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Sons deal, Hunter Bragging has nothing to do with me and everything to do with my last name. Everything with the biden has been smoking pot, hunter was the conduit. Ban on a certain light bulb. How do you dictate what we do. Bans the sale of all new incandescent bulbs. There is no more room. The my grant crisis overwhelming in new york city, huge crowds lining the streets outside of a hotel filled to capacity. Dont pretend thaw love migrants so much and then when we send them to you you dont like them. Jason Try That In A Small Town the grammy singer celebrating, yesterday was a monumentallal day, new hit has 30,000,000 streams. Steve live from new york city, 8 01 august 2nd, 2023, friends at The Melting Pot have look at those little fondue pots, they have chocolate as well. Ainsley look at the little pretzel bites, the cheese is hot, its on a warmer. Steve they have a red wine sauce, you saute everything, its like a cocoa ban,. Brian number two, the best thing you can give to a woman or a man would be something on a fork that you dip into cheese. They did extensive studies on this. If you want to show somebody you like them bring them to The Melting Pot. Dont go dutch, that is not a romantic thing to do. Steve thank you so much for joining us, picking the most beautiful of the summer. You know, i was down in dallas over the weekend, it was 106 degrees. Right now here in new york city, midtown, it is 66 degrees. And not a cloud in the sky. Ainsley feels great, its good for our hair. Steve its all about the hair. Ainsley you can do straight hair if its cool weather. Brian you dont want that, for a guy who grew up with wavy hair, humidity is not your friend. Steve is that wavy hair or curly hair. Brian i used to have to wear. Steve a hair net. Brian a hat in the morning. Steve that wasnt a hat, that was a stocking. Brian that was a little different. Ainsley and then you robbed a bank and then we talked about it on the news. Brian former President Donald Trump will appear in federal Court Tomorrow around 4 00, new charges to look at. Ainsley yeah, in 45th 45 pages this document, we have read it. Brian for the 45 45th president. Ainsley yeah, exactly. Youre right. Jack smith claims the former president illegally conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Our nations capital. Januarn unprecedented assault on the seat of american democracy. Described in the indictment, it was fueled by lies. Steve meanwhile the former president s new attorneys reacting to the charges. Astounding document because for the first time in American History a former president is being prosecuted by a political opponent who wields the power of the criminal Justice System for what he believed in, this is unprecedented. It affects not just donald trump, it affects every american who now realizes that the First Amendment is under assault. Steve so thats the former president s attorneys take. Meanwhile new york congressman joined us here outside world head carer its to talk about the impact of the indictment on how americans view the department of justice. A lot of people do feel there are two tiers of justice. Hunter biden on the one hand is, you no, getting a Sweetheart Plea Deal and obviously the former president getting indicted multiple times. So, people feel there are two tiers of justice that the Justice Department has been weaponized and i think that is a real challenge in our country. Brian yeah, i think so, too. How much its costing the president to fight back. Six coconspirators remain under investigation. We think we know who they are. Ainsley former President Trump responding on truth social, unprecedented indictment has a woken the world to the Corruption Scandal and failure that has taken place in the u. S. For the past three years. Steve we all know that he is running for president , but at the same time he has to defend himself. And by The Law Of Physics you cant be in two places at the same time. When you look at what the former president has in front of him, the courtroom and the campaign calendar, it is absolutely jam packed. You know,. Brian look at this. Steve the iowa caucuses, political stuff on the top tier, on the bottom tier. Ainsley he is going to be in court. Steve with any civil suit he doesnt have to be in court. However, there are a bunch of federal. Ainsley criminal. Steve and criminal cases and he does have to be in court for those. Ainsley tomorrow, March The Hush Money Up in new york. Then in may of next year, the classified maralago suit. And then. Steve for this. Ainsley when he will be in court, there is a judge there that will take tanya chutkan, people is saying she is an unfavorable judge, unfavorable to trump. Who knows how the jury will react to this, it is Dc Dershowitz said last night, where is this going to take place, it needs to be changed to north or southern virginia, can you make a motion for a change of venue, will they allow that . I heard most attorneys saying no, it will be tried in brian they already picked out the judge. Ainsley if he appeals again it will go to the supreme court. Brian jeffrey clark, ken, i dont know who that is, different people, it could be the sixth. Lets bring in bret bair on special report, that is a garbage truck, 718 7987355 if you are