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Patience over and over with voters on the campaign trail. How will that play with the undecideds tonight. Watch the biden to go after trump on the New York Times taxes he didnt pay taxes eight out of 17 years, even though he acknowledged that in 2016. He said in 2016 that the losses in the 90s would wipe out his tax bill. He already said it. Kelly armstrong from house judiciary on this new stunner. Dni ratcliff declassifying information possibly from russian intelligence that Hillary Clinton approved a Campaign Plan from an advisor to quote, stir up a scandal, try to link trump to hacking of dnc emails in order to distract from hillarys own email controversy. All we know this came from russian intelligence. It could be true. We dont know just yet. Were dig into this story. Heres the issue. Dni ratcliff says former cia brennan told barack obama about hillarys plan. Told peter strzok, told james comey about it too. Here is the real scandal officials in the Intelligence Community here in the United States knew that Hillary Clinton was digging for dirt. Knew russia was pushing disinformation into the Hillary Clinton campaign. They knew the campaign was looking for dirt on trump but intelligence officials knew it was happening. They didnt stop it why . It was part of a prann to stop trump were digging into that true. Greg stuebe on Michael Flynns lawyers back in course with new evidence that they say the case against flynn should be tossed out. This is days after newlyreleased texts and former fbi officials behind the scene saying there was no basis to criminally prosecute flynn. Flynns lawyer, Sidney Powell not to pardon flynn, dont pardon general flynn. We have Fox News Contributor Deneen Borelli over the five of president Trumps Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett in a planned senate vote by the end of october. This is the gameplan for democrats. Mount a new battle plan to slow down judge barretts nomination. Well show you the democrats end game here. We have a packed show for you. The evening edit starts right now. Elizabeth okay. Thanks for joining us. Youre watching the evening edit on the fox business network. Listen to this key question from ronald reagan. Are you better off than you were four years ago . Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago . Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago . Is america as respected throughout the world as it was . Do you feel that our security is as safe. That were as strong as we were four years ago . If you answer all of those questions yes, why then i think your choice is very obvious to who you will vote for. Elizabeth and it is a key question for the debate tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern time. Cleveland now preparing for the trumpbiden showdown. Were still staying on this story. Looks like a heavy Police Presence there, the National Guard there in anticipation of protests. The secret service set up a perimeter around the building. Numerous road closures. Military trucks now on the scene. This is a pivotal debate tonight. A pandemic that has killed more than 200,000 in the u. S. That is what is going on. This is history in the making. Millions out of work. A fight over judge barretts u. S. Supreme court nomination. Riots and Economic Data before 2020, the news was coming in across demographic classes and Median Income was going up and poverty rate was dropping and jobs were coming in strong. With me former louisiana governor, 2016 candidate, louisiana governor bobby jindal. You debated trump in 2016. Who is the question who will take the undecideds tonight . One in 10 are undecided. Who will get them. Liz, thank you for having me back on the show. You hit it at the top of the hour, are you better off . You look at trumps economic record. Record low unemployment. Median income going up. Americans are doing better. This was not by accident. President trump cut taxes, cut regulations cracked down on unfair trade deals, cracked down on illegal immigration. It is not better off than you were four years ago, are you better off than 47 years ago. Joe biden had 47 years in washington, d. C. That is almost as long as ive been alive. 47 years to get this right. He hasnt done it yet. You listen to his policies. Not only do you have the anemic obama recovery to look back towards, you look forward. Talking about trillions of dollars in new taxes. He is talking about amnesty for illegal immigrants. He is talking about the record is soft on china. I think there is no contest. American voters especially undecided voters know trumps policies helped them economically. If reelected he will continue to build a Strong Economy especially as we come out of covid. Elizabeth i will talk to the booth right now. Show the viewer what the census is reporting on real Median Income for demographics classes. Lets show the viewer that now. Governor, there will be no opening statements. The first question will go to trump. Trump told advisors he is preparing and all out blitz on biden. Nearly five decades of d. C. Biden is out of touch with working class and middle class family. The president is expected to go after the paytoplay conflicts involving biden family cashing in on joe bidens name including his son hunter. That will be a hot button fire Work Exchange tonight. Is that what youre expecting . Look, absolutely. The media will not cover this controversy. Theyre