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That nordstrom might be swedish for free stuff. Roll it. The crowd ransacked the shop stealing a hundred grand worth of designer goods. Wait a minute, this is not the right video. Thats chicago from last week. Thats the mob that looted a 711. I didnt think nordstrom sold beef jerky. Can we roll the right one, please . Go ahead. All right. So in la last week 50 criminals wait a second. Thats not la either. Thats philly. Thats 100 kids took a wawa apart. Thats the last time i let you guys smoke weed at the production meeting. Lets try it again. So out in california for gods sake. Whos working the video today . Kilmeade . Thats california but its from Glendale Last week when a Mob Lookeded 300 Grant from an ease st. Laurent store. All right, theres nordstrom. Oh, that was long. By now though you do get the point. This video looks so familiar, hunter biden should hit on it. Another mob another ransacking, the only difference this time Security Guards tried to intervene but the thieves used bear spray to drive them away. Bear spray i guess that will be locked up now as well. And thanks to those jerks law abiding sit sense wont be able to get the spray they need. [phone ringing] jody, whats the good word, huh . Can you believe this . Bear spray is sold out everywhere and my nanas birthday is three weeks away. Not like you need to use it though right . Bear attacks are the rarest on the planet g luck thanks for the honey. Yeah. Oh, my god a bear if only i had some kind of spray. [cheers and applause] greg didnt see that one coming at all. Anyway, i also had a front row seat myself to scenes like we saw this weekend during the 2020 Summer Of Love when thieves decided what they actually loved was ransacking shops. Id never seen that level of criminality and Lindsey Lohan lived in my building. So you have to wonder, what causes all this organized lookeding . We go to the expert. I bet they have to go out and feed their child and they dont have money. Theyre put in a position where they feel like they either need to shop lift some bread or go hungry that night. Greg well, thats dangerously stupid. So heres the scary part. Why is it that when a largely whiteattended event goes bad its one and done. And i dont mean my last Birthday Party when tom shillue jumped out of the cake. Take charlottesville. Thats largely white, if i remember. And it was gross and disgusting. Did it repeat . Nope. There was universal revolition and condemnation. Just like my honeymoon. The same thing, though, happened on jan 6th. What made that so bad is it was so jarring, an exception to the rule for any dems that might have tuned in by accident. It lasted six hours, not days or weeks. What about other events with rasht components that turn violent. As in looting mobs. Its a story so common we can just replay old videos. Why is this so common . Because its obviously being imitated the. People in general will imitate behavior if its incentivized and allowed. Lets compare. In charlottesville, condemnation, right . Not incentivized, and so not imitated. The 2020 floyd riots, incentivized by refusal to criminal ice despite billions in damage and at least 25 deaths. You have a future vp setting up a bail fund for looters, money that should have gone to hiring her a speech coach. And so it continued, imitated. The point being the media and its acc lights cannot deny blacks their rights to imitate bad behavior while they inform blacks imitating productive behavior is selling out to the oh presenters. Black youth are encouraged to imitate bad behavior. You dont see Little League coaches showing their teams endless clips of the mets. [laughter] greg i didnt write that joke. I dont know anything about baseball so dont come at me over there. There are people leaving in mets jerseys. So what will the dems say in theyll say its about systemic oppression. Whatever. Thats less a policy than a Fortune Cookie and with this administration theres really no difference. Sometimes i think they get most of their ideas from panda express. But blaming the oh pressors or as always all whites means one cannot or wont accept them as worthy of imitation. Which is sad, because, boy, do you miss out on the excellence of individuals. But if you onto use the group filter of oh presser versus oppressed, you cant see individuals and how they act and achieve, which makes it impossible to imitate their good behavior. Will there still be injustices . Of course and that sucks but you dont let it own you. Instead use all the tools you learned, the things you imitate from others who are successful to reach success. I guarantee right now jimmy kimmel is watching a Rerun Of My Last show for the 58th time and asking, how the [bleep] is this dwarf doing it . Thats imitation. [cheers and applause] greg but its only the media academic complex that assumes black as a group can only follow bad xavrms and that assumption guaranties more young black folks will do it because doing anything else is seen as embracing whitey. We need to expand their horizons, their choices, their examples for excellence. All