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Vice president. Shows the extent which biden family members went to cash in on joe bidens name. It is worse than anyone realizes. It shows why Senate Homeland security chair ron johnson whose panel put out this report with Senate Finance, this evidence is why joe biden is not somebody we should be elected president of the United States. Tonight we break down the bombshells, including this. Millions of dollars paid to accounts connected to hunter biden from foreign nationals the Billionaire Wife of the former mayor of moscow when his father was working on ukraine issues. Allegations of suspicious payments by hunter biden to foreign nationals from russia and ukraine involved in possible criminal activity like prostitution and sex trafficking. We will dig into the revelation the oligarch who hired hunter biden to sit on the board of his Ukraine Energy company was allegedly trying to give 7 milliondollars in bribes to ukraine officials while joe biden oversaw ukraine for the Obama Administration. The report also says these issues did impact Obama Administration policy. Also this, there is still more. Hunter biden allegedly had a bank account where Chinese Communist officials paid more than 100,000 for joe bidens and his wife to go on a global spending spree to spend on extravagant items, airline tickets, hotel rooms, much more. The question you might ask, former Trump Campaign officials, like carter page did they ever get wired to them money like this as they were relentlessly surveiled . The answer is no. The fallout for joe biden and much more tonight. Im elizabeth macdonald. Thethe evening edit starts rit now. Elizabeth joining me now house Intelligence Ranking republican devin nunes. Devin, weve been pouring, digging into this report. Your reaction to this explosive new gop report from Senate Homeland security and Senate Finance . What is your reaction to it . This was bigger than even we thought it was. We had some of the initial information. We expressed this to the public. Remember this all came up during the impeachment when they were i have a accusing donald trump of having something to do with ukraine after they accused him of having something to do with russia. I think in your monologue you hit it exactly right, all this time the government was sitting on records clearly showed money flowing directly to the biden family. This is much bigger than i ever thought it was, liz. I will have to say this, senator grassley and senator johnson, they stayed tough. They stayed strong. They were attacked viciously, just like House Republicans were for the investigation that we led and they deserve our nations gratitude for the work that they have done because the democrats did everything they could to possibly cover this up and it is sad to say but once again its a textbook example of whatever the left accuses you of doing, theyre the ones doing it and this one just happens to be very, very broad. You have russia, ukraine and Chinese Communist party. Elizabeth lets, team in the booth, show the viewers what we found. Keep that information flowing. We want the viewers to see what is going on. We want the viewers to be informed what this report says. Lets show it, cite as financial he network overseas involving hunter around joe biden t did interfere with administration policy. Criminal transactions between hunter biden and his family, between cast sack and Chinese National as. This involves 45,000 pages of Obama Administration records, eight witnesses. One thing that popped out, Hunter Bidens dealings with communist chinese officials resulted in millions of dollars of cash flow. Can you take this on . A couple of thoughts i think are important. First i would focus on the fact we were being accused, we republicans and trump doing something nefarious with ukraine, that includes myself, senator johnson, myself, senator grassley have been accused of the nefarious activities, the whole time, people came and testified, a lot were state Department Officials testified during impeachment to bolster the impeachment that democrats did against the president. All that time the state department knew about these concerns and look, it was clear because Hillary Clinton had used this originally, the Mainstream Media had dirtied up biden in 2015 when they were trying to get him out of the race. Trying i assume they tried to do this, biden quickly got out of the race because the clintons were using it against them. Amazing the media is once again to blame in all of this, liz, they knew about this in 2015. They actually new about ukraine meddling in the election on behalf of clinton back in 2017. There were store i ares that came up. So the fact that a fake his sell blower come in whistleblower came in clearly had something to do with all of this, it is rather astonishing to be frank. Elizabeth we had former acting dni ric grenell on with us and he said when what he was hearing from government officials they were quote appalled, when they found what hunter biden was doing, making use of foreign embassies to do business dealings. That is the allegation. We had george kent and another official, they tried to warn the biden staff and they were brushed aside and just set aside. The issue that hunter biden got secret Service Protection to take hundreds of flights to dozens of cities overseas