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U. S. Rule there should be. It is a hot topic on the Campaign Trail. We will discuss in the bite of her more u. S. Dollars going to ukraine with former Vice President mike pence. Only on Fox News Sunday. Then. Flexible investigate, find out why did it happen . But what right, what went wrong to other communities not ever have to see this because House Republicans are about pressure of the president s response to the maui wildfires. We will get reaction to the criticism and growing economic toll with the president s top Economic Advisor jared bernstein. Plus. If yoquick to cheer the quesn center . Running for reelection 2026 . Whats all eyes on Mitch Mcconnell as the Senate Returns this week. Instrument upcoming senate. Is the most privileged nursing home in the country for. Leslie send a panel at there should be an age limit for serving in washington. All right now on Fox News Sunday. Hello from foxnews in fox newn washington. As millions of americans work to recover from the impacts of Hurricane Idalia there is fingerpointing this weekend over a facetoface meeting with President Biden and Governor Desantis that did not happen. The photo governor set a meeting wouldve been very disruptive to relief efforts. Divided administration claims there was a mutually agree agren location there was quote no indication the governor was not going to be there. Lets go to Lucas Tomlinson life in the white house with the very latest following the president s visit to florida hello lucas low shannon, for the second time into expressing biden toward a disaster zone. This time in florida. Is i told your governor, if there is anything your state needs i am ready to mobilize that support. President biden speaking after touring the damage in the live oak without florida Governor Desantis to us in our south and dixie county. 4500 miles away House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy was in hawaii. Conducting his own assessment and maui for wild files killed for the 100 people. While desantis declined to meet biden with a second gop debate looming former governor no Republican Senate rick scott played host. A present did a great job with early declaration for the storm. That was a Big Deal Progressive Live Oak biden was asked about the desantis knob. No im not disappointed. He may have had other reasons because but he did help us plan this. Bidens fema Chief Complaint also florida and maui rebuild. We are experiencing more Severe Weather events that we have ever experienced before. Critics slammed biden for his early remarks comparing the small fire in his home to the destruction and hawaii and in florida. I almost lost my wife, my 67 corvette. [laughter] and my cat lighting struck at my house we had abandoned house for seven months. Could be forced to fund florida and Disaster Relief. At the same time today the u. S. Is given since it began 18 months ago pickwick some republicans want the additional aid condition on the launch of an impeachment inquiry, shannon . Shannon will talk about all that and more, thank you for the white house returning to some of the 2024 race to be the next person to live there in 1600 pennsylvania avenue, joining is now former Vice President and republican president ial candidate mike pence. Mr. Vice president welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Thank you shannon its good to be on her good start here rhonda pulling out the Wall Street Journal has you in sixth place this morning for a number of analysts note you are running to convince vincent gop voters who may not like it from the New York Times it says if the majority or a strong plurality of republican primary voters believe the lie the 2020 election was stolen, how can the man who certified it secure their Support Question at midlantic they asked this question why does he think the people who wanted to kill him will vote for him . Why take on this fight when the numbers show almost no scenario in which you can grab this nomination . Quick shannon i am running for president because i this country is in a lot of trouble. Think joe biden has weakened america at home and abroad appeared bite and ill mix has been a disaster for american families. That withdrawal from afghanistan has a bold and enemies of freedom around the world. I simply and they s i say with humility, i am simply the most experienced, tested and proven conservative running for the republican nomination today. But with regard to the polling its not what im seeing on the ground he spent the better part of last week in iowa, ill be back in New Hampshire tomorrow. The encouragement we are getting on the ground frankly our canvassers in iowa had me running pretty consistently second in that state. They tell us theres plenty of time between now and the Iowa Caucuses and when the primaries get underway. We are just going to continue to take our message. My lifetime in the Conservative Movement in the fresh vision for the Publican Party and America Brick except assure that on the debate stage the top of the person sharply got a Fundraising Pump according to politico. Where did that guy come from . So how did you and when did you decide that version of bike pence versus eight nice guy thing you are tagged with that version is going to show up at that debate . Look, one of my conclusions after leaving washington two years ago and moving back to indiana was i am a wellknown but im not known well. Most people know me as the loyal Vice President along President Trump trinket administration whose record im incredibly proud of. I stood by him through thick and didnt until my oath to