Hamas militant Pickup Trucks spread throughout the town. But it appeared the israelis cleared the area. Last night they reentered and engaged in gun battle. Fluid situation. Many of the communities along the border are still taking fire. And its not just gunfire from these militants. They are Firing Mortars along the border. Short range and long range rockets we saw for the city of tel aviv and for the city of jerusalem. Steve we can hear some of them behind you. Trey yingst as close as a reporter can be to what is all going on. Lawrence great job, trey. Steve be safe. Brian he will be with us again. Carley shimkus is upstairs to tell us what else is happening in the world. Carley a 4. 3 magnitude earthquake hitting western washington. The earthquakes pirnghtd was right near the coastal port townsend. It happened 10 00 p. M. Eastern time and felt as far north as vancouver, canada and as far as south as olympia, washington. No major damage reported and National Tsunami Warning Center says that a tsunami is not expected. And this just in. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer meeting with chinese president xi jinping earlier this morning. Schumer is leading a rare bipartisan congressional delegation to a threepoint asia and reportedly urged china to stand with the israeli people. The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson posting a cryptic message on x after the meeting saying, quote the china u. S. Relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world. How china and the u. S. Get along will determine the future of humanity. And hang today, robert f. Kennedy jr. Is set to make a major announcement in philadelphia. The democratic president ial candidate will reportedly announce his third party run. The Kennedy Campaign insider told media last month feels that the dnc is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go. Robert f. Kennedy jr. Will join us live on fox friends exclusively tomorrow after his big announcement today. Those are your headlines, guys. Send it back downstairs. Brian good booking, carley. Carley thank you. Working hard with the phone. Brian still ahead as israel conducts Counter Strikes on militants in gaza. Lawrence and i will break down the history of the terror group and ties to other extremist groups. Steve turn talk to a former. Df soldier who saw the attack firsthand and lost friends. How he is helping those on the front lines right now. upbeat music with the push of a button, constant contacts ai tools help you know what to say, even when you dont. Hi constant contact. Helping the small stand tall. Were traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. Hows the heart . Good. You sure . 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Will i went to bed, i will give you an explanation before i went to bed last night, i got a message that my commander in my service has just been killed. Every Single Person today in israel knows someone, a friend or family or a person knows that has been killed, injured, or kidnapped by the hamas Terrorist Organization. I want to portray for you a situation so you can understand the magnitude of the things of what is happening. I want you to imagine your friends and your family and your loved ones going to a party to celebrate love. To say celebrate life. To celebrate the jewish holiday. And that celebration you are being circled and ambushed by dozens of murderous animals, terrorists from hamas that just slaughtered them in the hundreds. Were talking about nearly 300 people that were murdered that party. We are talking about more than 800 people that were murdered in israel in the past few days. And this is not military against military. This is not an army against an army. This is we are talking about old people, elderly, women, children that have been murdered, Kidnapped And Go God knows what is going on. Were all hurt. We can feel their pain. We know these people. A friend of mine i just got a message yesterday that she was murdered. Its atrocities that we cant put as normal people we cant put our minds. To say i myself was a Combat Soldier. I was injured my service and im trying now to do my best. Whatever we can to help our soldiers they are simply no words to describe this Monday Truss Atrocity and by coming here and talking to you guys i hope that my main goal is to show the world that people will finally understand that the Free Palestine Movement is not a movement that strives for peace. A movement that strives for peace doesnt do these kind of stuff. They never wanted peace. And they never will want peace. Their goal is to kill the jews and kill the jewish state of israel. Its important for me to say that this is hard times for us. There is hard times for people abroad, seeing those images. I know you have seen them. You have seen just the bare minimum of stuff that we can show you. But its absolutely horrible. And i hope that people will understand the situation. That also the state of israel we have been going through in the past few decades. If its by firing i at this point in time say to hamas. Whatever we are listening. Be sure our vengeance will be swift. We will show no mercy might not be tomorrow but we will reach every Single Person that took part and currently my main goal is to get as much equipment as much money as much food and whatever they need Tactical Gear to our troops and try to help the living hostages that are still alive, hopefully. We are not aware and talking about elderly and sick people. Children, women, not Combat Soldiers. Hopefully be able to get them back. Talking about more than 130 hostages at the moment, and thats only what we know of. And hopefully they will be able to come back to their house and see their loved once once again. Calling out for anyone who can send out money, send out Tactical Gear. Whatever you can help thats essentially what we are trying to do arranging for food gear for