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Tonight we will take a look at how closely they have followed that claim. Because of the closeness of this election and the charges of fraud on the part of the democrats in so many close elections, it is inevitable that the country will be replicating scenes just like these in the year 2000 when the fate of the country hinged on tiny slivers of paper back then referred to as hanging chads. The radical dems in coordination with the leftwing National Media and their Corporate Masters have, it seems, masterfully suffocated the voices of some 70 million trump voters. The National Media and their Corporate Masters, some of them are calling on the president to give up for the sake of National Unity, you understand. When is the last time that we heard walt disney, comcast, at t tell a democrat to just, well, surrender in the interest of National Unity, or were they the ones who were silent as our National Politics became ever more divisive . Well, heres House Speaker Nancy Pelosied today declaring pelosi today declaring joe biden the victor all by herself. How exciting it is to come before you today with joe biden having the tremendous mandate that he has and that pretty soon the hyphen will be gone from Vice President to president elect joe biden. Lou the president and his campaign have launched lawsuits, a lot of lawsuits, in many of those key battleground states, all pointing to Election Fraud as the sole reason for joe bidens sudden and so far unexplained surge in many of the vote counts, and many of the vote counts very, very late in the evening. Weve shown you the video of poll workers boarding up votecounting sites in detroit, a Michigan State senator posted a video showing a republican poll observer being thrown out by election officials. Poll workers at the site, as you hear, cheering. And, yes, were even finding ballots hidden under rocks. 18 ballots, in fact, found by the Attorney Generals Office in the state of arizona. Its just one example of how vulnerable the mailin vote is to tampering. As we cover here this evening, social media is continuing to suppress many of these stories from being reported to the publicment the to the public. The corporate leftwing National Media already backing the dems position that joe biden is president elect. To be clear, he is not the president elect yet on fox news or fox business. Our guests tonight to take all of this up and more include Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Mcdaniel who is leading the republican fight, Candace Owens who is suing social media, Judicial Watch president tom fitton who has spent so much time and effort that has resulted in warnings to the public for the past six months, defense attorney sidney paul about her battle to powell about her battle to help restore integrity to the vote count. Just the news editorinchief john solomon and pastor Robert Jeffress, all with us this hour. Weakkneed rinos, as we like to call them here, have already begun to acquiesce to the radical left and seek to have the president as well. Pat toomey and former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie all say there is no evidence to support the president s claims of voter fraud. They are doing what typical rinos do, telling everyone to be calm, to be polite, to avert your lying eyes and ignore the evidence before you as the radical left use the leftwing National Media and Corporate America and the deep state, of course, to forward their agenda. They tell us to, well, hold faith in beltway institutions like the department of justice and the fbi, organizations at the center of the large scale effort by the deep state to take down President Trump for the past four years. Just look at the man who is in charge of the fbi during much of that time. Yes, thats [laughter] thats james comey, mix servant, wear public servant, wearing a biden harris shirt and holding a biden mug. There seem to be absolutely no question about who these people are and for whom they have worked throughout. Thankfully for the American People, they have a man in the white house who is fighting there for them and somebody who is standing up for the rule of law and the integrity of our elections. In a statement today, President Trump vowed this, quote we believe the American People deserve to have full transparency in the all vote counting and election certification and that this is no longer about any single election, this is about the integrity of our entire election process. From the beginning we have said that all legal ballots must be counted and all illegal ballots should not be counted. Yet weve met resistance for this basic principle by democrats at every turn. We will pursue this process through every aspect of the law to guarantee the American People have confidence in our government. I will never give up fighting for you and our nation. Joining me now by phone, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Mcdaniel. Ronna, good to have you with us. We know that you are engaged in a massive battle to bring some light to what is darkness right now, and that is the lack of transparency over the vote counting. Where are we tonight, how do you feel about the prospects for the Republican Party and President Trump in this contest . Thank you, lou. Im actually in georgia tonight. Weve deployed four legal teams to georgia, pennsylvania, arizona and michigan. We are collecting statements from individuals who saw irregularities, who were part of vote counting, and we are going to turn those into affidavits to take legal action as necessary. In michigan weve discovered a whistleblower who was an election official who was told to back date ballots. They have