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Overseas business dealings. At a Campaign Rally today in prescott, arizona, President Trump likened the bidens to an old new york crime family. Biden is always and has been a corrupt politician, and as far as im concerned, the biden family is a criminal enterprise. If you read, if you read [cheers and applause] if you read this laptop, ill tell you what, this is called the laptop from hell. The only laptop that was almost as good, maybe worse, was the laptop of anthony weiner. You remember that . Lou we dont know what happened to Anthony Weiners laptop. We do know whats happened to Hunter Bidens. Joe biden and his campaign have yet to deny any of the charges of misconduct and crimes revealed in these emails, texts and documents that expose his familys corruption. And they are real, very real. The corporate leftwing National Media trying their best to ignore or bury those email reports by the New York Post and a few other news outlets who are reporting on the story. A cbs viacom reporter dared, dared to ask biden about his sons laptop before the former Vice President boarded a plane friday for michigan. Listen to how that exchange went. I knew ask it. I have no response. Its another smear campaign. [inaudible] lou and are paid to ask that so many in the leftwing National Media are not. Fox news has confirmed the authenticity of one of those emails which suggests joe biden was in for a 10 cut of a deal that hunter biden and his associates were putting together with Chinese Energy officials in 2017. Profits from the venture would be split six ways with a 10 equity stake being held by hunter for the big guy. Presumably, the big guy is joe biden. Sources tell fox news the big guy is, indeed, a reference to the former Vice President. The leftwing National Media along with radical demss like congressman adam schiff have been saying for days that this is just part of a russian, are you ready for the . A russian disinformation campaign. But they no longer have that lie to sell to the American Public. The nations number one Intelligence Officer, directer of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe making it clear that schiff and his cohorts in congress and the media have been lying. Its funny that some of the people that complain the most about intelligence being politicized are the ones politicizing intelligence. And, unfortunately, in this case it is adam schiff, the chairman of the house intelligence committee. We have shared no intelligence with chairman schiff or any other member of congress that Hunter Bidens laptop is part of some corruption disinformation campaign. Its similar blue not true. Simply not true. Lou straightening the record out. He he also said the fbi remains in possession of Hunter Bidens laptop. The fbi refusing to confirm the existence of any investigation into that laptop, however, or the emails that have been taken if from its hard drive. We have a packed show this evening in which well be taking up the implications of Hunter Bidens emails and the Corruption Scandal that now involves his father. Were joined lauter in the broadcast for an exclusive interview. Well be talking with Vice President mike pence. Well also be talking with Judicial Watch president tom fitton, just the news editorinchief john solomon about the radical dems conspiracy to overthrow this president. Well be talking with Sidney Powell and football great Herschel Walker joins us this evening. President trump keeping a rapid and intense Campaign Schedule with just 15 days remaining until the election. President trump is in arizona; pennsylvania tomorrow, North Carolina wednesday, nashville, tennessee, thursday for the final debate with joe biden. The president s whirlwind Campaign Across the country comes at a time in which he is feeling extremely confident that he will be reelected on november 3rd. During a call with campaign staffers, President Trump said this, quote were going to win, is and were going to win strong, a sentiment he also shared with reporters today in arizona. Going to be a repeat of 2016 . I think so. I think well do better than 2016. Were way ahead of where we were in 2016, and ive done things that nobodys ever done. Weve built the great economy in the world, and were building it rapidly again. If you look at arizona, you look at the jobs, and im just leaving other states, every one of these republicanrun statements are doing phenomenally. The democratrun states are not, but theyre not going to affect our numbers very much. I think theyre going to open up on november 4th. Lou President Trump this hour will be heading to his second rally of the day in tucson, arizona. For more on that, lets turn to fox news correspondent david spunt. David . Reporter hi, lou, good evening. The president has been busy. He was in nevada yesterday, hes in prescott, arizona, now hes on his way to due congress. The warm tucson. The president should be here in about an hour. Now, lou, this original rally was scheduled for october 6th but had to be canceled when the president contracted coronavirus, covid19. Now, back in prescott just a little bit north of phoenix, the president hit several topics at his rally today at noon pacific time and focused on many issues, but notably the economy. This is where President Trump continues to believe he can outshine former Vice President joe biden. Now, the president won arizonas 11 electoral votes in 2016, but he is down now according to the real clear politics average, trailing about 3 points behind. Listen here. You dont have events like in that you come in second in arizona, okay . You dont do that. [cheers and applause] lets leave them. Goodbye, you 25,40,000, whatever the hell goodbye, everybody, oh, were in second place in arizona. I dont think so. No, were in first place in arizona. [cheers and applause] reporter Arizona