We are hearing the same thing from some republican elected officials, we are hearing it from the pentagon. Just this week the new Secretary Of Defense order the entire u. S. Military to stand down while investigators cleanse the ranks of political instigators, we are hearing it from the Business Establishment from wall street,r from the massive multinational corporations that increasingly control the all of them now on The Hunt For Political N extremists. O we are for moderation and incremental change, we are for the consent of the governed, we dont like extremists either, we attack them regularly. Its not enough to be against something, you have to be more precise than that. What is it youre against . In order to root out a problem, you have to know what it is. You need a sense of what youre looking for, a clear sight picture. You have to define the terms. Heres the remarkable thing weabout this public conversation were having. No one is doing that. Have you noticed . None of these newly energized and highly empowered extremistst hunters have told us exactly what an extremist is so we are left to guess, we are left to look around nervously and see if we can spot one hoping against hope the whole time they are not talking about us. Are they . And if they are, what exactly are they doing . How are they hunting these extremists they keep telling us about but will not describe. We now know part of the answer to that question. This show has obtainedou exclusively evidence that Bank Of America, the second the country with moreng than 60 million customers is actively but secretly engaged in the hunt for extremists in cooperation with the government. Bank of america is without the knowledge or the consent of c is customers sharing private information with federal Law Enforcement agencies. Bank of america effectively is acting as an Intelligence Agency but they are not telling you about it. In the days after the january 6 the riot at the capitol, Bank Of America went through its own customers financial and transaction records, a lot of them. These were the private records of americans who had committed no crimes. People who as far as we know had absolutely nothing to do with what happened at the capitol On January 6th. At the request of investigators, they searched databases looking for people that fit a specific profile. Customers confirmed as transacting, either through bank account, debit card or 5 credit card, purchases in washington, d. C. , between january 5th and january 6th. Number 2, purchases made for hotels, airbnb, rsvp in washington, virginia, or maryland after january 6th. Number 3, every purchase of weapons or at a weapons related merchant around inauguration day. And 4, airline related purchases since january 6th. P what do you notice what that profile . The first thing you notice is that its remarkably broad any purchases of anything in the city of washington, d. C. Any overnight stay anywhere in the three state area, that spans hundreds of miles. Any purchase, not simply of legal firearms but anything bought from a weapons related merchant. , tshirts included. Than any airline related w purchases, not just flights to washington, flights to anywhere, to omaha coming to thailand. That is an absurdly wide net. Bank of america identified a w total of 211 customers who met these thresholds of interest and it was at that point, this show has learned, Bank Of America t turned over the results of its internal scanned to federal authorities apparently without notifying customers who are being spied upon. Federal investigators interviewed at least one of these unsuspecting people and that person weve learned hadnt donehae anything wrong and in te end was cleared. Imagine if you were that person. The fbi holds you in for questioning in a terror investigation, not because youve done anything suspicious, you havent, you bought Plane Tickets and visit your countrys capital, you thought you could do that, he thought it was your country. Now they are sweating you because your bank which you trust with your most private information, information about everything you can buy has ratted you out to the feds without telling you. Bank of america did that, you are being treated like a member of al qaeda. What country is this . It doesnt matter how much you despise a donald trump how much you believe that hatred of trump justifies suspending this countrys ancient Civil Liberties. Owing to that experience would scare you, absolutely. A Terror Suspect you would think, does anyone else know about this . Is there a a record of this interview if i lose my job because of it . That actually happen to someone. Its hard to believe it, but it did. We asked Bank Of America about this, they confirmed it actually happened by not denying it. Here is their statement in full which manages to make this whole thing even creepier, assuming thats possible. We dont comment on our communications with Law Enforcement apparently not all banks have responsibilities to cooperate with Law Enforcement in full compliance with the law. The last part from a lawyers perspective is the essence in full compliance with the law. Its the law, we had no choice, but thats not true. Bank of america did have a choice. Te the bank could have resisted turning over information on its innocent customers to federal investigators but Bank Of America did not do that. Nor is it clear, if were going to be precise about it, that what Bank Of America did is even legal. It turns out its not simple, its a gray area. We spoke to a number of lawyers about this today. Some of them told us what they did might not be legal and could be challenged in court. One knowledgeable attorney pointed us to 12 usc343. It allows them to tip off the feds about what may be relevant to a possible violation, the doj reminds banks of that law and of course they do but the question is legally what constitutes ayinformation that may