Portfolio . Then there is this. President trump i thought it was a very divisive speech, extremely divisive. We have tremendous amount much enthusiasm for my campaign. Charles President Trump pushing back against former First Lady Michelle Obama who declared him in over his head. Well get reaction from Katie Pavlich on that. All that and much more on coming up on making morn any. Making money. Charles golly, folks, monster quarters for two of the bigger names in retailing. Walmart, home depot posting results well ahead of expenses. Mindboggling increases in samestore sales. Wall street is anxious what happens next with additional stimulus. That is stuck in limbo. We are erin sikes and kristin benz. Let me start with you. Walmart was initially up 6, 7 in the premarket. Home depot, again, surge, surging, folks kind of wondered can it be reflip indicated, can it be replicated without stimulus . Where do we go from here . Is certainly can, charles were . A walla so no economy. Home depot will progress and sustain itself with or without stimulus. Walmart has taken market share. If you didnt use walmart before the pandemic, i think youre using it now. Todays fantastic earnings demonstrated that. Charles erin, isnt it interesting, two years ago everyone was wondering how walmart competes with amazon. Now people are wondering how amazon competes with walmart. Exactly ironically walmart has been a sleeper in some ways because weve been so focused on amazon, however walmart has been there the whole time. Their Artificial Intelligence is incredible. It is not better than amazon. They have the best Logistics Network in the world. And of course we have walmart plus which launched to compete with amazon. Walmart was there from the beginning of the grocery. They are going to stick around, especially as we mentioned before, the exodus continues to the suburbs. Charles i want to talk about the scenarios, either scenario, erin. I will ask you. With or without the stimulus where do we go from here . If you look at these Comp Store Sales on the chart, it is like, you know, pretty nice, all of sudden this is not a hockey stick, this is like the Empire State Building for both of these names. What happens if Congress Fails to provide another round of stimulus . Well i think were going to see continued disparity. We have walmart, target, amazon, doing well throughout the pandemic and those names will continue to do well or without also we have a lot of names that have gone bankrupt and started to falter through the pandemic. Were going to see that continue. So it is basically to me [inaudible] not a lot of players in the middle. Youre either going to win or youre going to lose. That said charles feast or famine. Really made moves. Announcing their potential partnership with amazon and Distribution Centers and taking over sears space and jcpenneys space. That is traditional brickandmortar names really riding the wave in the right way. I think that was a sleeper too. Charles right. Spg, Simon Property group, folks. Essentially the landlord has become the tenant. You dont haver to would paying your bills late. Kristin, i want to talk about the Second Quarter over 16 . First quarter 11 . A year ago 10 . You have unique names. Wayfair on fire. Etsy on fire. Pinterest, on fire. Where does this go . To erins point it is feast or famine, a lot of that feast you have to have a great internet presence. You have to. You have to use data. You have to use your supply chain. Tough use a. I. Were extremely visual, in a visual economy. Youre looking at home, looking at instagram, looking at pinterest, might have a few blasts of wine looking at amazon a friend told me. This is the way we have a paradigm shift. That is not going away while we get bigger, faster and stronger. Charles i want to ask you about stocks that you like here, kristin. By the way, we get enough amazon packages. We definitely dont want to be on y and amazon at the same time. Im not sure my wallet could afford it. You like louis vuitton, peloton with a cultlike following, etsy i happen to love and restoration hardware. Quickly, how do you come up with these names . Im an expert on consumer behavior. That is what i do, charles. I watch people, how they live, work and shop and how theyre reacting while staying at home and restoration is very interesting here. It is obviously a highend play. When youre sitting at home, remember the pandemic caught two markets, right . A highend market and lowend market f you were flush with cash before, youre sitting around, you may want to redecorate the house or redecorate your husband. Restoration hardware is handy and they have gorgeous source books. I love etsy. Charles i love restoration hardware. Ive been buying the stock for a while. Also the furniture as well. Were running out of time. Erin, just real quick, what should we be cautious about, erin with a little bit of time left . What should we be worried about because things sound too good to be true . [inaudible]. Big question mark. Then also a lot of people still have not received their unemployment. So i dont think that will necessarily hurt the grocery prominent names. However it will continue to hurt apparel and until we get those jobs back. Charles all right. Erin, kristin, love