This storm heading straight for rhode island, parts of the eyewall already on shore and were seeing the storm move to shore as we speak. More than 1500 people under Tropical Weather alerts right now concerned about storm surge in the harbors and the bays of rhode island, new york and massachusetts. Concerns about flooding in the coming hours and widespread Power Outages because were talking about a part of the United States not used to seeing Tropical Weather barrelling into shore. Storm surge as well. Were going live in a moment to Derek Van Dam who is in newport, rhode island who can give us a sense of whats happening on the coast. But first lets go to Allison Chinchar for the latest on the track. Allison, any updates from the National Hurricane center . Weve got several, in fact. Were learning it is moving very, very close to shore. Landfall is expected imminently here. What were also seeing is that little bit of downpush in wind. The winds are at 60 miles an hour, gusting to 70 miles an hour. Look at the expanse of that storm. Look how wide the storms really stretch from this particular storm. Once it makes landfall, it is expected to move a little farther inland before making a sharp turn to the east back over the open atlantic. In the short term, however, we still anticipate very heavy rainfall, very gusty winds, and we already started seeing these heavy bands of rain really for the last several hours over states like new jersey, new york, connecticut, even rhode island. Again, rhode island getting very gusty winds just in the last hour or so. Storm surge still going to be a big factor for some spots. Looking at some of these numbers, newport picking up storm surge around montauk. It was about 2 feet. Those numbers could change throughout the day today. Flash flood watches are in effect for numerous states. Those are likely to stick around for the rest of the day today, because heavy rainfall is still expected. The thing to note for a lot of these areas, theyve already had a tremendous amount of rain and now were adding on top of it. For example, cranberry, new jersey, about 8 inches of rain, glenbrook with 6 inches and central park 5 inches of rain. Were likely to get another 2 inches, but some spots could have another 6 inches on top of what you already have, which is why you have those flash flood watches in effect. Wind gust also very strong. Rhode island picking up, even massachusetts around 60 Miles Per Hour . The thing to note, too, is that thats triggering a lot of Power Outages. That ground is completely saturated, not just from this storm, but remember earlier in the week, these areas got hit by the remnants of fred. So theyve had a tremendous amount of rain in a short period of time. It only takes wind gusts about 40 to 60 Miles Per Hour in those saturated conditions to bring down trees and power lines. Across several states, youre looking at about 30,000 people without power already, and as those conditions worsen, that number is likely going to tick back up as well. Brian, one final thing to note, delays and cancellations. We already have a couple hundred of them around boston, new york, even including philadelphia, so do make sure you check if you have some travel plans in or out of any of these cities. Allison, thank you. Back to you shortly. Lets go to Derek Van Dam as close to the center of the storm. Hes in newport, rhode island. Whats the weather like . A blustery rhode island, too, brian. Were probably one to two hours away from the closest approach of hurricane henri. Every moment or so we get blasted by strong gusts of wind, just verifying what allison talked about with 60mileanhour gusts. We had a report of 69 miles an hour. Look at the ripples there just fanning out and a lot of the boats just taking the brunt of this storm in the Newport Harbor where im currently located. You can see them swaying about, and a lot of the captains here, the owners of the ships we were speaking to earlier today, they have had to put extra lines down just to secure their property. We talk about Power Outages within rhode island specifically, with wind gusts in excess of 60 Miles Per Hour, that saturated soil that allison was talking about. I expect the Power Outage Number to spike quickly because were already at 20,000, which is the most significant in terms of Power Outages across the new england coastline. But really, Tropical Storm conditions verifying here within rhode island as henri makes its closest approach. We still have another few hours to go. Were on the dry side of the storm, but we do know that heavier rainfall is located across the northwestern sections of this storm. You can feel the wind just about to pick up here in just a moment, and you can also hear it, that ominous noise as the wind wraps itself around some of the masts of the taller ships located here within Newport Harbor. Its going to be a long day here, to say the least. Brian, back to you. Derek, thanks. Well get back to you soon as well. Now to the story behind the story in afghanistan. Clarissa ward and her team members have been the eyes and ears for much of the world for much of the past week. I know you have been watching just like i have been. And i know a lot of you have been worried about Clarissa Ward and her crew as well. I feel like many viewers let out a giant exhale when they heard that ward was on a flight Leaving Kabul on friday. It is a perilous story to cover and it will continue to be covered by journalists in afghanistan and out. But for the time being, clarissa is at home, and i want to bring her in now for her first interview since she was able to leave kabul. Clarissa, thank you for coming on. Thank