you hear about is the carrot or the stick when in reality i prefer a carrot the size of a stick and then beat looters with it. Period greg lets welcome tonights guests if this is what pain looks like call me a massist. Host of making money on fox business, Charles Payne [cheers and applause] greg she suffered five years at the peoples republic of espn, outkick host Charly Arnolt [cheers and applause] greg his safe space is a good Will Donation Bid Founder of the loftus party. Com, Michael Loftus [cheers and applause] greg and finally, parents sell their kids to finish their dinner because there are starving people at fox. Kat saw where that was going. Greg Fox News Contributor kat timpf [cheers and applause] greg charles, great to see you. You look as dapper as always ithank you. Greg i feel bad for Michael Loftus because this is what real people dress like. Michael i love that suit. Charles thank you, thank you. Have to feel the fab refresh your recollection super 150. Greg you dont want him to touch it. Charles oh. Never mind ill tell but it later. Greg why isnt this stopping . What do you think of my theory that imitation is behind this or do you think theres Something Else . Charles theres a lot behind it. By the way im surprised he came to me first on this. Let me just tell you my quick own personal experience. So i grew up around the country, around the world, first part of my childhood, as an army brat. My parents separated, we moved to harlem in the 70s and i can tell you the blackout of 1977 in New York City was amazing. It was the my neighborhood was the hardest hit looting. And, i mean, im out there understand, im looking out the window and people are stealing stuff that i wanted so bad. I seen a Guy Running Down The Block with a boom box. I was looking at this boom box for four years. For four years, im like, oh, my god. [laughter]. Charles then theres a wool worth three blocks away, for some reason they took the time ex watch display which used to be about six feet tall. They carried it from three blocks away and dropped it right in front of my building. All the watches. To this day i have a fixation. You should see my watch collection. Its true. Greg i get it. Charles thats it. So the whole time im asking my mom can i please go loot, please . And she said no. She kept saying no, you cant loot. I finally in the morning when she fell asleep i did go out for some crumbs, it was bad. I went to a tom mccann shoe store down in the Basement Pitch Block i grabbed a big ass box, i was like i got something, i move, people grabbing it, i go up, i open it up it was those big shoe horns. So, you know, the thing is, youre taught in black neighborhoods that youre oppressed and this is okay, you know, that this system hates you so any opportunity you get to exact revenge, fine. Its not just the media, its the education systems, everyone else, people who should be trying to help you who are the ones actually hurting you. Im telling you right now, whats happening in this country, politicians in general are seducing people to doing this, particularly black kids. Its heart breaking. Its scary. But it just shows, its another example along with the poor education and other things that they do not want black people to do well in this country. And you have to wake up to see who really is on your side and who isnt. The people like my mom who said hell no, youre not going to go loot, is who you want on your side. Greg yeah. Amen [cheers and applause] greg charly, mayor bass, i think its bass not bass. Who cares. She said this kind of behavior is unacceptable. But if it were unacceptable, it wouldnt happen. Havent the policies made it so that its acceptable . You can go in and steal 900 bucks. Charly its interesting because you have some mayors calling it acceptable but then you have for example the mayor of chicago who wont even refer to it as a riot, instead calls it a large gathering. Which thats not a large gathering. Its a picnic. Charly yeah like a barbecue in your backyard for labor day is a large gathering. Its interesting how politicians will say it because they dont want to say the wrong thing. Thats the problem, in chicago as weve seen just this weekend there was a concert in chicago, little dirk concert, i have no idea what little dirk sings but a warning of an active shooter in the building, people freaked out started running from their seats and most sensible people you would imagine would run straight out the doors. There was a lot of younger people who were there who decided to just start raiding the merch stand. Youre seeing this in all different situations. Greg dirk merch i. Charly dirk merch. Greg i would not risk my life over dirk merch. You have to look at where theyre reselling it whether online or somewhere else. I make fun of Michael Loftus a lot and god knows he deserves it. But, in many ways, youre a hero. Because no matter how low your life gets or down and out when you were living, you know, crumb to crumb on the highways with your little bindle on the box cars, you never loot. Michael no. Not even if theres like cans of beans like lying by the