soldiers, Tactical Gear, medical gear. I myself on my own with my car took boxes of medical gear and drove down south to give them out to a Combat Soldier in need. Yeah, thats what we are doing trying to stop the killing, stop the innocent getting hurt and we need to there is no other way to say it but we need to kill hamas. Its a Terror Organization. Its not a political or peace movement. Their goal is to kill and as we behave with isis the same goes for hamas as we have seen in the videos they do the same monstrous actions. They kill children and women and hopefully well be able to get rid of them as soon as possible. Ainsley yeah, i cant imagine what you are all going through. I have watched interviews with parents and just pleading for them to bring their children back home because they dont know what their children are going through and even if they are alive or dead. Benjamin netanyahu says the enemy will pay unprecedented price. It will take time and be difficult but we will win. We are sending additional equipment and resources and munitions to israel. We are also moving the ford Carrier Strike Aircraft Carrier to the Eastern Mediterranean to bolstered regional deterrence efforts. I though you are talking to troops. You are trying to deliver supplies. Whats your message to america . What do you need from us . My message to america, first of all, is i want people i think the most important one of the most important things people to know there has been a lot of talk in the media in the past few years, about hamas and the. Important for the world to know what we have been suffering for the past few decades from hamas and from that same movement. So, first of all, for people to understand what were dealing with. Secondly, whatever gear, Tactical Gear you can send us. I know higher ranks will be talking about weaponry and that is not in my level. What i can talk about is money that will be used to buy food, to buy medical equipment for our injured and for our sick. To buy food for our Combat Soldiers and money to buy Tactical Gear because i have been speaking to a lot of soldiers, hundreds and hundreds of soldiers are calling me every moment as we speak im getting phone calls right now from soldiers that are looking to get Military Grade vests. Military grade helmets. Essentially knee pads, whatever we can. Whatever you can. Whatever helps. And that is essentially what im doing in the past few days since this horrible news came to us. Ainsley i think i can hear your phone ringing its on its vibrating. Its on silent. Answer your calls. You sound like a really wonderful person. Thank you for helping your friends. Know that america is praying for you guys. We have been through it with 9 11 and i know this is a similar situation for all of you. And i hope that you unite and feel our prayers. God bless you. Thank you, we appreciate your partnership. And this is in our time of. If you want to help iran and efforts you can visit foxandfriends. Com to help him get some of those supplies to his soldier friends. We are staying with our Breaking News with the war on israel. The times of israel reporting minutes ago that hezbollah is threatening to attack american positions in the middle east. Should the u. S. Intervene directly in the conflict between israel and hamas. Coming up next, lawrence and brian are going to break down the history of this terror group, both of them, actually, hamas and hezbollah and how we got here today. She found it. The feeling of finding the Psoriasis Treatment shes been looking for. 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Hamas is behind the tragic attack on israel and the tension between the two have spanned decades, brian. Brian lets back up and how we got here and hot players are. Lets learn about it. First let being look down. Outline this is the size of israel. Roughly the size of knowledge. This is where the attacks took place in the gaza strip. The attacks here took 10 military bases. This is the disputed land which the Palestinians Claim is theirs. They dont like the fact that israel is continuing to expand there ironically, lawrence, this is where the civil unrest happening. Just pout it in Context Jerusalem is right here in the middle here, brian. Brian one thing they fear is missiles from hezbollah coming back in, opening up a twofront war right there. So lets go to the wall. Lawrence so, when did we get hamas . Of course founded in 1987 as islamic resistance, brian. Brian Yasser Al Fatwas in charge of the plo. Hamas grew up you are too secular. We want someone going to be religious and extremist. Sunni and they formulated themselves, got their backing from iran and began to be a force within the region. No longer was israel worried about countries. They are more worried about hamas. Then they had an election and hamas wins the election at which point we said we cannot give money to the palestinians if hamas is in control. Therefore we give it to fat that. Fat that moves to the west bank and hamas stays in gaza. Lets go over here and talk about the rejected how they rejected any atommorows cede any palestinian territories. They didnt want to talk about a twostate solution that was in the in the cards. Lawrence going back and forth trying to find some sort of diplomatic they are not giving at all. Israel in 2007 decides to give them the gaza strip. Brian there was no deal done they just said ariel sharon had a Brain Aneurysm right after, just gave them the gaza strip. They pulled out, and israel fenced off the whole thing and essentially said you can come out, there is going to be checkpoints but basically it is yours. It becomes a terror haven for hostages of the 6 billion. Yes, it belonged to them, but it was frozen in south korea. And they also have oil now, instead of selling 400,000 barrels a day. The administration lets themselves 3 Million Barrels a day and makes you wonder about the terror groups. How