Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20240712

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The month of kicking off with a rally. Another record high, 29th record close of the year. The dow industrials up 236 points at the close yesterday. Tracking isaias. Downgraded as Tropical Storm after making landfall in North Carolina. We will take a look at the storms path this morning. President trump boosting health care in rural areas. The President Trump expanding Telehealth Services as the coronavirus spreads beyond big cities. Health and human secretary alex azar will join me live at 7 30 a. M. Eastern. 25 years ago i made debut on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Today a look back at key moments from my time reporting there and the honor of marking the anniversary by ringing the opening bell. Mornings with maria is live right now. Maria Global Markets are mixed. Ftse 100 up 1 and a half points. Dax index is lower by 42 points. Uk federal government looking to boost economy by invests 1. 7 billion in building projects. In asia overnight. Green across the board. Take a look, asian markets with best performer was hong kong, hang seng index up 2 . Gold price still shining in record territory as the price of gold now closes in on 2,000 an ounce at 1992. Up 640 right now. Joining the conversation dagen mcdowell, the wall street journal Senior Writer Jon Hilsenrath and destructive tech founder and chief analyst lou. Great to see everybody this morning, welcome. Dagen morning. Maria big day today. First some some of the top stors that we are watching. Isaias has been downgraded to Tropical Storm not before landing on the coast as category 1 hurricane. Isaia made landfall. Knocked out power to thousands of customers last night. The system sparking a series of house fires forcing dozens out of their homes. Isaias slamming coastas areas and strong winds later today. Democrat and white house officials calling the latest round of talks on corid 19 bill productive. President trump says hes ready to act on his own if necessary by using executive orders to free evictions and payroll tax. They want to ban cities and states that have done bad over a period of time. They are not interested in unemployment. I will stop it and i will do it myself if i have to. I have a lot of powers with respect to executive orders. Maria sources tell fox news that House Speaker nancy pelosi is not confident they can move covid19 stimulus bill through this week. Teachers, parents and students taking to the streets in cities across the country protesting against plans to reopen schools while covid19 pandemic is surging in parts of the country as some of the hardest hit states like florida, california and texas are seeing declining in cases and hospitalizations. White house announcing that ron come covid19 is recommended in office of the President Trump. President trump warns the Company Faces u. S. Ban if the deal not reached by september 15th. The u. S. Should get a cut with this deal. The Trump Administration accusing tiktok basically china of sharing data with the chinese government. China slammed potential sale as smash and grab by the United States. Time now for business first. Futures pointing to lower opening. Stocks ended higher on the session, nasdaq, in fact, closing at record high as Technology Stocks once again soared amid the coronavirus pandemic shutdown as the Digital Economy deepens as you see the nasdaq was up 1 and a half percent. Apple come so it strongest performers, the company surged 5 reaching market cap 1. 92 trillion putting close to being the First Company ever to reach 2 trillion in market value. Joining me right now is patomic wealth adviser mark avalone. Good to see you mark, thank you for being here. What in your view is behind the move for apple . Mark apple is in a lot of the right places. It has a great product and has growing Consumer Base every time a 7, 8, 9yearold gets a phone it looks like its an apple. They connect with their friends and they are in the ecosystem for decades and the present value of those cash flows is exactly why warren buffet became a huge investor in the company. Its also benefiting from stay at home, work from home and its also got great management and it seems to be navigating the difficult waters with china, sourcing a lot there. Relatively inexpensive by staying out of political squabbles. This is very different from analogies to tech bubble. You were covering that. You mentioned earlier you were there. Back in the tech bubble days there were no cash flows and there were no profits. Very different story right now for our great tech companies. Maria we had thrown fundamentals out the window and how many clicks to a website and that was boosting small that space. Lets talk about the potential sale of tiktok to microsoft. President trump setting a september 15th deadline for a deal. The president weighed in yesterday. Watch. I dont mind if whether its microsoft or somebody else, big company, secure company, very American Company buy it. Probably easier to buy the whole thing than 30 of it. Who is going to get the name, the name is hot and the brand name is hot . Without the United States they dont have anything. Maria lets bring in lou on that, lou, your reaction to what is happening here on tiktok . Lou look, i think it needs to be somebody else not microsoft. Microsoft ask is unholy matrimony to tiktok. Microsoft will be all about mobility and Platform Company about productivity and tiktok detracts from productivity. If you look at demographic the majority of users are foreign users, 16 to 24 age demographic. Makes no sense. If microsoft moves ahead and they are obviously serious because its becoming headlines this could be a legacy destroyer. The savior to saint the savior to sinner at microsoft. Makes more sense for facebook, they have done strong job of incorporating social networks and thats a proposal that will never fly in congress with all of the tech being thrown around. Maria they do have the x box, an acquisition that theyve done, a couple of acquisitions bringing in young people. Mark avalone, your reaction of what is taking place. Tiktok hot with young people. Microsoft has 100 million users. I think its about the data, data is the new oil and with 100 million users microsoft will be sitting on a treasure troll if it gets that. I agree that theres not immediate synergy but somehow if he could link this to the x box and expand the uses of that son console but maybe the smart folks at microsoft have a grander plan. As of right now they are an enterprise company, Cloud Company and even if surface tablet which has been very popular, its been in the business side and not personal consumer side so there is a gap with tiktok but this has proven it can execute. I will give them a path and say they have a good strategy and know how to leverage or monetize this investment. Maria and do you think that the u. S. Will end of getting a slice of this, getting a cut . You heard the president said without the u. S. Being a deal maker here, it would not get done. Mark well, first sound of it i dont like when the u. S. Government start to meddle in private affairs but this actually is a legal tactic. It is within the norm and its not a lot of money. Those revenues are capped. They shut us down. So i think the president , hes going about it in his usual relatively loud way but he is on firm legal ground to be taking some of the actions that hes taken and the sale goes to microsoft, next 45 days. Deals often get pushed back but i think the deal will go through. Maria right. Mark avallone, thank you so much. Lou, you will be back with us throughout the program and we will come back on this important topic. Energy Company Announcing cutting dividend. Record loss for the quarter. Came in better than analyst expectationings, vp outlined strategy for carbon emissions. Coming up dewayne the rock johnson makes play grid iron move and what investors are watching this morning and Richard Trumpka is here and what President Trump is doing to protect American Workers and plus alex azar to help Rural Community. In the 8 00 a. M. Hour we have mohamed and the latest stimulus package and trump 2020 camp president ial secretary hogan. And we remember my debut 25 years ago today. Dont miss it. All systems go . Mission Control 5 4 3 2. And liftoff. vo audi etron. The next frontier of electric. Get audi at your door Remote Services through participating dealers. Now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. All with no commissions. Stocks by the slice from fidelity. Get your slice today. Maria welcome back, President Trump cracking down on china, microsoft ready to acquire tiktok American Business and now zoom is deciding to end sales to chinese customers. Joining me right now is talk show Senior Analyst and retired four star general jack keane, youre our good strategist analyst on all things foreign, do you think that Corporate America is getting it in terms of National Security risks . Jack yeah, most definitely. As most countries are reassessing the relationship with Chinese Communist party so are our Business Companies and its a smart thing to do. The reality is that, you know, we have a marketbase capitalistic system and china has a statebase capitalistic system and at times every single day it may feel like a market base capitalist where youre operating inside of china but the harsh realities, maria, the state controls the private sector when they want to and that is very different than the United States and your relationship with the Chinese Communist party can change over night as a result of geopolitical influence. What are we dealing with here . We have 7 years of president xis leadership, the most ambitious leader and thats the reality and his control and manipulation is is unheard of since malsatone in terms of what hes doing internally and certainly what hes doing externally. We just watched him crush the autonomy of hong kong, 27 years before treaty was due to expire. What he is doing with the uighurs in this country is nothing short of criminal. Maria they just elevated him to the level by making him dictator for life. The administration has been on an allout campaign to hold campaign to ensure communicating the risks and the National Security risks of china to america. Youre seeing Christopher Wray just a week ago say that now china has figured out how to meddle in elections and perhaps to influence congressional leaders. I want to ask