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Longrunning conservatorship. She does not have control over her own body. The updates you do not want to miss. And group have raised In God We Trust removed from one State License Plate coming up into th nights missouri you will decide. We begin tonight with President Biden unveiled his Ne Prime Prevention Strategy why kevin quirk has a details be. Good the machine and there i little doubt the white house is hearing the ramblings among democrats that spike in violenc is really causing a lot more than just at and destruction. Its also fermenting a lot grea deal of political consternation and frustration as you know could be problematic because th midterms in 2022 they argue today its as good as any to unveil the white house plans to start a surge of violence acros its still wants addressing the surge of violence gripping the nation mr. Biden joined by the Attorney General announced zerotolerance plate policy for well good gun dealers he blamed her for sending tools of crime into our cities. Just one part of a wide range approach to curb the increase i violence across america especially those involving guns. 0 strategy that would focus on strengthening background checks meaning Assault Weapons and highcapacity magazines. Boosting community policing. Free expose for gun owners and hunters there with you ther is no possible justification fo having 100 rounds in the magazine unit changing the constitution. We are for enforcing it. Being reasonable. The biden plan expands at summe programming and Employment Opportunities for teenagers and young adults. An effort to discourage Crimina Activity by idol you be back which is a real concern with th summer here. A time when cry it tends to ris nationwide. Thats a Frightening Propositio when you consider that homicide for example have already increased by 24 percent over last year and gun related death are up a staggering 21 percent. The antiviolence announcement came after Biting Garlin but with state local and enforcemen officials amid the surge of violence could its a blast at for focusing too much on guns and not enough on the people wh commit crimes and those that needing support to get them off the streets. The radical policies are becaus as unbelievable crime wave they can change it by funding the police and that supporting enforcement. A lot of it ties back to thi zone will defund the Police Movement and some of the destructions we have in Civil Society last year when you star undermining that basic foundation, you start breaking apart the violence of holding u together thats why you see an increase in crime. An increase it they argue will not subside without strong policies of focus again on criminals not just at the tools that they used to commit the crimes. Thursday mr. Biden travels to both related to how visa gettin vaccinated are busily he will b there to encourage more vaccination and mobilize vaccin education and outreach efforts at this is a white house continues to push the vaccine o a public that seems to be a bit locked down some would argue vaccine skeptical. Cabin we also got an update tonight from the white house involving the Vice President claims it to get to the border to visit this week more than three months after she was name borders art although we quietly heard from people but that her camp they dont like this big wasted upon her but a couple of interesting things that one is timing. We talk about this last week former president admitted and announced he is going to the border in just a matter of days into the location of the part o the border she is going to republican say its not the worst apart she is missing and wont see the worst of whats going on. Very interesting if you look at jim saki today at a Price Breaking she said lesson we mad a decision based on what withou with the right timing. Okay if you axe anyone who is honest or at the least a paying attention they know what the bp will does not want is to be standing somewhere with the proverbial Quote Kids In Cages image it tied to her in perpetuity that would be politically rumored as this say nothing of the fact that she used that language to describe the conditions along the border during the Trauma Ministration that said she goes to el paso gives her a couple of things technical border but the avon though shes borrowing from the action and a chance to talk about Quote Root Causes and a safe democratic city. I think this is interesting shes not far from the action. Then run maccallum shes about 800 miles away to put in perspective thats about the distance from denver to las vegas. Long way from all the action really is if you think about that. The distance from philadelphia to savannah is less than that from Washington Dc to chicago. That tells you how far away and thats why shes getting criticized by some on the right to make. We will watch North Carolina though so much pressure on her to go and now the administratio can say she is going and that you and i have much more to tal about Britney Spears and a whol of other stuff come back. We learning more about what led up to Loudoun County School Members at shutting down a heated meeting tuesday. We showed you thats where parents showed up to share Thei Opinions on Transgender Policy Critical Race series big talk t the children. One person was arrested for resisting arrest and allegedly physically threatening another attendee. The ella pts a superintendent cut the meeting short declared an Unlawful Assembly to another person who was later arrested for refusing to leave after tha happened and even a summons for trespassing. That man talked about what happened with her own. We were supposed to go until seven. Until the school board heard something they did not like