This the Ingraham Angle thanks for being with us tonight. On the skids. Thats the focus of tonights angle. Advantage on which party is better at handling the economy. , the economy remains the top concern in every poll out there for the american people. Will do any of you really think that biden has any clue as to how much political troubling he is in right now . Or that anyone is really telling him inside the white house how bad things are across the country . Folks, not say true our Economic Vision is working, creating jobs, building wealth, providing communities with a sense of dignity. Laura oh, yeah. Thats all happenings. But, for most of us, we cant unsee or unfeel the truth. And the truth is on most of the big issues, democrats under biden have gotten their way. Pretty much everything they wanted on the economy, the energy sector, the border, schools, urban policy. Its all the way they want it. All of it. And under democrat control, all that was happening, well, america is in a death spiral. In chicago, a violent attack and the mugging of a man just minding his business in an alleyway. [bleep] what the [bleep] get the [bleep]. [shouting] in new york, a couple was robbed by a dozen teens. And in l. A. , a 13yearold is assaulted by a grown woman. According to cassidy and her mom, cassidy was with a couple of classmates when she stopped off at mcdonalds in harbor city on her walk home from school september 6th. [screams] before she could get home safely, an unidentified woman cornered her in the Fast Food Restaurant and began attacking her. Cassidy says the attack was unprovoked. These are senseless acts of depraved, hideous violence. Its engaging and also breaks your heart at the same time. These brazen criminals are beating their victims senseless almost for fun. No fear of the Justice System not at all. Why . Because in democrat run states the Justice System mainly exists to handcuff the police and also make progressives feel better about themselves. Were going to promote Public Safety and respect through the evolution of neighborhood policing. And on the federal level, we all know the Justice System exists mainly to get biden reelected. Thats why the cartels, they are not afraid of the fbi. And the smugglers arent afraid of customs and Border Protection as well. And the runofthemill thugs . Come on, they are not afraid of police. Again, there are zero consequences. But, the real world consequences of democrat policies, they are piling up. The loss by retailers from theft last year alone reached 112 billion. And by the way its not just the luxury outlets like louis vitton, its Department Stores and smaller outlets and, of course, the bigger stores, nordstroms, macys and apple. Of course, the left calls this consumer reparations, yeah. Or describes the thefts as a Desperate Cry For Help from the oppressed and marginalized, thats one much my favorites. In fact, businesses deserve, they think, to lose money because, lets face it, they are probably racist anyway. So goes the left wing argument. But you, in the real world, businesses are not in the business to lose money. But to make it. And now, target is announcing that its closing nine stores in major american cities. Now, this broke just a day or so before cvs announced it was Closing Stores as well, a lot of them, 900 by the end of 2024. Now, though the Pharmacy Chain cited increases in Online Shopping as the major factor. I dont believe that crime has got to be a major factor as well. Again, they are not in the business of losing money. And hardworking americans, they dont expect to go backwards, either. But thats how most of us feel after living in the biden economy. The white house treated the failure of bidenomics, remember, a couple months ago, as a p. R. Problem. They just needed to sell it differently. But, we know its not about the messaging. Its about the policies that make things worse in every way. If you want to know by the way where gas prices are really headed . Check out what is happening at the pump in california. 10gallon. Every day you come and its higher. Yeah. I dont know what were going to do. Its too much. Not much i can do about it. Frustrating . Yeah, man. A little higher than i want. Thats for sure. Laura every day it seems that the Biden Administration is taking more federal lands as well off the books for drilling and exploration. We know what that is going to do to the price of oil and gas. But no wonder oil by the way is predicted to be headed to 150 a barrel. High energy costs we know this ithisis one of the biggest drain the family budget. Connected to everything we buy and travel. This connects to the fact that real median Household Incomes are down as well. At this point, now, think about this for a minute. Its almost a certainty that next year when americans vote, their real Median Household Income will be lower than it was in 2019. Thats bidenomics. But dont worry, intrepid democrats, the country may be in a flat spin, but bidens handlers believe they know how to keep his prospects for reelection strong. Sneakers. Axios is reporting that staff is extremely concerned that biden could fall on his face again, given his past tumbles, lets face it. Making sure he doesnt trip is what they are calling