including in russia and china while his father was Vice President. You know, this feels like tip of the iceberg stuff. Your reaction . I think it does and i would say that to focus, i would focus on the money that came from a billionaire who was the wife of the former mayor of moscow. Remember the mayor of moscow has got to be very, very tight with vladmir putin. Okay . So all of those people are very close. The fact that you know, this isnt like some you know, dinners that they had in red square. This was i think the number was 3 1 2 to 4 million . What was that money for . Somebody needs to answer those questions. I think joe biden really needs to answer the questions. Why did his son get all that money is it remember, it was joe biden and clinton and all of these people that, and media, they have been running around saying that trump and republicans had something to do with russia when the whole damn time they were the ones who were doing something with russia, the whole time. They knew about it. Elizabeth let me ask you something, they knew about, knew allegedly about the skeletons in the biden as closet. Is that what fired up the democrats to go full bore to blast the Trump Campaign . Looking back at all of this, the democrats hire dirty opo research, they say what could be bombshells, how do we deflect . Clinton clearly had problems because she had done resets with russia. She probably thought russians had her emails. I think they did a deflection that is partly what they ran the operation on. Same thing with impeachment. They knew biden had issues with ukraine. It wasnt just ukraine. Also russia, also china, also kazakhstan. I think they run these operations to deflect the publics attention and, you have to remember, the media, if you ever had any doubt, there is no question today, the media is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and this entire biden campaign. Elizabeth congressman, congressman, did the Mueller Report which i have poured through, did the Mueller Report ever reveal any activity like this in the Trump Campaign . Not only that, they didnt even look. You have, they wiped their phones. They didnt even look at any of this. When mueller first came in and walked in the door, we elizabeth sorry, my question is, let me back up. Hang on, itch got to interrupt. Okay. Elizabeth did the Mueller Report indicate any similar activity that Senate Judiciary report found with the bidens . Did carter page ever get wired any money like this . That is good point, zero, zero money. Can you imagine if any of Donald Trumps children or relatives or Business Partners got wired this type of money i bet if it was even just a few thousand dollars they would have made a big deal. This is millions of dollars that were moved to the biden family. This is a big story and it is embarrassing that the media covered it up for this long. Mueller didnt even go look at this. When in fact he should have because he would have found out quickly it was always the Clinton Campaign and the democrats who were working with rush shuns to try to sway the election. Elizabeth congressman devin nunes. Thanks for joining us. Really appreciate it. My pleasure, liz. Thanks for having me. Elizabeth well continue to dig into the senate gop report later in the show. Coming up the president s announcement this saturday on his nominee to the Supreme Court to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. Senate republicans now pushing hard to seat the new nominee by the election. Republicans do have the vote. Well talk to guy reschenthaler of house judiciary if they can get it done before november 3rd. Stay right there. President trump if joe biden and the democrats take power they will pack the Supreme Court with far left radicals who will unilaterally transform american society. 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Great to have you on. What is your reaction in president going to back to George Washington high Court Nominees to the senate 29 times. What is your take on this fight . Thanks for having me on. When it comes to this fight, my take, it is what you said about precedents. President s going back to washington have taken this action that President Trump is planning to take. It has happened 29 times. Everyone of those 29 times there has been a nominee put forward to the senate. What is so surprising now is just how unconventional the democrats have made this process. We saw it with kavanaugh. This is not the typical nomination process that weve seen in the past. It is because the democrats have continued to try to dismantle and destroy our system. Certainly theyre trying to destroy constitutional norms. Elizabeth yeah. Issue is, you know, instead of trying to rip apart the system, why not have policies that get you elected in the first place, so you can pick your nominee . Dems feel they are powerless to stop the vote. The senate blew up into partisan fighting. Chuck schumer blocked a bipartisan hearing on intelligence over sky, election security. Senator cruz blocked his resolution ginsburgs request to be replaced when a new empty is elected. Hecklers watch this. Senate republicans in this administration demonstrated they cant be trusted to protect the american people. We democrats are fighting as hard as we can to protect americans. [bleep] americans. [bleep], stop lying to the people. [inaudible]. Elizabeth