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Start start. Welcome back. Good monday morning. Thanks very much for joining us this morning. I am Maria Bartiromo. It is montd october 16, 8 00 a. M. On the east coast, breaking news this morning out of middle east, the war a reigniting concerns about security of our border Christopher Wray says a spike in domestic threats since hamas attack started fourth Iranian Special interest alien apprehended in texas this month, that is in addition to thousands of others the last two years, texas senator tee ted shares his concerns with me on Maria Bartiromo wall street joined me. I think the risk of major terrorist attack in the United States higher than september 11, 2001 beginning of biden s disastrous Foreign Policy produced the biggest war in the middle east, and most significant attack on israel in 50 years. That combined with bidens open borders that open borders exists with the acquiescence support of every congressional democratic. Liz peek hard to disagree with that analysis. Liz it is, rather we assuring that the fbi is beginning to realize that it is not parents at School Board Meetings or conservative catholics big Security Threat to the United States maria. Lets go back to the days where we actually worried about terrorists call them terrorists acknowledge that hamas and or feeing of money could spark another terrorist attack in the United States all people across the border is this what will finally get them democrats, people across the country to say enough, close the border, we have no idea who is coming into our country because when you talk about the indicational person on terrorist watch list of this been apprehended we know tens of thousands socalled getaways we have no idea who those people are this i offensive fbi turned its attention elsewhere i hope they refocus, on the job, of keeping americans safe not play for maga republicans but safe from terrorism. The tone set from the top liz, last night joe biden blaming maga republicans in 60 minutes interview again. Liz i agree one hundred percent all about politics with joe biden political advantage shame on him. Two republican lawmaker introducing a bill to prevent this administration, from giving visas to people with palestinian passports, joe what do you make of this marco rubio pushing administration to cancel any existing visas for any Foreign National supporting hamas. Right on money, problem is Biden Administration has erodeed the infrastructure, of how we would even enforce regulation at our southern even northern border having this idea is fine, by the way, not even outlier position if you look at egypt look at jordan both countries have significant hesitation in taking in palestinians for the des stabilizing impact we are in cahoots with some arab nations surrounding gaza i think right move but, again, implementing this infrastructure on the border, going to be the significant challenge, for the federal administration. Maria i mean liz look at risks threat at the border not just the special aliens coming from all different middle Eastern Countries but increasing chinese nationals chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Mark green told me he believes these people are directed by xi jinping, military aged men so they can settle in america wait for further direction. Isnt it amazing weve heard so little about this, you know, the administration, has admitted that they eastern even tracking enormous number of people coming into our country maria. I have no idea to even know where these people are but all kinds of internal threats from people who are embedded in our society, weve seen some of that weve seen people show up, in in terms of conducting espionage in universities, and even amongst people in our law in our legislatures, so i think incredibly worrisome i dont know that they are protectings against these threats you know with what fbi has been up to last several years i have to say i think a lot of americans have lost confidence in them. Maria that is right. Because we have evidence, that they were actually going after soccer moms going after people who did not go along with their narrative, weve got this most recent report, that fbi is starting to track trump supporters. Liz that is the real threat to america, i guess, no, it is not. I think look. I think the administration, would love to turn a blind eye to all the bad actors in the middle east come across our border, to the funding of those bad actors but they cannot any he longer do that perhaps that is good thing i am thankful on this day of jihad so few things went wrong in our country i felt a terrifying day. Maria a lot of people took off worried they held kids back from school, joe because of this call for global jihad from the former head of hamas who said we want friday the 13th a global day across you know jihad, rage. Only positive thing we can say about hamas hezbollah another nonstate terrorist group that is they are honest with us about what they intend to do if given opportunity it seems to be, that is only fbi some federal Law Enforcement agencies under this administration who have not taken it seriously like we just said have gone after conservative soccer moms, what have you. We are in a position, where we are facing a significant terrorist threat i am glad Christopher Wray is seeing light on it, it am fearful too little too late you took to israeli people jewish people in new york they are very scared concerned they have a right to be frankly. All right. We