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Bribery bob menendez isnt goino down without a fight. The new jersey democrat senator is defiant and resisting calls y to step down after getting indicted on federal corruption charges. The feds found nearld y half a Million Dollars in cash stuffed into jackets embroidered with his name and the u. S. Senate seal as well as a hundred grands worth of gold bars if his home. Menendez is accused of taking bribes in an attempt to benefit the government of egypt. But senator gold bar vows that in the end hell be exonerated. The allegations leveled against me are just that, allegations. Not onlyst t will i be exonerat but i still will be the new jerseys senior senator. To, bu those who have rushed to judgment, you have done so baseh on a limited set of facts, Framed Bd Y The Prosecution To Asio Salacious as possible. Remember, prosecutors get it wrong sometimes. Some of the people calling for my resignation for political r reasons say i have lost these trust of the people of new jersey. That couldnt be more wrong. Greg the case against menendez may be tough to beat given that the wads of cash found at his house had the fingerprints of one of his coconspirators on it. At t bob says never mind that hoarding half a million is part of his cue man heritage. For 30 years i have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal Savings Account which i have kept for emergencies and because of the history of my family Facing Confiscation in cuba. Now, this may seem old m fashioned, but these were monie, drawn from my personal Savings Account based on the income that i have lawfully derived over those 30 years. Greg democrats are split on what to do about menendez. Ts some say hes got to go but the white house isnt taking a side. This is a serious matter. We see this as a serious matter. I think and we believe the senator stepping down from his chairmanship was theth right thm to do. Obviously the right thing to dou as it relates to anything else,a any decisionte that he has to me thats certainly going to be up to himbe and the senate leadersl to decide. But of course we see this as a serious matter and im just going to leave it there for now. Greg so, judge, he was the chair of the Senate Foreign relations committee. Ch who was chair before that . Not before that but in the past . Joe biden. It seems like this is how you get the bribes is you get on the Foreign Relations committee because that puts you into contact with people who can give you scombrone i dont know why you would be suggesting that this is a democrat thing. Ge it makes j no sense, just becau menendez Got A Mercedes And S hunter biden got a porsche, just because menendez has allegedly a gotten cash and hunter biden gol cash. Just because when menendez wanted to have a meeting at the vicepresident joe bidens house at the naval observatory, he doesnt call the vicepresident , hes doesnt even call hunter i mean he doesnt call anyone ne other than hunter biden to hav dinner and a luncheon at the vicepresident s house. s lets talk h about this case. Number one, why would menendez, who was not acquitted, there was a hung jury in the last trial, Why Woulurd This Guy Go Anywher near the edge of corruption knowing the feds dont take kindly to a case they dont get a conviction. Stupid number one. One. Number two, doing a Press Conference where you literally locked yourself into statements, every one of which will be used against him at a trial, ie i to took Theok Money Out of the ban because Myca Family May need itn cuba. Wait a minute, bob. Did you give it to your driver or your neighbor to hold it . Is that why his fingerprints and dna are on the nfl . Dumb. Now, the amazing part, he wasnh willing to give donald trump the benefit of the doubt. Ld this i ts two months before the Mueller Report came out. He said we need to know for sure whether donald trump is a putin puppet and goes on and on. Now we know the durham report, donald trump, the whole thing was made up by hillary clinton. Now is it people in new jersey h havent heard rumors for years about this guy. Het has been in public life sis 1986 when he was the mayor of union, new jersey. Tell you want to tell me how someone whos been in public life for almost four decades has a half a Million Dollars in cash that he takes out just in case he needs to send it to cuba . And, theres a whole other thing. Is now right now hes no longer chair of the Foreign Relations r committee. Hes stepped down from that. But, you know, the day after he returns from egypt, and i want to r Say Something thats in hi favor, the accusation is not that he gave classified information, its that he gave sensitive nonpublic information. Weve got to find out what that is. But, in the end, the guy comes home from egypt, the next day, and he goggles how much is a brick of gold worth. Its like a murderer how longs e for the body to decompose. Greg call william devane. Judge jeanine thats right. Greg he knows the answer to question. A lot of other questions, too. Jesse he stuffed his money in his Jacket Pocket in the closet which is what yopou do with cigarettes swio your wife cant find them do you buy that reason for him having all that cash because you never know when emergenc my might strike. Jesse he said hes cue bans and all cue bans keep cash zone into their whipped breakers because the government can seize it at any moment. We googled him because thats what we do, he was born in the united states, his parents are cuban but his parents in 1954 had him in the united states, they didnt have money seized by castro. I