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Should be defunded, the left is worried that the president may rally the countrys morale and they cannot have that, Speaker Pelosi, treasury secretary mnuchin, they will talked again about the stimulus plan, the far apart on the size of the package but they agree on extending emergency payment, they are still talking, nbc held a town hall for joe biden last night, no questions about packing the court, offering statehood to puerto rico in washington, d. C. , who the democrats were put on the Supreme Court, it really was soft ball city, maybe that changes in the Vice President ial debate tomorrow night, mike pence faces off against Kamala Harris, plexi glass screens will separate them. 910 minute segments, the president s leadership on covid and mike pence pushing hard on the issues, this could be the turning point in the election which is four weeks away. All of that is politics, now money, big gains across the board monday for the stockpackas morning, the dow industrial looking at 130point gain, the s p to the upside but the nasdaq shows a small loss could be profit taking and technology this morning, politics, money, that is what we do. Varney company is about to begin. I learned so much about coronavirus, one thing that is for certain dont let it dominate you dont be afraid of it, we are going to beat it, we have the best medical equipment, the best medicines all developed recently. With the greatest country in the world, were going back to work and we will be out front as a leader i had to do that, i knew there was danger but i stood out front, i led, nobody that is a leader would not do what i did. Stuart the man is rally in the morale of the country, the president s health is front and center, he spent his first night back in the white house since friday. Ronny jackson is here with us this morning, former white house physician. Doctor, the president says dont be afraid of the virus, dont let it dominate your life, hes being called irresponsible and worse for that. At do you say. Is absolutely right, the president has done a fantastic job and been walking the line for a while doing what he needs to to protect our country and continue to inspire confidence in the American People, he has to do that. I appreciate the fact that he has been a great leader and hes accepted a certain amount of risk in order for us to keep our economy up and running, if you just succumb to all of this and completely back down and locked us down for a long period of time i dont know if our economy would recover, he has been out there and out front and encouraging us to get back to work and get back to school and do it responsibly and put himself at some risk in doing that and ended up with a coronavirus, im extremely happy he is doing well but i appreciate his leadership but i think hes the reason our economy is coming back right now because of the leadership you shown on this. Stuart hard questions, was a Supreme Court rose garden ceremony a super spreader event as many in the media claimant to be. I dont believe that to be the case at all and i dont think theres any evidence. The press will take anything they can and they will spin it and try to make something out of it. I think once again the president is doing the work of the count country, he is nominating somebody for the court which we want him to do and i just dont see that, that is just a talking point from the press and i dont think theres any evidence of that. Stuart lets get to the medical side of things, president trumbull received his final dose of gilead remdesivir at the white house instead of walter reed, listening to the reasoning behind that. Roll tape. We try to get patients home and out of the hospital as quickly and as safe as reasonable. Everyday patient stays in hospital unnecessarily is a risk to themselves and right now there is nothing that is being done upstairs here that we cant safely conduct downhome. Stuart heavy criticism because he left the hospital, theres a defunded walter reed for heaven sake. Is that a good reason to leave the hospital, you can do things right in the white house. Absolutely, they made the right call given their initially because the iv medications are needed to monitor them closely and checkers labs in his liver function in all these things to make sure he has a reaction to the medicine. Theyve given in multiple doses just now, they proven that he is Getting Better not worse, nows the time to let him to go back to the white house and get back to work from the white house, we have the facilities there, it can give the iv medication continue to monitor him and if something were to happen and he were to go the other direction, they would be all of our instantaneously and hed be back where he needs to be, this is the right decision doctors doing a good job treating him and i am encouraged by his progress. Stuart the white house has been using abbott labs rapid vibran s test is called the id now test and you get the results back in 15 minutes a Company Claim 91 positive rate, is at issue 91 positive rate, is at issue in testing at the white house. I dont think so, i think that test picks up most people that had a positive test in symptomatic infection, i think some of the other test that they are using with the deeper nasal swab, they are more sensitive in picking up the viral rna, a lot of times its a dead virus at the pick it up, the test at the using of the white house is good for what theyre doing and vide the people that have active infection, im pretty confident that that test is doing its job. Stuart doctor, we appreciate you being with us this money, im sure youre pretty busy but they give or take a timeout talking with us. Check futures, because we are looking good again, up about 100 for the dow, susan is here, history shows investors brush off president ial problems. Susan i think y that yesterday, going back over a century, history has shown the stock market are quick to recover from any president ial health shock, using that this time around s p 500 and the biggest single day jump yesterday and almost four weeks, going back two months, lets take a look at President Trump, hes not the first sitting u. S. President to contract a lifethreatening disease we had Woodward Wilson suffering and recovering from the spanish flu, stock market recovering four days back in 1919, eisenhower heart attack in 1955 and intersected with the stock Market Correction down 10 took more than two months to recover the losses off of the shock tragedy of kennedys assassination, Ronald Reagan was also shot in 1991 but history shows a stock market do remain resilient to shock coming from the oval office, using the turnaround in the premarket with the futures already this morni morning. Stuart were up 147 right now, thats the money side of the equation, the political side, can the president leave the morale of the country to get us better. I got that, lets bring in market watcher mike murphy, you have consistently said the market will keep going up, are you still saying that now for weeks exactly to the election. Absolutely, good morning, i think if you look what is gone on, if you have grown out last week, what if President Trump comes down with covid, i may have taken a pause, definitely thought it could hit the market harder than it did, the underlying fundamental the United States and economy coupled with the fed that is going to be accommodated for the foreseeable future we have a 5 pullback from where we were a few weeks ago integrate him to put investors to work ahead of the election. We will be okay if biden wins and we will be much better off as investors if trump wins. Stuart do you see new highs for the dow, back well above 29000, do you see that happening . Absolutely, if you look at it, there are still many Quality Companies like once again talked about that have hit new highs like home depot and nike, when you take a step back and look at the other Companies Like boeing, walmart, you look at walmart versus amazon, there is a lot of room for these companies to run and look apple and microsoft that have roughly 20 to get back to where they were trading, yes i think its barring any major shock and i would not put the election and that, barring any major shock from outside we will hit new highs from the year ended i think 2021 especially under a Trump Presidency is shaping up to be a great year for the market. Stuart one quick point, if it was a contractor, disputed election i think the market has a problem. If its a clean sweep by the democrats, the white house and the senate, i think the market has a problem. Would you agree with that . I would especially on the first point, if we have added uncertainty as to when a new leader will be picked or whether trump or biden wins, thats going to be a selloff in the market but pick a number, 5 , call it 10 , it will be resolved, for the viewers watching at home, it is not something that you want to go to cash now in the event that unlikely probability that Something Like that happens because you are talking about a very quick trade in the overall market. Thats why i would look at the fundamentals in the fed and stay invested in this market and go along for the ride. Stuart we hear you mike murphy, thank you for being with us. One more time look at the futures, where are we going this Tuesday Morning, the answer is up for the dow, 150, up for the s p, modest gain, sevenpoint, slight loss on the nasdaq. Washington post Jennifer Rubin on this extraordinary tweaked, calling on congress to defund walter reed because its a Public Health hazard, she is not the only one in the media melting down after the president s departure from walter reed, wait to you here with the rest of them have to say, we have a new wall street journal opinion piece claiming that joe bidens tax plan would actually stir economic growth. Im very skeptical that we will take a look, and we have confirmed White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany will join us today, shes in the 11 00 oclock hour in the latest white house official to test positive for the virus. We will hear how she and the president are doing, Varney Company just Getting Started. You know, malcolm audibles got more than audiobooks. Of course, podcasts. Originals. Bestsellers. Future bestsellers. Sleep stories. Malcolm the most inspiring minds. The most compelling stories. All in one place. Audible. 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Susan is been helping the market nancy pelosi and Steven Mnuchin will speak again after our discussion on monday after second stimulus plan political reporting that Speaker Pelosi has been characterizing the talks is difficult and slow though they have agreed to Exchange Additional documents which ethic is positive and chosen talks are ongoing and President Trump pushing for second stimulus plan of both sides want to offer more for the weekly Unemployment Benefits and hundreds of billions of dollars of state and local government that democrats want a second 1200 check to american citizen can run the ppp something that the republicans have not gotten alongside with but democrats are saying 2. 2 trillion and republicans are 1. 6 trillion, a bit of a gap to work out but hopefully Mitch Mcconnell will step up with the vote as well. Stuart 600 billion of gap, but not unbridgeable before you go to an election in four weeks. We are dealing politics here, they want to spend the money, come on. Anyway you got more bullish sentiment from Morgan Stanley. Susan i think this is good for the market, the strategist at Morgan Stanley said this year may not be as strange as it might feel at least when it comes to the stock market and that despite a pandemic and everything else. In fact they were at start with the new Economic Cycle with patterns correlated to past market recoveries, doesnt that sound positive, young the weakening u. S. Dollar in rising Inflation Expectation and stronger performance in emerging market, that all points to possible recovery in the global economy, what you betting that he recommends to bet against the long buying, you dont need all the safety with 30 year treasury basically yielding nothing and by value overgrowth and prefer smallcap and big stock in he thinks that the economy will recover. Stuart bottom line, a lot of major people on wall street are saying that the market looks good to go up more, for all different kinds of reasons, i think thats what were getting. Susan the take away no matter who wins the white house is positive for the 401k. Stuart we have a headline in the wall street journal, in the opinion section, riding tax plan would stir economic growth, call me a skeptic on this but anthony chan former chase chief economist is with us now. I am skeptical with the 3 trillion tax increase will help the market but what do you think. The reality is i been an economist for 40 years and always hating taxes for the last 40 years but the reality is we have bills, we have a National Debt of 21 trillion and if you add Social Security and the government, thats another 6 trillion, when you add those things, when we spend more money we have to pay for it. But no candidate democrat or republican talking about anything they will pay for what theyre going to do, theyre talking about not adding that much to the debt, with regard to your direct question, the answer