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Carolina as the president saws he will fight says he will fight to the end as joe biden will speak in a couple of hours. With us tonight were going to bring to you robert ray,ly lewandowski, Harmeet Dhillon, jim trust key and former jim trusty and Matthew Whitaker on the breaking news happening now. Were talking a georgia recount could happen. But heres the story, could a recount also happen in pennsylvania, nevada and the other battlegrounds too . And how long until the u. S. Gets a final result . Also we are going to ask Corey Lewandowski what the trump team says it is seeing on the ground when it comes to voter fraud. But do they have direct documentary evidence of voter fraud that would be admissible in court as critics are blasting back saying its not there, that the case is weak . And the president says, quote, expect a lot of litigation. Critics blasting back at the president s e rhetoric. Plus, the democrats continue to lose seats in the house. Democrat outrage and anger growing hotter by the day. Theyre blaming nancy pelosi and the hard left for alienating voters with extreme rhetoric like defund the police. The irony rich because now conservatives took those democrat seats, and pelosis House Speaker job could be on the chopping block. So heres the question, how can pelosi and the democrats ignored the moderates warnings, e ignored the moderates wakeup calls ringing off the hook for so many months right now . And now democrats are blaming the same polls and forecasts that they were riding high on for now being so wrong, the exact same polls they said were so right when it showed them winning. And why critics are now asking why members of the media have yet to answer their wakeup call too, that the media is so out of touch that they are baffled now over i why a certain big voting bloc abandoned democrats when the trend has also been there and growing for months on end . Thanks for joining us. Im elizabeth macdonald, the everyoning edit evening edit starts right now. Elizabeth okay. Welcome to the show. Your watching the youre watching the fox business network. Were going to jump right into it, go right at it. We welcome back to the show former federal prosecutor, jim trusty. He is a great guest, he has a lot of insights and perspectives, people love him. Okay. So, jim, this president , hes going to fight to the end. What do you think of the fight right now. How do you see it playing out . Because the president s basically saying he will sue in every state biden won since election day. What do you thinks going to happen . Theres the public pronouncement and the actual civil complaint. Ill say this, its uphill. There are significant challenges to overturning electoral results based on fraud. Youve got to have evidence now. You might be able to file the complaint on what they Call Information and relief, basically saying heres my theory, heres what im hoping to prove. But very quickly if youre going to withstand judicial scrutiny, youre going to have to come up with solid evidence. Its the type of stuff thats going to withstand judicial scrutiny at different levels, and keep in mind, liz, i think we elizabeth what go ahead. Elizabeth go ahead. Courts are not looking to wade into an election or to state processes. So there are philosophical and practical obstacles that make this pretty tough. Elizabeth okay. So what would be admissible in court . Well, youve got to get to the point where youre getting injunctive relief. Youve got to impress the court theres some qualm of evidence thats not just a newspaper clipping or a rough allegation, but an actual statement, like a declaration from witnesses. I recognize youre not going to have people confess, hey, i just put 100,000 biden ballots in the till, but you might have 100,000 straight ballots went towards biden numerically, or at least the nontransparency which gets your nose under the tent. At least you can start looking at individual ballots at that point. Elizabeth you know, jim, were also seeing the rnc, the Republican National committee, they do have legal teams on the ground in four battleground states, arizona, pennsylvania, georgia and michigan. And now they saw they have numerous incidences of voting irregularities. Were hearing that rnc chair ron that mcdaniel saying they have an actual whistle blow or in michigan claiming this person was ordered to back date ballots. Nevada, theres a criminal referral to the doj about voter fraud there. Can you break this down for us, whats happening here . Well, the criminal stuff is going to go slowly, so you really cant pun your hopes on the fbi or any other Law Enforcement Agency Building up a case, exposing the case, indicting and prosecuting it in the time period that we have. So i think you really cant hold your breath for criminal prosecution to come through and help the day. But in terms of reallife testimony, whistleblower testimony, thats huge. If they have that, theyve got a fighting chance. But, again, its got to be geared towards overturning the Election Results in that state to really make a difference to the court. They have to know its not just an outlier, but something that systematically took the voters will and replaced it with some sort of fraud. Elizabeth yeah. And so when it comes to the voter fraud allegations in nevada, for instance, claiming things like dead