wonder does senator rubio also keep gold bars in cash because hes worried about the authorities . Ec obviously thats bs. Gold bar, bob, learned Everything Houe knows from the h guy. You nailed it about the foreignd relations committee. Youre on Foreign Relations you have the power to kind of green light or red light foreign aid. So when theres a freeze on foreign aid to a country, you to say you want me to unfreeze that . Pay me the cash. Or even if the money keeps flowing, you say, you knowev wh . I did that, that was me. Y so thats how these guys get paid. He learned it under joe and joe did the same thing in ukraine. Ra remember that one billion . You know what . Youre going to have to fire the prosecutor. The funn y thing is, this guy g also gotis a prosecutor in ther to help hiorm iout. He got the porsche, he got the mercedes, bidens had diamonds this guy had gold bars, they ald had dinners with the clients, its all very similar except this v guys even stupider than the bidens because the bidens had plausible deniability. What i want to know is the bidet Justice Department popped this guy ica year ago. So hes Walking Around for a whole year knowing joe biden has him by the gold bars. What was joe biden squeezing hio for for an ter year. You go back and look at it this guys been a thorn in the side for biden and obama for many years, hes been against the iran deal bidens into that, he doesnt want to open cuban en biden wants it open, against the venezuelan amnesty deal. This guys gotten out of the wao so joe biden Foreign Policy wise has cleared the deck and can do what he wants. Greg sandra what are your thoughts he thinks hes being targeted because hes latin american. Sandra he does, playing the race card being charged because hes la teen and american those cannot stand the first generation latin american rising. You have John Fetterman, aoc all coming out saying he should resign. He got one thing right. He h said these allegations leveled against me are just that, allegations, and that is true, innocent until proven guilty. But there are very specific detailedve allegations. So whether or not hell be exonerated obviously a lot of people are laughin pg at that. The legal experts are weighing e in Theig Googling of the gold bars, he could have just been curious, we could have helped him with that. Legal experts saying this is a Monster Indictment very strong for menendez and others should be concerned right now about these charges. I think this just highlights what judge said a second ago, like either he was really stupid to do this after 2015, or just thinksis hes above the law. Just and i think its another one of those stories people at home go really . E really . And did he thinks th he was goi get away with it . Greg you know, harold, i wat shocked what you said in the green room. You said why is it that democrats always accuse trump and republicans of what theyref actually doing themselves . Heres another example of where, what they accused others of doing, corruption, is actually whatey theyre doing. G, is i this a form of distraction harold go to commercial when they say go to the tape. We should go to the tape becausa i dont recall it quite like this. But judge i agree everything said around the table, hes presumed innocent until proven otherwise. S if you listen to John Fetterman the first senator who called for him to resign. Said hes entitled to the presumption of innocence in our system but not entitled to continue teno we would policy especially given specific nature of the allegations. Greg and he said that n wearing ba jam a problems. Sandra Hopefully Harold phil murphy the governor of new jersey several members of the delegation, members of the del weighings one waiting to hear from is senator booker they have been great allies in the senate well see what happens there. Legally i agree with the judge, some of these e things, the fac here very different than the t firstht case senator menendez tt dealt with. May recall he was accused of influence for a personal friend and they apparently took trips e together and hnde got off on thh on a hunerg jury. This here, theres more details, there are emails, there are texts, and, again, we all will hear his defense. When hes abl to do it, but when the white house today saidis this was a serious matter and didnt want to respond about it, im not convinced jesse that the theory that you have shall its your theory, i respect it, im not sure thats the theory that i think tht e white house wants h out of the way, but i do believu that senator menendez, he may be at the height of unless hes able theo present more Evidence Judge in the coming days to shoi that this stuff is not true, i dont imagine hes gain morale lies over the next few days and weeks, he could actually left side more. Apparently hes hired Abby Lowell Andyb continue to use hia good lawyer. Sandra hunter oobidens lawyer. Judge jeanine his lawyer, that of the hung jury harold he was s also Jared Kushners loyal also. Greg coming up democrats crapping their pants about joe bide an getting crushed by the orange men as. I didnt write that. Okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. 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Judge jeanine but occasionally democrats have yet another big reason to dump the big guy in 2024. President biden getting absolutely clobbered by another batch of bad polls that even have his staunchest allies saying its time to retire, joe. Former President Donald Trump is trouncing joe biden in a head to head matchup by a whooping ten points and an nbc poll is giving biden his highest Disapproval Rating of his presidency. 