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John im john roberts. The story with martha starts rights now. Martha that will be on our minds for a while. Good afternoon, everybody. Im martha maccallum. New things happening in several big stories as we get started here at 3 00 eastern. Senator bob menendez in court with his wife, nadine. If convicted on the counts that they face, the couple could face 45 years in prison. Many of his fellow democrats say he needs to go now. They dont want to wait for a trial. Hes not budging for now at this point. And then theres this story. Watch what happened last night in philadelphia. Martha how is this the scene in Downtown Philadelphia . I dont know why that woman was cackling and laughing while she was videotaping that. Only she knows. The answer to that, its complete chaos in Downtown Philadelphia. Police say that these flash mobs have been in a Caravan Riding around the city and ransacking stores. Were going to talk about that today. Its not just in philadelphia. It has happened all across the coupry. So the other big story here is that we are hours away now from the second republican president ial debate. Seven candidates will be up there tonight. They face off at 9 00 p. M. Eastern time on fox business. Ill be on with larry kudlow in the preview show before that tonight. Comoderator, dana perino. She will give us a preview of what she expects this evening and how they are preparing from the reagan library. Were excited to take to dana. First, lets start with Bryan Llenas Reporting live from the courthouse where Senator Menendez and his wife made their appearance earlier today. Hi, bryan. Hi, martha. Lets begin with comments made just moments ago by Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer who called the allegations, the federal bribery allegations and charges against Senator Menendez deeply dis dist disturbing. He stopped short in calling for his resignation. We know that for senators, theres a much higher standard. Clearly when you read the indictment, Senator Menendez fell way, way below that standard. Tomorrow he will address the Democratic Caucus and see what happens after that. Pressure continues to mount for the senator to resign. At least 30 democrat senators are calling for menendez to step down including dick durbin who this morning called on him to resign. He initially indicated he thought menendez should have a fair trial first. Yesterday menendez said that, you know, he will not step down. Senator menendez and his wife, nadine, pleaded not guilty to federal bribery charges. He was released on 100,000 bounds. His wife was released on 250,000 bond. Senator menendez turned in his personal passports but still allowed to travel on International Business along as its preapproved by the court. Two coconspirators pled not guilty today. The egyptian business man pleaded not guilty. He was released on 500,000 bond. Nbc news is reporting that the fbi is investigating whether egyptian intelligence officials were trying to reach the senator through his wife. Martha . Its a fascinating story. Well see what happens. Bryan, thank you. Lets bring in Kaylee Mcghee white. Its fascinating to watch what is surrounding all of this, right . How these senators are coming out. Its interesting that Chuck Schumer, the Majority Leader in the senate, it is a obviously we have a higher standard for behavior in the United States senate. Heres John Fetterman last night going after bob menendez. Watch this. The last times theres ever been a man with so much cash in their home in new jersey was tony soprano. You know . Its not a close call. Hes entitled to have his day in court. But he is not entitled to remain in the senate. He needs to go. Martha he needs to go. What do you make of this . Menendez might have gotten a more sympathetic reaction if this wasnt the second time in five years hes been accused of corruption and bribery. Thats the case and he needs to face that. Notice his reaction to his own colleagues condemnation of the charges against him. Hes pulling the race card. He said the other day that well, people just cant wrap their minds about a Hispanic American Rising to become one of the most senior senators in the United States senate. No, what people cant wrap their minds around is here in the in 2023, we still have model tickses stuffing gold bars in their sock drawers. Thats the issue here. Martha it is surprising even by new jersey standards as senator fetterman points out. Heres joe behar on the gops calls to let Voters Decide menendezs fate. We have a Justice System in this country. It is innocent until proven guilty. No matter how bad Something Likes, thats the way it is. Watch this. When it comes to White Collar Crimes, the Republican Party is soft on crime, i notice. If its regular crime, then they want you locked up and killed. They say like i notice, wait till the voters weighin. We dont want to wait. They commit a crime, we dont want to go to jail. We dont want to wait for a trial, a jury. I think joy behar would have the same standard if she was under scrutiny. Its ironic that democrats are soft on White Collar Crime in the biden family, right . Theres the Double Standard at play here as well. The problem is that menendez is owed his fair day in court. He will get the trial. Right now it seems like hes not preparing for that defense in front of a jury. A jury is not going to be persuaded by his allegations of racism against him. Theyre persuaded by the hard evidence that prosecutors say they have of fingerprints and dna linking the direct bribes to menendez. How does he prepare for that trial . Will he get off on a hung jury again . I dont think its likely. Martha sets in motion all of these people scrambling for this senate