their critical project. Forget the border. Forget getting the economy going. But how to keep the Chief Executive chiefly upright. Well, they have him working with a ther physical therapist to won his balance which i guess has been going on for two years. My favorite part, is he wearing sneakers to prevent him from slipping. But Operation Tennis Shoes may not be working so well because biden ran to michigan today to meet with a striking uaw workers before trump arrived there tomorrow. Instead of stealing trumps thunder. Biden almost fell again while exiting air force one. Even when he went on those shorter stairs. But, of course, bidens fragile state, the countrys dire straits, that doesnt matter to the plut Toe Democrats on the bay area who are ponying up big time later this week at a pair of fundraisers for biden. Now, why do you think the uber rich from a dying city want to keep biden in office . I will tell you why. Because they want to see wages, what, go up for working beam . Of course not limitless illegal immigration bringing in an endless pool of cheap workers to the United States and, of course, more job outsourcing to asia. Playing nice with their pals in china. Thats why they are supporting joe biden for more years of joe, four more years that crime is going to increase. More jobs overseas, millions of more illegals declining academic skills. War in ukraine, gas prices klein. Fewer people owning cars, inflation high. No end in site for high interest rates. Of course a china bailout. You know thats coming now, three years ago, there was the possibility it was remote, but it was there, that biden would embrace this role as a caretaker to help americans get back to normal and to restart the economy post pandemic. I think millions of americans actually believed thats what joe biden would do. You can feel it the country is teetering on the edge. We are on life support. But bidens big donors and those who actually write what is on his little note cards he brings into the oval . Their primary goal is to permanently and radically change america and theyre on their way and is he their best tool for accomplishing that. But, fortunately the voters who have seen this carnage up close and personal, will have the chance to, you know, turn this death spiral around and turn us back towards the life of freedom and greater prosperity that we all love. And thats the angle. All right, joining me now and im delighted he is with us, 2024 republican president ial candidate Governor Ron Desantis from the great state of florida. Governor, i cant see your shoes, but are you wearing sneakers like our current president . How is your balance today, governor . How are you doing there . No. Were balanced just fine and part of the reason of that is, you know, in florida, were defying the national mood. Were number one in economy, education, our crime rate is at 50 year low because we are basically doing the opposite of what joe biden is doing. We have rejected bidenomics and we support our men and women in law enforcement. We have done more as a coastal state to help secure our border than joe biden has done as the president of the United States we have sent people to help in texas. We have interdicted illegals in the sea coming into florida would have helped to support marthas vineyard. We are getting results. Laura governor, the latest cbs poll out of New Hampshire shows you are in second, albeit a distant second behind trump. You are at 13 . Is he at 50 . Similar numbers. You have more like 21 , i think, in iowa. How do you go from number 2 to number 1 given trumps huge lead in the polls . Well, laura, this is our time for choosing. We are not going to get a mulligan on the 2024 election. We have had three straight election cycles in a row where democrats have a playbook to beat republicans. And if we repeat that same playbook in 24, we are going to lose. We are supposed to have a big red wave in 2022. I thought your monologue was excellent outlining the problems. All those problems were there in november of 2022. Republicans have should have Capital Litzed on that by winning a huge red wave. And this did not happen. Voters chose democrats over some of our candidates in florida redelivered historic reelection victory. Thats because we delivered on our promises. As you look forward, the time for talking is over, i look at the border situation i look at the budget situation, these are issues that the republicans have been talking about for decades, and, yet, they still persist. Im the only guy running that can say everything i promised my voters i would do, i delivered on 100 percent of the promises. So, yes, i will beat biden. Even more importantly than that, im the guy that will actually deliver 100 percent of the results that we need to turn this country around. Laura governor, how do you, on the economy, for instance, you know, trump did preside over almost historic increase from Household Income from the beginning of his administration to right before covid. Several thousand dollars for the average family. Thats a real track record. I know you have a track record in florida, obviously, its a phenomenal state. But why will you or how will you deliver better economic results than the guy who did deliver great economic results the first time around . Well, i mean, you kind of just acted like covid doesnt matter. He made the decision to turn the country over to anthony fauci. Those decisions, i think, were bad. They were mistaken decisions. But that led to the borrowing and printing of trillions of dollars. They did 4. 