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Just another day of democracy seattle style. Leftwing violence also carried out this weekend in other large democratrun cities. Insurrectionists rioting in portland. Thats right, the Law Enforcement, federal Law Enforcement officers left just hike they said they would like they said they would. The protesters, well, not doing nearly so well. They continue to be violent, to loot, to vandalize, and everyone has forgotten what they are demonstrating about at moments of, well, quieter moments than these you see on your screen. Thieves scurrying around the city of chicago. 21 people shot at a cookout in washington d. C. They killed one person. And new york city, its 1,000th shooting victim of this year. Also tonight more of the deep states lies and deceit revealed. Documents showing how the fbi lied to the Senate Intelligence committee in 2018 about the reliability of the phony steele dossier. Thats right, the one that the fbi used to launch their investigation of a president ial caught. But senator Lindsey Graham doesnt seem willing to question any senators about how that all came to be, who the fbi briefer was to the senate intel committee. He wants to ask, rather, publicly who it was and see what the fbi says, i guess. And President Trump once again putting americans first. President trump fed up with the radical dems tactics, signing executive orders this weekend to provide support and relief to 18 million americans out of jobs and who need help supplemental unemployment payments. Student loan relief through december 31st, eviction protection for renters and homeowners and payroll tax holiday for those making under 100,000 through the end of the year. President trumps move met with the usual disdain and drivel of the radical dems and rinos, some of them at least in washington. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and rino senator ben sasse harmonizing their resistance of President Trump. Both called the president s orders, quoteunquote, unconstitutional slop. President trump today responded on twitter, tweeting this in part Rino Ben Sasse has gone rogue again. This foolishness play ares right into the hands of the radical left dems. And the president reminding sasse that it was he who came to the president seeking his support for his election. Well, joining us tonight is the Vice President of the United States, mike pence. And, mr. Vice president , it is always great to see you good to be back, lou. Lou and to have the opportunity to talk with you. Thank you. Lou may i start, first of all, with the executive orders because that as so important to millions of americans who would have no help whatsoever from the radical dems. Four weeks of pure stonewalling, slow rolling and indifference to the needs of americans who are hurting. Your thoughts. Well, look, what the American People saw this weekend was once again the decisive leadership of president donald trump. After literally weeks of refusing to come to the table, refusing to negotiate in good faith when were seeing our economy beginning to reopen, last friday we saw 1. 8 million jobs added to this economy, but theres still many millions of americans that needed payroll tax relief, that needed an extension of Unemployment Insurance and yet the democrats were willing to let those very things fall by the wayside as they continue to advance their Big Government, massive spending bill that Speaker Pelosi passed many weeks ago on capitol hill. But the president said enough is enough. He took executive action. We were deferring a payroll tax through the end of this year, thats money in the pocket for working americans lou right. But then he also used his authority as president to extend Unemployment Insurance benefits in a fiscally responsible way. Were asking states to pay for 25 , but its 400 a week more the people who havent found work yet in this economy can have that plus help for young people going to school, student loan relief, eviction relief for working americans. This is a president that said while the radical left continues to dominate the democratic party, the democrats continue to play games on capitol hill, President Trumps going to take action to put america first. Lou in taking action, as you say, to put americans first, how soon will it be that they will be getting actual relief . How soon will people have money . How soon will they have help in deferring or perhaps giving them time to catch up on payments that would make evictions and foreclosures a moot point . Well, the president s executive action about evictions, about Student Loans takes effect the moment that he signs it. But today on our Weekly Conference call with all the nations governors, we assured them9 that the Unemployment Insurance benefits should be being implemented immediately. We also told them that they can use roughly 80 billion in cares act funding that hasnt been drawn down by states yet to pay their portion of the extension of Unemployment Insurance. Look, a lot of americans are hurting despite the fact that we had lost 22 million jobs at the height of this pandemic and as of last week have added 9 million americans back to the rolls of lou thats true. Working people in this country, theres many more americans that need help. The president said were not going to wait on nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer anymore, were going to extend Unemployment Insurance benefits. The department of labor and treasury are a working to make that a reality. And were working to put into effect that effort to defer payroll Tax Collections to the end of this year. Again, this is just another example of where President Trump said, look, if youre not willing to come to the table and negotiate in a way that puts americans first, were going to take actions so that americans cannot be used as pawns in the democrats effort to push another massive Big Government spending bill. Lou you know, mr. Vice president , were looking at cities that are erupting in violence, continue to erupt in many cases whether its chicago or portland, and