you about this because theres some conversation going on that theres a problem with democrats and why they will not bring to the floor bills to hold china accountable. Do you see china trying to influence congressional members . Jack well, i think the ccp is very crafty when it comes to american politics. Theyve learned our way of politics and, yes, certainly they have tried to have influence over political leaders in america democrats as well as republicans. The movement to congress is really in opposite direction now. I mean, the vote on hong kong was clearly antichina vote, both parties were supporting it overwhelmingly 400 plus in the house, almost all of the senators, democrats and republicans voted for it. Theres a strategic shift politically taking place. Maria and yet what about california senator Dianne Feinstein making some positive comments about the ccp last week talking about the u. S. relationship with sunday. Take a listen. We hold china as a potential trading partner and as a country growing into a respectable nation. Maria why do some in congress not not say the same thing that youve been saying that this administration has been communicating . I saw the statement from senator feinstein. I found it perplexing. The good news is we are getting nearly every men of congress aligned the administrations policies on china. I think the tide is turning. I think not only here in the United States but all across the world. The threat is becoming clear and clear. Maria general, this from the senator who actually had a driver for 20 years that then we learned was actually a chinese spy. For 20 years he was on her he was on her payroll and he was a spy. Jack yeah, thats an unfortunate characterization she said. Its a thought process that many people in our country had per 20, 30 years hoping that china as a result of global influence would not only conduct economic reform which they did but political reform and move closer to openbase democratic society. That thought process has failed miserably and i think most people see china for who they truly are today. Its a fundamental clash, an ideological clash similar to what we had with the soviet union. But when you look at what they are doing with a million uighurs forced sterilization and forced abortions and forced slave labor and all with ultimate intent to extinguish this minority population that exists in china, crushing autonomy of hong kong and spreading localize to world pandemic and then say china is growing into a respectable nation, thats an absurd statement. Maria exactly. Based on what the facts are and thats the reality of it and unfortunately most members of congress do not share that view. Maria what do you think of the tiktok situation . Do you think that tiktok if it is acquired by microsoft will ever get rid of the chinese Espionage Campaign within tiktok . Jack well, we will never get rid of the Espionage Campaign but i think the government is going to ensure that theres no tie so Chinese Communist party if microsoft takes over. Thats the one thing they have to do as the deal moves forward. Maria general, great to see you. General jack keane. We will be right back. Jack good to talk to you, maria weve always put safety first. And we always will. For people. For the future. And there has never been a summer when its mattered more. Wherever you go, summer safely. Get 0 apr financing for up to five years on select models and exclusive lease offers. Did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. But what if you could stdo better than that . K. Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. Thats why were helping you stay ahead and adapt with a network you can count on, 24 7 support and Flexible Solutions that work wherever you are. Call or go online today. Maria welcome back, the mailin voting debate. President trump speaking out on expected lawsuit in the state of nevada. It passed legislation to automatically send mailin ballots to voters. Take a listen. Youll have somebody like the governor of nevada come out with this massive plan out of nowhere to take millions of ballots and then them all over the place. You will never know who won that state. It will be messed up and universal mailin ballots will be a great embarrassment. We will be suing in nevada and thats already been taken care of and we will probably file something tomorrow. Maria of course, mailin voting, dagen mcdowell, very different from absentee voting, what do you think . Dagen received is seventh state to send ballots to all of the residents ahead because of the pandemic, to send ballots to all registered voters in the state. A lawsuit now but if it is a disaster with mailin voting on election day as we try to count the votes, there are going to be lawsuits then. You see its a nightmare involving a lawsuit between democrats in new york between Carolyn Maloney with saraj patel and might disenfranchise number of voters. Thats on the democrats. What they need to do in all of the states is move up the deadlines for the mailin ballots to arrive so we actually know who won the president ial election and Senate Election and house elections in november. Maria well, facebook is educating users on mailin voting. Its attempting to prevent the spread of disinformation. Lou, your thoughts on that . Lou look, i think its laughable. At what point did facebook become the defacto educator of the masses, that platform has been used and i know dagen shares as much disdain for facebook as i do for misspread of information for content that should never be shared. Relying on them to step and bridge the gap makes absolutely no sense. If we can have inperson protesting why cant we have inperson voting. Instead of moving to broadbase mailin system, why not have an extra day or two of voting and open polls earlier and do things that arent so open to fraud and allegations of fraud. At this point i wouldnt be surprised if you start seeing lawsuits for a recount because people know mailin voting will be brought with so many problems. I dont think facebook or any platform can step in to really make that any different. Maria anybody who moves can get mailin ballot voted in their old house. There are lots of opportunities for fraud and mistakes with mailin voting. Any thoughts here, Jon Hilsenrath . Jon yeah to echo what dagen said, i think one of the big worries we should have right now is we will not know who the next president or who is running the house for weeks or months after the election because it takes time to count the ballots. Having said that the constitution explicitly gives the states the power to decide how the voting process works. The white house can certainly sue the states but the constitution says its their job to manage that process, and thats going to be managed differently in different states. Maria yeah, well, youre right. Its state legislator for sure. When we come back washington stimulus battle continues. Where negotiations stand on the latest package, thats next. Coronavirus pandemic making your workday longer and now there are numbers to prove it. We are back right after the break. Stay with us. Maria welcome back, good tuesday morning, everybody, thanks so much for joining us. Im maria bartiromo, take a look at markets this morning. 6 32 a. M. On the east coast. We are looking at pressure underway. Investors awaiting an agreement on a new round. Nasdaq futures lower by 33 and s p futures down by 9 points. Month of august with a rally, yesterday was strong, nasdaq hit another record high. Nearly up 110 since the election of President Trump. Nasdaq was up 157 and the s p was up 23. Yesterday at 4 00 oclock on wall street. Global market this is morning are mixed. Ftse 100 up a fraction as cac quarante in paris. The uk government looking to invest 1. 7 billion in projects. Best performer was hong kong with hang seng index up 2 . Minnesota court investigating how Police Body Cam video of George Floyds arrest was leaked to the media. Cheryl casone with the details on that. Cheryl. Cheryl thats right, maria, video obtained from daily mail obtained by Minneapolis Police officers, thomas lane and the video shows floyd begging officers not to shoot him by being pinned down by derek chauvin. Minnesotas attorney general says his office is not behind the leak. Well, we now have a cause for the massive wild fire burning in southern california. Officials say the apple fire was sparked last friday, malfunctioning diesel vehicle. Several thousand people are forced to evacuate as crews fight the fire just east of los angeles. The apple fire spread 27,000 acres and only 7 contained. Finally, some positive progress to report as boeing 737 max to service and 36page document. Ffaa proposing changes including Software System that played role in crashes. Here is the stock. Pittsburgh will start handing out payments struggle from the pandemic. Maria President Trump signed executive order. I have powers with executive orders. Maria what do you make of stimulus back and forth. Do you think we will get something before recess on august 7th . Isnt this the classic scenario that we have and spending fights in washington . Something needs to be done so they need to continue these enhanced unemployment benefits. They need to continue ppp, so something needs to be done but democrats want to attach much more spending to it and in this case the president was referring a trillion dollars in aid to state and local communities and republicans say, no, no. I think the democrats are doing it because they realize in the end since the other things are desperately needed theyll get some of what they want, yes, i think theyll be a deal and i think democrats will get some of what they want and in their view come out ahead of where they would have been had they not held out. Maria what about the debates, byron, democrats apparently split over joe biden should go ahead head to head with President Trump. There is an increasing push for joe biden to not do any debates. The campaign is saying that its ready. Listen to this. Theres one candidate in this race who has agreed to 3 debates and joe biden. The Trump Campaign has not agreed yet to participate in the debates. Maria and yet you see what the media is saying, byron. The media byron yeah. Maria go ahead. Byron thats what the campaigns position is but we are hearing democratic probiden voices saying lets dont have any debates and their rationale is they say President Trump lies so much that there could not be realtime factchecking and thus the