be relevt to a possible crime . Buying a muffin in washington, d. C. , On January 5th . Does that make you a potential Domestic Extremist . According to Bank Of America, yes. It does. This is the moment for the sake of our country and our grandchildren who will live here, we need to pause and breathe deeply and ask what are the rules . What for gods sakes is a political extremist . A lot tanks on that question, maybe everything. Please tell us, but they wont tell us pointedly. Today at the white house, and the new National Security advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters that domestic extremism is the urgent crisis of our time, rooting out domestic political extremism ise more important than anything else, more important than getting a job, running a business, tending to your family, but sullivan did not explain what it is. Ec build back better isnt just about economics is about National Security as well, then its about the set of issues working families are facing every day that are challenging their lives and livelihoods. The pandemic, climate change, the threat of domestic violentom extremism. Tucker domestic violenttr extremism, there it is, the worst thing. But no sense of what that means. We are starting to believe they are not defining it for a reason. Whats the other explanation . Yesterday an oped in the New York Times asked this question are private messaging apps the next Misinformation Hot Spot . Signal, a bunch of others, they are encrypted, no one can read it. The New York Times doesnt like this, why . Ife they cant see what youre saying, maybe you should be allowed to say it. The shift to private messaging has renewed debate over whether encryption is a doubleedged sword. While the technology prevents people from being spied upon, it might also make it easier forat criminals and Misinformation Spreaders to do harm without getting caught. Notice criminals and Misinformation Spreaders are in the same sentence. Whats a Misinformation Spreader . Someone who doesnt agree with the New York Times, obviously a violent extremist and theyre dangerous. S. If you think were joking, we are not. They are pulling this thread every day. T according to the democratic party, we need to start screening that social media accounts of people who work for the government just to make sure. So its time for us to open our eyes and recognize whats going on. The fact that we do not look at social media of potential recruits into the military flabbergast me. O tucker hosts a very popular show over the hill newspaper, he joins us now to define this essential phrase of the moment, everything hangs on this. We are happy you are here. Im hoping to get a clear explanation, a clear definition of what this phrase means. What is a political extremist, Domestic Extremist . A domestic political extremist by these peoples definition as everyone who does not agree with the professional managerial class and the people who run this country. What were seeing right now is one of the most dangerous episodes of modern american history, it is the fusion of the people who run our culture, our largest institutions with the post9 11 Security State. We need to remember that the people who run the post9 11 Security State are the greatest failures of the modern era. You talked about the pentagon and the Secretary Of Defense lloyd austin, this is the person who failed to arm all these moderate rebels in syria. Wasted hundreds of millions of dollars, right where i stand right here where im sitting, there is fencing around the capitol. We learned today it cost half A Billion Dollars for the National Guard deployment. We see the excess of money, we see the deployment of the entire surveillance state, things like with Bank Of America, the proposal of new laws. John brennan has come out and said people within the cia and others are beginning to hunt these Domestic Extremists here on american soil. Dont let it be said, the cia is not even supposed operate on american soil, what is he saying there . This is one of the most dangerous episodes and in this case, the post9 11 security m state is not even being monitored by the media or the people in the culture because they agree with the people who are it they agree with the people who are hunting the hunted. Tucker after 9 11, we had at least a Working Definition and we talked a lot about it in public about what a terrorist was. In the end i terrorist committed acts of terror which were acts of violence designed to kill innocents in order to make a political point. For all the awful things we saw on january 6, thats not one of them, other bad things happened, thats not one of them, it wasnt terrorism, it was a riot. I wonder, that is the pretext on which they are justifying 9 11 level surveillance, suspension of Civil Liberties effectively martial law in the capital . Exactly, did we need thousands of american troops or did we maybe need 100 more cops on that day On January 6th and the entire thing looks different. Do we need a half A Billion Dollar deployment, a new domestic terror law . Every law on the books is probably already too many on the books but all of thoseho could have stopped on january 6, the same thing that was heard on 9 11 and many of these different cases, its all just an excuse for the people in the Security State to be making money and in order to expand their vast powers. I am deeply troubled by the people who ruined iraq and afghanistan now trying to bring their message to the United States. I saw joy reid talking about ddeep do you and i want to break the news to her about how that turned out . These people have no business trying to deextreme if i everyone anywhere. Tucker they are making a dead certainty that someone is going to be driven to total lunacy into something terrible and theyre making people crazy and dramatically elevating the chance that something really awful is going to happen