him that was who was at they shut down. Not the only School District with Deep Disagreements on thes issues are hundreds of people also attended a Board Meeting i Fort Worth Texas last night to discuss a crt. Some attendees argue the Subjec Matter wrongly but victimizes minority students. Tonight digging into if out the details of it what is going on in their childrens schools. In some cases that we covered i Randolph Township in new jersey their chlorinated efforts and and opposing School Board Polic has been successful. Lets talk about that and other top story the president s plan to shut down crime by getting tougher on guns. With our panel tonight rob arthur of the unbroken threat. Brandon tatum author of deeds i Black And Blue began black cop in america under siege it thank you both for being with us tonight so i want to start with this before the meeting got shu down there were 250 plus people signed up to speak i want to play something that might government unnamed parent last night who said dont assume tha my kid is a [indescernable] [indescernable] as long as you push your unconstitutional agenda that mo says her child is not going bac if what theyre teaching is wha she makes it out to be what she described as arc schism. What you make of it back kudos the parent. We need this data for our children and we need to hold these at School Districts accountable. They shouldnt be Teaching Garbage in our schools like that. We dont live in an oppressed nation and theres no reason to be subjugating young people to be in a victim forever. You will never make it it lifelike that you definitely want make it in the United States of america. Shut up for the parents to go out show up its a great they glibly continue to do that. I wish we wouldve done it before it got to this point where we are riled up and ready to go these people out of the school i think its our hopes that they can we do to consistently go in hold them accountable standard for our children if they dont do it we expect them to take it and take children out. A lot of folks are saying this is a right wing conspiracy this is a rallying cry for conservatives. And its not actually whats going on in schools is no such thing thats being taught. In fact this is Brenda Sheridan a member that Loudoun County school board and this is were dispensed. He was what she said tonight. We are being promoted as a something we are not. Teaching something we are not and asking people reflect their own lives the ease of it which they are able to succeed compared to someone who has bee a part of marginalized group. At some coachable. So robert, what are we getting your . Is or something that parents ar accurately describing a crt . Is at a, whats happening . Sheehan, i its absolutely a real thing and parents are bein gas lighted by democratic politicians by their media allies there dont get what bit talk to their children especially over the past year things thinks about the end pandemic parents got a Front Ro Seat to what their children are being taught. This is not to, for example, th history of it racism or denunciation of racism. At the history of slavery or ji crow parents of all races are happy to have the children lear about that. How their children understand that why all of it was a stain on our nation. This is something else. This is telling there are two groups of americans depending o their skin color, one group or our oppressors and one group ar permanent victims. Thats incredibly entirely american. Some of the trainings are racially segregated. The idea for yearolds at have to unpack the racial privileges is deeply radical and unamerican. One American Parents hear that you dont get crt its not what you think it is. Its about diversity training its about teaching our past thats a lie and would be gaslight appear yet im incredibly cheered up by this u at appearance across the countr including as you noted many africanAmerican Parents and ar utterly oppressed this up risin is a very healthy and it gives me a lot of hope about the future about this country this is a poison propaganda. It is at not diversity. Is not teaching in their racism. It something else. Its a deal marxism. Brandon, you touched on some of those things to him what to mak sure to get some reaction to what the president is saying because he been on the front lines you have served our community by being a Police Officer in uniform heres what he said in his speech today about getting a hold of crime which is clearly and some Citie Soaring right now whos is the president. Know what needs to have a weapon that can fire over 30 or 40 or 50 up to 100 rounds. Unless you think that that dear are wearing kevlar vests, or something. Community policing and programs that keep neighborhood safe and keep folks out of trouble, thes efforts at work and save lives. We talk a lot about a lot of things but let emphasis on gun control they are talking about hunting and deal wearing kevlar vest when i was in law school i didnt learn the Second Amendment was about hunting. Youve been on the front lines on the figure take about with the president said today. I dont know if the speechwriters at the dumbest person in the word or joe biden is the dumbest person in the world by anyone with common sense would know that what he explaining about deer and hunting in the Second Amendment is asinine. Youre not going to curb crime by stopping lawabiding citizen having guns. Use common sense. If you dont care about killing people, you dont care about illegally being a possession of a firearm. Therefore the lodge wont. I dont understand how we dont see that at this point to. What we do need to focus on is people who are committing the crimes. The gun is not the problem the person with the gum is the problem. For him