it. Thank you both very much, appreciate it. Meanwhile folks the s p 500 following the nasdaq into record territory. Now heres the thing. When these hurdles are cleared, right, usually there is a gigantic move one way or the other. I personally think there will be a big breakout to the upside but i will bring in ceo mark tepper. We get a lot of data coming out every day. Markets moving higher. S p trying to break out. Where do you think this takes us . Does it trigger profittaking or can some of the trillion buildings of dollars on the sidelines finally be lured in. Yes. So, charles, it is pretty interesting, sometimes investing at alltime highs can be a bit intimidating for investors but it is very rarely a danger sign. When you hit an alltime high, there is 99 chance you will hit another alltime high within a year. Normally alltime highs are symbolic of strong fundamentals and strong momentum. Its a much better place to be investing right now than to be trying to bottom fish, right . Trying to call the bottom. I think the market is going higher. Charles new highs begat new highs. We heard that a long time. Im sure everyone watching know that new lows beget new lows. This is alltime high, firmly established. We made that pretty clear there are a lot of issues on the horizon. The election. Fate of additional stimulus and vaccine and investor behavior. What of these hurdles you are most concerned about that could derail any of this . The economy seems to be rebounding. Retail sales are up. Personal incomes up. Personal income was up 7 yearoveryear right now. It is not because people are making more money at work. It is because of the government stimulus. So the key to the rebound is for us to continue to move forward reopening the economy, rebound with consumer confidence. That is 70 . The economy. Right you no the street wrecks near has earnings of 164 on the s p. That is not going to happen unless the consumer is strong. Charles real quick then, how should consumer sit, powering this economy, where should he be in the market to take advantage of their own portfolios . You guys were just talking about the strong housing market. Housing market is strong. Existing inventories are low. Home improvement retailers are showing blowout numbers. There is a Home Improvement craze. People were lined up outside of home depot trying to go in the last several months but that stock is up 30 this year. So a lot of the good is already priced in. Compare that to a company like front door which is down 10 this year, trading at 25 valuation discount to its peers. Front door is about contractors and home service plans. Once i buy the stuff from home depot who will do it . Charles front door. I love us when our guests bring us brand new names. Well be watching that. Mark, that very much. Meanwhile folks, President Trump quickly fighting back against new york governor cuomos allegation that new york as ambushed by negligence from the federal government. Nursing home deaths are rising and residents are fleeing so is it time for cuomo to look in the mirror . Katie pavlich will give her rebuttal to Michelle Obama telling trump he is in over his head. Charles politico reporting that House Speaker nancy pelosi democrats are willing to cut of covid19 demands in half to get agreement on the stimulus bill. She says the Postal Service bill was to minimize republican opposition. She wants trump to sign the legislation. President trump meanwhile is on the attack after day one of the Democratic National convention. Here his latest tweet today against new york Governor Andrew Cuomo, a horrible governor. Cuomo killed 11,000 people in Nursing Homes alone. Crooked and incompetent. This all comes after rising star of the party, cuomo, blasted trump for his, for saying he was negligent in his response to the coronavirus pandemic. Many are saying comos policies really have hurt the state financially. People are moving out. Jackie deangelis now with a lot more on this budding feud. Jackie. Reporter good afternoon to you, charles. Everyone is blaming it on the other guy, right . Governor cuomos speech at the virtual dnc was very anticipated last night and as expected he focused on the coronavirus and the response of the federal government. But if you recall cuomo during his coronavirus pressers kept saying he was working closely with the federal government on new yorks response. Yet last night he basically blamed the Trump Administration for everything that went wrong in new york and elsewhere over the last few months. Then he went on to blame President Trump for worsening the divide in the country as well. Listen to this. Only a strong body can fight off the virus and americas divisions weakened it. Donald trump didnt create the initial division. The division created trump. He only made it worse. Reporter President Trump was listening and he certainly didnt take it lying down. He went back on twitter blaming cuomo for the death of 11,000 people in Nursing Homes. As you mentioned the governor had Nursing Homes take in patients who had been in the hospitals, right . There are a lot of questions surrounding the future of new york right now. Lets focus on that, especially new york city. Virus cases are down, yes, but people are fleeing the city because