Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240704

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Social media. Hello, well come everyone, sandra smith in new york. We have made it to wednesday, rich. Rich we have indeed, im rich in for john roberts. According to documents, white house officials asked facebook if it could provide special access to tools that would target users hesitant to take vaccines and spreading misinformation. Sandra also show Biden Administration officials berated facebook employees for not sharing enough data and alluded to the site being more difficult to deal with than other social media platforms. Rich Hillary Vaughn is live on capitol hill. Hillary, did the white house try to have more control on covid content on facebook than it originally claimed. Thats the big take away from the documents that we obtained. Really publicly the white house was claiming they were just trying to help facebook combat misinformation on their platform. Behind closed doors, it is clear that white house officials were trying to have much more influence on the platform and get a lot more information from facebook. White house officials berated facebook employees for not turning over more data to them. Flaherty saying some partners give us lots of information, some partners to tell us to fright off. This feels we are chasing our tails. If you dont want to give information, tell us. Meta declined a comment. Documents also show the white house and facebook wanted to stop info from going viral that went against their pro vaccine narrative. On a call between facebook employees and the Surgeon Generals office, employees told the Biden Administration staff this, post questioning whether you should get a vaccine under a mandate, whether its government overreach, we demote those, its not false information but leads to a vaccine negative environment. One white house official appeared to mock americans ability to think for themselves and judge what is true online. A biden staffer telling facebook employees on a call this, if someone in rural arkansas sees something on facebook, its the truth. So, rich, clearly some people at the white house dont have a very high opinion of some of the great people in the great state of arkansas. Rich. Rich funny things when you put things in the public email, congress can get access to it. This is a broader investigation how the government interated with social media companies. Exactly. We are seeing from house republicans, jim jordan, he has asked meta to turn over internal communications and we have been seeing these internal communications then leak out and republicans do not like what they have seen contained in these and what they say they see is a direct line between the white house trying to exert influence over a platform that is supposed to be an place where people can express their freedom of speech and freedom of expression but one thing i will say, rich, in the documents i reviewed, there are several times where meta employees pushed back against what the white house was asking them to do, saying quite frankly, they cant remove that because it would be a violation of someones freedom of speech. Rich seems like a Monumental Task when you look at all the documents from the time period and what constitutes misinformation and what doesnt. Do we expect hearings, more of a back and forth between house republicans, the white house and these Tech Companies . Yeah, this investigation is still ongoing. They have turned over 53,000 documents that are both internal communications, other communications, Content Moderation Decisions that they have made. House republicans are still investigating, still digging into this. But broadly in congress we have seen a push from republicans to really hold people accountable that are in positions of power in the administration on the senate side, you are seeing senator rand paul ask for the criminal referral for dr. Anthony fauci for what senator paul says is misleading testimony he gave to the senate. So, we are seeing more pressure really across the board for this, rich. Rich Hillary Vaughn live on capitol hill, thank you. If you and i were talking a year ago, inflation would have been twothirds higher than today. Gas price down a buck 50. Gas prices are not where they were a year ago. A lot of investment in innovations around electric vehicles. Gifts that keep on giving. Sandra the white house moving forward for the big push for electric vehicles, making it almost impossible to buy a gas powered car. Are we going that direction . More painful at the pump in the meantime, National Gas Average price surging for the 15th straight day to 3. 80 a gallon, Charles Payne is here. The e. V. Push, they are pushing something their own Energy Administration is publicly, go to the administrations website, is publicly forecasting. We can only get to 10 of the american car market to e. V. By the year 2015. But here they are acting like we are going to all e. V. S in the next 10, 20 years. Let me just tell you what the market is saying. Market is saying people dont want the vehicles. Maybe they want them in some cases but cannot afford them. Some of the headlines in the last week or two. Ford says that their autos are piling up on the lot, e. V. , they cant sell them. They expect to bleed 4. 