seat potentially, right . One of them who is being discussed is tammy murphy, the why of the phil murphy, the governor of new jersey. Andy kim is a democratic member of congress who is also someone that is under consideration. Hes also said that he might like to be a senator. So theres a picture of tammy murphy. Is this about politics or is this about their disgust with what is in that indictment . Im sure its a little bit of both. Notice that phil murphy called on menendezs resignation almost immediately. Perhaps theres politics at play here. The party cant afford this sort of bad look. Next years election will be a tough one, lets hope so. If they lose another senate seat before that, thats another seat that they have to fill and what could be a tough race for them. Theres a little politics at play here. Martha its going to be a very interesting map in the senate in 2024. Theres a lot of seats that are potential movers from democrat to gop. So obviously theres a lot of Money Interchanging in those senate races. Thanks, kaylee. So up next, elon musk speaks out about the wild looting that we see on the righthand side of the screen here in philadelphia. Its stunning what is happening there and elsewhere. And also, this story. Another layer to the Hunter Biden Case has just been revealed. Theres evidence that hunter biden got 250,000 check from the chinese from a Chinese Government connected company. But not a long, long time ago. While his father was actually running for president. And the money, according to the Oversight Committee, was wired to joe bidens delaware home. They say they can prove that. Next. Id like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. One of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan for up to 100 of your homes value. If you need cash for your family, call newday usa. With Automatic Authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. Give us a call. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. Youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Its true. Plus, when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible. Its happening. Martha in 2019 when joe biden was in the thick of president ial campaigning, new information revealed that hunter biden had 250,000 wired from china. The address listed on the transfer, his dads home in delaware. Pat fallon serves on the Oversight Committee that released this. He joins me now. Good to have you with us today. You know, what abbe lowell, Hunter Bidens attorney is saying about this is that essentially it was he was borrowing those funds and that the reason they went to the wilmington address is because that was hunters only address at that time. What do you say about this . Hunter biden violated the number 1 rule of being a bad man. You dont send the bags of money directly to the principal, which he did in that case. He was using a california address on all legal documents. So to use that address is weird and sloppy. The Oversight Committee has issued subpoenas eight different times for bank records of the biden family and their associates. Eight times out of eight, we have discovered more foreign money going to the biden family. Martha we know that President Biden said during the second debate and here we are again in second debate cycle, he said my son is not made money in terms of this thing about what youre talking about, china. I have not had it. The only guy that made money from china is this guy, pointing to President Trump. He said nobody else has made money from china. Can he say that anymore . Clearly not. His son made Hundreds Of Thousands from the chinese communist. He lied when he ran for president when he said he had no side what his son did in business. He never met any of his sons business associates. He talked to score of his business associates. He wrote letters of recommendations and he had dinner with them and gave them tours of the white house. He had intimate knowledge of what his son was doing. Martha heres devin archer to representative goldman on july 31. He was asked if biden had had coffee with the rosemount partner, jonathan li in beijing. This is pulled out from the devin. Devin archer said this. They had coffee. After had coffee, saying hello. There was some familiarity. Question from goldman. Where was that that they had coffee . They had coffee in beijing. This President Biden during the time that he was vice president. Thats when this took place. So i guess the question is, does this new information that you have found what is being said by those that think that this is all nothing is that your committee has not found a definitive link of money from these interactions and Business Opportunities that went to joe biden or that influenced him in any way. Does this new information put any meat on those bones . We already had meat on the bones even though the democrats want their head in the sand. We had a form that was the informant was a highly valued human source for the fbi. They said all of his information checked out. He said that the ceo of burisma bribed hunter biden saying he gave him 5 million directly. So theres some meat on those bones there. Also, that his son was being paid a Million Dollars a year to work for burisma. What did joe biden do . He made sure that viktor shokin, the ukraine prosecutor, got fired because he was looking in to this. Martha one of the push backs from the white house now is that you all are putting the focus on this when the government is about to have to shut down at the end of the week. What is your response to that, congressman . That we have 435 members of congress. We can chew gum and walk at the same time. I dont want the government to shut down. We have to get a continuing resolution that secures the border