side we dont. The hobo code. [laughter] michael the Looting Thing is farcical now. Almost in a weird way comedic and ive been waiting to say this a long time, im so jealous. I actually wrote about this in my book, neither stunning nor brave, about the mass looting. Because there are no consequences. Theres not. Like you have fat girls looting now. Right . Thats insulting. Theyre not even worried about theyre going to have to run. Theyre like, im going to hit nordstroms, hit the i will inhaler and then hit the buffet. Greg i dont want to join in on this. Michael yes you do. Greg there is video, we did it on the show, of two giant women and the assumption is that no ones going to chase them. Michael right. Which is why some of these stores, heres what we should do. This is patriotic. Greg what . Michael you put a plaque on the store, instead of like play like champions, anybody caught shoplifting automatically enlists in the ukrainian freedom army. Right . So you just catch a couple dudes, big girls, put them on a plane and say hey, you won a trip to the ukraine. Greg you know, i dont know if thats constitutional, kat. Michael she doesnt believe inlaws. Greg thats true kat no. Just not most laws greg what do you make do you get the sense that retail is dead when Insurance Companies dont care . Kat thats the thing youre saying how does the looting keep going. I dont understand how stores keep going. Because like even before this stores passed their heyday a long time ago. Ive never gone to store its easier to shop on line but it is its not easier to steal on line. So i dont understand. How many people are visiting the store to make this kind of Thing Worth It t only time im in a store is when i get something online that doesnt fit and i have to go to store because the store is at least better than the post office which is not a compliment. Greg you go to the store if youre using cash, right . So there is a a lot of people in those neighborhoods, ie not your neighborhood, of course, who need cash. You have a credit card kat yeah. Greg a lost neighborhoods have credit cards, they have cash kat i dont think those people are using cash. Greg im talking about stores. Stores say open in some neighborhoods for people who cant go online but i dont know. Charly but everythings locked up in some of the stores like even in the frozen food section you cant even get a frozen pizza. Charles can i add to the big girl thing . Greg yeah. Charles so i come out of tom mccann and i got nothing. Shoehorn what am i going to do. I look across the street at the singer store now no one at my family sewed but What The Hell the grates are ripped down. I go in the singer store theres nothing. All of a sudden the cops show up. And they werent arresting anyone but they were whooping ass so they were just like, just like im like oh boy. How the hell do i get out of here. I saw this girl about 400 pounds, i was like uhoh, and i just eased right ow. Youll appreciate this. She was like a tackle and i scooted off and i went home said i learned my lesson. Mom, you were right. Greg that is so plus what do you call that . Body positive what he just did . Michael yes, he was empowering that young lady. Charles she saved my life. Greg she saved your life. Michael and your reputation. Greg Unsung Heroes only here. Up next was she really contrite for assessing out on that flight . Favorite story. [cheers and applause] oi ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating . Or push through the pain and symptoms . 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[speaker] but Wounded Warrior project helps you realize its possible to get out there [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. [narrator] through Generous Community support, weve connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and Mental Health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and Life Skill Training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. Greg she wants her life back after freaking out on the tarmac. I speak of tiffany gomez. Her, the 38yearold marketing exec seen in this outragesmen Airlines Incident from last month. Roll. Im getting the [bleep] off and theres a reason why im getting the [bleep] off and everyone can either believe it or they cannot believe it. I dont give two [bleep]s, but i am telling you right now, that [bleep], that [bleep] back there is not real. Much and you can sit on this plane and you can [bleep] die with him or not. Im not going to. Bye. Greg wow. And all i did was take off my shoes. Those corns are hideous. But i havent heard language like that since i forgot to return judge jeanines chain saw. But now for the first time were seeing what happened after. This is amazing, after she got off the plane, its pretty wild. Heres new bodycam footage from the cops who met her inside the airport and shes dead serious when she warns, do not let that flight leave. Do not let that flight leave. Do not let that flight leave. Im being dead serious, do not let that flight leave. That flights not going to make it to orlando. Its not going to. Not making it to orlando. That