of crime. Businesses are not fully back up and running and the Real Estate Market is hanging in the balance. As we all brace for what could be the second wave and what that looks like. Weve got budget problems here. Weve got Police Problems here. And it is pretty much a mess. You have got Governor Andrew Cuomo who cant seem to rein in the mayor here, mayor de blasio. Some positive news about amazon though betting people will get over the pandemic to get back into the office. Theyre adding 3500 employees in six cities. That will include 2,000 jobs here in new york city. You have to ask yourself, charles, if it is amazons job to fix the problems here . Its cuomos job. Its de blasios job. There are a lot of questioning the validity of what cuomo said on the virtual stage as he grappling, struggling with his own problems. Not to mention the fact he is promoting his new book, american crisis. It will come out on october 13. Three weeks before election day, charles. Charles all right. Well, that is, thats a lot to take in, thats for sure, jackie. Thank you very much. Trump also firing back at first lady, former First Lady Michelle Obama after her passionate condemnation of our president. Take a listen. President trump i thought her speech was frankly divisive. I wouldnt be here if it werent for barack obama. Were standing in the white house. I wouldnt be in the white house except for barack obama because at the did a bad job, biden and obama. And if they did a good job i wouldnt be here. Charles joining me now town hall editor, Fox News Contributor Katie Pavlich. That comment. Lindsey graham made a similar comment. Media took it something as racist, instead of saying that President Trump and the democrats pushed the nation so far to one side that there was a large group of americans who wanted to pull it back. Seems that simple to me. Yeah. Charles. It is interesting to watch how far the democrats are willing to go still with these identity politics, given that people were really tired after eight years of president obamas being in the white house, of being accused of racism simply for having policy differences with him on a number of very personal issues, Like Health Care, the economy. Michelle obama went on and on how she is worried about things getting worse and that things can get worse. Well they could if Vice President joe bidens policies are implemented as they were similar to the ones under president obama where we had anemic job growth, anemic gdp, and lets not forget the millions of americans who lost their Health Care Plan as a result of obamacare and they have also lost their jobs as a result of the massive regulations that the Obama Administration put on which biden is vowing to put back in place. So you know, this idea that we cant have discussion about differences in policy without being called a racist, i think it backfired because these are personal issues for people. They want to discuss them and find out what biden presidency means for them. Charles you know, the irony of course is the whole world is having these same issues. They can have them not weighed down bit fingerpointing every time. Fallback positions that make honest discussion pretty tough. Face it, democrats are pretty divided between bidens and bernies of the world. Sanders, he did play ball last night. Take a listen. I say to you, to everyone who supported other candidates in the primary and to those who may have voted for donald trump in the last election. The future of our democracy is at stake. The future of our economy is at stake. The future of our planet is at stake. My friends, the price of failure is just too great to imagine. Charles so he wasnt as divisive as he was when hillary got the nod. Tonight it is aocs turn. Do you think she will play ball too . It is her turn. I believe she is only speaking for 60 seconds but what else Bernie Sanders said last night. He talked about he doesnt agree with Vice President joe biden still how to get to governmentrun health care. The key there, charles. Last time around in 2016, they know now democrats who were Bernie Sanders type vote earns, they know what it is like to lose the white house and not have the ability to implement policies for four years. So that is different than it was then this time around. And also, lets not forget, there is a price to everything. And if joe biden wants unity he has been working with Bernie Sanders and aoc on the unity issue but that is it going to come with a price and influence in terms how they get there on issues Like Health Care and i guarranty you, theyre still having the conversations leading up to election day because they have the power to just sit at home, say, not worth it if youre not going to implement our policies. Charles no doubt a biden presidency would be so much farther left than anyone is willing to advertise. Short time, 30 seconds, cant let you go, Governor Andrew Cuomo taking a victory lap while throwing the federal government under the bus for the covid19 response . It makes me sick he is writing a book about his socalled successes here whiling snoring voices of the families who died as a result of his policies. Funny how the politicians changes behavior when it comes to opportunistic things like speaking at dnc. Early on