congressman. We have to break away. Here is the president. President trump candidate reached the final stage of clinical trials. This is record time. This is the fourth vaccine candidate in the United States to reach the final stage of trials. We have four candidates at a late date, late being a very positive word in this case. Earlier this year Johnson Johnson anticipated that they would reach phase one trials by september, but do to our support under operation warp speed and to some of the incredible scientists involved, they have reached phase three trials by september, far ahead of schedule. We encourage americans to enroll in the vaccine trial. It is not only interesting, it will be terrific thing for our country. We encourage everybody to enroll as many people as, we canada. My administration announced that we have awarding 200 million of cares act funding to all 50 states to prepare to distribute the vaccine to highrisk residents and we want to do that the instant it is approved. Not the following day but the following moment. And so were going to be doing that. And well be distributing, getting it ready because we have some great vaccines going to be coming out through operation warp speed. We also continue to accelerate lifesaving therapies. Were seeing promising results that are Monoclonal Antibody treatments which help the immune system fight the virus and help significantly were finding can reduce hospitalizations now by more than 70 . By cutting red tape, unleashing americas medical genius we reduced fatality rate 85 since april. For individuals under 350, they have, they have a 150, they have a 99. 989 rate of survival from the china virus that is a number really increasing substantially with time. As children go back to school, were encouraged that Early Research shows only a small degree of spread. Brown University Conducted a study of more than 550 schools across 46 states and found that only. 076 of students had confirmed cases of the virus. That is a tiny percentage. And only. 15 of teachers had confirmed cases. Patients coming to the emergency room due to the virus is down to only 1. 6 of all emergency room visits. The lowest since the pandemic began. 1. 6 emergency room visits. As far as protecting the vulnerable is concerned we provided over 21 billion to our Nursing Homes and we are really focused on the Nursing Homes. Everybody, including our governors. We have, governors working very closely with the Traffic Force and with the Vice President and everybody involved. Weve sent Rapid Testing devices to nearly 14,000 certify Nursing Homes in the country. This week were sending hundreds of thousands of additional rapid tests to Nursing Homes to insure they can test staff regularly. And the staff now is being tested on a very powerful and, on a regular basis but very strongly at the finest level, the highest level and the best tests. Were encouraged that the number of americans getting the flu vaccine is increasing by roughly 50 compared to last year. Substantially up. The flu, when it mixed with covid or china virus is going to be very interesting to see what happens but that can drive numbers. And we just dont know what that will be yet. You will have some flu numbers and some covid numbers. I think were rounding the turn very much. You see what is happening in europe, however. They have a very big spike. Country we thought were doing well arent doing well. They had big spikes, big surge. Months ago we increased our nations procurement of the flu vaccine by 66 . We asked americans to go get their annual flu shot as early as possible. It is possible, i would imagine, scott, that the flu can get mixed up with the virus and people can think it is the virus when actually it is another flu season coming on. I dont know its, i hope they can keep them separate. Can they keep them separate . We hope so. President trump its, going to be a very interesting time but we have a flu season coming up. Weve had some flu seasons which are really mastiff over the years, over many years. We have some much less so but it is still significant. So i then they can separate them because its, its pretty close. In the past four months weve created 10. 6 million jobs. We cut our Unemployment Rate nearly in half. The Unemployment Rate is cut nearly in half. Larry kudlow is here. He will be discussing that in a little while. Retail sales are up 121 . That is far above what we thought. Manufacturing is up 61 . That is above, also above our schedule and our schedule is a heavy schedule. Automobile production is up sixfold. Homebuilders sentiment is at the highest level in history. That is an amazing statement, larry, the highest level in history. That means people are thinking good thoughts. Home sales are at the highest level in nearly 15 years. Small Business Optimism is higher than anytime under the last administration. Substantially higher. Small Business Optimism, higher than at anytime over the last, more than the last administration. Today i was proud to award Nine Companies and organizations with the firstever pledge to americas workers president ial award this award recognizes outstanding Training Programs that are giving americans the skills to hone, trade, earn a great living. The great people. Over 400 companies have competed and, committed to 16 million training opportunities for the American