and im upset about it, i think we should be. I appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you, tucker. Tucker it looks like the dwarf kingnd is indeed emerginge from his layer at cnn and stepping down. The call to shut down this network and the speech in general continue to flow from cnn, well tell you why coming up next. When you switch to xfinity mobile, youre choosing to get connected to the most Reliable Network nationwide, now with 5g included. Discover how to save up to 300 a year with shared data starting at 15 a month, or get the lowest price for one line of unlimited. Come into your local xfinity store to make the most of your mobile experience. You can shop the latest phones, bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. Stop in or book an appointment to shop safely with Peace Of Mind at your local xfinity store. Tucker for the first time we told you about the Recall Effort in california, it seemed like just a remote possibility, now it has a very real chance of succeeding. Interesting. Meanwhile under los angeles new aggressive d. A. , more hardened criminals have a chance p to get out of prison than ever before, that would include serial rapists. Weve got that story tonight. Good evening to you, literally as soon as the d. A. Took office in l. A. , he issued a series of directives that here says are meant to stop a system of Mass Incarceration here in los angeles. He got rid of cash bail, hes no longer prosecuting juveniles as adults, he got rid of the gun and gang enhancements, he got rid of special circumstance allegations, hes no longer prosecuting californias Three Strikes Law and hes no longer allowing his prosecutors to attend Parole Hearings for criminals. That is causing issues for victims families. When you pull up a mug shot, this is a story i did last night. This is howard jones who killed two teenagers 1988, yesterday he had a third Parole Hearing and because prosecutors want allowed to attendant, he was granted parole. Its going to be up to gavin newsom but the Victims Family family are furious, they say they were abandoned, they had to face the killer alone with no support and they say its disgusting that he is going to potentially get out after only 30 years in prison for killing two people. When you pull up another story, this is when i did monday night, this was the subterranean rapists, he terrorized l. A. Back in 1981. He sexually assaulted approximately 50 women. Hes got a Parole Hearing coming up and just like the last story, he is not going to have prosecutors there because of gas goings reforms and his victimse terrified, they say they are going to have to face that guy, the guy who raped them and they are going to have support there. This is probably the most heinous one yet, this is a man who raped two Young Children when they were ages six and eight, in the early 2000s. He raped repeatedly, them, hes been in prison since the early 2,000, he also has a Parole Hearing, the victims are horrified, theyre good have to face themm alone. I recall has alreadydy started r the d. A. , hes been in office for two months. Tucker really shocking stories. I appreciate you bringing those to national attention, stuff thats gotten lost and weve been on it and i appreciate that, its important. Thank you. At the end of last nights show, we told you that the dwarf king might be vacating his musky layer over at cnn. This morning he informed his bewildered minions at the disgraced Cable Channel he is leaving at the end of this year and honestly were going to miss him. In a business filled with blustery halfwits, he was absolutely blusteriest. You cannot be elected the president of the United States without cnn he boasted to his lawyer buddy michael cohen. Its kind of hard to beat that level of entertainment with your pants on and using that to watch cnn to enjoy it. Its also worth remembering his other contribution to the American Media landscape. C it is relentless attacks on the freedom of speech. He created an entire unit at cnn devoted to shutting down any News Organization that refused to tow the ruling class line. If you have unauthorized questions about anything, jeff zucker wanted to force you to be quiet and tried. His staff is a Ministry Of Truth with two of the most repulsive yet obedient imposters he could find, thugs pretended to be objective analysts. He set them loose to Silencefr Freethinking Journalists with threats, lies, and bullying. In a number of cases it has been successful. Hi cnn is in fact trying its best to pull this show and fox itself off the air for good. Harm reduction, thats what they call it as if fox news was a deadly pathogen. That is not the behavior of a legitimate News Organization but it is exactly what cnn has become. A Tv Channel Making A Billion Dollars a year using the First Amendment to kill free speech and the rest of the media. Thats wrong but is not just wrong, its frightening. You dont want to live in the country cnn is creating. Jeff zucker has not done this alone. Going forward s we want to be a lot more specific and much more detailed about who is trying to strip you of your most valuable birthright as an american which is the freedom to speak and hear the truth. Everything is based on that. You should know the names of the people tryingg to take it away, you should know why they are trying to do it, you should understand the stakes. We want to begin tonight briefly, because were going to have a lot more time in the coming weeks and months because its important, we want to begin tonight with jeff zuckers boss, a man called john steinke, he runs at t which owns cnn. He knows what jeff zucker does at cnn and he strongly approves of it. He announced that he was doing a wonderful job at the b channel. You should be concerned about that. At t is an enormously powerful company, and 2019, its net income was nearly 14 billion. More ominous, at t controls over a