absolutely protecting hunter biden and Vice President biden. He has serious questions to answer about his role in ukraine, his sons role in ukraine, with china, russia, at least gives the appearance of impropriety if not something worse. Here is the toughest question for biden, here is his toughest challenge, he has to hide the craziness of the Democratic Party without offending the crazy left. Aoc said dont take us for granted if you expect us to show up we expect you to deliver for us. He cant tell you who he will nominate the vote because he doesnt want to scare off voters. Biden doesnt talk ultimately about the policies, whether creating a public option within medicare. He doesnt talk openly about the four trillion dollars in new taxes. The Democratic Party is, held hostage by the radical left. They want to do things like get rid of the filibuster. They want to make d. C. And puerto rico states. They want to change the longstanding precedents and rules to try to give them a permanent hold on power. So biden has a tough position here. He doesnt want to scare off progressives but he wants to hide what the Democratic Party stands for. That is one of the reasons he is hiding in his basement. Elizabeth there is sidebar issues. Trump was talking about whether or not there will be earpieces in joe bidens ear. The Biden Campaign is denying that. The president is saying that joe biden should be drug tested. That he would take one too. Biden campaign is saying no to that. The Biden Campaign has requested two breaks every half hour in just 90 minute debate. Theyre denying theyre asking for that. A lot of report the coming out about that but you know, really all of that is going on but heres the thing, watch for biden to go after trump on the New York Times tax story that trump pays zero federal taxes 11 out of 18 years even though candidate trump already said that he acknowledged that in 2016, that his losses from the 90s and before would wipe out his tax bill. See that headline from the new york time from october 2016. So heres the thing. Hillary clinton made the mistake, governor of not showing she, not proving to voters that she was separate from the status quote in d. C. , separate from d. C. Culture. Instead she kept going after trump in 2016. Is biden going to make the same tonight too, attack trump, not delineate who he is in his policies . You mentioned about two things. Im all for tax reform, i want a fair, simpler, flatter tax code with lower rates, we close the loopholes pay their fair share, with lower rates. If democrats want that, welcome to the club. Lets have the debate. Im more worried about the fact that joe biden wants to raise all our taxes. He wants to restore the individual mandate. Im more worried about that when it comes to taxes. Hillary clinton made a huge mistake not telling america what she would do as president. Biden is falling into the same trap. Voters made up their mind about trump. What new thing about trump. Those like him already and his policies already like him. Those that dont like the tweets or manner already dont like them. The Democratic Party is at war with itself. Media talks about divisions in the republican party. It is really Democratic Party is being attorney about the radical left. Does the future belong to aoc or moderate reformminded democrats. That is why biden will not offer his vision for america. Elizabeth all right. Governor jindal, always great to have you on. We appreciate your insights. Come back soon, okay . Okay, still ahead congressman Kelly Armstrong from house judiciary on this new bombshell, dni ratcliff declassifying information that Hillary Clinton had approved a Campaign Plan to quote, stir up a scandal by trying to link President Trump to the russian hacking of the democrat emails. The Mueller Probe showed none of that happened. Why was she doing that . To distract from her email server controversy. Also this, dni ratcliff says former director brennan and and obama officials about the plan. Something is coming. This story is next. President trump the headline from the federalist, reads, trump was right. Explosive new fbi texts detail internal furor over handling of the crossfire hurricane investigation. That was the name. We call it, we had them before this, but this is like, remember the insurance policy . Darling, darling, i love you so much, darling. Ar. Stronger or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large theres surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. Hisamitsu. And as i look toward 65, hi, im dorothy hamill. I know i want Medicare Coverage that can help me stay active. Like aetna medicare that takes a total, connected approach to my health. Aetna medicare. Keep doing what you love. And a high risk for fracture, osteoporosis now might not be the best time to ask yourself, are my bones strong . Life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. Only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. Do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. Serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. Tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen. Or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. Speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. Prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. Are you ready . Ask your doctor about prolia® fda approved for 10 years. Elizabeth lets welcome congressman Kelly Armstrong from house judiciary. Okay, congressman, this