alleged that everybody working in detroit was told to do this practice for ballots that were empty, to back date them to november 2nd, november 3rd so so they would count. So these are the types of allegations that are very serious and have imply cautions on Election Integrity implications, and the media should be pursuing them with us. Lou and is the media . How curious are the media that have been aligned with joe bidens campaign throughout . Not very concerned. And we did have a press Conference Today in michigan. And the other thing weve seen, lou, and this only happens in democratrun counties like philadelphia, like detroit where our poll watchers who are trained, who are allowed to be there legally to observe the election so they can go assure people that it was done in a fair manner were removed systematically from detroit. Some of them have put statements forward, and ive read hundreds of them today saying while ballot were put in one box, they would look back, and they would be returned to the good ballot box. All these types of issues we ran into. You just saw in detroit election are workers were cheering as our poll what watchers were removed from what her legally allowed to do. Padlocks were put on doors, windows were boarded up. These types of things do not insure confidence in Election Integrity. So were asking for transparency, were asking for patience, and allow us to pursue these irregularities and then investigate them. Lou well, right now effectively the vote count is continuing. It hasnt been put on hold. But at the same time, joe biden is leading, hes, what, six votes short by the medias count. What i am stunned by is were waiting here for a media declaration that hes president elect. It is really an expression, by the way, of the corporate owners of those Media Outlets and networks that, who would be making that decision. Weve reached a pretty sorry state in our electoral process where Corporate America are the ones deciding when we have a president elect, dont you think . And dont you think that also should be changed . It should. I mean, the best example of that is the early call for arizona. Arizona had more votes out, votes that could absolutely tip the balance towards President Trump, and yet when michigan and pennsylvania and georgia had significant margins in favor of President Trump, they refused to call those states for President Trump. So lou right. Its a total hypocrisy. Theres going to be a recount in georgia, theres going to be a recount in wisconsin. There are a significant amount of provisional ballots left in pennsylvania. Arizona still is counting votes, and President Trump continues to narrow that margin. So this is not over yet, and were going to pursue this, and we will pursue every single irregularity. Lou are you do you believe that the Supreme Court, i mean, where are you legally turning next . What is it youre planning to have happen, hoping will happen in the ensuing days here . Well, i think weve got to get through the canvassing process which states have have and then the certification process. Today in michigan, for example, through the canvassing process they found an error where 2,000 ballots were double counted for democrats. That is a problem. Lou because of a software problem. A clerical error lou well, that was because of software, ronna there was another lou okay. It was a different county where 6,000 votes were misassigned to joe biden. The congressman in that district noticed it. We found the soft war anomaly, and now software anomaly, and we know that 47 other counties use that software. So were going to audit that. Right now were in an evidencegathering phase, thats why we have a hotline and were asking people to let us know at 8885033526 if they have any of these irregularities that they saw, well pursue them, and then we will pursue legal action and let these recounts take place and let the counting finish in states like georgia that still hasnt seen all their military ballots be counted. Lou all right. Ronna mcdaniel, thanks so much for being with us, we appreciate it. Ronna mcdaniel, the chair of the Republican National committee. Up next, best selling author Candace Owens with a message for social media oligarchs who are censoring conservative voices especially like hers. Stay with us. And the factcheckers, the factcheckers which is just some Supreme Court that decided by themselves, they were not elected by the people, theyre activists for the left and shut down your speech when they dont like it because of safety, right . Safety, we have to take away your opinions. Lou well take the up facebook, twitter, social medias tyrannical censorship, the authoritarian silicon valley. Candace owens joins us right after these quick messages. Stay with us. We love the new apartment. The Natural Light is amazing. Hardwood floors. There is a bit of a clogging problem. clog dancing at least geico makes it easy to bundle our renters and car insurance. Yeah, helping us save us even more. For bundling made easy, go to geico. Com noand if youre troubledan a lifby falls and bleeds,ers. Worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. We try to soothe it with this. Cool it with this. And relieve it with this. But new preparation h soothing relief is the 21st century way to do all three. Everyday. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. On the sleep number numbers 360 smart bed. 