56 say they disapprove and thats just the start of his problems. An Uphill Battle Making Sure Voters dont stay home if youre democrat. The problem for democrats, too, the lack of enthusiasm about the election. We asked primary voters do you want options next year besides biden, 59 said yes, they do. This is not a normal number for an incumbent. Judge jeanine democrats and the liberal media are doing their best to spin this mess. Im a little tired of it. Im a little tired of three years hearing about how joe bidens going to get crushed. Whatever caveats, whether that is an outlier, thats a tough one to spin. What do you say to the 44 of americans who say, they are worse off now than they were before biden took office. Were also getting extraordinary results, more than 13 million jobs created. Thats more than any president ial term in american history. And, yes, it takes a while for people to feel the full benefits of those results. Judge jeanine you know, ive got to tell you, first, buttigieg saying 13 million, sandra, arent most of those from the pandemic that came back, ten million of them . Sandra i dont even know which part to react to more. By the way, aoc now is saying that this is an economy in crisis. Are you asking me a question . Judge jeanine okay. Are the dems kidding themselves . I mean, right now they can call this poll an outlier, but i think four months ago, the last Washington Post poll had trump up 7, and now four months later, theyve got him up 10. Why are they calling these Polls Outliers . Sandra i dont know. I dont know anything theyre touting bidenomics as a success when people all over the country dont feel good about their finances, but martha left out one word. 44 of americans believe they are worse off financially under the administration. Its the economy stupid. Its coming back to that. You want to call a contract or or plumber, people arent going to work right now they cant fill jobs so you can count the Unemployment Rate which is historically low all you want but if thats not representing the actual labor market in this country right now then people arent feeling it and thats the way theyre going to vote. I mentioned aoc shes calling this economy in crisis, she said her party is looking at the economy on paper and that is a problem. Bidenomics, by the way, the Wall Street Journal came up with that as a reference to bidens policy on the Economy Picking and choosing winners by the government and that has failed in this administration. So owning a description for the economy that is not working is not going to work. I just want to finish off with this. Housing affordability is a huge problem right now. Anyone out there looking to sell a home or buy a home. Housing affordable the index has halved since 2020 and that is something americans are feeling and being told they shouldnt feel that way. Judge Jeanine Jesse the economy 75 of americans dont think biden is doing a good job, immigration, twothirds are disappointed in him, 74 think his age is a problem. You didnt even need this poll to match up trump against biden. Yet theyre like tow totalitarians. Why. Jesse because Kamala Harris shes the backup. The Washington Post poll and remember ignatius dropped the first article about how he should resign, that was a cia nudge. This is bezos, because bezos is about to get smacked with an antitrust lawsuit. Biden is going after their ma none reply and thats about to be dropped this week and then biden siding with the people that were trying to union eyes, all those amazon workers, he actually stuck his neck out there. So hes angry and inflations killing amazon because, you know, they have to have all these Delivery Trucks use gasoline and theyre driving all over the place and stuffs more expensive. So if you look at the poll, its not just bidens getting slaughtered, its trumps doing much better. And if you compare how people looked at trump after he left in 2020 and how they look at him now, people that voted for biden are now taking a second look at trump. Blacks, Young Americans, suburban white wechlt he calls them house wives, were not allowed to say that apparently, but everyone is now taking a second look at donald trump, and its a totally new environment right now. Judge jeanine okay. Greg, i just want to jump from what hes saying, what jesses saying is, there was a whole group of young people in 2020 where biden won young people under the age of 35. Now trump is leading biden on those under on those young people by 20 points. What changed . Greg i dont know, maybe sniffing all that hair. Jesse that was really good, i have to up my game. You know, i think were watching the machine, the machine is turning on joe. Hes like that really old guy married to the 25yearold wife who is actually schtupping the tennis pro if the next room. The dems are the wife and the tennis pro is gavin newsom. Thats whats happening. You combine the polling and the gaffing, feels like were getting to the bottom of that jar of mayo with joe. Theres nothing left to scrape out with the knife and you can turn it upside down and pat the bottom really hard but you get nothing but a soiled hand. I think joe biden at this point is about as popular with the democrats as i am. So i think this is it. Its grinding, the machine is turning, theyre pushing him out. He has no clue, though. Jesse schtupping. Greg yeah. Judge jeanine would you like to just throw something out without asking you a direct question harold so polls capture moments and you can be guided by polls and instructed by polls. Anyone