Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier

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fomenting hesitancy by his actions. >> there is no evidence that there is significant re-infections after vaccine, in fact, i don't think we have a hospitalization in the united states after the two week period after the second vaccination. you have a death in the united states. >> you are not hearing what i am saying about variance. we are talking about wild type versus variance. >> what proof is there that there are significant reinfection's with hospitalization and death from the variance? none in our country. a zero. >> because we don't have a prevalent variance yet, we are having one, let me finish, we are having 117 deaths more prevalent. >> it is based on conjecture. >> it is not based on conjecture. >> you want people to wear masks for another couple of years, you have been vaccinated and you parade around into masks to first show, you can't get it again. there is virtually 0% chance you are going to get it and you're telling people that they have a vaccine and immunity, you're defying everything we know about immunity by telling people to wear a mask who have been vaccinated. you should say that there is no science to say that we are going to have a problem from the large number of people being vaccinated coming want to get rid of vaccine hesitancy, tell them they can quit wearing the mask after they get the vaccine. give them a reward instead of telling them of that the manic state is going to be there for three more years and you have to wear a mask forever. there is no science behind it. >> let me just state for the record that masks are not theater, masks are protective -- >> if you have immunity, they are theater. you are wearing a mask to give comfort to others, not because of any science. >> i totally disagree with you. >> bret: dr. fauci continued responding saying the emergence of variant strains means that the country is not dealing with a static situation regarding the coronavirus. the cdc says fully vaccinated people can gather indoors with other vaccinated people without physical distancing or wearing masks. but it recommends masks and social distancing in public settings for when visiting with on vaccinated people multiple households, let's get additional information on the vaccine issue tonight from correspondent david lee miller in new york. good evening, david. >> good evening, brett, president biden took a victory lap this afternoon saying that 58 days into his administration 100 million americans as of tomorrow will have been vaccinated against the virus. his administration's goal of 100 million shots in 100 days, he said use of the defense production act which expedited critical supplies help made it possible and gives credit to a manufacturing partnership between competing pharmaceutical companies in public health a priority. and made no mention of the previous administration operation warp speed that accelerated the development. >> when i took office, when we took office, there was a lot that had to be done, needed more vaccines, more vaccinated others, more places for people to get vaccinated. >> former hhs secretary brett giroir accused joe biden of rewriting history, under the trump administration they had a pace of 1 million shots per day. and president biden went on to say that tremendous progress was being made vaccinating seniors who account for 80% of all covid deaths. >> eight weeks ago only 8% of seniors, those most vulnerable to covid-19 had received vaccination, today 65% of people age 65 and older have received at least one shot. >> and the european drug union agency said today that a covid vaccine made by astra seneca that does not have u.s. approval should you be used to protect against a virus, suspending use of the vaccine because of blood clots following the announcement france, italy, germany said they will use the vaccine again. >> this is a safe and effective vaccine, its benefits in protecting people from covid-19 with the associated risks of death and hospitalization outweigh the possible risks. >> back here in the united states, the board of education is saying that it is going to hold a virtual summons on how to safely reopen schools in the later development the cdc is considering changing the guidelines for school when it comes to social distancing from 6 feet to 3 feet, and official tells fox that the announcement could come as soon tomorrow. bret. >> bret: david lee miller in new york, thank you. as we saw former president trump is encouraging americans to get their vaccinations as soon as possible. >> i recommended and i recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it, and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly, but again, we have our freedoms and we have to live by that. and i agree with that also, but it is a great vaccine. it is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works. >> bret: let's find out what the public is saying broadly about vaccines, poster frank luntz joins us tonight. you had a focus group sponsored by the beaumont foundation, tell us about it and what you learned. >> 19 trump voters, republicans, and they had a lot to say about the vaccine, a lot to say about anthony fauci and what is happening right now, there is one click relevant to what you just reported, there was a real concern doubt, if not distrust of anthony fauci and what he has to say, and i would love to play that for the viewers right now. >> i have tuned him out, frankly, i have no opinion anymore. i don't want to sit here. >> liar, puppet, flip flopper. >> inconsistent. >> self-serving. >> they have given up on him because he keeps changing the goalposts, he keeps changing his mind, and that interaction that you had with the graham paul, i don't want to undercut dr. fauci's credibility, but among trump voters he has none. and if we are to get people vaccinated, what these voters are telling me is that they need