is quite simple, there are tricks, if you all of a sudden raise taxes but you try to spend more money into areas or groups that have high margin to consume, you can minimize the negative effects of taxes, we know if you raise someone taxes you create disincentive for Economic Activity, what does the biden tax package do, they spend a lot of money into the highmargin hard to consume areas are giving 3000 for child tax credit, that certainly is an area that will lead to a lot more spending, and the best of all possible worlds, i would love it if taxes were 0 because that would really boost Economic Activity but there are tricks to minimize that, the last thing i will say, if you look at the tax revenues under the biden plan it always federal tax revenue to 19 of gdp, that is a little higher than it was under the trump tax cut so 16 and much lower than the simpson tax plan that had tax revenue, federal tax revenue going up to 21 , it is a middleoftheroad type of increase in federal taxes, with all the tricks and the fact that its moderate, thats where they get a number like that. Stuart in 30 seconds, can you confirm this, you do not care who wins the election, the market is going to go up in the economy is going to look good, will you say that . I will say that, i think no matter which Political Party wins, i think both of them want the economy to grow, they will have different priorities with regard to spending and if you are republican and you like those priorities, you want to vote republican if your democrat and you like the republican you want to vote democrat, but im 100 on board with your view, the economy will do better, we will make progress on the virus and the virus is driving the bus, that means better stock market and better economy matter who wins the election. Thats not my point of view, i was posing into you, i dont think a clean sweep from the democrats, the house, the senate and the white house will do anymore, the market and the economy much good, thats my point of view, you got yours, thank you for joining us. Lets move on to politics. Seven Republican Senate seats are up for grabs four weeks from now, what we got on this. That makes the democratic sweep more likely, want to show you seven republican seats now deem vulnerable tossups recording to the political report, the potential targets for democrats to pick up, this is more than doubled from the three vulnerable streets that they identified back in january. Dems need to take four seats to control the senate and three because of biden wins then, Kamala Harris as the vp will break the tie. This can be agile look at montana, arizona and colorado and maine, even South Carolina may be why republicans are really honing in on amy kony. Setting up her confirmation hearings for the next president ial debate on october 15 and really helping the scotus pick is a winning issue because it was for them with kavanaugh back in 2018. So they want to push this through, the confirmation hearings start on the 12th. Thank you so much, back to the futures, thats a contradiction, the dow will be up 140 odd points at the opening bell, thats a half a percentage point, in other words yesterdays rally on the dow looks like it continues this Tuesday Morning and we will be back to cover it for you. Hi, this is margaret your Dell Technologies advisor to listen, is to hear more than whats being said. And offer the answers that make someone feel truly heard. I understand, lets get started call a Dell Technologies advisor today. Some things are good to know. Like where to find the cheapest gas in town and which supermarket gives you the most bang for your buck. Something else thats good to know . If you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get more Healthcare Benefits through a humana Medicare Advantage plan. Call the number on your screen now and speak to a licensed humana sales agent to see if you qualify. Learn about plans that could give you more Healthcare Benefits than you have today. 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I think its only a modest factor this morning because there is not a lot of meaning, he said he is feeling great or much better so that is a good thing, i believe weve seen uptake based on a lot of positive factors over the morning, we started down a little bit when we open etfs at 4 00 oclock at 4 00 a. M. But heres what i think people are looking at, they are looking at the president s lighter symptoms and theyre looking at the fact that even though cases are taking up in some places in the u. S. , the death rate is down over the last 14 days, the number of people that are dying from coronavirus is down and were Getting Better therapeutics, the cases are less severe and those are both good things for the market. Stuart they are talking, mnuchin, speaker below say, do you think we get a stimulus to before the election . I do think we get a stimulus bill in its pure political gai gamesmanship. Anif im a congress man or womai dont want to go back with no stimulus package to take back to my constituents. I gotta believe even if its a watereddown lukewarm stimulus that we will definitely get something before the election day. Stuart lets talk about the Fourth Quarter and the performance of the stock market, youve got a chart that shows historically towards the end of the year were using data back to 1950 and you got a Strong Performance explain. What were looking at with the data going back to 1950, 69 years shows that the Fourth Quarter is the strongest by far of any of the quarters on average over all of those years, not only does it go up more, have a bigger up move but it also has over three quarters of the time in the Fourth Quarter up, that does not mean pile everything in but that does mean upward with all the stimulus money we are good to go. Stuart it makes me feel good, that is for sure, we are up and running and it is now 930 eastern time, we are off. We are up 60 points so far with most of the dow industrial open, now we are up 70, 75, the dow well above 28200. How about that, weve got again from the opening bell of a quarter percent, that is the dow industrial, show me the s p 500, im pretty sure its up only a tiny fraction,. 06 and the nasdaq i expected to open lower, has were down 19 points,. 17 , we are often running in the dow is showing the best gain, up about 80 odd points, 28200. Now some of the big banks are saying a contested election is less likely now than before, im not sure about that, whats going on. Susan is good for the stock market because a clearcut victory will avoid a long messy cloud of uncertainty over the market which have been nervous and you saw the and september with a huge selloff because of the election risk, both bracket, wall street bank like citigroup, wall street, deutsche bank, they say clean election outcome, either way is believed to be positive for the stock market, those polls including betty markets giving biden the hedge. Stuart they are just saying what we are saying. If its a tight contested election, youve got a problem on wall street, if its a blowout for either side then you dont have a problem because it will be contested. There giving biden is 66 chance of a winning vote, which side will be better for the stock market because some say democrats would do better or republicans would do better with lower taxes and less bureaucracy but j. P. Morgan and goldman are recommending the fighting when you go for value overgrowth and the underpriced industrial play like the boeing, you go for china exposed stock because there will be less tension in renewable place because the clean energy in the Renewables Coming to focus an opportunity by the way, remember back in 2016 when everybody said there was a 90 chance of hillary winning the vote, when markets are tilted one way like this, theres a lot of opportunity for the opposite side of the trade, carl icahn did that in 2016 the night of the election, he went home and traded it may billions of dollars, this is an opportunity, if you see the republicans like you say, especially your giving me today the republicans of President Trump has a chance of winning you have a chance of making a lot of money. Stuart you have to make a very difficult judgment on the Election Night or the morning after the election, that would be a difficult call to make but worth making because you make a ton of money, i have another one, promising results from one of the virus vaccine makers, which one. Susan were talking about pfizer by alene tech, focusing pretty positive data this morning, they say there vaccine triggered covid antibody and the data was provided to the European Health regulator that is reviewing the Covid Vaccine for improvable and also for astrazeneca leading vaccine candidate a few weeks ago and this is all positive news that maybe we will get a vaccine soon hopefully before the end of this year, can we throw up regeneron and gilead since we know President Trump was treated with antibody cocktail, yesterday you saw a huge move up for regeneron above 612 and one point, gilead is being treated with his fifth treatment today of remdesivir. Stuart they moved up when we heard the news, they are moving down a fraction now that we digested the news. Look at pfizer, the biontech. However, the moderna reported not enrolling in minority patients to test the vaccine. Lauren come in and tell us the stock is up. Lauren every report from reuters, they hired to recruit volunteers from black, latino as well as native american communities, they failed and had trouble, that slow down the trial, big deal because certain minority groups are more vulnerable to contracting the virus but conversely they are more likely to need the vaccine and the vaccine first because they work in hospitals and on the front line, analysts largely believe that my moderna will not seek emergency use authorization before the election, nonetheless the phase three result of the two dose trial, you need two shots for this, they are expected in november but likely after the third. Stuart got that, thank you lauren. Airports, they are struggling, how do you make money with a far fewer passengers going through the turn of malls and far fewer flights. The airport in london, theyve got an idea, i am worried, ashley welcome back, what are they doing. Ashley some of the airports are trying to generate more money even though they may anger Stuart Varney the very people they are trying to attract. The second largest in the uk says it will start charging drivers 6. 50, 6. 50 or 5 pounds to drop people off to drop people off at the terminal. It will go in effect next year if you want to avoid that charge, the passengers can be dropped off in the long stick parking lot and take a free shuttle to the terminal and the same applies in reverse for arriving passengers. Ive got to say when this first came out, he is going to do this, social reaction to the scheme being pretty harsh, british harsh, one calling it the plane old uk ripoff in other states in the on the coffin at the airport. Stuart i think it will be a good deal more harsh if they were to try to do that in the United States of america, different view. I believe the market, weve been in business for six minutes, were settling down a little bit, weve identified the winners. Take a look at Goldman Sachs, boeing, underpriced value plays, those that are cheaper relative to their book value compared to the growth stock in Technology Place which is been the runaway. Stuart i think your microphone is off. We cant hear you. Shout and ill pick it up on my microphone. That is not true. The winners, nasdaq winners allow me too go through them, i dont know them, trip. Com, i dont know them, can you go back to dow winners. I like the winners. There you go, goldman, inc. , boeing, i sold to early, american express, chevron, as susan said without her microphone, those are value plays. If we take a look at the big tech, im pretty sure you will see a string of losers because the money seems to be its coming out of tech a little bit. Susan you ever report from Bloomberg Citing Sources of the congressional House Judiciary Antitrust Committee set to. 15 month investigation and big tech like apple, amazon, like facebook and google and some recommendations including one being said by bloomberg said they are recommending a breakup of the big tech names meaning amazon cancel the product on their own website and apple can offer their own will apple in the app store, this is one Congressional Committee representative being cited by bloomberg, those are the concerns that will breakup antitrust. Stuart tech is down this morning, not huge but some are down. Game two of the nba finals set a new record as the least watched final games in 40 years. Is this because of the league woke approach, Brian Kilmeade has something decide about that. Hes on show later. The media could not handle President Trump leaving walter reed. You have to watch this. When i saw trump, i was literally overwhelmed. Now we see a tweet which is heartless. What does that mean dont be afraid, first of all is a contagious disease that kills people. Stuart i should not laugh but that was laughable. I will ask doctor marc siegel what he think about the media reaction and what the president did, walmart making deals with not one but two, three Drone Operators testing the delivery system. Our retail guy is here on the