the constitution required me too do otherwise. People who know me well know i have been a governor but i was a leading House Conservative for 12 years. And quite frankly people who know me well i know how to make a point supra know how you argue and to stand for the conservative agenda. I really do think we have an important debate happening in our party today. Whether we are going to stand on that time honored conservative agenda of a Strong National defense fiscal responsibility the right to life and traditional values. I whether we are going to follow these siren song of populism and move away many of the same principles to an agenda on mordant to conservative values that is a debate we are a part of im going to continue to be a part of it. But the version of me that you saw on that debate stage that is just me thats who i have always been i know how to fight for what i believe in. It was combative at times especially with tread water thats continued beyond the debate stage in the days following that. One of the areas you clearly have disagreements as foreignpolicy lets start with israel. He said friday on his watch the u. S. Would fully back israel militarily and added this. Ive also set i do not want our sons and daughters, u. S. Troops who die in that conflict. Theyre going to distort that bassem not going to stand for israel and happy to have the debate were nikki haley or mike pence or Chris Christie can state how many u. S. Soldiers they would like to see die in that complex question work i will wait ive asked that question have not gotten a response by. Mr. Vice president you have e loved ones in uniform so how do you respond to that comment . I do, thank you for mentioning our family but my son is a Fighter Pilot in the marine corps my soninlaw is a Fighter Pilot in the navy. I do not have a problem with Vivek Ramaswamy ive met them a couple years ago hes a good man a good Family Member is just wrong on foreignpolicy. The way he wants to let putin keep what he has grabbed in ukraine and make promises that ukraine will never be a native of the way hes willing to walk away from taiwan after 2028 and let china grab it. I must tell you this last week when he said he would not use Military Force to defend israel and an attack by iran, that is deeply troubling to all of us to understand that israel is not an important ally in the United States, israel is our most cherished ally is the only democracy in that region and we have got to send a clear message to tehran on that any move against israel will be met with a full force and full partnership of the American Military rate that is how we keep israel safe for that is how we secure peace in the region. We sent that decisive message during four years in the Trump Pence Administration it was a pathway toward achieving the Abraham Accord The First Two Peace Agreements in the region in 25 years. Peace comes through strength not ambiguous messages of im president of the United States at the world knows nothing else the world will know this, america stands of israel. To be clear he did say friday at the u. S. On his watch would fully back that would military fully back israel then he asks how us u. S. Soldiers should be willing to see die in a conflict there, would there ever be a role for u. S. Troops in the middle east conflict . Candidly this is a bit of the pattern for Vivek Ramaswamy he goes One Direction then goes back another direction but i do not know how it fully back and then say there is a limit to what our Military Involvement would be defending israel in an attack by iran. But look, the one thing i bring to this race is i have been the same consistent conservative throughout my career and my years in the congress ive stood for a Strong National defense. The American Leadership in the world. My years as a governor, i stood strong. And as Vice President of the United States and proud of our record prett put a referendum at historic investments in our military in the days ahead will be availing even another plan that will start to lay out a vision for not rebuilding our Military Brother joe biden has been pushing budget cuts for our military since day one. We need to build a military to fit into the challenges of the 21st century. Through renewed strength. The gop here in washington. Its continued funding hotel for billing to be committed. Theyre trying to domestic aid will talk about that this criticism that is broken apart. In the meantime gop house member wrote in the hill and opinion me sees that he sent Armed Services as well he said basically is not going to support any more money going to ukraine fed a few things. He needs a clear direction from the white house. What are the policies . Where is this money going . What are they Measuring Sticks . He goes on to say we cannot afford to continue down this path. Mounting expenses rising Inflation Estimating will process a responsible approach. Birdie draw the line . But whatever objectives are in ukraine no more u. S. Textiles or depletion of our Military Weapons Event signals a dangerous level. Especially should be drawn into a conflict involving china and taiwan. On childrens congressmen that i think President Joe Biden has sent done a terrible job explaining what our National Interest is in ukraine. There is a lot of these gauzy speeches hes giving about defending democracy. I believe we need to continue to provide the Training Military the resources they need to repel the russian invasion because i have no doubt that if Vladimir Putin over runs ukraine hes would cross the border of a nato country where we will be required under article five to send our troops. Let