5 billion on electric cars this year, ok. Another headline, the washington post, ford delaying Production Goals of e. V. Saying less than expected demand for now, and here is the cnn headline. Ford to lose 3 billion from e. V. Sales to consumers this year. People are saying they are not ready for this. Why are they pushing it on them . Its ideology, ideology. Theres nothing else, this is all about believing in a climate thing and has nothing to do with economics or free markets ab nothing to do with free will. Sandra, i had a big piece, a new book coming out soon and on, you know how the big booms and the Auto Industry from the late 1800s to 1932, and its interesting. I dont think most people realize. 1900, 3 sources of automobiles, three forms of automobiles. Steam was 40 , gas 22 , guess what was 38 . Electric. Thats right, electric. Here is the thing. People back then, particularly going into the 1920s, they said they prefer electric because the gas cars have fumes, they were harder to operate and all these things. Guess what, they created the model t, start pushing them out. Model ts are 650, electric were 1700 bucks. No brainer. You could go see grandma three states over and people had anxiety about driving that far. So the marketplace won and the marketplace is saying the same thing today. Sandra regardless, they are coming for your gas powered car. Thats the headline. The headline is taking away your rights as an american, they are going to make you do something you dont want to do in the name of the climate volcano gods. Sandra thats what the wall street journal, bidens regulatory onslaught, says the Transportation Department on friday proposed 690 page rule raising corporate average fuel economy, Cafe Standards, automakers will have no way to comply but to make more e. V. S. Administration, and this is really important, administration is imposing by regulation what it cannot pass through congress and hoping nobody notices. They have used the Cafe Standards for a long time and i say shame on the Auto Industry. Here is how it works. California is the largest automobile market, so california automatically adopts whatever comes out from the quasi socialist governments. Obama did a lot of this stuff. You have to have one version of your auto fleet, so they usually bend to the will of california. So what happens there and the rest of us digest. But finally some pushback, certainly americans are pushing back. And remember, sometimes to meet these Cafe Standards it means less safety. You have to make lighter vehicles so they can go further. Lighter vehicles often means less safe vehicles. Things that you have to do to make this but its all a farce, all a farce. Sandra i worry about that when i see the tiny e. V. S on the road. And some people want the teslas, so the others have a hard time selling theirs. Finish with this from the washington examiner, how democrats are going to outlaw your car, many if not most of the internal combustion engines will be illegal to make, import or sell by 2038. Like the bush and obama era light bulb law, ban most gasoline powered cars by setting Efficiency Standards that cannot be met by the old technology. Ok, meanwhile, meanwhile we are about to get another speech from this administration and janet yellen, you know, shes going to be touting the economic successes out there right now and some worth pointing out, some things are working in the economy but its not working for everybody and certainly not benefitting the middle class. Yet here is Kamala Harris conceding that americans are struggling today. Listen. Most americans are 400 unexpected expense away from bankruptcy. Sandra ok. I mean a call from the white house after saying that sandra they cant afford a 400 emergency. The americans are not getting relief from college loans, those are not the americans they are talking about. They will not get 7,500 to get an e. V. , because they are not the ones they are trying to help. Those are the americans they are crushing with their band aid. Listen, fitch did it all. When fitch downgraded the rating to aa, that was the ultimate wakeup call for the american public. Making it too expensive and the success thats looking we have out there, thats a mirage. Thats 6. 7 trillion fade away. Its going to fade away. Its money that is borrowed time, 6. 