and makes a couple of budget cuts. We have spent too much money. Were 33 trillion in debt. So the white house uses any excuse possible to look the other way. Dont worry about whats going on here. Look the other way. The lead oligarch was and sanctioned by the u. S. And then she gives hunter biden money. So theres a direct link there. Thats why we have to have this impeachment inquiry. Martha shes a lead actor in this arena. Many say they wouldnt have dealt with her because shes notoriously corrupt. Thanks, congressman fallon. Thanks, martha. Martha so an appalling dangerous scene in philadelphia last night when a mob of masked teenagers ransacked stores. What we have tonight is a bunch of criminal opportunists take advantage of a situation and make an attempt to destroy or city. Martha Dagen Mcdowell and retired detective oscar odom next. Martha everybody is talking about this video today. Watch the utter chaos last night. A coordinated mob breaks the windows, hauls merchandise out of stores in philadelphia. Watch this. Martha i mean, sounds like shes laughing. I dont know. I think i would i dont know if thats the normal Human Reaction to what shes watching play out. But it is what it is. So these people obviously are stealing things, walking out of the doors. Not everybody in the video was part of the theft. But some were watching it all as that woman clearly was. The group swelled to about 100 people by accounts on the street. They formed a caravan and went from store to store according to police smashing the windows and just taking out whatever they felt like stealing that night. Leaving the place a complete disaster for these poor store owners that had to come in to this mess in the store that they have built their livelihood around. This is just the latest. This was over the sumner glendale. Remember these images . Dozens of thieves flooding in to a store in broad daylight. Days later, this mayhem was at a Los Angeles Nordstrom where Hundreds Of Thousands of dollars of stuff just walked out the door with these individuals dragging it behind them. So what is happening in our country . This is not normal. This is not the way things are supposed to play out, right . This guy is dragging the display case across the floor which has something attached to it. Dagen mcdowell joins us on fox business. She will be kicking off the president ial debate with a twohour show and dr. Oscar odom joins us as well. Lets start with you, dr. Odom. The thing that really strikes me in this philadelphia video is were seeing something that we dont see a lot, which is Police Actively trying to take these thieves down. Yes. Its unbelievable. So happy that Police Officers are still giving a fight a fight. When these Different Things are taking place. Here it is, were charged with the task of protecting life and property. When we go out there selflessly to put ourselves on the line and in return we get a kick in the butt by a resolving door of justice. Still Police Officers are doing their job. I take my hats off. I feel sorry for the public to experience these bad things economically by losing businesses and people relocating and leaving the areas. Martha i know. Kudos to the Police Officers. Everybody out there has a phone. You hear the one woman cackling and laughing. At one point someone says keep recording as the Police Officers are trying to subdue these individuals. Dagen, this is not stopping. This is getting worse. It is getting worse because of people like that cackling social media fixture, her name, nickname is like meatloaf or meatball. This was still on her Instagram Page this morning. You can watch the entire stream. She has about 500,000 followers on tik tok. She has an only fans, which i refuse to take a look at. This was brazen and gleeful. This was thrilling for all of these thieves. And this is i talked to Rafael Mangual who writes for the manhattan institute. You can listen to meatball scream free iphones, everybody must eat. What are they eating . Ipads . You can hear this in their voices. Theyre not stealing things because they need them. This is a thrill. This is clearly antisocial behavior. The police are intervening more quickly in part to avoid what happens here in New York City at union square because it can easily go from 100 people to hundreds and hundreds of people. But one of the problems is, there are no consequences. Im not talking about the parents. Im talking about all of these individuals. They appear to be teenagers. They know that nothing is going to happen to them. You need to have from a criminal logical perspective, you need to have consequences almost instantaneously from getting picked up. Martha a few of these people got consequences no, no. They wont stay in jail. Getting picked up is not a consequence. Martha at least somebody they seem shocked actually, dr. Odom, that somebody was jumping on them and knocking them to the ground. This is what we need to see. We need to give these Police Officers support. Theyve been so bashed and damaged and insulted and humiliated and many left the police force altogether. Elon musk tweeted about this. He said america is going full joker. I think at this a lot. Its like a scene out of the early scenes in batman where the entire city is in total chaos. What do we need to turn this around . One of the things, we need to let Police Officers be Police Officers. They need to be supported when they make these different types of arrests and they need to be consequences. When theres no consequences, people do it over and over and over again. This stuff about them laughing and everything, we know the law of survival is greater than the action not still. Theyre not doing this because they need food or anything. Its just for play and for them to