A striking c. 1960 John Hardy silk screen promotional poster advertising Delta Airlines service to Florida. The image is dramatically silkscreened in 5 colors (yellow, brown, purple, light blue, red, black). It highlights Delta destinations, including Tampa, Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami. The map of Florida is overlaid with images of scuba divers, sunbathing beauties, and a gentleman playing golf.
Delta Screen Print PostersIn the late 1950s and early 1960, Delta Airlines contracted artist John Hardy to produce a series of revolutionary and dramatic multi-color screen print posters highlighting their top destinations. The posters as a series exhibited dramatic design, emphasized by strong, striking color blocks. Due to their fine execution, high quality hand printing, and intense design ethic, these posters are today highly sought after by collectors and heavily reproduced. Originals nonetheless are extremely rare and the Florida poster is, as far as we know, the only poster in the series to incorporate a map.