walmart, amazon contest, we will be back. Stuart walmart is trying to take on amazon in the race for drone delivery, they made deals with three Drone Operators testing their system, gerald is here. First of all, a big smile, do you think that drone delivery is the way of the future. Jeff bezos kick this off, seven years ago, december 2013 interview with charlie rose on 60 minutes, people thought the guy was nuts or the greatest visionary ever, seven years later it is still not quite happening, a lot of barriers and i believe itll happen someday, you have faa issues and something sliding around and crashing into each other, potential dropping the flowers on peoples heads or something, the privacy advocates, these have cameras, theres a lot to be worked out, the faa said the house rules issued and four years, in the short term i do believe they will be used for highvalue urgent needs like medicine, testing, maybe emergency parts for an mri, things like that, there is a widespread usage, it is going to happen. Stuart you for looking at a retail contest between walmart and amazon, i think the two leaders of the field, brickandmortar plus online for walmart, online for amazon, i dont think its a question of who wins but how far they pulled away from the rest of the field, what do you say. Is a war for a global domination you have to interpret everything that happens during the cold war, the u. S. Versus russia and that is what is going on, theyre both going to want great air forces, thats where the focus on drones, even though it may be far out no one wants to be left behind, they have an advantage with the stores that are around the corner from everyone in american huge dominance in grocery, amazon has just got it down, if you want to order anything online if it comes really fast, walmart is plain ketchup in a big way. Stuart i think the Holiday Shopping season has started already, i know amazon prime date is the 13th of the 14th i think, that is next week, it seems like this is a very early start for the Holiday Shopping season. Is going to have to be, its impossible in the last second to cram into stores in the covid environment and get anything accomplished. Everything is moving forward, as you say prime day one week from today, the Holiday Season will officially kick off this year and i think itll stay that way for long time, with amazon watching prime day, walmart, target, best buy everyone with half a brain and retail will pile on on prime day and get a piece of the pie and it will be spread then onto christmas, thanksgiving liberty cancel the shopping and they said they have stores open on thanksgiving, no more. Black friday, will be mass friday, sales will be down sharply obviously because its an inperson event, moving online heavily and we see a huge increase, almost 25 for holiday and meanwhile spread throughout the season. Stuart if you look at overall, the big picture, i think it might be one of the best Holiday Shopping selling seasons ever, are you with me . I absolutely agree, consumer remain strong, certainly people have jobs, they are not very, retail is up sharply, spending on Certain Services are way down, people are taking cruises, vacation and not going out to eat nearly as much, then nothing anyway, they have time on their hands and sitting on their computer and using that, they will use it heavy and other reports as a sales may be a little soft this year, for Holiday Season 1 or 2 , i think they are wrong, i think itll be a huge Holiday Season and the election will be over and we will have vaccines come a lot more progress and people will be optimistic about the future and are going to spend the holidays, we need christmas more than ever now. Stuart you got that right. Gerald storch, we will see you again soon. Thank you, news on apple, they will no longer sell headphones and speakers made by their rival, that is interesting. Susan sonos, logitech all down and we are looking at sonos down close to 7 in the premarket, i think it pulled me onto their losses, channel check by bloomberg found sonos speakers in logitech sx series no longer being sold on apples website at the end of last month, employee not apple stores reportedly been instructed to remove the product for sales in recent days to the shelves, because they need to make room for new products by apple that are expected later on this month along with the 5g iphone that should be introduced in the next few weeks. Bloomberg predicts the apple over the ear phones will be part of the airport lineup, that will be interesting and the smaller home pod Smart Speaker should be introduced, remember 2014 when apple introduced the apple watch, they stop selling fitbit off the shelves, thats what they typically do, we know that wearables are company on its own so they sell about 6 billion worth of sales each and every quarter in the air pods and watches. Stuart a whole bunch of new stuff coming to the apple store. I will check it out. President trump walked out of Walter Reed Medical Center only to be shouted out with this question from a reporter, listen carefully. [inaudible] stuart not even how you doing, are you feeling okay, do you think you might be a super spreader, then we have President Trump when he returned to the white house, and visit nbc joy reed said this. This is a mussolini moment, he is standing there as if he is a member of the old russian czar family. Stuart wow, they really hate him dont they, the media melting down over mondays event to cover it all. Cant wait. Its a thirteenhour flight, thats not a weekend trip. Fifteen minutes until we board. Oh yeah, we gotta take off. You downloaded the Td Ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets . Yeah, actually im taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. Excellent. 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Delaying the release of dune until next october, it is really struggling with a pandemic obviously, warner is going to release or push back the release and the 2022, earlier this year they release tenant movie theaters were forced to shut down, real problems for the movies, jeff sica is with us. I think the pandemic really changed habits, we reported regal closing 500 u. S. Cinemas, do you think amc is about to do something similar . I think what you have to look at is the pandemic was the nail on the coffin for the cinema industry, you had all the delays of the big blockbuster films that the Cinema Company mainly regal and amc were using to justify our existence, yo regal loses 1. 6 billion and amc has been hemorrhaging and now because of the lack of content during the pandemic, hollywood is being forced to turn out content and they have to do it with less capital in their finding that these theatrical releases even prior to coburn were so expensive for producers that they will move to streaming in order to get the content out there we demand. Do think we will ever get back to going to the movies that we used to, masks, big crowds, they think will ever get back to that. There is going to be a need to for theaters, we know that there is a whole culture around going to the movie, movies that we all grew up with but its never going to be like it was and there will be a vaccine, there will be a return to normalcy but the people who make films, the producers, those producers have a new model in streaming that they can be more creative, they can make more money which is what hollywood is all about, making money and once you put that into the mix, they are not going back, the horse has left the barn, the old model meets the die. Trying agree with you entirely, i am a streamer, jeff sica, thank you for joining us. Were just Getting Started this Tuesday Morning, fox friends cohost Brian Kilmeade, trump 2020 Senior Advisor steve cortes, host of the next revolution steve hilton all on the show today, and White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany, she is here she tested positive for the virus, she is in our 11 00 oclock hour. Stuart where are we now at 10 00 eastern time . I will tell you it is a mixed market. The dow is on the upside but only just. The level is good. 28,000 nearly 200. Downside move for the s p and also for the nasdaq. Let mee show you big movers that are really affecting certainly the market overall. Facebook, amazon, netflix, google, apple, all big techs on the downside this morning. Not a huge decline by any means. There is red ink across the board for big tech. Later this hour well hear from fed chair Jerome Powell. He is giving an update on the economy. That should be interesting. If there is any fireworks that comb out of that we will definitely bring them to you as we always do. I believe we have the latest read on number of job openings. This is the jolts report. Do we have it yet . Susan 6. 493 million in the month of august. Slightly less than what economists were looking. We were looking for a number of 6. 685, less than the number in july, that came in 6. 618. That squares with the 3. 1 million jobs create inned august. This is slightly backward looking number. Shows the jobs are available. Might show the recovery is stalling a little bit. Stuart that is a good number when you have an economic recovery not going gangbusters, you still have 6. 493 million jobs available. Susan it shows to the recovery. Speak speaks to the congress that we need more stimulus. Stuart i want to bring in market watcher Scott Shellady into this. Lets deal with the economy. I think were doing pretty well in this recovery. What say you . Were doing better than we thought we were going to do. That is probably the most important thing to say. The develop losscy is slowing. That is what worries people like me. To your point about the job openings, it is great for the jobs out there waiting to be had but were still struggling to get our economy open 100 . I say it every time im on with you, the best stimulus check to turn the economy on. I still believe well have learning period of 18 months people are getting use what a full and open economy will be like. Well always deal with the social distancing again from now on. Small restaurants in new york that really have to pack them in to get return on the money are going to struggle. We have a big learning curve ahead of us. That will only start when we flip the switch. Forget about the stimulus. Flip the switch. Stuart flip the switch, open up the economy. I think that is what is President Trump is doing. I think he is leaning us forward. When he came out of walter reed yesterday, went to the white house, says look, you cant be worried about the virus. You cant let it dominate your life. I agree 100 . He is marshaling the morale of our society, trying to move us forward opening up the economy. I really thoroughly approve. I was cheering what he had to say . I absolutely ate it up number one. Number two the only Thing Holding it back like he said those governors. Like theyre punishing their own constituents because theyre angry with trump. He had to say this. We have cold and flu season we come to expect. Next year, it will be coal, flu, covid season. Get over it. That is what we deal with. You have to move on with your lives. Stuart we have strategists on wall street from the big investment firms saying clearcut win for democrats would be good for stocks. If its a clearcut win, you dont have election chaos, not a long drawn out disputed election. What do you say about that. If it is clearcut win by democrats you might not see contested election. Wait a minute. We still have the Green New Deal. We still have defunding the police. All those people, wall streeters, i get the research youre reading too. Hey these things are more important. Efficacy of vaccine, trajectory of the economy, the fed standing behind the market. Those are important in a normal year. This is normal. Were electing socialism versus capitalism. If you want to about with the socialism thing. You will have the Green New Deal leak into your lives around basic tenet of the big economy is law and order. You cant have a great economy without law and order. I dont get it n a normal year, hey, there is no such thing as bad pizza, some pizza better than others. This is not a normal year. There is really some bad pizza out there. Stuart well leave it at that. There is really some bad pizza out there you are so right, younger man. Youre so right. Scott shellady, youre all right. Thank you appreciate it. The dow is up 71. Slight loss for the nasdaq and s p. Now this. Nbc held a town hall with joe biden last night. My opinion and the opinion of many others it was boring, lightweight, and indfoe meshaal. Given mike pence a real opportunity in the debate with Kamala Harris tomorrow night. But last night it, was all softballs. The questioners were described officially as undecided voters. They were anything but. None of them were even leaning towards the president. Does mr. Trump bear responsibility for getting the virus . Will you, mr. Biden, pledge transparency in your own medical condition . Were the president s doctors father coming in their medical updates . How softball can you get . Not a single question from the moderator or the undecided voters about packing the Supreme Court, giving statehood to puerto rico and washington d. C. , or who biden would nominate to the Supreme Court. Or the ridiculous biden claims that trump, not the virus, is responsible