7 trillion given out, pushed into the public, it was not earned. Sandra thats what kevin oleary is saying, until we acknowledge the Spending Problem we are not going to acknowledge listen. No way to sugar coat this at all. Its bad. If you thought we got to the Point Of No Return where it was impossible to pay this debt back, you would rename the United States of america venezuela. So, thats what youve got to start thinking about. Its that simple. Sandra thats a big warning from mr. Wonderful. Real quick, this is a very trusted economist by many, he comes on this program often. He works and advised the obama years on the economy. He was asked what this recent fitch downgrade from aaa to aa plus, right. Janet yellen is defiant on it, says it was not necessary, he said this about the downgrade, listen. The adversaries of the u. S. , they will point to that as yet another development in terms of the u. S. No longer being as powerful and as influential. Sandra i would call him normally an optimist. That did not sound very good. Hes kind of a phony in my mind. I know he comes on the show. Sandra hes a smart guy i read his work every day, he is always circling the wagons. We were warned about this, sandra, fitch did not just come out of left field, we kind of ignored the warning. Everything on that list, the reasons for doing this have been around for a very long time. The same people, im sorry, the same economists that always circle the wagon around the administration and say hey, things we are talking about, gdp, of course gdp is great. If you drop 5 billion in the economy gdp is great but its offset by inflation. The average person is not doing well in this economy. Sandra does the average investor who has feared the bull market that we have been living in, if they havent gotten in, they see it go up now, should they buy now . I believe in owning Great Companies period. I dont like people to try to pick the market, if its not their thing. Great stock in Great American companies. And not always going to go up. Sandra charles, fantastic. Thank you very much. Rich. Rich sandra, Hunter Bidens former Business Partner devon archer, a chinese tycoon loved him for his last name, his details from archers testimony this week and whether anything will come from it. We will talk with Kim Strassel Plus this. D. C. Jury would indict a ham sandwich and convict a ham sandwich if it was a republican ham sandwich. I think we have to reestablish a single rule of law. Sandra donald trump to appear in court tomorrow, but many asking as desantis was is twotiered. A former top adviser to senators on judicial nominees, mike davis, hes coming up next on that. What the Department Of Justice is saying here we recognize that politicians can say false things but not trump because he was told they were false. What type of standard is that . Fisher Investments in this market, youll find Fisher Investments is different than other Money Managers. other Money Manager different how . Arent we all just looking for the hottest stocks . Fisher Investments nope. We use diversified strategies to position our clients portfolios for their longterm goals. other Money Manager but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right . Fisher Investments no, we dont sell commission products. Were a fiduciary, obligated to act in our clients best interest. other Money Manager so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money . Fisher Investments yep. We do better when our clients do better. At Fisher Investments, were clearly different. Have fun, sis cant stop adding stuff to your cart . Get the Bank Of America customized cash rewards card, choose the Online Shopping category and earn 3 cash back. Rich for the first time the public is getting a look at the original proposed hunter biden plea agreement, the one the judge refused to sign, as jack smith announced four new charges against the 2024 republican frontrunner former President Trump alleging he interfered with the 2020 election results. Smiths Brief Statement strongly criticized and opponents are questioning if there is a twotiered system of justice at play. Mike davis is on board to discuss, but first griff jenkins. Trump is supposed to appear in court tomorrow. Good afternoon, rich. A little more than 24 hours from now, 4 00 p. M. , we expect former President Trump to arrive here, possibly arraignment and comes in the wake of special counsel jack smiths indictment and brief remarks which some saw as being political charged. Watch here. The attack on our nations capitol on january 6, 2021, was an unprecedented assault on the seat of american democracy. Its described in the indictment, it was fueled by lies. Lies by the defendant, targeted at obstructing a Bedrock Function of the u. S. Government. Smith is not accusing trump of inciting the January 6th Riot, and some legal scholars are criticizing the Grounds On Which Smith brought the indictment. That was one of the most demogodic cases ive seen in a high profile case. Anyone who listened to that, normal person would assume that trump was alleged to have carried out the capitol riot. When i take a red pen through material thats protected by the First Amendment it reduces much of this to a haiku. Many things that the prosecutor is charging here is protected speech. And rich, we are learning more about the judge who will preside over the trial, the case assigned to judge tanya chetkin, 2014 obama appointee to the bench and handled several cases involving January 6th Riot defendants. Meanwhile, we are keeping a close eye here looking to see if the Security Preparations ramp up a bit. Expect the scene to look similar to what we saw in miami in june when trump was indicted on alleged mishandling of classified documents. Rich. Rich busy day in the neighbor hoard. What