that says that this poll should not be considered seriously is not on the level. Judge jeanine you mean Karine Jeanpierre when she said that harold i think anyone. Judge jeanine so you dont consider her on the level . Harold i didnt see everything she said but anyone that doesnt consider this serious, you have to take a look at them and say what more do we need to be doing, what less do we need to be doing and how do we figure this out. No doubt were way early, four months ago everyone thought ron desantis was going to be anointed the president nominee and republican presidency he might be but he has a big fight in front of him. Joe biden tells me all the time compare me to the alternative not the al mighty that may be true but youre losing to the alternative right now and the numbers show its not as much as we want. I said on the show half week judge, gavin newsom whatever you think about him hes a good surrogate, hes youthful, hes smart, hes energetic he represents the future of not only the Democrat Party but im not even sure i like all of his politics but i would have him out there. I thought we all agreed, what he did last week for biden was as compelling a presentation on behalf of what the administration has done over the last few years and what more they want to be doing going forward. I think this week tomorrow will be a big test for the president. Hes going to join a picket line with the uaw workers, it will be interesting if he delivers a real message about the future of the economy. Ive said all along you cant do this bidenomics thing and find yourself on Factory Floors without laying out what youve done where you want to take the country and why you need four more years to do that. If you cant do that youre going to have a hard time and if you can youre going to look back and say you know what we were able to reverse the trend. Judge jeanine go ahead. You want to Say Something . Ino. Judge jeanine i thought you did. All right. Ahead, gavin few sop is in a panic that Young Americans are being radicalized by the likes of joe rogen. F joe grogan. You play stupid games, you win stupidid Prizes Sandra California Governor Gavin Newsom is picking a fightg with americas most popular podcasters. Newsom is terrified that his son is listening to joe rogen and Jordan Peterson, saying in an yi interview, quote, i really worry about these micro cults that Myh Kids Areat in. My son is asking me about andrew tate, Jordan Peterson and then immediately hes talking about joe rogen and im like, here it is, the pathway. It comes as no shock joe rogen has recently blamed gavin newsom for ruininrog california. Its california justin trued trudeau. Its gavin newsom. The problem is hes done such a bad job with california, theyre so vulnerable. [bleep] madness, so many businesses closing down, they dont Want Tino Beg a part of f anymore. Like hey we need to take care oi zen franchised people but we o also need to make our streets safe and stop crime. But theres none of that. Theres more ridiculous laws, more lax on crimes, more drugs, givene them needles, they need clean needles. What . What do you think about gavin newsomk lamenting to his son. Greg this is wonderful. First of all lets discuss what a cult is, it says who you can and cannot talk to, It Ons Tra Sizes who is not in the cult. Ga that is not jon,e rogen, they nd Interview People and t tell peoe to talk to different people. I dont know enough about andrew tate but i want to quote scott adams because this is a point. The more the left try to raise thofe children of the right the more andrew tate will be raising children of the left. And that appears to be happening with gavin newsom because his own sointolerance is forcing hi kids to look elsewhere. Meanwhiloke there is a movement that tells you who you can and a cannotnd talk to and ostracizese people, the progressive woke p democrats, cancel cultures es primary engine is ostracizing people. Washington post tracked down portnoys advertisers to get themge away from him. People go and look at your twittefor follows and interview and say why do you follow this person, why do you follow that. They cancel speeches. They ask you why you would go to that speech. They target Trump Supporters for voting for trump. Why would you vote for him. Yo its rich that newsom calls people a cult when his own parte is rebirthing mccarthyism. They now look at the First Amendment thats something malleable and not absolute and easily discarteded. T gavin shouldhe look in the mirra nondt just to Check High School hair. Sandra jesse did. Newsom hae to offend his listeners with these comments. Jesse Thite Tennis Pro is servineg up a lot of disinformation himself. Everything he said about the vaccines, abouiot school closur, he put sand in skate parks so people had to go inside. O mask mandates, remember how he n usedsi to go after high crocks chloroquine, was going after hy doctors fodrr prescribing it . The mayo clinic just put hydroxychloroquine back on the Treatment List for covid19. Sost he was wrong about everything. So you have a guy like peterson whose whole advocacy is rooted in the classics. Hes all about self improvement. Gavin want his son to watch Sports Center ors listen to Jordan Peterson . Then you have rogen as greg said, the guy interviews ufc s fightersuf, comics, astro fis sifts, wildlife trappers. Theres nothing controversial about him, all he does is listes and one of the reasons people are so attracted to him is because everybodys controversial iced these people because the professional class has told the entire population of this generation to