looking for a good garbage truck. What stands out for you in this indictment because there is a sense that they really have something to challenge, the president s defense team has a lot to challenge on. Yeah, you played the sound bite who we had on right after jack smith came out during special report hour. He made the case that their defense is one, this is criminalizing political speech. And two, they have to get to the fact that the former president now, the president then, truly didnt believe that the election was stolen. That is a tough thing according to the defense and the critics of this to get to. Its big and sweeping, there is a lot in here, there is a lot you can see Vice President pences testimony to the special counsel, perhaps mark meadows, others who are in the room. Mostly experts, even on both sides of the aisle, it may be a tall task to get a court to go all the way down where this indictment tries to get them to go. Ainsley yeah, many are asking why 2. 5 years later . If there was a problem why didnt they throw these charges at him 2. 5 years ago, or even 2 years ago. The judge in this case as you talked about, judge chutkan in dc, nominated by president obama, she made the decision for the January 9th Committee to get access to white house files and access to everything that they had access to. That decision enabled what is in this indictment. She has been very very tough on the sentencing of january 6th rioters. So, its going to be tough with that judge. As far as why now, you know i think there are some people looking at it saying i wonder if this is there is not all there there yet. You mention the six coconspirators, is there a possibility they are holding an olive branch they may cooperate further and superseding indictment after this that includes perhaps linkage to the rioters itself. That is not in here and noticeably absent. Steve it is indeed. We heard from defenders of the former president. Two tiers of justice in this country, if your last name is biden youre off the hook, if your name is trump you are in big trouble. The House Judiciary Committee dont let the joe biden probes, there is a juicy tip out there where in an email hunter biden told devon archer that chinese businessman loves the fact that his last name was biden. So, as you look at you know, you have the collision of these two cases, and there are a lot of people who are hanging on what this judge does down in Delaware Whether or not she is going to go ahead with whatever the lawyers are able to work out or Hunter Bidens plea deal could actually be derailed. The fact that the u. S. Attorney down there says the plea deal can be released suggests that we are at the tip of the iceberg on some of this hunter biden investigation. The house committee, Oversight Committee chairman comer they are not letting up. The question is whether they can find the money and the direct linkage, clearly the case changed this week with the testimony of archer. I will say the House Speaker put out this statement about the indictment for the former president , and dealt almost exclusively with hunter biden. A lot of the statement from republicans about a twotiered justice. Vice president pence said, a person who puts himself above the constitution should never be president again. And that was his statement. So, expect this to be a part of the Campaign Trail in one way or another. Will it help the former president , it may in the gop primary. Brian the indictment is not fully done in laymans terms, like the maralago investigation, they added an addendum to it. A lot of people said this timing is impossible to ignore. Hunter sensational headlines, income some indictment on federal indictment on trump, its like they are leaving another shoe to drop just in case more hunter stuff comes up. I mean, thats a speculation. Listen, you look at the time line of what has happened and how its happened, clearly republicans are going to make that case. You know i think thats really possible. If you listen to Andy Mccarthy and Jonathan Turley they look at this and said wheres the there there, the additional there there in this indictment and perhaps its yet to come. Steve more to come tonight at 6 00 p. M. Eastern time with special report program,. Ainsley thanks, bret. Steve i know you are probably wearing tennis shorts. Ainsley he has fun golf pants. Follow him on instagram. Brian he will not reveal. Ainsley on instagram, he wont tell us what he is wearing right now. Brian tell us right now. Steve 8 13, right behind me i can hear carly. Carley can you feel my presence . Hovering. Got some news to get to, starting in ohio where police are still in a standoff with two suspects who they say are holding two people hostage in a semi truck outside of dayton. Officers reportedly removing a person from the truck after firing shots. They believe the suspect stole the truck from a gas station earlier this morning after leading officers on a chase when they pulled over in a van. Carley fox news alert, number crews responding to an 18wheeler fire in texas, minor injuries are being reported after the fuel truck caught fire in the Northbound Lanes of u. S. 75. Their condition is unclear at this time. Those lanes will be shut down as authorities continue to respond, the cause of the crash is still under