2 trillion just in 2020 before biden even took office. Of course, biden added gas to the fire but that is why peoples prices have gone up. Its because of what washington did to inflate the currency and inflate the prices but heres the thing about this, laura. But he says he says that he did everything right. He said he wouldnt do anything different. In florida, you know, we were listening to them and then after a few weeks im like this is not right and we went in our own direction. Our Median Income is still going up, even through covid because we chose freedom over faucism. So i think our economic track record where we have actually paid down almost 25 of our states debt since i have been governor, we have run big budget surpluses, done big tax cuts and have the number one state for new business formations. Thats the track record we need to bring to washington and i will be able to get the job done. Laura well, if you if you were on stage with president trump. If he was at the debate, how would you go at him . You know, because i understand what you are saying about fauci. I was one of the biggest fauci detractors in the spring i think before when you still had the state shut down in florida, i was hitting fauci every day. I agree with your assessment on that. But, it hasnt bridged that gap for you on the National Polls or even the state polls as maybe powerful as it is. So, donald trump standing next to you on that stage, imagine he was. How would you go at him in order to kind of, again, shrink that gap from two to one . Well, i think its interesting that he is not willing to stand on that stage. I think he owes it to all the voters to show up, defend his record, articulate what he would do going forward, what he might do differently. And he is not wig to do that. I think voters have the right to hear from all the candidates. He has not been willing to step up and do it. He should step up to the plate and then we will do it. I think we can talk about a lot of the things. He is running in 2024 on a lot of the same promises he ran on in 2016 and didnt deliver on. He said he was going to drain the swamp. They didnt drain the swamp at all. He still defends hires christopher wray. He didnt fire wray. He didnt fire fauci. He said mexico woe was going to pay for the border wall. They started the wall. We have a lot more to do to finish the wall. He said he was going to eliminate the national debt. They added almost 8 trillion to the debt in four years. Remember, he promised to appoint a Special Counsel for hillary clinton, then after the election, two weeks later, he is like oh, no, forget about it. Thats what you say before the election. Its not what you say after. Now he is saying he is going to do one for biden but he had promised to do that in 2016. I think its about you have got to deliver on these things. If we do the same thing and we dont deliver on 100 percent, were not going to turn the country around. Nows the time to deliver results. Were going to be the reagans library. He said it was a time for choosing. It was our rendezvous with destiny. This election is for our generation we are less free and prosperous than the one we inherited. It. Governor really quickly the person closest to you in the most of the polls is nikki haley from South Carolina former governor there, former ambassador to the u. N. She is more of a, you know, she is more of a bush republican, i think. And people like john dan forth, mitt romney says the Republican Party has to go back to that Republican Party. Not the Populist Party that you and vivek and trump really represent, which is about 84 of the electorate right now if the polls are accurate. How do you respond to the Cheney Crowd Corporatism is a dead end for republicans. Are you for people working hard every day or some of the fat cats. Not a good place to be politically. Also as a matter of policy. Thats a perversion of free market principles. We very seen corporations go very woke. Nikki attacked me for standing up for the kids much florida. She sided with disney when we had the big fight over parents rights and education. We took the position that you shouldnt sexualize curriculum in elementary school. Disney fought us. They tried to stop the bill. Then they tried to get the bill repealed afterwards. And we stood strong against the most powerful company in our state. I think she has indicated she would have bent the knee in that situation, i think thats been more indicative of her approach. That asproch a dead end. I took all the flack from the media for so long and here we are, our kids are protected. Disney doesnt have any more special tax breaks and we are just humming along doing great. It shows you if you are willing to stand strong and hold your ground, you can win these fights. Ill be the only guy on that stage tomorrow night who has actually dug, in fought these big fights and delivered big victories. Laura and, governor, are