are we hearing about the president s son and what hes going through with this latest plea deal . Well, we are getting a look, actually, at the plea deal itself, rich, and it certainly could bode worse for the first familys legal woes, particularly hunter biden, specifically in it i can show one quote from exhibit 1 in the plea deal says this, during calendar year 2017 biden, meaning hunter, earned substantial income including just under 1 million from a company he formed with the ceo of a Chinese Business conglomerate, 660,000, and 64,000, 500,000 in Director Fees from a Ukrainian Energy company, 70,000 relating to Romanian Business and 48,000 from the multinational law firm. Pretty significant, i was in the courtroom actually, rich, at the moment judge noreika asked hunter biden about these finances, he indicated that that was in fact the case. Well see where it goes, rich. Rich griff, thanks so much. Sandra. Sandra doj indicted former President Trump a day after Hunter Bidens former Business Partner testified on capitol hill, leading some to question the timing of it all. Mike davis, president of the article 3 project and top adviser, i know you well enough to know the thought has crossed your mind, timing of the new drop. Purely coincidental that the president of the United States gets caught with Smoking Gun Evidence that hes compromised by tens of millions of dollars and foreign bribes and other corruption and voila, 31 months after january 6th jack smith comes Out Of Nowhere and indicts President Trump for objecting to the president ial election. Sandra i want to ask you if you could put your legal and political hat on for a moment, this is rnc Chair Mcdaniel on gop voters concerns over what they are seeing as a twotiered Justice System. Listen. The voters right now in the Republican Party are very concerned about what they see as a twotiered system of justice. They saw what happened last week with hunter biden going into court with a Sweetheart Deal that would have provided him immunity for prosecutions that had not even happened. You see now 22 llcs with different biden Family Members getting up to 10 million. One system of justice for the republicans and a different for the biden family. Sandra and voters ask this as they see it play out. What would you say to you, mike davis, is this a twotiered Justice System in this country . Theres no question that joe biden and Merrick Garland have brought at that twotiered system of justice in america. We see the Biden Justice Department Going after trump, trumps top aides, christians praying outside abortion clinics, parents protesting at School Board Meetings while they give amnesty to joe biden, his sleaze bag son hunter, antifa, blm, democrats get away with the most agregious crimes and they go after trump and Trump Supporters for noncrimes and what the American People need to do is remember this November 2024 when they go to vote. Sandra well, obviously you are sharing some strong personal feelings about the matter. The American People are just looking for the shear legal out come of what they are looking and a lot was exposed with the interview with his former Business Partner to hunter biden. Well see what comes from all this. There are big promises made on both sides of the aisle. And this is Jonathan Turley the impact this case could have on the former president s bid for the white house. Democrats have been playing with this for years, 14th Amendment and claims of disqualification. Its a story you tell your kids at night if you are a democratic household so they sleep restfully. But i got to tell you, i highly am skeptical. I dont think a conviction would prevent donald trump from running. Sandra what can you tell us, mike . What do you see happening in the future here as all of this plays out pretty darn close now to, you know, obviously working our way through the primaries and on into election day. Yeah, this is clearly democrat welfare against President Trump, election interference, started with Alvin Bragg Indicting Trump for the noncrime of a businessman settling a nuisance claim, and continues with jack smith indicting the president ial records, allowed by the president ial records act. And now jack smith and likely Fannie Willis in Georgia Indicting the noncrime of interfering with the president ial election. Sandra do you think hes going to head to the debate . I dont know why he would want to go to the Vice President debate for the republicans, hes a former president , clearly will win the nomination and i think the other republican president ial candidates can have their Vice President debate. Sandra got it. Very strong feels from you today, mike davis, appreciate you joining us. Thanks for your time, sir. Rich illinois is dealing with deplete police departments, especially in cities like chicago where gun violence is soaring. Is a law allowing nonu. S. Citizens to be Police Officers be the answer. Sandra and black listed companies, a major firm is doing just that and House Committee is demanding answers. Carlos jimenez sits on the committee and the panel probe and what they are learning next. Anybody who says throw money at china and dont consider the down side, thats not capitalism, thats russian roulette. Extra hard, especially if youre using high rate credit cards to take care of your familys expenses. Even minimum payments are tough. Its too much and its time to hit back. With a newday 100 va loan, you can borrow up to 100 of your homes value to pay off those high rate credit cards and other debt. And you can save 500 a month. Thats 6,000 a year. Entresto is the 1 Heart Failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. It was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. 