me also say i want to strongly agree with him that this economy is struggling. And ive got another guess coming on with the bitE Administration trying to make a case that its working. But nobody isnt buying it. I was in iowa this week and i told people inflation is at a 40 year high Mortgage Rates are at a 22 year hybrid two out of three americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Bidenomics has been a failure for american families. I really believe the time is come for us to offer a vision for renewing this economy, tackling inflation it does not mean we have to give up with our role of leader of the free world. Has a said back in the debate anyone he says we cannot be the leader of the free world and get this economy moving and secure our border and deal with all of the issues the American People dealing with, anyone who thanks we cant do both of those things its got a pretty small view of the greatest nation on earth. We can do both with the right Republican Leadership in the white house. Shannon what is the Measuring Stick for our obligations ukraine begins and ends . Joe biden said in his state of the Union Address we are there as long as it takes. Shannon, i am going to tell you it should not take that long. We are the Arsenal Of Democracy and frankly the bitE Administration has been providing support to the Ukrainian Military in dribs and drabs they just recently approved the transfer of f16s they promised tanks at back in january. They are still not there. I really do believe what we need is to provide the resources, the equipment, the missile, the aircraft that ukraine needs to repel that russian invasion in a much more a rapi rapid pace in E Administration has done. I am going to continue to champion that but we are the leader of the free world. If america is not leading the free world its not being led on today joe biden has left a vacuum on the world stage. China and russia are working every day to fill. Many more topics to get to we hope you will come back mr. Vice president , thank you for joining us this sunday. Is sure will thank you shannon. Shannon this Labor Day Weekend report card On Bidenomics you are the Vice President talk about there. Were going to talk about it with the president s top economic advisers going to join us life. Do a deep dive out of them from inflation to skyrocketing credit card debt. Why the polls show you at home are not feeling as optimistic as the white house things you should do. We will discuss it all shannon nation celebrates the American Worker tomorrow on labor day. While the new jobs numbers for august offer good news, most americans are unhappy have persistent inflation is getting into th their waltz with all key economic concerns joining us now to discuss Shirt Bernstein sure the White House Council of economic advisers welcome back a fox to send a pic its always a pleasure to be here with you. We always are the polls which right now you guys know are not good for you. The perception of bidenomics the majority of the people tell us to think us make our lives worse use a stick around you gotta wait for the benefits to come. New york times quotes jason who once held the job you now hold he says this its difficult for the bitE Administration to take victory laps over slowing inflation because wages have not kept pace leaving a typical worker about 2000 behind compared to for the pandemic the truth is you are worse off than before you guys took over precooked snow, no, no thats not the truth of exes jason wrong about that . What some explain to my good friend he is a fine economist , jason is doing there. Real wages are up. Thats the first thing to be clear about. Real wages are higher than they were for the pandemic. The for middle and lowwage workers. Shannon for many months they were outpaced by Inflation Bricks wreck the last three or four months inflation wages are rising faster theres good news and buying power for working americans. By the way we got to tell mike pence june 202 22 once a Talking Point back that its he talked about inflation at a 40 year high that was true over a year ago. Its down to third since that 9. 1 that is what he was referring to. Again that is a stale over a year old Talking Point is down 3 progress well ahead of when he took over. It is certainly not the head of wages and that is the key point wages are bidding inflation. Heres what jason did her jason asked what was the trend in wages in 2018 and 19 before the pandemic and he extrapolated that trend forward present the only one to do that. But, what that does it ignores the pandemic. It ignores the Global Supply chain starling leading to a global inflation. It ignores the deep pandemic induced recession. It ignores the fortunes of war on ukraine with the impact on food and energy prices. Look i understand that is what economist going counterfactual i got to live in the real world the real history in the real world they are beating prices that is a very welcome trend. Also welcomed trend good jobs report for august came out too. But the truth is every single month this year the jobs numbers have been revised for a Net Downward Revision everything about this year. What that means is hundreds of thousands of jobs we were told. This year were not created about 30 of what we were told was created did not happen. Our peoples perceptions their reality more in line with the data with whats actually happened than what youre trying to portray . Are two answers that. Personal peoples perceptions are not quite precisely what you say they are all get to that in the Second Period but second of all i dont think theres any good way to massage the statistics to any other conclusion than we have a very strong labor market. 