Republican senator Martha Mcsally fighting for her political life. Shes running against mark kelly, the husband of gabby giffords, former congressman, also an astronaut. President trump gave her a mention on stage today, she is counting on him. After leaving tucson, the president will head back to washington, d. C. 9. He has events in North Carolina, pennsylvania and nobody could forget that big debate in nashville, tennessee, thursday evening. Both campaigns preparing for that night. Lou . Lou yes. And we should point out that the former Vice President , joe biden, will not be seen again until then, presumably preparing for that debate. The president is on a whirlwind tour, and youre attached to that tour across the country, david. And we should remind everybody that President Trump was running 2 points behind Hillary Clinton at this very same point in the 2016 campaign. David spunt reporting, and thank you, david. Well, the New York Post is still blocked from accessing its twitter account. Jack dorseys twitter maintaining its blockade against the post, saying the post must delete six tweets about its reporting on hunter biden before it can regain access. Talk about arrogance, talk about unamerican, talk about abuse of power, talk about antitrust actions that should be unleashed on Silicon Valley and all of the social media oligarchs. They have gone way too far, in my opinion, and deserve whatever they get. Decisions by Silicon Valley to protect the bidens are made in large part because of joe bidens connection to big tech and social media. For example, facebooks Global Policy manager for content regulation is anna mcanew, a former adviser to joe biden while he was Vice President. Isnt that cozy . And bidens Transition Team has looked to both facebook and twitter for help and to fill positions. They hired Jessica Hertz who was a Government Relations executive at facebook, and carlos monje, twitters mix policy director. Are we starting to see clearly this relationship between social media and the democrats, and in particular the biden team . Well, the biden team has the support as well of the rank and file who work in big tech. Since the beginning of last year, biden has pulled in 4 million from big tech employees, President Trump has raised under a quarter million. And, of course, there is the fact that the Biden Campaign used big tech censorship to deny the posts reporting of corruption in the biden family and that the campaign was, quote, glad for the suppression. This circular relationship, this symbiotic relationship makes it absolutely no wonder why the big tech oligarchs continue to cover for china joe and his family, and the protection is part of their reward. But only part. Up next, the Trump Campaign is working hard to get voters while china joe biden apparently doesnt like to work so much. Vice president mike pence will be our special guest, and hes coming up next. And a reminder to buy my new book, the trump century how our president changed the course of history forever, available everywhere great books are sold, this one among them, of course, and at loudobbsshop. Com. Stay with us, were coming right back with the Vice President of the United States. Limu emu doug you know limu, after all these years its the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] cause youre not like everybody else. Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. State of the Art Technology makes it brilliant. The visionary lexus nx. Lease the 2021 nx 300 for 359 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing. 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And, he says, the silent trump voter group is twice as large this year as it was in 2016. Thattrafalgar the only pollstern the country to correctly predict President Trumps win over Hillary Clinton in michigan nationally. The, by the way, the prediction overall for the nation, the Trafalgar Group predicting that it will be a tight race and that President Trump will win reelection. The Supreme Court today reagreing to recrew two of review two of President Trumps immigration policies, one requiring Illegal Immigrants to remain in mexico until their asylum cases can be held in u. S. Immigration courts. The other involves President Trumps diversion of military funds to build the border wall. The Trump Administration asked the high court to review these cases after they were ruled against in lower courts. Well, joining us tonight to take all of this up and a great deal more is the Vice President of the United States, mike pence. He joins us tonight from new cumberland, pennsylvania. Mr. Vice president , it is great to see you, and it is particularly great to see you with all the enthusiasm behind you. Welcome to the broadcast, and lets start with a comparison thank you, lou. Lou if i may. A former Vice President doesnt seem to be approaching your work, your work level. You are [laughter] i have to believe among Vice President s, you have to be at the very top for miles covered in the first four years of the presidency. Joe biden is once again in retreat for three days from public view i and certainly avoiding questions. Your reaction to standard hes setting on the campaign trail well, lou, its great to be with you from pennsylvania, and i can tell you im the second hardest working person on the trump pence team. President trump and i [laughter] are traveling all over this country [laughter] were going to do just what we did in 2016. Were going to go out and tell the story of the vision, the leadership of this president , all that weve done for the people of pennsylvania and the people of america, and were going to earn four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. [cheers and applause] lou mr. Prime minister, i think those mr. Vice president , i think those people behind you are corroborating your view that youve earned it. Lets turn to, if we