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Lou the president s call to action, a similar call for nearly a dozen house members led by ann duh biggs. Andy bugs. Any special counsel appointed by barr would likely come from within the demonstrably biased and corrupt department of justice itself. The American People dont have time toll wait for another report. Just two weeks remain until election day. Millions of americans who havent already voted need to know the full extent of the Biden Corruption and know it now. And without the reporting of the New York Post and now dozens of other news outlets, they would have no idea of what is going on. They need to know, for example, that and hunter biden peddled their influence into the white house to secure lucrative multimillion dollar deals in china, that joe biden clearly lied about having no knowledge or interactions with the Ukrainian Gas Company burisma while he was Vice President of the United States and his son hunter was sitting on burismas of advisers. Board of advisers. All of this and more exposed by the new post. They based their reporting on emails pulled from Hunter Bidens laptop that he abandoned at a delaware repair shop. And fox news has obtained a receipt from that store. It includes Hunter Bidens signature, his email address and phone number. Yet no republican in washington is using the information to fight back alongside President Trump. Nearly all of them seem to be willing to allow the radical dems, the leftwing National Media and social media giants to suffocate and bury the scandal of immense national mag any time. In fact, the New York Post has been blocked from posting their articles on their twitter account for almost seven days now. And yet today the heads of facebook and twitter were granted some reprieve from the Republicanled Senate judiciary committee. Gutless senator Lindsay Graham reportly delayeded the vote to subpoena mark zuckerberg, the owner of facebook, and jack dorsey, the is ceo of twitter, until this thursday. Politico said the vote was delayed because some republicans on the committee arent in agreement. Wed love to know who they are. The American People would love to know who they are. Welsh we are learning far more, it seems every day, about the biden family corruption and possible crimes. Newlyreleased emails reveal Hunter Bidens Business Associates used the biden name as a currency, and they bragged about having a direct pipeline into the Obama Administration. In an email from november 2014, Hunter Bidens associates talked about a business pitch for potential investors. One of the emails reads i wanted to focus on the other currency we are bringing to the table, direct administration pipeline. The email goes on to say, quote maybe we should also remind h. B. s dads Union Relationships to justify the ask. Were going to have a lot more on this story in tonights broadcast. Well be joined but congressman devin nunes, best selling author Peter Schweizer and his associate also with us. Theyre going through 26,000 emails given to them by former hunter Biden Associate devon cooney and investigative journalist matthew terrman. Well have the latest on what they found later here tonight. Well learn as you do and as they do. The Justice Department in 11 states today filing a major lawsuit against one of the Worlds Largest companies. Their move intended to end googles monopolistic dominance in the technology sector. In a statement, the department of justice said this, quote google no longer competes only on merits, but instead uses its monopoly power and billions of dollars to lock up key pathways to search on mobile phones, browsers and next generation devices, depriving rivals of distribution and scale. 90 of all web searches in the United States go through googles Search Engine. 90 . That is in part because google embeds that Search Engine in major oems. In return, google demands its Search Engine be used exclusively on those devices. Google today called the lawsuit deeply flawed. 90 did i mention 90 . A memo also linked from googles ceo telling his employees to, quote, keep doing what youre doing. The best way we can help the company in times like this is by staying deeply focused on our mission. Well, former george w. Bush writer and lumbar columnist mark tee senseis thiessen says President Trump should stop talking about joe biden. This election is not going to turn on hunter biden, okay . The its not going to turn on big tech covering up. This is not the Closing Argument donald trump wants to make in his last two weeks. They dont care about hunter biden. They care about the economy, and they care about not having four more years of chaos. Lou in his deepest wishes, apparently a bush veteran wish, i would add. And the fact of the matter is when with journalists, those who work in this craft and try to serve the publics right to know agree with those who are trying to constrain and block the flow of information, critical information to the voting public two weeks if an election, thats sad. Thats pathetic. And i have to tell you, the American People want to know. And, no, President Trump will be reelected on his record of achievement, his historic accomplishments, but he will also be elected because the American People know the wrongs done to him and to this Great Republic by the democratic party, the deep state, the fifth column that was once the fourths candidate, the national leftwing media, the corporateowned media, all of which have conspired and acted to block his agenda, his America First agenda and to, in fact, overthrow his presidency. Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has opened the door for voter fraud now in pennsylvania. Yes, that john roberts. In a 44 decision, chief Justice Roberts joined the hue courts three liberal justices to permit pennsylvania to count mailin ballots up to three days after the election is over. The split decision that is, that 44 vote means that in pennsylvanias state Supreme Court ruling stands allowing officials to receive and count ballots until november 6th even if they dont have a clear postmark. Well e, turning now to wall street where stocks today finished higher. The dow up 113 points, the s p up 16, the nasdaq up 38. Volume slipping below 4 billion shares. Crude oil closing at 43. 51 a barrel 41. 51. And please listen to my reports three times a day on the Salem Radio Network monday through friday. Up next, obamas intel chiefs say the smoking gun on the biden family corruption is russian disinformation. Well take that up with congressman devin nunes. And thank you to all who have made my new book a national bestseller. The trump century how our president changed the course of history forever hes doing it right now, the president is. Go to loudobbsshop. Com. The book available right now, right there. Right there. Stay with yeah, thats half the fun of a new house. Seeing what people left behind in the attic. Well, saving on Homeowners Insurance with geicos help was pretty fun too. Ahhhh, its a tiny dancer. They left a ton of stuff up here. Welp, enjoy your house. Nope. No thank you. Geico could help you save on homeowners and renters insurance. Lou breaking news, former dni or james clapper, former cia director john brennan, they dont care whats on Hunter Bidens laptop. Theyve joined more than 50 former intelligence official to give cover to china joe biden, calling the New York Post exposes nothing more than russian disinformation. As of right now, you know then that that is accurate information. And theyre saying all of this despite the director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe, clearly stating Hunter Bidens emails are not part of any russian disinformation campaign. Right now youre looking at two people who are working against the interests of the United States and have been for a very long time in their careers. Joining us now is congressman devin nunes. Hes Ranking Member of the house intelligence committee. He is author of countdown to socialism. Its great to have you back, and we recommend the book highly to this audience, these great americans who watch us each evening here. Your reaction to clapper and brennan taking the on the dni, john ratcliffe. I think its pretty easy to understand, lou, and your viewers will understand it too. These are the same cast of characters who, if donald trump ones reelection, are likely to see the wrath of the department of justice if not by durham, the u. S. Attorney out connecticut, likely through a special counsel thatll have to get to the bottom of everything weve incurred since 2016. Those 50 people that signed that are knee deep in it. Theyve run their mouth over the course of the last four years claiming russia, russia everywhere when the truth is, is that what we now know, they knew this was russian disinformation like lu, that Hillary Clinton was using, that hundt was e Hillary Clinton was worried about her emails coming forward, thats why she did this. This is all stuff youve known for a long time, lou. And the idea that this is russian disinformation an absolute joke. You know, can you imagine some russian agent sneaking around with three of Hunter Bidens laptops and being able to sign Hunter Bidens name and then, lo and behold, i mean, theres all sorts of pictures on this laptop and emails that have now been confirmed . Its preposterous. Its absolutely preposterous. Lou and the fact that brennan and clapper and those who signed on, i mean, that is hubris in the extreme. And it means that they are committed to the bitter end to fight this nations interest, to fought the and the American People. It is, its stunning. And meanwhile, biden himself, joe biden has not in any way denied the reporting of the New York Post. Or any of the other outlets. That reporting has not been denied. Finish yet you have clapper and brennan trying to cover for the biden family. Finish your reaction. Well, look, like i said, they need this desperately to go away because theyre the ones that are likely sitting holding the bag. The clintons will be gone, obamas will be gone if trump wins reelection, so theyre desperate for biden to win so that this whole investigation can be shut completely, shut down. Id also add lou do you