voters, they have to prove that somebody voted. They have to have proof that the dead voter, somebody used that name to vote. And, you know, the issue with nevada, they lose their eligibility when they leave the state temporarily, but maybe military members, thats the theory out there, were working out of state. Also casino workers worked out of state due to the pandemic. So theres a lot of things hitting these cases. And we hear what youre saying. The trump lawsuits over states delaying the deadlines that nevada will accept ballots postmarked by november 10th, in pennsylvania they can, you know, accept a ballot if it arrives without a postmark. Those seem to be decisions made by state courts. The u. S. Constitution says the state Legislature Gets to decide what is, what valid counts towards the Electoral College vote. What do you think of this fight . I think thats a better fight for the president and, frankly, pennsylvania is the one that i think has the most traction. Because you have the Pennsylvania Supreme Court changing the deadlines, and they may have been well intended. They may have said, well, covid is different, but thats just not how the state constitution work, how the balance of power works. It is supposed to be the legislature that decides the deadline, they had decided that. So that was a bit of judicial activism that could get the u. S. Supreme Court Interested because it was such an overreach. And thats what you had back with bush v. Gore, a florida Supreme Court that really overreached, and thats the only reason the u. S. Supreme court start to have interest in intervening. Elizabeth and that was about a ballot recount in florida. In some instances the trump team is saying stop the counting because these ballots, they say, are allegedly illegal. It looks like the trump team will ask for a recount. It looks like georgia may be moving toward a recount, maybe wisconsin. Possibly a recount in philadelphia as we continue to watch the action in philadelphia live right now. Crowds gathering outside where they are counting the ballots in philadelphia. Talk to us a little bit about the recount idea of this. Well, look, theres usually a state statute that decides what the percentage is that triggers a recount. The only thing to say about a recount is it buys the trump team some time, it gives them an opportunity, hopefully, to examine individual ballots. But typically recounts dont move the needle very far. They dont really result in tens of thousands of votes breaking in a different direction. So, again, i dont want to be the Debbie Downer here, but i think recounts typically arent going to move it by the amount that he may need in a place like michigan or wisconsin. Elizabeth yeah. We also saw something else, separate case, separate from this, the three major three big ns, abc, cbs, nbc, other networks, cut away from the president s press conference last night because they were saying he was making false claims about the integrity of the election. The president said, quote ive been talking about mailin voting for a long time, its really destroyed our system, its a corrupt system. It makes people corrupt. Is so there was a pushback against that. Vice president mike pence, who did not appear with trump the president , rather, last night said he stands with the president. So did senator ted cruz, senator lindsey graham. We had sean spicer, chris christie, rick santorum, a number of republicans pushing back on the president there. I know you like to only talk about legal issues, but when you hear statements like the system is corrupt or what is your First Response when you hear words like that . Well, i mean, welcome to 2020, right . When has anything been genteel this year . Look, i would say this, whether you love trump or not, it would not be a shock to think that he could be a little punchdrunk in terms of how hes treated by the media, by social media, by his opposition. So, you know, i tend to think, look, hes going to say what hes going to say. I think anybody close to him gave up a long time ago on reining him in. If he feels something, hes been pretty transparent about how he feels. Thats going to be in the Rearview Mirror soon enough. Its going to come down to finalized vote counts, and this stuff will all be in the Rearview Mirror pretty quickly. Elizabeth and the evidence, right . You have to have the evidence to bring it into court. Were going to talk to Corey Lewandowski about that. Jim trusty, hey, thank you so much for joining us. We really appreciate it. Thanks. See ya. Elizabeth okay. As we just said, trump 2020 Senior Adviser Corey Lewandowski, were going to bring him on next. He and his team are on the ground. Were going to ask him what evidence do you have of voter fraud that would be documentary evidence admissible in courts as the critics are blasting back at the president s rhetoric and what is going on with the voter fraud allegations. The story next. Since pioneering the suv in 1935, the chevy suburban has carried many things. Nothing more important than family. Introducing the most versatile and advanced chevy suburban and tahoe ever. And a high risk for fracture, osteoporosis now might not be the best time to ask yourself, are my bones strong . Life is full of make or break moments. 