have will take short break whether we come back much more ahead this morning taking live to israel, it is preparing to string gaza by air, land and sea at a massive coordinated operation we will talks with tennessee senator bill hagerty to react you are watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Stay with us. Hi, im jason. Ive lost 228 pounds on golo. I dont ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. So im committed to golo for life. Abcipsos poll finds more than half cup disapproves how President Biden is handling the war between israel hamas the Biden Administration sent more than 30 million dollars, of covid relief money to palestinian relief group recused of harboring Hamas Terrorists joining me tennessee senator bill hagerty member of Senate Foreign Relations Committee senator thanks very much for being here this morning, i cant believe what i just said, weve been obviously, following your investigation, and colleagues investigation of the covid money now learning that 30 million dollars, of that covid money went to groups harboring terrorists like hamas, thoughts . Just, it is just amazing maria. And what weve been doing is sending money into gaza. Last cycle i put up legislation that would reprogram those funds that is after 11day war when rockets coming from gaza and israel take funds billion dollars worth of u. S. Taxpayer more than reprogram that to replenish, bringing there a right back i dont think same objection from democrats that i had before at least i hope not. Iran foreign minister is warning Israel Ground offensive in gaza could force tehran to intervene way want your take on this he also said if conflict gets bigger u. S. Will suffer significant damages President Biden when considering sending troops to israel, watch this. I dont think that is necessary. Of the i would has one of the finest fighting forces in the country. Would owe support Israeli Occupation of gaza at this point. I think would be a big mistake, look. What happened in gaza in my view, is hamas and extreme elements hamas dont represent all Palestinian People in. Do you believe hamas must be limited entirely pull out yes, i do. But there needs to be palestinian thoort authority. Your thoughts on 60 minutes interview . Maria, President Biden is managing the conflict in israel, gaza same way manage our southern border a disaster, i would said they are not going to the occupy gaza iran would not be in position to make gates were it not for appeasement strategy since he came into office we saw unfold under he obama administration, apeace mebts brought back violence in gaza 2014, 2015 disastrous iran detail jcpoa they brought ford President Trump tore that up we went to maximum pressure working ought to impose every sanction we possibly can right now bed joe biden talking about well, potentially parching the payment of six billion dollars while looking the other way in terms of sans enforcement allowing iran to enrich to the tunes of tens of billion dollars that has loud to iran support approximationsies like hamas hezbollah the wrath delivered right now biggest loss in Israeli Jewish lives since holocaust. Could you believe israel can wipe out hamas. I absolutely do a very competent military very effective in terms of working with them we need to step back allow them to do what they need to do give moral support to do that took joe biden 4 hours to get around to the fact acknowledging it look at threats fromern i also point out trey yingst is standing by, he reported earlier, that the Israeli Military, told him 199 hostages are held in hamas in gaza. By hamas in gaza rather, 146s hostages issue believed americans. Stay with us bill i want to get to Foreign Correspondent trey yingst on the ground right now in southern id, trey. Good morning, we have at israeli artillery position in southern id only team here watching soldiers as they train, prepare to get ready for the days to come there is a real understanding the Ground Invasion could be just a matter of hours away. Israel has to be prepared for next. A major in Israel Military a latest on the grounds said israelis are thwarted three crossborder attempts overnight trying to evacuate northern part of country along border with lebanon 20 communities worried about hezbollah trying to attack from north the situation on the grounds in gaza deteriorating hamas in control continues to fire rockets into southern central Israel Military on the record speaking with fox says there is no ceasefire we expedite reportedlies that indicated a ceasefire in southern part to allow for advocation of he foreignersents of aid developments the soldiers behind me high spirits are prepared, for any sort of attacks against israel but understanding that multiconflict in the cards has to be ready to go. Kaisrael could not have been more clear, not only did they warn hamas that we they are coming in, to retaliate against those attacks, the attacked since september 11 flew planes offer gaza dropped leaflets told the citizens get outs get out of dodge. So i i mean there are being transparent here. Absolutely we have original reporting last week i can spoke with dip matter kik source indicated, that newedh inside gaza when im sorry warned about airstrike go to take place they are keeping i sifrns from leaving homes i spoke with one inside gaza city confirmed this information then ranched out to hamas on the record denied this was taking place but israelis as broader education released drone images of rod blocs hamas set up inside gaza