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Citizens join the police force but supporters say the backlash is overblown, especially since chicago and other cities are facing a severe police shortage. Mike tobin is live in chicago. When does this go into effect . It goes into effect january 1st, sandra, and as you mentioned, so far a lot of people are alarmed. You have people who are connecting this with the flow of immigrants who are overwhelming cities like chicago. Former mayoral candidate wilson spoke up and said allowing noncitizens to arrest citizens or enforce laws defies common sense. Thats saying to me that the person that comes in, noncitizen, become a police officer, have a right to arrest a citizen in his own country. That is totally wrong. But its not a situation where someone with illegal status could somehow get a badge and a gun as soon as he crossed the border. To get a gun legally, a person needs a Firearm Owner Identification or foid card and you need a green card. The president of the Fraternal Order Of Police surprised a lot of people when he supported the law. He said it primarily applies to the daca children. Its political jibberish from the left and the right, trying to make it seem like its a giant victory and handing out badges and guns at the border and go be a police in the cities, which isnt reality. Chicago clearly has a need for Police Officers. Gun violence is part of every weekend, since yesterday 12 people shot, four people killed, one stabbed and over the weekend, mass arrest as kids mobbed and looted a 711 in the south loop. Staffing is down 10 since the Defund Movement kicked into gear. Sandra mike tobin live, thank you. Rich congress is investigating the Largest Asset Management Company in the world over investment practices. The House Select Committee on china is looking into blackrock over concerns large amounts of u. S. Capital are going to black listed chinese companies. A similar probe underway at another firm. Congressman Carlos Jimenez serves on the House Select Committee on china. Thanks for joining us this afternoon. You know, there are endless accusations of companies of money, of u. S. Capital going to companies and fronts that are connected to the Chinese Communist party that engage in slave labor practices. What makes blackrock and the other Company Involved here stand out to the committee . Well, look, we just looked at blackrock and msci and took a sliver of their index funds and found in the case of blackrock, just a sliver of them, over half a billion close to half A Billion Dollars in u. S. Investments and companies with direct ties to the ccp and the pla, Peoples Liberation army. Their intent is to become the most powerful Military Force in the world by the year 2049 and appears blackrock is helping them do it by investing in the companies with deep ties to the pla and the ccp. Rich blackrock released a statement saying like many global Asset Managers, blackrock offers the clients a number of strategies to invest in or exclude china in the portfolios. The majority of investments are through index funds and 1 of 16 Asset Managers currently offering u. S. Index funds investing in chinese companies. What do you say to that . We need to get out. Its stop we invest in chinese companies. Look, in china they have a law every Chinese Company has to work with the pla and the ccp. Theres no way around it. So theres a technology that the pla would like to use and youre a Chinese Company you have to give it to them. For us to continue to invest in china is suicidal. Its going to bite us. Its already biting us and we need to decouple ourselves from china as quick as we can. Im a bit of a hawk on that, some people in the committee dont agree with it but i see the writing on the wall, what the Chinese Communist party wants to do, global domination and we are helping fund it. We have immediate to stop it right now. Rich the decoupling debate, do you feel you have some bipartisan support, and secondly, who else is the committee looking into . Other target for the investigation . Look, msci is on this, but we need to look at the entire, you know, all of wall street and see how much of wall street and how much of our money, you know, im a retiree, so how much of our money is going to help china, going to help enslave the people of china and eventually, you know, put that philosophy, the ideology over the entire world and my money is going to be used to help that, we need to stop it and we need to do it right now and yes, i believe that its bipartisan support, there