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Ive been on the ground here since wednesday morning first thing. We have unequivocal proof of individuals who have died and have voted, who, as a matter of fact, we have uni give call proof of an individual who died on one date, his ballot was requested seven days later and recorded for this election. Thats one very specific example in one specific county, but i can also tell you that here in the city of philadelphia there have been a number of individuals whose ballots have been rejected because they lacked the, it lacked the inner secrecy envelope. So away looked at was how many of those renexts took place. And rejections took place. Of the partisan breakout in philadelphia, all of the democratic ballots that were rejected, those voters were notified that their ballots were rejected and had the opportunity to vote. However, all the republicans weve been in touch of say none of them were notified about the tact that their ballots were rejected, and they werent given the opportunity to vote. You couple that with the fact that we had a court order in my hand yesterday that required the city to allow us and the observers to go inside the Convention Center and stand within 6 feet of the people who are or counting these ballots, and not only did the City Solicitor are reject the court order, so did the Sheriffs Office and the board of elections. And they simply denied that it was a valid order even though i presented them a Valid Court Order from the Appeals Court, what they call the Commonwealth Court here in pennsylvania, and they said feel free to hold us in contempt. We will not provide you access. Elizabeth okay. So youre hitting on a number of things there. Lets start with the first. How many examples deutch do you have to show that this problem with voter fraud, as you guys allege, is systemic . Because you have to bring if you want to try to overturn the vote, you have to show its sizable and that its systemic if you want to get the votes set aside. How big is it, what youre seeing . Its clearly widespread. It is spread from western pennsylvania all the way to philadelphia elizabeth whats the proof of that . Oh, we have elizabeth how many votes, how many votes are you saying are fraudulent . I dont want to get in front of any potential litigation, but i can tell you we have secured numerous affidavits from individuals who have alerted us to the fraud that has transpired. We have secured after a davids from numerous individuals affidavits from numerous individuals who have seen fraud take place, also from individuals who personally witnessed the fraud transpiring. So that is a legal document, an affidavit. Someone is swearing to under the penalty of perjury that they have witnessed fraud to transpire. So we feel very comfortable with that information. And we will be moving forward with that information when the time is appropriate. Elizabeth okay. Lets talk about that. Are you guys planning to go to, what, the local Federal District court . And would you go so far to the Supreme Court to try to set aside the vote count in one or more of these battleground states . Whats the battle plan here . Well, i dont want to get out in front of our legal team. Look, it wouldnt be my decision, but i can tell you we believe we have a very strong, very compelling case, one that is based on facts and the evidence to support those facts. We believe once those facts are presented the American People will agree theres been widespread fraud in a number of these places, and maybe some people its only one example or a hundred example or a thousand examples or tens of thousands, and its one example that would be one too many. And more than that, we have to understand that the integrity of our process is at stake here. And there is no way that dozens and hundreds of potentially people are coming forward and signing affidavits saying that theyve been witness to fraud or the fraud that were finding on our own that should tell us that we dont have a problem in this process. We knew there was going to be a problem in the voting process as it pertained to mailin ballots. The Washington Post and New York Times wrote about this, you know, 10, 20 years ago that this was a flawed system. But now because the system benefits the democrats, theyre saying there was no issue. There are serious irregularities that need to be addressed. Elizabeth corey, when will you guys be showing the proof . Look, when the time is right. We are certain that we are going act in a timely manner. Elizabeth how long . Is that going to to be a week . Is that going to be a week . Is it going to be two weeks . Is it going to be within a month . How long . Faster than that. We understand the expedited nature of what is transpiring right now. We know that joe biden believes he has won some states that have not been called for him, we believe we have won a number of states that have not been called for us, so we understand how important it is to be judicious and timely in this, and that will be coming relatively soon. Elizabeth okay. So, corey, youre going to be back in just a bit, and weve got another story we want to tackle with you. Its about the growing protest, the dont steal the vote socalled protest and the counterprotesters. Corey, youre going to come back in a little bit. Youre going to stay with us in just a few moments. Next up, trump 2020 Advisory Board member Harmeet Dhillon on democrat outreach and anger growing white hot as they now blame