flight is not make it to orlando. You sound crazy. Oh, yeah, until yall see that flight blowup. Well, that flight didnt blowup but she did. If she needs a fresh start in marketing, i hear theyre hiring at bud light. Charly oh, no. Greg but over the weekend she apologized and said she wants to use this as a teachable moment about Mental Health. So just to review, the crazy plane lady wants to teach us about Mental Health. Thats like having President Biden teach us how to ride a bike. [cheers and applause] greg anyway, any way you put it, it gets applause. Lets watch. My use of profanity was completely unnecessary, and i want to apologize to everyone on that plane, especially those that had children aboard. We all have our bad moments, and some far worse than others, and mine happened to be caught on camera for the whole world to see. I hope that i can use this experience, and do a little bit of good in the world, and that is what i intend to do. I hope that you guys can accept my apology, and i can begin to move on with my life. Greg move on. Thats all Fine And Dandy but heres the thing she said it was going to blow up and they were all going to diane talked about someone who wasnt real. I mean, i make a very similar speech to everyone before using a public toilet, but this is a very, very specific freakout. And i want to know what shes talking about. So she really wants to help, maybe get specific about what caused the meltdown. Lets say someone had a glass or two of rose maybe popped a xanax or two, not that ive ever done it, lets say if one were to do that, i want to make sure im not going to see any unreal [bleep] on the plane. Kat obviously she watches her show took your ad vice as a Marketing Executive but she apologized over profanity. She tried to stop a plane didnt go to jail kat she got it all wrong. She was like im going to use this, i was like yes, yes meltdown glow up. She didnt do anything. She was supposed to announce she was launching a Youtube Channel or a consult or something. And i am so people would believe it. I am so sick of her pretending that she doesnt know what we want from her. Greg right kat we dont want an apology. We want to know who the [bleep] was that was not real. Because now im mad at her. She think shes being willfully obtuse. We dont want to hear youre story we want to know if you did anything wrong. Maybe did you see somebody. Just get on there and be like, you know what . Ambien. Explain it somehow. Listen we have all been there, because i have not been there. Greg i have. I once woke up from a flight and everybody had moved. Im not joking. That happened on a trans atlantic flight. But ill just stop there, charly. Because i need to ask you something about the fact that she turned her social media back on and so instead of seeing her sad, there are all these pictures of her out partying and hang not partying but having a good time. Isnt that the opposite of what a marketing exec should be showing, a more serious look . I dont know. Charly maybe thats who she actually is though. Maybe we did just capture in her worst moment. I am fascinated by it. But what i think is really interesting is how everyones developing even more Conspiracy Theories right . There is all these what did she see on the flight, whats going on. Now theyre like wait a second, she doesnt look the same as she did on the flight on the video. Im like you should see me on the flight i look nothing like i do right now so i totally get that. It goes a step further people are looking at the ip address from where she posted from. Wait a second this isnt your normal Home Ip Address i dont know what this means but theyre saying maybe this is a Government Server or ai. Greg shes gone now kat i have another one. Greg what kat she was flying to a Family Reunion and she didnt want to go. Greg i like this one. God knows where she is. Mike at its another time to compliment you. If this were you, would the cops have let you go . Look how youre dressed and you came out like hey the planes going down. Imagine Michael Loftus getting on of the plane going theres something on the plane thats going down do you think theyre going to let you walk . Thats lookism. They let her go because she has curves and you have body lice. Michael used to greg, that was two days ago. Theres something about this girl. I cant stop thinking about her being the new Marketing Executive for bud light. Thats a Great Campaign add. That is not my [bleep] real beer. Kat yeah michael its not a real woman. Anybody who drinks anything else is going to [bleep] die. That would be outstanding. Greg she should come onto our part Second Chances with host greg gutfeld on Second Chances andly discuss her Second Chance. Charles to you. Charles i agree i thought she was going to announce her only fans page. And i also believe, it felt like a Hostage Video to me. I think the [bleep] was the one with the teleprompter making her read that. So now we can find out that ip address, were going to find out who he was talking to. He called her over, were going to fix this right now, read this. Because even that didnt feel real. Greg what was her first day of work like when she gets back. Charly does she still have her job. Greg i dont know because she didnt do any she did make a bomb threat. Charly she did a few things wrong. Greg she did. I would love to know what she works on but well find out when we do Second Chance was greg gutfeld. Welcome back. Up next, ramaswamy wraps to the beat as ron whips up an excellent treat. Heart doesnt pump enough blood. So my doctor gave me farxiga. Farxiga it helps my heart do its job better. Farxiga helps keep me living life. And out of the hospital for heart failure. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, Urinary Tract or genital Yeast Infections in women and men and low blood sugar. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. A rare lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. More time with her . Sounds good to me. 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Its coming your way, hey hey, its video of the day greg yeah [cheers and applause] greg todays video of the day, no judgment on whether we like it or not, comes to us from vivek ramaswamy, performing at the Iowa State Fair. Roll it. Back to reality, oop there goes gravity greg its amazing even a hindu person can be too white. Not to be outdone, fellow candidate ron desantis was also at the Iowa State Fair but he was handing out hard boiled eggs on sticks. Im sorry. Actually, thats whiter. Charly, i was thinking about this. You know, he could only rap whats his name . Eminem, because eminem doesnt say the n word. That would have put him in a big he couldnt have done nwas straight out of come ton that would have been as the left say problematic. Charly this is one of his favorite songs he says, in fact i was going through twitter and says he would make the circuits in the Open Mic Tonights At Harvard and this is one of the songs he would sing and his stage nays was devik so he has an alter ego. I respected this so much because i love eminem and also think vivek is charismatic and a good spiel to rip out at the Iowa State Fair because a lot of politicians tharnt cool so i liked seeing that side of him. Greg i would rather him whip that out. What is going on charles . Were watching desantis just kind of fade and vivek. Charles that was embarrassing. Desantis its desperation time if hes in iowa he needs to castrate a cow in front of everyone. You need to step up my man. This egg on a stick thing . No. Kat is it a thing . Charly no. Greg do you think it was a prank on him kat thats what i was thinking. Greg Governor Desantis get over here youre going to give away hard boiled eggs on a stick. Charles as far as vivek i like him but he would have been better off singing Tennessee Whiskey because outside of the reporters the people were like. Greg hes 18 at the time, this is kind of what kids in College Listen to, so its not even in my opinion its not edgy at all. It would be like me listening to the ramones. Michael he had a great instinct, really good instinct, the song comes on hes like i love that song. He starts rapping. But then theres that moment and the comedian knows, im going to try something new and the audience isnt into that like whats he doing. Thats when you pull back and like all right, thank you so much. Just wave it off and go, im going to go put some sticks in some eggs. Its over. And the egg on a stick thing, ive never seen i grew up in ohio, state fair, never seen egg on a stick. Thats sabotage on the desantis campaign. Greg i think youre right. Michael right. Greg its funny, every time people go to these fairs they have to eat a corn dog too big for their mouths. Remember they did that to whats her face. I cant remember her name i just remember the corn dog in her mouth. Michael pay less than . Charly what an image. Greg palin jr. Michael kamala harris. Greg forget it. Kat youre an expert in eminem but not rapping when youre rapping over a rapper but its just singing along kat yes, it is. I love eminem i know every single word to The Real Slim Shady you have no idea how many people have had the misfortune of having me prove it so im completely on his side. People that are making fun of him, he didnt think this was good. He wasnt like im so good. He was having fun. And inthats upset about him having fun are upset at themselves because theyre afraid of everything fun and theyre going to make fun of them. People are going to make fun of them no matter what you do. Its no big deal. Also i rapped karaoke for years and there must be a video somewhere so i am partially covering my own ass yes. Charly i had an a capella moment where i was on stage and rapped tupacs changes just solo so i have a little bit of respect on my name, too. Greg youre covering yourself as well kat no, my karaoke man was Afro Man Crazy Rap and you know what that is youll be disgusted with me and if you dont dont look it up. Michael by the way they just told me castrate a bull, not a cow. Greg i didnt want to point that out but i was getting there. Charly kari lake taught us that earlier this week. Greg glad we cleared that up. We get a lot of letters from the farming community, very angry often written in cold milk. Michael thats dangerous. Thats what that woman read on the plane before she tripped. Greg yes, that man is not real. Woking up sorry. Coming up, woke bile in the candy aisle. What is wrong with me . [cheers and applause] limu emu doug what do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh . Bye, uncle limu. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Type 2 diabetes . Discover the ozempic® trizone. In my ozempic® trizone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. And you may lose weight. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. Ozempic® isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. Dont share needles or pens, or reuse needles. Dont take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. 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Like we knew. And then it gets oddly specific with the black trans lives matter. Greg yeah. Michael are they going to take turns . Is everybody going to get their own candy eventually . Greg i dont know. It was highly specific, kat. Have you done a deep dive into this story, like i havent . [laughter] kat no. Greg i know almost nothing about this but i have the rage flowing in my veins kat yeah, i actually did do a deep dive on it because i take my job seriously. No. I mean, people say theyre going to boycott, i dont do the boycott thing, whatever. But also, Boy Cog Skittles is part of a huge company that owns A Bunch Of Stuff including royal kanin as in the multi function, the only food cheese can eat. Greg your cat kat yeah, so be careful what you wish for i would like cheenes to keep eating thank you. Greg that as an interesting ankle. Charles you dont have cheenes. Michael cheenes lives matter kat you wouldnt gym him a kidney . Greg no kat i would. Id give him both. Greg charles, sugar isnt the most healthiest thing. Theyre selling something that kills more people than anything else. Charles iwhat stands out to me is how terrible the art work is. What the hell . Who drew that . Thats the worst [bleep] ive ever seen in my life. Oh, my goodness, i dont know what this is all about, the whole thing has gone over my head. Really is. Greg im not that mad about this, but i get whats called m m disappointment. Did you ever see that where you see a Skittle Outside of a paingage where you go oh, m m and its not. Charly the flavors have changed over the years, theyre not as good as they used to be. Not only that they tried to ban skit unless california not so long ago, they tried to pass a bill because a few ingredients are considered highly toxic, the red die number three, i dont know why i know all these things but clearly more toxic than we thought so lets get rid of them. Dont buy skits greg in San Francisco several driverless robo taxies malfunctioned and caused a Traffic Jam Dude to Wireless Connectivity over the weekend and also because of the San Francisco standard people are reportedly having sex in robo taxis with one dude claiming to have done it at least sex times. Back to you again loftus. I know you dont own a car but at times you have lived in one. Michael when im not down by the Railroad Tracks playing the old harmon ca. Greg eating the beans right out of the can. Michael telling stories about ghost on the tracks. This whole sex in the back of robo cars, i just think this is people being cheap, radio isnt it because the rent is too dam high in San Francisco. You cant afford a hotel room so like lets hop in that robo taxi and get busy. Its great. Because it certainly cant be a fetish. I can understand having sex in the back of a taxi, oh, we might get caught, the driver might turn around, theres danger. But like in a robo taxi, what is it like the ghost driver turns you on. Greg lets be honest michael, all the sex you imagined. Kat . Kat im confused because i keep hearing in San Francisco you can [bleep] on the street so why would you not you have to go to a taxi to have sex . I thought you could do whatever you want. Greg i guess not. The funny thing is thats the whole point of a Driverless Car so you dont have to drive and can do other things. I think youre going to see more of this and i would rather see more of that than car accidentsment you know, charles, that leads me to an interesting point here. They showed a traffic jam right . Like thats the only traffic jam in history done by a Driverless Car and were acting like its bad. But theres a potential to save 3040 thousand lives a year. Charles listen, at one point its going to be illegal for humans to drive on the road because were so i will logical. Once all the cars are robo cars and taxies think about this. They all think logically. Were like, oh, bleep, i left the oven on, What The Hell . The whole thing just goes down, like we didnt expect that. You expect a uturn out of nowhere. But i agree with you on the money, i checked it out. The average hotel in San Francisco is 250 a night. But i am worried because remember the arnold movie and they had the johnny cab. My driver, what are you guys doing. Greg you can solve two in one. The drive anyway. Charly . Terrible. Last