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Range was expected, now were waiting to hear the reaction from various parties including from the floyd family themselves because Derek Chauvin did speak today. Well give you the details of that. First to Matt Finn In Minneapolis that has been chronicling the case from the beginning and how things are going now. Matt . Hi, neil. Right now peaceful in the streets. Theres a semi large crowd outside the courthouse. People were chanting black lives matter no protests or any riots in minneapolis that weve seen. Moments before, judge cahill handed Derek Chauvin a 22 1 2 year sentence. The judge said that he did not make his ruling on emotions or on public demand. He said instead he based it on the rule of law. Hes releasing a 22page memo that will explain how he arrived at his sentencing. The big question is whether Derek Chauvin was doing to speak. In fact, he did for the firstime since George Floyds death. He never gave an interview and did not speak during the time and he did not testify. He was masked the entire time during the trial. One of the most profound moments, Derek Chauvins mother gave a victim impact statement. Heres Derek Chauvin and his mother. At this time due to some additional matters at hand, im not able to give a full formal statement at this time. But very briefly, i do want to give my condolences to the floyd family. Theres going to be some other folks in the future that would be of interest. I hope things will give you some peace of mind. Thank you. Derek, my happiest moment is when i gave birth to you. My second is when i had the honor to pin your police badge on you. Derek chauvin mother telling the judge, based on his sentence, that she and her husband will not likely be here if and when she will be released. She said her sons identity has been reduced to being a racist. Her son is a good man, quiet, honorable and the public will never know the caring man that he is. Derek chauvin giving a cryptic statement there suggesting that theres Something Else that might come out in the future that would give the judge some type of peace of mind. Derek chauvin now sentenced to 22 1 2 years. There were activating factors. The judge added ten additional years to the recommended 12 1 2 year sentence, neil. Neil matt finn, thanks very much. Again, were trying to figure out the comment that he was making there. Might be some information coming out eventually. He didnt specify that. Want to go to ted williams right now, fox news contributor. Former d. C. Police detective and a good one. I might also add that ted williams, you got this about right. Mid 20s to 22 1 2 years, which is the range that this ended up being. Explain how that would work . Is there any chance of Early Release here . What are the guidelines . Well, the guidelines normally are 10 to 15 years, neil. But because of the Aggravating Circumstances that the judge found here and when we use the word Aggravating Circumstances, were talking about the manner in which george floyd was murdered, the fact that there were children around that actually saw the murder of george floyd. So those were the Aggravating Circumstances that led to the 22 1 2 year sentence. But as you have said and i can tell you that chauvin certainly with Good Behavior can be out well before those 22 1 2 years. Neil and there could be other court cases. He and his colleagues are facing them. Co that fkt could that effect what just happened here . Yes. Chauvin has been charged with not only the violating the civil rights of george floyd but hes also there was another kid that earlier in his Police Career that hes charged with hitting with a flashlight. Theyre bringing charges in the federal system against chauvin. As you represented, chauvins colleagues, other officers on the scene that assisted, helped chauvin to some degree, those officers are growing to be on trial in about one year facing charges for helping chauvin in this murder. I would expect those Defense Lawyers will try to work out a deal. Minneapolis has suffered with this chauvin matter for some time now. I think all parties would be in their best interest to work out a deal and try to get this off the books so people can move on with their lives. Neil ted, do you think Derek Chauvin helped himself with his brief comments to the judge today . The comments were convoluted. I dont think that Derek Chauvin helped himself with the comments. Primarily what the judge was looking for, neil, the world remorse. Thats a legal term that we use. It means getting up, taking responsibility for your actions and saying that youre sorry for your actions. He showed no empathy whatsoever george floyd. I heard his mother. Its heart breaking when a mother has to give the testimony that hes mother gave, neil. The other side of this is she will be able to go and visit her son in prison. George floyd is not coming pack. Its all as a result of chauvin taking his know and putting it on this mans neck for 9 1 2 minutes just about. Neil you know, ted, i wonder when you talk about his mother visiting him in prison, he obviously wont be any other prisoner. He hasnt been for all the time his been in jail. Hes been in Solitary Confinement. Hes allowed out an hour early day to exercise, always separated from other inmates. Will that likely continue . Absolutely. They