for the virus depression. So yet again, the media, in this case, nbc and msnbc protected their chosen candidate. So heres the door opening for mike pence. He will square off in the veep debate against Kamala Harris against wednesday night. What an opportunity. Senator harris was perhaps the most harsh questioner of justice kavanaugh. So who would her candidate for the Supreme Court be . Would she destroy the courts independence by appointing a whole new group of liberal justices. That is packing the court. Answer, please. Ask her about urban violence, about raising taxes as you come out of a recession, and please, ask her about locking down the country again on the advice of a committee of scientists. So far the bideharris ticket has not opened up to the hard issues. Last nights town hall was a classic example of the media protecting their guy. A glove was never laid own joe biden. Tomorrow night might be different. That is my take. You heard it. Heres lisa booth. Welcome back to the show, lisa. We missed you. Welcome back. Hi, stuart. I always miss you. Great to see you. Stuart are we finally going to get some answers from Kamala Harris tomorrow night . Well, if we do it will be because of Vice President mike pence. Stuart, have seen what has been going on this election. You have almost entirety of the media that is the witness or candidate Protection Program for joe biden. Their objective to try to limp him along to election day. Not a single reporter this entire election cycle attempted to lay a glove on joe biden or kamala hair harris. You have two people, joe biden, 47 years in his life, wrong on every single issue. Stuart take. Taking out soleimani. Moving the embassy. Kamala harris is a radical. She was the moats liberal senator in 2019 this is someone who supports the Green New Deal which would kill the economy, kill the jobs in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. This is someone who supports socialized medicine. She said she thought joe biden was essentially a racist palling around with segregation its and believed tara reid. She is on the ticket with racist or sexual predator or has no problem saying that about someone. There is a case that can be prosecuted against both of them but the media has not attempted to do so. Why. Stuart i will not answer the question, i take your point. Why, why, why. Theyre protecting the guy here. That is obvious. When i watched the president walk out of walter reed last night, walked down those steps steadily, get on the helicopter, fly over d. C. , go to the white house, then he said dont be afraid of the virus, dont let it dominate pure life, i was cheering, i thought at that moment the president was trying to raise the morale of the country, get us to move forward, not backwards. What was your reaction . Well i agree with you and this entire time throughout the coronavirus, look, youve had the media really i think intention lip creating hysteria in the country. If you look at the data where ive been this entire time actually looking at the data, americans are going to be okay if they encounter the coronavirus. You have, depending on the age group, Something Like over 99 success rate in fighting the coronavirus virus. So i think that is is President Trump dim straighted firsthand. There is no reason we should have ever shut down the economy in the country. There was smarter way to do it. Yet we failed to do that look at places like here in new york city, places are still shut down. Businesses are suffering. Americans are suffering. Liberals in the cities and states, they dont care about the plight of hardworking bluecollar americans trying to survive in this crushing economy. They just dont care about them. President trump stood there yesterday saying were going to be okay as a country. Were going to get through this. Contrast that with someone like joe biden who is exceptionally weak. We saw that on the debate stage. Weve seen it threw 47 years in politics this, is weak, hapless, ineffective man. What does he want to do . Cower down in fear, shut everything down, people Wearing Masks when theyre driving in their car not around everyone. That is not the american way. I appreciate President Trump did yesterday, going out there with strength and vigor saying we can tackle this together. We will come back stronger than ever. We can do this as a country. Stuart were americans. We dont like being locked down, told what not to do. We dont like it. This is the United States of america. Thank you, lisa. Kwamme down. Kwamme kwamme down. Kwamme down. Thank you, stuart. Stuart susan is trying to kwamme down. We were walk to but you on the. Were up 80 on the dow. Even the nasdaq. To the upside. Weve got boeing, Goldman Sachs, theyre propping up the dow i think. Susan look at boeing, this is a case of value overgrowth today. Given were expecting some sort of second form of stimulus package. Usually airlines will probably get some sort of dole as well. That helped plane makers like boeing. Getting an upgrade on the target price, saying boeing is worth 184. Jpmorgan says look at value into growth going into next year. Check the page on Goldman Sachs. Bank stocks are in favor if you believe the u. S. Economy is recovering. Apparently people do. Look at Goldman Sachs up. A lot of financials as well. That is positive. Stuart they turned around a little bit with the jolts report. 6. 4 million jobs open and available. Susan i think theyre anticipating what Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell will say this hour as well. Stuart thank you, susan. Governor andrew cuomo of new york closing nearly 100 schools he says are virus hot spots. Deaths, hospitalizations in the city, they are down. Explain that one. Were also later talking to Kayleigh Mcenany. She was at judge barretts rose garden nomination ceremony. I will ask if she thinks it was a superspreader event. Well get the latest own the president s condition this morning. The media slamming the president saying dont let the virus dominate you. Oh, my goodness, nicole. When i saw that trump, i mean i literally overwhelmed. Now we zoo this tweet which is heartless, it is cruel. Stuart heartless and cruel. Were talking to dr. Marc siegel in a moment. This is the second hour of Varney Company, cant you tell. Oh, my goodness, nicole, when i saw that trump, i mean i literally was overwhelmed. Now we see this tweet which is heartless, it is cruel. What does that mean, dont be afraid of it . First of all it is a contagious disease that kills people. There is nowhere to even begin. It is so horrible. So destructive to say i feel better than i have in 20 years. Stuart well i think that was a fair example of a media meltdown. Look who is here to comment, doc siegel of all people. Doctor, [laughter], im smiling. You dont have to. The media went crazy when trump said dont let the virus dominate you. I think that was absolutely great. What about you . I like it. Its in the face of disease, it is saying show strength, show courage. What is disturbing is all of the people that dont want to wish him well and say, you we have a convention among doctors, stuart. We always wishing our patients well. We dont ask even how they got sick. How did you get here. We want them to get better. So courage in the face of illness. That is what you look for. How could that be disturbing. We want this message. This virus is very troubling, problematic, you have to live with it, you have to deal with it. That is a very uplifting message, extremely appropriate, and what physicians want to see. Stuart now lets get serious was the rose garden event with the presentation of judge barrett was that a superspreader event . You know it may have been and what we mean by a superspreader event could there have been one person there that had a lot of virus and that person spread it to several different people . That is what we usually mean by that event. And i think it is possible, it looks like a lot of cases trace back to that. Who that person was, i mean i could give you a name but we dont know that for sure. We cant prove that in retrospect but it does look like a lot of cases came from that. Stuart does it make it may not have been in the rose garden. Stuart does it make President Trump irresponsible by holding that event in that fashion . No, of course not. There is no way he could have predicted that. I think, ive been, ive been in the white house as a visitor. I interviewed the president as you know. They gave out masks to everybody coming in. We call got tested with an abbott test, prescreened before we got in there, there was physical distancing when i was there. So i dont see that. And everybody wants to lump everything on the president instead of looking at it this way, the president has taken, state of the art treatments, some of them approved, some not. He is showing a recovery. He is showing courage in the face of illness. Giving a positive attitude, a positive message. Of course we need Public Health precautions taken, stuart of course we do. Stuart sure. I brought a pill to calm you. You said you needed calming down. I have a pill. Stuart be careful, doctor. I have a show to do, you know what i mean . Now strangely doctor, im going to show you a nbc report, this is extremely unusual but i will do it. It is on sweden. It is how, and it looks like how sweden has beaten the virus. Just watch this, doc. Roll it. It looks like the world we lost. Cafes and restaurants full, people relaxed, no face masks, no panic. Sweden kept most of its schools and businesses open. It asked people to socially distance. Half of swedes live alone anyway. It banned large gatherings but imposed few other rules. Swedens buses, trains, take a look at this, not a face mask in sight. In swedens biggest hospital, the intensive care unit overwhelmed in the spring is deserted. Stuart doctor they opened up. Is that the right way to go . It is certainly a consideration. Their death rate is only 15th in the world. Stuart, if you look here in the United States, south dakota has been wide open and north dakota and montana shut down and there is very little difference between these states in terms of the viral spread or the death rate between them. You know what is different though, the economy stifled and strangled, it is strange you lated in these lockdown states. Im all for looking at Public Health, not just about the virus, but about the Collateral Damage you do by putting a stranglehold on your economy. Mental, physical suffering. You dont get enough medical care that you need. Huge problems for businesses. 90 of restaurants in new york are struggling to pay their bills because of the lockdowns. Stuart i wish we heard more about this, doctor. Im serious here. The social cost of the lockdown, depression, suicide, hypertension, all emotional problems, across the board people are suffering in a lockdown we dont hear anything about it. Doc see gell, thanks very much for coverage of the virus throughout. Well see you soon. Thank you, stuart. Stuart check the markets. Why not . Were in the green across the board. The dow is up 100 points. S p is up. Nasdaq is up. What is this about walmart, walmart introducing Insurance Services . Susan its a big deal when the countrys largest retail gets into insurance for medicare. They will start selling Medicare Insurance plans during the annual Enrollment Period october the 15th through december the 7th. This will obviously target seniors that need medicare. Medicare is a 600 billiondollar industry. Walmart is getting bigger when it comes to health. They remodeled 500 of their Stores Across two dozen states including updated pharmacy areas. They have Walmart Health which is the first brickandmortar area, primary care, dental, counseling labs as well. This is a big deal, when the likes of walmart, amazon, growing bigger when it comes to health care around insurance. Stuart both of them, amazon, walmart, constantly expanding into Something Else, getting bigger and bigger competing with each other. All good stuff. Susan in walmarts case we have the bricks and Mortar Stores where you go to visit. Stuart theyre useful. Washington post columnist Jennifer Rubin, calling walter reed, the medical facility to be defunded. She calls it a Public Health hazard. She says any md who publicly endorses this insanity needs to lose his or her license period, because they let the president out of the hospital. Unbelievable. Brian kilmeade. I know he is fired up about this one, he will be on the show a little bit later. What to expect from tomorrows vicepresident ial debate, will senator harris, finally answer a question on packing the Supreme Court . More varney after this. Stuart tomorrow night Vice President pence and Kamala Harris face off. This is the first and only debate. Fox news Griff Jenkins on the ground in salt lake city, utah. Griff, give us a preview please. Reporter welcome to the veep show. It will happen inside of that building behind me, Kingsbury Hall on the gorgeous campus of the university of utah t will look different again. Even more covid precautions starting with the plexiglass that will separate harris and pence. It will also be separated by more than 12 feet. It will be not raid the by usa todays susan page. She with will try to cram nine segments into 90 minutes. Both candidates are own the ground. Vice president pence is here met by the governor