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Thats simple, easy, awesome. Visit your local xfinity store today to ask, shop, discover the latest on xfinity mobile. Lou welcome back. Social media censors are at it again or still at it, this time blocking a number of hashtags that light the radical demss highlight the radical dems efforts to steal this election. Facebook actively blocking the hashtag stop the steal. Mark zuckerberg trying to stop the spread of what facebook calls misinformation about election rigging from reaching the American People. Hes also, he has also censored he, actually, its jack dorsey of twitter 30 of the president s tweets since election day. A third. Our next guest is a conservative activist. Shes suing facebooks Third Party Fact checkers over the cent or shi censorship of her social media posts, and she is quite a few of them. Joining us now is Candace Owens. Shes the founder of the blexit foundation, author of blackout how black america can make its second escape from the democrat plantation. It is great to have you with us, candace. Social media has reached a level of you know, they have been absolutely authoritarian. But now, now they have taken it to a new level in which they are unafraid of censoring the president of the United States and you. Tell us about the lawsuit. Well, i can tell you, first and foremost, you are correct. The type of censorship that we are seeing in america right now is what you would expect under a communist regime, not in a free country. Theyre starting to censor opinions, theyre starting to censor doctors, theyre starting to censor people who are talking about their real experiences. A woman was censored for talking about how her husband had diesed. My lawsuit began died. My lawsuit began about an article one by a doctor. Now, this is a doctor. Facebook decided to rate it false, and they decided that their doctors are better than my doctor. He saw a lot of this happening during the covid19, you know, media freakout where they said anything thats against the narrative they liked, needed to stay. So i looked into the Fact Checkers and determined that lead stories. Com, who had censored my page and who are main Fact Checkers on facebook, actually run by a man who works for cnn. His name is alan duke. He worked for them for 26 years and then magically started a factchecking firm in 2016 after donald trump won. I instantly knew it was time to sue and start getting behind checking these Fact Checkers. Lou how does it make you feel when you hear people saying to the president not to his face, but saying he should quit the race and do the right thing, simply drop the lawsuits and the recounts and just let it go for the national, National Unity . What do you make of that . Well, what i make of it is that, actually, it doesnt infuriate me, it makes me sad because i dont think people understand, they cant see past their red anger and hatred for donald trump. This is so much bigger than donald trump. Were talking about the integrity of the u. S. Election. We are talking about mass scale fraud, and people are being censored. Once upon a time, we used to have a media, lou, that would back the people, would tell the peoples stories. You have people all over social media talking about how their ballots were stolen. Instead now we have media members and journalists that act like theyre above the people, and they tell people youre a conspiracy theorist, you need to be shut down, and theyre on the side of the establishment. And that breaks my heart because we are trending very quickly into the direction of a socialist cup. Lou, in what country would you imagine if i told you were not allowed to open our businesses, were being told when we can see our loved ones . People are not allowed to see their loved ones when theyre dying. The schools and churches are being shut down. Does that sound like a free country to you, or does that sound like how things might operate under joseph josef stal . We have opened the doors to things we wont be able to close in the future. Lou i was talking to someone today, and she said she was feeling sad, she was on the verge of tears talking about all that the president has done, and, you know, that is a sentiment that i am sure is felt clear across the country. This man has made concrete, historic achievements in the interest of the American People. Has he benefited enormously minorities . Absolutely. Hes benefited everyone in this country, and minorities who did, by the way, raise their vote participation level in this election for the republican candidate in part because, largely in part because of your efforts and others who are awakening to the reality that we had a president that said he was going to be the president of all the people and whos delivered on it. In these most recent unemployment numbers, we see again minorities benefiting just as he said they would, closing the gap with white workers. And this is critically important. And all of this is on the line. And as you say, for a candidate who is socialist in his agenda and platform. To have that stolen from americans is maddening, its wrong, and i praise this president for having the courage to stand up against all of the politically correct forces who think he should simply turn, avert his eyes as so many have from what is obvious, obvious irregularities and fraud in too many jurisdictions in this country. Your thoughts as we wrap up here. I completely agree. And let me not mince words here, president donald j. Trump is an american hero. He will be remembered as an american hero, and hes not done yet with his heroic feats. Fighting this in every single corner of American Society is exactly what he needs to be doing and exactly what he pledged to do for the American People. He is a person that stands on the platform for all of the forgotten men and women in america, myself included. He has had tremendous success in black america, increased despite the rhetoric as being libeled as as a racist every single day by the