13. 5 million jobs since this president took office, 800,000 in manufacturing. The unemployed rate below 4 for historical amount of time. Shannon is good is we talk about this 13 million jobs the vast majority of those were jobs at a back from code losses it. We have had very strong job growth in this region its historically strong job growth regardless not just covid of the bounce back from kobe perfects about 10 million were covered bounce back progress i dont think you could find a comments other than this is persistently strong labor market with exemplary job growth providing great opportunities for American Workers the thing is these revisions tell you something very important but we have other revisions to gdp that took gdp from two four until two one is a great growth rate its above trend. 187,000 jobs is a great jobs number four at this point in this economic recovery. Again will we have accomplished here is really important its pretty unusual in economics. The strong labor market will take down inflation thats exactly what happened that is unusual as you know. Typically to get that much Inflation Reduction you have to Seat Weakening in the labor market we have not seen that at all. That accomplishment is behind the fact real wages are beating prices contributing to Consumer Spending which continues to come in very strong sustaining the expansion. Uis not without pain though. The fed works on this Interest Rates for an out north of seven for mortgages on firsttime buyers are saying they are priced out they do not see how theyre ever going to own a home for people sitting on hom at hoe sedona so they dont have to because they are lockedin in the 3 range is good for them their headlines everywhere investment is now the Housing Market is stagnant. That is a trouble spot people think they cannot get into homeownership. Quick to make an important point there which is that most people thto inves vast Majority Homeowe locked into Interest Rates well below 7 . That is key. As we discussed before our administration has a deep agenda for doing probably the most important thing in the Housing Market which is increasing the supply of Affordable Housing. We have talked about a proposal we have to extend the low Income Housing tax credit. We talked about pushing back on exclusionary zoning. Some people are actively doing in some of our programs we have got these programs are associated with the Inflation Reduction Act the Infrastructure Low with chips. If you want your bid to get accepted tell us how youre going to build Affordable Housing and key area. So you are Transportation Hub we are getting take up on those proposals. By the way that brings me something also really whats get back to him i think you want to go there to which is this thing i said earlier people are perceiving the economy. You like to give me your post i get that those are real and not discounting them. Let me give you other numbers 82 support tech tapping insolent costs were seen as a 35 a month 81 support giving medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices 79 support Tax Incentives for more Manufacturing Jobs for 77 support capping outofpocket costs on prescription drugs. These are all measures that are in place. These are the components of bidenomics when someone tells you americans do not like bidenomics it is false. Americans approve of the components above 80 . That is because these measures are helping to do it President Biden has long sought to do with this economy. Build it from the middle out on the bottom up soap middle income people have a fair shake progress why things packed and that lets talk about other numbers. The average Mortgage Price people are paying now is more than double that when you guys took office. We had a record of 1 trillion in credit card debt. People blown through savings they had during covid. 61 tell us they are living paycheck to paycheck is that bidenomics . Some of this we have to do some Fact Checking the average mortgage is not as you represented Progress Payments have doubled . Has fabled new mortgages the average mortgage you have to consider nine out of 10 people have locked in a mortgage well below 7 . The average mortgage has not at all got up that much at all because most peoples mortgage has not changed. Shannon he talked about people turning into low Income Housing you are encouraging if they cannot afford a 7 mortgage there not going to get into any house. This is why we need to continue our efforts to expand for the housing. We have to Work Together with congress. Congressional democrats are there pewter Congressional Republicans need to get there. I mentioned we also have a series of grants and loans i will not tick off the acronyms. The increase the supply of Affordable Housing. This involves a pursestrings we have to do this in a fiscally responsible way it needs to be paid for in our budget. We have 150 billion devoted exclusively to increasing Affordable Housing. If that is what we want both sides have to Work Together to get there. Parks want to talk or something we talked about throughout the show today the id of the new Funding Request involves ukraine blinds of domestic aid tied to that right now and maui the losses in that disaster four 6 billiondollar range. Theres been a lot of consternation from books in thea ground for the federal response. Now the time of ukraine fund said rubio is among those singer Holding Americans hostage. Why not split these two question at the president says he wont do it but why not . Know it is holding anyone hostage. We are trying