on the tarmac. Before departing d. C. , here is what he had to say as a preview. Listen. When the president told me was headed back to the white house, he told me to head to utah. Were looking very much forward to the vicepresident ial debate. Stakes in this election have never been higher. The choice has never been clearer. I look forward to the opportunity. To take our case to the American People for four more years. Reporter harris looking to get a jumpstart on pence arrived last friday. Been here five days. She visited a iconic monument that honored latter day saint pioneers. She made no public comments. We believe she was in with pete beauty put to help her prepare and pam bondi stood in for harris here. Biden was campaigning in south florida last night, if the experts will sign off he is willing to attend. Here is what biden said. Watch. If the Scientists Say that its safe and distances are safe, then i think thats fine. I will do whatever the experts say is appropriate thing to do. Im not an expert on it but i think we should be very cautious reporter meanwhile the president back at the white house says he is ready to go. Trump Campaign Communications director tim mute ture says quote, the president intends to debate. The president also tweeting that he is ready to get back on the campaign trail, exactly when that will happen. Very unclear at the moment. As we get ready for the one and only veep debate in the hall behind me. Stuart. Stuart griff, thanks very much indeed. See you soon. Bring in Harmeet Dhillon from california. Good to see you. Thank you. Stuart will joe biden and or Kamala Harris ever, ever answer the question on packing the Supreme Court . Well, first somebody has to ask them the question and then follow up. I dont know that susan page is the person to do that but if they were to answer that question i think it would shock a lot of americans and really reframe this debate. Now Kamala Harris has been asked the question a few times and she simply shakes her head, give sphixx type smile. That doesnt bode for what the American People. Stuart there is a limit how long you can go without answering extremely important questions. Will you pack the court . Will you give statehood to puerto rico and washington d. C. . Who is your nominee for the Supreme Court . What is this about the current state of the economy is entirely the fault of donald trump and not the virus . At some point these questions have to be answered, dont they . Well they should be but the problem here weve seen in this election cycle, we saw people melting down last night is the Mainstream Media who are handling these debates are not asking the right questions or some cases like the first president ial debate asking some very loaded and biased questions of the president and then letting the former Vice President get away with, you know, skating around the issues. The fact that the two democrats are avoiding certain landmine issues should be a red flag for Many Americans because it would be very easy to say, no, no, of course well not pack the court. Why woe we do that. Why disturb an institution that had the composition for nearly go centuries . Why would we want to disturb the balance in the senate and add four democrats to the senate . So i think you can infer from their silence that they do indeed have radical plans to reshape the future of america, even the legislation that Kamala Harris has cosponsored in the senate, the Green New Deal, is a radical reimagining of our economy and of our country. And so americans need to think about that when they have been voting, already voting some and going to the polls in november as well. Stuart i think three Million People already voted so im told. That is a very large number very early. Before we leave it, harmeet, i will ask a rather strange question. Wait for it. Is there any vague possibility that trump wins california four weeks from now . You know, he asked me that question before actually and anything is possible. If you were to tell me would be bursts out of the hospital in three days better than ever, i would have said wow, god is great. I think actually it is Kamala Harriss home state. It incredibly radical far left, lockdown state right now. So those chances i would put them less than 50 50. Stuart less than 50 50 . I would put them slim and none. Harmeet, thanks for joining us. Come again soon, please. Thank you. Stuart this one for susan, please tell me, susan, what did ludacris and joe biden have to do with each other. Susan you know who ludacris is. Stuart rapper. Susan jermaine dupree, weezie. Stuart just stick to the subject. Ludacris and joe biden. Susan encouraging black citizens in battleground states to vote for biden. Biden ramping out the getoutthevote campaign up for grabbings go for biden and trump states. Dupree, among the celebrities in bidens shock talk discussion series. We also know there have been ads from these four artists on bidens youtube page as well. If you want to talk about celebrities, remember 2016. Stuart i do. Susan hillary had the biggest names on the planet. Stuart jayz, beyonce, jayz and beyonce. Susan jaycee. Jayz. How did that turn out. Stuart it didnt. Lets see. Still ahead, susan, White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany is the latest white house official test positive. Well see how the president is doing. Coming up in our next hour. First, i want to snow if any Foreign Government took advantage during trumps hospitalization . Well have an answer on that one right after this. This is decision tech. Find a stock based on your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Well, actually. Were from a lot of places. You see were from here and there and here. Your familys story is waiting to be shared. At ancestry. Com theres an art to listening. Its the ability to hear more than whats being said. To understand the meaning in every pause. And to be able to offer the answers that make someone feel truly heard. I understand, lets get started. Thats what you get when you talk to a Dell Technologies advisor. 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Stuart happening now, fed chair Jerome Powell speaking on the future of the economy this could move the market. Edward lawrence is here. What is the headlines . Reporter this is the biggest push yet ive seen from the Federal Reserve chairman to get more fiscal stimulus into the economy. He is laying out how the economy weathered the shutdown because of the Federal Reserve help. He says the economy is flattening growth. He said too little physical stimulus put into the economy would cause possibly a weaker recovery. You cannot overdo the package f it seems to be too large the risk is low, because that money would be helped anyway in order to get this recovery moving. Now powell says that sectors require close contact, travel, restaurants as well as concerts, will need targeted, sustained help. He also says that the fed ral reserve will keep rates near zero until they believe theyre at maximum employment. The inflation is on track to run moderately. Above 2 for some time. This is a huge push to put more fiscal stimulus into the economy now. Back to you. Stuart you got it exactly right, edward, and that has had a small effect on the market. You just released what he had to say and instantly we had a slight move up for the market. I think the market likes the idea of the fed chair pushing for more stimulus. Reporter stu, beyond that, this is sort of a public push to get the House Speaker nancy pelosi to come to the table and make a deal. Stuart okay. We hear you. And they are talking we believe. Edward good stuff. Thanks for joining us. We appreciate it. Having said that, the market came back down again. Were still up 110 on the dow. Get back to the president. I want to know if any Foreign Government tried to take advantage of mr. Trumps hospitalization. James carafano, top policy guy at the Heritage Foundation joins us now. What is the answer. Did any Foreign Government take advantage. I thought this story was a side of nothing burger with a side of nothing sauce on top. First of all there isnt time to react quickly. None of them have the capacity or motivation to do that. Russia is, you know, look how restrained they have been dealing with belarus. Iran is nearly bankrupt. They have no first quartertive. Theyre waiting for the outcome of election. North koreans are quiet. If chinese did something more likely support for the president and there wasnt time to put something together. The u. S. Capacity to control its foreign policy, its defense architecture, that was never in question. So i thought the story was just ridiculous. Anybody that even asked the question. Stuart actually, i made that question up, james carafano, because i thought that there may have been some interference or jockeying from some of our rivals like iran and north korea. So i invented that ridiculous question, mr. Carafano. Dont you forget it. [laughter]. Look, i so there is very little time or capacity for them to do something to be disruptive with us. I think the other issue people focus on disinformation or propaganda. The but the problem there for them is, we are yelling so much at ourselves all the time so lloydly for them to try to insert themselves into the conversation, it is not like a guy yelling a fire in a theater. It is a guy yelling fire at the super bowl with 80,000 fans screaming. It is very hard to do that. So i never really thought the foreign interference issue with this president and his Health Condition as brief as it was, and as transparent we actually are, were talking about that and robust as our commandandcontrol system is that this is ever a Real National security issue. Stuart if you look across the world, is there anybody who, i mean, im trying to phrase this right, how many Foreign Governments really want mr. Trump to lose . A lot i would suggest. Well that may be true but their capacity to actually do that and to insert themselves in the process, you have to remember, we have trouble even understanding ourselves and how to influence our behavior. Other countries have to look through their prism of how they view is which is imperfect, try to think how we view ourselves which is imperfect, somehow try to figure out how to manipulate that, without triggering the opposite out come theyre seeking. So that is very chancy proposition, particularly in very short order with a story like this blew up one day, really disappeared over the weekend. Stuart you got it. James carafano. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Stuart by the way jay powell says there is a need for further support for the economy. I thought that would move the market up. It didnt. It moved the market down but were still up 80 points. Washington post columnist wants walter reed defunded because they let President Trump out of walter reed to return to the white house. Can you imagine . I bet Brian Kilmeade has something to say about it. He is on the show. Plus the nba viewership really sinking. Fridays finals had 4 1 2 Million Viewers, the lowest in nearly 40 years. Well be back. Your journey requires Liberty Mutual. They customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Wow. That will save me lots of money. This games boring. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I paid off my credit cards and apand felt a weightnal loan. Come off my shoulders. Thank you sofi for a great experience and for helping me get my money right. So youre a small bor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Stuart look at the market. Susan youve got a nugget out of fed chairman powell. Susan using the worded tragic. So fed chair powell says the u. S. Faces tragic risk from doing little to support the u. S. Economy. Stuart he said that. Down goes the market. Now we bounced back up. Were up 103 as we speak and rising by the way. Here we go. It is now, wait for it, 10 51 on the. That means it is time for Brian Kilmeade. He miraculously appears at 10 51. Always on time. Lets get serious. The Washington Posts Jennifer Rubin calls for defunding the walter reed medical facility because she says any doctor who endorse this is insanity, i guess that is allowing the president to leave the hospital, needs to lose his or her license. You have to be fired up about this one, brian, because i am. Absolutely. She was not getting enough appearances on msnbc or cnn you have to Say Something extraordinary to get booked on with guys like chris cuomo and don lemon. What she is making these comments, that walter reed is deciding after three days of observation, seeing he was short of breath on friday, no fever since that day. Since he is allowed out in 72 hours you should defund walter reed. As the washington examiners t. Beckett, Jennifer Rubin herself ask not the insulting thing. The insulting thing that the Washington Post keeps her around and thinks she represents conservatism and lets them tick diversity on the voice boxes. She is alleged conserviv survived the virus. Stuart theyre scared to death that President Trump is going to lead our nation out of the virus, move forward, and he is saying, dont be afraid of it. You cant live under the virus thumb. I was cheering all the way down the line. I was cheering when he said that we need a leader who is going to lead us out, not go backwards to more and more lockdowns and all the rest of it. I will give you an example, stuart. If someone tells you you have cancer, we hope you never hear that, well the stats are youre probably not going to survive. You know it is serious. You know you have to get focused on the treatment. If youre lucky enough to get through it. You say a lot has to do with mindset and approach. What trump is saying i lost at least five good friends in his same business in new york city. They were in the same, roughly, the same weight and age category. He was able to, he feared this virus for nine months. Whatever you want to say for nine months as reckless as they say he is, didnt get it. Got it, understood. He gets it. Deals with it. Feels the effects of it. Works through the therapies on it. Understands meets with 12 doctors about everything, pluses minuses, what they learned. He says you cant cower, you got to attack it. He didnt say there is no danger. He didnt say 110,000 people did not die. He points out to how many recovered. So many we cant track it. How many get through it. Kayleigh mcenany with no symptoms at all. Most people with the virus will be back to work. The guy, robert obrien, National Security advisor, got it, work from home. Back in action. It doesnt dim finish those who lost their lives. It is dangerous. You have no choice in life. You cant avoid danger. Stuart you cant avoid risk. You have to meet it head on, assess the risk. Meet it. Were on the same page, brian. Im glad to hear it. We have to switch gears completely. Last night the nba had 4. 