have to protect george de, i stand to be corrected, in prison. So its likely the likely ladd of him remaining in Solitary Confinement or perhaps throughout most of his sentence certainly doing to happen, i believe, neil. What is so sad about this is that a man is dead. Yes, they had to look at those Aggravating Circumstances that the judge looked at. The mitigating circumstances here is that chauvin is around 45 years of age. He has some heart condition. He has no criminal record. When you are a Police Officer and you go to jail, youre definitely a target in that jail. I think youll find unfortunately that chauvin will be a target even though he made very well be in Solitary Confinement. Neil you touched on this before, ted. The prosecutors wanted a much stiffer prison sentence. I believe they were looking for 30 years. His own attorney, eric nelson argued it would be better for time served or less than the law guided. So this was the middle ground struck what do you make of that . It was somewhat the middle ground. I think the defense that did not do themselves any good by suggesting that the judge Let Chauvin Walk. It was no way under the circumstances of this case that the judge was going to Let Chauvin Walk out of his courtroom here today. I think also that the defense should have found a way to put chauvin on the stand, to show some remorse. Neil, what is going on here, theres an appellate issues for chauvin. One of them may well lead to a reversal and a new trial. One of the jurors went to a black lives matter rally and had a tshirt on that said get off of my neck. As a result of that, that is an excellent appeal issue. Neil let me i appreciate your patience, ted. Youre a former detective, a Law And Order guy. We know what happened after floyds death. But it ignited a nationwide movement to Defunding Police. Ive taken a look at how Police Conduct their jobs and whether theyre fair to arms, minorities in general. Has this trial and now this sentencing, 22 1 2 years, isolated the incident enough to say that we move on, defunding the Police Movement went too far, the president himself seemed to indicate with his own Crime Legislation or push that weve got to find a better balance. Where do you think this goes from here . You know, its scary as to where i believe its going from here, neil. I think theres individuals out there that will continue to cry out for defunding the Police Department. There are going to be individuals that are going to be very disarentful to Law Enforcement officers. We need to understand, the amount of Law Enforcement in this countries, they serve and protect honorabhonorably. Delve is the exception. Hes not the norm. Crime is up in this country. The crooks are cheerleaders to whats going on in this country. So when you talk about Defunding Police departments, all youre doing is hurting the citizens in these various communities. Neil chief in foremost is New York City. The mayoral race going on. The winning candidate was a 20year Police Department veteran that favored cracking down on crime. That turned out to be the number 1 issue for the democratic voters, presumably the partys base said enough is enough. Im just wondering whether we find a happy medium. I dont know about that. But the one thing that we all want in society, to feel safe. When you dont feel safe in so society like with the so called defunding the Police Movement, makes people made and nervous. Youre right. New york is an excellent indicator. The guy in the lead right now, adams, is talking about giving more to Police Officers, supporting Police Officers so Police Officers can support the community. This person in second place is talking about defunding. I dont believe anybody Defunding Police when crime is rising should be the major of any city. Thats my own subjective feelings about it. I have to tell you, Derek Chauvin, a rogue Police Officer, a Police Officer that did not and does not represent the good men and women that put that uniform on every day and serve and protect us was given 22 years. I think justice was done in this case. I would love to see one thing. The community married with the Police Officers against a crook. Get them out of those various communities. Neil wellput, together. Thanks for joining us and giving your sense where this goes from here. Ted williams, fox news contributor, former decorated Police Detective from d. C. Much more than that. Were getting a statement from the floyd family and their attorney, ben crump. This brings our family and the nation closer by healing close sure the and accountability for once a Police Officer wrongly took the live of a black man. It is tragic. Day after day, your after year, police kill black people without consequence. Today with chauvins sentence, we take a significant stiff forward. Something that was unimaginable a short time ago im looking at this final part. To achieve all of this, real lasting change in Police Departments from coast to coast, we need the u. S. Senate to pass the George Floyd Justice and policing act without further delay. I had to get the rest hov that statement. I apologize for that. Jonathan turley with us right now. Jonathan, your thoughts on the 22 1 2 years and where this goes. This is pretty much in the zone that we discussed. Many people wanted a 30year sentence. The baseline for