to do is address extremely pressing measures. I am an economist i dont get why theyre playing politics on this. Especially when i hear overwhelming bipartisan support i heard some of us are mike pence in your interview with him for taking these measures. Helping people have been hurt by Extreme Weather events. That is typically not a problem for congress. Typically has again overwhelming bipartisan support same with support for ukraine. Theres a group of Congressional Republicans cannot seem to get out of the way of majority on both sides. This should be a nobrainer help people who have been hurt pretty shown the pictures today they are compelling we know people are going through. Get out of the way but do the right thing. Do your job and pass the supplemental so we can get people the help they need support ukraine against putins brutal attack its that simple prayer. Herding cats on capitol hill as you know is very difficult. Always appreciate your time thank you for coming. So by the way to those disasters that allows the red cross to respond right away to disasters they provide safe shelter, hot meals, emotional support of resources for eight and recovery but if you want to help join us is redcross. Org fox afford or scan the qr code its right there on the screen a little right there in the middle or brendas number showed another record breaking them up illegal immigration or southern border countering the white house claims it is stopping the flow. Cap next our sunday panel way send us some democrat lawmakers some of the most Progressive Fortune 500 leaders are calling on President Biden to get the board under control. Do you ever feel dehydrated and need to feel better quickly . Liquid labs from force factor hydrates better and faster than water alone. And, liquid labs is delicious, easy to use and affordable. Rush to walmart and find liquid labs in the vitamin aisle. Chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. With up to 13 camera views. And the z71 offroad package. You ok . Yeah. Any truck can help you make a living. This one helps you build a life. Chevy silverado. Any plan that does not include company flowed the borders a failed plan. If the National Leaders are saying we are not going to stop the flow, that is a failed plan. Shannon new york mayor eric adam slammed the white house as he struggles to house more than 100,000 migrants and counting. Time now for our sunday group howard kurtz at media critic coast of media buzz on Fox News Channel but from a state a permit spokesperson marie harsha. Marc in project 21 chairman. Welcome to all gone this holiday weekend. We appreciate your time being here. He says eric adams are not stopping the flow at the border. When pressed by our peter doocy this week and breathing press secretary Karine Jeanpierre said we are stopping the flow of the border. But heres the Washington Post headline thursday. Families across the u. S. Border illegally reached an alltime high in august. So how we, we may be getting one thing but the numbers tell Something Else pick which of the democratic mayor of new york city constantly criticizing the border policy you got a problem as administration. When President Biden abandoned the old trump policy at the numbers went down for a little while but now if the recordbreaking surge many of them families it is a Giant Albatross around the president s neck. Even theres been a lot of arrests its a program to allow people from countries like cuba and haiti to come in illegally. That is tied up in the courts and i would just say this is a very, very difficult situation. Everybody knows the border is a mess and they are blaming the incumbent. Thirtysix something your menstruation was with the Trump Pence Administration that a deal with it as well. What we hear is this. There are now Business Leaders saying signing onto letters youve got to do better so governor hogle from new york has been critical publicly she was at the white house. The president made within the press secretary said hes got a loalot of his play hes busy. To how his point is not just the mayor of new york its its democrats along the border in and arizona as well. When the biggest element theres a lot of focus on the border wall and for good reason. I think when the most impactful policies was remade in mexico policy that said because we are overwhelmed then if you get cleared come in but not until then. That was the biggest impact for the bitE Administration on day one overturn that Policy It Led to this disaster and its not letting up anytime soon. Shannon in your letter out signatures and be by jimmy dimon, thing we urge you to get things under control at the border put the federalist says this, wealthy democrats aided and abetted the Biden Border Crisis and now they are whining about it. As long as the chaos estate andn crisis data south Texas Democrats and deep blue uncle is like new york, chicago, los angeles were happy to talk to anyone who claimed there was a problem at the border Preview Complaint or propose solutions you were a racist. Marie, the piece goes on to say shelters are bound capacity this is showing up in blue cities in their homes, their neighborhoods, their workplaces. And now they want in the den about it. First i would say the fact so many migrants are being apprehended is a good thing for the Border Patrol has had more funding for their actually finding people to do so. Second, a lot of democrats represent Border States in bordandborder districts. Because on the ground there there is not uniform agreement that republican policy should take the day. I know republicans talk a lot about the border and thought