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Im larry kudlow. After allowing roughly 5 million wagecutting, rentspiking, lawbreaking, sex and drugtrafficking, terroristthreatening Illegal Migrants to come across an open border since january 2021, President Biden and his dhs secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have now decided, wait for it, wait some more, theyve decided that donald trump was right all along. Build that that wall. Sort of. Remember this from just a couple years ago in take a listen. Trump campaigned on build that wall. Are you willing to tear that wall down . No, im there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration, number one. Number two, what im going to focus on, and youre the fact is that somebody in this group written a lot about the border. Im going to make sure that we have border protection, but its going to be based on making sure that we use hightech capacity to deal with it. And at the ports of entry, thats reporter [inaudible] larry well, anyway, that was a campaign promise. But 5 million illegals later, mr. Bidens kind of slow on the trigger, dont you think . Sort of like closing the barn door after the horses have already bolted. I think theyre only talking about less than 20 miles. 20 miles. Even that seems to be to assisted border authorities to babysit the illegals as they cross into the u. S. But what half the democrats concern with half the democrats in some kind of revolt against the illegal invasion of america, joe biden is desperately trying to put out a big political fire. I dont really believe a word of this stuff. Yesterday the dhs inserteded the following there is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States. Hurt. So hold up. Does biden agree with his own dhs that we need to finish the wall . No, of course not. No, its t all phony media stunt. Heres some more proof. Listen to this and weep. Ill answer one question on the border wall. The border wall, the money was appropriated for the border wall. I tried to get them to reappropriate, redirect that money. They didnt, they wouldnt. And in the meantime, theres nothing other to the wall reporter do you believe a border wall worksesome. No. Larry well, there you go. There you go. Anyway, mayorkas and other administrative people are harping on the need, i love this, to waive 26 federal laws including the clean air act, Safe Drinking Water act and endangered species act. Imagine that. Laws. Now, the one federal law that theyre not worried about breaking is the law that protects our borders by preventing illegal entries. Or the laws that protect americans sovereignty. Theyve been breaking those laws for three years. I dont hear anybody talking about that. Meanwhile, in an interview with our Brooke Singman of fox digital the, former President Trump said e and i will quote, biden sees our country as being invaded . Whats he going to do about the 15 Million People from prisons, mental institutions, insane asylums and terrorists that have already come into our country . End quote. And on truth social, the former president demanded an apology. Good luck on that, sir. And mr. Trump repeated that biden has to reinstate remain in mexico and title 42 in order to get serious about closing the border. The former president built close to 500 miles of the new border wall, and the whole thing could have been finished by now if biden had any horse sense. Mr. Trump supports catch and deport to go along with remain in mexico and title 42 and a completed wall. And if joe biden met those conditions, things would be a lot different. But no matter what phony election cycle promises biden is making, the reality is the biden democrats remain in favor of open borders. Nothing is going to change that. Period. All right. Just a few pearls of wisdom. Joining us now, florida congressman Byron Donalds and texas congressman troy nehls. Gentlemen, thank you for coming on. Mr. Byron donalds, im a sin isic, i dont believe a cynic e, i dont believe a word of it. Less than 20 miles. Its going to help some kind of entry points and baby sitting and registration. And if they were serious, theyd have done this three years ago. What do you think about this new announcement . This announcements come out, larry, simply because the president s poll numbers suck. Everybody knows our southern border is a mess. You have the mayor of new york, eric adams, is planning to go down to do something the president has never done, which is see the southern border in person and actually look at it. And so this white house is reeling. So they have to respond to the political damage theyve caused, the actual damage that theyve caused, and theyre going to throw this fig leaf. But theres significant work that needs to be done at the southern border. House republicans have a plan for that. Its called h. R. 2. Its sitting there for the senate to take up anytime that they want to. We are committed that as we e have to go through government appropriations that the border must be secured. Not this 20 miles that joe bidens talking about, its all the fixes in h. R. 2. Larry mr. Troy nehls, want to pick up from byron, h. R. 2 is a powerful piece of legislation. I dont hear the bidens embracing that. I dont hear the democrats, Chuck Schumer and the democrats, embracing that. But, you know, troy, heres my other thought. If they were serious about a real, you know, about face, okay in