strip we reported this to try to understand what is happening inside gaza this morning i received a text mechanism from a source in gaza city civilian said they got out of cars walking, because no longer able to dry traffic jams two main routes south understand the Israel Ground operation to start any moment they need to get out of way this video a few photos of families walking south that is how death pratt to get out of way hamas gold gaza strip. The video you exposed shows hamas fighters as they began that attack on from israel last saturday right . You got your hands on go pro video we can see clearly, hamas, terrorists going snatching people going into israel going into peoples homes, right . Yeah, absolutely. And we are also learning more information from the military about planning from hamas. , to cross in terrorists who killed women and children in their homes, we learned two things over the past 24 hours, one Israeli Military leaflets found pamphlets, all sorts of information that hamas fights tucked in you will aboutet proof vests they wore in israel, the area what communities to hit even giving, what to say in hebrew transladies to tell people taking you hostage or your family the weapons they used, a thermal bomb homemade inside gaza into civilian home exploding killing many civilians in the area. Maria unbelievable, wow. Trey thank you so much incredible reporting from you trey yingst on the ground, this morning, in israel thank you trey yingst stay safe i am talking with senator bill hagerty from tennessee senator you heard treys report give your reaction i want to know where did hamas get these weapons. Well first i like to say i a appreciate bravery krourj trey demonstrated his reporting absolutely critical, amazing what hamas is doing their leadership, should be called out on this maria, you know, Israeli Forces idf called for civilians in gaza to leave evacuate hamas sitting in come forth five star hotels in qatar telling people stay want this to feed their Propaganda Machine the blood on hands of ham leadership we need not allow public to forget that there will be a massive Propaganda Machinen away as soon as Israeli Forces move on the ground in gaza, remember what trey told us. With respect to to weapon the biden policy flurgz in afghanistan the evacuation of afghanistan left 80 billion dollars American Equipment on the ground, i wouldnt be surprised some arms bizarre doesnt make its way into conflict our equipment might find its way in hands of terrorists of gaza. The equipment left on the ground, where is it . In you afghanistan . The i have a feeling know where some might be exactly we dont know again to this administration, they look the other way all they do is spin rather than think about strategy, with respect to the to hamas lets not forget that hamas is funded by iran, during Trump Administration we executed maximum Pressure Campaign choked off florida of funds to iran, we took flow of funds to a trickle werent allowed to sell oil an the black market hamas hezbollah going broke wildly reported in media joe biden back in business 2021, what do we see 12uday war from gaza now weve got this anybody that believes this technology this no howe isnt coming from iran needs to wake up maria. Maria i was thinking that what about maximum Pressure Campaign they, obviously, abandoned that in Biden Administration, here is where we are. Senator thank you. We will be watching all your work on this we appreciate your time this morning. Thank you, maria, bill hagerty in tennessee, well be right back. 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Your take on bank, we heard from Jpmorgan Citi friday betterthanexpected but focused on loan losss reserves are banks forced out if more money aside for potential losses what are you expecting this week. Ti maria for having me on the program. We expect similar numbers to what we saw friday, and the numbers pretty good for the banks, regarding the loan loss reserves to your question, as you might recall there was a change in accounting for the banks in january of 2020. Now, expected to put what they call gold los into reserves when you think about Third Quarter economic growth, you know, growth of the real gdp hasnt been announced but there are o projections could be as high as 4 1 2 the actual build up of he reserves in, a hard landing next year banks have to build more reserves if we have a soft landing reserves are in place the banks ease off doing that. Maria interesting to see thirdquarter earnings estimates going up, right now; right . Into earnings numbers i know you look at macrostory as much as anything else when you are looking at the banks, because you get a sense of the Consumer Debt how people handle balance sleets article in journal this morning basically saying that latest survey finds the probability of a recession in United States is lower to 48 for 54 in july your thoughts you are seeing more optimism because people were waiting for recession never materialized your thoughts . Maria you are spoton when you think about coming into 2023 a number of economists calling for recession, this year. Never materialized. The consumers been quite strong part of the reason 2 consumer has been quite strong is wage increases very material in 2023. A shortage of labor you see that in monthly jolts numbers job options Labor Turnover numbers because wages continue to rise, the challenge for the fed when it comes to fighting inflation, but point is that consumer is in good shape dont get us wrong there are some consumers, that are starting to a struggling coming out of pandemic but overall the consumer is in good shape the debt service, how much they pay every month as percentage of disposable income quite low relative prior to the financial crisis the consumer i think is surprising people upside. What does this mean for fed looking at 10year right now earlier traded all the way up to 4. 