they are seen as tough a bit on the ground often democrats end up winning the ballot box. The final point i will make is this is a problem for the bitE Administration knows that. We talked about democrats beyond the Biden Administration also talk about that. This is one issue will republicans in this primary are so extreme it. Give ron desantis on the debate states you unilaterally take Military Action in mexico to go after this issue. That is not a serious policy. This is one place the biden team will say this is a hard problem we need congress to act. We need to do more to stem the tide republicans are not seriously actually talking about real policies here. That leaders in the rePublican Party donaparty donald trump, rn desantis, Vivek Ramaswamy it highlights extremism of the republican primary in such a tough issue. Shannon is cancel city have talked about the policies you may not like them but they talked but what they would do. Absolute they are. September 11 is right around the corner. If a Rudy Giuliani had been saying i am worried there are serious threats that we face by foreign nationals that could in instantly assault our country. He did not make that claim because he was not aware of that. We have mayors now making concerns and washingt washingd other sources indicate record numbers of foreign nationals who identified National Security risks are coming in. If we were to have, god forbid, have some sort of attack that is a result of this you would not see what george bush saw where he gained in the upcoming Midterm Election control is in a state senate and easily ran for reelection. Yoyou see devastation political. So harm and political risk. This is where this is going right now. Shannon is a real families real people caught in the middle of this thing. You see the images is heart breaking at the border and the cities when it ended up on the streets. Meanwhile the ministration is taking criticism for ho halley s responded to various disasters that. I want to play something mrs. Ohio senator and also President Biden talking about why he has not gotten to Feast T The Palace Scene just yet. You compare what is happening in east the palace scene and maui see a guy who promised he ran for president saying he would bring decency and empathy back to the oval office. Donald trump showed up and joe biden never did. Have not had the occasion to go to East Palestine theres a lot going on here and i have not been able to break. President s cant be everywhere but to at least pronounce the name of the town correctly for people have been waiting for him to show up is not play well for. It doesnt and he should have been there before noaa cant say it hasnt come up in his schedule has been on vacation for quite a bit of august. It is a black mark on thE Administration they have not been there. I think as well crisis we are talking about at the border, it is a horrific commencing crisis we have not talked about with the fentanyl issues tutoring to families in america. The fact everyone knows at this point a child a young person has died from fentanyl, it needs to be addressed it cannot continue to be ignored. Shannon how would you think the press is going to hone in on this with President Biden, the fact he has not made it yet to ohio . They take the explanation im too busy to me other things on my plate records he read the issue it has been so long since that toxic train disaster. When president s complainant to o maui, glad you went to florida, at south are going to suddenly change the policy. The president and showing that he cares he cares enough to go you the balance that with not just corrupting ongoing efforts there five days after the absolute disaster in maui biden did not talk about it at all or would put out statements hes got a great pulpit he is described as a man of great empathy but he needs to use that more and sometimes you need to get on Air Force One and go and show thE Administration is trying to do everything he can to help the victims. Shannon marie is that fair . Optics been on this world on the Campaign Trail count for a lot Progress Optics to count for a lot joe bidens widely seen as a sympathizer and chief when voters even if they do not agree with him meet him in some very tough situations that are going to they often say he was very comforting, he was very supportive. At the end of the day that what they actually need is federal Disaster Relief from washington. The federal fund for that is running out of money because we have had so many natural disasters. Many prompted by increasing Climate Change i will note as well. We are running out of money. So the president goes there and talks of these people what he could do besides bringing empathy is money to up rebuild their communities. He has asked congress for billions more to refinance the Disaster Relief and i Hope Congress votes for it. Not to pick on ron desantis too much when he was in congress he voted against funding for Hurricane Sandy and now he needs it for the federal government republicans love to do this they vote against Disaster Relief until the state needs it. Thisll be interesting part of the upcoming government funding, how much money do we have for places like maui, places like florida . Im disappointed the government governor did not see President Biden is in the Natur The Naturr for political reasons. He didnt criticize them. Chris a precedent i will criticize him and biden didnt your right too. Oftentimes and shoot site there are many other things tight up in these packages. And now we got it tied to ukraine the people like you mentioned earlier senator rubio who is down in the middle of