and, look, politicians, policymakers can change their minds, but if they were series, they would serious, they would be talking about title 42, they would be talking about remain in mexico, they would be talking about a truly across texas border wall, you know, finishing what trump started. And so forth and so on. They would be talking the language of closing the borders and protecting our sovereignty, congressman nehls. Im not hearing that language. Am i missing something . Yeah, youre not hearing that language because what you just said was exactly what trump did, and trumps border policies we had the most secure border of my lifetime. But on january 20th when joe biden took office, heerer stressed them reversed them all. He knew it wasnt good for america, but he did it because he hates donald trumpment he flipped everything on its head. But now its campaign season, folks. Remember, we got an election coming up in 2024. His poll numbers are in the toilet. In the toilet. And there are a few people, you know, whispering in his ear saying, joe, you better do something about this southern border, because the American People are paying attention. Youre losing your own conference. Even senator manchin said build the walsh weve got problems. So hes going to have to do something if he wanting talk about the nominee and eventually try to be the next president. But i think its too late. And its about damn time that this congress and the American People are paying attention. Because its destroying our country. You want to fix the border problem . Go right back to donald j. Trumps policies. And i loved it when you played joe biden sitting on that chair looking confused when they asked him do border walls work. He said no. I hope somebody asks him that on the stage in the 2024 campaign against donald trump, because donald trump will win the election just with that comment alone. Larry you know, byron, thats why i dont believe a word of this change or about face, and i dont hear them talking seriously either about h. R. 2 or, you know, catch and deport, think of the things, remain in mexico. I just dont buy it. Any of it. How about this, byron . You and i, we could he should apologize to donald trump. Mr. Trump asked for an apology because mr. Trump has been right all along. Now, byron, when do you think that apology from President Biden to donald trump is going to take place . Do you think thatll be soon, the apology . [laughter] man, i wish it were. I wish he actually would do the right thing, but i think that would probably come after to 2024 elections. It goes down to just a terrible defeat. And, frankly, or joe biden deserves to be defeat. Nothing is working right. Were talking about the border, but everything is going wrong. Hes the master of disaster, joe biden. Hes got to be defeated, its that simple. Larry troy, were you an official . Were you a border official before you came into congress . No, i was a county sheriff about four hours north larry ah, right. Of the border. Big can county. I had people in my county killed by illegals. Not just illegals, but ones that have been deported six, six previous times. Weve got a southern border crisis. Joe biden, you own it. And, yes, not only should he not get reelected, but he should also be impeached. Larry well, you know, they talk about, its so interesting to me, mayorkas and others talk about how theyre going to have to violate certain laws like the endangered species act, like thats the most important thing we should worry about at the border, the endangered species act. The endangered speedos cease down species down at the border is law and order. The one law they dont talk about is closed borders, is american sovereignty, is immigration laws that are being broken on a daily basis. My pal mark levin was on this show two nights ago talking about that. It could be an impeach impeachable offense. Theyre not talking about those laws. And thats one of the reasons this thing sounds so phony to me, troy. It does. And ill tell you, Governor Abbott and other governors are doing what they can to augment the border patrol. Texas was sending dps trooper, our National Guard to do what we can to secure the texas people. But when you have this administration and their attitude, we know this is borderless, its borderless by design. My books coming out, borderless by design is, because this is about votes in the future. Thats what this is all about. Its by design. Larry Byron Donalds, talk to us, if you would please, about h. R. 2. Whats in it and why it could solve the border problem. Well, we do a couple of things in that bill. We actually reinstate Border Agents ability to make determine neighs of credible fear. We do not allow people to claim asylum are at a illegal ports of entry, theyve got to do that in the nations that theyre in or at a country with the nearest consulate and or embassy. We actually would stop the use of the cpb one app. Thats an app that theyre using in the administration to basically put the asylum process on uber eats. You can just file for asylum wherever you want to, then just show up unannounced. It gets rid of those three things. It if out it puts cap on a number of asylums that can be triggered in a year for our country, it actually puts a number, a limit on bed spaces available. All common sense things so that people who want to come to our country through asylum or any other process, its orderly. Not just for those people, but