may, in the latest on the reporting on the biden scandal yeah. Lou by the New York Post, and i want to talk about that, first and foremost, before we move to the response of the national leftwing media which has been to suppress the story by twitter, facebook, to also suppress it but, in fact, absolutely obliterate First Amendment rights of all americans because they would not permit that to be transmitted across their platforms. First, your reaction to the reporting of the New York Post revealing all sorts of deals, and i would say backroom deals, but it i may be darker and more sinister the even than that. Well, we just, you know, we just stand for the principle the American People is have a right to know whats going on here. The director of National Intelligence today, i know, made it clear that there is no evidence to suggest that the information on that computer reported in the New York Post is the result of any disinformation campaign, and the American People have have a right to know about the business dealings of the biden family. I mean, lou, we just spent the last three and a half years where the democrat nominee in 2016 had worked with a foreign entity e to try and dig up dirt on President Trump. I dont remember the media shutting off access to that information. The American People looked at it, we went through the ordeal of two and a half years of investigations until we found there was no obstruction, no collusion, case closed. But now it just seems like all the pundits, present company excepted and a few other on the fox networks, theyre all looking the other way, and i just dont get it, lou. The stakes in this election couldnt be higher, the choice couldnt be clearer. The American People have every right to know about joe biden and his family and to get answers. And its time for joe biden to step up and start answering questions of the American People about, about what was going on before, during and after his service as is Vice President. Lou the former Vice President is not keen on answering questions. He doesnt put himself in a position no. Lou where he must or makes it clear he doesnt want to be, descend to the level of a public official who has to answer questions in a democracy. I want to, just for our audience, show some of the examples of the former Vice President s positions on fracking and President Trump taking him to task for this in the most recent socalled town hall, if we may. Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden Administration . No, and we would work it out, we would make sure its eliminated and no more sub citities for either one of those, any fossil fuels. No more, no new fracking. Look in my eyes. I guarantee you, i guarantee you were going to end fossil fuel. I think its critically important on day one that we end any fossil fuel leases on public lands, and that were prepared to do. Theres no question im in favor of banning fracking. Lou meanwhile, biden, harris have been denying that that was their position over the last right. Lou over the last several days. Right. Well, look, lets be real clear. I mean, President Donald Trump has led an American Energy renaissance. We are now a net exporter of energy for the first time in 70 years. And fracking, so important here in the great state of pennsylvania, has been a key part of that. And for the last year, joe biden and Kamala Harris, as you just saw again, repeatedly said they were going to abolish fossil fuels, they were going to ban fracking. But then joe biden comes to pittsburgh a few weeks ago and says that President Trump is lying about his record. You know, i said here in pennsylvania today it reminds me of what groucho marx said, lou, who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes . The American People know that we ought to have the ability in this country to develop all the resources of our country. President donald trump has done that, and were going to continue to drive a boundless american future built on American Energy independence for many years to come. Lou well, the people in pennsylvania are going to have to [laughter] theyre going to have, have to assess what their lying eyes have told them and their ears here, because the record on the part of harris and biden is clear. They said they are opposed to fracking. So its, to me, its just, its unimaginable that they could think they could well lou deny what is already on video. And, lou, its so, its so important that people understand. I mean, look, joe biden and the Democratic Party have been overtaken by the radical left. And so, frankly, whatever joe biden and Kamala Harris are saying today, the reality is that when you look at the 2 trillion green new deal, when you look at the radical environmental agenda that is driving this Democratic Party, you know that those promises to ban fossil fuels, theyre going to keep those promises particularly if they hold the house of representatives and find a way to win the United States senate. But right now weve got, weve got joe biden and Kamala Harris that are, that are dodging questions, bobbing and weaving and, frankly, the same things going on on the issue of packing the court. I mean, its incredible. Joe biden last week during that town hall meeting said hes open to considering it. When she was a candidate for president , Kamala Harris said she was absolutely open to packing the court. Thatd be the biggest power grab in american history. I mean, and yet now hes telling us hes not going to answer the question until after judge barrett is confirmed. Well, you know, as i said today in pennsylvania, come on, joe. 27 Million People have already voted. Youre going to wait another week and a half before you tell the American People what youre going to do. We know whats going on here. Joe biden and Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party and the radical left thats driving them today the, if