believe go ahead, sorry. Lou go ahead. Go ahead. Well, i would just add that, you know, this whole idea that, you know, everythings every time something happens, the democrats in the media claim, oh, russian disinformation. And for the same people who fell for the russia collusion hoax to now be running around, which is all of the media practically except for probably your show and a few others, fox and fox business, theyre all running around like a chicken with their head cut off e saying russian disinformation, russian disinformation of. Its like the boy who cried wolf. And hopefully the American People are paying attention to this. We have to work overtime because the social Media Companies are working overtime also to make sure that this message and this word doesnt get out. Thats why twitter is censoring people. Thats why its so critical for everyone to get out and share this with their neighbors. Get on to all their social media, push this story out there, because the media is trying desperately to cover it up. Theyre trying to put a facade of these former socalled Real Intelligence people, professionals. Maybe not every american understands who these people are, what this is about, but i think in the big picture this is about the swamp striking back to true to get rid of try to get rid of donald trump who they dont like. Lou they dont like. They the fact they dont like somehow is, to me, its just something i dont really care much about their little feelings, and i really dont care about anyone who ignores the fact that this president has been under assault for over four years now by the deep state, the radical dems, the adam schiffs of the world, the jerrold nadlers, nancy pelosi, Hillary Clinton. The list goes on and on. And do you think that brennan and i have to ask this do you think brennan and clapper were somehow emboldened by the fact the attorney general hasnt moved expeditiously to close this investigation and to charge the guilty parties . Yes. Think i think theyre being very, very careful. My guess is the Biden Campaign specifically went to them and said, okay, boys, you know were i are lying on you to shut relying on you to shut this investigation down. They dont have to read my 14 criminal referrals that the House Republicans made over the course of the last couple of years to know all of these guys are in trouble because they knew about this. They had read the intelligence. They had covered up the fact that the russians, you know, knew that clinton was running this dirty op against trump. And, in fact, probably because they were all on the ground floor of this. The whole investigative team, the dirty cops at the fbi. They all knew this back in 2016. So i think they got the phone call, and like they moral normally did, they charge out there. Just like the people in the mainstream media. This election is so, so critical. If you want to get involved, go to defendusa. Com. We have two weeks left before this election, and we have a chance to win the presidency and win the house of representatives back if people get out there and get active and vote. Lou yeah. The republic depends on it, its that straightforward and that simple it is. Lou as President Trump says, this is the most important election of our lives. It is absolutely the case. Congressman devin nunes, thanks for being with us. I want to say one other thing. The documentary in which devin nunes figures prominently because he is the man to whom we all owe a great deal, its the plot against the president. I recommend you see it. It is critically important information. It is splendidly done, and i, i have to say to you watch it. Its mustsee material for any citizen. It is, again, plot against the president. I believe its patp. Com. Well have the url up later in the broadcast. Up next, more on the biden family scandal. Peter schweizer is searching through thousands of hunter wide withen emails. Well find out what they found out. I stay with us. Look limu someone out there needs help customizing their Car Insurance with liberty mutual, so they only pay for what they need. False alarm. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Noand if youre troubledan a lifby falls and bleeds,ers. Worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. Apps except work. Rywhere. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. To learn more, visit paycom. Com lou more questionable connections on china joe bidens Transition Team. According to emails published by Peter Schweizer, former omb direct orer, excuse me, and current cochair of bidens Transition Team hosted the Chinese Entrepreneur Club at the white house on november 14th of 2011. That would be just nine days after Hunter Bidens Business Partner, devon archer, the meeting would be an opportunity to gain, quote, Outstanding New clients. Joining us now, Peter Schweizer, author of profiles in corruption, and seamus bruner, working with peter to uncover the illegal activities of the biden family for years. And theyre going through what i understand, peter, to be 26,000 emails that have been provide you by a former Business Partner of joe biden. The what have you found so far . Well, weve found a lot of things, lou. We found this sort of United Nations of corruption involving deals in china, ukraine and russia are extensively covered in these mails. You know, for example, theres the relationship that the Senate Report talked about which was ye lain that battery that linked to organized crime that sent 3. 