you for having me, brian. I know youre home in france after weeks in afghanistan. What was the moment like when you were able to get home and see your family . I mean, you know, at this stage, honestly, im so exhausted and so kind of overwhelmed by everything ive witnessed over the last week or so that it was absolutely a wonderful feeling to hug my little boys and my husband and my parents. But theres also just a sense of, like, its just like collapse, basically. Its like finally i can just let go and collapse. And hopefully get some good sleep for the first time in many days. Lets talk about the experience of Leaving Kabul, leaving afghanistan and then well go back to what the past week has been like. We have some video we can show of getting on board the plane in afghanistan, Lisa Amineaving th country. Can you describe for us what this journey was like . Essentially theres hundreds of you. Its the middle of the night, its incredibly loud. You walk along the airfield. There is hot air being blown at you from all the different engines on the runway, and you are crammed onto this enormous c17. Everybody has to stand and face forward because youre like sardines packed in there, and then at a certain point, everybody sits down in unison so that there is room for everyone to sit. But youre not really able to you can sort of just about sit crosslegged, and youre sort of looking around and people are just so scared, brian. People are asking, where are we going . What happens next . I cant my phone doesnt work, who do i contact . How will i find the rest of my family . And because im a wersternweste with my crew, so everyone is asking us these questions as if we might know the answers in terms of what happens next, when theyll get out, where theyll go and what will happen to the people left behind. Then the engines start and youre off, and everyone is sitting sort of huddled together, People Holding onto each other, people collapsed with exhaustion. Its just this very, very strange sense of relief but also sadness and guilt, guilt like why do we get to leave . Why are we so lucky and fortunate . And tens of thousands of others are still pressing to try to get into that airport to try to get out safely. And you landed in doha and cutter. I know there was a delay. You had to get a covid test. I have to admit i laughed a bit when i heard that. Youre coming out of this dangerous country and now you have to get a covid test. What was that Processing Situation like in doha . It has to be said that what the qataris are doing and what they have been trying to do is incredible. They are completely inundated and overwhelmed. They were originally asked to take several hundred. They got 600 in the first plane load, thousands since. Theyve been trying to process them. Theyve been trying to get them housing. Theyve been trying to feed them, to make sure they have medical attention, the medicines that they need. So many people with diabetes and heart issues are arriving without their proper medication. And so theyve really been struggling. On top of that, theyre launching their own evacuation efforts, a girls school, a Boarding School they managed to evacuate. But because they are so inundated, there are cases where the c17s will sit on the runway for six hours as the process unfolds of trying to put all these people through the system. And obviously, thats pretty much a nightmare because its over 100 degrees, very high levels of humidity. From there we got off the plane, we had to do a covid test, and as you said, its sort of that reminder of, oh, wow, covid. We had all sort of forgotten about covid for a few weeks, because when youre in this heartache and this chaos in afghanistan, the normalcy of the rest of the world feels a million miles away. And from there the qataris were incredibly gracious. They expedited those tests for us so we were able to get on planes and go to our respective homes around the world. But for those afghans who were on the plane for us, some of them have gone to the u. S. , including our coworker, and i cant even tell you how good it was to see him get on that plane and were trying to comfort him and tell him its going to be okay. Thank goodness he got on the plane, so thats good news. Thank god. You and i sunday a week ago were talking in this hour when the capital fell to the taliban. Was that the scariest day . Was there a day that was the worst or the most perilous for you and your team . I think, you know, whenever youre covering conflict, the thing that generates the most fear other than someone literally sort of putting a gun in your face is uncertainty, like real profound uncertainty. We woke up that monday morning having no idea what to expect. And on a sort of everyday logistical level, that was challenging, because obviously our local staff did not come to the house that day because they were incredibly fearful which meant we really didnt have any food, so for a couple of days, we were just sort of eating eggs and nuts. So there is the kind of logistical considerations, and then there are the very Real Security considerations, and there was a lot of talk on those first days about organizing an evacuation, and i sat with brent swales and William Bonnet who were all part of the same team and we said, listen, do we want to evacuate . We dont know whats going to happen. Is there going to be housetohouse fighting . Is there going to be car bombs . Are there going to be resistance . Are the taliban going to come and start purging all westerners . You just dont know what to expect. But we sat and had this conversation, and i think we just all felt we had to see this through, we had to stay