Voicing support for the withdrawal from afghanistan. They issued Commune Keays on the threat proposed by china and russia. This is ahead of the meeting with Vladimir Putin and the buildup is tense. Joining from us brussels cnn White House Correspondent Kaitlan Collins and clarissa ward. Kaitlan, first to you, swe expected to to start ten minutes ago but as expected sometimes these run behind. What will we hear from the president. I think there are a lot of questions about the Upcome Summit with the russian president , because really there have been so many moments of the trip, the first trip abroad since taking office. That really is going to be the defining meeting. And the white house is fully aware of that. I think what people are looking to is what they thinks he is going to get out of the meeting with putin. They are not holding a joint Press Conference. He justified that by saying he doesnt want the review of the meeting based on how the Press Conference looks and whether or not one leader, putin tries to embarrass the other. And so i think what youre seeing happening today, while meeting with the nato allies is not just that reassuring presence, its not donald trump, or talking about china. But its also talking about what he plans to say to the russian president in his meeting. And in his sitdown. Because there have been nato allies questioned why he is having the summit right now. And so president Bidens National security adviser Jake Sullivan says he was talking about what he intends to discuss with the russian counterpart in the meetings happening right now. He also expects to solicit advice and get input from the turkish president , they expected to Exchange Notes on the russian leader. It remains to be seen what we will see out of the meeting with russian leader in geneva. We didnt get a readout of the meeting with the turkish president , after the press was aloud in you only heard President Biden saying the meeting went well, but no details on the turkish purchase of the russians Missile System or the pullout of afghanistan, several topics to discuss, including the fact that they really only talked once before the meeting happened. There are a lot of questions for President Biden when he comes out to the Press Conference any minute from now. Clarissa, tell us more about that, what would have been expected from the erdogan meeting. It sounds as if erdogan of turkey has changed his tune and tone lately. Why is he doing that . Right, i mean, just one month ago president erdogan was saying that President Biden had blood on his hands over Weapon Steals to israel. President biden called erdogan an autocrat in the past which is a big difference from President Trump who welcomed him to the white house and said he was a good friend doing a fantastic job. We definitely see a different tone from the turkish leader. Part of that is the turkish economy is in free fall and Lira Plumting and they need to find areas to work on together with the u. S. I think it was expected from both sides there would be a consilliaer to tone. The u. S. Has called armenia a genocide. As kaitlan mentioned, the russian s 40 Missile Defense system on the cards. But not expected to be a confrontational meeting. I think both sides wanted this to be a matter of fact, finding areas of consensus where the two countries can Work Together moving forward. Yeah, kaitlan, obviously turkey and erdogan are lets call it unique figures in nato because of that relationship with russia, but also because of u. S. Military resources in turkey. Talk more if you would about the tone, about the u. S. Tone approaching erdogan as they prepare now for the meeting with Vladimir Putin. Well, thats where they have a lot in common. Actually they could fine areas of potential agreement. Because thats been a big question. And the joint agreement that was issued earlier today by the 30 member nations of nato talked about that, because one big part of that has been security at the kabul airport, how thats conducted given the afghanistan pullout. Thats another topic, another layer added to the conversation about these areas where they disagree obviously on a lot of them. But also as clarissa noted Turkey Needs Americans hope and america wants to know turkeys intentions what the security looks like and funding looks like for the airport. And you saw the Secretary General talking about earlier. And you heard President Bidens top aides saying it was something they brought up in the meeting. Were waiting on a readout or what President Biden says about it at the Press Drchs About what the determination of its with. This is broadly something a concern that is for several world leaders. We know they discussed afghanistan earlier. We were told by Administration Officials all leaders agreed essentially on the final outcome of that. But the question of how to get there and withdraw forces is a big topic. Not everyone was on the same page with President Biden when he announced the withdrawal and how it was going to be conducted. Yes you see people welcome President Biden, the diplomatic touches that were not here when President Trump was in office. But there are still