nancy pelosi and the hard left for increasing democrat losses in the house, for alienating voters with extreme rhetoric like Defund Police and Big Government spending and taxes as, look at this, pelosis House Speaker job is looking smooth driving pays off with allstate, the safer you drive the more you save you never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today elizabeth lets welcome back trump 2020 Advisory Board member, Harmeet Dhillon. Okay, so heres the story, looks like democrats are getting angry and outraged, blaming nancy pelosi and the hard left for democrats losing eight seats in the house. Weve got 29 races still undecided. They could lose up to a does dozen even more, and her job as House Speaker could be on the chopping block. When you saw this, what was your first reaction . Well, it was glee, i was happy because nancy pelosi herself, by the way, not of the far left in her party, but she capitulate ared to them. Shes a multimillionaire San Francisco limousine liberal, but she let the squad dictate the policies and the Campaign Agenda in her party, and these are the results. Turns out that even democrats in america are not as extreme as the leaders who aspire to lead them. And so i think that whats happening over there in the Democratic Caucus is like a game of musical chairs. Everybodys wondering whos going to be left standing at the end of the music playing. Here in california, we have several races where we expect to pick back up some of the seats that we lost in 2018. So its going to be a dozen plus that she loses, and she may not be the next speaker of the house. That would be a good thing, actually. Elizabeth shes been in power for 17 years, and moderates are agreeing with you, it would be a good thing if nancy pelosi stepped aside. Moderates have been saying, 15 of them last year, weve within warning you weve been warning you. How can you are you are ignoring our wakeup call for months . Listen to virginia democrat representative abigail spanberger, shes a moderate. She really lit up a Conference Call with pelosi and the Top Democrats yesterday. Listen to representative span berger. Shouldnt have lost. The number one concern i think that people brought to me in my if [inaudible] was defunding the police. We not to ever use the word socialist or socialism ever again. Elizabeth okay. So, you know, what were they campaigning on . What policies, harmeet . People are saying wheres the infrastructure, wheres the immigration reform. Youre campaigning on abolishing the police . Youre campaigning on equity of outcome, Electoral College get rid of it, all of that. So people are saying, what are you doing, Democrat Party . This is you and i have been talking about this. This story is also about the collapse of the Democrat Party as well. What is your reaction . Its so interesting when you look at the breakdown of this election result. First of all, you can see a lot of new republican Women Joining congress, and even with bob trumps return Donald Trumps returns, he actually did very well with married women. So a lot of the fallacy out there about these traditional voting pattern patterns like, y, the left depending on the minority vote, these have been shattered but donald trump. Its a Different Party on our side, and its a Different Party on their side. Their side is the party of far left, it is the party of wall street, it is the part of extremists and that doesnt really sell in middle america. Most americans dont want their taxes raised, dont want the farleft agenda that Kamala Harris has been pushing. And they really like a normal life with some police to show up if theres a mob outside. So i think that the chickens have come home to roost. As republican, i hope they dont get the message, but i do give them credit, and maybe theyll regroup and do better in 2022, and its our job to outsmart them. Elizabeth but, harmeet, you had nancy pelosi reportedly firing back saying democrats now have a mandate. How do you have a mandate when democrats lost seats in the house, and theyre losing seats, when they didnt win the senate, you know, theyre supposed to gain seats in the chamber, and how do you have a mandate when President Trump won big with minorities and there was no blue wave . Whats the mandate here . Theres no mandate. Thats a talking point for her. Shes announced that shes running again for leader, and the reason that i think part of the disastrous position that shes in right now is to become the speaker in 2018, she made a lot of promises to a lot of factions in her party. In other words, he was in hock to that farleft squad s and she had to temper her more moderate rhetoric to come into line with them. If she wants to get the speakership again, shes going to have to go in hand to them. There is going to to be a war in that party. Whos going to come out on top . I predict its not going to be the squad, its going to be the moderates in the party if they know whats good for them. Elizabeth well, that would be quite a turn around because the moderates have been screaming, you know, take care of us, were going to win you back your gavel. The irony is rich that the democrats, the moderates lost seats to the conservatives who are now going to the conservatives are now basically coming out in a big phalanx, and theyre going to fight back against the hard left. So thats whats happening now, and the media is