evidence other than dr. fauci. their own doctor, their own health care provider, they are more likely to trust than anybody else. >> bret: let's play another sound bite, this is vaccine impressions, take a listen. >> scary not knowing the long-term side effects. >> a miracle albeit suspicious. >> unproven. >> rushed. >> not sufficiently tested. >> holding my freedom hostage. >> my fear of the vaccine is more than my fear of getting the illness. >> it seems like it should be cut and dry, frank. >> that is the challenge up to the biden administration to step up and to allow doctors to deliver the message. and the most powerful impactful message of all, 90% of all doctors have taken the vaccine, they are much more likely to be trusted then any politician, then the previous president even more than donald trump himself, and given the facts on the information and let americans themselves decide what to do. >> bret: use all the former president come out on maria bartiromo, saying people should get the vaccine, do you think that that to move these folks? >> it is a good first step, and frankly, it should've been done months ago rather than now, people are making up their minds, and the foundation has nonpartisan organization that they have seen where every other pollster is showing right now, the one group least likely to take the vaccine are trump voters, particularly younger trump voters and it is going to take an appeal from the medical community, from the doctors themselves face-to-face with their patients given the vaccine in the office rather than the mass site will move people and it has to be moved if we get to herd immunity. >> bret: last one, we will talk about the incentives for vaccinations and one of them as travel, take a listen. >> we have not traveled, going away three or four cotimes a year, if this is the only way that i can go, i am going to. >> i think eventually i would cave and i would get the vaccine. >> and that's the problem, you don't want them to have to cave, you want them to have to want to do it, so they need the evidence and the facts and know that there is a benefit and give them the choice. it is an issue of personal responsibility rather than national responsibility, you personalize individualized the vaccine with the doctors and one last thing, bret, there is a major, millions and millions of dollars campaign of a psa to show the president, the previous president talking about getting the vaccine completely ineffective. trump voters want to hear the sites and the medicine and hear from doctors, they do not want to hear from previous presidents. >> bret: always interesting, thank you. also breaking tonight's, two pressing foreign policy issues for the biden administration as it deals with a domestic crisis and for the first time actually using that word to describe the deteriorating situation along the southern border. we are getting our first look at how the new president will deal with china with the initial face-to-face meeting between the two country since the inauguration. also tonight a very upset to russian government over president biden statement describing vladimir putin as a killer, the fox team coverage tonight, jennifer griffin at the pentagon with the response to that insult. for state department correspondent rich edson who details the new china talks. good evening. >> they are underway in anchorage, alaska. the first of two scheduled sessions this evening between top diplomats from the united states and china. secretary of state andy blink and has lead off these discussions accusing china's government of threatening the rules based order that global stability. >> thank you very much for making the journey to meet with us. >> secretary of state antony blinken is back in the united states for the first meeting of the biden administration mission with senior chinese officials. >> our administration is leading with diplomacy to the united states and the international order. >> just sent philip and spent several days in east asia in the meeting with chinese diplomats, national security adviser jake sullivan and himself are expected to raise china's assault on democracy in hong kong. depth of trade secrets, claims in the south china sea, and mass repression against the minority in shandong. across the country, the state department's headquarters, members pressed blink into and repression, and said that he came to the u.s. in 2009 after watching the chinese government hill protesters and arrest thousands. >> i lost contact with my family members, my mother is 92 years old, i don't know her whereabouts now. >> he says his brother was just sentenced to 17 years in prison. when it comes to tibet, hong kong, or taiwan, china's government says the united states should stay out of its internal affairs. chinese officials won the u.s. to roll back distinctions, tariffs, and other sanctions that trump the administration administered. the bear on the secure interest, no one shall expect china to make any compromise or trade-offs. ahead of this meeting, the state department levied sanctions against two dozen chinese officials for the crackdown and hong kong that drew praise from former secretary of state mike pompeo. the president trump's top diplomat contends the new administration is too eager to address climate change. >> they will trade an awful lot of american security for a false chinese progress on climate change. >> there is more scheduled tomorrow. the white house says that president biden wants to see where these talks go before deciding on next steps. >> rich edson at the state department, thanks. russia wants an explanation over president biden's assessment over vladimir putin as a killer, national security correspondent jennifer griffin has details tonight from the pentagon. >> a war of words erupted just hours after president biden vowed that vladimir putin would pay a price for attempting to undermine the 2020 u.s. election. and agreed that the russian president