5 Million Viewers for the finals that is the lowest number in 40 years. How do you explain that. I know it was a short season. Are there any other explanations . I think it is the activism. I dont think any question about it. Look there is no fans. There is not a lot of fanfare around it. Theyre, theyre playing a season they never played before. Theyre taking on baseball playoffs. Hockey is wrapped up, with very low ratings. They were off 60 . So the nfl is back. They are off the ratings a little bit. As i mentioned baseball playoffs. Here is the thing. You have the lakers extremely highprofile team. Lebron james the most highprofile athlete in the world right now. Pat riley, miami heat. Their history. Lebron james playing against a team in the finals, he brought a championship to, werent to the final, two championships, went to the finals a thirdyear. There should be a lot of interest in this. There should be a great respite from the virus and politics and the horrible debate we all witnessed but people are running away from it. They dont want to be hit in the head with everything theyre doing wrong in society. Everything wrong in america. They dont want it. Not saying athletes dont have a right to speak out but when it dominates the talk of your sport, people will say i will rake the lawn. I will see if my sprinklers are working. Time to paint the paneling. It is just not time to watch the fame. By the way, game three was unbelievable. Stuart youre exactly right. Were on the same page on both subjects. Brian, thank you very much indeed. See you soon. Go get emstuart. Stuart i will. Big show, Charles Payne, Rachel Campos duffy, Kayleigh Mcenany. You have my take on the president saying dont let the virus dominate you. I say we cant stay longed down forever. Third hour of varney coming at you. Im searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like im just wasting time. Thats why Td Ameritrade designed a firstofitskind, personalized education center. Oh. Their awardwinning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. And it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. So its like my streaming service. Well except now youre binge learning. See how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from Td Ameritrade. Visit tdameritrade. Com learn i was blessed to be part of building one of the greatest game shows in history. 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We will be okay if biden wins and will be much better off as investors of trump wins, i think 2021 under a Trump Presidency is shaping up to be a great year for the market. No matter what Political Party wins, i think both of them want the economy to grow, the economy will do better, we will make progress on the virus and remember the virus is driving the bus, next year is going to be cold flu and covid season, get over it thats what we have to live with and we need to move on with our lives. Stuart wake me up, all right its 11 00 oclock eastern time and we have a big show coming for you, let me repeat, Charles Payne, Rachel Camposduffy and White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany, all on this hour, lets check the market, we are up for the dow, close to 100 points, modest drop for the nasdaq, down 12 in the nasdaq im sorry that subpoenas up two points as we speak and now this. , you have got to live your li life, we cannot cower from this virus, the president says dont let it dominate, do not be afraid, i think he is right, he is leaving walter reed in his return to the white house marked a turning point in the virus experience, mr. Trump is rally in the nation, moving us forward, we locked down in the past, now we must face covid19 had on, i dont agree got a choice, we cannot stay locked up forever and we cannot lock down and then open up and locked out again whenever the number of cases goes up. It will be years if ever before there are no new cases and no risk. Lets get real about this, lets get honest, 99. 8 of the people under age 50 who get the virus do not die, 95 of people in their 70s to get it do not die. Hospitalization rates are falling, treatment improves, that a threat is down, President Trump walked out of walter reed on under his own seam and showed the way forward. He is leaving. And then there was this. The media predictable nastiness, do you think you might be a super spreader mr. President , that was the first question not a single how are you feeling mrg okay, no, last night the left unleashed on cnn alone, the president was described as heartless, cruel, horrible and destructive, outrageous, disgraceful and absurd. There obviously worry, joe biden is still talking about more lockdown if the committee of scientists tells them to wreck the economy again, this is an important moment, weve been given into fear and retreat or we can follow the president and move forward as he rallies the morale of our country, i am with President Trump. The president has been there, had it and we must move forward, that means understanding risk, weve got all of that, im with the president on this, lets move forward. By the way i want to tell you that is my take, we have Kayleigh Mcenany who has tested positive for the virus, she is on the show at 1140 this morning, we await her appearance, elsewhere we have Jerome Powell saying the u. S. Faces tragic risk and we do too little to support the economy, tragic risk, strong words, Charles Payne is with us, what do you think. We need it, not everyone in the country, but theres not enough of our fellow citizens that need it, unfortunately a lot of them are trapped in these places in the states and cities were there not allowed to fend for themselves, where there is excessive lockdown, i think its so amazing if you look at whats happening with disney operation in china and florida and california and just using that alone to show you what can happen, its really amazing, when you talk about saving millions of our fellow citizens, i think the answer is the guest we need it. Stuart charles we are 28 days, four weeks until the election and wells fargo claims that senate races are more important for stops than the president ial race, i guess that is a worry will the democrats sweep the senate, what is your opinion . There is no doubt a blue wave would be catastrophic for the stock market and our economy and the notion that anyone out there that would vote for thinking why make less than 400,000 so i am immune just dont understand, theres no such thing as trickledown economic is its all trickle up and what they spend to generate wealth and jobs, its about how you become part of that, i am concerned and very worried if we do get a blue wave. We talked before, i am never completely out of the market, i always leav leading a 21 trilliondollar company, there will be companies i want to build owner of both opportunities become thinner and the volatility in opportunities beyond the stock market and people everyday folks out there to change the course of their lives, the change of the trajectory for their families becomes diminished greatly if there is a blue wave. I wanted to listen to this one, this may be another biden gaffe, watch this. The reason i was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery self or all of a sudden people are realizing, my lord, these people have done so much, not just black lives across the board, have done so much for me. Stuart black woman was packing Grocery Store shelves, your response . It is another hamfisted attempt for him to get the black vote, i cringe every time, you get a sense when you listen to it, he tried to clean it up a little bit at the end, its the essential workers of all races have done an extraordinary job, we know a lot are lower pain and i think we do recognize folks who work in supermarkets and security guards and people who drive the ambulance, we mightve taken them for granted, certainly i think the country will not anymore but the notion that there is one race of peop people, it is a stereotype the democrats have always used, whenever a democrat wants to help a black person, they say this is what ill do for you, ill give you higher minimum wage, i dont know what the hell he is talking about give them higher maximum wage, we will go for fear housing, the things that they always do, they assume it is only black people who are in jail, its only black people making minimum wage, only black people who need section eight housing, that is their embeddedness that their apparel thinking particularly liberals that black people are so much lesser and were always doing things to buff the prophet white people, he just reveals it right there. Stuart how about this one, parts of new york city are expected to shut down this week, look at the citys unemployment, 16 , double the national avera average, i am really worried about our city, new york city, how about you . Hell yeah, when de blasio and cuomo talk to the citizens of new york in new york city and new york state they talk to them like theyre talking down to a child, you know what i will do i will close all the schools, that will teach you, that is nuts, 559,000 fewer people are working in new york city right now the new york city in february, 16 unemployment, one third of Small Businesses already shut down for good, you talk about income inequality in the achievement gap, wait until they keep doing the stuff, you want to talk about helping black people, it is a small black kid in underprivileged environment, lets say the projects right now, these kind of setbacks, you gotta put the kid back three and four years by the time there in 12 grade, this is stupid stuff and its not based on anything other than the way they know how to go about it, they dont know anything about elegant solutions, its about attacks or not, they have two levels. Stuart i hope you can stay fired up until 2 00 oclock eastern time when you appear on making money with Charles Payne, that is the kind of fire that we look to see, thank you for bringing it to the show, we appreciate it, this moments ago President Trump tweeting, i am looking forward to the debate on the evening of thursday october 15 in miami, it will be great. Steve cortes is with us, trump 2020 senior strategy advisor. First question, in miami october the 15th, will the president change his debating style because he did not come across well in the first one. I think he did fine but regardless, to answer your question it will be a different style because its an entirely different setting, on the first debate he brought heat and this when he will bring more light, the reason i say that, it will be a town hall style debate, regular citizens there. In the last debate he had two opponents, not just joe biden by Chris Wallace the moderator who is totally biased and inserted himself constantly into the action and regular defender joe biden. Stuart im going to defend my friend and colleague Chris Wallace, i dont think it was anywhere near as extreme as youre talking about, i think Chris Wallace had a very difficult job to do, that was a tough one because the debate was out of control and it was out of control in part because the president started out right from the getgo interrupting constantly. Listen lets be careful with the facts, the first interruption, more interruptions came from the president but the first interruption of the two minutes that were supposed to be sacrosanct was supposed to be from joe biden, regarding Chris Wallace, he did a couple of things that i think indicated and revealed he was not remotely trying to be neutral, he spread the despicable charlottesville live, the most malicious light in American Public life today, he did and he helped biden do it, he asked incredibly loaded questions of the president that he did not ask abiding, ill give you an example he talked about Critical Race Theory which is a repugnant