be passivn and to not question authority. S so these two guys come along and they say weve got to take action, we have to question authority, thats why Young Americans are so thirsty for some sort of elder statesman toy say this is a way you can gain a frame of reference and interpree the world around you instead of just havin g propaganda wash over you like a slave. Sandra wow. D Harold Doeoes it corner you a rl politics poll said nearly half of democrats think free speech should be legal only under certain circumstances and 34 oy democrats Say Americans have too much Freedom Harold sure, that would concern me and there are a lot of other things that concern me. I think that What Gavin Newsom, making things comment about his son and listening to whomever t they may be listening to, you know, i think in a weird way its positive. Because i like the idea of people not reacting so much but responding to things they hear. So i think we live in a Society Todahey where you immediately react because if i hear youre y republican o tr youre democratr youre a conservative or youre white or youre black or youre this im supposed to respond a certain way as opposed to let mn sit back, listen to him and respond accordingly. I would be curious to know and i hope the governor doesnt share all thshe things that are ar happening with his kids but i ti think its a positivvee his kid are able to have that kind of a mind and kids on the other side, i hope your point greg is interesting, kids on the left will be raised by those on the right and vice versa but i grew up and listened to all kinds of political thought and political leaders, i was intrigued by Ronald Reagan growing up, my dan was in congress and he sometimei didnt like Ronald Reagan and h they would battle when he was in congress. But i listened and read and thats the only way you can grow. There are some things joe rogen say thatnd might be out of bounh maybe there are, there are things i like and agree with that might be Out Of Bounds at times . T th some . Maybe so but thats that be bea of being an american and listenf to andte respond after you list. Sandra judge, your thoughts. Judge jeanine you know, if you think that joe rogen and Jordan Peterson are part of a micro cult, well, the democrat partlty is a mcenroe cult. And its evidenced by the fact that almost half of the party says that free speech should only be under certain circumstances. Folks that is total tarnism. That is what democrats are thinking. They say thahacratt government responsibility to censor hatefuy social media. 75 . So when the government was Censoring Hydroxychloroquine which jesse just brought up as g back t on the list again of something we can take, the government was wrong and they censored us. Er whats going on here . Do i dont known What Gavin Newso o afraid of. That his son might think for himself that his son might have two different Points Of View . The ideaid that, the you know, e left is so radical that anything that isnt woke is considered conservative. So if youre not cuckoo left youre a conservative and thats why right now were seeing a 20 point lead of trump over biden as i ot relates to the young people. F and, by the way, they are re totally ignorant of the law, of the constitution. Theres nothing in the Constitution Other than, you knowut, calling people to riot yelling fire in a crowded theater that says that we cant say whatever we want. People are crawling through the boarders of this country so that they can say whatever they want, and this democrat Totalitarian Party wants to shut them up. We cant afford that. Sandra thank you for that judge. Just ahead thend Second Republin debate is just two days away noe and were going to help dana nap perino prepare for herbig night as comoderator. Hi dana. Hi, im stacey, and ive lost 60 pounds on golo. guitar music this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, its the only thing ive kept from before losing weight and im keeping this because im never going back. Welcome to new york its been waiting for you Welcome To New York jesse were getting closer america, the second Republican Debate is just two days away presented by Fox Business Network and will be simulcast right here on the Fox News Channel at 9 00 eastern. Comoderated by our very own dana perino, Stuart Varney and vision ilya calderon. Seven candidates qualify. Dana has been cramming like crazy and as good cohosts we figured wed help her out with final preparations. Couple questions and some advice. Ill kick things off. Dana in 30 seconds or less how exactly have you been preparing . Dana with a lot of caffein. I started with this blank canvas and probably 170 questions and then you do the math, like on the five, too many people and too little time so you have to figure out how to pars it down. So weve been cutting and deleting. I could use a good editor jesse i wish you were here with me you could help me out. Jesse i will be parsing tell pathically. Judge . Judge jeanine hi dana. We miss you dana i miss you. Judge jeanine first of all do you think your experience on the five has prepared you for this debate . Dana i absolutely do. One, i was telling someone, i think greg will remember this, when we first started the five in 2011, we didnt really know what the show was going to be, we didnt really know what we were doing and we would all talk at once and i remember one day getting the call from the control room saying if you guys continue to do that we are going to cancel this show because the audience cant hear anybody if youre all talking at once. So we have been so much better