some of those states have got Democrat City Councils as well as mayors and democratic governors. And i was just thinking as you were talking, do you hear from any of those democrat governors saying, no, no, mr. Vice president , tell mr. Trump that we dont want the money for our citizens . We dont want immediate help for the people who are hurting . Do you ever hear them say, no, please, just follow along with nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and we can catch up with you maybe in september or october . Lou [laughter] lou, thatd be a first. I mean, you know, i used to be a governor, and i respect the role that governors play and have played especially throughout this coronavirus pandemic. And i, what i consistently hear from governors is how grateful they are that this president has literally spared no expense. We summered surged billions of dollars to our states, to our Wonderful Health care workers that weve provided the kind of resources and medicines and ppe and testing to meet this moment. And what i heard today on that Conference Call with governors is that they want to see the congress act. That, look, President Trumps made it clear in addition to the exestive action that hes taken executive action that hes taken, wed like to send another round of checks to the American People. Remember it was 1200 per american, 3400 per family . The president s very open to doing just that. We want to get more support for businesses, the Paycheck Protection Program and other programs that have allowed businesses to weather the storm of the coronavirus. And we want to get our schools open, lou. And thats why the president called for 105 billion to make it possible to open up our k12 schools, our universities. And we said to the governors today its time for them to pick up the phone and call nancy pelosi and call Chuck Schumer and tell em to get off the dime, get back to the table, and lets get a deal done. But, you know, not the kind of deal that Speaker Pelosi passed earlier in the house of representatives. I heard the other day that that, the bill that they passed actually mentions marijuana more than it mentions jobs. And the American People dont want some pork barrel bill coming out of the congress when weve got real needs for working families, we have got needs to get our schools open. And were literally calling on every governor especially democrat governors across the country to call on members of their party in congress to say lets get to the table, lets get a deal done that puts americans first. Lou well, were hearing words that some of these governors are deeply disappointed that schumer and pelosi havent been able to get them a bailout for their, basically, bankrupt systems. This administration is not going to provide that kind of relief, are you . If there is to be a later negotiation . Look, the president s made it very clear theres going to be no bailout for badlyrun states in this country. I mean, the truth is that many statements run by democrats states run by democrats for decades have run up massive deficits, massive debt. And i heard the other day that nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer are calling for a trillion dollars to our states when, in fact, literally you know, weve got on the table, you know, more than 100 billion for education, another 100 billion to help our states. But President Trump has made it clear were not going to let liberal democrats and the radical left use the coronavirus pandemic to bail out states that have been running deficits and debt for decades. Were going to stand up for taxpayers, stand up for fiscal responsibility even while we get resources to states at the point of the need. One of the points that the treasury secretary made today to the governors was weve literally been calling governors to ask specifically what they need to implement a backtoschool plan. And the president s request for 105 billion is specifically tailored to the actual perstudent cost of returning to school in a safe and responsible way. But no bailouts, lou. You know, this isnt a blank check for badlyrun states and especially those badlyrun states run by liberal democrats for decades. Lou up next, well hear more from Vice President pence on the importance of reopening our countrys schools. And please preorder my new book, the trump century how our president changed the course of history forever. You can do so at thetrumpcentury. Com, amazon. Com or barnesandnoble. Com. As we continue to want to irritate liberals as much as we can. Well be right back, stay with us. Tada did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. But what if you could stdo better than that . K. Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. 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The experts left, right and center have all recognized that Distance Learning is no replacement for in the classroom, inperson learning. We dont want our kids to fall behind academically, but, you know, what the American People also recognize is kids with special needs, kids with learning disabilities, they get those services at schools. And tens of millions of American Kids get food and Nutritional Supplement at school. And so its far beyond academic e. There are real costs to americas kids, and that doesnt even take into account the costs on working families. You know, many governors, even some democrat governors are now beginning to announce that they support a return to back to school because they recognize that for an awful lot of americans if their kids cant go back to school, they cant go back to work. I heard a number the other day that only, that only 20 of Single Parents in america can telework. That means 80 of Single Parents that go back to work, have to go back to work, theyve got to have their kids back in the school. Thats why President Trump from very early on has made it clear weve got to get our kids back. And just so everybody knows, the cdc issued a series of new, new guide posts a couple of weeks ago, but the first thing they issued was a paper about how it is in the Public