benefit with all of these different accessories. Martha theres hatred in the voice and glee as dagen was saying. Thats what im trying to wrap my head around. Who where are the leaders, right . Where are the parents of these children . Where are the consequences . Not only legal consequences, but consequences in your own family for having this kind of behavior. They dont lock them up, martha. Those teenagers will not spend two days in jail. You used to get thrown in the clink and sit there over a weekend or the parents would have to go and bail them out with their own money or get a bail bond. That doesnt happen anymore. Deterrence is dead. Definitely. They beat you out of the system. You make an arrest, youre filling out paperwork and theyre outside going at it again. Somebody has to stand up and make sure when they do it, theres consequences. When you look at the leaders, theyre not doing anything, the politicians, parents are not doing anything. Theyre a reflection of their parents. If their parents are not stopping them, you expect the police to be a parent. Martha and theres no shame. No embarrassment, no shame to be some of them have masks on. Half the time they dont bother. Right . We have to leave it there. Can i quickly say, this means changing the Discovery Laws and the Bail Reform Laws and laws. It will take literally a generation to change the laws. Its not just voting once or twice. Its voting and your kids voting the same way to make sure people are protected. Martha thanks, guys. Great to see you both. Thanks very much. Thanks for your service to the city. Thanks very much. So seven republican president ial hopefuls gearing up to make their mark. They have a lot of pressure on them tonight. Its a very important evening. Tonights Fox Business Debate. Dana perino live joining us next the leadership that i envision in washington, if i should have enough of your support, would be to take the lead in getting government off the backs of the people of the United States and turning you loose to do what you can do so well. Veteran homeowners need cash but worried you cant get a home loan because of your credit . Heres great news. At newday weve been granted Automatic Authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. In fact, if youve had Credit Challenges and missed a payment along the way, youre more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. No one knows veterans like newday usa. Martha all right. Here they are. The seven republicans that made the cut for the second president ial debate tonight. 9 00 p. M. Eastern on fox business. This is where they will be standing on stage. It will be on fox news as well, of course. Based on their poll numbers. Ron desantis hangs on to that middle spot. Hes got a lot of competition on his right and left from two others rising in the polls, Vivek Ramaswamy and nikki haley. You have tim scott, Chris Christie, mike pence and doug burgum. All on the stage. Dana perino coanchor tonight. First to bill melugin live at the site of the debate, the Regan Library in simi valley, california. Give us a preview, bill. Yeah, its gorgeous out here. Florida Governor Ron Desantis has been stuck in that second place spot in the polling behind President Trump, former President Trump, for months now. As you mentioned, hes got Vivek Ramaswamy, nikki haley trying to eclipse him and take over the second place spot as theyre starching to surge. Desantis says expect him to focus on his proven conservative record tonight. Take a listen. So i think our economic track record where we have paid down 25 of our states debt since ive been governor, weve run big budget surpluses, done big tax cuts and have the number 1 state for new business formations. Thats the business track record that we need to bring to washington. Ill get the job done. Meantime, former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie is attacking former President Trump as he often does. Hes criticizing trumps handling of the border, believe it or not. Posting on twitter, trump told everyone that he was going to build us a big beautiful wall. And mexico would going to pay for it. We have 52 miles of new wall and not received a single peso from mexico, this disaster is as much as his fault as it is joe bidens. Were now hours away from the debate, martha. You showed the positions on stage. Lets take a look again. Governor ron desantis will be center stage. These positions determined by polling. He will have nikki haley and Vivek Ramaswamy next to him. Theyre both looking to surpass him and get in the second place spot. The rnc says expect tonights big focus to be on the economy. Take a listen. People are living paycheck to paycheck, Cost Of Living is up, gas prices are up. Today gas is over 5 here in california. I think the American People especially with it being a Fox Business Debate want to talk about the economy. We all remember milwaukee. Vivek ramaswamy got in to it with several candidates including mike pence, Chris Christie and nikki haley. I talk to viveks campaign today. They said they would not be surprised if things got heated again tonight. Well see what happens. Back to you. Martha thanks, bill melugin at the reagan library. Lets bring in one of the moderators, co host of the five, dana perino. Great to see you today. Thank you. Martha how are you feeling at this point . Youre ready to go. Probably anxious to get this started, right . A little bit. I have to say, if we could go back and if i could thank you you and brett were super generous with your time to help me and stuart. This is the first time weve moderated. Your advice was great. An amazing team around us. I think were in good shape. One thing interesting as the candidates did their walkthroughs, doug burgum, the