7 plus, it is around that 4. 6, 7, 9 right now weve got 21 schedule fomc appearances, 21 Federal Reserve officials speaking we will see what they say in materials of you know, suggesting their next move but youve got the next fed meeting october 31, november 1, the one in december. Have your expectations changes in terms of what 2 fed does . Will they raise rates or take another pause . Maria we think going to take another pause. The Inflation Numbers that came out were okay. Were certainly seeing in general much lower inflation than what we saw in summer 2022 but nowhere near 2 they want to get to we could see continued sliding inflation southward would obviously, give fed opportunity not to raise in 2024 not expecting in 2024 key question between now and end of the year i point out if the fed when fed reaches are terminal rate for funds the catalyst to do well we see inflation in Second Quarter banks shockso stocks move up in anticipation that have. I assume the reason to buy stocks particularly, given the stocks, selling pressure. The you are right performance has been terrible, started out weaving what happened in march we will leave it there good to see you. Thanks so much, as we get ready to see a ramp up in Bank Earnings when a we come back israel preparing to string gaza air, land seened in massive koorndz operation from u. S. Ambassador to nato kurt volker is here to weigh in back in a minute. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. With the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. Oh. [dog barks] no its just a bunny only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Adviser adviser maria welcome back, police in illinois, urging residents tee alert of potential hate crimes Terrorism Activity related to israeli hamas war, Lauren Simonetti with more now. Lauren hi maria, illinois man charged with hate crime stand killing 6yearold boy stabbed 26 times military style knife his motherstand multiple times expected to survive suspect joseph faces firstdegree murder on top two of hate crime counts, the landlord of the home victims stayed in police say he targeted them because are they were muslim a sad story Suzanne Somers died after a decades long battle with Breast Cancer aggressive form, in 1970s chrissy snow on three is company. 300 dollars, you realize how long it takes to save 300 dollars. How long. I dont know i am still saving. 90s Great Success promoting the star master wrote dozens of books selfhelp hosted talk show, and even appeared on dancing with stars diagnosed with breast in 2000 successfully treated in july announced cancer returned she was set to celebrate 77th birthday fie family said surrounded by husband 46 years son immediate family they will celebrate her extraordinary life, today, on her 77th birthday, rest in peace seuss. Lauren something called netflix house bric and mortar experience favorite show clothing, food even attempt live experiences netflix plans to launch first two in u. S. In 2025 more coming across the globe, take a look at shares premarket, 355 each, kind of like, the menu was inspired by cooking shows, so it is part of doing more with content. Maria interesting pivot to get more floridian ways that connect to the content, thank you. We are following breaking news this morning out of middle east secretary of state Antony Blinken back in israel today current mooeldz with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in jerusalem netanyahu vowed to quote go demolish hamas iran reportedly warning that Israeli Ground offense identify in gaza would force tehran so if intervene, says hezbollah considered all scenarios of the war any step it takes will quote cause a huge quote earthquake in zionist intent, former ambassador to nato kurt volker with a do you make of irans warning threat to israel to got forward with i think iran must be aware first off israel is going to do this israel needs to do this to ensure its security in the future. Cant live with hamas running a ministate ifrn must know that israel holds iran responsible for attacks, and engage against iran directly iran trying to preempt deterring israel from taking steps i dont think is going to work. Maria we heard reports that hezbollah has at least 100,000 rockets, kurt, your thought on the the capability of hezbollah should israel go in in a broad offensive in retaliation to all those attacks that hamas brought a week ago, does hezbollah get involved even further . Well i think that is the most likely scenario short term israel goes go gaza tries to clean outs hamas hezbollah responds attacking israel with rockets israel has responsibility to respond to hezbollah as well to deter them i dont think hezbollah wants a new war with israel, i think they want to show solidarity with happens but may weeknight with s some restraint. A report suggests hamas attack on israel was planned by iran rev reducingry leader soleimani before his death Trump Administration took him out, hindz at by irans supreme leader, i spoke with mike pompeo about this yesterday on sunday morning futures, listen to pompeo i want to get your reaction. The risk is greater today than