Health interest of our kids to be back in school. So the cdc says for the health of our kids, we say for their academic health, for their future and for working families weve got to get our kids back to school. Its one more reason why the democrats on capitol hill need to come back to the table. We want to make sure our states have the resources as well as the guidance to safely reopen our schools. They can, were going to continue to stand for it and fight for it on behalf of working families everywhere. Lou well, good for you and the American People desperately need the leadership of this administration to make this happen. This is do you have any impression of besides the fact t dick during bane is beginning to agree with you durbin is beginning to agree with you on a host of issues, it seems, at least informally e and Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi are saying maybe they do want to talk now, do you think theyre getting the idea that they have been running here for weeks a video of a elect trump pence 20 20 campaigns. Because when you see everything that theyre doing trying to keep schools closed, letting violence run rampant in the cities that are so devastate by decades of democratrun administrations in their municipalities the payoff is pretty ugly, pretty violent, and why would anyone in the world want a democrat in the white house . Well [laughter] you know, the choice in this elections never been clearer, and the stakes have never been higher. In president donald trump, you have someone whos kept more promises that he made to the American People; rebuild our military, the revive the economy with less taxes, less regulation, fought for free and fair trade, appointed conservatives to our courts. But joe biden and the radical left and the party of Chuck Schumer or and nancy pelosi is all about taking the country all the way back in the opposite direction. More defense out cuts, 4 trillion in higher taxes, a 2 trillion green new deal, economic surrender to china. We heard this weekend from Speaker Pelosi, she actually said that china would prefer joe biden to win the upcoming election. And thats because no ones been tougher on china than president donald trump. And one issue after another, the American People are tired of the politics on capitol hill, playing politics in the midst of this pandemic, and i truly do believe that come november 3rd, were going to win a great victory e when we win four more years for president donald trump. And i also believe, i also believe the American People see what a democrat majority in the house of representatives means, and i think weve got a fighting chance not only to reelect a republican senate, but to elect a new republican majority in the house of representatives and move our nation forward. Lou the attorney general over this weekend, you know, making the comment black lives matter protests, the violence that were seeing in those democratrun cities. I want to just run, if i may, a sound bite for the audience to show what the attorney general of the United States now says about black lives matter and the movement that they have unleashed on the country. It is not, it is not failing but any stretch of the imagination. It is having great influence at least within certain communities and certain age groups. Lets roll that from attorney general william barr, please. They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism, communism. Theyre essentially bolsheviks. Their tactics are fascistic. Its a new form of urban guerrilla warfare. Lou and this president has weeks and weeks and weeks ago been saying we have to control this violence and establish haw and order in these democratrun cities. The democrats arent doing it, and the national leftwing media is excoriating the president because he wants to preserve the lives of citizens, protect communities and establish law and order. Where do we go from here in this president has proved his leadership. This is a tough, tough issue, as you well know. Where does the administration go with this now . President trump has no higher priority than the safety and security of the American People, lou. And i want to promise you that were going to continue to surge resources and personnel into cities that are deeply impacted like chicago, seattle, portland and other communities where and new york city where literally the local leadership has utterly failed to quell the violence on the streets. Now, that being said, all along the way remember when shortly after the murder of george floyd on the streets of minneapolis we saw the mayhem there . President trump call on the governor of minnesota to deploy the national guard. He said either you do it or we will. The governor of minnesota did that and brought, brought peace to the streets. He took a strong stand. We said were not going to let, were not going to let antifa and these radical, riotous protesters destroy the federal courthouse in portland, oregon. We deployed federal personnel there to protect the courthouse stand against the rioters. He made it clear to the governor of oregon that either she steps up to secure the steps of portland or we would, and the governor of oregon did that. They deployed local Law Enforcement, they deployed the state police. The rioting has continued, but well continue to call on local officials to do their job and, most importantly, let the courageous men in Law Enforcement at the state and local level in their communities do their job. Make no mistake about it whether its operation legend where were deploying federal resources from Justice Department, we are not going to stand by while these rioters and these radical leftists tower apart our cities tear apart our cities. And this president s prepared to take action necessary if states and local communities fail to act to product their citizens. We will. Lou Vice President mike pence, always great to sit down and talk with you and appreciate your time, sir. My thanks to Vice President pence for his time. Well be back with more lou dobbs tonight. And my new book, preorder your copy now, or drive the left nuts. The trump century how our president changed the course of history forever. At the trump century. Com, preorder at amazon. Com or hey, can i. Hold on one second. Sure. Okay. Okay safe drivers save 40 guys guys check it out. Safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him hes here. Hes right here. Hi hi. Hey thats totally him. Its him thats totally the guy. Safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Shingles doesnt care. I logged 10,000 steps today. Shingles doesnt care. I get as much fresh air as possible. Good for you, but shingles doesnt care. Because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. 