American People would be misled, but theres Something Else going on here. Clearly a number of people, joe lockhart, most prominent of them, seems to think that they were debates and biden took part in them that perhaps he wouldnt do that well or trump would do better and they feel that biden is doing quite well in the polls, 7 plus percentage lead in real clear politics and hes doing well without getting out and doing well without leaving his basement as they say and they simply think he doesnt need the debates. We have had president ial debates in every cycle since 1976 and sometimes they played key role in campaigns. Theyre a critical way for voters to evaluate the two candidates side by side. They really have to happen. Maria i mean, this is a new low for the media, im sorry, but these arguments in the oped pages to get him to not do a debate. Youve got the New York Times columnist tom freedman saying i worry about joe biden debating donald trump. He should do it only under two conditions otherwise hes giving trump unfair advantages. Unfair advantages because youre in a debate . Whats the unfair advantage . [laughter] byron and what were the two conditions . One of the condition that is trump release his tax returns and then the other was the fact what i talked about. Yes, you have some of the probiden voices. Look, i think they are concerned, but here again i know a lot of my twitter followers say joe biden is old, hes not up to it. Joe biden took part in 11 democratic debates between mid2019 and march of this year. There were a lot of debates. He didnt really do great in them but he took part in them and he ended up with the nomination, so he can participate in debates and i do think most of the voices weve been hearing are media voices that are concerned about him. Maria thats what im saying. Yeah, its a new low for the media. Here is one more. Former Hillary Clinton adviser, urging biden not to feel obligated to do any debates. Dont feel obligated to throw trump a lifeline. This is outrageous. Quick, before we go, byron, your thoughts on mailin voting controversy. The president is warning legal action over bill passed by the Nevada Legislature to send mailin ballots to every voter, your reaction . Well, the president is doing that and spent a great deal of time in News Conference yesterday talking about the situation in new york where the 12th Congressional District race which voted on june 23rd is still not decided because of massive dysfunction with vote by mail and i think what we have seen in the past few days democrats defended voting by mail because trump attacked it, so if he attacked it he has to defend it. I think in the past few days you have seen a number of voices looking at this and saying even if theres no fraud at all, voting by mail could be a significant, huge problem, we wont have a winner of the president ial election on election night. We might not have it 1, 2, 3, 4 weeks later, so this could be an enormous problem giving all the lawsuits, civil unrests, division that could take place if you have a month with an undecided president ial election in this environment, so i think now we are seeing a number of people on both sides of the political divide worried about voting by mail. Maria well, thats unbelievable. Okay to have the peaceful protests and i say peaceful in quotes and, yet, we cant just go to the voting booth and vote like we always do. Byron good to see you this morning. Thank you so much, we will be keep watching all of the above. Byron york joining us this morning. Star hoping to score a touchdown and we will tell you what the rock is up to in latest business venture. I will be ringing up the opening bell, excited to do so celebrating my debut on the floor of New York Stock Exchange, you are mornings with maria live on fox business. Now is the time for a new bath from bath fitter. Every bath fitter bath is installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. Weve been creating moments like these for 35 years, and were here to help you get started. Book your free virtual or inhome Design Consultation today. Maria welcome back, hollywood ending for the xfl, actor and legend dewayne the rock johnson, the rock partnering with producer danny garcia. Joining us Fox News Contributor john layfield. John, good to see you. Can the rock make mchamons dream work . Yes, i think the ratings were good, live attendance crowds were doing well, live events were very well and then the covid19 nightmare hit. America wants spring football league. I think the rock has a real chance here. The rock is very much like vince mchamon and partnered with eric garcia, soccer club in europe recently, sports knowledge coming from there. The rock has everything that he touches turn into gold and im not sure this wouldnt. Dagen john, you actually wrestled with the rock in the wwe and i know that the attitude among people who didnt get wrestling really changed in part because of you and the rock. What do you think that hes going to do with with the xfl . Just i know the sky is the limit, but what do you see him doing with the league . John i think hes going to continue. He and vince mchamon are good friends and what vince is doing what rock will continue to do with xfl. Youre bringing a great game. Americas most popular game of football into the next century, millennial generation that is coming out right now that doesnt have attention span, they were doing great job to speeding the game. Fewer penalties and fewer replays and making things a lot faster, making the game more continuous just like european soccer or european rugby, trying to get the game 2 and a half hours and 2 and 15 minutes or 2 and a half hours and when you have a game thats been around the nfl, so much bureaucracy creeps in and you have a game that becomes longer and quite not as much fun because theres so many rules and variation of rules and i think stripping that back when you can start over like the xfl thats what vince mchamon was having success. Hes the most talented guy i ever got a chance to work with. Ive got a chance to work with hulk hogan, some wonderful people and hes the most talented ive ever seen. Maria wow, what a list there. John, great to see you this morning, thanks very much for your insights on this, we will be watching. John layfield joining us there. John great to see you, wonderful job, thank you. Maria thank you, john. One olympic swimmer shows skills with a glass of chocolate milk, wait till you see this. Back in a minute. So when they got a little surprise. Two . They didnt panic. They got a bigger car for their soontobebigger family. After shopping around for insurance, they called usaa who helped find the right coverage for them and even some muchneeded savings. That was the easy part. Usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it easy. Usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it weve always put safety first. And we always will. For people. For the future. And there has never been a summer when its mattered more. Wherever you go, summer safely. Get 0 apr financing for up to five years on select models and exclusive lease offers. You say the customers maklets talk data. S. Only Xfinity Mobile lets you switch up your wireless data whenever. I accept. 5g, everybody is talking about it. How do i get it . Everyone gets 5g with our new data options at no extra cost. Thats good. 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Personally, i know that what used to be a quick phone call has turned into end lease zoom meeting. When we are done with the pandemic we will have zoom withdrawal or revolt from ever using it again. The fact of the matter is that workday has a new normal and we have to figure it out and adjust and thats a key concern for employers having so many employees at home and trying to figure out productivity in an economy that is always relied on being much more productive than anyone else. Maria speaking of zoom, good morning, zoom, the classic goodnight moon getting quarantine rewrite. The author of manhattan base investment banker who wanted to help her kids deal with the new normal. Jon, im sure you know the original, how would this fair . Jon it was a very calm nice book that was perfect for bedtime, very kind. There were no politics in it. There were no current events. I will take the original over this new one 100 times. [laughter] maria and i dont know if its so sleepy to be look agent the computer with the zoom meeting on it, come on. Level balancing act. Check this out. 5time gold medal swimmer katie is showing off skills in a new got milk ad. Shes swimming a lab without spilling a drop of the chocolate milk on her head. Dagen, what do you think . Dagen how did katie know that she could do that . [laughter] dagen like, how did she discover that her head is flat in the back potentially and glass of cold beverage would sit on it. Shes smooth and smoother for getting us and every other network to play advertisement for milk. Maria i love it, i love it. Still ahead marking 25 years. We will be taking a look back at some of my most memorable moments on New York Stock Exchange. Its time for you to ask the questions. Ask the panel will debut later this month. Send us a video of your questions. It might be answered on air by your panelists. Mornings with maria live next hour on fox business. 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Markets this morning are pointing to a lower opening, decline of 27 points on the dow, nasdaq down 29, s p lower by 7 andahalf, after august kicked off with a rally yesterday, the nasdaq hitting a record high yesterday, the 29t 29 record ofe year with the gain of 157 points. The dow was up 236 points. We are tracking isaias, it was downgraded to a Tropical Storm after making landfall as a hurricane in North Carolina. We are looking at the storms path and finding out if you will be impacted. The President Trump signed an executive order expanding Telehealth Service as the coronavirus spreads beyond big cities. Health and Human Services secretary alex azar will join me this morning. 25 years ago i made my di bu onn the u. S. Stock exchange. I had the pleasure of marking my anniversary by ringing the opening bell. Mornings with maria is live right now. Gulf oGlobal Markets are mixed,e fq100 us im 20 of points, cac is up 9 andahalf, dax is lower by 53. The u. K. Government looking to boost its economy by investing 1. 