saying, you know, theyre a baffled, like how did President Trump get minorities . Well, its hispanic voters, its the black voters saying, you know, we like the job policies, we like his economic plan. And so its interesting that you have, you know, the democrats not seeing these trends that have been out there for months and the media not seeing it too. Whats your reaction to that . The media is just incredibly trump derangement system has blinded a lot of the political analysis. Which americans want their taxes raised . Literally, none of them. Or, frankly, if theyre start and want somebody elses taxes raised because thats not sustainable, people dont want their jobs to go away, to be outsourced. These are liberal talking points that play in the coasts, that play in San Francisco, los angeles, new york and d. C. They dont play anywhere else in the world. And, you know, the other countries are laughing at us and, you know, were sort of committing, were cannibalizing ourselves with these policies. So she is rebuked, the democrats are rebuked, they are rebukedded in the senate as well. Thats why youre seeing the markets Show Confidence even though we have an undecided president ial election right now. The markets are happy because the democrats are not in control like they promised. There was no blue wave, they lied to their voters, and they are now having to pay the price. Elizabeth march harmeet dhillos great to see you. Come back soon. Few pleasure. Elizabeth just ahead, were going to stay on this story, National Security adviser South Carolina t mcfar lan on the democrats blame shifting on the disastrous losses in the house. Theyre now blaming the polls and forecasters for being so, so wrong, the exact same polls they said were so, so right when it showed them winning. Kt mcfarland next and Corey Lewandowski is coming up soon. Stay right there. This was also the year of the republican woman. More republican women were elected to congress than ever before. Thats a great achievement. You work hard for your money. Stretched days for it. Juggled life for it. 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Look whats happened around the country. Women republicans were elected in historic numbers not just to congress, but to statehouses, veterans who are republicans, his panics who are republicans hispanics. What its showing is that the next generation of leaders is terrific, that the Republican Party has amazing band strength. Few daughter ran for the house of representatives my daughter ran in sarasota, she ran in a district that was represented by democrats before, is and she won in a blowout victory. What this means is that people arent rejecting trumpism. Theyre not rejecting the ideology. Theyre not rejecting, you know, tax cuts, a better economy, peace in the world, prosperity. Theyre rejecting the crazies on the far left. Theyre rejecting socialism, defund the police. Whatever happens at the top of the ticket, thats going to play itself out. But im looking at what happens in the future. The countrys not nuts. They dont like the defund the police, they dont want the socialism. Theyre electing a whole new generation of republicans in a different way. Elizabeth okay. I see the lower, the countrys not nuts, kt mcfarland. [laughter] just kidding. That was a funny line you just said. To your point, if they discuss agreed with the policies, there would have been a landslide for the democrats. Were not seeing that. Democrat Congressional Campaign chair slamming the polls and the turnout models saying everything was wrong. Shes furious. Down the line, shes saying all the polls were wrong, prognosticators were totally wrong. Were seeing the republicans flip ought seats for a net gain of five, theres still about 29 races still not decided. You know whats really interesting, kt . Its the big fight over this, the irony is pretty rich that voters did not like the hard left. And which voters did not like the hard left . Minorities, expats in cuba, exepats in venezuela. Hispanics didnt like it because they saw in their home countries what happened with that. You know, blacks, President Trump doubled his support among black women. But you know what id like to do . By the way, elissa slotkin, a freshman democrat, said the turnout was with big, President Trump really down ballot really did enormous turnout that was possible to surmount. I want your reaction to the media, the media not picking up the wakeup call, not seeing these trends in the electorate. Lets listen to Cnns Van Jones here. Listen. This country is not what we thought it was. I dont care who you are, nobody predicted this outcome. We predicted it was going to take longer, etc. , etc. , but it turns out that the outreach from republicans to africanamericans, latinos was effective. Elizabeth hold the phone. Hold the phone. Nobody hes indicated nobody saw these trends . [laughter] did you hear that . Did you hear what he said [laughter] nobody saw this. Kt, you and i have been talking about this for two years, okay . Weve been watching the polling numbers. You and i have been talking about hispanics, blacks and latinos. What is going on over there . What are they talking about . Im sorry, its rare that i lose my cool, but really . The cook report said House Democrats lost because of the president s support for husband husband hispanic neighborhoods by double digits. What is going on