you scared that we have, gavin newsom is going to be in the audience getting ready for the date with him moderated by my colleague sean hannity . Is that making you nervous . I think its great. California is a symptom of american decline. Florida shows the pathway for american revival. Lets have that debate. Can i tell you, laura, i know we are winning between the two states because i have so many california License Plates showing up in my state that never happened when i was a kid growing up and now all of a sudden we see them. And we are down in Southern California now for the debate. I can tell you as someone who did navy duty in coronado, some of the b weather in the world. Place to be. They have done so poorly on crime, homelessness, the woke ideology and lockdowns that people are fleeing. Laura all right, governor. We look forward tomorrow night. We look forward to your debate with newsom as well. Thank you so much for joining us. Disturbing new details about what happened after two teens allegedly mowed down that retired police chief who was riding his bike and foxs jeff paul is live in our west coast newsroom with all of that, jeffer . Yeah, laura, as someone who has heard the 911 call obtained by tmz. Its tough to listen to knowing that the man later died. The call was made by his apple watch that that cyclist was wearing. Retired police chief Andreas Probst as you can see in this video was riding his bike when he was hit from behind. Shortly after his apple watch recognized that he had taken a hard fall and was unresponsive and automatically dialed 911 to get to his location. During the call you can also hear what sounds like in the saying police and medical need to be called. Also another 911 call made by a different cyclist who police say was hit by the same car. This car just ran me over on my bike. He got behind me. I was watching in my Rear View Mirror on my bicycle. Im going oh [bleep]. I got as far as to the right up against the curb as i could. Just blowing on his horn. Just kept on blowing. He did it on purpose. He smashed. Okay. Whats your injuries . My knee hurts. I just hoping maybe the police could make a connection because he could have killed me. 18yearold driver 17 at the time was eventually arrested and charged with 18 counts, including murder. Investigators also arrested his passenger, 17yearold who they say was recording the video of the cyclist who was hit and killed. They also believe keyes was behind the wheels during the nonfatal bike collision. Both are tried as adults, laura. The her father was an math honor and integrity and his life was robbed by two individuals who did not believe the lives of others mattered. Laura . Laura jeff, just hideous. Thank you so much now what would our country be like if the Biden Administration did not allow millions upon millions of illegal aliens into our country . Well, a new viral video and the person in it is going to help us explain it, next. An unthinkable genocide took the lives of six million jews and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. God calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. Comfort ye, comfort my people. These elderly jews are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day which is impossible. They dont have enough money to buy food. It is a miserable situation and they have nowhere else to turn but to us for help. This now, is how gods children are living. Take this time to send a Survival Food Box to these forgotten jews. The International Fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one Survival Food Box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. No vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. Oh, oh, oh lets make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. By bringing them a little bit of food. Become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. For just 25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. Your support will provide them with a Box Overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledge that faithful christians around the world care about them. God tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. Lawyer the New York Post is reporting that the city is extending its contracts with local hotels looks like for about three years to house illegals at a cost of, wait for it, 1. 3 billion. We go live to foxs nate foy who is standing outside one of those hotels, thats been filled with illegal immigrants, the roosevelt. Nate . Hey, laura, yeah. Certainly not a pretty picture here. Over the weekend, two migrants were arrested for attacking women. The nypd says both incidents appear to be domestic. Outside the Iconic Roosevelt Hotel you see these motorized bikes, the nypd has cracked down on unregistered bikes as many migrants have been using them to deliver food on apps like uber eats as they wait to get work permits and inside new pictures from the New York Post show migrants sleeping on the floor of what used to be a bar in this iconic hotel. Take a look at these pictures and things could get worse pretty quickly here, laura, because 13,000 single adult migrants are supposed to be sent here to reapply for housing this week. Thats something that will now happen every 30 days. But whats really upsetting a lot of new yorkers is the price tag for all of this. You mentioned mayor eric adams is reportedly extending the citys contract for hotels by three years for over 1. 