7 billion in building projects. In asia overnight it was green across the board following the rally on wall street yesterday, best performer was hong kong. The nikkei in japan up 1 and three quarters percent. Gold prices shining high in record territory as gold closes in on 2,000 an ounce with a gain this morning of about a third of a percent. Joining the conversation this morning is dagen mcdowell, Jon Hilsenrath and lou basenese. Its great to see everybody this morning. Dagen great to see you. Congratulations, by the way. Well get to that later. [ laughter ] maria thank you so much. Some of the top stories we are watching this morning, isaias is moving up the east coast with heavy wind and rain. It was downgraded to a Tropical Storm. But not before hitting the carolina coast as a category 1 hurricane. The storm made landfall last night near ocean aisle beach. Power was knocked out for dozens of customers. Dozens were forced to flee after a series of house fires as well. Democrats and officials calling the latest talks on a covid19 9 relief bill productive. President trump said he is ready to act on his own if necessary. They want to bail out cities and states that have done a bad job over a long period of time. Nothing to do with coronavirus. Theyre not interested in unemployment. Im going to stop it. Ill do it myself if i have to. I have a lot of powers with respect to executive orders. Maria sources tell fox news House Speaker nancy pelosi is not kv dheant they could move khashoggi confident they could move a covid19 covid19 stimul through this week. President trump is backing microsofts move to acquire tiktok. Hes warning the Company Faces a u. S. Ban if the deal is not reached by yo september 15th. The president says the u. S. Should get a cut from the deal. Theyre accusing tiktok of sharing data with the chinese government. China slammed the potential sale as a quote, smash and grab by the United States. The race for a Coronavirus Vaccine is heating up. Regeneron pharmaceuticals said it started late stage Clinical Trials of its antibody drug cocktail. It shows promising results in preventing and treating the disease in animals. Eli lilly is beginning a late stage trial to study whether its experimental treatments can prevent the virus spread in u. S. Nursing homes. A look at whats driving markets here and abroad, joining us now is joel shulman, sean ohara and rebecca walser. Rebecca, lets kick it off with you. Investors are keeping a close eye on the potential sale of tiktok to microsoft this morning. President trump set a september 15th deadline for the deal. Does this have implications beyond just tiktok and microsoft. Absolutely. Its ironic that china is saying a smash and grab when thats what weve been saying for quite a while about their chinese espionage of u. S. Ebbing the an tech and day that this is a great opportunity for microsoft. I think its being underestimated. Microsoft as you know tried many times to get into the social media game or to the consumer data gathering game and hasnt had much success with a lot of their endeavors. This is a way for them to get 32 plus million a lot of users, over 30 , only 30 are teenagers. Youve got about 14 or 15 total u. S. Users as of july this past month and a lot of them are adults. If you look at microsofts opportunity here from a teenage perspective, just to focus on them for one second, maria, what you see is google and alphabet has been so successful in getting teenagers to basically use google docs and g mail through school, theyre not using microsoft products. This is great way to get them into the microsoft space at a young age. Maria theyve got the complementary xbox, young people there as well. Broader markets this morning pointing to slight losses at the moment. Sean, you say august is typically a volatile month for the augusts. The markets. Is it the pandemic . Is that what changed things. Good morning, first off. Congratulations on your anniversary. What a great accomplishment. Heres to many, many more years. Maria thank you so much. This market today just cant be analyzed through the eyes or lens of history or patterns or conventional whic wisdom. This markets being driven by one thing and one thing only in the short run. That is the rate of change in terms of how fast were going to reopen and whether or not the cases are going up or down with regard to covid. Thats going to be the narrative in the next 30 to 60 days that will drive this market. Well have disney later on today that will report. Theyll probably report a loss. But theyre a great example as a barometer for the market. Their business depends on people feeling comfortable going out and being involved with big groups of people. Thats whats going on with the economy and thats going to drive it. Two more things will come into play. One is potentially the reemergence of the quote, unquote, china trade issues as we get more aggressive with them on certain issues and eventually the president ial election cycle will start to move forward. Its been so nonexistent in this whole runup and eventually the market will have to take a look at that and try to decide whether or not well have a change, whether there will be an increase in regulation or whether well continue with the policies that the Current Administration have had in place which have been favorable to the market. Maria you said microsoft will be an important one for the broader markets too, right . Its a barometer. All the big tech names are obviously driving this market. Theyre all sort of tailormade made for whats going on. The part of the big tech names that i dont think gets enough attention today is the cloud piece of it. You know, more and more and more computing instances are moving to the cloud. Theres a war going on between amazon, google and microsoft on the cloud side. And those parts of their business are very, very profitable. The margins are so high. And so looking forward, thats one of the potential areas where microsoft could be a big winner in this game. Maria all right. Tech of course is on a tear. The nasdaq closed at yet another record high yesterday as Technology Stocks soar amid the coronavirus pandemic. Joel, what about that . Apple, one of the composites strongest performers, it surged 5 , putting it close to being the First Company ever to reach 2 trillion in market value. Joel, where do you see tech going next . First of all, congrats again on your 25 years. Its an ex strord extraordinary accomplishment. Weve all enjoyed watching you the past years. Maria thank i for that, joel. When we think about tech, when we think about the big four, big five dominating s p 500 its a tale of two markets. We had basically the tech, amazon leading the group, the Biggest Group by 16 . Its more just more than just amazon, microsoft and apple. We have twillio, data dog, crowd strike, crowd flair. We have 25 Entrepreneurial Companies that average more than 97 yeartodate. This is a broadbased move, most of its being focused on the big three, the big five, the fangs but its more than just those five. When we think about tech, i think theres more room to run. Weve seen Many Companies have suffered in the covid era. But its been two markets. Weve had the healthcare and tech who have dominated in the u. S. Theyve really led all markets. But i think eyes are shifting offshore. Were seeing for example even though most of the nonu. S. Markets are down 10 to 15 yeartodate, a lot of people may not realize that last month china, brazil, other markets were up over 10 and other march markets in europe like germany, israel, theyre up 5 . The markets are starting to shift a little bit. Fund h flows moving from u. S. Large cap im sorry, u. S. , large cap, to offshore nonu. S. I think tech in the u. S. Is going to continue to testimony nate. Were going to see Cloud Companies dominate. Well see a lot of movement in the next few weeks to offshore and i think all eyes will be on the election coming up and focusing on continued growth prior to november. Maria yeah, weve got a lot of catalysts on the horizon thats for sure with the election and the earnings period. Joel, sean and rebecca, great to see you this morning for word on wall street. Coming up, next up, next am flcio president Richard Trumka is here on what President Trump is doing to protect American Workers and then alex azar will join me on the administrations plan to help Rural Community as the country battles the coronavirus. Dont miss mohammed elerian on markets and investing today, hell weigh in on the stimulus in washington. And National Press secretary hogan gibley on mail in voting concerns. Marking 25 years, were taking a look back at some of my proudest moments as i remember my debut at the New York Stock Exchange, 25 years ago this morning. Dont want to miss that. Youre watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Tada did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Maria welcome back. President trump signed an executive order to ensure that the federal government will hire American Workers. It bars federal agencies from replacing american citizens or green card holders with foreign workers. Joining me right now is the president of the aflcio union, Richard Trumka. Its great to see you this morning. Thanks so much for joining us. Thanks, maria. Thanks for having me on. Maria this executive order by the president , good idea . What do you think . Well, look, its a good idea. It will take the increased scrutiny. It doesnt fix the problem because as you noted, not only does it protect American Workers, it protects green card holders. Green card holders are foreign workers. They generally come in under the visa program at a lower wage rate and pull the wages down for everybody else. So it misses the point. It doesnt fix the real problem. Thats going to take legislative action and unfortunately for workers Mitch Mcconnell hasnt shown much interest in doing things that help American Workers. Maria the president has been talking about the supply chains moving from china and firing up the Manufacturing Base in the United States. Hes been talking about that quite a bit. Is this an opportunity . Is what an opportunity in to fix this right now . We have an opportunity but its going to take a number of things. Maria no, no, no, richard. An opportunity for American Workers. Given the fact that what the administration is trying to do is fire up the Manufacturing Base here by getting companies to move their supply chains out of china and into the United States. Thats a good thing for American Workers. Unfurtheunfortunately, maria, hs policies dont