its orderly for the country to accommodate and assimilate those people into our states and into our cities. The joe biden plan is no plan. Its pure chaoses and disaster. Thats why its got to be completely are undone. H. R. 2 can do that. Larry and, troy, were to going to get a change in leadership for the house republicans, i get that. But h. R. 2 will be a key component, i hope, of future budget negotiations whenever push comes to shove in the middle of november in the senate, the Democratic Senate may not like it, but can we count on republicans to push h. R. 2 hard . Because that would be an ultimate solution, i think, for the border crisis. Yeah, we did. And we did pass h. R. 2 in the republican conference. Youve got 2019 votes, it passed. We sent it over to Chuck Schumer, but we know hes not going to do anything about it. Hes not going to do anything with the conservative bills weve been passing in the house of representatives, and hes going to work with usual us at all. We need the white house back in 2024, is and you know who my guy is, donald j. Trump. Larry gentlemen, thank you very much. Mr. Byron ronalds donalds, great state of florida, congressman troy nehls of texas, thank you for coming on, appreciate it. Coming up on kudlow, trouble at the bidens, among other things, is they want less energy at home and less energy abroad. And i cant figure, you cant grow the economy without more energy. I dont get it. So were going to talk about it with former secretary of state mike pompeo owe. Please, stay with kudlow. Lets have some border order. 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Must have been oklahoma, could have been texas [laughter] but basically, i was reading your remarks in breitbart, mike, and as i i mean, basically the bidens want less energy, period. Now, that is mostly weighted towards no fossil fuels, but they want less energy at home and less energy abroad, and im trying to figure out how you can grow economies or power economies without energy, mike pompeo i owe. So please e help me out here. [laughter] larry, its crazy. You know, you and i both worked in the trump administration. I worked on National Security, you were working on domestic and Energy Policy. They are so closely entwined, you cannot grow the American Economy, and you cant keep the American People safe without Affordable Energy. Theres all this talk about renewables. People just want affordables, right many they want to turn their lights on, they want to cool their home in the summertime and heat in the winter time and do so in a way thats consistent to their family budget. This administration has destroyed that opportunity. Theyve destroyed the Strategic Petroleum reserve, its now at its lowest levels in decades, theyve made it impossible to drill on federal lands, theyve made permitting a pipeline nearly impossible. Theyve done all the things that drivecrosses costs. And, you know, larry, you were talking earlier in your show about americas debt, 33 trillion. You have to reduce spending, but youve got to grow this economy to get that 33 trillion back under control. And you cannot do that without an independent Energy Policy from the United States of america where we are dominating the global space. We can do it, its the underground. It will create tens of thousands of jobs. Its good for america. Weve got to get back to that. We had it right for four years, larry, theyve now blown it all up. Larry and you say in this speech and interview a really important thing. I harp on this a lot, rick per arely harps on this a lot perry harps on this a lot on the show. This crazy Energy Policy which is really a no Energy Policy, this helps china. This helps russia. It doesnt help the United States. And it doesnt help our allies. And the other thing, mike, just recently, okay, so saudis and the russians with venezuela and iran, otherwise known as opec , cut back on production, drive the oil price up. At one point it got back to nearly 100. Its its its a little slower now. But the reality is were helpless. Were like a paper tiger because of this goofy Energy Policy. Here we go again, damaging National Security abroad and Economic Security at home. No, you nailed it. If you shut in American Energy by denying Capital Providers the chance to invest and get a return on their capital to build up lng terminals and export facilities and all the pipelines, when you shut that down, we are in for a long run where america is at the mercy of the rest of the world for its energy. It doesnt have to be. There are problems that are complicated and there are tradeoffs. This one, theres no tradeoff. If you want a cleaner world, dont send your energy to be burned in china. Dont manufacture it there with coal thats polluting the world. If you really think Climate Change is a problem, make it in america. Make it with American Energy. It will be cleaner and safer, and americans will be able to afford the products, and well create a lot of jobs too. We can grow this thing again, but American Energy has to be at the center of it. Larry bidens are going to kill a million jobs in the car business, mike. You know, electric vehicles yeah. Larry electric vehicles and their batteries will be made in china. And i dont always side with the uaw, particularly the leadership which tends to be very leftwing democrat, but the reality is because of this Green New Deal stuff and electric vehicles and the end to gaspowered