Worker and its really been amazing. Weve created the fastest economic recovery in american history. You are witnessing it. Youre part of it. Our approach is pro science. Bidens approach is antiscience, if you look. I dont they think they know what their approach is, although a lot is copied from what weve done. China opposed the china travel ban and europe travel ban and the strategy that they have is just never ending lockdowns. Were not locking down. Were actually growing at a rate that we have never experienced before but theyre talking about, if you have a question, just lock it down. Were not doing that. And you cant do that. Our plan will crush the virus and actually bidens plan will crush america if you think about it. You cant lockdown. Again were growing at levels nobody ever seen before. Our plan is unleashing a rapid recovery, our opponents plan would hurt america very badly, send us into a depression and, with all of that being said we are going to be having a very exciting saturday at 5 00 in the rose garden. Where i will be putting forth my nominee for Supreme Court justice. And i think it will be a great nominee, brilliant nominee. As you know it is a woman. I brought it down to five women. It is time for a woman to, to be chosen with everything thats happened and with Justice Ginsburgs passing. We are going to go sometime tomorrow morning as i understand it to pay our respects and well be over there and i guess they probably put that announcement out but that will be done tomorrow morning. The Vice President was there today and so, if you have any questions well take a few questions. Reporter [inaudible] mr. President , real quickly, win, lose or draw in this election, will you commit here today for a peaceful transferal of power after the election . There has been rioting in louisville. Rioting in many cities across this country. Red and socalled red and blue states. Will you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful transferal of power after the election . President trump well have to see what happens. Ive been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster. Reporter i understand that, people are rioting. Will make sure there is peaceful transferns of power. President trump get rid of ballots, there wont be a transfer. There will be continuation. The ballots are it owe 6 control. You know it, you know who knows it better than anybody else. The democrats know it anybody else. Please go ahead. You asked a question. Reporter President Trump say it. Reporter do you plan to meet with Barbara Lagoa at the white house . President trump i cannot hear you . Reporter do you plan to meet with Barbara Lagoa at the white house in washington and is she on the short list . President trump i dont have any meetings planned. She is on the short list. I talk to people but i dont have a meeting planned. Reporter do you have a response to the governor of missouri testing positive for coronavirus President Trump i didnt know that, no. Reporter mr. President , we asked you earlier today about Breonna Taylor case. I assume you have been briefed on charges and President Trump i thought it was really brilliant kentucky general Daniel Cameron is doing a fantastic job. I think he is a star and he made a statement that i will just read. Justice not, justices not often easy. It does not fit the mold of Public Opinion and it does not conform to shifting standards. It answers only to the facts and to the law. If we simply act on emotion or outrage there is no justice. Mob justice is not justice. Justice sought by violence is not justice. It just becomes revenge. I heard that. I said write that down for me, please. I think it was a terrific statement. He is handling it very well. You know who he is, right . I think you know. I think everyone now knows who he is. I will be speaking to the governor and we have a call scheduled to make very shortly with the governor. I understand he is called up the National Guard which is a good thing. I think its a very positive thing. And it will all work out. Reporter follow on the Supreme Court nominee. Its highly unlikely that any democrats will vote for your nominee. If and when it comes to a vote President Trump [inaudible] reporter given the posture. I think that is pretty safe assumption. But on that point, would you want to nominate someone who in their confirmation to the Appellate Court received broad bipartisan support or would you be more inclined to put forward somebody whose confirmmation fell along party lines . President trump i cant tell you what will happen with the democrats. I can say this, the person i will be putting up, and i wont say i have even chosen that person yet. I could say any one of the five. Theyre outstanding women, but the person i will be putting up is highly qualified, totally brilliant, top of the line academic student. The highest credentials. All of them have that but the highest credentials and you will see on saturday who that is. I cant imagine why a democrat wouldnt vote for this person. [inaudible]. On you. Please, go ahead. Reporter thank you very much. President trump not you. Right here. Reporter thank you, mr. President. Meghan markle and prince hairy commented on u. S. Election and told people to vote for joe biden. What is your reaction to that . President trump im not a fan of hers. I would say this, she probably