here, nobody else saw it except us . I doubt it. Go ahead. They are nuts. You know, the cups not nuts the countrys not nuts, but those guys are nuts. Without a minute, dont they have any principles of their own . Theyre just mad because the polling was wrong . If the polling was better, they would have changed their position and changed their principles . I think theyve been caught out. Theyre just a bunch of phonies. Clause su phonies. Crazy phonies. Elizabeth well, yeah. Boy, this election is showing a washout all over the place. Kt, its great to have you on. Youre a lot of fun. Congratulations on your daughters victory, thats terrific. Give her our best. Yea. Elizabeth good to see you. Okay, look whos back with us, trump 2020 Senior Adviser coar Corey Lewandowski. The massive crowd gathering right now in philly, it includes count the vote people saying do count the vote. Theres also other rallies around the country to say dont steal the vote. Coreys going to break down what is happening because hes got eyes on. Hes been down boots on the ground here. Were going to get corey a live bookkeeper is helping customize quickbooks for me. Okay, youre all set up. Thanks that was my business gi, this ones casual. Get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. And sweetie can coloryou just be. Gentle with the pens. Okey. Okey. I know. Gentle. Gentle new projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database so you can start hiring right away. 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Thanks so much for staying around and sticking around. Coar true, you know whats really interesting . Weve seen protests, riots, then it was defund the police in cities across the nation. Elected officials listened and did defund the police in certain localities, so the question is will courts and authorities now listen to stop the steal push . What do you think of that . Will elected officials and judges say, yeah, these contested results, weve got to listen to what you guys are doing on the ground there . What do you think . You know, i really dont think so. Ill tell you why, these elected officials do what way about the to do. We have seen this over and over again. There is no city in america that wants to defund the police, not the people who work there every day, not the people who go to church there. There is no mother in this country right now who wants to raise their child in these city that are defunding the police, that are allowing these rioters and marauders to run through the streets. We deserve safety and security but, look, these politicians are tone deaf, and thats why when they come up for election, theyre going to lose. Elizabeth okay, so the dont steal the vote push, again, youve been working in pennsylvania, whats going on with the vote count. Were tracking a story of seven Election Officials in pennsylvania in 2014, 2015 and 2017 charged with voting multiple times, election forge true, bogus ballots. So when we hear the media time and again saying theres no indication of voter fraud, weve been reporting on our show a month or so ago reports and studies that, yeah, there is an issue with this. Your reaction to that. Theres complete voter fraud. If there was no fraud, you would have allowed us to go inside in accordance with the court order. Look, when i took a dulyauthorized court order and provided it to the board of elections, they said, we dont care. I called the sheriff, and he said im not responding to this. When i brought it to the Philadelphia Police department, they said well get back to you in a few sures, and hours, and the city elected officials that oversee this board of election are, they went into a private meeting, decided to wait out the clock, said youre not allowed to come in and witness whats going on regardless of the court order, and they basically threatened me with a guy with a great giant badge around his neck and said if you cross this line, well have you arrested. Thats the intimidation they use so, of course, theyve been doing something wrong and of course there is mayhem and misdeeds taking place there. Elizabeth all right. So is there anything given what you just told us, where can you take that information to get action . Are you going to do anything with just that information you have told us . Look, we took it directly to a federal judge last night and asked them to stay the count until the individuals who are duly authorized to be in that room are allowed to be there, and the federal judge said this is a state issue. The Supreme Court of pennsylvania ruled 52 that the lower courts ruling was stayed. And so we had no Additional Authority once the Supreme Court of the state of pennsylvania put a stay on what is ultimately the Appeals Court here in pennsylvania on the ruling that said we had the right to be in that room, we had the right the witness everything in that room from 6 feet away. And when that information was presented to the elected officials and the people overseeing the ballot counting, they said we dont care and basically said go back and ask the judge to hold us in contempt. You have no enforcement mechanism. And let me tell you why thats scary. Maybe that same judge hands down an order for a bank warrant or to prevent a Domestic Violence dispute. Is that when the sheriff of philadelphia says im not going to enforce that order . Which orders do those the Police Officers from the Sheriffs Office get toen e force and which ones dont they . It should be very scary to the American People right now. Elizabeth wow. We hate what youre saying. Corey, hey, great to have you on. Its interesting information you just gave us to our viewers. Thank you so much, Corey Lewandowski. Thank you. Elizabeth okay. Next up, former acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker. Hes going talk to us about everything weve just been covering on the show. Also this, how long does he think this election fight go on . The president says hes going to fight it to the end. Matthew whitaker next. Since pioneering the suv in 1935, the chevy suburban has carried many things. Nothing more important than family. 