million miles of fiber liens. Chances are virtually everything you know about the outside world flows through at ts property. John stinkys opinions matter, he has an awful lot of control over your life. He thinks its okay to silence the show, to silence you. Ou why does he think that . We would very much love to ask him, but in the meantime we will keep digging and were about to let you know what we find. Speaking of deadly pathogens, Critical Race Theory is spreading. A new website will tell you if its in your kids at school, thats next. Tucker we spend an awful lot of time beating up on journalists and the sorry state of journalism but we dont want to be all negative. We will hold up the miscreants for abuse but we also want to lecelebrate the good guys. We want to bring you the story of a genuine investigative journalist, a man who has been forgotten, cast aside when he should be edward r. Murrow and its an injustice we planth to rectify it. When everyone else was saying you should wear a mask to protect yourself from the coronavirus, this man told you you should wear three masks. Not just one, three. Bravery like that isnt taught, youre born with it. Last night this same investigative journalists broke thes story of a lifetime, if pul of surprises still mattered, this would get a pulitzer. Youve seen those a prude or film and the moon landing, youve never seen anything like this, will tape. We all fantasize about a time when we would have to wear the masks anymore, its not now but some of the supermarket florida appeared to have decided the time is now, this was the scene at oaks farm in naples today, nbcs sam brock took this video which went viral, it looks like it was taken prepandemic. Most customers and employees not Wearing Masks at all. Tucker this was the scene. A woman smiled in the grocery store. It wasnt quite what we thought it was, maybe when you spend 30 years reading scripts about car chases, everything seems in a car. Problem is not everything is a car chase. Sorry overheated news guy, thats not actually news. Many colleges and universities now teach something called the Critical Race Theory. According to Critical Race Theory, some races are inherently better than other races, this isnt an assault on racism, it is racism. And its spreading, bewilderingly. The deepest possible betrayal of the promise of this country, of every Martin Luther king speech ever given and yet itsr in your kids at school. Law professor started up a website called critical. Org. You can use that site to track the spread of these diseased ideas in schools and to see if they have infected the schools that your children go to. Bill jacobson is professor at cornell law school, he started this. Thanks so much for coming on, youre a brave man. Even to criticize is highlyna fashionable deeply poisonous idea but you are actually tracking it. Why aree you doing this and what if you found . Speak out the reason i started to follow it was at Cornell University where i teach in law school, they implemented a push over the summer to embed what they called Antiracism Ideology into every aspect of the campus and as you know, antiracism does not mean what people think it. Means. Its actually very racist, it encourages discrimination under to remedy past discrimination. I saw this develop income i started to researchng it, i was going to write an oped or an article about it and i realized it was almost everywhere. We began to gather the data, focused now on Higher Education because that is the source of all of this. Re thats where the source of ideology developed and thats with the peopleav are trained t. We created criticalrace. Org which is a database with an interactive map where people can find out what colleges and Universities O which they may be sending their childrenbe or to which their children may be going have going on and it really is a full fledged database, you m can hover over e map and click on your state, you can click on your school. We have 220 universities in the database now and we are expecting to expand it to 500 and you can find out whats going on. Everything is sourced, everything is linked and the database is neutral, its just data. You can findnd out whats goingn in schools. Maybe you like it, maybe you want your children sent to a school where they get indoctrinated or maybe youre going to send them to a school where you dont know whats going on and this is a way to find out. Tucker its amazing. Ce what a public service, i dont think anyone in good faith could argue against more knowledge which is what youre providing. What has the reaction bed to this . Speak of the reaction so far has been overwhelmingly favorable, we just rolled out this week. We have a tip line, a contact form, a lot of people have been submitting information about Thu Universities and colleges and we only use publicly sourced information. This is what the colleges tell themselves, they love to talk about this stuff, they love to pat themselves on the back about this. It probably doesnt make it to their Admissions Brochures and you can find this out at our website and it has been overwhelmingly favorable. The one big reaction we have gotten is when are you going to do this for k12 because k12 is where a lot of the problems are happening now. Im not sure when we are going to be able to roll out Something Like that but a lot of parents were entering admissions season, youre going to be looking at schools, dont just worry about what Athletic Facilities they have come with the dining room service, the children have to take mandatory courses and mandatory training in an ideology which as youve indicated is the complete opposite of everything we have been taught to believe is good and just. Which is to view people based on their inherent worth and their worthiness and not to Pay Attention to the Skin Tone Color of them, but thats whats beini taught on campuses. I the overwhelmingly