3 billion in taxpayer money. And lawmakers on both sides of the aisle call this wasteful spending for a manufactured problem. I think its a mistake. We did this during the pandemic where we paid five times the price of masks and other medical equipment. And were doing it again because of the emergency that President Biden has thrust upon new york city with this migrant crisis. These are no bid contracts. Meanwhile, a legal win for Staten Island residents today after multiple protests, a judge ruled the city cannot convert a former Private School into a migrant shelter. So pending an appeal by the city, this will be one less option for mayor eric adams to house migrants. Now, meanwhile, city leaders appeared in court today to challenge the citys right to shelter mandate and the judge said that the city had to submit its formal request by october 3rd. Mayor adams admits, with over 60,000 migrants currently in the citys care. The city is out of room. We will send it back to you, laura. Laura nate, thank you so much. Now, were not the only country with an illegal immigration problem. Of course we have seen this royal europe, sweden for example used to be one of the most welcoming nations for refugees who wanted to resettle there. But following a series of riots and a stark rise in crime, thats linked to the migrants, they said no more. And they reduced the number allowed to come into the country. The countrys new Prime Minister started what is a dramatic shift to sweden first last year. And poland, well, they have a different approach. They have a very strict Immigration System there they have accepted some refugees from neighboring ukraine, but they will not allow in people from elsewhere. Even if theyre seeking asylum. My next guest a polish member of the European Parliament is going viral for what he said this week about illegal immigration and the Biden Administration, they should take note. The lowest unemployment in European Union is poland. The highest g. D. P. After covid in European Union is poland. One of the lowest debts in European Union is poland. So dont give us this rubbish about the need of educated immigration. We dont need your doctors. We dont need your engineers. Take them, take them all and pay for them. We dont need them. Do you know why . Because theres a zero Terrorist Attacks in poland. Why . Because theres no illegal migration in poland. So dont give me this look. Dont give me this arguments about the populism. Because this is a fact. This is your data. Laura joining me now is dominique who is a polish member of the European Parliament you just saw in that video. Dominique, its great to see you dont. Thank you very much for having me. Laura the eu decided that this refugee welcoming very important and positive development for all of europe and look down on people like you poland in general no we have to support and protect our culture which does not include, you know, the Wahhabist Islamic Outlook and traditions. And you say . We dont care. Well, there is a difference between refugee and migrant especially illegal migrant, as a lawyer im trying to repeat it every single time for years now. They are not refugees. Those are criminals. Those who are trying to cross the border illegally are criminals. As a criminal should be deported and there is no discussion about it. Our policy is very straight. Zero. Not even one. Never ever will come to poland if its illegal. If is he trying to cross our border illegally, he will be punished and deported, not welcomed as we hear it. We are not going to pay for them. We are not going to fit them in the beautiful rooms in the hotels or anywhere else. They will not stay on polish soil. They will not stay in poland. Poland and im trying to say in parliament. Poland is the only country in the European Union without any terror attack. We havent had any Terror Attacks in poland because there is no illegal migration. Thats why every single time im trying to say be like poland, be brave believe in your nation. Most of the spineless politicians in here in brussels are destroying their own countries. I must say, mr. Trump was right about the wall. He built a beautiful wall, can you imagine america now without a wall . Poland built a wall. We have a great wall, and no one is able to enter, no one is able to come to poland and as we promised, our government promised in 2015 not given one will come to poland ever. Lawyer dominik i will continue allowing ukrainian refugees, genuine refugees into poland during this war, correct . Well, you have to remember that our situation is completely different than americans. We are neighboring country with ukraine and by the international law, those who came to poland over 2 million may leave women and children on genuine refugees. But our law was changed for some time to support them, support them financially, support them with education with the healthcare and all they need to live in poland but for many reasons, recently mr. Zelenskyy seems very ungrateful, i must say and our law might be changed. We dont have to support