cars, but this is all part of the same, less energy, war against fossil fuels. Theyre going to knock out a million jobs. You know, the car workers, union and nonunion, mike, and then the knockon effects, people that work in diners, in Office Buildings and gas stations, youre going to knock out a million jobs. Of they dont tell you about that in all their press releases and all the campaign speeches. [laughter] they dont tell you about that. No, thats right. A couple facts, larry, right . This economy is driven whether thats plastics, whether its the farmers in the state of kansas who have fertilizer that is energybased, we need Affordable Energy produced right here at home in america. And i know this is uncomfortable for some to hear, but i predict that 10 years if from now, 20 years from now we will consume as a world, well consume more fossil fuels 10 years from now than we did just today as we are sitting here. The world is going to be dependent on this Affordable Energy for a long time. We ought to produce it here at home. Well create scores and scores and scores, millions of jobs and do a lot of good for the American Economy as well. Larry you know or its an important point. Like it or not, the bidens ooh are going to lose this battle, but a point rick perry makes. If we could sell more lng, and that means weve got to build more production facilities and what not, pipelines, we could sell more lng to asia, to china, to india, theyd be less reliant on coal, and actually that would make it a cleaner world. But the bidens, they cant figure this out. Its like two plus two equals four, but they cant get there. Lng is such an important aspect. I interviewed our former boss on this show, i dont know, a month or six weeks ago, and he was talking about the how we were all out there selling lng which is really a key solution that the bidens cant stand. All across the world we were out there selling american product, affordable American Energy through lng. If you think its good for the economy, greacht. If you dont believe it, if you have a climate fixation, you should want that too. The reason the United States has been able to control its carbon output when we made such a big transition isnt because of solar and wind, it is almost exclusively because we have transitioned out of more carbonproducing intensity fossil fuels to natural gas. That is a good transition. Its a great way to go whether youre Climate Change or growing the American Economy. It is a good thing for america and a really good thing for the whole world and American Security too, larry. Larry mike pom mike pompeo, put his book up on the full screen again, i love to sell brooks books. Never give an inch. Mike, keep pounding away. Thank you, larry are. Bless you. Larry take care. Bless you too. Coming up here, folks, the fbi is targeting Trump Supporters and voters according to a big story in Newsweek Magazine . Were going to talk about it with joe concha and with mark simone. And then socialist aoc wants another tax hike here in new york. Now, folks, hes already taken way over half my money, and i dont think its to good purpose. But we will talk about that and why the government spends too much with grover quist of americans for tax reform Grover Norquist of americans for tax reform all when kudlow return. Dad, whats with your toenail . Oh, that. . Im not sure. Its a nail fungus infection. Thats gross its nothing, really. Its contagious. You can even spread it to other people. Mom, come here dont worry about it. Itll go away on its own no, it wont go away on its own. 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Joining me now to talk about it, mark si e moan, wor radio host, joe concha, media and politics columnist for the messenger and Fox News Contributor and author of, here e i go, come on, man, the truth about joe bidens terrible, horrible, no good, very bad presidency. You nailed it. I like saying it. Theres this long story in newsweek, about 20 the pages long, and it talks about a new campaign. They dont say maga anymore. Antigovernment, antiauthority, viability extremists, but the fbi is looking for them all over the place. And the the sources in here which are admittedly are anonymous sources, they say its aimed at the trump people. What do you think, mark simone . Its a technique that goes back to the french revolution. You create a demon to rile up the mob that they have to be afraid of, and they always do this. It was the neocons at one time and then it was the tea party. You had to be afraid of the tea party. Then youd see video of them, a couple of Senior Citizens at a state fair with signs. Its absolutely ridiculous. Just trying to larry but do you know its true, what theyre saying . Oh, absolutely. Larry you do . Its more of biden weaponizing the doj. If it wasnt for corrupt media, he couldnt get away with this. They should call him are police state joe. Everything is a police state here. March march joe concha, you kno larry joe concha, robert wray, the fbi director . Is that his name . He swore up and down to jim jordan in Judiciary Committee hearings that a there was evenhanded justice. No, the fbi was not involved in politics. Sure, yeah. Weve seen this movie before, and im glad mark brought up the tea party, because the irs obviously targeted them during the obama administration. Then obviously we saw during parents meetings at school boards, right, where the9 doj then labeledded them