philosophy that tries to tell white people that they are guilty for their skin color and he instead calls it Racial Sensitivity Training which it is not, i respectfully disagree, i dont often disagree but i think Chris Wallace, i really believe even people who dont like the president or support his agenda, i think it would acknowledge that the president had two opponents on that stage and looking forward that will not be the case in miami. Stuart let me close it out with this one, will receive more live rallies from the president bearing in mind he just had the virus. Regarding the president himself, im going to defer in we the campaign will defer to his medical team when that is possible, we hope and believe that will happen soon, we are soon as this thursday start live events with his folks, family members, campaign people, we are having inperson events, we know we can do this safely, there are risks in life but we think we can make the risks reasonable and regarding the president and what he told us yesterday going forward, this is a Decision Point for the country, joe biden would take us to a place of dependency and acquiescence, this president believes in an approach for the virus, the economy and an approach of empowerment and prosperity for our country, that is the choice part of showing the choice and displaying the choices continuing to have inperson events. Stuart four weeks to go to the election, we have fire in the bell, that is the facts. Steve cortes see you again soon. Kayleigh mcenany did test positive for the virus and she will be joining us to update her health in the president s health in just a few minutes from now. 1 million acres have now been burned by a single california wildfire, should we blame Climate Change or force management, our resident california expert steve hilton weizen. First new york city closes schools and virus hotspots, it is keeping kids out of the classroom truly worth it . We will ask Rachel Camposduffy next. Limu emu and doug. And if we win, we get to tell you how Liberty Mutual customizes Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Isnt that what you just did . Service stand back, im gonna show ya how doug and limu roll, ya you know you got to live it if you wanna wi. [ music stops ] time out only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Stuart the Vice President to debate tomorrow night in utah, Hillary Vaughn is there and salt lake city, what do you have for a preview hillary. What is interesting, this debate is going to look a lot different than even the last debate that we had, there is would be plexiglas dividing Vice President mike pence and vp nominee Kamala Harris, they will be seated over 12 feet apart but here are some things that we are looking ahead to tomorrow night as the debate gets underway, one thing that will be brought up is the age, President Trump and democratic nominee joe biden are both well into their 70s especially with President Trump combating the coronavirus, the question is the line of succession that will be a question you can expect your topic to be addressed tomorrow night as Kamala Harris if she were the Vice President would be next in line and biden would be the oldest u. S. President to be inaugurated in u. S. History and of course Vice President mike pence would also be under the microscope as well, hes also going to be facing questions from harris on how she handled coronavirus because she was the head of the Coronavirus Task force and she will make a point to hold him accountable for how he has handled that but on the flipside, you will see harris face tough questions about her record before she was on the democratic ticket when she was running for president herself, her viewed is skewed a little bit more progressive than biden, she is advocated for eating less meat to help combat Climate Change among several other things, those are topics we are going to see come up tomorrow night. Cannot wait, thank you very much indeed, see you soon, the food and Drug Administration says it plans to require any Covid Vaccine application be submitted with at least two months worth of safety data, it will then be reviewed by a panel of experts, this means the earliest we could see a vaccine would be the end of november, not great news, lets get to new york city when they are closing 100 Public Schools and virus hotspots, common Rachel Camposduffy, Fox News Contributor and mother of nine. Rachel, i want to go right at this from your personal point of view, youve got nine children, would you send your children to school for in classroom education and a virus hotspots. It depends, in the virus hotspots in new york you have some Orthodox Jewish schools where there was a lot of cases and problems and there was Catholic Schools where there were not any increase in cases, the Catholic Schools were following the protocol and have not had any cases or outbreaks in their schools are getting the same treatment as schools with an outbreak, i think the role of government especially in the top Economic Times is to be smart and you may be able to close down one school that is having a problem, that does not mean you have to hit a hammer when you can use a scalpel enclosed on all the schools, its also not clear where you are shutting down these neighborhoods, we dont have checkpoints, how does that even work people can come in and out of neighborhoods and zip codes, its very confusing and we need to look at the science, children are 5 of the coping cases in less than 1 of the deaths, it is not dangerous in general for my kids, they go to a Catholic School where they are getting inperson learning and there following the protocols and there have been no problems, i want to talk to you really quick about Something Else that im really concerned about with her kids, is not just that theyre having trouble learning virtually and for those kids with the schools are shut down, in china, they are using coronavirus to reinforce their ideology, which requires submission and conformity, my concern is apparent and a citizen of this country, i want us to come out of this pandemic as america and not as china, i am noticing that my kids, not only have a fear of coronavirus but they are becoming more susceptible to conformity and i am even seeing that college kids were generally known to be rebellious, when i went to drop off my son at college i noticed all these kids that were following the rules and again, we want them to be safe but i think there is something that we need to think about because i tell you what i fear more than coronavirus and i want to be safe and what i fear more than coronavirus are the authoritarian impulses of some of our leaders and this idea that will come out of this pandemic looking more like china than ours. Individualist american way. Stuart Rachel Camposduffy with an original view, we appreciate that. Thank you so much for being here. Good stuff. Stuart im going to show you big tech, i dont think theyre doing very well today, apple is down, facebook is down in amazon is done as well as microsoft. What is behind that. Susan look at apple and amazon, down 2 in a session, when the heavyweight site that they take the rest of the market done with them, it looks like they are falling on reports that congress would be recommending a breakup of the big tech names, we are waiting the release of congress 15 month antitrust investigation into the Big Four Companies whether or not they have way too much power and control over their respective market killing competition and bluebird is reporting whether the recommendations from the House Judiciary Antitrust Committee as a breakup, mainly amazon and facebook, separating amazon from selling own private label goods white operate in the marketplace and apple selling its own apps while controlling the app store, our own fox business sources tell us its one of the many recommendations from the congressional judiciary antitrust committee but the stock price is reacting to some of that news today. Stuart finally with all the talk of regulation a breakup, finally is having an impact on the stock price. Apple is down 2 . Thank you susan. President trump is back at work at the white house and recovering from the virus. Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany also fighting the virus, she joins us with an update on both of her condition and the president s condition, she joins us in just a couple minutes. We have over and lift fighting california gig worker law, they are going to spend 100 million bucks fighting it, will that 100 million change the rules, we will deal with that next. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Stuart social media taken an active role in monitoring and taking down the president s post, lauren coming, tell me what just happened. Lauren the president tweeted and posted this message, flu season is coming up, many people every year, sometimes over 100,000 and despite the vaccine, they die from the flu, are we going to close down our country, he continues, twitter slapped a label on the post, it is still up and facebook remove that post, this is the political debate in the country, you cannot tell the friends and family of the 200 plus thousand americans have died from covid that it is just like the flu but you cant kill the economy by shutting everything down, that is the tradeoff is so many people are grappling with, social media slapping a warning label on twitter and taking down the post even though the point is valid on facebook ticketed down. Stuart ive seen this before and im sure well see it again, i know whose side they are on, thank you very much indeed. Thus to a weather check, hurricane delta rapidly gaining strength could be a cap for storm within 24 hours, fortunately janice dean is with us, question, is it headed for the wheezy and again . It looks like it and in the last few minutes they upgraded the storm to a category 4, it is rapidly intensified from this time yesterday when it was a tropicatropical storm and now ar category 4 and flying in the storm and they noticed indeed it is strengthened even further, it is expected to move over the yucatan polenta law very briefly we can and it gained strength, hurricane warnings in effect where we think the storm is going to come on shore just for a brief moment and it could weaken and regain strength to a cat four income close to louisiana on friday and we think making a landfall although i will warn everybody from texas to florida you need to watch this, there is some uncertainty as we go out and we expect an impact friday through saturday and of course we will see those conditions go downhill as we go to thursday, friday and saturday, we think the center will come on shore around cozuml mexico and go into the warm waters of the gulf of mexico and of course you and i both know that a lot of Oil Platforms here, evacuations are in place and this will be a major hurricane as it comes closer to shore and again, louisiana you look like you are in the bullseye yet again for another hurricane, there your tropical models as we go through time, certainly at looks like right now in impact with the center coming on shore around morgan city new orleans you need to watch for this but certainly mississippi, texas in the Florida Panhandle you need to pay close attention, the rainfall over 6 8 a foot at least a rainfall and the restorm surge as Hurricane Force winds depending how strong the strong is once it comes on shore, this is been a recordbreaking year. 24 named storms and if we get this one a l storm that is made landfall that is never happened before, it has ten named storms make landfall on u. S. Soil, this is a big deal and obviously we are concerned for louisiana they have seen so many storms make impact, it is a dire situation unfortunately and we will continue to update but cat 4 storm as it makes its way into the gulf of mexico. Stuart another one, thank you very much indeed. California, ashley come in please, reporting its first giga file. It sounds very hightech, but really what it means is a single wildfire in Northern California has reached a staggering size of more than 1 million acres, making it the first socalled giga fire in the state of modern history, the oldest complex fire is what its called in Northern California has burned at least 1,002,000 acres and is doubled the size of the previous record setting fire, remarkable, the flames now cover seven counties in the overall size larger than the state of rhode island, its 54 contained in burning and rugged mountain regions that are very hard to reach, its going to carry on, california has recorded 17 of the 20 largest buyers in the last 20 years, 0 yes there are those that say its because of Climate Change but there are a growing number of critics who blame for his mismanagement and explosive population growth undergrowth for the number and explosive nature of these wildfires. Stuart good stuff, not good stuff, it is awful, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Steve hilton is with us, i want to talk to him about Governor Newsom adding equity requirements to the states reopening plan, counties have to curve the virus and the larger communities before they hope that the whole county, i think i got that right, what do you think about it. I will get to it in a second, might i comment on governor zuckerberg, that news that we just saw about facebook