divisions beneath the surface. There is focus on the President Biden putin meeting. But the g7 as a whole the other things they are dealing with, the coronavirus, global pandemic, brexit, of course, nato. Obviously President Biden has a different take on nato than President Trump did. He certainly does. And that was reflected and felt very keenly today. The nato Secretary General Jenns Stalten Rk said it felt very different meeting with President Biden than it did with President Trump, of course, who famously derided the northern atlantic alliance. Otherwise we heard from the spanish Prime Minister who called bidens election an inspiration, and said he was seeing the beginnings of biden delivering on the promises. But kaitlan is right there is a lot of disagreements between Member States about issues, particularly the issue of china. It was interesting, this is the first time nato delivered a communique talking about china as a systemic challenge. But there is a lot of difference between Member States in terms of some states like the u. S. Seeing china as more of an adversary and others see china still as an important partner for cooperation. We heard from stalten berg on that topic saying china does not share our values, singling out 9 crackdown on the Protest Movement in hong kong. Grs surveillance procedures by china. And the targeting muslims in xinjiang. There are areas they dont agree on everything. But i would say the one thing they are clearly united on is the sense that russia poses a major threat to the 30 Member States, and great attention needs to be paid on working together to ensure not just in the runup to the summit but in the future that the countries act together in unison to form a robust defense. That again, stoltenbergs words, saying we will respond to the threat with robust defense and dialogue. Certainly a different feel this year. Remember that President Trump at the first nato meeting shoved the Prime Minister of montenegro to get to front of the pack. This one called a crucial organization. Kaitlan, clarissa, thank you both. All right, later this afternoon. Attorney general mark garland will meet with new york times, washington post, to talk about the controversial seizure of data by the Trump Administration Justice Department. The web widens. We know that trumps doj secretly obtained records from don mcgahn, in an effort to track down leaks. Ag garland said the Justice Department will strengthen existing rules regarding seeking congressional records. Democrats now demand that former trump attorneys general william barr and Jeff Sessions testify under oath. With us to talk about this is our senior legal analyst. He will li hoenig. Lets start with the beginning, the predicate. Do we know what the predicate was to begin these subpoenas and the gag orders and everything . We do not know right now. And there are so many questions here. The first question i would have is what was the basis to start the investigation . As a prosecutor, you have virtually Unlimited Power to issue subpoenas. However, good, responsible prosecutors wont do that without what we call predicate. And we need so know what it started because they had specific cause to think there was a crime . Were the members of congress and media swept up in a larger case or targeted for political reasons . Thats the first thing we need an answer to. Then of course the question is who gave the greenlight . If something this broad youd expect people up the chain would know about this. Who knew, when did they know . How were they told . Normally in a case like this you have to notify the Deputy Attorney general, the attorney general. If im a prosecutor and my case comes across members of the media, members of the congress, you are required under doj policy to send notice up the Chain Of Command as soon as possible. We know that Jeff Sessions, rod rosenstein, bill barr said they didnt know about it. I find that hard to believe. We need to to know who did know, how high did it go . Why the gag orders . Is that commonplace . Is that unusual to have the gag order and this level of secrecy. Its alarming and third thing we need answer to. Why the secrecy . The reason we find out about it now its been under sale. Doj went to the courts and said we have to make sure the people we subpoenaed barbara starr, eric swalwell, the phone kompanys, apple you cant tell them that require a special court order. Doj going into courts and say please keep it secret. Why was that done, renewed several years . Thats the next big question. As we learned in addition to journalists members of congress and staffers and families. Now we learn about don mcgahn. How broad is this the things we dont know . This is a question for Merrick Garland how many other cases are there . There could be many other cases still under gag orders. Gag orders could expire in two weeks, six months. If oom meeting with geroux Merrick Garland im telling you need to do a review, look for gag orders imposed in any case relating to congress or media. We need to to revisit if the gag orders arent necessary. Go back, ask the judge to lift the gag orders. We need to know quickly. How do