is a new bombshell. Information is coming in from dni ratcliff. He declassified information that chin had approved a Campaign Plan back in 2016, in july of 2016 from an advisor to quote, stir up a scandal by trying to link trump to the russian hacking of the dnc emails in order to distract from her own email server controversy. Here is the real scandal, officials in the Intelligence Community hillary and her team were looking for dirt. They knew that russia was pushing disinformation to the steele dossier and into the Hillary Clinton campaign. They didnt do anything about it. Why . All to bring down donald trump. Your reaction to this story . First i really miss John Ratcliffe on judiciary but i am glad he is where he is right now. I think you have to take this at it its very basis, todays declassification confirms from the beginning the fbi knew, or at the very least should have been skeptical that the entire russian collusion investigation was based on disinformation and collusion from the Hillary Clinton campaign. Elizabeth din ratcliff also says in a letter to Lindsey Graham that former cia director john brennan told barack obama about it and also intelligence officials told peter strzok and james comey about it. Weve got james comey, mccabe coming up at a hearing shortly within the next couple weeks. James comey testifying tomorrow. Should they be asked why didnt you know this was going on . That a russian spy was the main source for the antitrump steele dossier . Why didnt the Mueller Probe start investigating intelligence officials who were letting this happen in order just to block trump . Were talking john brennan allegedly and others . I mean, that is exactly right and they were briefed. It was not just comey but also peter strzok. This is in september of 2016. We know exactly what happened afterwards. It is obvious, combined with what we know about the steele dossier and i mean all of the other things, that they just took this one way and they didnt care what the evidence, where the evidence took them. They were solely interested in going after the Trump Campaign at the time. Then the Trump Administration after november. And anybody who has been a part of any of these investigations knows, it is what weve been saying. There is always these little fires they put out. They always blame them on, systemic errors or mistakes. Whether closing the flynn file or any of those things but at some point in time you have to just recognize this was a coordinated effort. Elizabeth yeah. You know, again the Mueller Probe found that you know trump and his team didnt collude with russia to hack dnc emails or other democrat emails. You know last night former director of National Intelligence ric grenell warned this show about something coming. Here is ric grenell. He is saying intelligence ags were sitting on more government documents. Were hearing separate from that, there will be more disclosures coming out, soon, in coming days. Lets listen to former acting dni ric grenell here. Watch. Im getting im getting really impatient with those individual agencies that know exactly what im talking about, that know exactly what documents they need toooo rea rseel. Ea ey haveeen bendn upodndodo d it andit pngla plaames. Is isotot for t eliz are t ahe soso here het meet it i out. Sosola hryillaillaillalintonlilm looki lngoo f l dir lt l ju6. 6. Russiaru k ru knewhat. Iaru gru disinatfoiormnat irmatm the steeleeeee dsi der. Ththth thehen uses uss theel see iedor ssindosstdossdoss to get f agag itenclunclu crr page. Pag ey didnt tt t the fisa f crt about theroroncnc of the ss disfofoion. The wasas lel pprspp trsheyhe knew t a a a a ssian was ins on tm early on. Is this perjury before the fisa court . Well, we already know that there was perjury in the omission of an email, but absolutely. Ive been one of these guys that has been frustrated how long the durham investigation has been going, but now i think im glad it is taking longer because i want them to have all of this information. Because every single day this stuff comes out it seems more and more that we are learning, not just that this entire thing was based on a complete, on a hoax but that there was coordinated efforts to drive this investigation when they knew full well they shouldnt be. And that is whether thats perjury or not, it warrants more more investigation. We already know they werent afraid to alter an email in order to get what they wanted. Who knows what else well fine. Elizabeth yeah, it should be noted that democrats funded the steele dossier and Hillary Clinton did too. Congressman, thanks for joining us. Great to see you. You have a final word . Go ahead. I was going to say i think director comey was more concerned about defending himself sally yates throwing himself under the bus last time she was there but i think he will have a lot more to talk about. Elizabeth well cover that tomorrow. Thank you, congressman. Come back soon. Thank you. Elizabeth sure. Coming up greg stuebe from house judiciary on this fight today. General Michael Flynns lawyer Sidney Powell back in court today with that new evidence of fbi texts and fbi officials saying there was no case against flynn. Saying judge, toss this case. Judge, you have quote abject bias against general flynn. That story is coming up too. Also Sidney Powell said in court today she told the president dont pardon general flynn. Were going to break all of this down for you coming up next. President trump it is the biggest single scandal of our time. Certainly the biggest political scandal perhaps in history. They, they spied on our campaign and then they tried for a coup. 