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This is really a remarkable englishment for the president of the United States accomplishment for the president of the United States, also for Prime Minister bibi netanyahu, to come together and bring peace to a region, its the first time in 26 years israels made peace with an arab nation. And we now have mohamed bin sigh yesterday, the crown prince entering a pantheon of great leaders like king hussein of jordan and anwr is sadat of egypt who had the courage and fortitude to make peace with the region. This is good for the countries involved and good for the United States of america, so its really a remarkable achievement today, and i congratulate all the leaders who were involved in this historic abrahamic accord. Lou its clear that this has the potential to significantly alter the dynamics of the region but also change the geopolitics beyond that; that is, a reaction to which russia and china alike will have to respond in the region and the conflict that has beset israel from its founding. It looks like it has the potential here to result in real peace. I know its certainly early days in this agreement, but it is a marked change of direction in what the region has experienced over the last quarter century. No, youre absolutely right, lou. And these are two dynamic countries, maybe the two most dynamic countries in the region. Theyre hightech centers, theyre tourism centers, theyre centers of education, and they have very capable militaries. So from a security standpoint, its a real bonus for both countries. So its great for both israel and the uae but also just terrific for the United States of america. President trump is just happy to be involved in bringing peace to the region. I said earlier today in the press conference that, you know, everyone knows that President Trump is a great dealmaker and wrote a book about it and spent a life making great deals. What i think is going to happen over time and history, hes going to be hes to be looked back on as a great dealmaker and peacemaker. This is just another example of his success on that front. Lou it certainly is. And the imperatives of his agenda from the day he became president of the United States is to bring u. S. Troops home and to remove the United States from conflicts in which it did not have an overwhelmingly profound National Security interest, and that is also moving aa pace, is it not aa pace, is it not . Well, it is. President trump is very much like president reagan in that sense. He believes in peace through strength. So weve had a historic rebuilding of the American Military whiched had gone through years of sequestration and lacked readiness, and we hadnt supported our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines in the prior administration. Hes rebuilt the military. He approaches diplomacy from a position of strength. Like reagan, he hasnt gotten us involved in new wars. What hes doing is winding down wars. You take, for example, afghanistan. Secretary esper Just Announced last week that were going to be down to 5,000 troops by this fall. Thats less than half the number of troops that were there when the president took office. We havent had an american combat casualty since february 29th in a afghanistan. And so youre seeing the president make good on his Campaign Promises of bringing our troops home, our real heros, doing it in a way that brings peace to the various regions. And i couldnt be more proud to serve under him. Lou well, the nation is watching a president who is getting done what he has promised to do, and he is, as he has pointed out, only just begun. Robert, its great to have you with us. Again, congratulations, and i think you had a splendid idea about the nobel peace prize. We thank you for being with us. Appreciate it. Senator ron johnson has a different story today about rino resistance to his obamagate investigation. We take that up and more with congressman doug collins, and my new book, the trump century how our president changed the course of history forever, available for preorder. Get your copies before he makes any more history e this week. Thethetrumpcentury. Com, amazon. , barnesandnoble. Com. And, by the way, you can set off a few leftwingers in doing so as well. Well be right back, stay with us. We love our new home. Theres so much space. We have a guestroom now. But, we have aunts. Youre slouching again, ted. Expired, expired. Expired. Thanks, aunt bonnie. 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Johnson attributed his initial suggestion of rino resistance yesterday to a, quote, misunderstanding between him and radio host hugh hewitt. Johnsons office telling us today that, quote Committee Members want chairman johnson to attempt to get voluntary compliance and also to be fully prepared for interviews by obtaining necessary documents before compelling testimony. That is, ordering subpoenas. In an interview with fox news, johnson went on to further explain. He said subpoenas will be forthcoming, that i can guarantee you. Joining us now to help us try to make sense of all of this congressman doug collins, Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee and republican candidate for senate in the grand astronaut of georgia. State of georgia. Congressman, good to have you with us. Hi, lou. Lou we need a little translation are, a little capitol hill interpretation from you. Johnson says rino resistance on a