governor of north dakota, you recall in milwaukee, the morning of the debate he tore his achilles tendon. Today is the first days hes taken steps since then. He will be here ready to go. Martha dana, you guys will do a fabulous job. You have so much experience questioning politicians and preparing them for answers. I heard you say the other day that you have worked on the debates from the other side making sure that a candidate or a president in your case is prepared for what might be coming at them. What is on the other side of that . What i realized, my experience on a americas newsroom is about interviewing people and asking questions. Working on all of the questions for the debate tonight, what i realized is there might be some questions that are excellent for an interview. But not that great for a debate. So even though you might love a question and you really want them to have to answer it, you realize, this is not going to work on a debate stage. Id say to people watching, if you dont hear your specific question, your best topic you think would work, know that we tried hard to make sure we get the most out of the candidates to present their points of view. Have some opinion. Find out the difference between them. All of these people that want to be the main rival to the leader of this contest, which is former President Trump. Martha yeah, its so true. As you clearly understand, you know, obviously theres a difference between interviewing people and moderating a debate. What you want is for them to sort of take the bull by the horns and give their honest answers. Everybody is talking about Vivek Ramaswamy. He really came out guns blazing the last time around. I think it earned him sort of some good and bad points in the weeks that came. What do you anticipate in terms of the energy up there based on who has moved up and who hasnt . I almost feel like this one i described it as where the rubber meets the road. In the first debate, everybody is introduced. Now they have a chance to say this is why were still on the stage. Between now and the next debate, another Ratcheting Up of the requirements. So youll have to get x amount in the polls and have x amount of donors. Theyre trying to convince the people supporting them or might support them in the future, they have the legs to go the distance. What ive been trying to remind everybody, just like we learned on the five when we started out, if everyone is talking at once, nobody at home can hear anything. That means that none of them get their points across. Hopefully they Pay Attention to the rules. Martha 100 . I have no doubt that you and stuart and ilia will reign them in. You want a lively debate. You dont want it to be static and want a lively debate. Youll be amazing. I cannot wait to put my feet up and watch it all. Im going to be on with larry kudlow before the debate. Well be making the popcorn and getting ready. Obviously a lot about the economy tonight. You pointed out with ronna mcdaniel, 91 say that inflation is very disturbing, very concerning to them. That is incredible, dana. Quick thought before i let you go. One of the things that you said to me when we were talking, people do feel like theyre being nickel and dimed to death. Every time you turn around, theres another fee or you got a ticket for something and your insurance has gone up. Feels like theres no end in sight. These candidates say i have a better plan i can give you relief immediately. I dont know what theyre going to say. Thats certainly on top of our minds. Martha no doubt. The Ronald Reagan influence will be hanging over all of that tonight. Thats why i love that sound bite about him talking about getting government after your backs. Well see if that inspires them tonight. Thanks, dana. Thanks for taking time. I know how busy you are. Thank you. So fox business anchor Stuart Varney is comoderating as we talked about at the debate tonight. He joined me on a new episode of the untold story podcast, which is now available. You can listen to stuarts thoughts and our conversation as he gets ready for this big night, foxnewspodcast. Com. In our new series, american man we dig in to the new challenges facing our young men today. Facing questions about masculinity, toxic masculinity and what that is and who theyre supposed to be in the world today. Psychologist dr. Jeff is here with a look at what is being called a silent epidemic of men. And more about ai girlfriends when we come back. Ld me. It was the best thing ive ever done, and really . Yes, without a doubt i dont have any anxiety about money anymore. Great people. Different people, thats for sure, and all of them had Different Reasons for getting a Reverse Mortgage, but you know what, they all felt the same about two things they all loved their home, and they all wanted to stay in that home. [announcer] if youre 62 or older and own your home, you could access your equity to improve your lifestyle. 