investigation. Ainsley Jason Aldeans Try That In A Small Town making it a way to a top spot, brittny writing, yesterday was a monumental day, number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart a career first. That sure did backfire, didnt it . The best fans ever. The song was released in may, but got a lot of attention and drew backlash after the music video debuted mid july and pulled from cmt. Billboard reports aldeans latest hit has over 30,000,000 streams and played on the radio nearly 9,000,000 times. Those are your headlines, guys. Steve and we played it about 100. Ainsley we sure have. Its a catchy song. Number one for a reason. Steve thank you, carly. Brian a few reasons. Ainsley who should go talk to the diners . Steve i winterly. Ainsley i went earlier, too. Steve brian. Brian let me talk to some random diners, can you believe this cancel culture, look at jason aldean, his show is number one. The sound of freedom, the movie that shot through the charts as soon as people had a problem with it, do you think people are finally fed up. They are making a decision, they will talk with their purse, we will take over. Brian whats your name. Im tony. Brian where you go ahead, cancel yourself, we are going to keep playing. We have to clamp america, get america back to where it was. Trump, he made america he made new york glamorous, wouldnt you say that . Commodore hotel, converted it back. It was beautiful brian you go way back. I known mr. Trump for a long long time, he is a great guy, comical guy, he has a great personality, funny. Brian we gotta get back. We have a mess here now, we have to clean it up, this is john. Brian thanks for the introduction. Pleased to meet you. Brian weve reached the end of the line when it comes to cancel culture. Weve let it go on way too long, its taking away and striking at our First Amendment rights when you strike away at the constitution, the First Amendment you are starting to deteriorate the basis of this country, the backbone of this country, the freedom of press. You cannot have anyone tell you what to say and not to say. If that was the case, shows like All In The Family the the red fox show. Brian now we canceled them, impossible to get them. When you got canceled you have to canner you have to cure it. Brian we cant bring carol oconnor, were you a super hero. This is a super hero ring. Brian you go on the street and fight crime. I am irish, of course. Brian how dare you stereotype our people. Now back to the main desk where they were talking about me probably, ainsley and steve. Ainsley talking about how good you are doing out there, brian. Steve still ahead on wednesday, not kid kidding around, a quarter of Young Americans have ruled out having kids. Ainsley psychologist, author and author Jordan Peterson. Steve there is a doctor in The Melting Pot steve on this summer wednesday, it is the second day of august. We are having breakfast by the world headquarters. We are going to talk to folks from melting pot coming up in a little bit. Lets talk about this, there are new polls out there giving a stark reflection on the state of the country under joe biden as president. 65 of voters feel america is on the wrong track. Brian we are now in danger of failing as a nation as we come up on 250th year anniversary. Ainsley dr. Jordan peterson is here to react. Good morning. Good morning. Ainsley what is your reaction to this . I think if you spend 40 years demoralizing people that it works. And weve spent probably more than 40 years. Since the mid60s weve been on a Campaign Club of rome types who claimed the world was over populated and we were headed to hell in a hand basket, no evidence that any of that is true. The idea was that by the year 2000 everyone would be starving to death and Commodity Prices would shoot through the roof, couldnt tolerate 3 billion people, 4 billion people, all of that is utter nonsense, there is absolutely no short of resources, we are a world record harvests this year and all you hear is doom and gloom. You know, ive been thinking about that a lot. And because i tend to think things psychologically, obviously. My sense is people who want to garner power to themselves use fear. I think thats how you can tell real leader from wanna be tyrants, if they want to terrorize you, they are tyrants not leaders. Steve jordan, who are the 35 who think they are on the right track . Who are those people . Probably people who are Temperament Ale optimistic, somewhat what determines peoples attitudes about the future varies with the circumstances, some people are so optimistic that even if they are in a crisis they are not going to be upset. Brian that is a good thing. The most unhappy people, the most unhappy people are liberal men. And then i think the next most unhappy people are liberal women. And so, well, so the happy ones are optimistic and they tend to be conservative. Brian you told me you told me you spend a lot of time in boston. Is your sense that america feels negative about our own country because of a deliberate plot to make us not like what we have, feel guilty for what weve obtained to recent our past . Or is this something that just happened . Do you think its someone scripting this . Well, i think there is two things happening, The Culture War is a war between systems