potentially domestic terrorists so is this possible . Heres all i know, fbis supposed to be apolitical. So is the cia, dni. Who ran the fbi under obamabiden . James come maine comey. Hes got a showtime series, written two antitrump books, right . So he exposed himself for where he leaned. John brennan who ran the cia, hes over on cnn now. Was he really apolitical . James clapper, signs with cnn, his role is to go on there and bash trump. Brennan and clapper, theyve now been hired back bay by the Biden Administration to serve on the board of directors larry i know, i saw that. Clapper who lied several times under oath to congress. Just lied, outright lied. So you think this stories has legs, whatever robert ray happens to say. So speak of congress, weve had a little bit of upheaval in the republican side, mark simone. Yeah. Larry who are you backing for speaker . Who are you personally backing for speaker . Donald trump would be great but thats not going to happen. I think i just saw him, Byron Daniels larry donalds. Byron donalds was just on the show. Imagine if the republicans had the first africanamerican speaker of the house larry to ooh, i havent heard that yet. By the way, hes a really smart if guy. Wonderful guy. Just doing that would have a lot of effect on the election next year. Larry President Trump is going down to speak to the republican conference on tuesday. Yeah. They need a coach. They need Vince Lombardi on the field to whip them into shape, and thatll be donald trump. Larry joe concha, Vince Lombardi, i remember Vince Lombardi. Also coached high school basketball. Larry engelwood cliffs. Thats right. Larry st. Cecilia. Actually was inglewood. Now youre showing off. March lahr we are distracting. Steve scalise, jim jordans running so far. Byron donalds may be running, with doe note we dont know. Its a very interesting pick. What do you think . Heres who i want selfishly from an entertainment perspective, and that is if you make donald trump speaker e of the house larry oh, no. Picture the state of the union address, you have joe biden at the podium, kamala harris, and when bidens talking about how the borders secure or how great everythings going with the ukraine war, theres the trump faces. And at the end he takes the speech and writtens rips it in half. And the next day hes running impeachment against his 2024 opponent. This is already the toprate show. Youll be getting 5 million a night. [laughter] so selfishly, i want that to happen. Im be with Byron Donalds as a well. Hes not afraid to go anywhere anytime, cnn, msnbc, i think you need somebody like that whos fearless and move the ball forward. Larry im saying, i said this last evening and i believe this, the liberal media now is running wild. Republicans cant govern, republicans are stupid, republicans this, republicans that because of a handful of people that basically should not have done what they did. But i dont want to replay that. I say republicans come back. They will find a speaker. They have a strong bench. Theyve got good policies. Theyre determined we just heard h. R. 2 which is the Border Control bill, bidens phonying up some border regulations now. Theyll push that bill. Theyll be tough on ukraine, theyll be tough on spending. They want to open up the fossil fuel spigot. Why cant the republicans in congress in the house make a comeback and put some real heat e on the leftwing democrats in the senate . Why not . Its messaging too. The borders wide open. Shoplifting is legal, and theyre saying the republicans cant govern . Thats the first job of government is safety and the border. I think they will. Jim jordan would be another good choice too. Youd have to get a jacket larry his hat is in the ring. He doesnt these a jack everything t. You might knee a wartime con cigly yourly like in the godfather. He might be good larry what do you think . Jim jordan . Larry republicans can have a comeback. Thats all im aiming for here. Of course they can. The mccarthy things been swept out to sea by the fact that the Biden Administration is building a border wall now. Larry what do you think about that . Is this a biden capitulation . Will biden apologize to donald trump because he was right abou you would need remorse this in your dna, and this president does not have that. He needs to reinstate remain in mexico as well. Larry thats exactly right. They should put in title 42. Are you waiting for joe biden to apolo ideas to donald trump . This is just election pandering. This is, hes trying to triangulate larry 17 miles is what the report is, not even 20 miles. 17 miles for this border wall. Hell do what he always does, just talk, talk, talk. [laughter] but, mark, they have to overturn the endangered species act in order to complete this wall. [laughter] is that a bonecrush,er . Itll be solarpowered can is anybody going to call this wall race racist now . Larry tomorrows headline. Cant wait for it. Larry you heard it here first. Mark simone and joe concha. Joining me now is Grover Norquist, president of americans for tax reform. Grover, i need some major help here. I want to talk about your article in the wall street journal that the government spends too much money. But before we get to that, my favorite socialist, aoc, wants to raise my taxes in new york. Again, grover. Im already paying well over half of my earnings to her. And i dont like it one bit. What do you make of that . Socialists will never