on this story. We had enough experience dealing with the taliban over the past weeks, and for me, years, that we felt confident that it was in their interest to allow us to do our jobs and with some degree of safety. So we all made the decision to stay, and im very glad that we did. So the decision to stay, and then how did you decide when to leave . Was it as conditions worsened on the street . We all remember when brent was confronted and almost pistolwhipped. Yeah. Actually, honestly, the decision to leave, i think, was mostly a product of the fact that we were all absolutely exhausted. We had been in afghanistan for three weeks working 19hour days. Its certainly been one of the most intense stories ive ever covered, and i think for all of us we thought, okay, if were going to keep doing justice to this story, we need probably a fresh set of eyes on it, and, you know, my colleagues our colleagues sam kylie and nick creaver are on the ground doing incredible work. Thats the beauty of working somewhere like cnn is that its a big team and we all have to take turns to make sure we give it our full energy and all of the heart that we can muster. To that point, i was rereading your book on all fronts earlier this week because i have it at home. I was flipping through the pages reading about your experiences in afghanistan in the past. You write about your first trip with the taliban, i think it was two years ago, and you worried about getting access. I wonder if those trips in the past helped you this time around, that you were anyone to embed different moments with the journalists. I think it helped, brian, because at many points the taliban is this incredibly powerful, dark militant force. For myself having spent some time with them and embedded with them in their own territory, you have a better understanding of how to deal with them, how to engage with them, how to behave in a way that they might be more receptive to. I think it definitely did something to mitigate the fear factor a little bit, because while i am not trying to downplay the danger that the taliban can and does pose to so many right now, i also understood that they wanted to be seen as pragmatic, they wanted to be seen as politically mature, they wanted to be seen as protecting the rights of journalists and other parties involved. So i think that it gave me just a little more confidence and courage when it came to marching up to them on the streets and confronting them about things like womens rights. Right, right. And, you know, about that, you mentioned we were talking about getting home and you being with your kids today. I have two young kids, you have two young kids, weve talked about this in the past. I wonder how do you square it . How do you square it in your mind . Im sure there is a part of you that still feels like youre in kabul right now and thinking about the children that you saw, the parents you saw desperately trying to hand off their children to the military officials. How do you reckon with it . I honestly think people always theyre like, whats the hardest part of this job . It must be that you get scared, and its not. Honestly, the hardest part of the job is the guilt. Because i get to walk away. When i get too tired, i get to walk away at the end of the day, goat a plane, hug my kids, be with my family, sleep, eat, and why is that . Just because i have a little blue passport and other people dont. And i dont think that gets any easier, and i dont think you ever get used to that, and especially as a mother this time. That day at the airport 14 hours in the Scorching Sun and watching these women try to find a private place to breastfeed, using these little bits of cardboard to fan their babies, hearing and seeing these images of people throwing their babies across the razor wire. I mean, if that doesnt rip your heart out and haunt you and make you question everything in this life, then i dont know what will, but the bottom line is, in order to keep doing this job, you have to live with it and accept it and embrace it and thank god for it, but you cant let it get you down to the point where you cant keep doing the work. Keep doing the work, right. Clarissa, thank you for your courageous coverage, and i hope you can get some sleep. Thank you, brian. Thanks. Now to another side of the story. The urgent effort to evacuate afghans who worked for western Media Outlets throughout the country. These are local reporters im talking about, interpreters, assistance. Theyre known as local stringers and newsrooms would be lost without them. Ward was just talking about local staffers who would make food in the kitchen. From kabul to doha to london to d. C. Have been struggling to get people out of afghanistan. They worked together and went public to get u. S. Government help this week. The journalists said that effort is finally complete. Other u. S. Efforts have been doing this without saying anything publicly. I can now report that cnn quietly helped ten afghan colleagues leave the country in the past few days. Many other newsrooms are working on the same thing. This is from what im hearing, this is excruciating and emotionally draining work, but it is necessary work. So as journalists evacuate and exit afghanistan, how will the world know whats going on inside the country under taliban rule . As the Washington Post put it, how to cover afghanistan now . For answers, lets go inside tola news, afghanistans television network. Tola news has committed to independent coverage, but will they be able to do so . The head of tola news, what are your kabul employees experiencing day to day now that the taliban has taken over . Well, we have