this offense is 150 months. Thats 12 1 2 years. He got 22 1 2. So he had ten years tacked on. Because the court found four Aggravating Circumstances. Obviously the most important is that he held this position of authority in commission of his crime. Its important for people to realize this is not the end of sentencing for chauvin. Hes charged with a federal offense as are his colleagues. Their case will be more challenging. The cases is are in march. For chauvin, this might not be the full extent of his time to be served. Neil he did seem to telegraph, you know, particular situations that will come to light. I dont know if hes referring to the juror in the tshirt which might be a way to throw out the trial, start a new one. What is the likelihood of Something Like that . The statement he made to the court is a headscratcher. He said i have something coming. Its a bit late. This is your sentencing. Whatever is coming is going to come after sentencing. I cant imagine how it would bring closure to this grieving family. There are issues in trial that are concerning. Including possible Juror Misconduct, including whether this was the right forum, whether they should have taken this case out of the city. None of those issues are likely to result in a reversal. Those are some of the toughest types of appeals to take. Martha so looking at what life would be like for Derek Chauvin now. I mentioned with ted williams, this idea already for all of this time in jail hes been under watch, 23 hours of each day in a solitary cell. Hes kept away from other inmates, hes allowed an hour for exercise. Thats it. Will that continue . It may have to continue in some form, yeah. I run a Prison Project for older prisoners. I spend a lot of time in federal state prisons unfortunately. Its very difficult for a former officer. Theyre under special conditions because their lives are continually at risk, particularly for a prisoner like chauvin. That will remain the case the rest of his years. Page age faster in prison. The fastest are exPolice Officers. The level of tension, the threats that they have to deal with are continual. Theyre grinding. That takes an impact on health and mental status. Also, the seclusion used to protect the officers is itself is punishing. Ive had complaints put in segregation for long periods of time. Only two of them came tout the way that they went in. Human beings need interaction. People have no idea how quickly segregation begins to impact your mental health. Neil did Derek Chauvin help his case at all with his brief remarks . No. It was one of those odd statements. I understand if he doesnt want to make a statement to the court, but to say theres something coming that is going to be really important to you, it was almost insulting for the family. The important thing for them was the loss of their loved one. Whatever may happen to chauvins status pales in comparison. Neil what do you think he meant, jonathan . What do you think he meant by that . I thought this juror in question at first. But he seemed to intimate something there that the floyd family is unaware of. Left a lot of folks scratching their head. Yeah, unless hes going to come up with an evil twin defense, i couldnt imagine what would change their view hoff him or the sentence or the course. Sometimes the defense does give information after a trial. Theres things like Juror Misconduct that might be grounds for an appeal. Im completely at sea on this one. I dont know what hes referring to. Because he said whatever it may be will bring some solace to the family. The only thing that will bring solace to them is if he drops his appeal. That could bring some solace. Otherwise, i cant imagine what hes referencing. Neil jonathan, thanks very much. Were following this and another Big Story North of miami. Were looking at the collapsed building. Four dead and 159 unaccounted for and battling Torrential Rainstorms there Jonathan Serrie is in surfside with more. Yeah, we just heard some thunder. Another one of many storms that firefighters have been dealing with. You can see the smoke behind me because of the spotty fires that crop up when theres any movement of the debris causing sparks. So firefighters face a difficult task. Theyre some of the best in the world and up to the task as long as theres any hope of survivors. The medical Examiners Office says that stacy fang died from blunt force years. Three additional bodies have been found. 120 residents are safe but 159 remain unaccounted for. Temperatures continue the dangerous task of searching the rubble. Were listening for sounds. Could be human sounds, twisting. Debris raining down. Were concentrating those areas. Once firefighters finish the dangerous search and rescue process, police will conduct an investigation into the cause of the collapse. Mike fox affiliate says the champlain towers Homeowners Association hired an engineer for the buildings 40year recertification. But the process flagged no grave dangers. More than 5 million asked for. We strongly believe that this was preventible. And neil, because this building that collapsed is so similar to other continue condos, theres going to be an investigation of other similar buildings for safety aspects. Neil jonathan, do we know whether neighboring buildings have been cleared or anything like that in light of what