word to you. I love the idea of Driverless Cars, but im scared of doing it, of getting into one, because you lose control. Charly i dont know that i, at this point, would want to get into a Driverless Car. I think that you dont know you just saw the malfunctions. What if it just drives off the cliff then what . I dont know what you would do. I also worry what else will happen in the back seats of the car especially in places like San Francisco like we have all of the crack heads on the street why wouldnt they be like hey lets go in this nice warm car and see what we can make happen. A lot of illegal activity. Greg youre jumping to a conclusion and assuming that crack heads are messy. Thats the kind of Stereo Typing we wont stand for kat yeah, also theyre very organized they have all that time to clean because they dont sleep. Greg no, those are Met Heads Kat well, you know, they do share a common trait. Greg this he do. Up next, whos more forward regarding the l word . Et the g . A clown sorry, what app was it again . No, no. Just give me a second. Amateurs. Ohhh sorry everybody. Directv sports central gives you access to every game. So you never have to compromise on gameday. Was that necessary . I was just illustrating a point. Oh. Get in the redzone with sports pack. Call 1800directv Swords Clashing had enough . No. Arthritis. Here. Aspercreme arthritis. Full prescriptionstrength . Reduces inflammation . Thank the gods. Dont thank them too soon. Kick pain in the aspercreme. My frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. For one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. A story in five words greg five words men say love you first. All right, charly, a new study shows that men tend to say i love you 3. 5 months into a relationship while women typically wait four months. This seems stupid to me. What say you . Charly well, i always think theres just you always remember, usually, the first time you heard the words i love you. Ive never actually said it first. I always have wait i dont know if ive even waited. It just i mean who doesnt love me . Come on. Kidding. I think the most awkward part is after the initial i love you, like wait a second, now that weve said it do we keep saying it, now the awkward when we get off the phone do i say i love you or just say goodbye and it becomes weird and you fall into a routine. Greg all the way up until youre married, say its just not part of the deal, right . I can say i like you youre enjoyable but not going to say that. Charles you know what upset me about this . They didnt do the gays. Are they saying they said women do it later than men but are they saying that gays the gays, which is the right way of putting it, the gays are incapable of love . How homophobic is this study. Charles i think they say it at the same time. Greg no wonder that makes them gay. Charles symbiotic. I love you, oh, wow, we said it at the same time. Who knew. Greg kat, do you believe men have feelings . Or is this all an evolutionary design to get into the sack to say i love you and then you go i love you, too, and then they jump on you. Charles ding, ding, ding, winner kat i know how you snell no thats science. From the academy of american science, dudes say i love you to get you into the sack. And look at the foot notes, one, 17, 35, 94. I just made all that up. Michael right . The numbers really sold it. Kat i think that like dudes say i love you first but they also are the ones to stop meaning it first usually also. And i also think its not just dudes who say i love you ant dont mean it. I say i love you to someone on the street, hey, k, love you, like you just say it. Greg wow youre a phoney kat no im not. I love everyone. Were all gods children, were all one big family. We should all love each other greg. Greg has anyone ever told you kat thank you three people. Greg loftus, has anyone ever told you, michael, i love you . And was it somebody you paid for sex . Michael ive never heard those words, and ive been waiting so long. Greg keep waiting. Michael yeah. This study is really like who lies first in the relationship. Right . Because thats the dude. Thats the dude right there going whats going to get me smashing this babe. Did i mention i love you . I love you with all my heart. I know guys that will do the thing across the crowded room and theyll just say olive juice and they just like look over and, and the girls like, oh, my gosh he loves me, he said it. Greg . Greg god that is so 1999. [laughter] kat what is happening . Greg i dont know. Dont go away. [cheers and applause] tv try Tide Power Pods with 85 more tide in every pod. Who needs that much more tide . Crashing Sounds everyones gonna need more tide. Its a mess out there. Thats why theres 85 more tide in every power pod. See . Baby ah. Were traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. Whwho wants to talk about their heart [honking] hows the heart . 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But we begin with a major legal decision about to come down for several new jersey school

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