do they interact . How do they intersect . So, brian, as we talked about the Wall Street Journal reporting hamas and the hezbollah, theyve been meeting to plan this attack. So what do they both have in common . Well first, their armed resistance against israel. They both hate israel. Yeah, they do. So hezbollah is the Gold Standard when it comes to terror groups. Theyre the more organized. Theyve got more rockets, more missiles, and hamas gains control. In comes the fat that movement former head by Yasser Arafat and hamas in the west bank. Fisher within the palestinian community. Lets talk about the next panel and difference between hamas and hezbollah. Terrorist location using civilian not a good place to got it. They militarized the entire ching. A lot of people tried to get on with their lives have the hamas terror group. They are also the ones that caused the conflict iran financial supporter of hamas. They have been a financial supporter of they have been a financial supporter of hezbollah as well they are hoping on some level they get together. Brian, i have been talking with some of the idf guys on the ground and they say where are they getting these new cars and weapons from . They are getting it from the iranians, brian. Brian what they decide to do and just to tell what you President Biden decid is me. Thlves systems. Wonde dinte wan at now. But if you are holding talks in beirut. In lebanon. And with the iranians represented with their military wing. And with hamas leaders there. And hezbollah leaders there. You are part of this deal. Lawrence most analysts are saying, brian, only a matter of time before they attempts to tack. More quickly as we told you founded in the gaza strip. Hamas was in 1987. And its mainly sunni, brian. Brian yeah here you have the he a organization blew up our barracks in 1982. Reagan was president. You knew what happened there they are considered now a Political Organization and they basically have just threatened us as we told you in the beginning of this piece and said if you get involved, United States, gosh we we are going tt bombing your locations throughout the middle east. We will see where this goes. A lot of things link up to each other. This could be a rumbling mini world war. Lawrence we are talking off camera what is america going to do in syria . Remember there was talks about getting those troops out of syria. Thank god the u. S. Troops are in syria. We are going to need them in conflict. Storm right by turkey and right by assad in syria. Over to steve and ainsley. Steve all right. Brian and lawrence, thank you very much for the lesson in hamas and hezbollah. Ainsley excellent job. Well, we have a fox news alert. You are looking live at Southern Israel as Israeli Forces continue their counteroffensive against hamas terrorist. Steve lets bring in ron dermer, he is live in tel aviv, israel. Thank you very much for joining us, sir. Good to be with you, steve. Steve all right. So you guys have cut off the water, cut off the electricity. Cut off all the fuel. A complete blockade of everything going in to gaza. Tell us why. Well, first of all, as you have seen and i really want to thank you, your network for trying to take a few minutes to explain all the moving parts that you have in the middle east. Its important to educate people on the threats that israel faces from iran and all its proxies. So the first thing i want to thank you for that. Steve you are welcome. We had horrific attempts to tack as i listened to your previous segment one of your soldiers and you compared it to our 9 11. Its as horrific as that day was and i speak as somebody born and raised as somebody who loves america and one of the worst days in your life. Probably the worst day. This is right next to it. As being a minister in the Israeli Government. Were a country of 9 million people. You have a population of about 350 million, so you are 40 times our size. When israel loses more than 800 people in a the single day. Talking like 440,000 americans. Vicious savage barbaric Terror Organization. Did things that we have not seen even in really difficult region of the middle east. We havent seen it since. Guns mowing innocent people, women, children, so right now, in taking them hostage, elderly hostage, a mother with their children, im sure your viewers have seen all these pictures. But we have to do is make sure that the forces of Civilization Defeat the forces of barbarism. We will do what we have to do to send such a message not just to hamas and Terror Organizations in hezbollah. To every Terror Organization around the world that you are not going to achieve any of your goals, you are going to be utterly defeated because of what you did. And i think thats not only important for israel. Important for Americas National security. Remember, we are the little satan. You are the great satan. Were going to have to take care of what we have to take care of here. And i hope that the unequivocal support and im grateful for that support that has happened in the first 24, 48 hours. I hope it continues when israel is not just a victim but when israel is a victor. Thats when the support is going to matter as we go through very difficult days ahead, it will be critical for israel and i think its going to be critical for america as well. Ainsley you know, iran, Benjamin Netanyahu says there take time and be difficult. But we will win. What do you expect to happen . How long will this take . Will the hostages that are still alive. Will you all be able to go in there and grab them and get them and bring them home to to safety . Im a member of the Security Cabinet so i dont want to get into operational details. Let me just tell you that hamas, i think, has made a terrible miscalculation. I think they believe we were not going to respond as forcefully as we will. You know any selfrespecting nation will not allow something to happen. Many people