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All of these Text Messages and were now getting out just shows the deep state that was against general flynn and would stop at nothing to bring him down and, they took out, they all knew that they could be liable so they took out insurance to cover themselves in case they were sued. I hope general flynn gets the case dismissed and brings civil actions against all of them for the damage done to him personally, all the money he had to spend on lawyers. Hopefully he can recoup some of that. Elizabeth you know, William Barnett a former fbi official saying there was no predicate for a criminal investigation into, into Michael Flynn. You know, why didnt they get, why were they allowed to get National Security letters that are not approved by a judge or a court . Thats when you do when there is a criminal probe. This was now, became a counterintelligence probe. Then they started to getting National Security letters that circumvent a judge without court authorization in order to tap into general flynns finances. That is how deep this thing got. At the same time the fbi Text Messages show they were saying this is a madhouse, this is a mad scramble, this is a nightmare. Were going to have to buy personal insurance here because there is misconduct going out. If this thing ever comes out in the public sphere, were going to be in trouble effectively is what they were saying. So this is worse than we realized, sir, do you agree with that, it is worse than you thought . It goes deeper than any american thought possible, that the highest levels of our government, you talk about a scandal . There was not any russian collusion scandal perpetrated on the American People for three years. The real scandal was the deep state fbi and the democrats and obama and his entire administration was using all of their tools they could to use a false dossier to get a fisa warrant, spy on the Trump Campaign, try to take down general flynn because they knew if general flynn was in the position that he was in, he would be able to identify all of the things that was going on in those investigations to stop them and they didnt want that to happen. They wanted trump investigations to go forward, the mueller investigations to go forward. I hope more information continues to come out so the American People can see before the election how bad people in the Bidenobama Administration and Hillary Clinton tried to take down general flynn and others just for political purposes. Elizabeth you know, Sidney Powell urged the judge to recuse himself in the case saying youre biased. Then Sidney Powell said in court today she asked the president not to pardon general flynn. When you heard that, what was your reaction to that story . Well i think she wants to let the Justice System play out because true justice here would be for the case to be, the charges to be dismissed against general flynn. Obviously at some point if that doesnt happen, the president can pardon him. I think she feels very confident with all of the misconduct that went on that this case against general flynn should be dismissed and his name given back to him and then she can start pursuing civil remedies against all of these bad actors who apparently took out Liability Insurance so that Liability Insurance can pay to bring general flynn back financially where he should have been, where he was when all of this takedown occurred. Elizabeth you know, former acting director of National Intelligence ric grenell talked to us last night saying that the government was weaponized under the obama administration. Lets listen to this. No question that there were recommendations to drop this Michael Flynn case and then there was a meeting at the white house that joe biden attended and susan rice and others and somehow after that meeting there seemed to be a new vigor to go after flynn and others and so, i think its pretty clear that the evidence shows that higher ups became very political in trying to go after the trump team. Warning signs were there and now were only seeing them later on. Weve got to fix this problem. Weve got to make sure that government isnt weaponized. Elizabeth so you know, the National Security letters, the fbi team was texting each other saying, okay, were doing these socalled nsls. Were not finding anything in it. There is, we didnt find anything about the investigation about flynn. Ha, ha, this is a nightmare. There is no content were getting out of these nsls in terms of flynn misfeasance or malfeasance. That is enrun around the court, court authorized subpoenas. Nsls, you dont have to go to court to get them this is 257ing into flynns finances without court approval. The question were his 14th amendment Due Process Rights violated . Because Sidney Powell was relying on heavily redacted emails she is getting. Theyre not getting the full story what they were doing to general flynn and possibly others on the trump team . Yeah, because they were using the Intelligence Community to gather all of this information and concoct all of this information. That is what was, subterfuge with the whole russia collusion hoax, there was all this classified, not classified, happening in the Intelligence Community. So it put a lot of smoke screen over what was really