to go out into a gadget that have a hundred rounds, joe biden if you have two magazines with 30 rounds apiece that 60. You put three and there and tha you can shoot up as many people as you want to appear yet how ignorant is that that you are worried about a single capacity magazine with get are looking a the totality of circumstances. Most people have short cared by handguns not even rifles. At the buzz people who are killed are killed due to suicide. Its have them selfinflicted wounds it has nothing to do wit the American Population going out and massively killing people. Also, do the math. Well we started talk about dividing the police when they start start demoralizing Law Enforcement in this country we see crime go out up. The gums have not changed in the last couple of years. Its been the rhetoric against Police Officers. If you keep bashing them, they wont proactively police. They will lead the Police Department and Esther Marcom Astronomical Numbers and they will get shut up every week it because you dont have people that you protect and serve. If you want to make a difference , stop focusing on foolishness and Start Empowerin and emboldening Police Officers. Finding them so they can protec the community there will beat w believe they were supposed to d from the beginning. The most vulnerable communities are the one they sa they want more police there and visit they collect like they di to get them say. Thank you for your ears out there and serve and they give being with us tonight as great to see both of you. Think you got bless. Britney spears at making headlines around the world tonight. Speaking out publicly. In a hearing about her court mandated conservatorship of first time. Father jb spears is haiku kernel over her finances and other life matters for 13 years. Now she is ready for that enrichment to ed. Jeff paul has been covering at all day joins us now with more. And her first open the indepth comments of the conservatorship started 13 year ago. Spears made it clear. She wants to be free. A Status Hearing inside cited louisiana courtroom lasted more than 20 minutes spears is joine by phone asking a judge to and the conservatorship that contro not only her wealth but nearly every aspect of her life popsta compared her its been 13 years and its enough. Its been a long time since iv had my own money. But now im telling you the truth. I am not happy i cant sleep i so angry its insane and im depressed i cry every day. Spears told the judge shes bee forced to take a let and that i made her feel drunk and impaired. She also says that she was to eventually get married and have a baby but cant because she is and has an iud insider preventing a pregnancy. Spears said her socalled he wont let her go to the dr. To take it out. Earlier tonight actress rose mcallen joined fox news at saying been done to spears is horrific. Many in the media laughed an scorned her when she shaved her head. I lived in hollywood during tha time and ive made it my Life Submission to tell all of you out there how many of you reall know deep down that same and ho they what in the Media Machine are rotten to the core. And that they do hurt and damage. With a lawyer representing Spears Co Conservator Suggeste that hearing at any tree be sealed at private medical was revealed that spears actually interrupted saying quoted theyve done a good job at exploiting my life so i feel like it should be in open court hearing. So jeff a huge day in this case. What comes next . At the moment its unclear where there could be another court date. The judges says they could consent the next hearing becaus petitions and motions need to b fouled addressing some brought up broad uptodate. Both sides will have to agree o a future court date but under the law a burden to prove it spears is competent to live without the conservatorship is on her. Also an attorney for spears at father james it spears did give a Brief Statement on his behalf today saying quote is sorry to see his daughter suffering and in so much pain. Mr. Spears that loves his daughter and misses her very much. To a cheerleader descended over some pretty vulgar social media and a rant she went on. Lauren greene has more in the specifics of the case this kos case shows the perils and pitfalls of free speech. What is legal is not always moral. By you nearly unanimous decisio they rolled a teenagers is a Vocal Social Media Outburst is protected by the First Amendment. A Majority Opinion just Stephen Breyer wrote about the larger issue at stake saying it might be tempting to this bls awards as unworthy of the robust approach First Amendment protections. Sometimes its necessary to protect in order to preserve th necessary. When the 14 yearold randy leavy did not make the varsity Cheerleading Squad or her publi school, she took a social media and launched a Cussing Tirade against the school. Showing a pitcher of a rage tha middle finger. I was upset. The team that was offcampus when she made that we can pose. The liquids decided in our favo at the school to the Supreme Court they violated leavys First Amendment rights. Leavy who just completed a change the mindset of other kid they know its our right to express how they feel like getting punished by the school. I for really good about it. Her father says its about protecting someone is having a bad day. Thats what our goal was to protect. Expression or of any deal or an controversial view that somebod may find that they dont agree with. We were seeding a complete blanket to protect each just as Clarence Thomas dissenting vote said he wouldve upheld the School Suspension they allow tw partners weve got a lot of Breaking News tonight there is manhunt underway right now for suspect one for gunning down a Daytona Beach Police