is a killer. >> regarding my american colleagues statement, as he said, we know each other personally and would i answer him? i would tell them to stay healthy and wish him good health and status without irony. >> chilling warning who spies used a nerve agent to poison his main opponent. then challenged biden to talk tomorrow or monday. >> i want to invite biden to continue the discussion, but that we do it live online without any delay in an open direct discussion. i think that it would be interesting. >> in an interview that aired wednesday, biden did not mince words. >> you know vladimir putin, do you think he is a killer? >> i do. >> what is the price he will pay? >> you will cease shortly. >> a camel and spokesperson said there is nothing like this in history as he analyzed the comment. >> i remember when we were young and were bigger in the yard, we would say i am rubber and you are glue, bad names bounce off of me and stick to you, we see the quality and other people and assume that they are just like us. >> accusing the u.s. of, slavery, and referenced black lives matter, because russian bots divide americans, the u.s. sanction russia for poisoning his opponent alexi nepali, and is also planning to respond to russia's recent hacking in 2020 election disinformation campaign. >> the president reserves the right to respond in the manner of his choosing is any president wanted, but he did make clear that the russian government will pay a price. >> declassified u.s. intelligence report accused russia of meddling in the 2020 election and mentioned it 64 times. the escalating tensions come as they host a round of peace talks between the taliban, the f and government and four other countries including the u.s. that needs russia's help to end the fighting in afghanistan. >> angered by biden's remarks, hooton called the ambassador back to moscow for consultation, something they have not done in protest and more than 20 years, bret. >> bret: jennifer griffin at the pentagon, the white house press secretary actually uses the word crisis talking about the immigration surge at the border. first here is what some of the fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight, fox 4 in mississippi the storm system marches through the south spawning tornadoes in some places leaving thousands without power, at least two people were hurt when a tornado struck a house in south western alabama. no reports of fatalities they are. and this is a live look at los angeles from the affiliate fox 11. one of the big stories they are, and sea theaters saying 98% of the facilities will be open friday. many are reopening this weekend in california following the pandemic shutdown. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from special report. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ our retirement plan with voya, keeps us moving forward. hey, kevin! hey, guys! they have customized solutions to help our family's special needs... hey, graduation selfie! well done! and voya stays by our side, keeping us on track for retirement... us confidence in our future... 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debate over exactly what to call that situation rages on with the business lift off today. here's white house correspondent chris fisher. >> for a split second it sounded like the white house was ready to apply the label it has been so reluctant to use. to speak of the crisis on the border. >> but the press secretary clearly clarified. >> the crisis on the border -- >> challenges on the border. >> senior official with the border protection told fox news, the president understands which is why he told migrants, don't come over, but to the message does not seem to be getting through. in addition the surge of unaccompanied minors the administration is also struggling to shelter in process an increase of migrant families to the border. and "the washington post" reporting 60% of the more than 19,000 unit were allowed to stay in the u.s. to waive an immigration hearing. to speak of can admit of the college surprises. they have yet to address the crisis and house democrats are backing policies that would only exacerbate the wrong incentive. >> senate minority leader mitch mcconnell voting on two immigration bills that would provide path to citizenship between workers and farm workers. >> that we believe and adjust, rational, and humane integration system. >> former president george w. bush weighing in on the immigration debate and saying that the time has come for comprehensive immigration reform. >> it should be an overhaul which means that we need to get politics out of the system against all other minded people focusing on what is best for our country, what is best for our company. >> is abide in a administration contents with the first real challenge of crisis is increasingly difficult for journalists to see the situation at the border firsthand. repeatedly on wednesday, why that was happening, reporting pg reporters to the department of homeland security. i would encourage you to talk to the department of homeland security. >> but jen psaki said the white house is working the media into the facility is where migrant children are staying. >> we remain with transparency and considering potential options and hope to have an update on that soon. >> moments ago the house passing american dream and promise act that provides a path to citizenship for those millions of dreamers. nine republicans crossed over and voted for it. but the bill now faces a steep climb in the senate. bret. >> bret: very steep, kristin fisher on the north lawn, thanks. that stock lost today, the dow 153, the s&p 500 fell 59, the nasdaq today dropped to 409. house republicans are trying to get california democratic congressman eric swalwell off of the intelligence committee tonight. the vote is expected soon. the reason, his ties to a suspected chinese spy, we have brought you that story before, now the vote. chief washington