of ideas. And its essentially a war between the ideas that are part and parcel of the classic Western Tradition grounded in the biblical corpus, essentially. Judeo Christian Culture and the counter reaction to that is kind of what post enlightenment marxism. So, you have a war between two sets of ideas. You also have people acting directly in a quasi conspirator remanner. Like i said earlier, that the planet is going to hell in a hand basket, something has to be done about that emergency, we are the problem. Brian we are the problem. Too many human beings on the planet. People who think there are too many people on the planet, that is not a good thing to think, thats something with genocidal implications. Brian just about our country in particular, there is so much to like, a country too boast full, enough with america being the greatest and we walk on water, we didnt see our problems, no you all we see is problems, what happened to that school of thought, your team was the best team and the problem may be for critics would be the arrogance of americans. Now we have no selfesteem, we want to apologias to everybody. When did that happen or do you not see it . I think that emerged out of the 60s. I think the universities had a lot to do with that. The left wing tyrannical types are particularly good at manipulating guilt. That works quite well on conservatives because conservatives tend to be be more conscientious, if you accuse a conservative of moral i am propriety they are taking that seriously. If you say to someone who is more conscientious, you are more sexist than you could be, racist than you could be, the Conservative Type is going to think i am really not perfect and there are ways i could improve and look at myself. And thats fine. Because you should look at yourself. But the problem with it is it allows the psychopath i can types that are manipulative and power hungry to use your guilt as a lever. The left in particular especially the radical left and those are where the real psychopath i can types hang out, they are good at manipulating guilt. They are unbelievably good at it, everybodys got something to feel guilty about which is something that tyrants know. Brian not ainsley. Ainsley i refer to him there have been plenty. Repented or quit indulging in them. Ainsley quit indulging, this is not about me dr. Peterson. That is between me and my god. Right, right, as it should be. Ainsley i wanted to ask marriage statistics, one in four ruling out kids. Im wondering if theyll change their minds when they get older, i focused on my career and then the children i wanted to have kids in my late 30s. 2 out of 5 think marriage is an outdated tradition, thats pretty sad. I mean, if you convince young people as we have that the planet is going to hell in hand basket and too many people and children produce too much excess cod, carbon dioxide, the moral kids are worrying about whether or not thats appropriate, responsible kids have an extra reason for not doing anything thats vaguely mature. The problem with that is that What The Hell is the alternative . I mean, people who are alone especially in unvoluntarily they go crazy. We all need people around us to tap us into shape, thats how we stay safe. Ainsley some people are staying in relationships and not getting married. Divorce 50 , higher than that in the church. Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, well people also will assume that what is it . The unmarried people who Stay Together make a big mistake because they never they never commit formally to each other. And there is a strange idea lurking under that. Because to me the process of living together means Something Like this, so if i tell you, well, well move into together and see how it goes. Because thats what you mean when you say lets move in together. You are basically saying Something Like, well well take each other for a test run like we might have a used car but keep to ourselves the possibility a shift upward in case we meet someone better. You have to say, yeah, i have a right to upgrade, you will do for now but i have a right to upgrade. Its a real insult to the person that you are with. Its an insult to yourself, too. You dont really commit. Because you always have a back door open. The problem with not committing to a longterm relationship, the bloody thing is going to fail, life is very difficult. With Something Like a relationship thats supposed to span the decades if you are not in its not going to work. Brian keep your eye on the exit. Thats right. If there is any back door at all and any reason to take it you are going to take it. Like if i know i can leave you i am not going to have to discuss anything difficult with you. If i know im stuck with you for the rest of my life i might have enough brian you want to a Player Playing for a contract in the final year, every year they are playing for a renewal, you could get a better performance year to year, you dont take anything for granted. Well i think you cant take anything granted within the confines of a marriage, maybe i misunderstood what you meant. Unless well unless you continue to renegotiate, you lose track of each other. You have to be on your best game all the time. Steve you should be anyway. Jordan, talking about the survey, a lot of people think