Officer. The police chief at G Carrie Young is identified while ssa suspect and multiple lawenforcement agencies all across that region hasnt joine the effort to track him that suspect the officers in critica condition tonight he apparently stopped responding to calls on his radio after going to investigate a suspicious incident. He was found. There is a 100,000 Reward Fo Info leading to the suspect wil keep tracking that their Standoff Rock Hill South Carolina tonight they got a physical with police even furling rocks im told the fire was also set outside the Police Department following the arrest of it to black men who sparked that protest we will continue t monitor both of these breaking stories we will learn more and continue to track them and let you know. Breaking news and buoyancy convict and it near the old saying the couple that spends i together they will both end up getting really busy. At todays best buy viral video that come up next It Feedback Check out the tourists getting quite a square well on safari and south of the up. The group here is seeing and being chased by a norm normas elephant at a tiger reserve. The memo coming across a little aggressive got something this say trying behind that even at some points alongside its a lot of trust but hey if you have the video and doing that with your we its a woman treating the moving sidewalk at an airport like a personal runway. She is crushing at. Youll get snagged. That happens a lot of the littl walkways wearing skinny feels that she did not recover well her drink all over the place. She hit the deck, ouch. I give her an a for effort. You are at the airport, you hav to make it fun. I think she from. At someone forgot to tell this guy convex it dont swim. Get that with the caption unopposed on bible edible item. With Flash Flooding left them stranded. They wanted a severe thunderstorm heel and the winds in excess of 40 miles per hour. Those conditions and called a day on trying to get out there through the waters. It never a safe idea. Moving on. A little bit more boring at tha check them out a hedgehog and dotsons straight outliving their best lives it. Relaxing on the water. My care in the world. They had their own sunglasses. Why has it doesnt the hedgehog has some glasses, thats what i need to know. Shes feeling left out. If you are swimming if you are rafting with your dogs or hedgehog, send us your videos. San marcos social media i will find some boxes for the hedgehog. We want to see at new tonight, the same debate that is happening in School Districts across the country also impacting the united state military. Two of the top brass, chairman of the joint chiefs and secretary capitol hill today independent teaching on racism and extremism. He said hes not apologizing fo what he says is openmindedness. I read miles either read kar marx. I read lenin that doesnt make me a communist. What is wrong with understandin having some situation understanding about the country for which we are here to defend . The author of the upcoming book and do, good to have you back. Okay, so writers report of this stuff at the hearing today the headlines, top us general hits back at right wing upper over racism teaching. Congressman mike ball was a better and as well and he responded to that because he wa part of the hearing today. He said this isnt an rightwin up uproar. Im hearing from soldiers and veterans about that teachings are inherently evil. Get outside from your bubble. What you think of this conversation right now . I think that you know this. Theres been no greater opponen for crt in the last year in happen of my life writing year about it. I do cringe a little bit when you begin to hear rate leading politicians calling for banning any ideology. Is that something we do in this country. We dont ban ideology and marxism, Critical Race Theory, even though i find those personal. That ends of being a smokescree for the real reality, which is happening, were pretending like we have an Open Marketplace of ideas that impact that marketplace is open only to one far end of the spectrum. Critical race theory and boca some has become dominant in our schools and military. So my response is you want to have an Open Marketplace . Great. Lets have an open conversation. Lets talk about what led to violence across the country in the streets of america last year. The second with the results of black lives Matter Movement t black lives of what theyve don to the police that has impaired lives for everyone. Lets have that open conversation. The only thing im not okay wit is only allowing them pretendin like we have an Open Marketplac of ideas by permitting certain ideas. Its Behind Closed Doors censoring the kind to speak tha we truly represent a true open debate and Open Marketplace of ideas. And one of the things that weve been told in recent weeks as theres no such thing as crt that it is being drummed up by people on the right with an agenda to go after woke is some or that it is being misconstrued. But many johnson is among those who got back to that of iowa. He says that these were telling teachers how to identify certai things including White Supremacy , including documents in the eye was School Show Teachers are forced to classify make America Great again, which means of american have the tshirt and hats. That is what they support. As a type of races up the right of privacy is through Critical Race Theory forced upon them at taxpayer expense. So these documents are out ther and they sound rather political. If youre going to take a sloga from a specific candidate and party, tell kids that is white supremacist them or racism, i think that parents should be able to have a conversation about that. I think absolutely and i think that there is a lot wrong with