5 billion to Hunter Bidens business. We now know that Hunter Bidens firm, small firm, set up her first accounts in the United States. Even though these were socalled flagged accounts. So, yessing yes, weve got great granular detail. Hunters role was the main hookup to the administration, and his fathers name and position was the planet around which this moon circulated constantly. Lou give us a sense of how hunter biden worked with the chinese as well and aligned, if you will, interests with communist chinese entities. Seamus, can you speak to that . Sure, lou. Well, as peter and i, we broke in one of the last books, hunter biden flew with his father on air force who to china, and just ten days later he lands a billion dollar private equity deal involving the chinese government. Now, there are lots of emails on china in the devon cooney account. We with found very disturbing letters to government officials from the obama and Biden Administration showing that they facilitated this deal, which is a shocking revolution. Were going to have more on that soon. And in addition to the chinese, the russian money, the kazakh money, its all just flowing into the accounts of the hunter Biden Associates. And thanks to the ron johnson Senate Report, we know that that flowed into hunters pockets as well. Lou a lot of money moving here. And you talked about flagged accounts just now, peter. Youre talking about sanctioned accounts, are you not . Yeah. Ye eleven that batarina was on a watch list. The email exchange involves deafen archer, close business associate of Hunter Bidens, and theyre talking about the fact that this russian billionaire who got the money really through corrupt means, shes linked to russian organized crime thats what our state department has said shes trying to get her assets out of russia because russias invading ukraine, and sanctions are coming. Her name and her accounts are flagged because shes known to be involved in corrupt activities. They describe going to jpmorgan, convincing jpmorgan to set up these accounts. So she was able to gets a sets out of russia courtesy of Hunter Bidens firm. Lou and with that, lets start with the fact that these laptops were in the possession if, this laptop was in the possession of the fbi for about a year. No action was taken of i any kind. Of any kind. We know that these sanctioned individuals; that is, in this case Hunter Bidens client. Why was there no action taken by the fbi . Theyre sanctioned accounts. They can see money moving through including the accounts of the firms associated with hunter biden. Why no action . Do you have an answer or an inkling as to what might be the reason . Well, i would say i think that, you know, theres a twotiered system of justice in america today. We see that all the time. Whether its celebrities or political figures. The sort of things that would get most people in trouble like me and people in your audience, or political figures are allowed to get away with. I think if i were trying to funnel money from a corrupt Russian Oligarch linked to russian organized crime into the United States and it was a flagged account, i think jpmorgan would tell me no, and i also think id probably get a visit from federal that is rights. That is that is auth. Lou well, the banks have respondent in this, do they not . There should have been alerts all over the place thats going into the accounting, the account system of chase. What seamus, your thoughts about why the banks arent being responsible here. Well, sure, lou. Ron johnsons Senate Report shows that there were numerous red flags, there were alerts. Theyre called suspicious activity reports. Backs fill these banks fill these out lou no, no, i understand. Im just asking you, seamus, were down to about a minute, and i just need you to focus on, if you will, why are these banks getting away so Jpmorgan Chase yes. Jpmorgan chase said, in these emails they talk about what Jpmorgan Chase said about her and how her company was flagged and how she was flagged, but they said she hasnt been indicted and, therefore, lets move ahead. And the Business Partners sort of celebrate and, you know, that ludicrous standard that he hasnt been arrested, you know, by that standard Vladimir Putin could have invested money with them. So they obviously created huge problems, but thats a great question, and were still trying to get to the bottom of it. Lou Peter Schweizer, thanks for being with us. Seamus, we appreciate it. Its remarkable, and we will be pushing your book on this broadcast, i guarantee e you, and we are delighted to have you with us. Coop up the great work as always. Keep up the great work as always. Thanks so much. Tonights quotation of the day comes from the trump century. Thats right, thats my new book. About google and how it became a monopoly. I wrote this, quote its embrace of the Obama Administration spared google any serious antitrust scrutiny in the United States for eight years. Obama owed much to google for his electoral success. Theres much more you would, i am sure, like to read about. Its in the trump century, available at loudobbsshop. Com, amazon, you name it, bookstores all over the world. Up next, the commission on president ial debates just what in the world is that thing . Well, theyre changing the rules again, trying to silence President Trump. We take that up and more with the president s son, donald trump jr. He joins us here next. Stay with us, well be right back. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. The worst genocide in Human History also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. God calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. Comfort ye, comfort my people. When i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. These elderly jews are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day which is impossible. This now, is how gods children are living. Take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. The International Fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. No vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. Oh, oh, oh lets make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. By bringing them a little bit of food. Become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. For just 25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. Thats less than a dollar a day. I just want to encourage all of you to join with Yael Eckstein and the wonderful work of the International Fellowship of christians and jews. God tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. That they so desperately pray for to survive. Lou joining us tonight, donald trump jr. Hes executive Vice President of the trump organization. He has a new book out called liberal privilege joe biden and the democrats defense of the indefensible. You talk about timely titles. Don, great to have you with us. We appreciate it. You, the entire trump family are on the campaign trail. The president [laughter] two weeks out of the hospital, is running circles around biden who seems to be, well, mussing in action along with kamala harris. Theyre nowhere to be seen on the campaign trail. How do you, how do you see momentum . It looks in the polls, certainly, that its clear youre building momentum. Honest lu, lou, it feels great out there. You know, im in pennsylvania today. Ive been in North Carolina all day yesterday, in florida. The amount of people that im getting for me is like 100x a typical biden turnout. And thats just me. [laughter] youve seen the numbers that potus is doing. The energy on the ground makes 2016 seem like kindergarten. It truly is. There are people coming out from everywhere for a president who whether fight for americans, a president whos delivered results for americans. Not a guy like joe biden who basically only delivered results for his bank account. The double standard is sick, and i think people are starting to see it. Theyre not seeing as much of it as they should, because those Tech Companies are doing whatever they can to protect the democrats and to protect the bidens. And thats why this election, you know, the first amendment, freedom of speech is literally on the table at this point, and i wouldnt have said that 72 hours ago. But when facebook, twitter, instagram, google are censoring a major newspaper because it reflects poorly on joe biden and his corrupt familys practices, that is really scary, and that better wake up all americans because you dont get a second shot at this once with you lose it. Lou no, absolutely. You mentioned that twitter over the weekend was throttling your traffic down. This is to think that the New York Post still has its account frozen because they wont change, i believe it is six betweens related to the biden email tweets related to the biden email story. Of its great reporting. Those stories were absolutely, to me, award winning, but they want no part of in any way informing the american public. The right to know if it werent for the president , there would be no right to know for american citizens right now. Your thoughts about where were headed correct. And youve seen that well, no, its absolutely scary. And youve seen that. And more importantly, you know, its not like it went through their factchecking process, which is a disaster anyway. They give it to some leftleaning organization that they can pick it apart and take something thats 100 accurate and say this is the technicality. Facebook just stopped it before it even got there. And more importantly, they did that with no denial from the biden catch. You would think that if joe biden didnt know, if he didnt take the meetings, if he wasnt aware, if the emails werent real, just say so. Come on, joe, i implore you, please, come out and tell us that its fixed, because i really hope that level of corruption hasnt corrupted the highest levels of government as the vice presidency