in the crisis Governor Andrew Cuomo was brazing for the response and everything extra new york didnt end up needing. He is changed his opinions. He will profit off the failures that he has implemented that really affected thousands of families in new york. Charles just a heartbreaking story. He got a lot of ventilators. He got a nursing ship. A hospital ship. Katy, thank you very much. Convention center full of hospital beds. Charles, appreciate it. Charles new school year may be right around the corner but i got to tell you College Students are facing uncertainty and a lot more questions than answers, what it means for all Public School systems next. Covid19 taking a greater toll on our Mental Health. Parents are scrambling for child care. People feeling isolated. Tweet me cvpayne. I want to know how youre holding up. Well be right back find your getupandgo. Find pants that arent sweats. Find your friends. Find your sense of wander. Find the world is new, again. At chevy wed like to take you there. Now during the chevy open road sales event, get up to 15 of msrp cash back on select 2020 models. Thats over fiftyseven hundred dollars cash back on this equinox. Its time to find new roads, again. Before money, people tools, cattle, grain, even shells represented value. Then currency came along. They made it out of copper, gold, silver, wampum. Soon people decided to put all that value into a piece of paper, then proceeded to wave goodbye to value, printing unlimited amounts of money as they passed the buck to the future. Thats why its time for Digital Currency and your investment in the grayscale funds. Go digital. Go grayscale. Charles as the new School Year Draws Near there is a lot of uncertainty out there. In fact a rise in cases at unc chapel hill forcing the college to move online classes to online classes rather. Notre dame seeing a spike in cases since the semester started. Lauren simonetti has more details. Lauren. Lauren charles, class was dismissed at ucn chapel hill one week into the fall semester. The College Shifting to full Online Learning because of a spike in cases. Who is next . Check out the Positivity Rate at notre dame hitting 15 . Also oklahoma state, boston university, villanova reporting more infections and more testing. Crowded parties. Take a look at these pictures appear to be the culprit . Wow. Theyre prompting urgent pleas. Take a look at this pas fromville novembers basketball coach. We love to party. Nobody does it better but not this semester. We have to get through this pandemic together. Lauren if colleges are the blueprint if you will for grade school, we have a problem. 71 of mississippis 82 counties reporting positive cases from kindergarten through 12th grade. Arizona, entire School System shut down. The teachers staged a sickout over health concerns. New York City Department education with a citywide infection rate of 1 new york city is the safest major city in the country t continues. We are committed to providing instruction five days a week. But, charles, can parents be convinced to send their kids . A recent gallup poll finding only 36 are okay with sending kids back to the classroom full time. The National Homeschool Association says this could be the beginning of the end of public education. Theyre doomed in the long run. They have already outlived their usefulness. Eventually theyre not going to be here. Lauren those are controversial comments the death of the Public School system. But we can tell you this, about 10 million kids will likely be homeschooled this year. That number up from four million. Charles, were seeing a sea change in education. Charles kind of scary. Im not sure every parent is prepared to homeschool. Some wont have a choice. Lauren, thank you very much. As working parents try to navigate these sort of hybrid models, right . Schools closed, remote learning, you name it, there is another major concern. That is the toll on Mental Health. All americans are suffering some intensely. There is a recent Cdc Survey Shows nearly a third reported feeling anxious or depressed. Nearly 11 seriously considered suicide. The World Health Organization weighing in on this. Warning increase of use of drugs and alcohol and americans suffering from stress. For more, bring in cheryl casone. Another heartbreaking covid19 story. Cheryl it really is. If you look at the dem of demographics those are reporting higher levels of depression, substance abuse, thoughts of suicide, believe it or not, it is younger adults. It is minorities. Also essential workers. Doctors. There are a lot of stories doctors suffering from ptsd because of what they saw during the pandemic, particularly in the hot spots, if you will. Also adult caregivers are reporting a lot of stress and anxiety. I was looking at percentages of what you just mentioned. When it comes to anxiety and depression 31 say anxiety, depression, they felt that trauma and stress. 