match his rhetoric. The tax bill incentivized people to outsource jobs, not bring them in. So we have to change that as well. Theres a number of things that we have to do, not just talk about it, but we need the actual policy that will do it and hes come up short on the policy side to maining make those things a reality make those things a reality. Maria what have you heard from joe biden in terms of this issue . About keeping america in jobs here . He wants to make sure that american jobs stay here. Hes working with us on that. He has an Industrial Program to create jobs, an Infrastructure Program to help create jobs here at home and so well work with him to make sure that happens. Joes a working guy. I mean, he came out of working class. He understands us. He came out of pennsylvania. He understands what were about. He understands us. Hes been to our union halls. Hes been on our picket lines. He actually understands what were all about. We feel comfortable that hes going to protect american jobs and work with us on all the different policy issues that need to be taken care of. Not just a single policy. It will take a number of policy things to make sure american jobs are here and American Manufacturing prospers and thrives again and were all for that. Maria let me push back on that. Let me push back on that. Because what did joe biden do under the administration when he was with president obama for the unions . I mean, you know, President Trump, this has been his number one issue, jobs. Yeah, but hes lost a lot. If you look at where hes at right now, doesnt matter, you can say its about the pandemic but hes lost job. Weve lost manufacturing jobs. We lost mining jobs. Weve lost every set of jobs out there. So what i said, is he talks about it. But his policy doesnt match it to make it happen. Thats what we have to do, line up the words with the policies. Maria it actually did happen. Thats not true. Hayit actually did happen. Before the pandemic we had probably the best job situation in a generation, we had an unemployment of rate of 3 andahalf percent. Everything youre saying is missing the mark. Right before the coronavirus, we actually did have the best economy and jobs market anybody had ever seen so i have to push back on that because its just simply not true. Please do. Let me push back on what youre saying. The jobs being created werent manufacturing jobs, they werent mining jobs. They were service jobs that paid lower wages. Yes, we had jobs but we need to raise the wages of those jobs. Thats why theres growing inequality in this country. Maria wages were going up. Wages were going up. Every year it has gotten worse in this country, because wages are not going up properly. Maria thats not true. Inequality was narrowing. Its not. I have the statistics. Inequality began to narrow in the year before the coronavirus. We have to call this out. Weve been talking about this before the coronavirus, this was one of the main issues that we discussed on this program. The fact that inequality was actually narrowing and that is what happened. Thats what took place before the coronavirus. So the president s policies have been all about jobs and Economic Growth. And that was certainly playing of out before the coronavirus. Theres no doubt about it. Let me bring in Jon Hilsenrath here. Jon i want to turn the conversation to the role of unions in getting rid of bad apples among their ranks. Very much the minority in the george floyd case, we saw there can be bad apples in the police force. Weve seen in the ranks of teachers that sometimes there are bad teachers and its hard to get rid of bad teachers. Do the unions play a role in protecting bad apples . Does that need to change at all . Well, first of all, you cant get rid of bad actors if youre saying whether theyre Police Officers or whether theyre teachers, you have to give them the proper due process. You wouldnt want anybody to be denied due process, im sure. We work with our employers to increase the quality of education and now were working with the police force so that we can change the culture of those Police Forces to make sure that they meet the needs of the community. We want to have Public Safety as defined by our communities and make sure our Police Officers are protected and our communities are protected so were working with both. Thats the role of a union. We can do it better than anybody else because we have we are the best able to make cultural change. Maria so do you think youre going to have the same opportunities regardless of who is in the white house . In the next election, richard in. No, i think whoevers in the white house makes a lot. Look, maria, this president has been the worst on working people when it comes to policies. He took overtime away from three andahalf million people. He took a safety standard away from barilium and silica and coal dust in the coal mines. All of those things have an effect on working Peoples Health and safety. The bill he put forth right now has nothing for Worker Health and safety in it. There must be protection for those essential workers and hes not shown any proclivity to give us that. When he ordered the meat packing plants back to work immediately without any health and safety plan, he showed us that he thought we were expendable. Thats inacceptable. Maria a lot of politics here, i think. Richard, good to see you this morning. Thank you so much. Richard trumka, we will be right back. Stay with us. Hike Simon Pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500 coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. Theyre off. In the kentucky derby. Rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. He scores stanley cup champions touchdown only mahomes. The big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. Maria welcome back. Signed, sealed and leased, facebook betting big on new york city, signing a blockbuster deal to leave the massive and historic farly building in manhattan, leasing this building. Dagen, is this a huge win for the Real Estate Market . Dagen its going to be a big win for new york city. I want to point out, the digital rendering of the old post office, the farly building which is directly across the street from Madison Square garden, i walk by there every day, and it is hell on earth. It is dangerous around that area. The road on the backside of the building on ninth avenue has potholes the size of rhode island. It is impossible to drive down. It is a massive construction zone, so yeah for facebook but this city has a long way to go. Cleacleaning up, again, the shootings this year so far have topped all the shootings from 2019. Crime, filth, danger, you name it. Hopefully, if you have more employees come in, maybe they dont bring their blue voting tendencies with them and vote in somebody who can actually run this city for the better. Maria yeah. And that area i used to work right there when i was working at cnn. Cnn used to be at penn plaza. Dagen i remember that. Maria a block aa wa away fromt farly building. It is such a gorgeous building. Its interesting that facebook would choose that building. Its historic and about fill. Its such a large amount of space. A lot of the employees are doing their jobs remotely with the option to work from home forever. When is facebook bringing employees back to the office . Jon, what do you think . Jon i want to echo the thought about safety. Theres a story about how homicide is rising app at a double digit rates across the country, 24 so far this year in cities all over the landscape. If cities are going to flourish, in particular new york, the countrys biggest city, they have to restore Public Safety. For a lot of reasons, Public Safety is in jeopardy right now. So thats a real issue and it needs more attention and like i say, its happening all over the country. Almost every city that we looked at. Maria yeah. Dagen can i add something to that, jon. Maria i tell you, dagen dagen go ahead, maria. What were you going to ask me. Maria when you and i started talking about this a couple years ago, we brought it to our viewers attention, the fact that we knew that all of these criminals were going to be getting off and getting on the and returning to the streets. We didnt even expect it to be as bad as it is today and we called it, that it would be bad. But this is even worse than i expected. I have to say. Dagen yeah. To jons point, what jon covered in that journal article is about how shootings and homicides have spiked but other types of violent crimes, like rape, have not. And that is unique to the pandemic in many ways, where people are stuck at home, theyre not going out, rapes are not happening. Burglary, breaking and entering not happening but gangs are taking over the streets. The reason i get so angry about new york city is because has been years in the making. This is bail reform, its the cops being told by the city council and District Attorney that you are not going to enforce quality of life crimes. I is a mayor who is useless, who turned his back on Police Officers, thereby turning his back on all of the people of new york city. When i get angry about new york, im angry about our coworker who as was attacked and robbed on the way to work. I have to duck and run every time i walk out of my building, coming to work. Theres a lot offish shies. These pr dress progressive leady do bear a great deal of the responsibility. Maria yeah, so what does mayor de blasio do . He gets a paint brush with a group and starts painting black lives matter on fifth avenue. How does that help whats going on. Were you going to jump in here, lou. Lou niec these are real prob. This is the kind of move that makes things change, the progressive, a company run by progressives, theres been conservative bias there thigh and through, them being in the center of this doesnt that bring attention to the problems that you have brought early in the process. Dagen not if they can blame trump. Thats whats going on. I want to throw in one point to even out the conversation. Yes, most American Cities are one by democrats. When we looked at the data, cities with republican mayors are also seeing homicides rise. Its a complicated issue. Dagen i made that distinction. Its not just politics. Politics im sure having to do with it. But theres more going on. If you look at a city like jacksonville or omaha or tulsa, they also have homicide rising in double digit rates. And i just think that its a big issue and it needs to be looked at e expansively. Politics might having to do with it, but its not the whole store di. Dagenstory. Dagen i made the distinction between what the pandemic has caused and the horrors on the people of cities like chicago under left wing leadership and new york city under left wing leadership. Im angry because i live here and were being trampled on and ignored and harassed and we are victims of crime every single day. Maria i mean, dagen, San Francisco as well. And you do have policies, city policies, open border policies and you have to consider the policies of some of these cities that are run by democrats. Jacksonville has more murders than San Francisco and seattle combined. Maria well be right back. vo since our beginning, our business has been people. And their financial wellbeing. Its evident in good times, with decisions focused on the longterm. And crucial when circumstances become difficult. 