happened to this one. There might be worries structurally . Yeah, we know the building, the remaining portion of the building that did not fall as part of this condominium unit, they evacuated all of the residents from there as a safety precaution. Residents said that they could hear debris hitting their win toes. They thought it was from a storm at first. Assessments of neighboring buildings will be part of the survey. Not only looking at potential damage from this Building Collapse but also looking at the structures themselves. Were buildings built during this era, if they used common Construction Techniques and are they also at risk. Jonathan serrie, thank you, a person that youre getting familiar seeing, hes updated us on all of these developments the last 36 hours now, the Miamidade County chairman. Thanks for taking the time. Im wondering if you cup date us any. Uno the unaccounted for individuals shot up. Any update on that, sir . First of all, thanks for having me. The updates are coming slowly as the progress happens of the searching. As soon as we know anything, its passed to the families as soon as we get that information. Right now this is the hard part, this is the part where we have a lot of hope, praying a lot. Our guys as was said earlier, these are the very best in the world. Were blessed because they happen to be part of our community. So this is not fast work, this is very slow work. You have to listen. You have to work to try to get through. Were going from both directions from the top down and the bottom up. This is something that we never thought we would see. Unfortunately here we are. This is the same team that goes around the world, world renown for the work that they do. Earthquakes and volcanos, all kinds of disasters. Were blessed to have them here with us. Neil commissioner, we heard reports of sound coming from the rubble. That didnt mean there was human noise. Can you clarify that . Its like a building settling. Sometimes noise happen. In the pile of debris, maybe as it settles with this water and rain as we see, im soaking wet from being out there, you know, some settling comes. It could be from somebody tapping, this is why we have different mets. We have our k9s that are looking and theyre trained specialty for different scents and so on. Then we have sonar, video cameras. Every time of modern equipment to perform these rescues. Thats what theyre doing. When they see something or hear something in an area, they try to work in that area. Theyre working hard on the debris field and working hard from underneath. Salvage is important. But as youre working, these are taking away from the sounds that you can hear. Its very hard work and very slow. Its very concise. Neil it says a lot about you. Youre focused on this rescue effort. Im sure youre familiar with the records that this particular building had been a concern going back years. An Engineering Group said it was singing for a time in the 90s. I dont know how current that is. Have any of these issues come up that this might have been a longterm issue . Were focused on rescuing people. We have engineers that are world renown in this type of situation we have federal, state, our county people. We have local municipalities. All of these people are working together to determine what actually took place. Because till then, we dont want to rush and said and do this especially when were trying to rescue people. But at the same time, a lot of people are saying, wait a minute. What about my building . Is this going to happen two buildings down or four buildings down . Whatever. All parts of florida and everywhere you go. This is something that will be investigated to the maximum level. Our Homicide Unit is on site working with their people, the Counter Parts and engineers, too. Everything that took place, thats what were going to do. Theres ramifications for whatever level. Neil all right. Hang in there, sir. The president of the United States now wrapping up a meeting with the leader of afghanistan. Ive not done anything about what happened. I dont know all the circumstances. Seems to be appropriate. Neil all right. We didnt get much of that. Hes meeting with the leader of afghanistan. Were moving ahead of schedule to get our troops out of there before 911, the anniversary of the attacks on this country. Many military critics saying this was a precarious move and could mean the president government being overrun by the taliban and other forces. I dont know if that was addressed with the afghan leader. We know the former leader was on the wired today and various News Interviews saying this will be a perilous move on the part of the u. S. And one that both countries will severely regret. So keeping track on that. Also keeping track, of course, of the Derek Chauvin sentencing. We told you about this a little while ago. 22 1 2 years in prison for conceivably taking into his 60s before he has a remote chance of getting out of jail. As you heard from the people gathering around microphones in minneapolis to air their reaction, most seemed satisfied this is a fire and adequate sentencing and the country could move on. But if the numbers speak and catching their comments, this is not a situation that is over. Were following that and following the Vice President earlier today. Finally going to the border. She