them with all these benefits like Financial Support we dont have to do it. We wanted to do it. We decided to do it but we dont have to do it anymore. I think our contracts, while ended, will not be extend. Laura all right. Domi nik, its great to see you. Im half polish so i love interviewing the poles. Bidens Delaware Home Address on 250,000 Wire Transfer from china . The details from the Oversight Committee chair james comer, next. With an array of active ingredients. And sizes to relieve your pain. Salonpas. Its good medicine. Introducing the limited Edition Disney collection from blendjet. Nine exciting designs your whole family will Adore Blendjet 2 is portable, which means you can blend up nutritious smoothies, protein shakes, or frozen treats, just about anywhere recharge quickly via usbc. It even cleans itself. Order yours now from blendjet. Com and bring a little disney into your life. Laura moments ago we learned that hunter biden received Wires Originating in beijing for more than a quarter Million Dollars from Chinese Business partners during the summer of 201. Now the Wire Transfer itself used joe bidens wilmington address on the forms. Joining me now congressman james comer chairman of the house Oversight Committee. Congressman, what does this mean . What can tell us . Can i tell you on the wire that hunter biden received from the Chinese National the beneficiary address listed was joe bidens home address at a time where im pretty certain hunter biden was not living in the home of joe biden if you go back even further than that. This jonathan lee who wired the 260,000 from china to Hunter Bidens personal account, he is part of the Chinese Communist party. He is a huge Business Person in china with the chinese backed entity that funds investments ins United States. The one issue in congress that republicans and democrats agree on. We dont want china taking over industries important to our national security. We dont want china buying farmland. This is the guy that does that jonathan lee is the person who represents china. And if you research it, joe biden met with jonathan lee. He wrote a letter of recommendation for his child to get into college in the United States. There is a relationship that was developed between joe biden and jonathan lee when he was Vice President and now we have evidence that jonathan lee, who joe biden said his son never took any money from, said his son never took any money from china. Hunter bidens lawyer said that hunter never received any money from this guy. We have evidence that he received over a quarter of Million Dollars. The address listed on the wire was joe bidens personal residence. Congressman, i was reading something on x. Formerly known as twitter. People are saying well, but this happened before joe was president. Before he became president in January Of 2020 why does that matter . It doesnt matter. And it happened while joe biden was a candidate for president he was already running for president of the United States this wire from china biggest enemy. One thing in this hall where i am currently being interviewed, there is massive disagreement. On Funding Levels for the government. I dont think thats any secret. One thing that we all agree on is chinas a threat to the United States. Here we have more evidence of the biden family receiving millions of and millions of dollars from our adversarial country for who knows what . The bidens never have said what they did to receive the money. What did hunter biden do to receive a quarter of a Million Dollars from a Chinese National affiliated with the Chinese Communist party . Laura maybe it was just more blow art, congressman. Lovely art i know you would love to have hanging in your living room. Congressman, good to see you. Thank you. Commander, he bites again. What the failla with jimmy failla. Its next. upbeat music [narrator] what if there was a hearing aid that could keep up with you . Notification Dings this is jabra enhance select. Its a Smart Hearing Solution that makes hearing aids more convenient and less expensive. It connects with your phone so you can stream calls and music. With jabra enhance selects premium package, better hearing doesnt have to start in a doctors office. It starts with a free online hearing test you could take almost anywhere, so you can get your Hearing Aids Custom Programed for you and delivered in days. 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Kohler® walkin baths include two hydrotherapies Whirlpool Jets and our patented bubblemassage™ to help soothe sore muscles in your feet, legs, and back. A kohlercertified installer will install everything quickly and conveniently in as little as a day. They made us feel completely comfortable in our home. And, yes, its affordable. I wish we would have looked into it sooner. Think i might look into one myself. Stay in the home and life youve built for years to come. Call. To receive 50 off installation of your kohler walkin bath. And take advantage of our no interest otherwise known as jimmy failla. Host of fox across america. Great to see you. Better now. We have heard, we have heard that people call kamala harris, i guess, a lot of Different Things but this one is new. Watch this. The best example is