this disaster in florida saying you are Holding Americans hostage me so he can only get domestic Disaster Funding if youre going to give me 24 billion were for ukraine. My old boss used to say caring about people is the key to success in washington. If you can think that. I was going to say it. [laughter] i am not sure. [laughter] this president has even been faking it. He does not want to go through the motions and the American People are able to tell. This juxtaposition of ukraine and american domestic is the exact worst mixture possible. Shannon are at present biden not a good figure we will leave it there for a penalty not to farm and got more in a minute. A reminder for Foxbusiness Network is your home for the second 2024 republican primary debate. We will co moderate the debate live from the president ial foundation. And the institute in simi valley, california september 27 get it on your counter. The debate will cut simulcast on Fox News Channel. Up next President Biden pushing a new covid booster shot created by big pharma. Reportedly with no Human Studies or testing completed. The president says it works and it is necessary. But there is some doctors who are not convinced. We have to present to congress. [inaudible] a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works. Shannon present biden late last week laying out his plan for call on congress to pass more funding for newco in vaccine as cases across the nation on the rise again here we are backed out with the panel. Doctor marty mckay from john hopkins our viewers will be very familiar with him. Wrote a piece of Wall Street Journal this week he said is this our new Drug Approval process . There are no human Outcomes Data on our new shout with the food and Drug Administration is expected to approve the next two weeks and are binding normal scientific and regulatory process erodes public trust. He notes 20 of american the public got taken the last booster last time around but the government spent 5 billion on it millions a month of doses had been thrown away. I am not sure people know its not been tested on humans. Is interesting about that data because it is concentrated. Went to my doctor in virginia i spent most of my time in texas. My doctor told me that almost all of his patients are taking it. When i go back to texas i cannot find a person that is taking it. This construct, where in washington everybody thanks this is what youre supposed to do and it is normal. There are americans all across the country and they wonder why are we following the normal protocols . That give us the kind of assurance . That may explain why so few people outside of the east coast and west coast or any of taking it. Shannon dr. Faucis out there talking about this also, the chatter about the new cases and that new shot weather mask and mandates are going to come back. Heres what he said yesterday. I think people need to realize it is extremely unlikely you are going to see a mandate for example from the cdc which has no authority to mandate anything with regard to masks. They can only recommend it. Shannon how we come a lot of skeptics as a cdc only recommends things. But that for millions and minds of people mandates on shots, masks, all kinds of things the last couple of years have fallen out of love many of them with the cdc. I cannot believe her still talk about covid pareto at least a half a dozen people who have gotten it and its a milder version. As far as it masks or at lockdowns, the consensus is so radically moved. Looking back now when we know a lot more there is a feeling that these were failures by and large. Not necessarily every single case. I dont think well see any rational politicians they were going to order this you have to take the shot you have to get a mask or you cant go to school, go to work, whatever it is. I think that would be political track and see a want to make truth to the other topic that this week the senate is back in session lisa Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell head of the public episode raising concerns about his health, his doctor said hes fine he has cleared him. But let me give you nikki haleys take on this she is talking not just about him but other lawmakers here in d. C. It is sad but no one should feel good about seeing that. Anymore than we should feel good about seeing a Dianne Feinstein put any that we should see good of it whats happening or seeing joe bidens are quite what i will say right now the senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country. Shannon is a conversation both parties have to have they both have very prominent senior members who have questions about their ability to do their jobs. First i want to say i had covered for 18 days early this month it was not mild, it was not fun we should get the updated vaccines if you are able to healthwise because we have gone through this every time we talked about new boosters with omicron who their chestnut who they are not the reason were in the middle of a surge more people are not in the hospitals because because a vaccine actreo say that having lived through covid fairly recently. On the issue of health in congress, i dont think were ever going to get to that moment that will never actually passed bpasswould never get a constitul amendment. What i dont know is where the evil are the politicians lives these families, spouses of the members of Leadership O Other members of their party because it is quite frankly sad to see what people like Mitch Mcconnell, Dianne Feinstein, cochran, we have witnessed a lot of these folks over the years there something to be said for having people in