about that on the five. The candidates in milwaukee, they werent great about that and theres only so much a moderator can do. Im hoping they can take our advice, figure out a way to play within the rules and make sure you can get your voice heard because this debate is an important one if they want to keep going. Jesse and during that. Sandra Dana Best Of Luck to you i know youre going to kill it and a huge service to voters all over the country i know youll ask fabulous questions dana thank you. Sandra i was told either a question or advice and having moderated two primary gop debates myself i thought the best thing i could tell you is embrace the unexpected. Because i know a lot of the Question Planning youre also thinking and anticipating how each of the candidates will respond to those questions and there will be surprises and some of those moments will be the best moments for people at home because we can learn something about each of the candidates that perhaps we didnt know before that night. Dana thats excellent advice and to the judges previous question, that actually i think my experience with all of you on the five helps a lot in that moment because our show is completely unscripted and thats what makes it so good. So i think the other thing i have to really do is make sure that as a moderator, im the least important person in the room. Sandra yep dana but my ability to listen and really pick up on a moment, thats what im going to try to do. Jesse harold whos a very good Listener Harold congrats great confidence in what you can do out there leading that up group. Two things for you, how do you allow for these people to answer the question but at the same time compel them to answer the question that is asked by the debater or fellow debater by you guys and two how are you going to keep these knuckleheads in line at times if they get out of control dana i think were getting to really good questions that dont allow them to parrot back talking points. Thats boring and nobody wants to hear that. So candidates or your teams if theyre batching just know that and i think moments of authenticity are super important. There are some debate rules well lay them out, a minute for this, 30 seconds for that, but somebody the their name gets mentioned, lets say one governor says this about another governor, that person then gets a chance to respondment so i need to make sure i understand those rules as well as the candidates and to make sure viewers at home know so that they can tell when the candidates breaking the rules and not playing nice and being a ball hog. Jesse lets take it over to our ball hog greg gutfeld. [laughter]. Greg i had the surgery. You know, dana, this is such kind of like an overwhelming responsibility. I mean the stress must just drive you crazy. I honestly dont know how youre going to pull it off. Im sure youll do fine. Im wondering youre like me both tiny people what happens if you have to go to the bathroom dana it crossed my mind today. You can see behind me what fox news and business have done to build up a stage that is absolutely beautiful is wonderful but greg i did try to count the steps to the bathroom. I do not think there is enough time in the commercial breaks so how do i stay hydrated without having to, you know go to the girls room. Greg the cab drivers caddie dana that is great advice if you could fed ex me one overnight. Greg go to the 711 and get a bottle. Jesse we did fedex you one thing theres a gift package if you can pull it out over there and we can do some unboxing in front of everybody. Theres names on each items and you can unwrap and announce who is from who. And its nothing from the cabbie we can guarantee that dana definitely need this, this is from greg, some albums and a head shot which im going to put in my hotel room, dont worry peter. Greg theres seven head shots one for every candidate. Judge judge their reaction, i got you nuke inspire you, slayers rain and blood because you really like a good thrash metal album and the best heavy metal album ever, no, thats five Finger Death Punch dana this feels like what could happen at the debate. Greg yeah i have the medical vince houdini live, one of the best middle albums ever if you there it is, houdini live. And are you just plugging albums. Greg iingy pop raw power, he reminds me of you. The last one, look at the last one. I dont know who that is but the album covers amazing harold its called a giant dog bite. Greg no, yeah, show it to the audience. Look at that huh . Isnt that amazing dana terrifying. Separated at birth. Greg those are my gifts be sure not to open them and send them back to me dana okay. Judge thank you. Judge jeanine thats a Gavel A Small One but i want you to know ive broken three during the course of my career as a judge. So you may really have to bang that dana to get your attention dana judge should i use this or the other thing you gave me to get them to stop talking. Jesse dont play it, dont play it dana oh, jesse did you have to give the to me from your personal sdmreks Self Care Masks . Jesse thats a mask to relax after the debate. And also i want you to not get makeup in your eye, you could have some sort of infection like i got. So please be careful around the eye Tear Duct Area dana that is great advice here. And lets see, and during that, you know i need this. This is a calculator. Sandra the numbers never lie dana and this is uniquely on fox business. You know, when a candidate gives you numbers that dont add up you can pull that out and keep them on track. Dana i love it. And then harold and when theyre wrong