has heard that, but i wish a lot of luck to harry. Because he is going to need it. Reporter mr. President , the fda is reportedly considering stricter guide lines for the merge authorization of a covid vaccine. Are you okay with that . President trump i tell you what, were looking at that. That is approved by the white house. That may or may not approve it. That sounds like a political move. When you have pfizer, Johnson Johnson, moderna, Great Companies coming up with the track scenes and testing and Everything Else why would they have to be adding at great length to the process . We want to have people not get sick. The vaccine is very important. It is the final step, i believe it is going to be final step and, no were looking at that, but i think, i think that was a political move more than anything else. Reporter follow up, sir. It is designed to improve trust in the vaccine. Do you think that is not needed . President trump i have tremendous trust in these Massive Companies that are so brilliantly organized in terms of what they have been doing with the tests. I mean, i dont know that a government as big as we are could do tests like this. We made it possible for them to do the tests in rapid fashion but when they come back and they say that we have something that works and absolutely works and theyre coming back with great numbers and statistics an tests and Everything Else they have to come back with, i dont see any reason why it should be delayed further because if they delay it a week or two weeks or three weeks, you know, that is a lot of lives youre talking about. Scott, would you agree with that . How do you feel about that . Please, scott. Yeah, thanks. Yeah, i mean there is no i think people dont understand what is going on with operation warp speed. It is unprecedented whats happened here. A typical vaccine takes roughly four years or so. Now were going to have a vaccine highly likely, in far less than one year but without cutting any safety corners because the president has done things concomitant to development of the vaccine, manufacturing, logistics, everything is being done at the same time. That has never been done before. But there is zero cutting of safety concerns. There should be no hesitation about the safety. You shouldnt be punished by doing something faster than other people could have done or thought. It is the opposite. We have a pandemic. The urgency is the pandemic, not politics. President trump that to me sounded extremely political. Why would they do this when they come back with the Great Results . Would we, why would we be delaying it . Well look at it. Well take a look at it. Ultimately the white house has to approve it. And maybe we will and maybe we wont but well be taking a look. I have to leave for an emergency phone call. Im going to let scott and larry finish. Larry [reporters shouting questions] President Trump i will be back. I will see you tomorrow. Port mr. President , one more question about Breonna Taylor . President trump itch a big call. Reporter people are protesting in the streets. What is your message to them. You feel like on carousel where another black live we have dr. Scott atlas and larry kudlow. I urge you to be respectful and decorum as they take your questions. Elizabeth okay the White House Press conference got heated there, the president said. That the fda delays in approving vaccines is quote political. Pushback on that. The president did say he will nominate a woman when he makes to replace late Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. They will make that announcement at 5 00 p. M. On saturday. He said he will be paying his respects to the late justice tomorrow. Lets welcome to the show general Michael Flynns Attorney Sidney Powell who was listening to all of this. Your reaction to what you just heard the president say just now . Oh, i thought his comments were excellent. Im sure they have been very careful about the vaccine and being a businessman he streamlined the entire production process so it could be done quickly without any sacrifice to safety and quality and it will be ready to be distributed. The distribution mechanisms are in place. The delivery mechanisms are in place. They were being done simultaneously with the actual testing of the vaccine. So there wont be downstream delay. Elizabeth he is also announcing 200 million from the Trump Administration to states to help highrisk populations you know, get the vaccine. 20 billion given, sent to the nations Nursing Homes to battle covid19. Pushing back on biden camp which is about, he said, lockdowns which would crush america. Your take on that . Well, lockdowns have done nothing but destroy the country at great expense to the middle class in particular. I mean the huge corporations like lowes, home depot, target, walmart, have all been able to stay open whereas virtually every Small Business in the country which has been the biggest employers for years have been shut down and many are not going to be able to restart. So i dont think there are any circumstances in future under which this country should shut down at all. Im really glad to hear what he said about that. Elizabeth i hear what youre saying. Lets switch gears. Lets get back to the Supreme Court nomination. Your take on the story that democrats and the media are now claiming a constitutional crisis over the