multiple challenges. First and foremost, we have a lot of our colleagues actually at the airport attempting to leave. So we have to hire people, we have no hire new people, we have to keep the business going, and at the same time we have to manage the new regime in time, the taliban. We met with them a couple times. They actually dropped by yesterday and discussed how they intend keeping media free, and they intend respecting womens rights, so for us, i mean, every single day is a new thing, so we just have to manage things on a daytoday basis. For now your channel is still up and running, so they havent just come in and shut you down. Is that because theyre trying to portray themselves to the world as more moderate . I think so. I think they have to win hearts and minds inside afghanistan. They have to endear themselves to the international community. Theyll definitely need international assistance, and they probably have limited band width. They have so many other things to deal with. We keep Hearing Stories and accounts of journalists being targeted, journalists being harassed in the country. Have any of your staffers been harassed or attacked . No. No. They obviously when they go and do a story, they get pushed around and they sometimes get abused, but thats not unusual in afghanistan. Its a pretty tough neighborhood, and they used to get the same treatment from the previous regimes Police Officers from time to time, so its not unusual. Theyre a pretty tough, stoic bunch. But im sorry to interrupt, what about female anchors at your network . Will they still be able to report the news and anchor the news . Yes. As a matter of fact, we interviewed a senior taliban spokesperson only a few days ago, and the female presented did the interview, and they accepted it, which is a first for the taliban, as a matter of fact. Yeah. For people who wonder, how is the world going to know about the country under taliban rule, what do you say to them . Do you say right now journalists are able to report. Maybe not always freely, but they are able to. Absolutely. You have to rely on people like us. The fact that we like to keep the business open and keep it going is necessary for us, and afghans are used to getting the news unsensored. Afghanistan has one of the freest media markets, a dangerous one, but one of the freest in the entire region, so its a tradition we would like to continue, and the taliban has assured us that for now, at least, they will respect that. And the independent media has changed in the last 20 years, social media is another. The proliferation of smartphones. People are able to make their own media. Do we know how the taliban is going to react to facebook, to twitter, to whatsapp . Have they tried to clamp down on those platforms, or do we not know . The majority of afghans, 65 , are under the age of 20. Theyre the 1990s taliban rule is totally foreign to them. But even those fighting in their early 20s, they, too, are used to social media. They, too, use whatsapp and facebook and so forth. They may consume a different form of content, but nonetheless, theyre used to the technology. For the taliban to actually ban these platforms is going to be a shock to both sides, to our side as well as their side. Thats something im going to keep an eye on, because people can tell their own stories now in a way they couldnt 20 years ago. Saad, thank you very much for being here. Thank you. Fox calls it a mandate madness on the air, but were going to show you how foxs covid coverage on the air does not match the coverage behind the camera. Mike richards job in jeopardy. New polling about President Biden and big news coverage. Er to a crystal bowl and seem equally at home . I guess the most wellrounded snack isnt round at all. Its more cashewshaped. Planters. A nut above. What makes new salonpas Arthritis Gel so good for Arthritis Pain . Salonpas contains the most prescribed topical pain relief ingredient. Its clinically proven, reduces inflammation and comes in original prescription strength. Salonpas. Its good medicine. Ive got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now, theres skyrizi. With skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. Skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. 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Knives out for biden, Tuck Carl Son says, claiming people have turned on the president. Hes calling it a conspiracy th theory, of course, but the coverage has been that way for everyone. Im not talking about far right coverage, but predictably over the top. There was one that said joes cognitive issues. They dont even have the respect for the president. I heard complaints from bidens aides about this. Huffpost said, he has stuck to his guns while under attack in the press, laying out a case for the limits of American Military power. So should they hold the administration accountable, or as the coverage been underproportioned . Ma matthew j. Dowd, you would describe the Media Coverage as what . Over the top without introspective from the beginning. They added a perspective in the final days, but at the beginning they didnt have a perspective on it. My sense of it is we should judge it on the data of whats happened and not by anecdotes, and sometimes the press has a tendency to judge things by anecdotes and not the data. And the data for the last week shows joe biden has basically gotten 30,000 people out of afghanistan without a single loss of an american life. Amanda, whats your critique of the coverage . I agree, its been over the top. I think that we were reminded of the factors that got us into some of the wars to begin with, which is there