with the numbers you can hit them with the fly swatter. Judge jeanine i love that. [laughter]. Judge jeanine thats great dana does anybody remember why we need this . Judge jeanine all right. Jesse good luck dana thanks so much. Cant wait to see you and stewart comoderate at 9 00 eastern going to be great. Up next americas buzzing over the possible romance between taylor swift and travis kelce. Sandra oh, yeah. I dont know about you but im feeling 22 only the new sleep number smart beds let you both sleep at your ideal level of comfort. Your sleep number setting. And now, all of our new next gen smart beds have temperature benefits. Save 400 on the new sleep number c4 smart bed. Now only 1,499. Sleep next level. Shop now only at sleep number its because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. Im at a point now where ive outgrown my house. Growing up, every me id get out of the shower, i would itch. My First Experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. Tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. If youd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i wouldve told you youd lost your mind. [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. [speaker] but Wounded Warrior project helps you realize its possible to get out there [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. [narrator] through Generous Community support, weve connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and Mental Health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and Life Skill Training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. Harold is this americas new power couple, taylor swift and travis kelce spotted for the first time leaving Arrowhead Stadium together after weeks of speculation that theyre dating. Swift going absolutely wild in his familys box, in the family suite rubbing elbows with traviss mom after the nfl star scored a touchdown. The nickname for them and their fans is this is swelse. Judge what is your reaction . Judge jeanine i love them im tired of tom brady and his divorce and who hes sleeping with and all that. These two are young, never been married, both super stars, beau icons. How many times has he won the super bowl . Has two super bowl rings. I have my own nickname for them. I have them trailer for travis and taylor. And also i have to tell you that they look, i think they just look great together. I dont know what hes doing in that suit, though. Sandra he wears that harold they said he was inspired to because one of his songs years ago, i was watching the game but i got all that, too. What do you think . Jesse so i think the commissioner set this up because more women are now into football than have ever been into football and thats going to jews the ratings and footballs not on tonight watch Jesse Watters primetime. Sandra weigh in. I love taylor swift i think it should be tatrav. I love shes standing next to his mom going absolutely crazy. Little known fact it was wal ter peytons son in the bowels of the stadium that took that video first ever seeing them together. I wish them all the best and thats that harold Exclamation Point you seem to have a strong you told me in the green room. Greg i want them to die their hair the same color. To the prove their love. They should dye their their same color to prove their love. I dont really care, hes going to him anyway or hes going to dump her and shell write a song about it. Sandra i think the touchdown was charitable harold one more thing is up next. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. With the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. I was a bit nervous at first but then i figured its just walking, right . [dog barks] oh. No its just a bunny calm down taco. Sit duchess. Stop sesame no no. Archie walter dont, no, ahhhh. A funny comment. Hh walter donton know. Youre lucky. 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You never know what goes on behind closed doors. The fall of the house of murdock, the clerk in question. Streaming now on fox nation. Sign up now and get your first three months for a whopping 99. Omg omg i go first tonight. 10 p. M. Charles payne. Jim florentine kennedy. Tyrus. Watch it or else. Jesse. Thats it. Greg. Well, yeah, ive never seen that before. You wanted to do something that much . No, no, no, its fine. Im just not used to you showing your mouth. Be well, weekend was great. I was in seattle speaking to the freedom foundation. Great group making huge progress against government unions. I was there, awarded a second funniest person at fox metal. Eu jimmy fallon took home the gold tonight. Just where is prime time . Progress againns. I was in seattle and we caused a little trouble. And well have that for you tonighnight i t. All right. Herald september is national nicki awareness month. Ht harol and said and kim, you and their mom and all the doctors and nursesd all th and family by their side at cleveland clinic. What resiliencd nursesily y, what toughness. And what a blessing. All right. Quickly churchesiliencs the Hailey Banhart Hailey Van Voorhies made historyhistory this satury by becoming the first Woman Non Kicker to play an ncaa football. She waited more than two years for the opportunity, and when it came, she didnt disappointo. Pressuring the quarterback on a third down. Ears d to an Incomplet Foe pass. Go. You go. All right. Thats it for us. Have a great nightt. Welcome to Jesse Watters. Prime timewelcom tonight, by th, amazon. Here we comeh. Bezos and the cia get revenge on biden. No

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