media. I commend him, i stand firmly with him, and i stand firmly with the American People, and we will demand Election Integrity. Lou absolutely. Candace, thanks so much for all that you do and all you will be doing. We appreciate it. Candace owens. Wed like to hear your thoughts about all of this. Share your comments. Follow me on twitter at hugh loudobbs follow me we on instagram loudobbstonight, so long as i am permitted that privilege. Up next, where is william barr, the attorney general . Where is his department of justice . Still silent on vote fraud charges all around the country. Just the news editorinchief john solomon joins us with much more on all that. Stay with us, well be right [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Stayed on my mind. Was another around the corner . Or could it be a different story . I wanted to help protect myself. My doctor recommended eliquis. Eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. Almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didnt experience another. And eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. 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When i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. These elderly jews are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day this now, is how gods children are living. Take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. The International Fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. Your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. This is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. The communists came and wiped it out. And now were coming to her and saying, its okay to have faith. Its okay to light the hanukkah candles. For just 25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. I just want to encourage all of you to join with Yael Eckstein and the wonderful work of the International Fellowship of christians and jews. God tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. Lou breaking news, weve heard from the Justice Department. The department saying its looking into 3,000 mailin ballots at the nevada that the nevada Republican Party say were cast illegally, and they have called on the Justice Department with a criminal referral. Yet the attorney general, the fbi director remain silent. The only comment weve received from the department of justice is a statement from spokesperson kerri kupec in which she said the department of justice pursues all actionable information it receives, and is always the case, encourages anyone who suspects a federal crime to report it to their local fbi office. Thats what we need. John solomons just the news is partnering with other news organizations to independently review election reporting in tight battleground races, and breaking just this hour, a Software Glitch that gave more votes to joe biden in michigans Northwestern State after anterim county, its been fixed,were told. It caused biden to lead by 3,000 votes, but revised totals show the president with a 2,500vote lead. Joining us now is john solomon, author of fallout. Good to have you with us. Let me ask you this first, john, your thoughts about this Software Glitch and how, how much of an effect it might have broadly across the state. Its one of the things that weve been looking at as part of our review. There are about 36 other municipalities and counties in the midwest that use this software, so were interviewing each of those county clerks tonight to see if any other a anomalies, were also comparing 2020 Election Results to 2016 which is how this first glitch was found, to look if any states look to be inverted and wrong, any counties. But the fact that it got corrected is good. The fact that it got caught and corrected through these reviews that we and others are doing is a good thing. And also i think a good thing, the Justice Department and fbi arent talking, that was james comeys fbi that liked to leak. But they are speaking with actions. There are multiple investigations going on looking at voter fraud. You just mentioned one, the las vegas one. I can confirm for you from both local officials and fbi and Justice Department officials that in michigan a whistleblower, a city of detroit election worker, has come forward to claim that she and other workers were asked to back date ballots that had come in beyond the deadline. This is a very active investigation. And its a sign that, you know, while theres not a lot of press releases and talking going on, actionable things that are coming in to the fbi and Justice Department are being turned around very quickly as this election nears its end. Lou you know, its really, theres a real crosscurrent here of doubt and concern for most americans because this fbi, this department of justice are the same that were coconspirators in the assault on a president and the effort to block his agenda and to overthrow him and fed e the American Public all sorts of, frankly, vicious and horrific lies in so doing. Its, we showed james comey with his fbi mug, you know [laughter] and his, his biden mug and his biden harris tshirt. You know, chris wray was a close associate of his, so was robert mueller. We know the tone, we know the temperament, we know the direction of their ideologies. This is not a salve that is likely to be very effective right now with this fbi. This is the same fbi, by the way, not commenting about these elections who were quick to confirm an investigation into a convoy of Trump Supporters who weres escorting a who were escorting a biden harris bus out of the state of texas. I mean, i have have to you have to put me down as one who thinks this fbi is rotten to the core i got you something to make you smile. Let