happening where you had individuals trying to take down people like general flynn, trying to take down President Trump after the election, after he had dulyelected and duly won. And hopefully some of these indictments and some of these criminal prosecutions will come out soon from the durham investigation because if there is not justice done for all this bad acting and this complete miscarriage of just from a rogue fbi at the highest level, then a lot of americans will be frustrated about that. Elizabeth congressman stuebe, great to have you on. Good to see you. Elizabeth sure. Up next Fox News Contributor Deneen Borelli on this upcoming fight, president Trumps Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. This is a planned senate vote for her by the end of october to seat her by the of october but democrats are mounting a new battle plan to slow down her nomination. We will show you the democrats endgame here. That story next. Never before in our nations history has a Supreme Court justice been nominated and installed while a president ial election is already underway. This is decision tech. Find a stock based on your interests or whats trending. 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Do you think they are going to do it . Let me tell you who knows what the democrats because their temper tantrum continues liz. They utterly despise this woman because of the fact that she is a christian, she is a religious person. She is a constitutionalist. She is conservative. She has children. Add on top of that list the fact that President Trump nominated her. So she is a deplorable as far as theyre concerned. They despise her. Theyre not looking at her merits, her character or her accomplishments. Got to tell you democrats i think they are boxed in, liz. Voters will remember how they treated now Justice Kavanaugh and his family. How they targeted him. How they went after his children, his family and, theyre going to look at the fact that voters will be watching to see how they treat judge barrett. She is a woman. She is fully qualified for the Supreme Court and well see what the democrats do. Elizabeth you know theyre expected to invoke the two hour rule to slow it down, to halt all Committee Business after the senate has been in session for two hours. Do things like boycott the quorum call. A lot of points of order, motions to adjourn. The fear is that you know, judge barrett, she says im not going to legislate from the bench. That is effectively what she said. She is basically saying, you know, im going to apply the law. Im about the constitution. She questioned the individual mandate too, you know, in obamacare, constitutionality of it. The democrats dont like that. Theyre also talking about walking out, boycotting confirmation hearings and more. The question, when will she be seated after she is confirmed . November, december . We dont know. No, youre right. Where are the adults in the room when it comes to the democrats. Like i said theyre just throwing a temper tantrum. Chuck schumer is saying that they are united in opposition to confirming her. You have schumer refusing to meet with her. Richard blumenthal and mazie hirono, theyre putting out there theyre not planning to sit down with judge barrett. That speaks volumes. Voters need to look how democrats are acting. Theyre all about disrupting. Theyre all about creating chaos. That is what theyre doing in terms of judge barrett for sure. Elizabeth yeah. Senator, democrat senator van hollen said judge barrett, if she is on the Supreme Court should recuse herself from the, any vote that affects the election results. Lets listen to senator john kennedy here about what you talked about, deneen, about the personal attacks against judge barrett. Listen to this. Youre correct. It is only monday so far judge barrett has been called a religious bigot, a racist, an antifeminist, a antipublic health. Her opponents havent gotten around yet to calling her an alien lizard person but it will come. This is what theyre upset about. Judge barrett is a constitutionalist, which means she is a madisonian, which means she believes in the separation of powers. Elizabeth you know, you make a good point whether this confirmation hearing will alienate suburban moms and pops and middle class, and working class, they will see what people feel is coming takedown, attempted takedown of judge barrett. There is a credibility crisis for democrats. People more and more who will we listen to, who will we believe anymore, right, deneen . Right. It was an absolute circus with kavanaugh. Democrats are boxed in at this point because judge barrett is a female. She has children. She is a mom. They have to look out for the moderates, the moms and people of faith and how they will respond to how the democrats are continuing the temper tantrum, but continuing it no matter what it is, liz. Elizabeth Deneen Borelli, youre always great. Come back soon. Thanks, liz anytime. Elizabeth good to see you. Coming up congressman mark green from House Homeland Security on this story, the Minneapolis Police department now saying it is investigating an alleged voter fraud plot, allegedly involving staffers and allies of representative ilhan omar. Congressman green will break down that story and other cases of voter fraud in states across the country. Were tracking it. The story next. President trump you get millions of ballots, 80 million they say all over the United States where the hell are they going, who is sending them, who is getting them, who is sending them back, what is happening with the transportation, who is guarding the lockboxes . They know it is a fraud waiting to happen. Keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo. Elizabeth okay. Lets welcome back to the show congressman mark green of House Homeland Security. Great to have you back on, sir. The integrity of the election is coming up in debates tonight. We have the Minneapolis Police department now investigating allegations of voter fraud and illegal ballot harvesting involving allies and Campaign Staffer connected to congresswoman ilhan omar . Can you break this down . Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for having me on the show, liz. What happened project veritas did some undercover work and discovered this individual who admitted to having 300 plus ballots in the back seat of his car. He said there were tons of other people doing the exact same thing, harvesting ballots. I think in that state the law is that you can only carry ballot up to three people. One person can carry up to three ballots. Those limitations are set. If youre going to help someone out, help a neighbor out, help an early derly individual get their ballot counted, that is why the laws were set up like that. This is a gross abuse. It is against the law. The individuals even quoted as saying about congresswoman ilhan omar she would do anything she could to win. It is appropriate for the police to be investigating, i agree with President Trump. I think the attorney general needs to get involved there. You know the democrats and the media keep saying there are no problems with mailin ballots or absentee ballots or no voter fraud. Here is the problem for that storyline, wait for it. Ive been watching this for decades and looking into it. The states and local officials dont monitor problems at state and local level. There is virtually no oversight of the problem, right . There is virtually no policing of the problem for years. There are voter fraud allegations involving mailin ballots now in pennsylvania, new york, minnesota, new jersey and texas. We have problems with people going into Senior Citizens homes, taking their ballots and writing in whoever they want to vote for. I mean so the fact that the media and democrats continue to downplay it without doing the investigative work and doing the legwork to see, yeah, there might be a problem, is a problem for the country and for the election system. Do you agree . Absolutely. I mean you look and you mentioned the incident i think in pennsylvania where military ballots were actually opened and then thrown in the dump, in a dumpster. I think it is wisconsin they found three trayfuls of ballots in a ditch. This is insane. The notion, the fact that they continue to kind of push this narrative that theyre safe, it only shows that just like ilhan omar, the rest of the democrats are willing to do anything to claim power and that means abusing other people who vote legitimately. Elizabeth were showing a Time Magazine headline that the postal service, u. S. Post office did not update at least 1. 8 million addresses for change of addresses for mailin ballots. We also have joe bidens political director for texas allegedly involved in illegal ballot harvesting scheme involving possibly Senior Citizen homes. The stories keep coming in. 1400 ballots. 14 virginia voters got two absentee ballots. New york city, people in new york, basically got mailin ballots and absentee ballots, looks like, mailin ballots meant for the u. S. Military when they never served. That is what is happening, congressman. It is crazy, liz. Pew Research Institute did a study. I think it was in 2014, that found 24 million voter registrations had significant errors in them. You cant do these mass mailouts to just here is the problem. The democrats want to conflate the idea of an absentee ballot which is very secure, you have to request and just mass mailings. Theyre not the same. Theyre certainly not as secure. That is just another misinformation from them. I would go so far to say a lie and a deception in order to get this, the wool pulled over the eyes of the American People. Elizabeth well, congressman, we appreciate you breaking down how theyre trying to whip fastballs by viewers and voters. Love having insights and perspectives. Come back soon, congressman. Will do. Elizabeth next up we talk to trump 2020 director of communications tim murtagh. Here is the story, will joe biden risk alienating voters if he loses his cool and does not talk about his policies, like massive tax hike and dialing up trade deals that hurt American Workers . He yelled at voters on rare times he hit the campaign trail. In case youre not sure what critics are talking aabout, we have joe biden on tape losing his patience with voters over and over again. That story next. Does. Does. My mom has super powers. Its like she can see the future. What . its like she time travels in a rocket ship. Thats cool and then she comes back saying try this or try that. She helps everyone. She helps them feel less worried. Wow mommy, so what is it that you do . Im a financial advisor. She is aig proudly supports all the professionals taking care of our financial futures. And a high risk for fracture, osteoporosis now might not be the best time to ask yourself, are my bones strong . Life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. Only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. 