most important thing in society is the color of your skin. We are trying to empower parents and students. Tucker bless you for doing that. At some races are better than others, i thought we settled the question of whether that was poison or not, it is poison. It will destroy your kids and wrecked the country. Thank you for fighting back, i appreciate it. The worlds most interesting congresswoman, sandy cortez of westchester county, new york, defied the odds when she survived that deadly insurrection of the capital last month but thats not the only thing she did, something only act of bravery in her long and storied life. Shes cheated death many times, well tell you how. Stay tuned. Tucke Tucker America has been rivetedve this week by the tailf a young congresswomanssh harrowing brush with death at the Hands Of Insurrectionist Spirit in the case youve been in malawi or locked away in prison and missed it, heres the scariest part. I jump into my bathroom and i closed the door. And ine keep hearing bang, bang. I open the door when all of a sudden i hear that whoever was trying to get inside got into my office. And i just hear where is she . Where is she . And this was the moment where i thought everything was over. Tucker everything was over. As we said, harrowing. Cant really take credit for that description because thats exactly what the rest of the media said too. Harrowing. If that 13 syllable word occurred to all of us at precisely the same moment, weird. Watch. Congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez has a harrowing account of her experience On January 6th. I harrowing and emotional account of what happened to her. Its one of the most harrowing accounts so far. Congressman alexandria ocasiocortez told that harrowing story. The harrowing story of how she had from attackers during the capital riot. Boom, boom, boom. Disclosing new harrowing details. Tucker they never met anyone so brave. What they dont know that surviving the White Nationalist coup detat On January 6th was her latest feet of deathdefying bravery. Just another day at the office. Shes been doing that kind of thing for years, its what she does. A long time ago when america had faced off against the last outbreak, she didnt pause. She put her Climate Activism on hold and she rose to the call. She joined the famed tuskegee air persons, flew over 16,000 missions against the enemy. For her work saving democracy, she won the coveted victoria cross. A grateful nation showed usap thanks with a Ticker Tape Parade up at the job of defending democracy is nevere. Done. When we learned that our sacred american norms, yes, our norms when we found that our norms faced a new and even morek diabolical threat, an election hacked by russian spies, lesserh members of congress merely complained abouts it, they held hearings, not sandy. She flew right to moscow and did something brave. Here she is in the ring boxing facetoface with Vladimir Putin himself. One bruising round, victory by knockout. Sandy didnt waste time celebrating with some fancy champagne party, back from hera country needed her. Thanks to climate change, america had to be knocked down and rebuilt completely from the ground up. Older, pale lawmakers held boring debates about infrastructure funding, those meant nothing. She got to work. Here she is casually eating a healthy lunch on a steel girder high above the city streets with her fellow diverse bluecollar working people friends as she constructed the lead certified empire state building. Look carefully at that picture. Not a harness or a net insight. Sometimes the need is so great there isnt time for safety. Could she have fallen hundreds of stories to her death below while eating her kale and portobello pita . Of course she could have, but she didnt think about that, not while millions of our most vulnerable continues to die in earthquakes caused by climate change. As sandy often says at instagram, its about priorities and her priority now is saving the human race from extinction. Not just the human race, the animal race too. Shes no speciesist. Central park will be crowded with millions of homeless, sweating polar bears playing the melted ice caps. Up north. Who will lead the polar bears home . We think you know. Everything we showed you can be found of the internet and is therefore true. Unfortunately in this world, it is possible that unscrupulous rightwing racists will attempt to undermine or mischaracterize with information some of these achievements. In case that happens we encourage you to notify our donors at google and facebook and have those people silenced immediately, thank you. What happened to Game Stop Stock last week wasnt just about wall street, it was a battle bigger than that, a battle about censorship and control of the economy and it hasnt ended the period to one of the founders of paypal has thought a lot about the implications of what weve been watching. David sachs joins us after the break. Tucker president Son Hunter Biden has a a new memoirt the publisher promises it will be Trace Gallagher has the story for us. Its about Hunter Bidens experience with drug addiction, the quote says i come from a family forged by tragedies and bound by remarkable unbreakable love. Heres the best part, its being published by Gallery Books which is an imprint of simon schuster. If you go back, youll recall that the same company that refused to publish senator josh hawleys book. The question now becomes how much will the president s son be getting for this book . Sources tell fox news it will be somewhere in the high six figures. The same man accused of trying to profit off his fathers name, this accusations the media refused to cover is now profiting off his fathers name and everybody is covering it. For the record, his finances remain under investigation by the department of justice. If the word is he may need the extra money. For clarity just