me give you something to try to make you smile on this, lou. Lou all right. Go for it. I am told next week, postelection, but next week i think we will see some public action in the russia collusion case, something that was pending that now will take place. I know its not satisfying to know what happened after the election, but to see some form of justice, to see some form of activity in the john durhambarr investigation, i think, will be good news for those who want accountability and complete transparency. I think therell be an event that will give us some visibility for the first time, and i think thats good. Meanwhile, whether the Justice Department, fbi does its job, there is lots of good work going on right now looking at voter fraud issues, getting it to the public, forcing the lock and state officials to do that, to do their jobs. They may not go out and find it e, but if its brought to them, theyre going to look at it. I think thats one of the good pieces of news here. And my organization, many others, are doing really great work on the ground s and were finding really serious things, and were going to get them to the publics attention event by event, concern by concern. So well get the public informed even with all of the roadblocking and censorship that goes on in the American Public today. Lou there are all sorts of paths forward here in producing evidence and investigating and bringing the truth forward. But its important to remember the reason that its such a challenge because people in pennsylvania, michigan, georgia, nearly all of these five states are democratled. They are, in the case of pennsylvania, they also have a republicanled legislature. There is no excuse for what has happened here. And that pursuit of truth difficult because they are purposefully keeping secret the vote count, they are denying Public Access to that, and forget public is access e, they wont even permit republican vote watchers. Dont you think its a safe statement to make that there should be a presumption of corruption here because otherwise what would be the purpose . Well, you talked about the deep state, the permanent bureaucracy and, of course, we saw saw that in the Justice Department, the state department and the fbi and Intelligence Community during the russia scandal. Youre seeing a different storm of the deep state at these election offices, theyre playing games, theyre hiding things under shelves. But at the end of the day, were going to get the data, we are going to get it exposed. I think the American People need to dig in on this election, this was a storm coming for a long time. Lou its a storm coming, but we need to know in order to preserve the integrity of the election are. We need to know before there is a temptation to declare a president elect other than donald trump. Will that happen . Yeah. Well, well see. I mean, the media withs lou very quick. Yeah. The media hasnt been very responsible. Lou ive got about as much faith in that as i do the fbi and department of justice. I agree. Lou thanks so much. Appreciate it. Were coming im sorry, weve got to run. One of the worst things about a cold sore is how it can make you feel. But, when used at the first sign, abreva can get you back to being you in just 2 and a half days. Be kinder to yourself and tougher on your cold sores. Lou breaking news, utahs attorney general is joining President Trumps legal fight for an honest election. Sean reyes today announced hes taking a personal leave as attorney general of utah to assist the trump campaign. Also breaking at this hour, joe biden has inexplicably had a major gain in his vote totals since election day. In pennsylvania, for example, President Trump had an almost 700,000vote lead on Election Night. This afternoon the president , hes trailing biden by 14,000 votes. In michigan the president leading by 324,000 votes on Election Night, now biden is leading by 146,000. A similar story in georgia where the president s Election Night lead of 118,000 is now a deficit of 1500 votes. And so the story goes. Well, joining us now, tom fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, sid powell, general Michael Sidney powell, general Michael Flynns defense attorney, best selling author. Thank you both for being here and appreciate it. Sidney, lets start with this election process. We just heard from john solomon that the fbi, indeed, is being diligent, is involved, and we all hope he is exactly right. Your thoughts, fist, about the knowledge first, about the knowledge now that the Justice Department is involved in this review of the election. Well, im delighted to hear that. I think there are any number of things they need to investigate including the likelihood that 3 of the vote total was changed in the preelection voting ballots that were collected digitally by using the Hammer Program and a Software Program called scorecard. That would have amounted to a massive change in the vote that would have gone across the country and explains a lot of what were seeing. In addition, they ran an algorithm to calculate votes they might need to come up with for mr. Biden in specific areas. I think that explains what happened in michigan where the computer glitch resulted in a change of votes of about 5500 in favor of President Trump. All those districts need to be checked for that same, quote, Software Glitch, end quote, that would change the result in michigan dramatically. The same thing is happening in other states. Weve had hundreds of thousands of ballots mysteriously appear solely for mr. Biden which is statistically impossible as a matter of mathematics. It can all be documented. We are putting it into materials that we will file in federal court, and