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So so we believe were within closing distance and, again, its going to be very close here and, you know, were prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure that every legal votes counted, that its transparent and that its fair. And i thinks what all american citizens deserve. Elizabeth okay, President Trump now has no plans to concede. Hes going to fight to the finish. How long do you think this will go on . What do you think . Well, if you remember it took 38 days for bush v. Gore, and that was only one state of florida. I think, you know, the American People need to be patient, they need to trust that, you know, we will file whatever legitimate lawsuits necessary to make sure that there is transparency. Liz, i think one of the concerns that i have especially is there are a lot of anomalies, abnormalitieses, whatever you want to call it in places that have not been explained. I think the American People and everyone that voted whether you voted for joe biden or whether you voted for President Trump, you deserve an explanation into how these things happen in some of these major cities especially. So i think that, you know, whether thats true a lawsuit that is explained or through these board of elections or secretaries of state explaining the abnormalities in the vote count. Again, i think we should be patient, we shouldnt rush to any kind of conclusion because, again, this, you know, our republic depends on a fair vote, it has to be transparent, and i think everyone is best served with having confidence in the outcome. Elizabeth what abnormalities and anomalies are you seeing . Well, right now t mostly anecdotal, and its all over the country. Theres been reports from things that may have happened in detroit and in philadelphia as you were talking with corey. Weve heard some, again, we have to do our investigations and our due diligence, but theres these various things all over the country, you know, another place that ive heard and i know matt schlapp and others have been very vocal on this is whats happening in nevada, especially clark county. So, again, each one of these has to be run to ground. As a former prosecutor myself, i understand how the investigation into facts are so important so then you can go to a court and get the adjudication of the situation. Elizabeth where do you think it is the worst . Where do you think there should definitely be a recount . Which state . Well, again, i dont want to rush to judgment because i want the facts. But i think whats happening in philadelphia, whats happening in atlanta, whats happening in las vegas, what happened in detroit, new all of these places i think all of these places, again, there needs to be transparency. With need to see sunlight on what happened, you know, how these votes sort of have been running up throughout, you know, kind of for the last two or three days, and, you know, we need an explanation, and we we need to make sure that theres an audit trail, that the results can be verified and verifiable and that we have confidence in the outcome to matter who ultimately wins the presidency. Elizabeth okay. So, of course, youre seeing pushback from the democrats, individuals in the media, state officials as well. Its unclear if theres going to be indication there could be a recount in georgia, possibly wisconsin. We dont know if theres going to be a recount in pennsylvania. You talked about 37, 38 days for bush v. Gore in the year 2000 to basically conclude. Are you talking that this could go on through january . Well, i think theres some important deadlines especially in december for certification and then for the Electoral College members to meet and vote. But i think theres still a lot of game left to be played here, unfortunately. I wish we didnt have to come to this, i wish there was a clear outcome, but weve all been watching this play out for the last several days, and its certainly going to be for the next several weeks as these lawsuits are, ultimately, argued and judges are decided and then the appeals work their way through the courts. So, you know, its what i hope doesnt happen is i hope the media doesnt start putting all this pressure on whoever the, you know, the loser or the apparent loser is to concede because, you know, fundamentally this has to be acceptable to all americans as to what the result is, and some of these abnormalities need to be explained and need to be litigated. Elizabeth okay. Great. Matthew hut kerr, thank you so much whitaker, thank you so much for joining us. Great stuff there. Good to see you. 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