26 but those that seriously considered suicide, charles, 11 . You know, we talk about trying to go back to normal, trying to go back to school, people going back to work. You know what . If we dont start to get back to some semblance of normal in some of these cities, hello, new york city, does it really get back to normal . The human toll. The Mental Health toll will be devastation we may not be able to recover from. Charles yeah. Cheryl, you know, well see what happens but we were warned this was going to happen. I think it is worse than a warning. Thank you very much. Cheryl you bet. Charles for years wall street traditional lifts chastised millenials you have to invest. Youre not in the market. Now theyre chastising them for being in the market. 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So i think maybe it is time we start to take him a little bit more seriously when we look at our own investments. On that i would like to bring in Heritage Capitals paul schatz, along with Devine Capital ceo dani hughes. Let me start with you. People follow Warren Buffett. He has been around a long time. He has seen a lot of Different Things trend or change. Apple investment opened his eyes a little bit into tech. I obviously think he should be more invested in it. Him toe throw in the towel the way he has, he sent a message our economy has changed and these names wont act excel anymore. Buffett is famous for saying many things. He said be greedy when others are be fearful. He didnt have enough time to be greedy when the window opened down in march. He is visionary, iconic master of the markets. With respect to the gold where he made a big investment in barrick gold recently, it is reported in his Second Quarter, 500 million, what he is looking at is about the future environment. When this liquidity that is happening in the marketplace right now, feels so good, it is raising all boats, that is going to come home to roost. So i think thats where he is looking is longer term. If you look at his investments, he is looking longer term. Not looking at airlines. Theyre in play. But they wont be in play in the future is what his thinking is. Charles i mean he is a longterm investor. Even at the age of 89, paul. He is sitting on the fact of 130 billion. He wont put it to work. Some to dannys point i think he missed amazing opportunities back in march. He is not necessarily that nimble. He hired people that are supposed to be nimble like that. You like the gold idea, dont you . You have to unpack everything a little bit. Apple was not really a buffett pick. That was deviation to his underlings. His investment team. Buffett has had a couple of forays in his career into alternative asset classes. I dont believe any worked out well. To the point about gold, longer term i do love the play. Im going to say that buffett does not stick with it long term. I think he will break his own rules again. He will sell it poorly. Remember, he have once quipped about gold being dug out of the ground in africa, someplace, melt it down, doesnt equal anything. No store of value. Talk about gold compared to coke. Coke would kick its butt. Talked about mining all the gold in the world and not being as much as the price of 10 exsons. I dont think this is Warren Buffett play. This is underling play and another pivot into other areas as buffett at some point clearly comes close to retirement but i applaud the effort to get out of the same stuff over and over and over again for sure. Charles yeah. I mean, you know, gold aside, i think there is a clear message about where we are going as a society, a global society. Speaking of evolution if you will, or maybe revolution, robin hood, they raised another round of funding. Companys valuation to more than 11 billion. Wall street traditional lifts dont really like this. There is lot of debate over pros and cons of millenials. I want to say crashing the party but might be the wrong word, dani. I love seeing people in the market. I think this is the greatest wealth generating machine in history. Millenials, a red flag for you . Not exactly. What it shows me a repeat what happened when we were growing up in the market, traders ripping off market makers. That was of day traders. This is [inaudible]. People are bereft. They dont have a job. Theyre looking at markets. Seeing all kinds of opportunity. What is happening is, there is so much educational material out there now. So many people who are teaching people how to trade the markets. You can use less money not that i advocate for that. And you can use leverage in order to trade some names that have been really crazy up and down. Charles right. So i do think that the education around investing and trading and Wealth Creation is really democratized this movement into robin hood and im a big fan. Charles real quick, paul, you can give me yea or nay on that but also vshaped. You know what . Every time data comes out i look at the chart the v is looking stronger. The v is looking like checks right now. Can this continue to the end. Year . I know youve somewhat skeptical. Absolutely have been. More on the economy than the markets. I dont think markets i thought we would see new highs. We would lucky see new highs in early 2021 with 40,000 after that. Im certainly pleasantly surprised. Im happy the markets are clearly riding the fence liquidity. In the economy continue . I dont think so. In the markets look, we typically dont have more than a 10 decline when incumbent is standing for reelection. We had one decline which was i think 8 since 1950 of any incumbent election in august, september, october. Listen, if