they win this election, if they win the senate and the house, theyre going to add seats to the Supreme Court, theyre going to pack it with liberal activist judges thatll drive their liberal agenda. So whether its on American Energy or whether its on the rule of law and upholding our constitution and all the god given liberties enshrined there, the choice is clear. We need four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. Lou and its startling to hear you talk about the number of americans who have already voted. Those americans who have already voted didnt know about the biden scandal, dont know the evidence behind that scandal right. Lou that is, as you say, its every americans right to know, but every american has a responsibility to know these things. And they also have voted without seeing the final debate in this president ial campaign. Its truly outrageous. And particularly given that big tech, social media expect national corporateowned leftwing media comcasts abc, at ts cnn, walt disney companys abc news these entities, organizations have combined to attack the Trump Administration, trying, in league with the deep state, the radical dems and, broadly, the national leftwing media and academia to destroy this president s agenda, to overthrow this president. What are you going to do about what twitter and facebook, what is your government going to do here . Well, your point is so well taken. Look, the American People have a right to know what the truth is behind the allegations about joe biden and his family and foreign dealings. But i have to tell you, of equal importance is not only the silence by most of the mainstream media, the lack of interest in this story at all, but the fact that you have Major Social Media Companies that have literally been blocking access to the New York Post story. Thats an outrage. The American People believe in the freedom of speech, freedom of expression and the freedom of the press. Finish and President Trump and i are not going to allow big tech to block the truth. I promise you with four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house, were going to take strong action to insure the free flow of information not only across the airwaves of this country, but across the internet in this country. It should be an outrage to any american left, right or center that you have facebook and twitter in recent days that have literally blocked access to the American People to read a story, to value it for themselves. And i promise you in the days ahead were going to insure the American Peoples freedom of expression, freedom of speech and a free and independent press is refrom served in preserved in this nation forrations to come. For generations to come. Lou mr. Vice president , that is a message that all americans need to hear and take with them into the polling booths all across the country because its critically important. That denied, this republic falls, and thats where we are right now. That threat is very real. And a clear and present danger, as we all know. As were watching President Trump and Vice President pence right now in these final two weeks, you guys are putting on quite a show. I mean, youre i cant even count [laughter] youre a different place every day and sometimes two or three places every day as is the president. Hes been in seven, what, seven states in a week, and two weeks ago he was just getting out of the hospital. And biden [laughter] is back home in his basement, and harris is in hiding. I dont know where she is or what shes doing. And the American People dont. Ive never seen a Campaign Like this. I like your momentum. Im just amazed that the democrats think that they have this thing so locked up they can afford to behave in this way as if its a oneparty system. Well, lou, i dont know what theyre thinking on their side, but ive got to tell you the enthusiasm i saw in maine this morning, the enthusiasm that i saw [cheers and applause] tens of thousands of people that are coming out on very short notice every time President Donald Trump comes to town tells me all that i need to know. Just like 2016 when all the pundits and almost all the polls were saying otherwise, we won four years for President Donald Trump. And i truly do believe because of all this president has done where weve rebuilt our military, we revived our economy by cutting taxes, rolling back regulation, fighting for free and fair trade, unleashing American Energy, developing our fossil fuels, developing fracking in this country, appointing conservatives to our counts at every level, standing with law and order, that record has created enthusiasm in this Movement Like ive never seen before. And i believe that enthusiasm over the next 15 days is going to win us four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. [cheers and applause] lou mr. Vice president , were going to close with this news that broke today that the u. S. Military will have a Distribution System in place no later right. Lou than the end of next month so that when the vaccine is ready, it will be distributed almost immediately. A concluding word on that, if you will. Its just incredible. I mean, from the very early days of this coronavirus pandemic, President Trump put the health of america first. He suspended all travel from china, which no american had ever done. Joe biden called that xenophobic and hysterical, said it would make things worse. But it allowed us to stand up the greatest National Mobilization since world war ii. We saw to the distribution of billions of medical supplies to our doctors and nurses. Before the month of february was occupant, lou, we already out, lou, we already began work on a Coronavirus Vaccine, and here we are just eight months later, and we literally believe that before the end of this year we will have the first safe and effective Coronavirus Vaccine. And under operation