it was evena 8 days ago we will see escalation in large part because the context that was set, by the Biden Administration, creates an incredible conundrum when they sant acknowledge this is iran to solve this problem, second, we know day ayatollah has been planning this saw today reporting soleimani the man we took off Playing Field was involved planning in operation in 2019, 2020, the Administration Says no direct we have had know who did this this was iran, the response must be against iran. Ambassador, why is this administration having such a hard time connecting the dots to iran . That really is mystery because it is obvious that iran is the single greatest sources of support for hamas for hezbollah, they have been planning sorts of of things for years i think soleimani probably was involved in planning some kind of attacking when he was alive i am sure updated even recently by iran hezbollah even as recently as this summer, so there is no question that iran is behind this. And i think that the Administration Still must hold out some idea that we can get along with Iranian Regime negotiate with them somehow. I think we have to give up those illusions, iran is deliberately planning carrying out attacks. What do you think about impact on america the president expressed confidence in u. S. Military, as the country face multiple globaling conflicts but we are all worried u. S. Is going to see, heightened terrorism here is the president watch of this. Are the wars in israel and ukraine more than United States can take on at the same time. 2 United States of america for gods sake. The most powerful nation in the history, in history of the world. The history of the world. We can take care of both these still maintain Overall International defense. Uh your reaction to this president ambassador. Well, several things here first of all, it is important to make clear we didnt start war didnt want wars these are people acting because they perceive weakness see a chance to advance their objectives whether russia hamas or iran, taking advantage. The second is that were not the ones who are on point right now were not on loan here ukrainians are defending themselves israelis going to did he have themselves we have allies prepared to support ukraine, prepared to support israel as well need u. S. Leadership clarity not going to let evil prevail in this world. Maria we already are watching 199 hostages held by hamas. Several of those are american citizens, we know that 30 americans are dead, as part of this war. Thousands others dead israeli and palestinian side ambassador, what should we think when it comes to our own National Security here in america . I mean ted cruz just over the weekend, told me that he thinks the threat of a terrorist attack on american soil is higher today than it has been ever, since 9 11. Well, i agree that the threat is up, because that is the way that terrorists in iran, same thing, will seek to deter a u. S. From aiding israel involved directly the fact is if we give into that soovrt pressure give in to that he deterrence it is only going to get worse that they will use that and use that again. We leave it there Ambassador Kurt Volker thank you very much for being here this morning we appreciate it. Thank you, maria. All right. Coming up americans in israel scrambling to flee the country in face of more of attacks on the regional fox business lydia hu is live this morning at Newark Liberty International Airport lydia. Good morning, maria. , a flight from tel aviv touched down here at newark early this morning carrying people, we have the latest on rush to evacuate americans by the Biden Administration, as Florida Governor ron desantis steps up says those efforts are not fast enough. Are not fast enough. That is coming up. Safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when theyd arrive with a replacement we could trust. Thats service the way we want it. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. upbeat music constant contacts advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. constant contact. Helping the small stand tall. Heres why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. 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You feel that your body is working and functioning the way it should be and you feel energized. Golo has improved my life in so many ways. Im able to stand and actually make dinner. Im able to clean my house. Im able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when youre extremely heavy theyre not so simple. Golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. Welcome back u. S. Jamming to get americans straned in israel back home, the Biden Administration, has been arranging charter flights to europe since friday fox Business Correspondent lydia hu live at Newark Liberty International Airport in new jersey with the latest lydia. Good morning, maria. , charter flights by Biden Administration continue today and tomorrow. According to the Associated Press at least four charter flights here day will take americans from israel, to surrounding european cities that first charter flight friday six days after hamas attacked israel. Real people moving that are moving people americans out of that more rain rate or in the ngos nongovernment operations all ngos stepping up in afghanistan part of evacuation afghanistan, sudan, and ukraine, and now, again, the ngos step up american civilians have to step up or government fails. Federal government i also charter departures by sea taking