kids in college are predominantly leaning way to the left. Now there is a new survey that has come out that has shown that 12th Grade High School boys are Trending Conservative whereas 12th Grade High School girls are trending to the progressive side. Yeah, yeah. Brian why suddenly are these young men about to enter college, the workforce or whatever, becoming more conservative. Because theyve been listening to joe rogen. Thats definitely part of it. Brian youre not kidding . Im not kidding. Im not kidding at all. There is a Counter Culture movement. I think the young men tilting in that direction are at the forefront, there will be a five year lag, the young men will get there first. Ainsley on that note. Brian combat sports, zuckerberg now doing it. A lot of people trying to get all right, if society is trying to femme inize me i am going to pushback in some way and find a conservative movement. There is danger in that, too, people are more extreme on pro masculine side, andrew tate spring to mind become attractive too men that have been Femme Femininized answers in when does it swing back the other way, the schools, teaching sex to our children, a lot of people had a problem with what ron desantis did down in florida, i have a child going into second grade, we dont talk about sex, at all, she knows god made a baby in a moms tummy. The answer to the problem of e education at school, well take our kids out of the schools. I think the whole system will last. If the republican governors have a lick of sense, especially with regard to longterm planning that they would take Teacher Certification away from education, faculties of education are what you say are rotten central in the University System and they have a complete hammer lock on Teacher Certification, a rip on the whole brian i want you to talk about your online university. Well, you know im not happy with what the universities have done over the last lets say 20 years. Brian which you have been a part of. Yeah, until about six years ago. Were trying to put a system online, Peterson Academy, that will drop the cost of a bachelors degree to 4000, we can find the best lecturers in the world, set extremely, what would you say, severe and high quality Accreditation Standards for the graduates so people who graduate will be stamped with a Dre Tensional that indicates genuine competence, literacy, competence, conscientiousness, that whole system is ripe for a extreme upset. Online Peterson Academy likely in november. Ainsley for the whole four years . Is. We hope we can do it cheaper than that. Steve is there a political tilt or tint to it . Not purposefully, there hadnt been a purposeful tilt to anything i have done, ive tried to say anything i thought was true, that sends to be more conservative. That wasnt purposeful. I never thought of myself as a conservative. Steve are you selling it is if you want to think like me. Im selling it if you want to think, period. Its a tricky issue, its really its really not obvious why you would want to think because its rather painful. Steve why think . Because acting out stupid ideas is even worse. But thats really the answer is why should you debate with people, why should you have Difficult Conversations with yourself and the answer is to straighten things out before you put them into action. Not thinking is worse. And people arent taught that well either and we would like make that clear to People Enrolling in 9 university, think or die or suffer, those are really your options. Brian dont you think interacting is key, too, you want to hear what other people have to say and test you and make you go deeper in your beliefs. There isnt much difference speaking to people especially having Difficult Conversations in thinking, what you are really doing is setting your setting an internal dialogue up in your head. You make yourself an enemy of the position that you hold, you let your enemy have a day or listen, if you are thinking literally, might be two or three people at the same time having at in your head, most people think by talking which free speech is so important, you cant think and if you cant think then you suffer. So, thats the cause ainsley what we need to be doing at home with our children, what did your parents do with you . They were encourage be, you know i think one of the things that really distinguished my family to the degree that it was. Dirisha ed, my mother was very accepting and a very loving person. But my father was a very encouraging person with relatively high standards, his proposition was Something Like, you could be doing better, but i think you can do it. And thats that encouragement is extremely useful. I think part of the reason that my work has been Popular Online than in the Public Domain because its encouraging. I dont tell young men for example, this is back to the issue of young men, you are okay the way you are, What The Hell, what young man wants to hear that . Any young man that has any sense at all knows perfectly well knows he is not okay the way he is, women would be flocking to them and they are not, the reason for that, he has a lot to learn still. But you can say well you have a lot to learn, you know, look at you, youre a mess, you have a lot to learn. But you could learn it and if you did well maybe you would make