the dow is at 30,000, trump has got a shot here. If the market falls the last couple months, it is probably going to abiden win. Charles all right. Well see. The way it is going now, it might be at 30,000. Dani, paul, thank thank you. Genz is eager to control their own destiny there is nationwide financial revolution. We want you to help you be a part of that we want to help you make money. Were holding a town hall. This is september 2nd. I have a special guest, bar stool founder dave portnoy will be with us. Other special guests. Message fox business on facebook or instagram. Email us your questions. Start sending them right now. Investedinyou foxbusiness. Com. Do it yourself. Generate your own wealth. Change your own life. Meanwhile the coronavirus we know it damaged our economy but the Retail Sector which has been hit the hardest, actually now could actually factor into the election in november. Fox news kevin corke joins me from the Battle Ground state of ohio where, which is by the way a major retail, retail is a major industry there. A lot of great retailers nationally began in ohio, kevin. Where are we now . Reporter yeah, youre right on the money there, charles. I can tell you this. You probably saw this in the journal. L brands the Parent Company of Victoria Secret and other companies announcing just recently they intend to lay off 850 employees. Theyre based right here, corporate offices here in the capital of the buckeye state. Other big retail manufacturers here in town, not just bad bodyworks, vfw, Victoria Secret you just mentioned. Layoffs are troubling tend. Foot traffic ground to a halt back in march only seeing a slight improvement. Thanks to policy, political decisions made in the wake of the covid pandemic. While some analysts, charles, argue this prolonged shutdown response to the crisis and bickering from capitol hill and the white house created sort of a slow motion economic suicide, there are others who say the real impact is now hitting suburban voters, harder than ever. All with an election less than 80 days away. One other thing to remember about suburban voters in columbus area. We have lot of retail companies, major retail companies. Retail companies are starting to get hit. Those are workers maybe being floated by federal stimulus. Theyre looking down the line saying malls are struggling. Reporter let me i got to share this with you, charles. I was looking at some numbers and i think theyre really relevant here. Back in 2019 you probably saw 17 major retailers announced they were going to seek bankruptcy protection. In 2020 weve already seen 26 major retailers, some very big names among them including Neiman Marcus and lord taylor seeking bankruptcy protection. It is really hitting towns like columbus very hard. We still have less than 80 days to go before the election. Theyre looking for a big turn around and policies to match. Charles . Charles yeah. Thank you very much. Some of that federal policy. Some of that is state and local too. They shut doesnt your business, they shut down your business. Thank you very much, kevin. Chinas cdc they have their even version of it. It was supposed to stop a pandemic like coronavirus spreading y is it so hard to say that china is at fault . A former Top State Department Senior Advisor will weigh in with his thoughts next. Charles despite some tough talk from lawmakers laying the blame for coronavirus on China Remains elusive. Wall street journal article putting it out front and center. Chinas cdc build to stop pandemics like covid stumbled when it mattered most. They did an endrun around the western educated virologists whose agency was supposed to contain new contagious diseases. Former state Department Senior advisor Christian Whiton joins me now. Christian, the article goes on to point out, if they had sounded the alarm in wuhan just days earlier, how many fewer deaths in china, how many fewer deaths around the world . It is amazing . It is. Really exposes the priorities of the Chinese Government which is maintaining the power of the Chinese Government. Far before priorities like saving lives, maintaining public health, for getting the truth out whether internally or telling the world the truth, maintaining that control is of most importance and thats why western educated and people with ties to the outside world were cut out of the process and youve seen of course the sort of analog of this echoed in the United States which is President Trump acted quite decisively early to stop flights from china on january 30 first. He was criticized by the World Health Organization. By bureaucrats in his own government like fauci and by joe biden actually. So the reason you see the shift of blame from china to europe is partly because of our own domestic politics. Neil so christian, why is the media still loathe to call it wuhan virus or china virus . Governor cuomo made a map of his odyssey through it, he blamed european travelers. They have to go from wuhan to europe before they claim to new york. What is the deal there . This odyssey, this is where it started and they dropped the ball big time . Yeah. I think it is politics and political correctness. It was called the wuhan virus originally, including by the chinese. After all it