we need to seek relief in multiple statements to enjoy the certification of any Election Results. Lou tom fitton, as you listen to sidney, that sounds like a strong case for a straightforward allegation of fraud. The two programs that she just mentioned, im just going to ask you right now, have you ever heard of them . Because i had not heard of them. There have been noises about it on the internet, but i dont know anything beyond what sidneys reporting now. I go back to the numbers that you reported at the beginning of the segment. The president was winning on tuesday, hes not winning now as a result of a process that the voters cant have confidence in, the state legislatures cant have confidence in, in my view, the courts cant have confidence in. So the question is, are the courts going to undo what went on . I dont know. But the state legislatures in georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, perhaps arizona, they now have an opportunity to make a stand on behalf of the rule of law. Are they going to endorse what went on this week, or are they going to appoint a clean slate of electors that supports President Trump . That could be the next battle, and i would think that activists interested in this issue, and if youre concerned, Start Talking to your state legislators. Start asking where congress is. Because congress, in the end, is going to be the judge of these Electoral College votes. If i were in congress, id be telling these states you better keep up on, you better be honest here because were not going to accept your votes if youre, if your election is a sham. Lou well, sidney, lets go back to hammer and scorecard. Are those the names that you just used for those programs . Whats being done about it, and how broadly were they used by vote counters in various states . I think they were very broadly used but not by the vote counters, they were used by the forces and the democratic operatives that had access to these programs through the government Access Points that they have and used it illegally to change votes in this country. Its got to be investigated probably by the president s most trusted military intelligence officials who can get into the system and see what was done. But we do have some evidence that that is exactly what happened, and theyve used it against other entities in other countries, and its just been turned recently against our own is citizens here to change Election Results. Its absolutely awe palling that that can appalling that that can be done. And whether its called computer glitches or something else, somebody has actually gone into the system and changed voting results. Lou thats called intervention in our elections irrespective, i guess, if they were russia or china, wed refer to them as meddling, but its intervention, and its also crooked as hell, rigging this election no matter the jurisdiction, whether its michigan, georgia, wherever it might be. What can we do about it . Because the department of justice, i mean, if theres evidence of that program, why not just turn it over to the Justice Department and say lets and go to the courts and say this has got to stop now, here is the withdraw in which it was done the way in which it was done . Well, weve been trying to get their attention, and were going to try even harder, and well are to put it in a federal lawsuit, apparently, and get as much of it out as we possibly can. We have some excellent witnesses on the issue. But this is coup 5. 0, lou. I mean, there was no reason to think that the democratic operatives who spent hundreds of millions of dollars creating the russia hoax, the steele dossier, taking us through a special counsel operation for two years, trying an impeachment hoax, the apocalypse hoax, the obstruction hoax wouldnt go so far as to create every means of voter fraud they could come up with to steal this election. Thats exactly what happened. The president must fight back now in every way, shape or form. We cannot let this republic be stolen by the democratic operatives who want to destroy the republic and make it a socialist country where they continue to line their pockets with these back door global deals like the biden laptop from hell exposes. Lou sidney, thats i think youre exactly right about that not happening. Lets turn, tom, tom fitton, you pointed out in our discussions that these legislatures are republicancontrolled. Who can take that message to them, and precisely how likely is it that they would be receptive to a clean slate of electors whole represent, say, the state of pennsylvania . Thats e a republican legislature, and stand up for the integrity of elections that support the president . Well, you know, the focus from the media and activists and regular voters or and citizens need to be brought to bear here. Certainly, the information were learning from Campaign Activists on the ground, independent journalists like john solomon, the work of Judicial Watch should be also brought to bear. I mean, we know, we knew going into this election in the pennsylvania, lou, there were 800,000 extra names on the rolls of pennsylvania. Nevada county had 154,000 inactive names on the rolls. Clark county, nevada, i mean. So weve got this problem of dirty election rolls, mailing and balloting being allowed to draw from lou and, apparently, a republican, and a Republican Party that doesnt demand that those rolls be cleaned up. I mean, that thats crazy. Could you put up that graphic again, please . Folks, i want everybody to see what theyre looking at because this is really very important, what toms talking about. The control of both chambers of the legislature in these states that are critical right now in deciding who the next president will be. Michigan, wisconsin, arizona, pennsylvania, north carolina, georgia. They must play a role in this to preserve the integrity just as tom fitton is urging. And, is sidney powell, what youre breaking here tonight is extraordinary as well. Weve got to go, were at that point. But thank you both for everything youre doing for the country and for the president. We appreciate it. Thanks so much. Up next, how evangelical voters can help in the fight for a fair election. Theyd better help quick. Were joined by pastor Robert Jeffress right after this quick break. A lot of quickness here. Stay with us. You work hard for your money. Stretched days for it. Juggled life for it. Took charge for it. So care for it. Look after it. Invest with the expertise of j. P. Morgan, either with an advisor or online, through chase. After all, its yours. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Its time for aerotrainer, with your weight and health . 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Pastor jeffress, from the First Baptist church of dallas, also a fox business corrupter. Great to be spending part of a friday with you again, pastor. How did the evangelicals do on election day . We had big expect takes. Did they perform expectations. Dud they performing . They delivered, lou. They delivered not only with record support, but in record numbers as well. And, look, the reason for that was the vast accomplishments of this president in the last four years. They turned out to support him, no doubt about it. And, lou, im not about to start eulogizing this president , because i can tell you after talking to the Vice President yesterday, this thing is far from over. But the fact is whenever, whatever year we get a new president , that president will never erase the vast accomplishments of donald j. Trump. Not least of which is 200 federal judges with Lifetime Appointments on the Appellate Courts and three the Supreme Court justices. Lou right. And whether people know it or not, i believe every american owes this great president a debt of gratitude for all hes done for our country. Lou well, amen. What do the evangelicals, what are they doing right now . This churches all across churches all across the country, whatever your faith, what are they doing to look toward these elections and demand integrity in these elections . Because its obvious in a lot of cases its far from that. Lou, im hearing a lot of concerns and questions from evangelicals all over the country about this issue. I mean, the Old Testament in micah said god requires us to act justly, and that includes in elections as well. And we need to know if that happened in this election. You know, i remind people al gore 20 years ago spent six weeks after the election litigating the results of that election. He had every right to do that. And this president has every right lou absolutely. To litigate and contest this election if he thinks fraud was involved. And, lou, im a christian pastor and, certainly, i want unity in our country, but the only way for there to be unity is if we not only protect americans rights to vote in this election, but the right to contest an election, especially if fraud is suspected. The president s doing exactly the right thing lou absolutely. Pastor, weve got to its not always the [inaudible conversations] lou i apologize. Weve got to run. Thanks so much. Geico makes the claims process so easy. I can file and manage my claim, all on the geico app. Its not just easy. Its givingyourdog yourfitnesstracker easy. Oh, good boy. Yes, you got it woo already got my 40,000 steps today. Can i get a what what no pain, no gain haha. Its geico easy. With fast and convenient claims service. Look how fast im running good boy, chester. Human history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. God calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. Comfort ye, comfort my people. Especially during this Holiday Season of hanukkah. When i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. These elderly jews are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day this now, is how gods children are living. Take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. The International Fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. Your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. This is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. The communists came and wiped it out. And now were coming to her and saying, its okay to have faith. Its okay to light the hanukkah candles. For just 25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. I just want to encourage all of you to join with Yael Eckstein and the wonderful work of the International Fellowship of christians and jews. God tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. Lou among our guests this coming monday will be former congressman jason chaffetz, radio host larry elder. We also hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for being with us, see you monday. Good night from sussex. Elizabeth okay, welcome to the show. Weve got some breaking news for you coming in to the studio. Were monitoring closely a developing story in philadelphia. Theres a growing i crowd of protesters outside of the Convention Center in the philadelphia where they are counting the votes. Its unclear who the protesters are. It appears to be both sides, antitrump protesters and also dont steal the vote protesters. Its a fluid situation. Were on it, were going to monitor the situation for you throughout the hour. Thanks for joining us. We are closing out day four of the election. The state of play right now, all eyes on four battlegrounds

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