nomination as they now demand new action to basically undercut americas institutions. Theyre talking about boycotting the senate vote, getting rid of the the electoral college, impeach the president. Etch lets watch john kennedy here. Watch this. Theyre saying if you dont do what we want, we will hurt you. If you dont hurt do what we want we will hurt america. We will destroy the United States stream daughter as an an in United States Supreme Court by packing the court. Shame on them. That is further demonstration of the fact they dont understand the role of the United States Supreme Court. They think justices are just politicians in robes. They think justices have the right to rewrite the constitution every other thursday to advance a political or social agenda that they cant get by the voters. Elizabeth sidney, what is your reaction to that . Democrats in the media gone fullfledged socialist, communist, fascist to do anything to accomplish their agenda. Theyre doing it by bullying and mob rule. Theyre the ultimate cowards and bullies. They lie like rugs. It is high time we bet them back with the truth and showing spine and integrity in getting a good Supreme Court justice confirmed. Heaven knows they would have done a confirmation if they had had the opportunity and ability to do it. We must use the power the president has, the senate has. I think it should be done without a hearing. I think behavior in the kavanaugh hearings was so atrocious and appalling it should be simply sent to the floor for a vote. Weve got the votes. We need to do it. Elizabeth that is interesting. So just go right to a vote, no hearings. Thats an interesting point that you just made. I dont think the democrats would go for that . What do you think . They dont have the votes. It doesnt matter what they do. We have the votes. Elizabeth but they will have more of an uproar . Well, let them have an uproar. That is all they have is uproar. They have no policies. They have no precedents. They have first time we had a hearing was for Justice Brandeis i remember correctly. The only reason they had a hearing over him because he was jewish. That is one sorry precedent. So if we have the votes we have a Supreme Court nominee. Take it to the floor. Vote on them. Elizabeth i hear what youre saying. Want to move on to this. Obamas attorney general eric holder is now talking about packing the court. I think we have time for the sound bite. Lets listen to eric holder. Watch this. With all the issues that you have talked about you would have a conservative majority on the court, illegitimate conservative majority on the court, ruling on these matters that will affect the nation you know for generations to come. I think that what democrats have to do, assuming that biden is president and there is a Senate Majority for the democrats we need to think about court reform and at a minimum, as part of that reform package, i think additional justices need to be placed on the Supreme Court. Elizabeth all right. Critics are saying there are multiple problems with his rhetoric here. He is calling what is happening quote, illegitimate. He is talking about packing the court, when even the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg said dont pack the court. It is not right. Dont do that. Your take on what eric holder just said . Eric holder is the most illegitimate attorney general we ever had. He had substantial role in everything that has gone wrong in the country in the eight years of the Obama Administration and continuing thereafter. He is still actively working to undermine the constitution, the federal judiciary, the work of the president , and the to foment a vision and everything thats wrong with our system right now. He is, we obama are behind all of it. Elizabeth all right. Sidney powell, thanks for joining us. Really appreciate you coming on the show with your insights there. Comeback soon. Thank you, liz. My pleasure always. Elizabeth sure. Next up, weve got protests now breaking out in louisville. Former nypd lieutenant Darren Porcher on what is happening there after a kentucky grand jury did not bring murder charges against the officers involved in the shooting death of Breonna Taylor. We also have this story. House republicans demanding that the fbi investigate who is financing, who is financing and paying for hundreds of violent riots tearing across the u. S. , new york and seattle. That story next. Who is usaa made for . Its made for this guy a veteran who honorably served and its made for her shes serving now we made it for all branches and all ranks whether they served one tour or made a career of it. We also made usaa for military spouses and their kids usaa is easy to work with and can save you money on auto, home and renters insurance. Become a member today. Get an insurance quote at usaa. Com quote usaa. What youre made of were made for get an insurance quote at usaa. Com quote when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can save for an emergency from here. 