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Maria well, great idea on Telehealth Services, obviously we need it given the shutdown. Tell us if you believe that this is as effective as meeting with a doctor. Well, absolutely, its as effective in many circumstances. There will be times where you need to go in and see the doctor but this unleashes a whole new way of delivering care in america that brings us really into the 21st century. You know, as part of President Trumps historic response to the coronavirus, he ordered me and the department of health and Human Services to unshackle healthcare from so many of the artificial lag tori regulatory barriers that stood in the way of better care, lower cost and more choice for people and teleminis one of those area. As part of the coronavirus response, from your home you can connect with your doctor, your hospital, you can get so Many Services delivered, so much diagnosis to take place. Prescription toss to happen from there. What he ordered is as much as we can do by regulation to keep it going even after the coronavirus. Maria how do doctors feel about this . Are they looking at decline in revenue and is that causing them to do anything different . I mean, i know that some doctors are readily available and are agreeable to do things on the phone and certainly to be in touch on text and emails but not everybody. So how does one reach the doctor and what do the doctors have to say about this . Well, ive been traveling all around the country. I met with hospitals and doctors and patients and telehealth has just in a few short months become so embedded in the work flow of how we deliver healthcare, i think if somebody tried to unwind the clock, they would face a revolution at this point. Patients find it more convenient. Doctors are finding it convenient. The key is they can get paid now for those services, whether its the phone call, the skype or the facetime, thats a critical difference. Were going to have to have Congress Step up to plate, though, because there are still in statute many artificial restrictions that have kept healthcare from developing into a modern system, but, you know, we went from 14,000 medicare telehealth visits a week to 1. 7 million a week by the end of april. So this is something that our seniors and the rest of us are not going to want to give back. Maria thats terrific. All right, i want to ask you about this supply chain concerns from china, but before i go there, secretary, what can you tell us about the coronavirus in terms of these worries over spikes. Where are we right now in terms of this virus . Are you expecting a second spike in the fall . I dont really think its useful to talk about second waves or that kind of thing. Was were seeing is emerging outbreaks and effective tactics that can actually get those get at those outbreaks. If we all do our part, if we wear face coverings, practice social distancing, use good personal hygiene, avoid scenarios, situations where we cant do those things like overcrowded bars or overcrowded indoor restaurants and household gatherings of too many people, if we all do our part we can remain open, but turn around these infection rates. Weve seen it in phoenix. Weve seen it in other communities. And now the majority of our states are in a play he to platr declining position but we still have to be very vigilant, all of us and we have to look for early signs of outbreaks and tackle them right away across the country. Maria so it leads me to the question about masks. The wall street journal is reporting the fdas effort to shore up supplies has resulted in masks coming into the country of vair varying quality. Some states have stopped using some of these masks because the fda sparked confusion about which chinese masks can be trusted. So what should we think when weve got all of these foreign masks coming in and maybe the ones from china cant be trusted. Well, i think thats actually an example of the flexibility and regulatory nimbleness that commissioner hahn has brought to the fda. This dates back to march when we were in the throes of the outbreak there in new york and connecticut and new jersey. And facing shortages of supplies of n95 masks. What the fda said was the kn95 masks which come from china, set up alternative regulatory pathways for them to come into the country including if it was a reputable operator, if it was approved in rep pewabl reputabls out of china. What we found was on inspection some of the manufacturers were not reliable and hadnt gotten the independent test verification. Fda quickly removed those products from the market. I think it shows that fda has under President Trumps direction been very nimble, very adaptable to meet this unprecedented pandemic. Maria this whole worry about getting things from china that we need so much, whether its Prescription Drugs and 70 of the active ingredients in our Prescription Drugs made in china, or this mask issue, how long do you expect it to take to start firing up our supply chains in the u. S. So that we can actually produce some of these things here and we dont have to be reliant on chinese goods . Yes. So maria, in terms of personal protective equipment, the president used the defense production act and were scaling up domestic manufacturing capability, domestic raw ingredient, active ingredient capabilities for those. In terms of pharmaceuticals, we had a historic announcement last week where well be standing up the kodak facility in rochester, new york, of active ingredient manufacturer. Were going to work with our world leading biopharmaceutical industry to onshore more generic manufacturing, more active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing and a lot of thats going to be possible as you know, maria, thanks to the president s i historic tax refos that got rid of the taxes the United States had that forced Drug Companies really to manufacture m other countries, now that the president has fixed that, we can onshore capital investment, onshore jobs and weve seen that across the pharma industry. It will take time but the president s committing to onshoring the pharmaceutical and ppe manufacturing as really part of our core strategic capabilities. Maria yeah. Its a really important point. Weve been talking about that as well. So secretary, when looking at the spread of coronavirus, Task Force Coordinator deborah birx is warning that it is extraordinarily widespread and rural areas need to take precautions. Tell me about the situation in rural areas, how concerned are you about where the virus is headed. Weve been talking about crowded big cities and now we heard that people that left the cities and are in the country are also contracting this virus. I think its important that everybody be vigilant. Since so much of the outbreak initially was focused in the new York Metro Area and even some of the recent outbreaks have we tend to talk about big metro areas like a phoenix or miami or dallas or houston. But its misleading to think that it is contained just in those areas. People travel into areas. They go on vacation. They come back to rural communities. And we have so much asymptomatic spreading of disease, i think the message is for all of us, it doesnt matter if youre in a small town in rural america, wear face coverings, practice social distancing, use good personal hygiene, dont go into bar settings that are overcrowded where youre not able to do these things, dont have family gatherings of large number of people at your house because these are the tools we have as individuals to keep our country open, allow us to be back to work, back to school, back to healthcare, back to worship and we if dont, you end up with shutdowns. Maria it just sounds like were going to be living with this for a while. Coact, several companies have been tapped to aid the white house in terms of the on of presentation warp speed operation warp speed. Will the u. S. Be ready to distribute once a vaccine is approved. Absolutely. Well harness the existing cdc systems of distribution for vaccine, the commercial systems of distribution and of course were bringing the entire logistics capabilities of the Defense Department to fair and the unique partnership of operation warp speed. So absolutely. We were talking about the steps that we as individuals can take here with the current outbreak thats were seeing. But were just months away from tremendous promise here in terms of therapeutics and vaccines. We already have remdesivir, steroids, convalescent plasma thanks to the president s leadership. We have monoclonal antibodies that should come in the next several months. We have a contract for 70,000 to 300,000 doses just from regeneron by the end of september, early fall. So so many advances that we should have us all very optimistic about the months ahead. Maria well leave it on that optimistic note. Thank you secretary alex azar. Well be right back. Find your keys. Find your getupandgo. 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The latest earnings and revenue beating expectations with more people working from home and utilizing ecommerce due the coronavirus. Joining me right now is the ceo of akamai, tom layton. Welcome back. Good to see you. What has the shutdown done for business . 