warp speed, the American People deserve to know that were going to have tens of millions of doses and a plan that you just referred to to distribute those or, first and foremost, to the most vulnerable among us, likely seniors, particularly those with serious underlying conditions, anyone with an inknew nodeficient is city. But i think a lot of us have learned a lot this year about vaccines and medicines. It usually takes years, but because of President Trumps leadership, because of him driving our Research Companies to move at record speed, clearing red tape out of the way, were going to have the first safe and effect i have Coronavirus Vaccine and distribute that vaccine to tens of millions of americans before the year is out. Thats leadership, lou, and thats the leadership of President Donald Trump. Lou and he had a pretty good choice [cheers and applause] Coronavirus Task force too, didnt he . Vice president mike pence, congratulations. Thanks so much, good to see you. Up next, more on the Biden Corruption blockbuster. We take it up with an allstar panel, tom fitton, john solomon, Sidney Powell join us right after these quick messages. These are extraordinary times in which we live. Deep state, radical dems, oh, my goodness. Well be right back. I cant believe it. What . That our new house is haunted by casper the friendly ghost . Hey jill hey kurt movies . Ill get snacks no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our Car Insurance with geico. I got snacks ohhh, i got popcorn, i got caramel corn, i got kettle corn. Am i chewing too loud . Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. I waited to get treated. Thought surgery was my only option. But then i found out about nonsurgical treatments. It was a total game changer. Learn more about the condition at factsonhand. Com lou breaking news now, senator ron johnson wants answers from the fbi on Hunter Bidens laptop. And if the fbi was sitting on critical information, theyll want much, much more. So were trying dog suss out of the fbi what did they know and when did they know it. But the larger question really is if they had this information, these are genuine emails and probably reveal all kinds of things that would have been very relevant to the impeachment case can, why did they sit on it . Are they covering up because hunter biden might be engaged in things that also should have been investigated and possibly prosecuted . Do we have two systems of justice, one for democrats, one for republicans . One for the well connected, one for the rest of america . I think thats really part of the larger issue here at play. Lou well, its the larger issue, and its one of the issues well be taking up with our panel. Disgraced former fbi agent peter strzok has been hired by Georgetown University as an adjunct professor. Hes been hired by Georgetown University. Talk about a strong signal to the deep state. Georgetown saying we got your back. Strzok is teaching a counterintelligence and National Security course this fall. I would have thought it would have been on stonewalling. Joining us tonight, our allstar panel, Sidney Powell, general Michael Flynns defense attorney, tom fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, and just the news editorinchief john solomon. All three of our panelists have new books out, im going to recommend all of them to you, and well present them at the conclusion of our panel discussion. Great to have you with us. Let me start, john, with you. These reports are just devastating to the bidens, and now we have the remarkable, the remarkable statement by the head of the office of National Intelligence, the number one Intelligence Officer in this country saying adam schiff a liar, in effect. Saying that that there is no russian intelligence operation here, this is not a disinformation campaign, these laptop emails are for real. And their import, you think, is what . Yeah. Listen, at the end of the day, we now have two things that were certain of, that hunter biden was following in the view e portrayal of his fathers Vice President ial jet and collecting millions upon millions of dollars from foreign actors, more of them many of them loss still to the United States, and we now know theres a separate batch of emails, not the ones found on the hard drive, but part of a codefendants trial. We have to remember Hunter Bidens Business Partner was in, is a convicted felon. He was tried and convicted in 2018. And they show joe biden with direct lu assisting Hunter Bidens business deals, even meeting with some chinese officials at the white house back in 2011. Its a quid pro quo going both ways. Joe biden is helping out hunter biden, and Hunter Bidens getting rich. [inaudible conversations] lou both have been yes, go ahead, sidney. I was going to say the really troubling information that comes from all that is that the fbi and department of justice had to have possession of this information for a very long time. And yet theyve done nothing about it with respect to most egregious perpetrators of these frauds and kickbacks and bribery schemes. No telling what all is there. I mean, if i were President Trump, id have both attorney general barr and christopher way in my office tonight, at midnight if necessary, to know what the heck is going on. Yeah, lou. The president lou what do you think is going sorry. The president was so right, lou, to ask questions about Hunter Joe Biden and hunter biden. And, remember, they were so desperate to keep the truth out away from the American People about joe biden that they were willing to blow up the constitution with this coup impeachment. Now we know why he was targeted. We know he was spied on, we know he was targeted, we know he was harassed, the president , to protect Hillary Clinton and joe biden who in many ways makes Hillary Clinton seem like an amateur when it comes to converting Public Office