the document but i had a chance to review more closely and so the things that bother m are farther down in the image with the school and the teacher were being talk notion what Color Blindness were evidence o White Supremacy and we are all part of one human them is evidence of White Supremacy tha celebrating columbus day was a covert form of White Supremacy. To me that shows how far along weve come along the spectrum were weve tried to use the Wor Races In The Bush has all the accommodations ball of racism i the past which is discriminatin up hating on the basis of on the basis of the color of their skin. Now actually exhibiting, embrac it is like colorblindness, whic used be the opposite of racism, so i think we have to get to th place where braces a means what it meant, which is on the basis that somebodys skin color. If you are called of races, tha is no longer the worst baby can be called. It is meaningless. For the left has done with its jujitsu around language is to get the kind of connotation but we used to think of as racism and now you think it describes any idea that you disagree with for the day. We need to call out that for what it is. Maybe being called racism is them the worst thing if it really means erasing things lik colorblindness. I got so many more question for you with your kind to come back. We will have much more to discuss in our next visit. Thank you so much for being wit us tonight. New questions tonight about the possible risks associated with the covid vaccine. Weve got a doctor of the house of the long list of covid questions to ask. We will try to get through as many as we can. Is now a good time for a flareup . Enough, crohns for adults with moderate to severe crohns or ulcerative colitis. Stelara® can provide relief and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. You, getting on that flight . 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Their awardwinning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. And it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. So its like my streaming service. Well except now youre binge learning. See how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from Td Ameritrade. Visit tdameritrade. Com learn masks and increasingly the vaccine and the article published in the opinion Sectio Written By Two medical doctors asked our covid vaccines riskie than advertised. We are welcome to have a doctor here to give us a second opinion. Bestselling author, good to have you with us. Good to be with you, shannon. Let me start here. This piece in the Wall Street Journal goes on to say that there are concerning trends on blood clots and low platelets, not that the authorities will tell you. You would never know from the snake to Public Health officials , not a sink was published study has demonstrate a prior infection benefit from covid19 vaccines that this is not readily acknowledged by the cdc or Anthony Pouch he. So a couple of things, are ther things we should be worried about legitimately from these vaccines and what about that fo some of you has had covid it ha Natural Immunity . We have been under capturing complications. That is true of any database that relies on voluntary reporting and the norwegian Norwegian Fda reported ten case up that struck me as 48 and played with the vaccine. Theyve reported 19 cases in people under 25. Of like the two of them it look like there is an association, s we are probably under capturing. If you have had covid, you have immunity. One of the greatest failures of her medical leadership has been ignoring Natural Immunity from prior infections. Its very effective today in that were shown by a Cleveland Clinic study two weeks ago. Dr. Anthony pouch he worried worried that dealt the bearing is the greatest threat to our attempt to eliminate covid19. What we need to know about that. And how worried we should be . Welcome i do think that we should put things in context. This buried is about 4060 mor contagious. So if you are not immune, your more likely to pick it up. It is more sticky, if you will. But a study found that the vaccines were 90 plus effective , so if you have vaccinated immunity or Natural Immunity, you dont have to worry about that dealt the variant. Okay. We saw a mast firing of a numbe of people working at a hospital in houston. These are medical professionals and people are, Hospital System that said they didnt want to take the vaccine. They said take it or you have t lose your job or get fired. We talked to one nurse implored and that is it mandated them a company out be forced to quit m time. No job is worth my Overall Health and safety. She said ive worked during the pandemic and im not afraid as was at this. Now it is starting to cause people their jobs. Well, thats right. And many of those nurses in texas that have been fired or walked out, they say that they have had the infection. They have Natural Immunity and some have tested positive for the antibody. That should be a path around th matinee. Its the same for students who want to go to college and it is one of the grid failures of our medical leadership is ignoring the power of Natural Immunity. I want to take one more quic one here. The headline today, the materna presence of therell be a chronic need for coronavirus booster shots. Were talking about if you had your you are fully inoculated to thi point, youll have to get a third and may be continue longterm. What you think . I actually think it gets the should the getting one dose instead of two. So a lot of people are disappointed and they cut a dea with Modernity Prepurchase 2 million doses and that evidence is not there to support. With. Things for answer your questions get backs and science. Is that about to be stripped . Night court convenes