americans from israel to i yand of cypress travelers on chartered planes ships must agree to repay the federal government, for the travel and also not permitted to bring their pets, meanwhile, Florida Governor ron desantis welcome more than 260 people fleeing israel who landed in tampa last night, desantis signed executive order last week to deliver flights to will id for stranded americans. Step up and led, what happened to be able to deliver that ready to well back to the United States of america. Now limited commercial flights continue between United States, and israel. Major israeli have canceled direct services between United States israel many carriers are boosting service between United States and surrounding european cities to help americans able to get out of israel to the european cities to get back home here more quickly, maria back to you. Maria yeah. I i mean ron desantis has gone a good job on this lydia 22 very much newark this morning, give your reaction here, because i remember thinking five days into this war, that u. S. Was just starting charter flights then i mean a week, why are in werent charter flights in place on day one . Liz i dont know mystifying kudos to ron desantis again and again appears to meet emergencies with really tremendous management skills, ability. I dont know why are the federal government is so behind the curve on this they were in afghanistan as well as i recall, just no planning, obviously, this was a surprise. But does it really take six days to organize charter flights . I dont know why. Joe, your thoughts . Just such a disconnect between joe biden we saw in cbs interview with scott pelley bragging were u. S. Can do everything in reality he is bin the curve in countries like mexico, others, able to scrambling charter flights to get citizens out an administration wrought with incompetence we see where we shouldnt see reserves we dont want biden to rush into a war we want him to rush in to rescue americans. Short break a lot more right here stay with us. Circulon with scratchdefense. Built from three layers of nonstick to withstand over 350,000 metal utensil scrapes in laboratory testing. 130 times longerlasting than the competition. Get Free Shipping at circulon. Com were traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. Ooh, take this exit. Hows the heart . I feel like its good. You feel like its good . How do you know when its time to check in on your heart . How do you know . Let me show you something. It looks like a credit card, but it is the kardiamobile card. 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The group of dogs rescuing people trapped inside their homes while also eliminated several Hamas Terrorists. This sin credible vizio, joe. It really is incredible. Even in the darkest, darkest moments of despair, we can always rely on dogs to lift our spirits and give us some hope. Im a dog lover. Cats have never rescued anyone. Ill say it and put it down on the table there. Maria dog and cat people, liz. Yeah, so true. This is a great story and, boy, i think every Police Department in the country is probably watching this and saying we need more of these rescue dogs, police dogs to help us out. You know, whatever it takes, maria, weve got to get these people out, save these people in captivity in hamas. This is a disaster. Maria it sure is. You can join Fox Corporation in supporting the Israel Emergency Fund in association with the united jewish appeal. Just scan the qr code on your screen. Were going to show you right now. Its this is the code, and you can donate to ujafedny. Org. I want to just point out that it is 30 minutes before the opening bell. We are looking at a market near the highs of the morning. Take a look at stock Index Futures hitting session highs this morning as treasury yields slip. We have Empire State Manufacturing survey falling back into contraction this month. It slowed less than expected and the report pretty much supports the view that the fed is done tightening. Of course we know the next meeting is october 31st and move 1. Increasingly were seeing investors bet that the fed takes another pause on this next meeting. We dont know about the december meeting, but right now the markets at the highs of the morning, despite this carnage in israel. Dow industrials up 204 points, nasdaq up 50 points and s p higher by 23. We should point out, liz, that weve got at least 21 fed speakers this week. That includes jay powell, whos peeking to the new York Economic Club on thursday, liz. Yeah, its bond to create a certain amount of confusion, maria. Long rates went up and theyre doing the feds job for them. I dont give them a lot of credit. The reason theyre up is because were having to borrow so much money to fund our deficit. I dont think this is a great story. Maria yeah, its a good point to make because thats basically what people are saying on wall street that the market has done the work for the fed. When you see the ten year up to close to 4. 7 this morning, that is exactly what were talking about. Liz peak, joe borelli, great having you this morning. Great conversation all morning. Have a good day, everybody. We appreciate you joining us. Varney co. Picks it up now with a market at the highs of the morning. Stu, take it away. Stuart got it, good morning, maria, and good morning everyone. The war is fast becoming a standoff with iran. President biden laid down a red line, asked what he would say to the mullers considering an

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