tends to be a bias in the press towards military intervention, and i think that we also see why it was so hard for president s in the past to pull out of afghanistan. They were afraid of exactly this kind of press overreaction. There is no way to surrender leave, withdrawal, whatever you want to call it, in a war without things getting ugly. And i feel there was something pollyannaish about expecting anything different, and it disappoints me that the press is behaving in this way. But amanda, the press is the role of the government. Arent they challenging people saying, why did this go so badly . Yes, you withdrew, but why was it executed so badly . I feel accountability works better if its in good faith or if its rooted in something factual. There has not been accountability for 20 years for staying in afghanistan. Over and over and over again, president s have actually been rewarded for the bad decision of staying in afghanistan by a press that kind of leans towards not ever wanting to see the ugly images of what leaving would look like. So, you know, accountability is good, but what we have is a problem of failure of accountability for about 20 years now. Thats very interesting. Dowd, how does that ring with you, given your relationship with george w. Bush back in the 2000s . I mean, to me, ive been a critic of joe biden on a number of different things, so its not like im some cheerleader of joe biden. Im just trying to look at this from my perspective of this. George w. Bush is the one who should be lambasted the most in this coverage. The original sin of the problem were seeing unfolding and everything thats happened in 20 years is at his doorstep. Barack obama should have done something about it when the American People wanted the troops withdrawn then. He didnt, because as was said by amanda, he was afraid of exactly whats happening here. I actually agreed with donald trump on this when he announced he would withdraw from afghanistan. How he went about it i disagreed, but i agreed about getting out of afghanistan. The press doesnt cover this with perspective. The voices theyre putting on the air are all the voices that got it wrong from day one. All of the voices theyre having on the air criticizing most of them criticizing joe biden are all the ones that got it wrong for the last 20 years. Leon panetta, george w. Bush he hasnt been on the air but people around him all of them got it wrong, so why would we listen to them related to the pullout . Let me try a theory and see what you think. I think all the journalists are personally they know this story personally. They know afghan interpreters, and they know afghan journalists. They maybe have been on Military Embeds and they feel a personal awareness of this Story Ane Fear that these nd one thing, brian. 5,000 people, while this was going on, died of covid in this country. 500 people died of gun violence in the last week in this country. And not a single american has died amidst the pullout of this situation in a political hurricane, and i dont think the press fully understands what the context is for the american public. So when you understand the context not only of afghanistan but the context of whats going on in our country, there is far worse Crisis Situations including the assault on our democracy that get forgotten about in the midst of this. I think we can draw lots of balls at once, but i hear what youre saying. Let me show a poll that just came in from nbc today. Amanda, we know americans want out of afghanistan, but this poll also shows 60 of americans disagreeing with bidens handling, looking specifically at whats happening recently. Does that surprise you that thats a reaction of the Media Coverage . What do you say . I think thats a reaction to the Media Coverage. Most americans recognize full well they are not military experts, they are not Foreign Policy experts, so their only information about this that theyre getting is from the media. And the media has got a message that biden messed this up. Were not getting a lot of explanations about how we were supposed to ever have a bloodless withdrawal from a conflict with an enemy like the taliban, but it makes sense that people would go, well, the news says he messed it up, so he must have. Im not saying he didnt m make errors and nothing is perfect. Im sure there are places you can kind of nibble around the edges, but to what matthew was saying, the larger problem here is that were not talking about how bush messed this up, were not talking about how obama messed this up, were not talking about how so much of what were seeing now, the context is that this is the inevitable result of 20 years of failure, the failure of even getting involved in this implicate in the first place. Matthew and amanda, thank you very much for the conversation on this. Up next, the question, can anything reverse the vaccine denying bubble . Washed your hands a lot today . Probably like 40 times. Hands feel dry . Like sandpaper. 