we get the answer sns. Two ways. First of all, the Justice Department Inspector General announce the its opening an investigation. Thats important. But remember the iq, inspector jeshl cant force people who dont work there to testify. Bill bavr, Jeff Sessions, they cant force them to talk. The bigger impetus falls on congress. Weve heard rhetoric and Chuck Schumer and other members. Demanding accountability. Lets see if congress is willing to follow through. Will they subpoena bill barr, Jeff Sessions . And if they resist Will Congress Go To Courts . I think they need to and do it more quickly and decisive to get the testimony from don mcgahn. Barbara starr khannens Chief Correspondent wrote a striking oped on cnn. Com i suggest you read it. About learning what had been executed to try to get information from her emails and from her phone logs as well. Lets listen to barbara earlier today. As i stand here today, both cnn and myself, we have no idea why the Justice Department snuck into my life. They went in secret Court Proceedings last year, went after some 30,000 of my emails and phone records. And not just my work email, my work phone, but they went after my personal accounts, my personal email. And my personal phone. And weve talked about how rare this is really. But from a personal account now to know that the government was searching through your accounts, it was striking to hear her describe after finding out. Barbara said it perfectly. This is why you have to be careful as a prosecutor. These are real people with personal and privacy interests you have to respect especially when the person is a member of the media. And the families. Yes. And their families. To hear barbara talk about the violation this was, her personal accounts. And by the way, the adam schiffs family, don mcgahn, the white house counsel. The scope of this en a to involve Family Members even minor Family Members, that feels like a violation. If i had one more question, alisyn, it would be why so broad . Why over 100 subpoenas for 10 oh different Phone Numbers and email accounts. Youre exactly right. Just think about whats in our cell phones. Parents phone number, siblings, phone number, spouses, kids phone number doj has a cleanup job. Were hearing more about this every couple days. Well see what comes out elie thanks so much. Thank you both. A special coverage of President Bidens overseas trip. Of course as you see we are waiting for him to speak at the nato summit. But well look at whats happening at the president s agenda to with, the agenda at home why he preaches democracy overseas. New concerns about the delta coronavirus variant, when and where medical experts say it could cause outbreaks next. I was drowning in student loan debt. I was in the process of deferring them, paying them. Then i discovered sofi. Completely changed my life. Lower interest rate. My principal is going down. 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This is about the way you think of infrastructure, physical infrastructure, roads, bridges and the like. What are the road blocks going this done right now . Its clear the overall price tag is a road block. This is not as high as joe biden would like to see it. But thats one potential road block. But its this, how do you pay for it . That seems to be the largest gulf between republicans and democrats. Its unclear if that can be bridged. Listen to Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell on the radio today. He says a 50 50 chance but he has clear red lines. Maybe 50 50. Look, both sides would like an infrastructure bill. Here are the red lines on our side. Were not reopening the 2017 tax bill. It was the major factor in bringing us the best economy in 50 years as of February 2020 before the pandemic hit. And we want it to be paid for. So he doesnt want to see any Tax Increases what so far to pay for it. That is clearly part of the biden proposal. Well see if they can bridge the divide, victor. Democrats, david, are losing patience, more of them, some started by this saying we shouldnt work the republicans because its not going anywhere. Theyre now preparing the Reconciliation Bill and infrastructure. Will the party go that way . Can they do it that way . Do they have the votes to to put it off. Its a good question. Chuck schumer, the majority leader said he is working the dual path. Theyre going to try to see can they get as much as possible in the bipartisan manner within everything else, the American Families plan, more Climate Remoted Pieces of the american jobs, does that go to another Spending Bill thats democrats only through reconciliation . If they cant get the bipartisan deal, then it has to be all with democrats only. We know weve seen resistance from some moderate democrats. Look at the items on the agenda that cant use reconciliation at all. Voting rights. Key among them. The for the people act, thats been passed by the house but stuck in the senate. The major road block there, joe manchin, democrat of west virginia. Some other democrats have concerns about the bill. He is the only exact not a cosponsor on the bill, stated opposition until this road block is cleared