was there in el paso. Many recommended that she go to the epicenter of this. That is not el paso. That being said, peter doocy is at the white house on all of this transpired and what went down today. Peter . The closest the havent got to the us is Mexico Border is the inside of a Administrative Office at a port of entry. Its like at the dmv. Where people go to apply for asylum legally. That kept a lot of the focus open her trip the Vice President also met with a handful of young girls detained by Border Patrol right now. She met with Community Faith leaders including some that run shelters. She insisted this trip is supposed to inform her main focus, which is determining the root causes of migration. Claiming even though its been months since she was put in charge, this was all part of the plan. Why now are you making your first trip to the border . Its not my first trip. Ive been here many times. [question inaudible] the important aspect of this visit is needing this visit after the work we did in guatemala. As i long said i said in march i was going to come to the border. This is not a new plan. Neil, you mentioned it, theres critics mostly in the Republican Party charging that el paso is not where she should have come because most of the busy border crossings, the illegal crossings are happening hundreds of miles away from here. Democratic congresswoman escobar said people are coming in, seeking asylum legally and she compared el paso to the new ellis island. Neil . Neil the new ellis island. Thats become the new ellis island. Okay. Peter doocy thats the line of the trip. Neil i understand. I apologize. Youre there in el paso. Thanks peter, very much. All right. So the new ellis island. I wonder what the Border Patrol union Vice President says of that. The u. S. Border is not ellis island. This is an area run by cartels a becausing women and children. Single males are sneaking across. Cartels are bringing across dangerous drugs. The u. S. And Mexico Border is no way ellis island. Neil so the Vice President s visit today, hector, did it change anything . Did it alter the equation . She went there. She took it all in. What do you think she learned . What i think, the equation has not changed. What part has changed is that Kamala Harris visited the border before President Trumps anticipated visit. The real problems are at, we know that in maccallum, were seeing the epicenter of the border crisis. We hope that Kamala Harris could have done at a facility where all of these kids, unaccompanied children are being detained, women and families, units are coming across and also for her to see the real challenges that Border Patrol agents are facing along the u. S. Mexico border. The fact that we dont have facilities and roads at the border, the proper resources to do our jobs. Neil she said several times since given this job to address what is happening that they want a full solution. Traces the roots of the problem, hence her visit to guatemala and mexico. Part of the visits involved American Financial support. That would presumably go to the very people that we see crossing the rio grande and other positions so they dont have to do that. Theres enough Financial Security at home that they dont have to come here. What do you think of that . Neil, i want to say the situation in the northern triangle countries like guatemala, el salvador, the Economic Situation and the crime situation there have not really changed in the past 20 years. Things are consistent and still improved. The reason people continues to come to the u. S. Mexico border illegally is because of the changes in administration. This illegal Immigration Problem was solved under President Trump and started all over again apartment President Biden took office. This is because of the changes to immigration policies. That saw that President Biden got rid of the migrant protection protocols. He made changes to the title 42 policy. All of these changes in policy drove the crisis on the u. S. Mexico border. The root causes of immigration are actually washington d. C. Within the Biden Administration. Gillian neil after i cant stop thinking about the ellis island comparison. So many decendents came through ellis island. There was an organized process. Overwhelming one by organized one. So that comparison, that this is now a modern day ellis island, it kind of signals how this administration might want to proceed here. Not a migrant swarm that is overwhelming officials but a way eventually for them to very much get to america. What do you think . Yeah, its not ellis island. What were seeing is people violating the laws, the Immigration Laws of the passed by congress. In laredo sector, were seeing people come across that have crime records. Were seeing over 1,000 increase in the arrest of criminal illegal aliens. They have serious criminal records. Murders, rapists, kidnappers. Those are facts. And the laredo sector, the apprehension of adult males. Theyre not coming in for lawful immigration. Theyre sneaking across, violating our laws. Unfortunately we compare it to ellis island, its not a fair comparison. Neil all right. I did want to pick your brain on that, hector. Border patrol union v. P. And the president talking about getting troops out of afghanistan, weeks before the imposed deadline has my next guest worried, very worried after this. More protection, more sun, more joy. Neutrogena® beach defense® the suncare brand used most by dermatologists and their families, neutrogena® for people with skin. Nobody builds 5g like verizon builds 5g because were the engineers who built the most Reliable Network in america. Thousands of smarter towers, with the 5g coverage you need. Broader spectrum for faster 5g speeds. Nextgeneration servers with superior network reliability. Because the more you do with 5g, the more your network matters. Its us. Pushing us. Its verizon. Vs verizon. And who wins . You. My name is douglas. Im a writer director and im still working. In the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. I had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. I discovered prevagen. 