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Breaks during that 90minute debates, a request the Biden Campaign denies they ever made and one the Trump Campaign maintains they would not agree to. Biden and his handlers may be somewhat concerned that he wont be able to keep up with the highenergy President Trump. And heres a reminder of how a highenergy trump took down crooked Hillary Clinton in 2016. I will bring back jobs. You cant bring back jobs well, actually, i have thought about this quite a bit. For 30 years. Its politicians like secretary clinton that have caused this problem. Our country has tremendous problems. We have a country that needs new roads, new tunnels, new bridges, new airports, new schools, new hospitals, and we dont have the money because its been squandered on so many of your ideas. Its just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. Because youd be in jail. Secretary clinton [cheers and applause] because putin has outsmarted her at every mr. Trump finish. She has been outsmarted and outplayed worse than anyone ive ever seen. John podesta said you have terrible instincts. Bernie sanders said you have bad judgment. I agree with both. Lou highenergy President Trump. Well, Trump Campaign officials are also asking for a third party to inspect both candidates ears for the placement of Electronic Devices or transmitters. The president consented to such a search. The biden side would not. Despite having reportedly agreed to the request only a few days ago. Well have full debate coverage this evening. Were joined this hour by rnc chair Ronna Mcdaniel, White House Press secretary caylee mcend e neighborny as well as the political savant himself, ed rollins, columnist michael goodwin. With this political showdown in ohio just hours away, another showdown has just wrapped up in the nations capital. General Michael Flynns attorney, Sidney Powell, and department of justice attorneys in court again today for more than six hours. Both sides working together, trying to get chiptona clintonappointed judge Emmet Sullivan to follow the law, to follow attorney general barrs orders to drop the case against President Trumps former National Security adviser. The petulant judge Emmet Sullivan seems committed to stalling flynns case. He claimed today he is not a rubber stamp and that he wants to scrutinize the justice departments request to dismiss the case. He has been doing exactly that, and at one point during the contentious hearing, Sidney Powell urged judge sullivan to recuse himself from the flynn case entirely and immediately, saying sullivan has shown abject bias against general flynn. Well be talking with attorney Sidney Powell this evening as soon as she is out of the hearing and in position to discuss the events of the day with us. As general flynns case is being dragged out by the federal judiciary and judge Emmet Sullivan in particular, new evidence today was released that further ties Hillary Clinton and the Obama Biden Administration to the plot, the conspiracy to overthrow President Trump. Senator Lindsey Graham released declassified information from the director of National Intelligence, john ratcliffe. That intelligence shows the russians knew of a plot by Hillary Clinton to concoct the phony trumprussia collusion narrative. Clintons plan, according to the contemporaneous note taking that is included in that intelligence, was to tie mr. Trump to Vladimir Putin and the russians hacking of the dnc. And according to the handwritten notes in one case of john brennan, head of the cia, the Obama Biden White house was being briefed about the report as early as july of 2016 by former cia director john brennan. Two months later intelligence officials sent an investigative referral to former fbi director james comey and former fbi agent peter strzok saying clintons plan was devised to distract from her use of her private email server. There is no indication from todays declassification that the fbi ever investigated any of the allegations that were taken to them against clinton. Joining us now is senator ron johnson. He is the chairman of the Homeland Security committee. And, senator, it is good to have you with us. We have much to talk about here tonight. I would like to get your reaction, if we may, first to these newly reelited de released declassified documents showing that theres good reason to investigate Hillary Clinton further all these many years later. Let me first start by commenting on judge sullivan. What he ought to be scrutinizing is the scandal and the corruption within the fbi, what Robert Mueller ought to have been investigating as well, the corruption of that investigatory process. Now were seeing, and these documents are coming out way too late, lou. Chairman grassley and i had a request in april of this year to have all of the intelligence information turned over from the fbi on this, and we havent got any of this. Im glad that dni ratcliffe finally released this to senator grahams committee, but we are learning this way too late. What we have now is another piece of the puzzle. And i put these pieces of the puzzle into our investigatory timeline, and heres how it fits. On july 26th, Hillary Clinton allegedly signed off on this plan. That was the exact same day that the friendly Foreign Government information on papadopoulos was delivered to the london embassy, u. S. London embassy. Two days later that same information was delivered to headquarters, the Counterintelligence Division in washington, d. C. At the fbi. Three days later, crossfire hurricane, the whole investigation into trumps collusion with russia began. Is that just a coincidence . I dont know. Its a pretty interesting piece of the puzzle. Lou its an extraordinary set of, well [laughter] concurrent accidents or just simply straightforwardly orchestration which is what it appears to be. This is, you raised the central issue here, which is why isnt there an investigation of this fbi, a serious investigation. When our oversight committees of our senate and our congress cannot somehow get the documents that they demand from the fbi, from intelligence services, were in a difficult, difficult position. And when weve got the federal judiciary beginning to act as though they are, as well as the fbi and the department of justice, politically corrupt as well. Emmet sullivan is a judge unto himself here. And he is supported by a d. C. Court of appeals that are breaking all law, convention and precedent. Your thoughts. Well, lou, as you may be aware of, i got so frustrated with the fbis lack of response for our request for information, for example, like that april 2019 or 2020 request, lou, i finally issued a subpoena. The fbi now is on its second extension, and their still not giving us this information. You mentioned documents. Heres one that was presented to us by the General Services administration. This is an email you can see its all laid out there, the only thing the redacted is the mobile phone number of the sender. Heres the fact same email exact same email provided to us by the fbi. Its almost 100 redacted, and this is the kind of production were getting out of the fbi when i subpoenaed all these records. We should have gotten what chairman graham releaseed, we should have gotten that months ago. We should know about this. Were hearing right now that john durham may not provide any information or a report because its being said that its too political. The Political Action taken would be in not releasing this information so the American People go to the polls ignorant of all this corruption, all the wrongdoing the fbi and the department of justice under the obama administration. Lou you are doing your level best to get to the bottom of what was going on in obamagate. To find out how corrupt, thats the only issue, how politically corruption were the Obama Justice department and fbi. Theres no doubt that the corruption was considerable, but its not quantified, and no one has been held to account. Durham not producing even an interim report and i have to say to you, senator, im a guy who said i dont want to see a report, i want to see charges. Right now i would beg to see an interim report that at least gave us a glimpse of what we could expect. But i am so sickened and dise appointed by what this attorney general and what this investigating u. S. Attorney, john durham, have refused to produce going into this election, i just cant even express it. It is the American People, their will is being thwarted, and their right to know is being absolutely denied. What should we do as a is this government capable of responding to this kind of a conspiracy against a sitting president to overthrow him, or do we have to have a new approach to this one . Well, first of all, make sure we reelect donald trump as president so we can get to the bottom of this. When we have wrongdoing in the political realm, we are doing these investigates completely backwards. It should start with congress, and congress should have access to all of the information. If we find, you know, evidence of criminality, we can turn that over to the justice department, if theres a conflict, they can set up a special counsel. Its been completely reversed. Here we are three and a half years later, and the American People still dont know the depth of the corruption. We know the fbi understood that the russians were trying to infiltrate the steele organization, that the steele dossier had russian disinformation, that the primary subsource said it was bar talk. They knew this in january 2016, and yet they continued the investigation. Comey corruptly set up, you know, helped generate with Rod Rosenstein a special counsel that lasted for months and put this country through a political nightmare. Never should have happened if we we would have started by giving Congress Access to all the information. Here we are a month before the election, and this Committee Chairman working with chairman grassley e has asked for all this information, and weve basically gotten squat. Lou well, tomorrow well see senator grahams committee listening to the testimony of fired fbi director james comey. He may be able to shed some light on this. But his being able doesnt mean, of course, that he e will. Are you hopeful that anything will be produced meaningfully from his appearance . Well, this disclosure from dni ratcliffe is very important because thatll put the heat on comey. Its very difficult to conduct a decent hearing or interview if you dont have the documents to back it up, otherwise youre flying blind. And thats been our problem, weve been flying blind. Comey does exactly knows exactly what he did, strzok knows what he did, people inside these agencies are hiding the ball very effectively and just i trying to run out the chock. Im doing everything i can to get the American People the truth, its about getting them the truth because they deserve it. Lou senator johnson, i want to which can by saying were all in your conclude by saying were all in your debt for your efforts to do so, and we applaud you and wish you must luck in succeeding in the days awe heed. Senator ron johnson, thanks for being with us. Up next, more on politically corrupt judge Emmet Sullivan and his political persecution of general flynn that has now been going on for four years. Thats what he and his family have had to suffer through. And judge sullivan, the Appellate Court of d. C. Have no intention of doing the right thing, the legal thing, the constitutional thing. Attorney Sidney Powell joins us next. And we invite you to buy the new week the book the trump century, available at loudobbsshop. Com. Thats loudobbsshop. Com, a plus for all american patriots. Anyone who orders gets a autographed copy of my book, if you win the lottery, at least. [laughter] well announce that on fridays show. Did i mention loudobbsshop. Com is for patriots . Stay with us. So through ancestry, i discovered my great aunt ruth signed up as a nursing cadet for world war ii. She was only 17. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Number 360 smart bed. To life like never before. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with mom . You got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1,399, save 300. Plus 0 interest for 36 months on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. Mucklou it looks as though chia and george soros are aligned in their efforts to influence this years elections. The chineseowned video app tiktok will now, it says, feature a guide to u. S. Elections, offering information about candidates, how to vote, the election process, you know, that sort of thing. The content will be provided by outside organizations, one of which is media wise. Media wise is part of the sorosfundedpointer institute. The lou dobbs tonight word of the day is showdown, which means a final test or confrontation intended to settle a dispute. And joining us tonight is the attorney who had a nearly six hour showdown with the obviously politically biased and politically corrupt federal judge Emmet Sullivan who has departed from all procedure of the federal courts to carry out his own initiatives. Sidney powell is general Michael Flynns attorney. Is she joins us now by phone having just left the courtroom. Sidney, good, first of all, to have you with us, and secondly, it was quite a confrontation between you and the judge. Where do you believe the proceeding left general flynn and his, and his efforts to be free of this persecution that is, up credibly, four years long incredibly . Well, i wish i could tell you its over, lou, but its not. General flynn is now being persecuted clearly by the court with judge sullivan and many mr. Gleason having taken up the mantle of people like peter strzok and andy mccabe and james comey and barack obama and mr. Biden for persecuting and investigating and wrongfully prosecuting general flynn when there was absolutely no basis to do so as acknowledged in the words of the agents themselves and the many documents the government has produced in the last several weeks. Lou during that hearing you toll the judge to his face told the judge to his face that he had conducted himself with abject bias. What was his responsesome. He response . He pretty well shut me down on those arguments. He certainly did the first time. I got more in the second time i started talking about it, and we will be filing a motion to discuss qualify him because the comments he made today reflect pure political ambitions and continuing the prosecution of general flynn and other actions since the Court Remanded it to him also. It was absolutely appalling, lou. It was just nothing short of stunning. I would have thought we were in a third world country where political prosecutions are common place. Lou and its, its [laughter] it is also a political corruption that has reached to the Appellate Court, certainly. The d. C. Appellate court supporting all of this. Is justice its just as contemptible, in my book. Youre the attorney, but i can tell you as a citizen to watch an Appellate Court basically embrace Emmet Sullivan and his obvious bias, his obvious prejudice against your client, a threestar general, served the country with distinction, and they have gone after him and panel at the behest of powerful political figures. We know some of the names. We dont know all of them. Your thoughts. Yes, they have gone after him hammer and tongue, no amount of evidence that has been produced would dissuade them. In fact, the way they dealt can with that is simply to pretend it did not exist. It was obvious judge sullivan had not read the exculpatory findings that have been released to him. He clearly didnt know that he had failed to do a complete rule 11 colloquy in the second instance. Thats because he apparently hasnt read our briefs on those subjects. Hes focused only on what mr. Gleason gave him to read which require the case be dismissed. Lou and on we go. And your client remains caught in a hell of persecution. Peter strzok, his attorney today saying that notes by you were, as he put i it, doctored. What is your response to that, that claim . Well, thats laughable. Weve produced what the government gave us. I dont know where the documents came from in their files or who might have made the notations on them if mr. Strzok didnt, but the let or his lawyer sent to the court is an extrajudicial that is wholly improper e. The same is true with President Trumps tweets which were at least themselves transparent and discussed only the facts of the case and the egregious government misconduct whereas we have obama and biden secretly in the oval a office telling the fbi to investigate and pursue the case when they knew from comeys own mouth that the calls with ambassador kislyak were perfectly legitimate. This is the most egregious abuse of power, obstruction of justice that you can think of. And after that John Ratcliffes letter today to Lindsey Graham that its clear that peter strzok knew that she knew he was working on the case. Its all tying together now. Lou it is coming together now. I want to ask you two requests quickly. Your thoughts about john durham. You know, we dont know if its true, but the reports continue that he will not be producing either charges or any kind of