may be some differences of how quickly we need to decouple, but i think there is pretty good support we eventually need to decouple and get away from china and chinese investments and investing in chinese companies, that eventually are going to be used to the detriment of american interests. Rich congressman, thanks for joining us this afternoon. My pleasure. Sandra it has been almost two years now since the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. Why are afghan allies when risked it all to help fight the taliban still in limbo to become permanent residents here . Plus this. Demonstrators at portauprince demonstrating after a New Hampshire nurse and her daughter are kidnapped. The latest on the search for them, thats ahead. With moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. My active Psoriatic Arthritis joint symptoms held me back. Dont let symptoms define you. Emerge as you. With tremfya®, most people saw 90 clearer skin at 4 months. And the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. Tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling its just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Emerge as you. Emerge tremfyant®. Ask you doctor about tremfya®. Veteran homeowners. Are you applying for a car loan . The Monthly Payments can be expensive. With an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. Sandra its been nearly a week since a New Hampshire nurse and her daughter were kidnapped in haiti. A witness saying they were taken by armed men from the clinic where she worked. The New York Post reporting the group demanded 1 million ransom. Molly line is live in massachusetts, shes got the latest. Molly, so are the white house and the State Department on this . Yes, President Biden has been briefed on the kidnapping, and the state Department Says they are actively working to free this mother and child. A witness describes the Terrifying Moments Dorsainvil was taken, for el roi haiti also runs a school. A woman had watched helplessly as armed men stormed in and seized her. I cant explain 100 but i was inside and a man told me to relax. I could not understand what he was saying to me and then he pulled out his weapon. Upon hearing of the kidnapping, the schools janitor also rushed to the scene. The witnesses explain the kidnappers came with the vehicle, carrying a bag and went to the hospital. They told the nurse they were in a hurry and could not wait. They asked for her husband and he was not there. They took the nurse and locked all the other patients inside. Hundreds of haitians protested to call on the government to do something about the ongoing violence, and many calling her release, some fearing the impact the kidnapping could have. I demand the release of the nurse, if the school is closed my life is over and my children would not be able to attend. Kidnappings and gangs that commit them are on the rise in haiti. A u. N. Security report Council Reports more than 1,000 abductions so far this year. Molly, thank you. Rich. Rich critics say the Biden Administration is shooting itself in the foot after withholding funds for School Hunting and archery programs, some calling it an attack on americas heritage. How are students responding . An eighth grade champion along with the head of the National Archery program. Sandra the u. S. Credit rating was downgraded for the second time in u. S. History. The white house and biden pointing the finger at, you guessed it, the previous administration. Response from the man who worked under President Trump on the economy. Larry kudlow will join us to react. We were warned about this, sandra, this did not just come out of left field, but everything on that list, the reasons for doing this have been around for a very long time. Im saving with liberty mutual, mom. They customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. You could save 700 dollars just by switching. Ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. On the top of the pile oh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Life, diabetes. Each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. Glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. Uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. Glucerna, bring on the day. Rich the Biden Administration is withhold pg funds from elementary and high schools that have archery and hunting programs, based on a measure passed after a string of Mass Shootings but many say the move will negatively affect millions of students. Joining us now, tommy floyd, president of the National Archery in the Schools Program and kimberly collins, eighth grade student. I want to start with you. What does archery mean to you and when did you get started . I started around four years ago, and archery means everything to me, i love it. Its the first thing i think about when i wake up and the last thing i think about when i fall asleep. Sandra that is an amazing thing. You know, anything like this that inspires kids to wake up in the morning and go get better at something, especially a skill like archery, tommy, im sure you know that very well. What does this sport do for kids. What