originated in wuhan. Im not sure governor cuomo, the granny killer has any credibility how you fight or identify accurately characterize a pandemic like this but he is trying to distract attention from frankly decisive steps taken in washington which were not reflected in albany or new york city. So i think it really just, it is politics clouding the truth. Charles speaking of attention, we know wuhan is ground zero for the coronavirus pandemic t had the worlds first lockdown. They had a serious communist lockdown but did you see this video . Concert on the water . Its a pool part in wuhan . Theyre partying it up big time. It kind of feels uneasy thinking about how the world is still suffering. It is. Alarming to watch. Not my kind of fun exactly but apparently it flies over there. It goes to the, probably implies they have heard immunity in wuhan i think how this was arrested. It wasnt necessarily communist Party Oppression that solved it in the end. So many people got this that you got herd immunity. You have also these politically motivated scientists here in the United States saying well, you may never get the herd immunity for coronavirus or maybe a very high number. They also said once you get it. Maybe you dont get immunity. We heard reports that herd immunity achieves fairly early. You get probably immunity if you have this. Sweden much derided saying well let this spread and get herd immunity. They seem to got that. Charles their numbers are down practically to zero. Theyre not throwing any pool parties. Thank you very much, folks. Were be right back. Wow. Ok thats 15 on top of what geico could already save you. So what are you waiting for . Idina menzel to sing your own theme song . Tara, tara, look at her go with a fresh cup of joe. Gettin down to work early following her dreams into taxidermy oh, its. Tax attorney. I read that wrong, oh yeeaaaah geico. Save an extra 15 percent when you switch by october 7th. Give it up for tara charles all right, folks. The market appears to be sending a message that investors believe President Trump will retain the white house on election day but a Biden Victory of course cannot be ruled out. On this note i want to bring in chief Market Strategist david nelson. David, when do you see the potential outcome of the election being factored more into this market . Its probably one of the biggest risks the market has right now because theres going to be a lot of concern as we approach the election, certainly on a sector level. You will see a lot of rhetoric and you will start to see sector volatility. You will see sector plays in health care, energy, even big cap tech, you know, will get a pushback from washington. Maybe the biggest risk, you know, joe biden winning would be what if theres a sweep. Then certainly 2021 earnings come into play because they are going to do everything they can to roll back the Corporate Tax cut. Charles you know, i saw something i think it was business insider, 47 stocks to own for a biden presidency. I didnt get a chance to read it but i was shocked. I thought maybe there would have been four or seven but not 47. But on a more serious note, i know you are always invested in something, always fully invested which is why i love having you on. I want to get your thoughts because this market is shifting, its changing a little bit. What are some of your latest moves . You know, the market is rushed from one side of the lifeboat to the other. At the start of the pandemic, we gravitated to those large caps but now as the economy is starting to roll out, i had to take a barbell strategy approach and have an equal weighting growth and value. I have had over weight sectors like industrials, even some areas of Consumer Discretionary at this point, because as america goes back to work, we will have to move down the valuation curve and we will need the handoff, the baton handoff from large cap secular growth. Charles so i know you like, for instance, d. R. Horton. You are the third person on the show that likes d. R. Horton. How can you not like that stock, charles . [ speaking simultaneously ] less than 12 times charles i love united rental, youre in. Texas instruments. Carrier was the curious one. Whats up with carrier . Its an industrial play. A spinoff from raytheon. Really the old United Technologies when they split up the company. Raytheon split off carrier and otis and others. Very strong names. Value plays as well. Industrial sectors very strong. You got to own the sector. Charles all right. We got to leave it there. David, we always love it. You help us out a lot. Cheryl casone, we have to get to 3393 and change on the s p for a new high. We are at 3393 and change. I hand it off to you. Cheryl 4. 16 is the magic number. We are up over 10 right now. We got this covered, charles. Absolutely. Thank you, sir. We have a lot of breaking news this hour. We are going to do it. We are going to do it. Its another record day on wall street and the nasdaq and s p 500 both hit alltime intraday highs so far. Thats what charles is talking about. But will the major averages be able to hang on to the gains as we go into the close and will we get new record highs for the s p and nasdaq . Right now the s p

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