into private gain. You know, the question for joe biden, which he needs to answer immediately frankly, fbi agents should be asking him this did he get any money from if his son from any of these deals. Its a simple question. Its what the emails and texts suggest happen. He can confirm or deny it immediately, and he shouldnt be able to get out of this week without telling the American People whether he was taking kickbacks through his son. Lou and the ten held by h, that express in the email, distributing the proceeds of what looks to be an outright bribe of a public official in this case, the Vice President of the United States, john. Yeah, listen, those occurred in 2017, if you believe the emails, when he had just left office. But remember, joe biden left office broke. If you look at his Financial Disclosure form, he had more debt, 500,000, a million five in debt, almost no assets. He needed to get rich quick, and he did because he gets millions of dollars, i think 20 million many he he earns in two years out of office. Hunter biden is probably at the center of that financial scheme, and we need i think tom said it right. Joe biden can answer these questions; did you meet with the chinese, debted owe meet did you meet with burisma, did you take money from your son. And if the fbi was [inaudible conversations] already have the bank records of all that. They would have all the bank records of hunter biden and joe biden. They should have all that information already, they should have been asking the questions already, they should have been putting a case together already. And remember, lou, barr lou [inaudible] would any of you, would im sorry, tom. Would any of you take joe bidens word or Hunter Bidens word for a single thing . I want, as youre suggesting, id want the fbi to examine their records and have the answers provided. And this is not a complicated investigation. These records are all accessible to the fbu, and there could be instant answers. What do you think . John, you were about to i dont think the fbi should be anywhere near any investigations anymore. This is the second laptop theyve mishandled. Remember the wiener laptop . Now Hunter Bidens laptop, by all accounts. I dont trust the fbi. I dont trust the Justice Department. I dont know how much more evidence we need they cant be trusted to prosecute, let alone investigate or ask questions of anyone of the protected class here in washington d. C. Remember, attorney general barr said back in may he found there was nothing that they were going to be asking obama and biden about in terms of a criminal investigation. Well, did he know about this laptop back then . And if we he didnt, why not . Lou well, the possibility here that attorney general barrs going to step forward and react, you all know the attorney general, and he came into this office with such high hopes and big expectations and a reputation that was second to none. He has failed to do anything other than what the Justice Department has done for years, let a case come before them, the next thing you know its an investigation, no one can get an answer because its under investigation, and that investigation leads nowhere and accomplishes nothing. Sidney, if each of you would respond to that as we wrap up here. Well, its imperative that action be taken on this now. The president and the country have a right to know how long that laptop has been in the possession of the fbi and whether attorney general barr was told about what was on it. This has got to be handled and handled right now. The American People have an absolute right to knows what is going on here. Lou tom . You know, lou, weve been doing this for years. The Justice Department is the same Justice Department in termover its lack of respect for transparency, the lack of concern for accountability as the obama Justice Department. And if joe biden comes in from Judicial Watchs perspective, i dont think were going to have much of a change at the Justice Department in terms of their attitude towards transparency and Holding Criminals Accountable for the rule of law. I mean, the high class criminals of the obama and Hillary Clinton gang. And its a lot more lou john, wrap it up. Its hillary, obama, biden and all of them. Right. The democrats have had a culture, theyve had a culture of corruption for a long time, and the fbi and the Justice Department have been the primary suppressors of the American Public seeing the breath of that culture, the breath of that corruption. And they have two weeks to make it right. They should get us all the russian dock units, all the information about this hard drive. Transparency is the ultimate prize before people vote on november 3rd. President trump should order them to pony up the documents, answer the questions before election day. Amen. Lou and if they refuse, as they have in large measure, to follow the president s orders, the American People will have the answer that they need before they do vote. Tom fitton, Sidney Powell, john solomon, thank you very much. Appreciate it. And as promised, tom fittons new book is out tomorrow, entitled a republic under assault. We recommend it to you highly. John solomons book is already out, its called fallout, by recommend it as well. And Sidney Powells latest book, conviction machine standing up to federal prosecutorial abuse. She knows a thing or two about that. Her client is general Michael Flynn who has been persecuted by the deep state and the radical dems for four years. We appreciate it and thank you very much. Were going to be right back, stay with us right here. At we do things differently and other Money Managers dont understand why. Because our way works great for us but not for your clients. Thats why were a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. So, what do you provide . Cookie cutter portfolios . Nope. We tailor portfolios to our clients needs. But you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right . We dont have those. So, whats in it for you . Our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. At Fisher Investments were clearly different. Its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. You may not expect the unexpected, but you can certainly take it all. The lexus es. Wow, this rain is bananas. Now available with awd. Lease the 2021 es 250 awd for 359 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing. At your lexus dealer. So youre a small bor a big one. 