this bill will remain stuck in congress. Police reform, another item. Of course the House Democrats have a bill that thechb working on. Right now karen bass, house democrat, Cory Booker Senate democrat and Senate Republican tim scott still meet. Setting a deadline for june. Qualified immunity for police officers, this is the Sticking Point throughout getting a bipartisan deal on police reform. This Sticking Point still remains. Well see if that can be done in the next couple weeks. Guns, got through another deadly weekend in america. The biden administration, the president signed executive actions. The house passed two gun control bills. And they are of course stalled in the senate. The senate is a 50 50 divide right now. There simply arent the votes in the senate right now to get the 60 needed to pass gun control measures. Abtnd then the investigation into january 6th, woefully incomplete. The senate blocked the independent commission but released a Committee Report more narrow last week. What are the next moves. Nancy pelosi talked about this on State Of The Union with dana bash. Thats the options here, the options before Speaker Pelosi. She could wait for the senate to see if they revisit the a independent commission. I dont think thats likely. Continue with the existing committees in the house and have them take a piece of the investigation. Or she could create a new select committee in the house that is focused solely on the january 6th insurrection, alisyn. Yes, it would be partisan in the sense that its dmooktled. But the sole focus would be about getting an accounting for the insurrection. We wait to see if Speaker Pelosi will do that. On the senate side, they could vote again, Chuck Schumer held open the notion that he could bring up a vote again on devin dment dp dependent commission. We know of no change in votes. And they only have seven republicans, they needed ten, those votes arent there. I doubt we see this any time soon. David chalian thank you for taking us through that. Vicepresident Kamala Harris is kicking off a Nationwide Tour pushing the importance of vaccines and aiming to combat misinformation about their safety. man so when in doubt, just say, let me talk to my manager. Next, carvanas 100 Online Shopping experience. Oh, man. Carvana lets people buy a car get this from their couch. Oh, how disruptive. No salesman there to help me pick out the car i need. How does anyone find a car on this site without someone like us checking in . Shes a beauty, huh . Oh, golly laughter i can help you find the color you want. That sounds nice. Let me talk to my manager. vo buy your next car 100 online. With carvana. 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Is on the verge of a grim milestone, nearly 600,000 deaths from covid19. Earlier this afternoon vicepresident Kamala Harris was at a popup Vaccination Center in greenville, south carolina. Kicking off a new nationwide vaccine push in an effort to reach the Administration Goal of setting 70 of u. S. Adults vaccinated with at least one shot by july 4th. The president is also trying to combat misinformation about vaccines. She told the crowd getting vaccinated is the neighborly thing to do. Meanwhile in the uk the Prime Minister Just Announced he is keeping covid restrictions in place for another four weeks because of concerns over the highly transmissible variant known as the Delta Variant. The variant accounts for 10 of Covid Infections in the u. S. Listen to the warning from the former fda chief dr. Scott gottlieb. Right now in the United States its about 10 of infections doubling every two weeks. Probably the Nom Nant Strain in the us United States. That doesnt mean a sharp uptick in infections but it means its taking over. I think the risk is to the fall that this could spike a new epidemic heading into the fall. Lets bring in now cnn medical analyst dr. Leena nguyen. Why is this causing so much more concerns than the other variants weve seen. There are a few reasons for this, victor. One is that it is more contagious than the other variants. 60 more contagious than the other vaern, b. 1. 1. 7 originated in the uk. In the uk the Delta Variant has crowded out the alf variant. If its more Transmiss Bling you cant let down your guard at all. Even the one moment that somebody lets down the guard necked have covid19 more easily. In addition this appears por more virileant and deadly. There is a new study showing it appears to cause twice as many hospitalizations as the other variants. I think there is a lot of concern that it becomes dominant in the u. S. The risk to those who are unvaccinated becomes even higher. But is it vaccine resistant . Or if youre doubly vaccinated youre good . Well, the studies are still ongoing about this. Based on what we know it appears the vaccines we have are effective against this vaern, although not as effective as against the other strains. And so i think you know what the take away is, you should get vaccinated. I dont want people hearing this to say, well, if its not going to work that well anyway whats the point . Actually it works very well, just probably not as well as against the other strains. And