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Hey, welcome back to reliable sources. Im brian stelter. Remember in late july there were numerous news stories about Phil Valentine, a conservative Talk Show Host in nashville, who had downplayed covid19 for months before getting sick and getting hospitalized. His Family Members said he regretted his vaccine mockery, and there is no doubt that he did. The vaccine almost certainly would have kept him out of the hospital. Valentines condition worsened earlier this month and the news stories stopped, the updates on his condition stopped. And now i am sorry to report that Phil Valentine has died. As i said, he did eventually express regret at questioning the vaccine, but that came too late. And these News Headlines this weekend are all about this one example, this one life lost too soon after battling covid19. That brings me to this stage now and donald trump who was at a rally in alabama last night getting cheers from the crowd, cheers that suddenly came to a halt when he touted the vaccine. Take the vaccines, i did it, its good, take the vaccines. Thats okay, thats all right. You got your freedoms, but i happened to take the vaccine. Youve got your freedoms, he says. It is awful to have to examine the right wing content, the crop that masquerades for news thats full of antivaccine rhetoric. You do it, you listen to these radio shows, you watch these television shows, and you think about the real world consequences for people like Phil Valentine. But i have to tell you, hosts on fox are still downplaying the vaccine, still engaging in c contrarianism, still ratcheting up the skepticism. If you cant get the vaccine, you have to shelter in place like afghanistan . Some people simply wont get the vaccine. Is faucis solution to make them . The vaccine wont necessarily protect you, its not protecting many people. She said just replace the word vaccinated and unvaccinated to catholic, Black Or White or muslim. Listen to her. Theyre saying its about discrimination, but on the air is one thing. Behind office doors is another. Fox management is mandating that employees disclose their vaccination status. This is a memo that came out earlier in the week. It stopped short of saying employees must have a shot to enter the office, but it said that staffers must disclose whether theyve been vaccinated. There are real live consequences for this misinformation and this nonsense. So when is fox ever going to be held accountable . Lets talk about it with oliver darcy, cnn reporter. You wrote about this Vaccine Type Report with fox. Do you vai it as hypocrisy on the part of Fox Management . Its baldfaced hypocrisy on the part of fox. There are two foxes. The one the viewers see, the other one that engages in antivaccine rhetoric that attacks passports that says the vaxx doesnt work. And theyre mandating a lot of these policies theyre talking about. When they talk about these Mask Mandates on fox, the entire control room is mandated to wear masks, right . When they talk about the notion of Vaccine Passports or asking about Vaccine Status, fox news is mandating that their employees reveal whether theyve received the vaccine or not. It goes on and on, but this really does matter because while fox is engaging in these Public Health protocols, theyre making it so much more difficult for other businesses, for governments like New York City to keep their own people safe. They want to keep foxs employees safe while making it difficult for others to also be safe. Thats a really striking image. Were never going to see it, but inside the control room at fox, everyone is wearing a mask, and then youve got some of the stars at fox mocking masks. Right, its amazing, really, when you think about it, that has laura ingram or Tucker Carlson is really putting out this antimask venom, this antiPublic Health protocol venom out there that their entire staff in the control room is actually wearing a mask. And its just because fox news management knows that these are very basic, Commonsense Health protocols that will keep people safe, but theyre still allowing their top faces on fox to go out there and tell people that thats not true. Thats whats so hypocritical, and really, frankly, quite appalling about what theyre doing over there. A usa poll today, 32 said Mask Mandates are a matter of public safety, not an infringement on their freedom. I dont like wearing a mask, you dont, either. Fox portraying in america doesnt actually exist where there is this overall opposition to masks, and thats not really a reality. Max, do you see any signs that the Vaccine Bubble can be burst, that this kind of Vaccine Opposition Media is ever going to snap to reality, even as radio hosts die after battling covid . Do you see any signs of that . If you watch fox news, if you watch some of the right wing Media Channels and listen to some of the shows out there, there is really no indication that there is going to be a shift. If anything, its actually getting worse as businesses and governments are starting to implement Vaccine Passports and Vaccine Status and saying you have to have it before you go back to work. Theyre saying its an infringement on your freedoms. Unfortunately, i wish i had better news for you but there doesnt seem to be any signs that its getting better. Any signs of it, although thankfully vaccine acceptance, people who are getting vaccinated, it is ticking up somewhat. I know youre celebrating your birthday this weekend. You might have missed one of those protrump maga streams for his rally. There was a moment when Michael Modell was being interviewed yesterday, and i want to play it because it shows how radicalized trump followers have become. We cant wait for things to reverse. This country is going down a road right now that has to be reversed now. It has to happen in 2021. 