stop, Grover Norquist. Help me out here. Well, i think the wall street journal answered your question, move to iowa. [laughter] iowa has decided theyre going to phase their income tax down to zero, and they have an incredible team. Kim rehold ins, the governor, jack whitford, the senate leader, dan dawson, who does the ways and means committee, and pat grassley, the speaker, all working together to phase that income tax down to zero. And what a message for republicans running for president. You show up in iowa, and what have they been doing for the last several years and committing to do in the future . Phase the state income tax down to zero, cutting the corporate rate down in half. And then when you go to New Hampshire for the next election, what are they doing . Their income tax is phased down to zero in a year and a half, and then the South Carolina to South Carolina the governor said were taking our income tax down to zero. Theyre right next to North Carolina which is going to zero. Theyre right next to florida which is at zero, and theyve got, theyve begun the process in South Carolina of going down to zero. This is the opportunity to educate all of our president ial candidates about where the republican partys headed. These are all republican states, these are all red states. Theyre taking their income taxes down to a flat rate and then to zero. Larry by the way, governor kim reynolds will be on this show tomorrow to talk about her flatter tax rate. Grover, talk to me about this spending. You got an article in the wall street journal, what is it, yesterday . The data proved government is spending too much. You know whats amazing about this article, the government has spent so much money that its way beyond population, and its way beyond inflation. Theyre just spending at all levels of government. And i kind of like the way you compared it, you know, to a normal cost of living increase and a population increase. There is no boundary to Government Spending. Yeah. One of the challenges we have is the americans for tax reform, the group i run, we do the no tax increase pledge, and almost all the are republicans take take the pledge and keep it and say were not raising taxes. Then the question is what do you do on spending. Because you cant have a pledge on spending with a number. Numbers change every year. So what weve put together is a study of all 50 states. Helped put together the numbers and the structures, and it says basically how are states doing this year and over the last 10 years. Are they growing state Government Spending faster than your paycheck goes up, population plus inflation, or not as fast . And if we can stay under that line, government becomes less painful. If youre over that line, like the blue states all are, it becomes more and more painful, and they raise taxes. So were going to every year put out the information for state legislators to make sure if you stay urn this line under this line, youre not becoming more painful to your citizens. Larry terrific. Grover norquist, thanks ever so much. We appreciate it. All right, folks, coming up, first up, radical prosecutors in new york want to take President Trumps businesses away, now they want to gag him from talking about it. We will talk to trump attorney alina habba. Shes fresh from the courtroom. Shell be right here on set, i hope. Im kudlow. Stick around, folks. Remember, you can catch kudlow monday through friday, 4 p. M. Every day right here on fox biz. If you cant catch us at 4, text your favorite 9yearold, and she will show you how to dvr the show, and you will never miss a tax hike ever. Im kudlow. Hate tack it is taxes. Manage it well. Jardiance its a little pill with a big story to tell. I take oncedaily jardiance, at each days staaart. As time went on it was easy to seee. Im lowering my a1c. Jardiance works 24 7 in your body to flush out some sugar and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. Jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. A rare, lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. 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Larry they have already, did the judge already make a decision with respect to the trump assets and properties . Tell us about that, because he has no right to take away ones lifes earnings. Well, i think were seeing i all legal excessive bounds being broken at this moment. The judge did do that before we even walked into court. And i want the American People to understand this judge already ordered that the trump organization, all affiliated companies, even trust be dissolvedded. That was ordered before we walked into that courtroom, before an expert took the stand, before think about took the stand and before my client could even take the stand and defend themselves. So he summarily ordered that. That is something thats breaking news, and thatll be filed tomorrow. Larry youre going to file the appeal tomorrow, and the appeal will go up to the state court of appeals . Yes. Larry which might have more to do with the law than this superior court judge. Maybe. [laughter] not gonna larry no,ing i know, i dont want to get you in trouble. [laughter] i dont want to send my former boss trump to rikers island. No, thats not happening. Larry there are some people who say this idea of seizing businesses and seizing assets and seizing Real Estate Property is a very clear violation of the 14th amendment. Right. Larry strong legal