something of yourself then there is some hope in that message, right . Because you think if you just accepted people the way they are they would be happy u. S. No they wouldnt because they have nothing to shoot for, people who have nothing to shoot for are not happy, happy is a consequence of moving towards something that you are aiming for. So, no aim, no happiness, that is another good thing for young people to know is to have a goal. Technically, technically happiness occurs when you see yourself moving toward a valued goal, that is how it works neuropsych logically, chemically. So, the higher your goal, the higher your possibility for happiness even though you have to suffer from a distance. Brian you are never going to have it. Thats exactly right, if you dont set a goal you will never be happy. Steve now lets have some cheese. Brian Jordan Peterson thank you very much. Bill mahr and joe rogen love him. Good luck with the university i think we are going to be applying today. Petersonacademy. Brian legal Immigrants Bill Mar has a message. Dont pretend that you love migrants so much and then when we send them to you you dont like them. You know, youre full of and we can see that we put our arm around the veterans. When i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that Financial Solution for them and their families. Its a great, rewarding feeling. Everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. I told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms. With my Psoriatic Arthritis symptoms. But just ok isnt ok. And i was done settling. If you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. Rinvoq is a oncedaily pill that can dramatically relieve ra and psa symptoms, including fatigue for some. It can stop joint damage. And in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. Serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. People 50 and older with at least one Heart Disease risk factor have higher risks. Dont take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. Done settling . Ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. And take back whats yours. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Carley big update here, Semi Truck Driver being held hostage in dayton, ohio is reportedly safe and free after a standoff situation. The two suspects, a male and a female are reportedly injured and rushed to the hospital. Ohio Police Believe the suspects stole the truck from a gas station earlier this morning after leading officers on a chase when they were pulled over in a van. Carley Northbound Lanes of u. S. 75 are shut down in plano, texas after an 18wheeler fuel truck flipped on its side and caught fire. Two people have been taken to a local hospital with nonlifethreatening injuries. The cause of the crash is still being determined. The Fire Department says they are letting the flames burn out so fuel doesnt get into the grass or sewage. Those are headlines, guys, over to you. Steve looks like they got the traffic going again. Carly, thank you very much. Yesterday on our program we showed you the scene outside the Roosevelt Hotel here in midtown, its just over that way a couple blocks. There were so many people who appeared to be lined up and as it turns out that is a line of people, they are migrants. Ainsley we dont have space for them. Steve thats exactly right. What happens is, you know, all these migrants are coming into new york city, there is a deal to ship a whole bunch of them up to buffalo, new york, upstate new york, as soon as they finish their 8hour bus ride, the people in buffalo says they have not been processed, they drove them down back to the Roosevelt Hotel where they are lined up inside the hotel, its acting as a Process Center so those people can get their paperwork and go ahead and randomly distribute themselves across the United States. Brian i feel bad for the mayor, mayor adams declared himself to be a biden disciple left out to dry, 62000 that are still here, he was basically given the heisman, told to forget it. We got a liaison to help us negotiate with it, its not a matter of texans coming here, everyone is coming here because of sanctuary policy, presents the most opportunity. We have nowhere to put them. Its been great news for hotels that are getting taxpayer dollars to house these Illegal Immigrants to come here, we cant really get a job or we got free food, we dont like the food, we fight in the hallways, drinking in the stairwells, all types of bad things going on in many cases and we dont have any room for you, he has to ship people to long island, upstate them new york, put them in suny universities, they are not doing it, mayorkas says since title 8 we are doing much better. That is no answer. He has to make a Bold Decision go up ainsley people like bill mahr, you pretended to love them, democratic leaders, but when they come to your city, you are shipping them to other areas, thats what happened here, we accepted 90,000 in the last year, here in new york, they are allowed to shelter here for 60 days and then reapply. When they reapply we are not processing them correctly. We send them up to buffalo, its an 8 hour ride and turn around and come back. Steve in a word, its a mess. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. Ainsley we are going to stir up more fun with fondue frenzy, stir the pot, there they are, dip our forks down in that cheese. Brian fondue forks. Ainsley dana with what is coming up at the top of the hour. I think i go for the chocolate, the chocolate, thats my advice to you this morning. Thanks, you guy, having a great show. We are going to continue it, former President Trump on charges, what is the strength of the Justice Department case, analysis with Jonathan Turley and ronna member daniel, a key Rating Agency just downgraded the United States for the second time in history, kevin oleary will be here, school bill by lebron james getting terrible results for students, what is the real problem . Dr. Ben carson joins us. 9 00 and get you what you need to know today. The first time you connected your Godaddy Website and your store was also the first time you realized. Well, we can do anything. Cheesecake cookies . The chookie manage all your sales from one place with a partner that always puts you first. we did it start today at godaddy. Com some Wireless Companies think they can inflate one of these and distract you from their inflated prices. But at mint mobile, we thought youd prefer if we deflate the cost of unlimited. This one will never see the light of day. All right. Janice , look at this wonderful crowd we have today, love you, oh, my gosh what a great day we have. I made it happen. Its spectacular here in new york city, hardly any humidity. Temperatures in the low 70s today, lets take a look at the map, shall we, northeast, across the northeast, temperatures are really sort of reminiscent of late august, early september, weve had a historic july heatwave for a lot of the southern states, the greatest heatwave of all time in july for some of these places like phoenix, arizona, moving through texas, across the Mississippi River valley, up towards the central u. S. The High Pressure stays in place over the next few days. So, look at phoenix 115 as we get into the weekend, not over yet. Showers and thunderstorms that ride across this or over this area of High Pressure across the south and that could bring the potential for not only flooding, large hail, damaging winds and isolated tores. Foxweather. Com for all of your latest details now over to steve, ainsley and brian. Steve thanks, jd. Meanwhile, stirring right now. They have been stirring up fun all morning. Melting pot is on fox square. Brian working lefty, ceo bob johnston, and this is jason, great to see you, mr. Chef. Congratulations, launching. What was the premise. The melting pot is special, its a place you get to interact with your food. Its a celebration whether its a date or a family or a large party, everybody enjoys gathering around the fondue pot. Its about what is in the fondue pot but around it, too. Steve interacting with your food, you are playing with your food, the key is not only are you stirring up chocolate or cheese, you know, carla, people are drinking. Absolutely. Absolutely. Ainsley sorry, go ahead. We offer amazing wine selection, great cocktails, lots of signature cocktails. So, just something for everybody. Ainsley which ones do you own, you own four of them. We have fort collins, colorado, we have houston, texas, we have red bank, new jersey, with bob. And king of russia. Mark and carl are amazing franchisees. There is more people that want to eat with us than we can serve. We grow through franchising. And right now were in a mode of welcoming a lot of new Family Members to The Melting Pot just like the rosenthals. Steve they are thinking, do you know what, i need something to do, im thinking about a franchise. If people are watching they want more information how do they get in contact. You can go to meltingpot. Com and navigate to own a restaurant, own a restaurant there or go to meltingpotfranchise. Com and speak to collin, who has been an operator with The Melting Pot since he was really in college. Brian you doing okay . We are doing really well. Weve been doing this 30 years. Brian you have it down. We have it down. Ainsley when we were little, the kids can get involved, dip their fruits, their breads, the Pretzel Bread in the cheese and at the end the chocolate. Its funny when mark and i first got involved we thought of it because we knew it from college, so we thought of it as our date place. Once we opened the store we discovered its the place that kids actually bring their steve folks go to meltingpot. Com. Thank you for joining us. How white do you think your teeth really are . Lets try the tissue test. Ooof, still yellow. Whitening toothpaste can only do so much. Theres toothpaste white, and theres crest 3d whitestrips white. So much whiter crest. We started this bob johnson, mark and carla, thank you very much. The number one melting. Good morning, everybody. Here we go. Is it a slap on the wrist versus doing the book . Claims of a twotiered system of justice growing louder, former President Donald Trump and i indicted yet again. There could be one more coming. Good morning, everybody. I am bill hemmer. Hello there. I think we should go outside and drink wine. Fondue in the morning sounds great. I am dana perino and this is americas newsroom. It all broke very the five. Now the ball out there that third for former

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