thought 9 11 there wouldnt be american response. Understand this is 10 9 11s and this son our border. This is a few hundred meters away. Its not thousands of kilometers away where you are searching for killers in some cave somewhere in for are a bora. This is right next door. So we are going to have to take action to teach them a lesson that not just they will never forget that all of these Terror Organization also not forget. Believe me, we are very strong. I heard one of our former Combat Soldiers, iran, you saw his resolve. That resolve is reflected overwhelmingly in israel. The sense of outrage is very deep. And the resolve of our people and our soldiers, its something i think the world has not seen in many years and it is going to come. You remember there was an attempts to tack just speaking about American History as a as somebody born and raised as i said in the United States after pearl harbor and you remember when all the japanese were joyful about what happened. Perfect operation with such success. There was one person who understood it very differently. That was the admiral yamotoo i fear we awakened a terrible giant. We are not a giant in israel. We are a small tough country. They have filled with us a terrible resolve. Hamas is going to see this in the days ahead. The most important thing that the world can do for israel now is have an unequivocal demand to fruit hostages. I think they have you had have very, very strong action. Snap the u. N. Security council against iran. Every effort should be made to enforce Oil Sanctions against iran. We know a lot of things about iran. We know that they met, they had coordinated meetings. They send them money. They send them weapons and we know they are ago right now. Acting right now in order to make sure israel is going to be attempts to tacked on many fronts. I was pleased with the unequivocal statement of President Biden in support of israel. I hope that this unequivocal support bipartisan in the United States. I hope it continues in the days and weeks ahead when israel moves towards toward victor. Steve we know you got your hands full in recall have a. Thank you for spending a couple of minutes to explain what is going on. Thank you, ron. Ainsley live look at jerusalem as Air Raid Sirens are going off in northern israel with reports of rockets being intercepted lebanon by israels air defense. Hezbollah is now reportedly threatening our country if the u. S. Does get involved, a spokesperson telling the times of israel, quote, palestinian is not ukraine. All u. S. Positions in the region will become legitimate targets of the Resistance Ac axis and fe our attempts to tacks on that day there will be no red line. Steve Israeli Media reporting 800 israelis killed since hamas began terror attempts to tacks earlier this weekend. Trey yingst joins us on the ground in Southern Israel. He has a hard hat on. You can hear the rockets and mortar. Its going on right now. Trey yeah, absolutely. Off in the distance the israelis are striking the gaza strip. This is about as close as can you get to gaza. You could walk across the border from here. Behind me israeli tanks are staging, preparing for that call to enter gaza when it does come. There will be thousands of soldiers involved in this fight. The Israeli Military telling fox news today that 300,000 reservists have been called up and there are hundreds of thousands of more prepared should they be needed. Now, since we spoke just last hour, there has been a development in the northern part of this country, further illustrating the threats that israel is facing right now. 12 rockets were reportedly fired into northern israel from southern lebanon. It clear if these rockets were fired by the Lebanese Militant Group hezbollah or fired by palestinian factions in southern lebanon. Either way, any action takes place in this part of lebanon is sanctioned and it is supported by hezbollah. And hezbollah is supported by iran. Theres a link to all of this. And the groups inside gaza are not shy about where they are getting their support and information and supplies to make the rockets that are currently raining down on israel and neither hezbollah. Today we do expect more israeli airstrikes across the gaza strip. As you noted the death toll is rising in israel, more than 800 People Killed since saturday morning in that cross border assault. You can hear in the distance those explosions continue, more than 1,000 airstrikes overnight. And we do know the death toll inside gaza is rising as well. A source in gaza city telling fox news that hundreds of palestinians are dead, following the israeli strikes overnight. We know they are targeting high rise buildings. They are targeting different hamas positions and the Defense Minister in israel today releasing a statement, saying quote i have ordered a complete siege in the gaza strip. There will be no electricity, no food, and no fuel. That is the situation now and we do expect things to escalate in the coming hours. Steve and, trey, if you would, you know, you have been doing great coverage telling us about military moves. Im sure you have talked to people who live there in israel. How scared out of their wits are they about what comes next . Because as we see the tanks massing behind you, the next stop for the most part in those regions is allout war. Trey theyre terrified about what comes next. This is a country that has experienced war. Everyone in israel knows someone who fought in a war, who died in a war. Most of the people that you meet served in the army. Because it is mandatory if you grow up in israel. And so, the military is built into the population here. And its part of the reason they are able to call up so many reserve troops quickly it. Also is a country that has seen brutality of war in their own eyes. What happened yesterday truly was the darkest day in israels history, this weekend, rather. Saturday morning