case there. Right. And, look, you have Business People that are watching your show. Your shows amazing. Lets just think about the precedent this will set in the state of new york. People in new york should be worried. If were saying that the attorney general can now leap and dive into private businesses, private enterprises because they are using Consumer Fraud application in a private business, that is a very concerning and very serious issue for with businesses in the state of new york. That has never been done before. Larry whos the victim here . Not the banks. The banks were paid off. Theres no consumers, i mean, if you to owned trumps own the properties. By the by, weve covered this on our show, a couple of good new york sun articles of all places. The difference between a tax assessment of a property versus a Market Property valuation thats right. Larry is night and day. Why doesnt this judge get that . Well, i dont know, because another point is the tax assessor who actually on maralago, and everyone knows this judge, the tax assessed value of maralago at 1820 million, whatever, is what the value should be. On his state of financial he put it higher. Maralagos probably worth almost 2 billion, and we have this guy saying this is the value that should be used. Thats what were appealing tomorrow, of course, along with everything else. But even the tax assessor and the department in palm beach came out and told the the sun, hey, guys, sorry, the lawyers are right. That is not market value at all. Its a very basic concept, but, you know, were having larry and south Florida Realtors laughed at that 18 million assessment. You cant get thinking in palm beach proper for 18 million. I mean, a shoe box. Larry no, i understand that. What about this gag order that the judge has imposed . I mean, i hold the peculiar view of first amendment, bill of rights, free speech. I dont a lot of people, i wont say every person, but many people believe this is a socialist state attorney general who ran against donald trump. Trump was not on the ballot, but she ran against him anyway before this happened. This judge has made disparaging remarks against former President Trump. So thousand they want to gag now they want to gag the president. I dont want them to gag you, i dont want to get you in troubl no, i was also gagged. So it wasnt per se for me, but i represent the president. A gag order is effectively silencing your right to free speech. And we did, you know, explain that, but the reality is the judge here has done and will do what he wants. Its a bench trial, as we know. Under 6312 we were not entitled to a jury, so we are stuck with this and dealing with going to the Appellate Division every time theres something that we dont agree with. And, you know, were just going to have to continue to fight like we always do and keep going up the ladder. I mean, its a very serious precedent. Nobody has done jack smith, we havent seen this. And to do that to a candidate whos leading in the polls because a political opponent minion, frankly, is coming after him, thats a problem. Again, scary precedent. A lot of things happening in this courtroom in a civil, Equitable Court decision that shouldnt be happening. Larry i had the impression, just the last point, that the Trump Legal Team was crossesexamining these accountants, and the judge didnt want them crossexamined. Can you just give us a brief summary of that . Sure. Weve been going back and forth in court about going through every single statement because, number one, were not supposed to be looking at this many statements because theres something called statute of limitations. His position is, no, we can let it in, and itll go in. Weve objected as all the press has reported. And were going to continue to do so. And then he said, no, you have to summarize it, summarize it. Well, we cant, you know . You have to have your day in court, and this is the problem that were seeing. They had three years of investigation, thousands, millions of pages. Ive been on this case for multiple years. And then we go to court and were going to rush . I dont think so. I dont think so. Larry do these accountants actually, i mean, i was reading in the New York Post this morning, i mean, it didnt sound like they were actually making a valuation case. It was a more narrowly defined cat appraisal case tax appraisal. The Attorney Generals Office . Larry well, the Attorney Generals Office and even the accountants that you were interviewing on the legal team. Oh. Well, look, the accountants, lets remember what happens here in real larry just account about thes. Theyre accountants, but what happens . The attorney general goes and starts investigating them, freaks them out. Tells them were going to bring sec violations, whatever it is, and then they freak out and desist its what weve seen happening with the d. A. , weve seen this happen. Dont forget, this started with bragg, he didnt bring the case. And frankly the case, in my opinion, is falling apart. Larry all right, falling apart. Alina, thank you for your time. I to go back down there you have to go back down there tomorrow . Yes, sir. Larry alina habba, mr. Trumps attorney. Thank you so much, we appreciate it. Folks, im kudlow. Well be right back with my last word. I have complete freedom of speech on this one. The lungs and lower airways. But im protected with arexvy. 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