and, honestly, what could be the presidency come january. So you know what . You would think that if youre their campaign and these things didnt happen, youd come out and say it. But they wont. Instead, joe calls a lid for four days and goes and hides in the basement because we know it happened. Because its 100 accurate. Because joe is corrupted. And the reality is this, lou, i think impeached donald trump. Nancy pelosi and the democrats impeached donald trump for being 100 right about joe biden. Lou absolutely. And as one wag put it on twitter [laughter] the president wasnt impeached because of anything he said about joe biden, it was a question he asked about joe biden. Simply the truth. And that results in a fairy tale impeachment inquiry, a nightmare for the president and the American People. But in the minds of the left, its stunning. And lets Talk Straight here. Your father deserves reelection based on his record, what hes achieved, more than any president in the first term in office other than abraham lincoln. Its amazing. And yet for four years hes been harassed and harangued and assaulted by the left trying to block his agenda and overthrow his presidency. And here he is running against one of the most corrupt people out of what was, it turns out, a corrupt administration. Yeah. Well, without question. I mean, thats the reality. What makes Donald Trumps accomplishments all the more so is that he did all of the things that he did with that kind of attack. They spent three years trying to throw me in jail for accusing me of doing a fraction of the things that hunter was actually doing. They spent four years calling him an agent of russia. You have the impeachment hoax. And yet he still managed to deliver the strongest economy america has ever known, the lowest unemployment rates for every demographic, the highest number of new startup businesses. Hes pulling us out of endless wars. Lou, hes signing peace deals in the middle east. These are the stuff of legend. These are the things weve heard about our whole lives that that no ones been able to achieve. I put up a tweet a little while ago, they did a press conference where they permanently funded the centers and task forces to combat human trafficking, child sex trafficking, a problem as old as time. Why is donald trump the first person to actually address this . More importantly, why did no one from the media even show up to cover it . Theyre too busy covering for their buddies in hollywood rather than addressing someone whos tackling issues that affect us all and affect the most innocent. Thats the environment that were in. Thats the sickness that we have to deal with and my father has dealt with for four years. Thats why we need another four years, so he can keep winning for america get rid of that swampiness that has taken over all of d. C. And, frankly, everything else. Lou and in addition to all of those achievements, appointing three Supreme Court justices. And i love to do this, four, count em, four, Nobel Peace Prize nominations. That would be three more than barack obama got in his first 12 months in office 12 days, i should say. Well, but barack obama was appointed yeah. 31 days, lou, but whos counting. He didnt know where the sock drawer was yet. True. Lou you got it. Donald trump jr. , it is great to see you, don. Appreciate it. And have have fun on that campaign trail. The energy that the trump family is engendering out there is amazing. The president s rallies are love fests. Its amazing. The lou dobbs tonight quote of the day comes to us from actor kevin sorbo. And this is the really directed to our leftwing friends who are somewhat buttercups and daffodils. Sorbo said this on twitter saying youre offended is like saying you cant handle and control your emotions. So everyone else should do it for you. Very good, kevin. Up next, the radical dems running seattle are destroying their Police Department. We take that up and more with radio host larry elder right after this quick break. Stay with us, well be right back. Back. Muck minute. D you know you can go to libertymutual. Com to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. vo im a verizon engineer and today, were turning on 5g across the country. 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Californias radical dem governor gavin newsom may deny his residents access to any future china virus vaccine. Newsom says a task force of 11 Health Experts will independently, as they put it, review any china virus vaccine approved by the president s fda. You know, the same fda that has moved forward the operation warp speed so that about a half Dozen Companies may be producing that vaccine in record time. Youve gotta love california, dont you . Me either. Larry elder, host of the larry elder show, joins us. Great to have you with us. Speaking of california, lets talk about big tech, social media, the oligarchs that control freedom of not only the press and expression and speech, but also thought. That seems to be where theyre headed. Your thoughts, larry. Its an outrage, you know . Its acountry to making an akin to making an inkind