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Make it your mission. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Partnership between afghanistan and the United States is not ending. Its going to be sustained. You know, our troops may be leaving but support for afghanistan is not ending. Thats not the way of a lot of u. S. Military types see it including general kellogg, National Security adviser, fears that getting our troops out of there, even well before the president s earlier 911 deadline commitment will hasten the countrys problems. General, very good to see you. Thats in you know, in a nutshell, your worry. Speeding that process where afghanistan could be overrun. Yeah, neil, thanks for having me today. Look, i wish i was in that meeting tie, a Fly On The Wall talking to the president. But look, to get todays meeting in context, you have to go back a little bit in time in history to get to today so people understand it. When President Trump came into office, he determined that we were going to leave afghanistan for a lot of reasons. One it was a neverending war. Seemed like we had no intention of winning it. Theres no reason to be there. There was a civil war with factions fighting themselves. We spent trillions in there. We lost 2,500 great americans there in combat and see no end to it. The previous commander there, nicholson said it was in a stalemate. The president didnt see a reason to stay there. So we turned to Secretary Mattis and mcmaster and said come out with a settlement. Secretary pompeo came in, and we puch a special representative for correctional and worked with the taliban and had an agreement with 3m. We had that come together in january and february of 2020. The agreement was they wouldnt attack americans. They kept their word. Theres not been an american killed by the taliban since february of 2020. A year ago. Well over a year ago. 16 months now. So we also decided in april to come up with a determination on how to get out of there militarily. We brought our team in. Secretary esper was there, the Vice President was there, i was there. Pompeo was there. Obrien was there. We discussed ways to do this. We came up with three options. Calm out by 1 may, election day. The determination was come out by 1 may. So we started working with the military to down side that. That gave all of us a year to work it one year for the military withdraw and one year with reconciliation with the taliban. Neil by that rationing, general im sore representative here but you would have been out there earlier than joe biden. But the difference would have been that you would have been more prepared. So that what youre saying . No. We would have had a negotiated settlement to have a reconciliation of the government between the taliban and gannis government. The taliban had been winning the fight for the last nine years. They had been on the offense. We have 260,000 welltrained troops there that we trained to fight in afghanistan, in their country and we wanted a reconciliation of the of the goes coming together to have a peaceful settlement. We thought we had that worked that out well. We passed that to the Biden Administration. The Trump Administration and the Biden Administration have this right. This is on ganni. He pushed back. The taliban, when we talked to them, they said we want this negotiated settlement. We have to think hard about that as we do it. I dont know what the president was talking ant when he talked about having troops there, forcing there, what it will happen. We laid a clear mark other the taliban and discussions with President Trump on what would happen if they didnt followthrough with a good peace agreement. General, while i have you, interesting news item from your old boss, Vice President pence on the efforts to certified joe bidens victory, that ill always be proud of playing that part. Nothing i could have done as lone as the president wished. Obviously its caused a great deal of animosity between the two men, maybe more on the president s part. What did you think that the Vice President said he wants to move on but its still something that he says he did the right thing. Yeah, neil, the Trump Administration i was a administration of 1,461 days. We did great things for 1,460 days. When the Vice President went on capitol hill and what he did under the constitution and what happened in washington d. C. They started to come together. Theyre talking again, theyre working together again. Ive seen the Vice President recently about three weeks ago. Ive spoken to the former