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I think the expectation was a manslaughter against all three officers, however we only saw one officer that was charged or indicted so to speak. That one officer was the same officer that was fired over the summer by the interim police chief. This is a time where, we can expect that there would be a level of civil unrest and i believe that the penalty put forth an agenda, duesing a state of emergency. Therefore you have necessary provisions coming into play. Now is a time of calm. The riot to us behavior is not something that we need, because we clearly see that it didnt work. At this point i dont believe it is come to a fullblown riot but there is a sense of community unrest. Therefore im hopeful that Law Enforcement can get things under control. Elizabeth were now getting reports coming in, theyre starting to attack local businesses. You know, the president just quoted the ken turk attorney general saying that Kentucky Attorney general mob justice is not justice. It is just revenge. Your take on that . Well i commend the Kentucky Attorney general. I think he is doing everything in being proactive as opposed to reactive in connection with the Breonna Taylor case. We clearly see what happened in the past instances such as seattle, portland, chicago, new york. When riots emerge it subsequently denigrates those communities. That is not what we need. We need a sense of calm, a plausible all terntive for Law Enforcement is to gain a solution we regress the violence as opposed to increasing. Elizabeth lieutenant, your reaction to two dozen House Republicans writing a letter to fbi director Christopher Wray calling on the fbi to investigate is finance ago hundreds of violent riots across the country. There have been 630 riots in the u. S. From coast to coast in various cities. House republicans saying whoever is funding the rioting should be accountable. They call that antifa as well. This is domestic terrorism. These are Terrorists Attack being businesses right now and local communities in louisville happening now. Your reaction . Im pleased to hear that House Republicans are taking a proactive as opposed to reactive stance. We need to target the root causes of these riots. It is based or predicated on resources being fueled into the rioters components. We have the traditional cast of characters in hollywood such as george soros, for example, that have known to be individuals that have funded these looters and rioters so to speak. Now were fortunate that were moving in the right direction to where, if you cut the resource, you denigrate the riots. Im happy to hear, this is something that is moving forward elizabeth remember when democrat senator macy hirono walked out of a Senate Subcommittee hearing led by texas senator ted cruz in august talking about antifa. There was pushback on that. New york democrat jerry nadler and the you know, he was chair, he is chair of house judiciary, he called antifa quote, a myth. What is your reaction to that . We clearly know based on Jerry Nadlers past actions he is a person that has been out of touch in connection with society and how these riots plagued the United States as a whole. The same holds true with hawaiian congresswoman. We need to focus, understand, we need a plausible remedy to deevaluate and eradicate these riots. The two congressman clearly not put forth an agenda that would not commit to that. Moving forward we need to dynamic, as you mentioned earlier elizabeth, it is significant that the House Republicans are looking to eradicate the root causes which promulgate around funding of these groups. Elizabeth and a. G. Barr and the doj saying basically, federally, doing federal arrests of hundreds of those behind the unrest, your take on that . Well, i think, im a strong proponent, if we can take the cases federal, lets do so. Weve clearly seen in a lot of democratically control cities, the mayors in this particular municipalities are not setting forth the necessary agenda to incarcerate these individuals for a period of time. They have been operating something we refer to as a catchandrelease stream. Meaning rioters, get arrested and theyre out in two hours. Therefore im happy to hear that the federal government is looking to advance an agenda to effectively investigate, if necessary convict individuals for times theyre committing, not just against cities theyre rioting in, but the United States as a whole. Elizabeth lieutenant porcher, thanks for joining us. Thanks for your service to our country. Come back soon. As always, appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Elizabeth sure. Well be right back. Weve got more on the senate gop report on the bidens coming up. Report on the bidens coming up. 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Elizabeth welcome north Dakota Republican Kelly Armstrong from house judiciary back to the show. Great to have you back on, congressman. Your reaction to the senate bombshell gop report alleging major corruption involving the biden family . Everybody take a second to think about this. If it wasnt hunter biden and john kerrys stepson and donald trump, jr. And his stepson do you think this would be covered a little bit differently right now . Because i do. Elizabeth senate gop report says they have records, 43,000 pages of documents from the Obama Administration. Includes things that hunter biden sent thousands of dollars to ukrainian Russian National women, they wired funds to individuals in russia and ukraine. Some may have been linked to a Eastern European Human Trafficking ring and prostitution and adult entertainment. What do you think about that . If youre talking about the russian influence and potential for