so the best thing we can do is to get as much immunity in our population as possible to prevent the further spread of this and other new variants that may develop over time as well. Dr. Wen lets turn to the classic after the last School Year Parents and kids are hoping for a smoother school year. Listen to the secretary of education, Secretary Cardona today. Some of the data you read is because the families couldnt handle the hybrid option either home every day or in person remote. Hybrid should not be an option as a primary option. Hybrid should not be an option as primary option. I know you want kids to get back to a normal life, as normal as possible. But should the Vaccine Approval for kids 12 and under be part of the conversation to determine so early if kids can come back to in the classroom fulltime . Well, i think it depends on what other mitigation measures we are willing to put in place. By now, we have so much evidence that tell us that schools can be some of the safest places for children as long as mitigation measures are followed. Now, if there are very low rates of Community Spread you could say maybe we dont even need masking at that point. But if there is still a level of Community Spread, if our children are not protected or at least Young Children are not able to be vaccinated, we need to turn to other measures like masking indoors. We also should be doing everything we can to get staff and teachers vaccinated, and parents of students vaccinated. So far this pandemic we have seen what happens we with we dont prioritize our children, when we have open bars instead of schools. I think its time to prioritize kids. And the best thing we can do as adults to make sure all the adults are vaccinated and we provide the resources for schools to improve the ventilation and allow them to do things like requiring making indoors that allows all kids to get back safely in school in the fall. Dr. Wen, there is new research that shows there is a Weather Connection for covids transmissibility. I feel we knew that. We knew that outdoors is lower transmissibility than indoors. But it sounds like this goes deeper to figure out why in the summer the numbers went down to precipitously and in the winter up so much. I mean, this is not surprising. Coronaviruses are winter respiratory viruss. We know in the winter the air is less illumined allowing viruss to spread easily. There are a host of viruss spreading easily in the winter. This is why people come down with colds and flu in the winter as well. There is additional concern that people have not been together over the last year. And so when we get kids in school again were going to get lots of fever and sniffle and cough. Its challenging to sort out whats coronavirus and whats not. Part of the plan is to see what happens in the winter, how we improve testing, make sure Contact Tracing is in place. We are facing a situation of more people coming together and together indoors in a way we have not been over the last year. And we do not want to return what we had at the start of last fall. Dr. Wen, thank you. All right. So we are waiting for President Biden to address the media there. We looked at the podium for about 40 minutes now. Its getting more exciting. Riveting television. Waiting for the president to come out at the nato meeting in brussels. Of course we bring it to you when it happens live. First the historic shift in israeli, as the new Prime Minister takes over within Benjamin Netanyahu is not letting go that easy. And some of his promises may sound familiar. With our unique tub over Tub Installation in just a day, bath fitter doesnt just fit your bath, it fits your busy schedule. Why have over two Million People welcomed bath fitter into their homes . It just fits. Bath fitter. Call now or visit bathfitter. Com to book your free consultation. Liberty mutual customizes Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. How much money can Liberty Mutual save you . One two three four five 72,807 72,808. Dollars. Yep. Everything hurts. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Come on over to my place come on over yeah yeah hey, you, were having a party well be swinging, dancing and singing Come On Over Tonight Jess at safelite, we have service the way you need it. Your table is ready in the life artois. When you have a cracked windshield,t schedule safelites drop and go service. Just drop off the car and keys in the morning. Uplifting music jess . And go enjoy your day. Well text you updates along the way. Or you can check the status any time. And well let you know when your cars ready to pick up. Thats service on your time. Schedule drop and go at safelite. Com. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about well, the names have all changed since you hung around welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. [announcer] when you earn a degree welcome back, america. From Southern New Hampshire university, its worth getting loud. Woo i did it People Cheering [announcer]. 