president as well out there. I think theyre coming together and working together going forward. Hopefully that relationship neil when you say working together, are you referring to the president and the Vice President , because theyre definitely not on the same page on that whole january 6 thing, right . Well, thats what i said. For 1,460 days they were on the same page. They worked well together. A lot of things went very well together. There was a lot of great things the administration did. Everything there creating a vaccine in a short period of time to the Abraham Accords in the middle east to taking out neil the Vice President said he had no chance and you agree with that . Neil, he did what he thought was right. Neil understood. General, thanks very much. General keith kellogg, the former National Security adviser. We have more coming up including Justice Department going after that georgia law on voting after this. Hey, you nice smartphone. You should switch it to Tracfone Wireless to get more control over your wireless plan. They give you unlimited carryover data you pay for your data, you keep your data. Really . Yeah, you just swap your sim card whistles you can also keep your phone, keep your number, keep your network, 20 a month, no contract. 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Andy, i want us to talk about this, but i would be remiss if didnt if i can talk about the news of the day here. What you make of it . Its an appropriate sentence. His Sentencing Guidelines which are the ones that personally applied to him take into accoun his lack of criminal history, and the cruelty of his conduct for about 12 and a half years, they judge found three exacerbating factors, i think most informed observers thought that would add about a decade t the Death Sentence and it did appear to i think it was an appropriate sentence. Obviously, he seemed animate in his brief remarks today on something that might be coming available that would im referring to chauvin. It wasnt clearly, this juror who is seen wearing a black lives matter shirts, or so im just wondering what it was he was referring to. Its hard to tell camille because hes on this dilemma where anything he says can be used against him and the Federa Proceedings so it got to be careful about making admissions. At the same time if he didnt a least express some remorse, i think that would have cut against him. If he is talking about closure for the floyd family, maybe he is going to try to plead guilty and dispose of the federal case. That is sheer speculation on my part. Andy, i do want to switch gears, we were originally scheduled to talk about and tha is the Justice Department over that new voting not. I think its a preposterous lawsuit. Again, it shows that this Justice Department is putting the might of the government which is its awesome Law Enforcement power. If they had illegal excuse, the could vote Absentee Bird thats what the federal requirement is bear the idea that the georgia provision which vastly expands voting beyond that somehow does live in some. Where does this go . Well, it goes to the courts and we will be in court for a long time, if they get a progressive judge, they men win the first round, but i think ultimately it ends up in the supreme court. Within a dozen other states have or plan to continue pushin for similar laws heard what a successful legal challenge to this one abrupt there is . Thats a great point, neil because its not so much that i would just stop them and whatever laws they passed, states that are considering whether to similar to the ones georgia did would always have t worry about the prohibitive expense of litigating with the Justice Department. The Justice Department has a 30 billion budget. Theres there is not my states and municipalities they can go toe to toe with them. Andy, through a lot at you there. Youre lucky i didnt want to get into the ufo thing thats just come out great andy mc carthy, on foxnews legal eagle. Much more, but as i said there a report out now that song foun no evidence that in xlinked aerial sightings or extraterrestrial origin, but th government doesnt rule out. Its issued this report that focus on these aerial phenomena that youve seen so much including those observed by the American Military pilots over the many years says that the u. S. Report is one they really cant have firm answers on but the pentagon its hiding since 2004 are still unexplained, the say that one was attributed two airborne and as for the other 143, dont know. So its still out there. Unidentified flying objects, even those that we cant recognize that could be human made or according to the government bodies far from ours. Thats a good point and they show m1 when we will pick up on saturday show as we look at all the crazy back and forth going on in this country and in this world, and now were going to talk to know less than the unites states government. That will do it for us. Its time for the five. Hello, im jesse waters, jessica and Martha Maccallum and greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 p. M. In New York City and this is the five. Right now is good time to make your first trip. Its not my first trip. This is not a new plan. It took 93 days, but Kamala Harris finally visited the border. The v

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