when these militants crossed into israel, they were not just targeting military positions while they did take 11 idf bases they went into border communities. They slaughtered young children. They killed mothers. They kidnapped grand mothers. They showed no mercy. They bee headed soldiers. They conducted themselves like isis. They conducted themselves in a way that they can inflict the most amount of terror on the Civilian Population as possible. And that continues at this hour. You were talking earlier about rescuing the hostages inside gaza. We are talking to sources in the region and we are working to confirm some information about possible negotiations that could be ongoing at the moment to free women and children in exchange for palestinian women that are held in israeli prisons. But, there are so many complex moving parts to what has taken place because Israel Cannot simply enter the gaza strip even if they have all the force, ground and air power needed because they would have to locate where these hostages are. And then find a way to rescue them without them being killed. And as it stands right now, they have no idea where the captives are inside gaza. They have been taking into the Tunnel System underneath the gaza strip and incredibly deep and complex system. And they are being held by hamas and Islamic Jihad militants. We saw some individuals stripped down to basically nothing. I assume they are taking their cell phones if they have their cell phones still on them, sometimes you can ping the cell phones and find those hostages. Yeah, they are taking their cell phones, but we have heard horrific stories related to cell phones when the cross border attempts to tack occurred. Israelis on the phone were their Family Members and suddenly heard a burst of gunfire and men storming their house and many people in the media were describing how they heard arabic and they knew that militants must be inside the communities. Even our own engineer from fox, his brother was inside a bomb shelter in one of these communities along the border when hamas militants entered his house and they fired at the door of the bomb shelter trying to get in. They were in there with no supplies no cell phones in the clothes they were sleeping in and were not able to breech the shelter. One example of the brutality inflicting on innocent civilians, not militants, soldiers, civilians. Steve you are right about it being brutal. You can hear it in the background. Trey, thank you very much. Coming up on 3 00 in israel. Thank you for the coverage. Meanwhile a fox news alert, Hamas Terrorists brutally murdering more than 800 victims in israel. The attack marking the single deadliest day of mass murder of jews since the holocaust. Israeli actress served in the Israeli Defense forces and using Global Platform to bring awareness to the dire crisis. She joins us right now. Noa good morning to you. Good morning to you, too. Thank you for having me. Steve important story, you are here in the United States right now. What are you trying to get the world to know about what is happening in your native israel . I am trying to get the world to understand this is as Defense Minister gallant was saying, this is a fight for israels existence. Nothing short of this. This is the most disastrous day for the jewish people in our generation. And if i can get one thing passed onto your viewers, is to understand that israel uses its weapons to protect her citizens, hamas, uses its citizens to protect their weapons. They are not interested in having a clean conflict. They are not interested in having peace or two state solution. Those are, again, to quote Defense Minister gallant, animals that are interested in destroying the state of israel and slaughtering as many jews as they possibly can. This is what we are dealing with right now. We are seeing a lot of equivocation from social media from certain factions of the American Government trying to compare this to whatever it is politically that you disagree with visceral. Horrific right now and should be stopped. This is human rights, Social Justice and should be acknowledged as such. Steve you know what, noa, we have been looking at the images and they are horrifying. Horrifying. Steve gigantic majority of americans are on your side. We want this to be over and we want them you to drive them out of your homeland as soon as possible. But, it looks like and we just saw trey yingst is reporting live not far from where the big shooting is about to start. Tanks israel is. Soon allout war. Thats probably what needs to happen. Look, we cannot allow for a Terrorist Organization that is suicidal maniac misogynistic and insane to be honest to be on our borders. Clear wrong perception of being able to maintain hamas. Turning more pragmatic. Hamas is interested in more work permits and interested in any kind of benefits for their citizens. We were wrong about this. And the initial concept of reading their charter and taking them for their words, which is destroying the state of israel and Slaughtering Jews and, again, i encourage your people to pick up the phone right now and google the hamas charter. This is one of the things talking about for a very long time. This is what they were after. They were not kidding. They meant it literally. They are doing it. They are doing it today. This is not some tiny Terrorist Organization. This is something this is an organization that has been sponsored and trained by iran for many, many, many years. This attack has been planned for a very long time according to reports help with iran. Time will tell if that is actually true. This is a serious grave situation that israel is at. But, the jewish people and the state of israel, we have been through this before. And we are going to win this one again. So, they have woken the giant and they are going to pay, thank you very much

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