interim report. And, most importantly for you and for your client, what is next . Im appalled we have no indictments get from mr. Durham. As long as this has gone on and as much evidence has been apparent, there could have been some significant charges brought and producedded even more charges because people apparently dont cooperate until they know their livelihoods are in the lines of fire. And whats next is judge sullivan will be ruling, he said, with dispatch, whatever that means since it hasnt happened yet, and we will be filing a motion to disqualify him within the next few days that adds from the transcript today and other things that have happened since the rehand. Theres no way the d. C. Circuit should have allowed him to continue to preside over this case after he became an active litigant personally against the man whose case he was presiding over. Lou its outrageous, and this kind of appalling conduct in washington, d. C. Has been, unfortunately, its become commonplace, and political corruption is pervasive right now in even our federal judiciary. Sidney powell, thanks for being with us, we appreciate it. And, of course, we wish you good luck as you pursue justice for your client. Up next, voter fraud rampant all across the country. Yet the corrupt political judiciary refuses to acknowledge that in most instances. We take that up and more right after a quick break. Well be talking with the Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Mcdaniel. Stay with us, well be right back. Finish. Hey, our workers comp insurance is expiring. Should i just renew it . Yeah, sure. Hey there, Small Business owner. Pie insurance here with some sweet advice to stop you from overpaying on workers comp. Try pie instead and save up to 30 . Thirty percent . Really . Sure get a quote in 3 minutes at easyaspie. Com. That is easy. So, need another reminder . No, im good. Reminder for what . Oh. Ho ho, yeah need workers comp insurance . Get a quote in 3 minutes at easyaspie. Com. Lou the Minneapolis Police Department Investigating election rigging exposed by the Group Project veritas. The Group Released video of a ballot harvester allegedly connected with congresswoman ilhan omar. The person harvesting those votes paying someone 200 for a general election ballot. In new york absentee voters are discovering major problems. Wrong names printed on return envelopes for the absentee ballots. Some voters even said they received a military ballot although they never served in the armed forces. Fbi director wrong wray doesnt think there is widespread voter fraud, however. That despite more than 500,000 ballots being rejected in this years primaries around the country. More than 50 people have been arrested or convicted for voter fraud. And joining us, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Mcdaniel to take up all of this and to, well, give us a little preview about what she expects for tonights allimportant debate. R to onn ronna, first, good to see you. I dont know about you, but im stunned by the number of times that we have heard state and federal judges alike at the District Court level say they dont want to take up a case of voter fraud or allegations of voter fraud because they, it just doesnt exist. We heard the fbi director say it doesnt exist, in effect. Your thoughts. Well, they clearly havent seen what ive seen when i talk to voters who, as recently as last week, told me shed received three ballots to her home for a woman that never lived there with a different name than the resident. When you see in detroit in the primaries 72 of the precincts did not match the poll books, the totals in the precincts didnt match what was said in the poll book. When you go to Broward County like i did in 018 for the 2018 in the recount for rick scott and you saw the administrator put in 2,000 unvalid ballots. Once they go in, theyre like a needle in a haystack, you cant find them. Democrats are creating opportunity after opportunity for fraud, and it is very, very hard to catch with this mass influx of mailin ballots. Lou republicans are in court all over the country trying to stop this obvious effort to rig an election and create as many ballots and votes as they possibly can. This is outrageous. Give us a sense of how well youre doing legally to stop this, how well youre doing in terms of organization to try to at least mute the impact of what is an obvious effort to distort the outcome of the election. So theres two efforts, one were in lawsuits all across the country, lou, over 40. But what we are seeing with democrats is dark money pays a law firm to go in and file a suit like in nevada, and then the Democrat Legislature and the governor say, oh, you know what . You dont even have to sue us, well just change the law. Thats what they did in nevada, and thats what theyre doing across the country in democratrun cities, getting rid of signature verification, expanding ballot harvesting, allowing ballots to be counted after election day. The other part is election day operations where we will have an army of attorneys monitoring not just election day, or but early voting. It is a massive undertaking. We are winning some cases, but it is just insane what democrat lawmakers are doing across the country to undermine election integrity. And the fact that the medias overlooking it is really egregious because it is undermining our election process. Lou weve got just about30 seconds. What do you expect the president to do tonight . Im so excited. I hope President Trump holds joe biden accountable. And i really want him to ask joe biden to reveal how much more americans are going to be paying in their tax returns if hes president , because all of our taxes are going up under a joe biden presidency. Lou probably