next. You are the jury. Go with Simparica Trio its triple protection made simple Simparica Trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. Dogs get triple protection in just one Simparica Trio this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. Protect him with all your heart. Simparica trio. Breaking daylight. For following up on a story tha we told you about earlier. Body cam footage has been released were a Police Officer has been shot. He was responding to a suspicious incident and we are told from the police this is body cam up of exactly what happened. A man is under way. The man that the police have identified a suspect, the polic say that he has a 29yearold another officer is in the hospital, listed thing and Critical Condition and more tha 500 officers from multiple agencies are looking for the suspect. The county apparently on a lockdown. There are 100,000 reward for the patient leading to the suspect, but they have quickly turned around the Body Cam Footage to try to help in the search to help find the suspect. Time now Mississippi License Play has featured the phrase In God We Trust. Mississippi is a brandnew license play but the out of State Liberals hate it. It is because of these four words, In God We Trust. The liberals in california and washington are threatening to take mississippi to court just because of this license play. Not an Atheist Group is super wings think mississippi is forcing them to promote a message that they dont believe in. Civil rights attorney Robert Pattillo and kelly simon. Great to have you both back. Great to see you, shadow. Lets start with the complaint. Is as mississippi law course most car owners to choose between displaying the standard license play or pay an additional fee to get a special tag of their choice. They dont want her in their vehicles into a billboard for this message or pay an additional fee. I do think that it is fair. In god we trust, we have to remember that we have that on our money as well and people have challenged it saying that it is unconstitutional to sit i god we trust. However, the court the fate mad a decision that is not the case. In god we trust is a nod to our religious heritage and not an endorsement of a particular typ of religion. So therefore it is constitutional. Ultimately if you do not want a license play In God We Trust, then you can purchase another license play. To do have the choice. Okay. That takes us to exhibit b. Jeremy is an attorney and weve had it on the show many times. He said this when this license play was pass, he said courts have deemed our National Motto constitutional. Thats a part of our National Heritage and long a part of her history pick up officials and mississippi should ignore and these outside axis is it is on our money and oliver Washington Dc. Courts have upheld at the how d you win this case. I think those are longstanding, longstanding standards. Im a christian up by nothing offensive about the messaging, but this was creating in 2019 t longstanding License Plates that mississippi has had. You have to pay an additional b fee to express your religious beliefs. I think it is outside the bound about many think is appropriate. If you have it trailer or a vot commuted not have an option. Even they want to pay the additional fee. So that you are charging people 25 30 noted to simply not have the straight state on their vehicle. California take may have Black Lives Matter on on the license play and and in new york they have a frame both that says lov is love. I think many christians will have issues with those things, so i think we have an acrosstheboard standards standard standards that this Cannot Penalize or charge peopl extra money to not have a state issued message on their license play. So quickly, kelly, that takes u to imagine a christian having to drive around in no god we trust or in all lot we. That is dealing with a specific type of religion. I think that the point is that In God We Trust is not endorsin one particular prevention. So therefore it is constitutional. Now the other issue is if it is a specific religion, then it could potentially be unconstitutional. All right. Robert, youre closing argument. I think the best thing to do for christians is that want people to believe in gods follow followed politics and been jellico tradition. Do not try to force it. That is what drove people away from the church. We are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. I will speak to myself, that sets a pretty High Standard we would all do better to practice that. Robert and kelly, thank you. Folks at home coming you are at the jury. Use the hashtag night night court. Well see you again soon. The good news before we say goo night, a teacher in houston is impacting the lives of students in more ways than one. Joshua martin is reaching into his own pocket and he is runnin a fundraiser to help students for college. He started to college fund for graduate he sees you seniors and offered it to three and then posting a blacktie event for scholarship money and care packages. He says much has been made of pipeline and he wants it to lea to college instead. I know we are running out of time, so i want to save mine fo tomorrow. I will say anytime you are willing to get your time and treasure [indiscernible] thanks. We will see you back here tomorrow. 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Learn how you could pay as little as 0 at ingrezza. Com tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. About 40 minutes ago we got a welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. About 40 minutes ago we got a text from our friend, amy bruce who said that rose mcgowan the actor wanted to come on the

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