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Were taking a look at some of the challenges that face young men today including struggles with loneliness, a sense of belonging, of succeeding and what that looks like. Today this headline caught our eye about a rise of girlfriends who are not human. You can see some on the righthand side of the screen. The author writes its enabling a generation of lonely men to stay lonely and childless, which will have a devastating effect on the u. S. Economy in less than a decade. With that, we bring in dr. Jeffery gardir, board Clinical Psychologist of behavioral medicine. Great to have you with us today. The wall Wall Street Journal d this, rescuing men from rage, rabbit holes. Men are trailing women in the college and workplace. Many men feel masculinity is under attack. They turn to youtube and x seeking solidarity and find more range. What we know is 60 of men ages 1832 say theyre single, not in a relationship versus 30 of women in the same age group. So what were talking about is an environment where they are lonely. As we know, the Surgeon General has talked about that were really experiencing so much isolation and loneliness. That turns in to rage. So that is part of what were seeing. Theyre turning to a lot of the chat box, the socalled Chat Bot Girlfriends to get in any kind of pleasure or relationship. What it does is what youre saying. It enables them to now remain more isolated and not to being relationships that may lead to marriage or children, but to satisfying relationships with other human beings. This piece said basically youre taking about an entire generation. Theyve been told their whole lives that masculinity is toxic. Theyre young. And women want men who are masculine. They cant find them because theyre Dating Ai Bots and in some cases like karen, a real person, that creates bots that will tell you exactly what you want to hear and theyll be kind to you, theyll be the kind of woman you think you would like to be with. Watch her talk about this. What do you think is the future of ai to Human Companionship . The future of ai many Human Companionship is bright. As Ai Technology improved, it can enhance Human Connections in ways we never thought possible. Enhancing human connection. With a bot. I dont think so. I respectfully disagree. I think what is happening here, martha, this is a brand new field for us with ai as we know. Its impacting us in many different ways. It can be a force for good. If the companies themselves dont do more research on the psychological effects, especially on Something Like this, what it does to someone to be in this kind of an artificial relationship. What happens when the companies change the rules of the game and say, well, you know, you cant be a dominant in this relationship or you cant do this particular kind of thing that youre used to doing and were seeing that a lot of these young men are now starting to have Mental Health issues. One of the Companies Said 92 of the men who are part of these relationships are actually doing better after these relationships end. Theyre not harmed as far as Mental Illness or Mental Health. What about the other 8 . What happens to them . Get away from your screen. Get out and meet people. Have eye contact with real human beings. You might find that you actually like that, that that gives you positive feedback. Not every single time, right . You might get shut down every once in a while. Sometimes youll meet someone that gives you the feedback of a human being. Theres nothing like that in right. Thats right. Its about moderation. Have a good healthy mix and stay in contact with human beings. Thanks, doctor. Great to see you. Great to see you. Martha once again, another 11,000 migrant encounters in 24 hours. This story is so pervasive and so constant that it might feel like we keep bringing it up. Because the numbers just keep getting bigger all the time. People keep coming. Were live there next with what is happening today. Y for your family . Newday usa can help. Veterans have earned a lot of va benefits with their service, but the Va Home Loan Benefit is a big one. By using your benefit at newday you can borrow up to 100 of your homes value and take out an average of 70,000. Use that money to pay off high rate debt and get back on your feet financially. Martha a live look at the border. Sources telling fox that yesterday for the second time this week, the border saw more than 11,000 crossers in a single day. Griff jenkins live at eagle pass, texas. Hi, griff. Hi, good afternoon, martha. You said it right before you went to the break saying its pervasive and continuing. Theres numbers that we have never seen before. These Border Patrol agents have never seen anything like, this lets go to the shot here where you can see the migrants coming up the bank. Weve been seeing a steady flow of this all day long every day this week. Since ive been on the ground, theres been more than 15,000 migrants since last thursday right in this area. Its a situation that weve seen the Border Patrol agents having to cut the wire to let migrants through as texas tries to repel them. They have to cut it because theyre on u. S. Soil. Its for their safety. I ask the Border Patrol chief when he visited whether it was sustainable. Heres what he said. Listen. No. We need this flow to stop. We need folks that want to immigrate to this country to use lawful pathways, to use the app to come in the right way. Thats the way to get off on the best foot. Thats the message to the folks, this is dangerous for them and dangerous for us. Martha, as we wait to find out whether or not elon musk will come, The Tech Billionaire said he will see it. If he sees it, he will see what these Border Patrol agents are seeing, which are numbers they have never encountered. More than 25,000 across all sectors in custody right now, wait overcapacity, martha. Back to you. Martha a lot of pressure. Thanks, griff. Good to have you with us today. Thanks for being with us today. Its a very exciting night around here. The Fox Business Debate is coming up this evening on fox business and here on fox news. Ill be on with larry kudlow in the 8 00 hour as we get ready for the big debate tonight. No doubt a lot of nerves out there a lot of preparation a lot of folks getting ready to stand at the podiums and try to stand out tonight. This is democracy in action, folks. Well see you tomorrow at 3 00. Ill see you on the five also tonight. So busy day. Well see you then. Have a great evening

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