not more than a few trillion dollars, right . Ronna, thanks so much. Ronna mcdaniel, enjoy tonights debate. Thanks so much. Up next, Kamala Harris sidestepping a question about whether the, is it the harris biden or biden harris ticket . Whatever. Whether theyll pack the Supreme Court with more justices. Well take that up right after these quick messages. Please stay with us. Lou well, lets begin with the lou dobbs tonight quote of the day from epa administrator andrew wheeler. He wrote to californias governor gavin newsom about newsoms mandate that only new electric cars be sold in california by 2035. Wheeler said this, quote californias record of rolling blackouts, unprecedented in size and scope, coupled with recent requests to neighboring states for power begs the question of how you expect to run an electric car fleet that will come with significant increases in electricity demand when you cant even keep the lights on today. Well done. Senator Kamala Harris is starting to copy, well, china joes mannerisms. Listen to how she stammered through her answer on msnbc about a question about the possibility of packing the Supreme Court. If judge barrett is confirmed and the democrats have control of the senate next year and the white house and house of representatives, should the Supreme Court be expanded . You know, lets i think that first of all, joes been very clear that, um, he is going to, to Pay Attention to the facts, and im with him on this 1,000 , Pay Attention to the fact that right now, lawrence, people are voting. Lou [laughter] oh, my goodness. It is interchangeable, isnt it . Harris biden ticket, biden harris ticket. Well, joining us now, former Reagan White House political director and fox business political analyst ed rollins, pulitzer prizewinning columnist for the new york post, fox business contributor michael goodwin. Well, ed, i dont think that senator harris coming off is coming off too well here of late. Shes backing the blm, and shes starting to sound like joe biden. Your, your thoughts. Well, they havent given her the script. She was supposed to be the attack dog. Hes hiding in his basement, i dont know where shes hiding, but shes not on the campaign trail. I think theyve just got to try and cruise through the debates and show up on inauguration day. But the reality is theyve got a long ways go before this thing is over. Shes going to have a tough debate with mike pence and, obviously, the president s going to have a very good debate tonight, i think, against joe biden whos got to stand up there for 90 minutes. Lou well, its not a very good sign, mike, is it if she cant even respond to a question from the, oh, so friendly msnbc. Right. Well, theyve been hiding so long, as ed says, they dont even take questions from the friendly outlets usually. So she gets one that, you know, any grade b political handler could have said, well, you might be asked about the Supreme Court packing, you know . Because the barrett hearings are going to start, blah, blah, blah. It just seemed totally unprepared for the question. I mean, to the point that how long can they hide, i guess the answer is as long as they, the polls show them in a decent, respectable position particularly in the swing states. It is mystifying though. Weve never seen a candidate not Campaign Like this. Lou well, we also have, weve also seen polls just like this some four years ago which led Hillary Clinton, ed, to make horrible mistakes and misjudgments. Could this be a reenactment . Well, if they make the same misjudgments she did and not show up in the states that matter, theyre going to lose this thing. The president now has momentum. Theyve now taken iowa and ohio out of the cook, you know, column. Theyre now basically back in the center again. The president s closed on several of these states now. Its a very competitive environment out there. You know, he may not win the National Vote because of california new york, but hes certainly getting very, very competitive in the states that matter. And my sense is he has a good debate tonight, hes back in the game. Lou and a good debate, how essential is the president s performance, how essential joe bidens . Michael . Well, look, i think theres a lot riding for both. This is clearly going to be the most highly watched debate ever and particularly the first 30 minutes or so will be keyment i think if, as ed says, if trump does well, then this could totally flip the election around and then put biden on the defensive. And i think what we would see then is biden having to come out more, having to answer these questions about his tax plans, about his medicare plan, about his energy plan, about the Supreme Court, about hunter biden. So far hes gotten away with answering nothing, and i would like to see this a change. As an american citizen, i think we all need to see our candidates fully vetted, but you cant vet somebody who wont answer any questions. Lou yeah. That, the hunter biden question isnt on the list though that fox has reported on, ed. Weve got about 15 seconds. You get the last 15 seconds. The first question id ask, how did your kid get 3. 5 million from this chinese woman, and what did he have to do for it . Theres a long history of the biden son and brother doing things very questionable. The president needs to be full gear tonight. I think he will be. Lou it does, it does seem to rain on the family, doesnt it . Ed rollins, thanks so much. Michael goodwin, thank you both. Great to see you. Up next, how President Trump plans to highlight his historic four years in office in tonights debate. Well be joined by White House Press secretary kayleigh mcenany. Stay with us, or well be right back. 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Crude oil losing more than 3 settling at 39. 