campaign contribution. The way that google admitted that they restricted the New York Post story, that facebook admitted they restricted the New York Post story. And as donald trump jr. Just pointed out, the Biden Campaign wasnt even doubting the authenticity of these emails. So this thing is or absolutely, complete, totally outrageous, and it seems to me one of the responses ought to be a massive, mass i, Class Action Lawsuit on the part of consumers who feel they violated their terms of agreement. If you cant get out a message like this, like the New York Post, a legitimate organ like this who are subject to normal liability laws if they put out a story that is false and have done so with reckless disregard for the truth, theyre liable. All of these big Tech Companies are in bed with the Biden Administration, and they want donald trump to go could down. Lou absolutely. And they are protected as the newspapers are not from lawsuits. Lets turn to google. Antitrust legislation finally filed against google today by the Justice Department. Give us your thoughts. Google, only 90 of the market. Do you think the crusties departments overly Justice Departments overly concerned here, only 90 of the market . Google would tell you its actually 87 . Theres about 13 other minor players. Look, im a small l libertarian. Ive never been fond of government busting up corporations. The larger the corporation, tip create the more typically the more arrogant it gets, and thats what youve got here. In the past, when the governments gone after ibm and microsoft, its been because competitors have been complaining. There ought to be some sort of conservative alternatives, and there is an alternative to twitter, its called parlor, and i joined that a few days ago, and it seems to me we have the same intellectual firepower. We ought to come up with our own they weres for Search Engines and social media. Lou yeah. Utterly dependent upon them, as a matter of fact. The bidens, there might be an investigation, were told, by the fbi. But then were told also that the fbis been in possession of Hunter Bidens laptop for a year. They know right. Lou far more than we know about the bidens, and what we know is enough, it seems to me, to bring a full on investigation right now. Why now, why so late . What is going on, larry . I think whats going on, again, is what donald trump jr. Said, theres a double standard here. How in the world does hillary get a pass for having an unsecured server in her basement on which she received classified information, having denied it, and she gets a pass . The majority of the American People felt she should have been criminally prosecuted. Far more thought that than thought donald trump should have been indicted for prosecutedded for alleged russia collusion. And for some reason, the fbis had this laptop for a whole year and they did nothing with it until just now . Again or its another outrage. Lou yeah. It is an outrage and, in fact, one of the reasons that they gave her a pass probably is she was paying for everything. She was paying for the dossier, she was paying for the fixup at the dnc. And the fbi has trouble with these technical devices. They never really got to see the servers at the dnc that the russians supposedly, according to the clinton plot line, had gotten into. And, you know, it just, it was all so inconvenient, so she destroyed all of her devices. You know, its youve gotten to be understanding if youre going the deal with these folks, the democrats. [laughter] larry elder, thanks for being with us. We appreciate it. Take care, partner. Before we go to break, a reminder, my national bestseller, the trump century, its available. Go to loudobbsshop. Com. Were coming right back, stay with us. I knew about the tremors. But when i started seeing things, i didnt know what was happening. So i kept it in. 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Lou congressman devin nunes among our guests this evening on this broadcast and here he is on the deep states efforts to link russia to the joe and hunter Biden Corruption story. And the idea that this is russian disinformation is an absolute joke. You know, can you imagine some russian agent sneaking around with three of hunter biden laptops, being able to sign Hunter Bidens name, lo and behold, there is all sorts of pictures on his laptop and emails that have now been confirmed . It is preposterous. It is absolutely preposterous. Lou there is so much that is preposterous right now what the national leftwing media and radical dems of the deep state are doing but it has been that way for a few years, hasnt it . That is it for us tonight. Jason. Kennedy so official breaking news fox news can confirm the fbi does in fact now have, Hunter Bidens laptop released expecting the zoom camera what is on that laptop will shady an tiques sink the campaign we will know the answer can we wait for days President Trump calling joe hunter er pair of crooked criminalize for alleged business dealings in ukraine and china dealing withweek old scrod could have made both men

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