2e8 uhelltell us the impact thi has been seeing in the past three to six months. Business has been very strong. We support a lot of the major websites, commerce companies, video companies, work from home kinds of companies that are being used a lot right now, pretty much everybody relies on the internet for everything and akamai helps make the internet be fast, reliable and secure. Maria and Cloud Computing has also been a big part of your business. Tell me about that, given that were seeing that part of technology also rise pretty substantially from a business standpoint, is Cloud Computing part of it . A big part of it. In fact, most everything we do involves computing at the edge of the cloud, close to the end user, so the end user can buy what they want really quickly, can get a great quality video experience and can be really productive working from home. Maria tom, i know that another business that you support is tiktok. I want to get your thoughts on whats going on this morning in terms of this battle to acquire tiktok that microsoft is under. Stay with us. Well take a short break and ill get your thoughts on tiktok when we come back. Tom leighton is with us this morning, the ceo of ak amai. Dont just think about where youre headed this summer. Think about how youll get there. And now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person. Discovering that feeling has never been more effortless. The lincoln summer invitation sales event is here. Where you can find games, news and highlights. All in one place, right on your tv. The xfinity sports zone. 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Maria and you talked on the Conference Call about one of the reasons for the Third Quarter guidance was this uncertainty around tiktok as well as other issues. How significant is this to your business . Well, in india, as you know, there were several dozen apps that were banned and as a result of that, well be receiving 15 million less revenue per r r and that was factored into our guidance. I think the impact if something were to happen in the u. S. Like that is far, far less as we said on the call and actually were optimistic that things can be worked out and that could provide some upside. Maria your glo Global Service footprint positions you inside 1400 networks, 120 different countries. Are there trends you can share with us during the summertime . Do things slow down in the summertime in terms of streaming and these things that obviously drive your business . Yeah, generally the Summer Season is a little bit lighter in traffic. Of course, traffic grows a lot every year, more growth this year, but summer is a light season. I think people are outside. You know, school is not in session and so theres a little bit less usage in the summer than the rest of the year. Maria so tell us, tom, where the growth comes from, lets call it the next three years at akamai. A lot of analysts out there expecting you to continue to gain Global Market share and obviously your stock price has been performing that way. Where is the growth coming from at akamai Going Forward . Yeah, we are continuing to gain share and that is an important driver for growth. I think the really exciting Growth Potential is in our security business. Its now running at over 1 billion a year. Growing at 28 and the demand there is stronger than ever. One of the interesting and unfortunate things about the pandemic is the rate of attacks have gone way up, just exploded as threat actors are trying to take advantage of the distraction caused by the pandemic and people working from home and vulnerabilities and so thats creating a lot of demand for our Security Services and were making lots of investment to stay ahead of the threat actors and protect the worlds major enterprises. Maria and the bad actors are china and russia i guess largely speaking. Its great to have you. Tom leighton joining us from akamai. Well be right back. For any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. All with no commissions. Stocks by the slice from fidelity. Get your slice today. Now every bath fitter bathbath fis installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. Weve been creating moments like these for 35 years, and were here to help you get started. Book your free virtual or inhome Design Consultation today. Who stood up. Who stood strong. Who demanded to be seen. To be heard. To be counted. Learning about her courage and grit. Can inspire you to pass it on. To the women who are next. Find your familys connection to this moment in history. At ancestry. Introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Now temperature balancing, so you can sleep better together. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. Will it help me keep up with mom . Youve got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, no interest until january 2023 on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. Maria welcome back. Good tuesday morning, everybody. Thanks so much for joining us. Im maria bartiromo. Tuesday, august 4 top stories right now 8 00 a. M. On the button on the east coast, stimulus showdown continues in washington, no deal after talks but President Trump is looking at a potential executive order to help American Families and the economy, clock is ticking for tiktok President Trump giving a september 15th deadline for sale or will shut down the app in the United States says america should get a pay frout this sale, china calls the possible deal theft and warning of retaliation. Marks this morning slightly lower to look at futures a decline start of trading dow industrials down 97 points right now we are at lows of the morning right here nasdaq down 50 s p 500 lower by 16. This after month of august kicked off with a rally nasdaq hitting a record close yesterday it is 29th record high of the year, up 157 points yesterday on nasdaq dow industrials up 236 points. We are trackinging isaias downgraded to Tropical Storm landfall as heart attack in North Carolina we will tell the padding coming up, then looking young at any age 8 20 a. M. Eastern suzanne so many rz here to show cutting age advances antiaging, the man 25 years ago i made debut on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange key moments reporting on the floor the honor of marking anniversary ringing the opening bell mornings with maria is live right now. Maria Global Markets this morning mixed take a look at european indices ft 100 barrel positive up 3 points cac quarante in paris down 5, dax index in germany lower by 71 points, the uk government is looking to boost its economy investing 1. 7 billion dollars in building projects in asia overnight green across the board, following that rally on wall street best overnight in Asia Hong Kong up 2 on hang seng indices, gold price still shining, brightly in record territory, once again as price of gold closes in on 2,000 dollars an ounce up this morning, a quarter of one percent, joining the conversation this morning dagen mcdowell, Jon Hilsenrath, lou great to see everybody. Congratulations again and again and again say it for 25 years. Maria thank you. Thank you so much, really such a day looking back, now top stories that we are watching this morning, Tropical Storm isaias dumping rain over eastern virginia maryland making landfall as a hurricane, near ocean ill beach North Carolina knocking out pour striking a series of house fires forcing dozens out of homes churning up east coast, and is expected to create weather today. Democrats white house officials calling the latest round of talks on a covid19 relief bill productive, but there are are apparently differences to work out President Trump says he is ready to act on his own if necessary by using executive orders to frees evictions suspend collection of payroll tax. They want to bailout cities and states that have done a bad job over a long periods nothing to do with coronavirus, they are not interested in unemployment, i am going to stop it because i will do it myself if i have to, ive a lot of powers with respect to the executive orders. So fox news House Speaker nancy pelosi assess she is not confident they can move a covid19 stimulus bill through this week, teachers parents, students at a taking to streets across the country protesting against plans to reopen schools, for the covid19 pandemic still surging in parts of the country this is some hardest hit florida california, texas, seeing declining numbers, in cases hospitalsizations, the white house announcing random covid19 testing mandatory for all staff in the executive office of the president , President Trump backing microsoft move to acquire tiktok warning Company Faces a u. S. Ban if deal not reached by september 15 saying u. S. Should get a cut from this deal because it is making it possible for the sale to happen Trump Administration, is accusing tiktok based on china of sharing data of american citizens with chinese government. Overnight china slammed the potential sale as quote, smashandgrab. By the u. S. Futures pointing to a lower opening this morning after the nasdaq closed at alltime record high yesterday, servers keeping eye on earnings and any developments out of washington, on a possible stimulus deal, joining me right now to talk more about that allianz chief economic adviser Mohamed Elerian mohamed great to have you this morning. Thank you, maria thank you for 25 great years of reporting, insights congratulations. Thank you so much mohamed. What do you think is needed in stimulus package that would move markets move the economy, to actually show growth second half of the year . To protect people, maria a lot of people are losing jobs again. Through no fault of their own they need relief but we also need forwardlooking measures, pro work forwardlooking measures tricky balance facing congress right now. I think getting somewhere but not going to be perfect. You know, they are talking about all sorts of of ideas, from the payroll tax, what the president wants to do eliminate that payroll tax, so extending the 600 dollars a week, do markets care about debt . I mean the president talking about something one and a half trillion dollars nancy pelosi is already passed, a three trilliondollar bill, in the house, when do markets and investors start recognizing 222 trillion dollars in debt spending reined in some point. Not now Interest Rates are very low no sense government crowding out private sector but critically the question we should be asking is the following, is 24 extra debt contributing to our longterm Economic Growth . There is nothing wrong with debt, if it results in higher growth. The problem with debt is when it results in lower growth, so markets will at some point ask that question, but right now, markets are just asking a very simple question are we getting more liquidity support from the fed primarily but also from the Fiscal Agency what markets are interested in right now you. Maria are, of course, we need to see growth in the economy, we saw two good months of data in may and june mohamed what and is it something any part of the discussions happening about the next stimulus here down in washington . It is not a vast majority of the discussion about relief. About. What do you do to help people, businesses, and local and State Government lots of disagreement on that, but that is relief, there are three other buckets the second bucket of living with covid, being able to live this period in a healthy and economically productive manner the third one make sure that we counter the pressure on productivity over the long term was infrastructure, people weve got to counter increase in Household Economic and security so think of whole different buckets, three of them are progrowth, one of them is relief, and we are focusing mostly on relief right now so we need to take a more pro proholiwho wi m approach. We are at record highs in nasdaq we continue to see market move higher despite that we just reported, that biggest contraction in the economy, that weve seen, 32. 