11 a barrel. And listen to my reports three time times a day on the salem radio network. President trump tonight shower to communicate sure to communicate to americans in his typical straightforward manner. Our lou dobbs tonight quote of the day comes from my new book, the trump century. By the way, its available at loudobbsshop. Com. I wrote and i thought brilliantly quote when talking to the American People, he forgoes sugar coating his language or his meaning. He talks in the direct, straightforward language of the planspoken american plainspoken american, using short anglosaxon words that carry meaning and weight and that resist obfuscation and create clawty. Claire ity. Joining us now, White House Press secretary kayleigh mcenany. We want to get something good to join you. Lou its great to see you, and get a preview of what you expect. How do you expect the president to attack, if you do indeed expect him to attack, the former Vice President . Truth and with facts. There is no comparing the record of obama biden and President Trump. When you look at President Trump, record lows in unemployment, a vshaped recovery. When you looked at a obama biden, slowest economic recovery since world war ii. Health care, same thing. Premiums up, drug costs up under obama ma. President trump brought those down, first time in 50 years. So a pointbypoint comparison from the handling of swine flu to the handling of covid, there really is no comparing the record because President Trump stands tall. Lou well, the release today, the declassification given over from the director of National Intelligence to the judiciary chairman, senator graham, in which it is alleged that Hillary Clinton, it is claimed, was behind the socalled russian collusion conspiracy against President Trump. Will he take that up tonight, do you think . He very well could come up. Look, the president has been sounding the alarm bells about this for quite some time. Lou yep. Russia collusion was always a hoax concocted by democrats, and the cia was so concerned about this they sent to a referral over to the fbi during the campaign. The president was right all along, obama was cooking up a scheme in the oval office with joe biden who mentioned the logan act, and now we learn the Hillary Clinton campaign was complicit in all of this as well. Lou and what is your sense of the president , the president wanted to have a drug test for both candidates, himself and biden. The biden camp didnt like that too well. He wanted to have an examination for earpieces before the debate, and the Biden Campaign didnt like that. But the Biden Campaign did like the idea of two breaks at 30 minutes and at one hour in what is only a 90minute debate. I understand that the Trump Campaign declined [laughter] the former Vice President s request. Whats going on here . Yeah, thats a fact pattern, as i understand it. Look, this president works nonstop, lou. Hes up way early in the morning my phones ringing and its the president , he works late into the evening, often times past midnight. We arrived home near one a. M. This evening. To be president , you have to be up for the job. There are no 30minute breaks in the oval office when youre dealing with National Security issues and covid and the challenges that weve seen the president rise to the occasion on this year. There are no breaks. The work ethic of President Trump says it all, and i think the American People deserve answers. Lou yeah. His work ethic has set a standard, and i did mention this in my new book, i might add, kayleigh. Im having shameless here in hocking my own wares, but hes a man whos set a standard for his energy and his work ethic, his effort to put this Country First every day that future president s are going to have to meet because the American People will expect the same of their president. You get the last word here, kayleigh. Yeah, thats exactly right. Look at what the president s done. In 29 days two middle east peace agreements, havent been done in 26 years, hes the only president to have that accomplishment. Serbia kosovo, and look at all hes done with covid and the vshaped recovery, no one can stand up to the record of President Trump. Lou and did you mention three, three nominations three deals lou for a nobel peace prize. My goodness. [laughter] i think thats three. [laughter] yes. Well deserved. Lou appreciate it. Indeed. Good luck tonight. Kayleigh mcenany. Before we go to break, a reminder to buy my new book, the trump century. Youve heard about it here. 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Com promo. Lou tonights president ial debate upcoming. Well be live again at 7 00 p. M. Eastern ahead of that debate. And white house chief of staff mark meadows. Congressman jim jordan and matt gaetz will be joining us as well as john solomon. David bossie, Corey Lewandoski all with us for that hour. Please join us for that. Follow me on twitter loudobbs. Like me on facebook. Follow me on instat lou dobbs tonight. By my new book, the trump century. Get your copies at our patriots website, loudobbsshop. Com. Loudobbsshop. Com. Good night from sussex. Elizabeth the countdown now on. President trump and joe biden to face off in the first president ial debate. The key question tonight as president reagan asked are you better off than you were four years ago . 2016 candidate governor bobby jindal joins us trump 2020 director of communications tim murtagh joins us on this pivotal debate as one in 10 voters are still undecided during one of the most historic times in our country. This debate, will joe biden risk alienating voters if he loses his cool again . A voice talking policy. We have numb burst examples of biden e

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