blackmail, you can start with april of 2014. Well see where all of that goes. At the very least this is a serious political question. Weapon know that Vice President biden knew about it. He was directly involved. He met with his Business Partner. Five days later he met with the Business Partner. Five days later, a week later hunter biden is on the board. These political questions need to be answered before you get into potential questions of blackmail at the very least. Elizabeth youre pointing out that joe biden met with devin archer, associate of hunter biden on the burisma board with hunter biden. You know, hundreds of thousands of dollars louis losing in and out of accounts of hunter biden. Wife of former mayor of moscow wired from an account associated with hunter biden while joe biden was overseeing ukraine policy. 7 milliondollar bribe from the oligarch running burisma to get the allegations against him lifted and assets unfrozen. You know, you see millions of dollars of cash flow from Hunter Bidens dealings with china. The question is, have we ever seen anything in the Mueller Report with any Trump Campaign official like carter page doing anything, getting any transactions or wired money like this . Not even close. You know it actually had an effect because in the report they actually say the Vice President s staff told george kent, by the way, if the democrats want to know what is going on. They know george kent. We spent a lot of time with him during the impeachment proceeding. They specifically told him to quit mentioning chessky by name. They knew there were benefits. John kerry lied by knowing anything about it at a town hall. It is not illegal to life at a town hall. Were sure he was aware of it. He was being briefed about it. Hunter biden was a Business Partner with his stepson. They knew it was a problem. They ignored it. If the shoe was on the other foot right now we would be having impeachment hearings all over again. Elizabeth yeah, pointing out john kerry. The report says john kerry denied knowing about this in december 2019 when five years earlier his stepson told john kerrys chief of staff and emailed him about it, warned him about it. John kerry also is implicated here at well. You know, i want, what is going to be the fallout of this . What is the next step for this . I dont know. In the house we can only participate what were invited to. So im reaply hopeful when we take back the majority in the november election and we can dig to the bottom of some of this. I hope the Senate Continues to pull on these threads. If joe biden or Kamala Harris do a press interview, would be nice somebody asked him about this. Elizabeth can expect the president will bring it up in the debate, right . This is, i mean, these are serious conflicts of interest and lets never ever forget, i mean he was paid millions of dollars for buying an Energy Company with noance absolute any background for any experience in the energy field. They were brokering on their parents power in the United States and that is latetantly obvious reading this. This is worthy of much more political discussion and at worse a crime. Elizabeth you know, former acting dni ric grenell, weve been talking about this, he told us he talked to numerous government officials who said they said they were appalled what hunter biden was doing flying overseas with secret Service Protection. Going to foreign embays is to do nobody really knows what. Were talking hundreds of trips in dozens of cities in in china, europe, that hunter flew on with secret Service Protection. He have also flew on air force two to china. So you know, why, why not the questions in the media about this . What is going on . I mean we can go back to using my conversations about general flynn as well. I say any other generation this would be the scandal of the century and were not even asking the question and we really should. Even if you want to take this out of the ukrainian portion of this, hunter biden and, heinz, they created bhp. They were helping facilitation of sale of Aviation Company to communist china with military applications. These are serious things we should investigate and addressing. This is not political oneupmanship. These have National Security concerns. Elizabeth all right. Congressman armstrong, thanks for joining us. Come back soon. Thanks for having me. Elizabeth sure. Be sure to catch Homeland Security Committee Chair ron johnson on mornings with maria at 8 00 a. M. Eastern time talking about hunter biden and the gop report released today. That does it for us im elizabeth mcdonald. Youve been watching the the evening edit on fox business. Hope you join us tomorrow. Hope you have a good evening. An uptown apartment under siege. Are you kidding . All of these . Doesnt every new york city apartment have a soldier room . Its one of the biggest collections in the world. One mans army four decades in the making. When i first saw it, i was absolutely amazed. He had every soldier placed in their position. Every general was placed in his position. But he doesnt want to leave his wife with all this. Bob wanted to sell off the collection so carole wouldnt have to deal with it. Whats an heir to do . Turn to strange inheritance. What did you think when you saw the episode about toy soldiers . I was knocked out. So

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