100 , trump 2021. I want everybody who doesnt watch this stuff to realize this is the campaign we see underway from parts of maga media. Its the interviewee saying we need change now, and then they lie saying trump is going to be reinstated. This is happening right under our noses. Right, brian, and a lot of people who push this antivaccine rhetoric and its being talked about, theyre also the people pushing these election lies. Theyre engaged in lies on many fronts at this point. Its a sustained propaganda effort on their behalf. Unfortunately, too, there are these avenues, these platforms that allow them to spread this sort of disinformation to large audiences. I think, you know, we talk about Conspiracy Theories and misinformation quite a bit, but theres still these platforms that allow for them to spread so quickly. Its an antidemocratic crusade, and it is happening right in front of us. I just dont want people to look away from it when weve got a guy driving up to the capital claiming he has a bomb who has had his mind poisoned poisoned. We cant just move on the next day and pretend like utits no g deal. Thank you, oliver, for being here. Sign up for my newsletter for free, reliablesources. Com. When we come back, the reporter who exposed the new host of jeopardy. Well hear from her. Real progress . When youre affected by schizophrenia, you see it differently. Its in the small, everyday moments. And in the places, youd never expect. A little sign of hope. The feeling of freedom. And once these little moments start adding up, thats when it feels like so much more. It feels like real progress. Caplyta effectively treats adults with schizophrenia. And its just one pill, once a day, with no titration. Caplyta can cause serious side effects. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles or confusion, which can mean a lifethreatening reaction or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. Dizziness upon standing, falls, and impaired judgment may occur. Most common side effects include sleepiness and dry mouth. High cholesterol and weight gain may occur, as can high blood sugar which may be fatal. In clinical trials, weight, cholesterol and blood sugar changes were similar to placebo. So if youre affected by schizophrenia, ask your doctor about caplyta from intracellular therapies. naj at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. other Money Manager how do your clients know that . naj because as a fiduciary, its our responsibility to always put clients first. other Money Manager so you do it because you have to . naj no, we do it because its the right thing to do. We help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. other Money Manager sounds like a big responsibility. naj one that we dont take lightly. Its why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. Fisher investments is clearly different. Jeopardy needs a new host again. Mike richards lobbied for the job but is stepping down after one day of tapings. Sony has to find a new permanent host to take over. Claire mcnear exposed a slew of comments towards women, jews, asians and others, all in richards past. They were in a podcast recorded in 2013 and 2014. How did mcnear find the podcast . Why didnt sony find it . Why didnt they vet the guy . How did the smartest show on tv make such a dumb mistake. Lets ask claire mcnear. Whats your Reporting Secret . I kept looking. 56 the Initial Reporting came out that he was in advanced negotiations to become the new host, there was a lot more scrutiny of a Couple Lawsuits Dating to his time at the price is right. He had to issue an apology to the Jeopardy Staff and said that did not reflect the reality of who he is. That set me on this path of looking ibtd who he is and letting his past statements guide that information. I found this podcast to be hosted in a job very similar to the one he now holds at jeopardy, where he was running this large workplace of this storied game show, and he did this podcast in an official capacity taped right there on the set and everything. It kind of, i think, was fairly shocking to people. Of course, its also choking that sony say they didnt know about it. Your book is all about the trebek years. Who is going to be the new host, claire . If anybody knows, you know. Thats a good question. They say theyre going back to guest hosts. We dont know what they plan to do. Sony has two options. One is to go back to some of the guest hosts they used over the last six, seven months, three of whom were actually in the studio on thursday when richards taped his five episodes of jeopardy before he stepped down. Theyre all there and on hand. Theres also the clue crew who kind of provide an inhouse possibility as well. Its also possible that sony will go with new hosts. People who perhaps have more experience in game shows which didnt really happen the first time around or someone like laura coates, a cnn analyst who has gotten a whole bunch of attention over the last week or so because trebek had said he thought she would be a great candidate. We dont know how long theyre going to redo this search. We dont know. We know guest hosts will take other for the time being. I checked in with sony just now. No comment on who will be filling in. Claire, thank you so much. The new book answers in the form of questions. A really fun read. Well get back to storm coverage. Chris cuomo and Fredricka Whitfield take over on the other side of this break. 2 over four Million People on medicare. Made a choice. To take charge of their health care. With an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan from unitedhealthcare. Medicare supplement plans help pay the outofpocket expenses medicare doesnt. Giving you Greater Peace of mind. You could also see any doctor, any specialist, anywhere in the u. S. Who accepts medicare patients. Call today for your free decision guide. From the start of each day to the day grows dark we see that spark we see that in your smile, your style, we see it in your heart thank you for sharing your spark. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now, theres skyrizi. 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