have you been able to see it does for kids over time . Thank you very much for having us kid, kimber, thank you. The Shooting Sports, especially what we do with the National Archery in Schools Program is good for kids. Not only do we have a 21 year impeccable Safety Record but committed to two things. Growing Shooting Sports for the attribute bestowed on the students who participate and committed to the mission of educators. When students get involved in the Shooting Sports like the program, a lot of great things happen to them. They learn focus, become part of a team, they represent their school, many for the first time, they are taught safety, responsibility, and things that we believe help them be better adults as they move into adulthood. Kids really need success. Every kid in this country needs success. It doesnt matter what they look like or where they are. The Shooting Sports, especially this, right there to help them when they need Something Like that. Every Student Needs success. Rich kimber, you have a crowded trophy room, a long list detail to go over, but go through a day for you. How much time do you spend in archery during a day . I spend around two hours a day shooting. Rich and how does that, you know, manifest throughout the day, and what do you feel what you are practicing, when is it fun, is it focus, whats it like for you . A lot of focus, a lot of concentration, a lot of every shot i shoot will make me better in the long run. Sandra kimber, can i get your response to this recent news, i know you dont want to wade too much into politics and you dont have to. But there seems to be a consideration to withhold funds from schools that have access to archery programs. What would be your response to that . Knowing how good it is for you and other students out there, do you have a response to that . I hope they dont. I mean archery is my life, its what i do. Sandra tommy . We know that we know folks want to keep students safe, theres nothing we hold more dear than safety. And we know that when folks try to make decisions for that, they are doing the best job they can with what they bring. However, with 21 years behind us and an impeccable Safety Record we know safety is an absolute part of what we do. We also know the Mentoring Relationships of the thousands of instructors help our kids learn a lot more than just safety. How to be a more responsible adult. Sandra one last question to kimber. What is the best trait in an archer . What makes someone really good at archery . Is it your breathing technique, is it is it excellent vision, eyehand, of course, but what do you believe it really takes to be good at what you do . Concentration, focus, hold, thats all you need. Sandra important stuff. Seems it would be a good thing to continue in the schools. We thank both of you for joining us on the program, kimber and tommy, and best to you in the program. Thank you. Sandra Pope Francis Touching Down in portugal dubbed the catholic woodstock. What impact will his visit have on the thousands of young people in attendance . Rich the up front costs of an electric car are falling. But how much does it cost drivers in the long run . Thats coming up next. With the three cs pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. This is your summer to smile. To raise your glass and reconnect. To reel in the fun and serve up great times. To help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of Affordable Care with an epic summer of smiles event. Right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and xrays. Plus, everyone can get 20 off their treatment plan. But hurry, because while these Summer Savings wont last, the memories you make together will. Aspen dental. Book today. Have fun, sis cant stop adding stuff to your cart . Get the Bank Of America customized cash rewards card, choose the Online Shopping category and earn 3 cash back. Sandra pope francis arrived in portugal this morning for what is being called the catholic woodstock. Chief religion correspondent lauren green is live with the details on that. World youth day. Pope francis is defying his recent Health Challenges to make his third journey this year, and 42nd of his papacy. But World Youth Day inspiring young people, it comes at a time the church is seeing numbers dwindle. Young people are the future, yet there are many factors which are disheartening such as the lack of jobs, the dizzying pace of contemporary life, hikes in the cost of living, the difficulty of Finding Housing and even more disturbing the fear of forming families and bringing children into the world. Francis also talking about the clergy sex abuse crisis, he was calling just spoke and said the scandal of the abuse crisis has marred the church and has driven many of the people away from the church and of course World Youth Day is about turning that enthusiasm on again about the church, the catholic church, to the next generation coming along, sandra. Sandra really interesting stuff. Lauren green, thank you. Great to see you. Thank you. All right, here we go. Can you believe it, the top of

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