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Even used the word overthrow, sounding frighteningly familiar to us after the january 6th violence. What does netanyahu mean when he says that. Its incredible the First Time Since 2009 Somebody Other than Benjamin Netanyahu is called the Prime Minister of israel. Netanyahu now has the title of opposition leader. Naftalily bennett has been sworn in as the new Prime Minister as a razor thin confidence vote, leading as you said the most Diverse Coalition in the israeli history to the far left to the far right. And for the first time an Arab Israeli Party is part of the coalition but the diversity is part of fragility. They dont agree on much other than getting netanyahu out of power. But now the task is to govern and stay together, try and pass a state budget. They are likely not trying to take on any of the hot button issues, not trying to pass a start of a new Palestinian Peace process. Focusing on interior welfare, infrastructure, economic reform, because of such the wide diversity of views it will be hard for them to come together. And as you noted Benjamin Netanyahu wasting no time becoming leader of the opposition. He opted out of actually the Traditional Formaler is Minrole Handover and said having a short less than 30 minute meeting with Naftalily Bennett behind closed doors. Though out of offices still in politics. Hik party is the Largest Party still in israeli parliament. And today he spoke to the supporters and he vowed that they will do everything in their party to try to topple the new government. They called them fraudulent, said they are a dangerous to to israeli security. He said that a Prime Minister needs to stand up to the americans to know when to say no to the american president. He doesnt think that Naftalily Bennett his former Chief Of Staff will be able to do so. And vowing they will be able to take down the government very quickly. Alisyn. As always, its complicated there. Thank you very much, haddas. A new danger in the skies. Airline passengers, the latest incident of chaos in the cabin, and the disturbing new enemies from the faa. They do it carrying a Squeaky Beach chair, an Inflatable Dolphin and a cooler full of perfectly chilled bud lights welcome back Bud Light Legends its time to take summer by the coolers. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro [sfx] typing [music starts] welcome back Bud Light Legends [sfx] baby crying [sfx] foot strikes ball [teacher, in asl] two whales swimming together. [sfx] whale sounds [sfx] woman shrieking with joy. [sfx] lock click [sfx] happy screaming [music ends] i dont hydrate like everyone else. Because im not everyone else. They drink what theyre told to drink. I drink what helps me rehydrate and recover pedialyte® sport. Because it works. And so do i. Get exactly what you want on wayfair. Hi. Last piece. Kelly clarkson . Youre welcome. Like an updated kitchen in just an afternoon. Its a whole new look. Drinks . From the new kitchen cart . Yes. The bedroom style of your dreams. This room is so you. I got it all on wayfair. Yeah you did, and so did i. The perfect setup for game night. I know this its the singer, its the singer yes i got next game. Kelly clarkson. I love this sofa. Look at the storage. You like my sofa . I love your sofa. Right now for one of the suspects in a mass shooting in a popular Tourist Section of austin, texas. A 25yearold, doug, was shot and killed just as the bars were closing on the famous sixth street. A tourist, visiting from michigan. His family released this statement. They say he was looking forward to marrying his High School Sweetheart of ten years and starting a family. He was loved by his family, friends and everyone who loved him. This senseless tragedy has put an end to all of his dreams. 13 other people were hurt. In atlanta, a mall Security Guard is recovering after being shot in the chest during an Armed Robbery in buckhead, but he is in Critical Condition at this hour. A 15yearold boy and a 15yearold girl are in custody. In response to the latest gun violence, senator chris murphy blasted his colleagues in a tweet. He said, fyi, 32 people were shot yesterday in three mass shootings. And when Congress Returns to work on monday, half of the members elected to protect the country wont give a shit. They dont even send out thoughts and prayers anymore. We dont have to live this way. We dont have to live this way. This is a choice. We dont. Its interesting because there are polls that show that within the margin of error of everybody, there are people in this country who believe and agree there are some things we can do that can get us closer to general safety. To go through the list of places where there have been mass shootings, it takes less to list the places where they have not been. Thats right. You cant be a tourist in austin, you cant go to a mall, you certainly cant send your kids to school u cant go to a spa. Or a church or Grocery Store or a Massage Parlor and the list goes on. Every weekend. On airlines, the faa says theyve seen a sharp rise in unruhly passengers on board planes with more than 3,000 incidents reported so far this year. This chaos in the cabin took a strange turn this he can would end when an unruly passenger turned out to be an offduty Flight Attendant. On