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You know, biden, when he is asked questions, he often getsage anticipated, you know, and loses his cool. Democrats hope the first debate will be bidens to lose, but will trump try to trigger biden to lose his temper, and thats when critics warn biden will lose voters, is that the plan here . I think the president s going to challenge joe biden, and hes going to talk an awful lot about 47 years of failure, and joe bidens been a washington, d. C. Politician, and the president is going the contrast his own record of accomplishment and building the worlds best economy once and the fact that hes already doing it again and talk about joe bidens failures economically, voting for nafta, always putting the interests of china ahead of the american worker. Now hes got a plan to raise taxes by 4 trillion, and the president s going to make the case that he has accomplished more in 47 months than joe biden has accomplished in 47 years. And what really gets under joe bidens skin is direct criticism of his record and also and im not going to predict for certain that its going to come up tonight, but i think when people mention hunter biden to him, that iewn really gets him going, and well see if the president does that tonight. Elizabeth yeah. Weve been covering President Trump. He pushes back on reporters, he gets vituperative with them, he gets personal, he gets to the personal level and personally attacks people. People dont like that. What were talking about we understand that, weve been covering that. What were talking about now is joe biden and his short temper on the campaign trail. When joe biden has been asked basic questions about his policies like tax hikes and more, about his family cashing in on his name and more, the question is will biden keep his cool tonight and talk policy or not . Watch how he talked to voters on the trail. Watch this. [inaudible] [bleep] youre a damn liar, man. Thats not true. You want to check lets run, lets do whatever you want to do. [applause] wait, wait, wait, youre getting nervous, man. Youve got to talk that way [inaudible] its not a conflict of interest. Theres been no indication of any conflict of interest. Not on ukraine, anywhere else, period. Im not going to respond to that. Lets focus on the problem, focus on this man. Elizabeth so you see the point is, is that he tries to make up for, establish the credibility of his position by gettingage anticipated, by bullying, and he goes off on agitated and he goes off on people. You wonder the is he going to call trump a lying dog face pony [laughter] right. Elizabeth is he going to try to get biden to lose his cool . Well see if that happens. The strategy is to be critical of joe bidens record because theres an awful lot on tritt call of critical of. And maybe he will lose his cool, and well see. We did ask that joe biden be, submit to an inspection to see if hes wearing an earpiece tonight. They declined to submit joe biden to that. The prime minister, as you probably the president , as you probably knows asked for a drug test. Heres what we do know about joe biden. In 47 years in washington, he knows what hes going on a debate stage. He was 30 years in the senate where all they do is debate. In fact, he had a reputation of being a guy who would never really shut up. He won two debates when he was running for Vice President both times, and in the democrat primaries he came through 11 debates and did very well and beat two dozen of his points. The president will be ready. Hes going to be aggressive, and hes going to go after joe bidens record and what joe biden is proposing. Elizabeth yeah. I hear that youre saying. Joe biden, though, has not been on the campaign trail for a third of the time since early august, and President Trump said he considers his daily question and answer sessions with journalists as debate preparation, that he ds debate preparation every day talking to reporters, and joe biden hasnt really been doing that. Do you see that as a weakness that the president will try to capitalize on tonight . Well, i mean, i think whats been happening as joe biden has been talking entire days off from the campaign trail is he had plenty of time to hit the books and go through mock sessions ors, study the issues and try to remember his set lines. So well see if he can pull it off. But heres a guy whos been around the block a few times, and the president will be ready for him. Joe biden we expect to be on his a game tonight. Elizabeth no half hour breaks, right . No, that was the other thing. Elizabeth okay. Thats right. Elizabeth all right, tim, weve got to go. Really appreciate it. Im elizabeth macdonald, youve been watching the evening edit. Were going to be covering the debate tomorrow night and a whole lot more headlines. We hope you have a good evening and thanks for watching. Lou good evening, everybody. We are two hours away from the first president ial debate of this 2020 election year. It will be held in cleveland, ohio. President donald trump and joe biden to square off in a debate moderated by Fox News Sunday host crest wallace. The top chris wallace. The topics include the records of both the president and the former Vice President. The china virus pandemic, the economy, the Supreme Court, Election Integrity and race relations. The debate is set to last an hour and a half

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