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Well, joining us now, our next guest has been courageous and outspoken in calling out marxists groups like black lives matter. Hes also been a vocal supporter of President Trump. And joining us now, the former nfl great, Herschel Walker, Heisman Trophy winner, great american, allaround good guy. Good to see you, herschel, and thanks for being here. Hello, lou. Thank you. Lou i want to start, if i may, with this tweet this which youre supporting ice cube and giving him considerable credit for being interested in the welfare of black americans. What drew you to that, to send that tweet . Well, what drew me to that is, you know, he was trying to do something for black america, and because he was trying to do something for black america and he happened to find that the Trump Campaign, the Trump Administration would help him to do it, everyone criticized him for it. But and i said, you know, whats so strange about it is do the American People know that he didnt just approach the Trump Campaign, he also approached the Biden Campaign as well. And you know what they told him . They said well get back in touch with you after the election. Which means really theyre not going to do anything for you. And i think thats one thing this president s been telling people all along. The Biden Campaign hasnt done anything for the black people in year, and biden himself, look at his record, hasnt done anything for africanamerican or Brown America in 47 years, so how do you expect him now to promise you something when his promises have fallen short for the last 47 years . And so wake up, america. Lou wake up, america. Man, oh, man, is in the time for america is this the time for america to wake up. Were also watching the greatest sales, weve got more sales and background checks for weapons this year already than we did last year. I happen to be one of those guys who think, you know, thats a pretty good sign for america. Its not a negative sign. I think everybody has a lot of respect if they know each other means business if you enter their home without their invitation. Your thoughts about what it means. Well, that means a great deal because right now if you think about this and look at whats going on, the democrat doesnt even want police. They want to defund the police. Well, who is going to protect you now since they want to defund the police . You know, whoever came up with that stupid idea. So you better have a gun [laughter] because right now, you know what . If you defund the police, youre going to be robbed, going to be hurt. And so thats the reason why i think you got to vote for this president , president donald j. Trump, because he believes in the police. I believe in the police, and i believe in law and order to. Thats the reason this country is the best country in the world, because we have law and order. But one of the things, lou, i think people need to come to understand, this Democratic Party do not want to get things done, and the reason why they want people to go to the polls very emotional, very upset so they can blame this president. Well, its not this president. If you listened to ms. Pelosi when she was talking to wolf blitzer, she said some things that were very disturbing to me. What she said, she said we feed them, and we take care of them. And im, like, that sounds like youre on a plantation. I dont need ms. Pelosi to feed me, i dont need her to take care of my kids. I dont need the government to do it. All i need you to do is do your job, and get in there and do something for the American People. Right now dont lie to us. Thats one reason i got involved. I heard them lying about this president saying hes a racist. Now today i hear them lying over and over trying to take our free speech away by not letting people know about biden, hunter, all that thing going on, trying to take away and youll remember there was someone injured because remember antifa is just an idea when no one has asked biden about that. Thats not an idea. No one asked mrs. Harris about why youre bailing out these ideas that are tearing peoples businesses. So wake up. Wake up, america. Lou herschel . Were going to leaf it leave it right there with those very profound words. Profound words. Herschel, thanks so much for this is the feeling of total protection now that we protect your identity, and mobile phone, as well as auto home and life youve never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today youve never been in better hands allstate noand if youre troubledan a lifby falls and bleeds,ers. Worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. Lou breaking news now. A 7. 4 earthquake has hit southern alaska. Parts of southern alaska are under a tsunami warning after that magnitude, 7. 4 earthquake hit. Sand point, alaska. That is it for us. Thanks forororororororororororor kennedy im back and you know exactly what that means, our Long National nightmare has just begun. I know you were asking, kennedy, what happened . Well, march 13th our show was placed on hiatus so the superheros on this staff could be placed the kennedy team singlehandedly saved the world. Meanwhile, i got sick as a tick and couldnt work for three weeks. By the time i came back, the building was shuttered,

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