correspondent mike emanuel tells us more this evening. >> the american people deserve to know what their government is not vulnerable. their house republican leader kevin mccarthy pushing to remove california democratic congressman eric swalwell from the intelligence committee. >> should remember who can't get a security clearance in the private sector sit on the house intelligence committee? >> responding on twitter writing meet the new mccarthyism, all of this to deflect from g.o.p. leader support for qanon. republicans have been concerned with it ties to an alleged spy, saying she raise money for eric swalwell in 2014 and placed interns in his office before leaving the country in 2015. mccarthy points to this questionnaire for security government that asks about close contact with the foreign national in the last seven years. the chairman said it could happen to any politician. >> do we know everybody's association? do we know whether someone in the campaign is a spy or a thief or whatever? >> house intelligence chairman adam schiff so pursed his support writing "i have full confidence in congressman swalwell's fitness to continue to serve as an exemplary member of the intelligence committee with all the trust that entails. i will oppose this transparently political effort." >> it is not about politics, this is surely about members know what intel committees get to review and no. he doesn't rise to that occasion. and unfortunately, he should not serve there. >> in response democrats are expected to offer a resolution seeking to remove freshman congresswoman marjorie taylor greene from office. and responded "there is nothing more threatening to democrats then strong republican women." a vote on eric swalwell in the house is expected this evening, american should have the votes to set the resolution aside, but we will see nancy pelosi reappointed to the intelligence panel even after questions were raised about christine fang. bret. >> bret: mike, thank you. the senate has confirmed general javier becerra as the secretary of health and human services. the vote was 50-49. 63-year-old is the first latino to head that department. republicans had raised questions about their proceeding lack of experience. still ahead, how politics is already a major role, playing a major role in the investigation of the capitol riots, we will explain. when we come back, he fox news exclusive, inside one of the crises threatening andrew cuomo's political future. the nursing home scandal. ♪ ♪ >> our population is vulnerable. we cannot be doing this. it is not right to the residence. ♪ ♪ here's andy listening to my goals and making plans. this is us talking tax-smart investing, managing risk, and all the ways schwab can help me invest. this is andy reminding me how i can keep my investing costs low and that there's no fee to work with him. here's me learning about schwab's satisfaction guarantee. accountability, i like it. so, yeah. andy and i made a good plan. find your own andy at schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. germ proof your car with fiarmor all disinfectant.wab. kills 99.9% of bacteria 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boyland is calling the impeachment probe a sham and refusing to cooperate. breaking tonight, he fox news exclusive, someone on the inside speaking out a behind-the-scenes look at the nursing home scandal. that is also threatening the political survival of new york's governor. here is correspondent aisha hosni. >> my position from the get-go was we can't do it. >> michael cohen is the provider of silver like care center in staten island, new york. and for the first time he and his team are telling us what really happened behind closed doors when governor andrew cuomo issued that controversial march 25th order. it required all nursing homes to take covid patients released from overwhelmed hospitals. he says he first heard about it on a covid conference call with other administrators. hospital leaders and state officials. >> we can't be doing this, it is just not right to the residence. >> and you vocalized that on these phone conversations? >> i did vocalize it. and then once it was shot down, i never spoke again. >> at the time he feared his facility did not have enough ppe, so he followed his gut and locked it down. in the end silver lake reported two confirmed covid deaths at the facility. six out of the facility and 37 presumed covid deaths. the numbers are not the lowest in the state, but far from the highest. in may of 2020, governor andrew cuomo amended his nursing home order now hospitalized breslin residents must test negative before being readmitted to a nursing home. but many believe that to march 25th directive put the facilities in a tough position. >> they were petrified, but they were more petrified to the department of health. >> 15,000 people died in nursing homes and lawn care facilities, governor cuomo repeatedly insists his order was not the driving cause. >> do you think that it's fair? do you believe that? >> not entirely, i really feel that when the hospital kept on pushing us to take these residents, i think it was a very big mistake. >> we did reach out to the governor's office, we have not heard back, though department of health did respond, they are proceeding tonight that the guidance as they call it was not a directive to accept covid-19 patients adding that the attorney general here in new york found that it was reasonable for nursing homes to have understood that. >> thank you. jury selection is proceeding with two jurors being selected today in the case of minneapolis police officer accused of the death of george floyd, several jurors were cleared to participate after questions about the city settlement with the family leading to the dismissal of two others. in the meantime, republicans are calling house speaker nancy pelosi's plan for a 9/11 style commission to investigate the capitol riots of january 6th partisan by design. a