congressmans additional knowledge who have learned the issues who have been there for years i know for example how to get bills passed how to work with the other side. But it is sad when you see some of these politicians who do not look like theyre operating at full strength. Last thing ill say is we need more transparency. Joe bidens position puts out full reports of his physicals. We need more transparency from a think Mitch Mcconnells doctor and doctors who treat some of these politician provokes Dianne Feinstein progress absolutely put out i would agree with thas well. Wall strewalter journal said the leaders are chosen by their poly guard is the best position to judge mr. Mcconnells continuing ability if they think mr. Mcconnell could still be effective leader increasing fractious gop senate conference, they say should say the job progress i totally agree the reality is that there Senate Republicans can choose their own that they can choose a different leader anytime they want. Do not think Mitch Mcconnell situation is comparable frankly to the severe dementia Dianne Feinstein is struggling with right now. As far as Manager Retirement Age or some federal rule i look for to nikki haley calling for Chuck Grassley to retire sometime soon. [laughter] 89 is still going very strong. Politicians and up to give up our progress of the notes at present bu bunch apart its conversation two. Washington post Opinion Piece is calling on all of these lawmakers to be transparent and bare they are at they note this White House Press secretary risley said the president during an appearance on cnn it is hard for us to keep up with this president which is in line she uses a lot. They go on to states externally difficult to believe the jeanpe her peers being good health in her 40s is having a hard time keeping up with an 80yearold biden if she really means what she saying maybe she should see a doctor too. [laughter] look, this whole conversation makes me think that in washington d. C. What we need is a crypt keeper instead of someone who is checking to see who is healthy and who is not. We are looking at the oldest senate that we have seen in 100 plus years, maybe ever. We know how the president of the United States was the oldest president ever. I am not saying we need a rule. Im not saying when you constitutional moment but i am saying in a nation this large with this many types of people with skills, cant we get people in office who brings in energy, youth and vibrance quest reports there are some out there making the best argument for them. We also lost a couple of legends this week it seems many of us sort of surprisingly soon jimmy buffet and also governor Bill Richardson entertainment politics, marie governor richardson was a shock for a lot of people. His time after government that really won him so many accolades as well because that is what is so amazing and negotiating with these hostile terrible regimes to get american citizens home savings of north korea, russia, with Brittney Griner after he was in office played such a key role during the really hard work of diplomacy often the u. S. Government cannot do officially. What a tragedy is very sad when i saw that yesterday. Shannon in most of us were shocked to hear Jimmy Buffett was a sick as he was regrets i was married to somehow do not have margaritas and is part of the discussion regrets as a fill up my apartment should had margaritas. Everybody kno knows him those songs. Everybody knows his voice but what surprised me and reading some of the obituaries is he became fabulously wealthy se package disenfranchised about the beach lifestyle, key west, taking it easy. He got to the point he worried he was no longer Jimmy Buffett the guy sitting there with a mai tai and the hat under the sun. He tried to stay in touch with his roots at the end. Shannon he has given all of us anthems for summer and beyond. And during the break we will work on those margaritas. Panel, thank you very much with you next sunday paid by the lewis i and the gray special coming up next week as i mark one year theo and Fox News Sunday. Details on our special guest and what we have got next week, up next shannon a quick note, my podcast, living the bream, dropped brand new this morning. I sat down with jackie between to talk about how she juggles it all with gods grace. Its all in a brand new book, or her mission to live free. Hear all of todays program on the Fox News Sunday podcast, download and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Dont miss the best moments of the show on Fox News Sunday, always set your dvr or subjects, 2 p. M. Eastern, on Fox News Channel. Be sure to tune in next week, weve got a special, state of education in america. Were going to do a report card on the School System in the midst of plummeting test scores following covid remote learning. All of those things in the class classroom, youre going to hear from participants, kids and teachers who have tried public schools, home schools, all of it. Our guests include Virginia Governor glenn youngkin, he joins us live next week on Fox News Sunday. That is it for us today. Thanks for joining us. Im shannon bream, have a great week. We will see you for that special show next Fox News Sunday. Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend. Mark hello america im mark levin. This is special Labor Day Weekend edition of life, liberty and levin. We have a great show for you. Well revisit some of the wonderful guests we had on, and hard working and patriotic, and are great representatives of the country. But before we do that, what

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