censoring the information, we just had thousands of scientists and Public Health experts comprehensively say that the shutdown are killing and will kill more people than the virus, first zuckerberg to censor that point of view, we can say he definitively is a risk to Public Health. Zuckerberg is not a fit and proper person to be running a platform at this time that is so influential. Stuart im glad you got that in it just broke and we appreciate your analysis. It is remarkable stuff. Im glad youre here to set it straight, good stuff indeed, i was asking you about this opening up countie the minority communities before you can open up the whole county, what do you think about that. Of course its true particular lowincome people, because of the decade of bad policy in california that has meant it is primarily black people, hispanic families that suffer most from the poor education policies and other policies that meant concentrated in those communities, that means they are more honorable to the virus, that is not the virus discriminating, that is the democrat policy failures have caused that situation, what they are doing with this policy now, adding even more complexity to an already laughably complex reopening plan with color coding and benchmarks and all these things that nobody can understand. I come back to the point that i made just now which is if you look at what the scientists are saying, Public Health experts, they say right now, we should reopen everything, we should reopen restaurants, offices, sports, schools, everything and protect the vulnerable, thats what weve been saying on my show for months now now we got that confirmed for over 3000 scientists who signed up to the Great Barrington declaration making that point. All these for elite technocratic micromanagement that you see from places like california. Stuart right again steve hilt hilton, we will watch on sunday night on fox news and we are very glad you are on the show this morning. Thank you very much indeed. Steve hilton. The media meltdown as President Trump returns to the white house. You gotta see this. Oh my goodness nicole, when i saw trump, i was overwhelmed. Now we see this tweet which is heartless, cruel. Stuart what will they do if trump wins i asked. I gotta tell you press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany joins me live to react to that stuff just a moment so youre a small business, or a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Stuart Kayleigh Mcenany tested positive for the virus days after the president and Kayleigh Mcenany joins us now. Great to see you. First off, how are you feeling. I am feeling great, absolutely no symptoms, im an asymptomatic case, very blessed in that regard, i know Many Americans were not so lucky and we certainly hold them in our prayers. Especially those who passed away to this terrible disease. Stuart can you give us an update on how the president is doing this morning. He is feeling great, ive been on the phone with the chief of staff and many others who are saying youre hard at work but you are allowed to rest, you know that but hes hard at work ready to go wanting to get back out there and is feeling very good, not only in spirits but good health. Stuart hes on his twitter account right now, he is tweeting as we speak but i want to know if he will address the nation today, go on camera with a national address, either today or soon, is it being planned. No decisions have been made on that front, he certainly does want to address it at some point in terms of timing of that, certainly no plan as of today but there always fast moving and we will be sure to let you know. Stuart you expect to see them on camera, may not from the oval office but on camera, the way he reassured people in the past couple of days that he is doing okay. If history dies you have to see them on camera each and every day since he contracted covid19 virus, i expect you will see him in some form today, i dont know exactly how that is, but you should see him at some point. Stuart lets go back to the white house nomination ceremony for judge barrett, a lot of people are calling it a super spreader event, what do you say about that . There is no way to say exactly where this originated certainly several of the people who tested positive were at that event that many of the individuals interact on a daily basis certainly when it comes to white house staff, there is no way to put a pinpoint audit but it is safe to say as soon as there is positive cases, Contract Tracing process began and we move forward in the white house has been plagued by the species like so Many Americans but the president is overcoming and americans do overcome at this point in our history. Stuart the spread of the virus to a number of american senators in the administration has clearly upset the campaign and the president positive rating has also upset the campaign but has the spreading of the virus within the administration and within the Republican Senate, has it disrupted the functioning of the government. Not undecided, i been there in person when i could and when i tested positive, even as according to process, we are regularly meeting at a chief of staff meeting, all of the typical meetings and some of us are doing it remotely and others in the building but we move forward in the president over the weekend with a dozen documents and he moves forward with the work of the American People. Stuart i got to say, i was really shocked at the medias reaction when the president walked out of walter reed, it was by two creative response in the extreme. I want to shore audience again what the media did with the president. Rotate. On my goodness nicole, when i saw that, trump, i was literally overwhelmed. Now we see a tweet which is heartless, cruel, what does that mean dont be afraid. First of all is a contagious disease that kills people, there is no where to begin. It is so horrible and so destructive to say i feel better than i have in 20 years. Stuart you heard it, our audience heard it several times on the show this morning, what is your response. Ive never seen this such animosity and range as a commanderinchief Contracting Company would and then coming over and getting over it. This would be a moment that we say were grateful that he is healthy and in good spirits, not only that most of all its an acknowledgment and the fact that the president was able to come through is an acknowledgment of what this administration has done, when we began this disease was something that no one seen came in and there was no identified therapeutics and President Trump got dexamethasone, which is looking very good, remdesivir, these therapeutics are what got the president through in these therapeutics are available, remdesivir dexamethasone, to the iraqi people who contract the illness because this president ripped down bureaucratic. Stuart he said dont be afraid of the virus, cannot dominate your life, is he trying to rally our countries morale and make a new start in responding to this customer. That is exactly it, the economy is open, americans are going back to work, he does not want the American People to be fearful, hes clear i dont want this virus is like, he himself has gone through it, its also with being optimistic about our future and giving the American People encouragement that we can go back to work safely if we wash our hands, socially distant and wear masks when we cannot do so, we cannot overcome it and it does not mean reshutting down the economy and the democrats would like to do reopening safely and cautiously. Stuart you tested positive and you told us this morning you have no symptoms but may i ask are you taking anything . All im taking is zinc and my vitamins but no therapeutic, for me they are not necessary at this point, zinc and my vitamin. Stuart you are great for the program, we always appreciate you being here and wish you well indeed and to the president as well. Thank you, back to the market really fast, not that much Price Movement so far today, we are up 50 points for the dow, thats what you got, is a nasdaq down. Susan down a half 8 in the session. Stuart starting this morning. Dont go anywhere, more varney after this. So we can spend a bit today, knowing were prepared for tomorrow. Wow dad, do you think you overdid it maybe . I dont think so. What do you think, peanut . Nope honey, do you think we overdid it . Overdid what . See . We dont think so, son. Technically, grandparents cant overdo it. Its impossible. Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. And sweetie can coloryou just be. Gentle with the pens. Okey. Okey. I know. Gentle. Gentle new projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database so you can start hiring right away. 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Stuart moments ago White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany was on the show, she said she was feeling good, she is taking zinc and i asked her if we would see the president on camera today and she said bearing history in mind, we will probably see him on camera today, lets go around the block, susan, ashley, lauren with me. Susan clear eye, energetic, she said we are on target when it comes to campaigning and rolling out the debate on october 15. Stuart actually what you got. Ashley i thought she looked great, sounding great, her messages we shall overcome, the president leading by example, i think steve hilton head it on the head, we need to protect the runnable so the rest can get on with our lives. Stuart lauren what you got. Lauren i agree, i agree with the optimism that you need to safely keep the country open so you dont make the economy sick, i agree with the progress that she touted that almost every therapeutic given to President Trump, the stairway, the remdesivir, not the regeneron, but anybody in the hospital being treated for covid has that available to them, we done really well, i disagree with what she said about it being business as normal in the white house, the white house is a hothead of the coronavirus, you have to think the tweeted manpower even though they can do all of this virtually has got to be an issue for weeks to the day before americans go to the polls. Stuart i shortly think its an issue for the campaign, the president cannot get out there and hold his mass rallies, certainly not in the immediate future, i dont think hes in any condition to do it, i agree with you in the sense there is really a big input on the campaign, has been disrupted, ashley tried to make the point that the president is trying to lead us out of this virus, trying to be positive, do you agree with that. Ashley i do, somebody like Ronald Reagan coming back so quickly after being shot, it was a message to the people of strength and perseverance, i think that is the message that the president is trying to give. Stuart im inclined to coin, we have nothing to fear but fear itself, that would be plagiarism from fdr, but i would use that, what do you think susan, we have nothing to fear but fear itself, we gotta get through it. Lauren entries before we open the economy as steve hilton pointed, closing down the economy kills more people than covid, this also leaves a lasting, damaging influence on the u. S. Economy, people that are permanently laid off and cannot put food on the table, education, you lost it for young kids, this is a big deal for closing down or shutting down the economy and schools. Stuart that really bothers me, it is minority of kids that the schools are often close, not always but often the case of the country, thick minorities and their education is really at stake, i think what is very grim full frankly. Lauren covid has exposed income inequality and that is happening in the education system, you cannot deny that, it is what we are dealing with now, there has to be a targeted way to keep the economy open to get stimulus to go to need it, six and half million job openings in 24 and half million americans getting some form of on appointment benefits, give the next round of checks to not discourage people to go for the six and half million jobs opening but to get them back to work but also support the mother not working. Stuart well said, the market just turned south by not by much, you will have more varney after this. You know, malcolm audibles got more than audiobooks. Of course, podcasts. Originals. Bestsellers. Future bestsellers. Sleep stories. Malcolm the most inspiring minds. The most compelling stories. All in one place. Audible. Some things are good to know. Like where to find the cheapest gas in town and which. 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Big tech down across the board. Neil, it is yours. Neil stuart, thank you very much. Were following all the developments. The bumpy run today is still up the last five sessions. Well see if they make it five of the last six. Were looking at stimulus talks back on picking up the pace. The were right now, the treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and nancy pelosi are resuming what are mostly phone calls with each other but you never know with these two. They seem to be making some progress. Thats what were told. Well wait. Four weeks from today we will know, at least four weeks from today the votes will be in. Wait a minute four weeks from today is election d

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