congressional correspondent jacqui heinrich tells us why tonight. >> the country is no closer to understanding the causes and security failures of january 6th attack on the capitol because republicans and democrats can't agree on how to investigate it. plans to form a 9/11 style commission broke down after house speaker nancy pelosi submitted a draft bill giving democrats seven appointees and republicans only four. >> you start with the premise that you only wanted one side, and you understand what the outcome is going to be. >> republicans also sounded off about the scope of the administration claiming language in the bill predetermined conclusions about the threat of domestic extremism and did not allow for additional scrutiny over similar political violence like the riots that caused an estimated $1 billion in damage to cities across america last summer. >> they want us to treat something like black lives matter's, a peaceful demonstration in a similar matter as they would do january 6th. so the main problem is the scope of the investigation. >> democrats believe broadening the scope would hamper administration ability to draw a conclusion about the specific attack on capitol. the chairman of the 9/11 commission believes history should be lawmakers guide. >> there are a lot of men and women who were really going to go close to the island talk to each other and come up with a solution, both sides can go through. >> tonight there is also pressure from the widow of a capitol police officer who took his own life after that mob stormed the capital saying that to the root causes need to be examined in a bipartisan manner, so history is not repeated in the family once howie's death not to have been in vain. >> bret: live on capitol hill, thanks. up next, two very different views of crime in los angeles from the district attorney and the sheriff. >> it does not make a safer, it is morally wrong. >> he does not talk one bit about punishment or personal accountability. ♪ ♪ an made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just 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done away with the death penalty. >> bret: george casto and said that felons could spend 8,000 fewer years behind bars because of his reforms saving millions. >> this is money that can go towards education, public health, and other social services. >> but critics say by not charging gun, gain, or hate crime, it's causing more hate crimes. >> these are horrific and the district attorney is doubling down and eliminating automating that holds these people accountable. >> since he took office, homicides in the city are up 108%. >> it seems like it is getting the upper hand. >> violent criminals out of the streets as we do this. to speak of the recall has not stopped the d.a. from hiring prosecutors to go after bad cops. >> we have requested that all los angeles county law enforcement agency is turned over the list of names of officers with known history to focus honestly, bias, unreasonable force or any other conduct that may impact their credibility. >> on wednesday said that he reviewed 370 cases after reformer detected used a racial slur during a traffic accident. >> never talks about actually prosecuting cases come he never talks about public safety. he does not talk one bit about punishment or about personal accountability. >> and remains in a legal fight with many of the deputy's leaving law enforcement. >> bret: let's bring in the panel now to talk about this, publisher of "the federalist," national correspondent on national radio, and harold ford jr., former congressman and ceo of power inclusion capital. we have done a couple stories about the d.a. out there, and it is continuing to gain a lot of eyeballs as far as what has been happening on the ground with crime statistics. what about the story and what is happening and going on? >> one of the trends that we saw emerge over the last year and a half is an increase in violent crime and a number of really problematic statistics in many major metropolitan areas including l.a. and this is a piece with an overall trend that creates larger tensions between basically the priorities of a culture where critical race theory and other elements are supposed to be injected into policing where there is a view of inequity here that creates a lot of analysis that frankly would lead to police pulling back in a lot of different areas come at the same time, you have a lot of local impulses for many people who are actually of minority ethnicities that would ask for more cops in their vicinity. this is a central tension at the heart of the democratic party in their coalition at this moment. i think that you are seeing it play out in a prominent way in los angeles. >> bret: you know, we sought to minneapolis with the minneapolis city council saying that they wanted to do away with the police department essentially and kind of re-looking at that, but what about what the district attorney is doing as far as crime and going after it. >> first, thank you for having me on, this idea and the push for reform and the criminal justice system, we have seen a bipartisan effort, president trump and his team deserve a lot of credit for some of the changes that they have ushered in. and the way that they highlighted it. it is clear that for a d.a. to be successful, a good strong working relationship with police officers is something that you must have. i think in fairness the d.a. has an important note too that he was a former l.a.p.d. officer who fell for the senior officer and was former chief of police in arizona as well as san francisco and he obviously will be up for reelection and will stand before the voters. but it is important to note that joe biden has never supported the dash defunding the police, there is a healthy and maybe even at times unhealthy conversation around community and community policing and how this plays out, but i think that we have to look at to this in a way that community by