why Voting Matters is because you have Vice President harris, some people refer to. Some people say madam Vice President. But around the white house, we call her the mvp. Ha ha. Listen, they call her mvp the way you call a stupid person einstein. Like, oh, you lock your keys in the car . Nice going, einstein. Thats why they call her mvp. You cackled about the border again . Nice going mvp. There is no other reason to call her this. Kamala harris is so dumb she studied for a covid test, okay . Nobody believes she is the mvp say for the fact that if it werent for her incompetence biden would have been hit with the 25th Amendment like a year and a half ago. Thats her contribution to this administration. Laura jimmy, they are as terrified as her, almost, as they are of trump winning, right . Horrified. Laura they are freaking out. She has gone through staff like, you know what, through a goose as my uncle used to say. Wellsaid. Yeah. They want no part of this. Laura jimmy, this broke late tonight. I know this pains you, but joe bidens Dog Commander just bit another secret Service Agent this is reportedly i guess the 1st time this has happened. I have heard of the one bite rule. Isnt there is a one bite or two bite rule. Now like everything else, there is inflation with the bites. So i guess 11 really means one. To be clear. Laura in the biden white house. You know i have two theories here, laura. There is so much cocaine in this white house, these dogs might just be hyped up. That could be number one. Number two is the dog could be confused he sees joe sniffing people all the time oh, wait, maybe im the human doing Secret Service protection. I have to attack anybody who comes neither president i dont know what is going on in this white house. Its a bizarre thing to watch. I still enjoy having the dogs there if only because its someone making deals under the table besides hunter. There you go. Was it you who said this . Im not sure. They are going to hope for a change in behavior of the dog. They are going to go from calling it commander to red skin. Did you hear that . Laura a new daily mail poll just released today. Voters asked if aliens attack earth, do you think well be safer, this is ridiculous, under joe biden or donald trump . Okay. 43 , jimmy, said trump. 32 of brain dead people said biden. And 25 percent said they didnt know. They thought they were talking about illegal aliens or something, i dont know. Jimmy, what would your answer be . Thats why this is going to be easy. Trump flatter The Aliens Into Making Peace Brag only the best aliens come under his administration. All the best aliens want to come to earth when im here. Biden is going to ask for their pronouns and is he going to nuke them. Give them stemless checks and cell phone and stick them in a suite at the Roosevelt Hotel they wont like the accommodations and they will nuke us. No way it ends good under biden. Laura you and i are scheduled to do a lot of speeches together, right . Appearing together and we are going to do you didnt know about that . Okay. I have already arranged the whole thing. Like a big demand for us. But, the daily mail is reporting that we have some competition out there because Michelle Obama got paid 741,000 for a one hour speech at an event one hour in germany this week, according to the event instagram post. Her speech was focused, jimmy, on encouraging our audience to embrace their unique strengths, push past selfdoubt and highlight the importance of diversity and, for that, she got 741,000. Stop it now, really quickly, it is oktoberfest so these people might be drunk right now. I just love that the woman who took away snacks from school kids is making money at the hot pretzel Convention Bits and pretzels like what a sellout. [laughter] laura oh, lets move. Nothing for nothing. Her husband is running the country right now so its a pretty good price tag when you consider she is Behind The Scenes first lady. Laura she is the most sought after speaker one of the most sought after speakers in the world. So, i mean, look, its a good gig. Like the Free Enterprise system its a good gig if you can get it. Thats called capitalism. I wish the obamas supported it for everybody else. Thats the problem. All right, jimmy, we will see if we can get half of that maybe a quarter. Maybe 100 dread of that. We will see if we can get that and if you want to see jimmy on tour, which i know you do, be sure to check him out october 13th for the special taping of his fox nation standup at the paramount, its a great theater in huntington, new york. We will be right back. So stay there. Laura i know michiganders work full by the bidens flyby today. The truth is really ugly in michigan. Bidenomics has been a disaster for the state. When adjusted for inflation the median michigan worker saw an 1800 drop and buying power by the end of last year. Thats about 2. 6 . Michigan now rates at about number 37 the list of real Household Incomes. Thats a nightmare. Youre all smarter than that. Thats it for us tonight. Ill be around for the pregame tomorrow before the debate with kudlow and then with hannity. See you tomorrow. Jesse welcome to Jesse Watters primetime. Joe biden

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