the floor please. All three of you. All three of you. It happened on an atlantabound delta flight friday night when a man took control of the intercom, which led to this fight. He was eventually subdued. What happened here . We have to preface this by saying we are asking but we still dont know what this mans State Of Mind was when he allegedly caused this turmoil in the sky and caused that chaos in flight. When you read the Police Report i obtained today, it certainly paints a very scary picture of what the passenger aboard that flight that left Los Angeles Bound for atlanta experienced. According to police they say this 34 ypd offduty delta Flight Attendant started having bizarre family. He was stashing belongings, with tennis balls with writing on them. And then according to witnesses he took control of the Intercom System and stoortd make these announcements that fueled the fear of passengers, saying the plane is going to be taken over. Recommending the passengers put their seat belts on, the plane would descend to blow 10,000 feet. According to witnesses, he previously submitted a note to one of the Flight Attendants saying there was a terrorist on board. We all know none of this was actually true, but it did take a violent turn when they tried to remove that pa system from his hand. Thats when, according to the Police Report, he assaulted some Flight Attendants, he allegedly then wrapped his hands around the neck of one of the offduty Flight Attendants on that flight, and thats when authorities at least the crew called on any ablebodied men on that flight to make their way to the front of the plane to help contain the situation, to try to restrain this individual. Thats exactly what ended up happening, the plane making a safe and unscheduled Emergency Landing in Oklahoma City where authorities boarded the flight, removed this individual. We should mentions that we do know who at least hes identified in the Police Report. We have reached out to him. We have not heard back. Its unclear whether or not he has an attorney since authorities did announce that the fbi is involved and charges are certainly possible here. Again, we do not know this mans State Of Mind, what prompted him to allegedly do what he did. It really becomes the laisest among 3,000 similar cases weve already seen this year aboard aircraft. Thanks so much. So, theres this accident that happened during a mud race in El Paso County, texas. We now know its turned fatal. The Sheriffs Department says one person has died after, watch this, a race car, the driver there lost control and slammed into the crowd standing along the track last night. Several other people were injured, some critically. Rosa flores is with us with an update. Have investigators figured out how this happened, why this happened . Its still early in the investigation, but according to it the El Paso County Sheriffs Office, they say their preliminary investigation revealed that for an unknown reason this one vehicle just exited, left that mud track, hit three vehicles, striking and then breaking the guardrail and plowing through the crowd. The individual who took these pictures, who took this video, talked to cnn and says hes okay but captured these intense moments that people were screaming. At one moment the video goes dark. One other spectator says a Security Guard warned spectators about these fastmoving vehicles. Take a listen. The Security Guard went around announcing, like, the mud tracks are a lot faster this round, be careful, keep your eye out. When they started the race, sure enough, didnt last long before he crashed into a pile of people and cars. Reporter now, according to the El Paso County Sheriffs Office, he says that all of this transpired yesterday evening at about 6 30 p. M. Eight individuals were injured and this has turned deadly. One person has died. The Sheriffs Office identifying that person as 21yearold valdez and, victor, according to the Sheriffs Office, two other individuals remain in critical but stable condition. Victor . Rosa flores for us, thanks so much. More on the Breaking News now. Lets check back in on that podium. Were waiting for the president to come out and speak at the nato summit there in brussels. We are expecting him to come out about an hour ago. The white house has not given an update on specifically when hell be out. Of course, we expect hell reaffirm the United States alliance with nato. A look at how hes preparing to face an american adversary in a couple of days, Vladimir Putin. Ill monitor the podium during the commercial break. Programming note. Cnn has new details about what happened january 6th, as drew griffin talks with people who were there. Assault on democracy the routes of trumps insurrection this sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern only on cnn. Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about well, the names have all changed since you hung around welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. It was a life changing moment for me. Welcome back, america. I had no idea that my grandfather was a federal judge in guatemala. 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