community. and it is going to happen if he had the criminal justice reforms he is going to have to persuade the public and one way the public judges whether they believe the full safety and comprehensive safety program for the community is a working relationship with the police. we have to wait and see. >> bret: and obviously the voters would have a say if they don't like what he is doing. >> yes, the voters would have a say. people want to public safety. and crime as was said it has gone up a major metropolitan areas because of the pandemic. we have seen that everywhere. but joe biden not only is not for defunding the police, he is actually for sending more money to police forces and also more money so that police do not have to do all of these other things like be social workers and make up for things that aren't funded in the cities. so this is a big debate, and l.a. is having its own version of it. >> yes, there is no doubt that crime is up in places like l.a., san francisco, elsewhere. standby, up next, vaccines and masts, senator rand paul versus dr. fauci on capitol hill. ♪ ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. ♪ ♪ >> you have been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show. you can't get it over again. there is virtually 0% chance you are going to get it, and you're telling people who have a vaccine and immunity, you are defying everything know about immunity to wear a mask to people who have been vaccinated been vaccinated. >> let me state that masts are not theater, masks are protective. >> if you have immunity, they are theater. you are wearing a mask to give comfort to others, not because of any science. >> i totally disagree with you. >> bret: dr. anthony fauci in the hot seat there in the senate with senator ram powell, and joe biden saying that tomorrow the administration will meet the 1 million shots of the vaccine in arms around america. what did you make of that back and forth? >> yes, look, i think that it just confused people even more, i think that what rand paul is saying is correct is that dr. fauci is unlikely to get to the infection because he has been vaccinated. so he is not wearing a mask to protect himself, that is not necessary, but according to the cdc guidelines if they vaccinate a person is exposed to covid, they have a kind of window, like 24 hours where they could transmit that infection to someone who isn't vaccinated. so it sounds like what dr. fauci is doing is protecting others by wearing the mask. and people need to know what to do. and they also need to know whether or not they should get vaccinated. and rand paul seems to suggest in something later in the exchange that that was not necessary either. >> bret: i think he was saying if you are going to say to everyone that you have to wear a mask forever, that it is going to dissuade people from getting vaccinated. >> why get vaccinated if your life won't change? yes. that's a problem. >> look, i want to be measured and when i am saying here, dr. fauci is someone who has worked very hard for the american people. he is in many ways someone that we all should respect, but i think that the fact is that he is someone as a messenger who has outlived his usefulness to both administrations, this one in the previous one because of his inconsistency is and because i think people see through this kind of theater that rand paul was criticizing. which basically says, despite the fact that you've been vaccinated, even if you have gone through this whole procedure in order to get the shots, nothing about your life is going to change under our guidelines. that's the opposite of the message we ought to be sending. and it is the opposite of the message politicians ought to be sending. virtually all of them that you see on your tv cameras have been vaccinated. they are not going to be transmitting this disease, they are not vulnerable to it anymore, and instead of living that out in front of us as an incentive for more americans to get vaccinated, they are engaged in this type of theater that is to play on our cameras that really illustrates to people, you shouldn't even bother. because nothing about your life is going to change, and that to me is very dangerous. >> bret: harold. >> i have an early winter, his name is president trump, i'm so thankful he urged everyone to get the vaccination, and i am fortunate and glad that i got my first shot on sunday and i have to tell you, i still wear a mask if i leave my house, i want to make sure that i get the second one and i want to make sure that i don't transmit or get it in the process. >> bret: what about the theory that if you get the two vaccines, should there be some feeling like eventually the masts are going to go away? >> they showed, but i have to tell you, listening to mask wearing and taking advice is like comparing my game to tiger woods. tiger woods is dr. fauci and i will let you figure out who the other game belongs to you. i'm going to wear a mask until i get the second shot. >> bret: i hear you. listen, when we come back, tomorrow's headlines tonight. ♪ ♪ r retailers donated 50 million meals to feeding america. and yet, one in four children may still face hunger. . . love. it's never been needed more than right now. subaru. more than a car company. 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"fox news primetime" hosted by maria bartiromo starts right now. hey, maria. >> maria: hey there, bret. thank you so much. ♪ >> maria: and good evening. welcome to "fox news primetime." i'm maria bartiromo. tonight, the state fights back. coming up a look at the state's attorney general who are pushing back on the radical biden agenda partly enabled by big tech. now governors and state a gs demanding answers. florida's ron desantis taking aim at critical race theories slow creep into our nation's schools. we will take that up later on with family roomer trump chief of staff mark medicine toes

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