wednesday, tells us theres none on a thursday. And meanwhile, there are suspects, clear suspects of doing just what he says didnt happen; that is, blocking his effort to get subpoenas on obamagate and amongst them, of course, mitt romney, senator lankford. It looks, it looks very, very bad for the committee. Well, worse, lou, it looks bad for the u. S. We need to get to the bottom of this. Ive been on the air with you a lot, lets just go, i mean, they have had a long time out in the senate with the majority to actually get this. We both know comey, jim comey, mccabe, strzok, page, brennan, clapper, all these you need to get them in. Get them on there in a deposition, get them under oath so that you can ask the questions that need to be asked. The American People want to know, the congress has been asking this, weve been asking this. Weve been revealing this if or a while, the new triplets that Lindsey Graham put out transcripts, all show that there was wrongdoing. Its time to get to the bottom of it. No mart the excuse, lets get em under oath because were running out of time to let the American People show vividly what they did to this president who, by the way, had another great day today. They tried to stop him. Can you imagine what would have happened if theyd have stopped President Trump . We would not have the success weve had, and right now the world would be a worse place, i believe. No more feet dragging on this. Lou yeah. Well, to your, a number of your points, one of which is this president in all that he has achieved, all that he has accomplished. And amongst those achievements is the state of this economy before the wuhan virus hit. What shape would this country be in he had not driven the strongest period of processer thety e in our countrys prosperity in our cups history before the china virus was unleashed upon us . You could look at this a number of ways. No president has done more than he has in the first three and a half years of presidency. Its remarkable. But the, its also remarkable that the Republican Party has creatures like mitt romney who tried to block the mean thats around brees that subpoenas around burisma, now are trying to block subpoenas. We know that mitt romney is amongst those trying to block ron johnsons obamagate investigation, and no one is raising mitch mcconnell, the majority leader, the Party Leaders should be demanding more, much more from senator romney. Weve got to have people willing to stand up. Look, for those of us who stood up for this president , stood up the last 18 months and followed the lies of nadler, schiff, pelosi and schumer, all these folks who wanted to take down this president , who were trying to show that there was a corruption around every my question is now lets be, lets be honest with the American People. If theres a republican or anybody who wants to stand in the withdraw of this investigation, then let them go to a camera and say why dont they want to know about the corruption of hunter and joe biden, the corruption we saw with comey, strzok, mccabe and page, why would we not want to know more about what happened to general flynn when he was unmasked . Joe biden himself as Vice President. Lou, its time that we show the world that were serious about this because people need to be held accountable for what they did. If they dont, theyll think they can get away with it, and thats not right. Lou well, its, to see senator portman, senator lankford and romney, you know, trying to block this by all appearances, we also have this, we also have this statement from congress senator romney. If we could put this up, about his idea of blocking burisma investigations to gun with and subpoenas to begin with and subpoenas. He said theres no question but the appearance of looking into burisma and hunter biden appears political, and i think, i think people are tired of these, these kind of political investigations, and i would hope that if theres something of significance that needs to be value waited, that itll be done by perhaps the fbi or some other agency thats [laughter] oh, my gosh. It just goes on. I i mean, its pitiful. It is absolutely pitiful, and he knows what hes doing. And he also has friends and associates, at least one, who was on the board of burisma, so he looks like hes conflicted and should have recused himself from any comment on it. Look, no question. If this appears political but its wrong and things were done wrong and possible laws were broken and things were circumvented especially with burisma and the investigation of the president , its our duty to look into it. Its not about i mean, should we not look into jim comey and mccabe and the rest of them because it was political that they wanted to take out the president . No, it was wrong. They admitted under oath that they were full and accurate when they actually went and tell them they knew they werent accurate. In fact, we also i saw just this past week now we know that Christopher Wray, who ive called for to resign because he is in a position where theyve not been honest with the senate, the fbis feetdragging. If its political and its wrong, youve got to go after right and wrong. Our country understands whats going on, but you cant be a afraid of appearance when youre actually going for the truth. My question is why respect we going for the truth. Lou yeah. And if senator romneys so concerned about political statements and the appearance of being political, he should perhaps examine everything hes said and done concerning President Trump and his reactions to this president throughout. It has been acidic, petty and pure lu political on purely political on his part. And did he notice that there was a sham special counsel and an absolute contrived coup attempt on the president of the United States seeking to overthrow hum by the radical dems and some rinos, we might add . Congressman doug collins, great to see you, thanks so much. Does senator Lindsey Graham really want to get to the bottom of obamagate, or is he playing some sort of weird game that only he understands . He really is a confusing fellow, a confounding fellow. No matter what your politics. We take that up right after the break. Well be right back, stay with well be right back, stay with us. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can save for an emergency from here. 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Senator graham, always a man with a plan and at least two points of view on anything, says hes going to get to the bottom of this by writing to fbi director Christopher Wray. Senator graham may not even need that letter though. The fbi talking points released but his committee are dated february 14, 2018. According to previously released documents from the department of justice and everybody there over at the senate Judiciary Committee let the senator know that the former associate Deputy Attorney general, scott schools, sent an email on the very same day saying that he will be at the Senate Select committee on intelligence with andy like most of the day. Now, it would not be a stretch of inferential logic to assume andy is none other than former acting fbi director andrew mccabe. Perhaps we here at lou dobbs tonight are solving this mystery. Well, the truth is that the conservative treehouse has been solving this mystery for quite some time. We would urge the committee to go over and read through their offerings. It always pays off. Volume three of the Senate Intelligence committees own russia report also shows andy mccabe was interviewed by the committee on, are you ready for this date, senator graham . February 14th, 2018. Grahams office tells us they have no comment on our research. But assured us his letter to Christopher Wray is in the works. Yessiree. We also asked grahams office why he hasnt just walked over, asked the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee Just who it was from the fbi that breached the that briefed the committee. Well be talking with Judicial Watch president tom fitton about this and much more righthththt we made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike. An army family who is always at the ready. So when they got a little surprise. Two . They didnt panic. They got a bigger car for their soontobebigger family. 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Thats why were helping you stay ahead and adapt with a network you can count on, 24 7 support and Flexible Solutions that work wherever you are. Call or go online today. Latonight, silence it with newd byzzzquil night pain. Because pain should never get in the way of a restful nights sleep. New zzzquil night pain. Silence pain, sleep soundly. Lou joining us tonight, i am always pleased to say, is tom fitton, the president of Judicial Watch. He has a new book, a republic under assault the left s ongoing attack on american freedom, available for preorder, and preorder it, you should. We highly recommend it to you. Tom, good to have you with us. Hey, lou. Lou senator graham seems to not be paying attention. He really wants to know who was briefing the Senate Intelligence committee in february of 2018, and we just told him. And conservative treehouse has told him. And any number of people have told him. The names are out there. But even all that aside, why not just walk down the way and say to good senator from North Carolina who chairs the committee or did, hes on temporary repost what the heck happened in the briefing . Why not ask mitch mcconnell, the chief of staff . What is going on in the senate Judiciary Committee under this extraordinary person . Well, its been years since the Justice Department expect fbi have been thumbing their nose at congress expect senate, and theres been no pushback. And theyve been made fools of, generally speaking, there in the senate. And if i were senator graham, id call, id call in the fbi director tomorrow to answer questions. Hes responsible for this. And the idea that, you know, if theres any question, youve got evidence of a crime that took place, and thats an emergency. And so we should bring the fbi director in immediately. You have, you also have simultaneously senator johnson issuing a subpoena to the fbi director or crossfire hurricane. Theyre so obstruction the coverup continues under director wray. Its a real problem that even his friends in the senate are having to subpoena him. Lou yeah. Its pretty stunning that wray is a friend of the fbi director. But im sure that hes actually worried a little because he saw that withering examination of sally yates by the senator from south carolina. Im probably thinks he couldnt hold up to that pressure. Tom, you get the last quick word here on where were headed with obamaing gate. Well, if hes going to give sally yates a pass and rod rosenstein, then the hearings are for naught. Both knew or should have known those applications were fraudulent. They were obviously, on their face, fraudulent. Maybe turn over the hearings to senator lee or senator cruz or someone like that. Lou right. Yeah. Well, there it is. And i had such high hopes for senator graham when he started going after the origins of obamagate. I thought itd be hardhitting, and im a little disappointed. Tom fitton, thanks for being with us, head of Judicial Watch. Thats it for us tonight. Few thanks to Vice President mike pence. And preorder the trump century how our president changed the course of history forever. Please preorder at the trump century. Com, amazon. Com, barnesandnoble. Com. Thanks for being with us, good night from sussex. From the fox studios and new york city, this is Maria Bartiromo wall street. Maria happy weekend everyone, welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was an helps position you for the week ahead. I am Maria Bartiromo, welcome to our special program, coming up in a few moments my exclusive interview with Donald J Trump as we discussed joe biden, here is to the stimulus package and why the talks stalled as well as his crackdown on Chinese Companies like wall weight and tiktok, its coming up in my exclusive interview with the president. Lets take a look back at the moment to top newsmer

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