a few months oago, hunter biden was trying to become an artist. He apparently has decided that being an author is a lot more lucrative. Tucker hes probably right. Great to see you tonight, thank you. So as you recall just last week, people on reddit nearly bankrupted a very famous hedge fund. They did that by using the strategy to hedge funds have used for years, they shorted stock in companies that game stop and drove them up for that purpose. Only hedge funds are allowed to manipulate stock market so corporations turn to a familiar tool, they censored the people on reddit. F the Online Service accused the reddit day traders of hate w speech. Then there were questions about robin hood which is the service they used to conduct the trades. We are not financial experts, but we are talking to someone who is. David sachs cofounded paypal and wrote a really smart piece about the implications of this story and the online publishing platform persuasion. You have a grounding in this world is sufficient to draw informed conclusions about what happened and what it means for everybody else, what have you concluded . Sure. You have been warning about censorship and the Slippery Slope Whene people start to invoke censorship and i think we see it here with discord. You have a case where some wall street traders, their Message Board was taking down, they werent engaging in political speech at all, they were engaging in a plan to give these Wall Street Predators a taste of their own medicine. Because of that, they were threatening to the people in power and were accused of hate speech and taken down. If you were to go into these Message Boards, you wouldnt see hate speech. You would see a lot of Raunchy B Speech but nothing that is too different from what you would see on any Trading Floor or boiler room on wall street. All of a sudden these titans of wall streets are shocked by the language thats going onng here. This is a really good example i think of when you strip away partisan issues, you can see the real purpose of censorship is as a tool for the people in power to keep the outsiders out. Tucker i think thats really smart. When they invoke the phrase t hate speech of all the phrases they use come i think its the scariest. Nobody wants to be thought of as a hater or hate speech, that is an awful thing. Thats certainly not how i feel. What youre saying is they dont employ that in order to protecti the weak, they use that phrase in order to protect the strong. Exactly, hate speech is a malleable term. The people who get to decide r what it means which is really always the issue of censorship is who decides, who has that power, the people in power get to decide what it means. You had a case here, these Message Boards when set up for the purpose of organizing hate or even any political topic, they were organized to talk about a trade and they figured out a plan that worked perfectly to execute a short squeeze and these hedge funds lost 20 billion. They were in a lot of financial distress and looking for a way out. The way they found a way out was to go through these Message Boards, they screenshot any post that could plausibly be characterized as hate speech, they report it and then they geg the site taken down. This is where the Slippery Slope of. Censorship goes, whenever outsiders become too threatening to powerful insiders, the insiders use censorship as a weapon, the weaponize these s speech rules to prevent the threat. Tucker youre making a very traditional liberal argument, youre saying what the aclu said for about a hundred years. What matt hentoff used to write about in the village voice. Why arent more people saying that now . More people in power and authority . Its a really good question and i think part of it is that a lot of people in power are threatened by these new Social Networks. Certainly the traditional media has been very upset with sociala networks and social media because its a threat to their influence and business model. You certainly saw these Wall Street Titans become very nervous all of a sudden their control over the Monopoly Board was threatened by these outsiders, these reddit kids. T the people in power dont have any reason to want to like Social Networks because they allow large groups of outsiders to get together. They accuse social networking ironically of being a threat to democracy. This isnt a threat when youre talking about large numbers of people getting together to organize for change, that is democracy. That is not a threat to democracy. What it is as a potential threat to people in power and thats why they dont like it. Tucker youre one of the people who built the internet that we use in here saying what people said 20 years ago when they built it, this is to democratize things and empower normal people,. Thank you. Tucker we appreciate you watching tonight. Our hour is done. We are the only channel that stands up for free speech in this moment. I hope that moment doesnt last long, but i guess that is what we are. We will be back. 8 00 p. M. Every weeknight, thet show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. And so, at 9 00 p. M. Eastern, sean hannity takes over. Sean all right, tucker, thank you, and welcome to hannity. Tonight, democrats have been in charge of congress, the white house, for just 16 days and as predicted, their vindictive radical extreme agenda is now taking center stage in that swamp. As we speak, the biden the administration now is quickly implementing aocs insane Green New Deal Agenda Destroying Tens Of Thousands of high paying jobs in the process all with the stroke of a pen signing now 47 Executive Orders and actions, which is over two and a half times more than obama, bush, and clinton combined. Now, meanwhile, next week the u. S. Senate is set to holdsh another pointless Viciousli Unconstitutional Impeachment Schiff show

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