9 would you be allocating new money to stocks here . So i think, youve got to look at what weve done so far this year, it is incredible. The nasdaq up 22 . T dow industrials down 6 outperformance almost 30 Percentage Points enormous, almost 20 Percentage Points so far this year kroo also enormous because tech names have become everything to everybody, looking for growth, go to tech, looking for defensive go to tech why . Strong Balance Sheets my own view is weve come a very long way. I like the themes, but i i dont like the valuations maria i said to you two to three weeks ago weve basically stayed flat since then except for nasdaq so i have been wrong on nasdaq, but i like the themes, a little bit worried about where valuation have gone. Valuations keep going higher with some tech names look at apple hitting he i i mean talking about two trillion dollars very close to it. Is Technology Getting ahead of itself . Is to i Like Technology let me just be Clear Technology has four attributes you want because they translate into resiliency, they have very strong Balance Sheets, they are positive cash throw even in this economy. They have Good Management and the world is coming to them both during the shutdown, and later. So these are very strong names. So themes are very, very solid, it is just a matter of how much are you willing to pay for this. Maria hmm. Absolutely mohamed great to see you this morning thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, maria. Mohamed elerian joining us coming up mailin voting debate trump 2020 Campaign National Campaign Press secretary hogan gidley here concerns about mailin voting a new way to sage Health Living through this pandemic a shot from New York Stock Exchange today i am marking 25 years as my debut on New York Stock Exchange floor i will ring the opening bell i am so excited to do so more mornings with maria next live on fox business. Why dont you recognize some Companies Still have hr stuck between employees and their data. Entering data. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. With paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. Visit paycom. Com, and schedule your demo today. Find a stock basedtech. On your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Baseball back but touch and go games rescheduled due to pandemic yes, maami mar lins ceo jeter defending players after half tested positive for covid watch. I am hoping, that the first question today is about the health of our players, because it really has, you can see we are here read about, rumors about our players actions in atlanta and we need to stop that, our team our players deserve better than that as i mentioned these guys are fit. Major League Baseball cancellation a game betweened st. Louis carols nazi Chicago White sox to be played on field of dreams in iowa what do you think . You have to wonder if baseball is able to finish the way things are going if we see more outbreaks like this, jeet cer is right never questioned Derrick Jeter as you have to worry about Players Health i am going to point to one thing maria we talked about before. As father of a boy in high school americas past time friday nightlights friday night football friday night Football High School footbagame jeopardy i hope gets under control to see my son play one last time this fall how does it get under control. That is a problem, that is why i asked if were going to end baseball season canceled in maryland a lot of other states keeping it going i dont know if we are going to be able to get there. I think the answer to question should we not get back to life as normal is there anything we can effectively do there are so many things daily aspects one of life vital to morale we cant do cant watch friday night football watch National Pastime huge out of 11th to you restore confidence in country i dont see any effective way to control spread of coronavirus we are seeing positivity test rates go down death rates go down as long as capacity i know may how bad harsh inhumane some sense as long as not capacity at hospitals cant we get back to life as normal if we dont we are going to try to shut down country every time health scare i dont think feasible for many americans. A lot of people feel that way dagen. Dagen it takes a great deal of care, and how you interact with other people, Derrick Jeter days talking about marlins did not go to bars and clubs my understanding not really sure where the first case came from from in this group of players, are clearly it is important to Derrick Jeter his reputation, he is trying to stand up for himself and organization. But, again, you have to take incredible care when you are interacting with people, you have to keep your distance if you can, wear a mask it is very hard to keep it under control just to say oh, well if older people are at risk stay away from them, it aint easy take it from me when youve got a dad a heart attack in the hospital you have to take care of him do you what you can, but it is not it is almost impossible do stay away from loved ones if you are over the age of 65. Agree in terms of getting back to normal life, we have more than 150,000 deaths, even if suspicious about how deaths are counting look at cdc statistics, just counting sheer birth certificates way over where we normally are a lot of people dying life doesnt get back to normal for them or their families ever. Normal to where relatively to what we are dealing with a pandemic, some point you have to you cant you cant wait we cant wait for the a vaccine to get back to normal life. You cant shut economy down every time someone again i have at risk family members, of age i am not dwogdz being reckless please dont misunderstood that i am saying we got to get back to doing, life, in a responsible way, instead of this fits and spasms on, off, closed, not closed. Dagen we back to a life a pandemic life. That a lot of again we have reopened in a safe way if you walk around new york city, i mean incredibly unfortunately bars cant have open restaurants cant open inside broadway totally shut down a normal until there is a vaccine but a lot of people back on the job, a lot of people going about their business, being safe, that is that is the life were living now. A little better, too. On issue of death look counting death certificates up 20 to 40 above where it was a year ago that is a lot of people dig. We didnt have coronavirus then that is irrelevant statistic to compare. This is the conversation taking place across the country guys, it i really true stay with us. Well be right back. Find the world is new, again. At chevy wed like to take you there. Now during the chevy open road sales event, get up to 15 of msrp cash back on select 2020 models. Thats over fiftyseven hundred dollars cash back on this equinox. Its time to find new roads, again. 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Thats one thing i write about. A lot of people have heard of that. And it is something you take every day that there are two reverse aging things. It turn the clock, a different way to approach that. Tips like eating right and doing yoga every day, start using artificial lands toxic chemicals, you mention alcohol versus tequila and wine, is that alcohol has the tequila . The brown tequila is all sugar. At 5 00, a cocktail, tells you to bear and we started doing this, what i now do twice a week, i have a Facebook Live show. There will be one friday night and one tuesday, every tuesday and friday i have Facebook Live shows, they are coming in the hundreds of thousands and all these people reading my books all these years, we have a real good time. We have been talking about this. Coming to that Facebook Live party, congratulations on another book, wearing as healthy and strong as always, good to have you this morning. We will be right back. Structuring a debt. This is just breaking, a 65 billion agreement with three of its creditors helping the country restructure a massive debt load. Argentina will change the payment debts for its new bond issuance, the bondholders include Fidelity Management and research company, big market news just breaking this one, zoom video suspending direct sales to its customers in china august 20 third which means users have to rate work with the partners on chinas mainland. The company has been under scrutiny for connections with china like an intentionally routing some meeting through chinese servers. Finally, orlando adjective for Jonathan Isaac made headlines when he stood instead of kneeling for the national anthem. New jersey flying off the shelves. He stood because he feels kneeling and wearing certain tshirts does not support black lives, the second best seller in the nba website. Behind lebron james. Isaac will miss the rest of the season. He tore his acl, those are your headlines. Back to you. Maria looking at the mail in voting d debate. And expected lawsuit against the state of nevada, legislation to send mail in ballots to voters. Somebody like the governor of nevada come out with a massive plan out of nowhere to take millions of ballots and send them all over the place. It will get messed up but universal mail in ballots to be of great embarrassment, suing in nevada. That has been taken care of and we will file something tomorrow. Maria hogan, it is great to have you this morning, thanks for being here. Here we are in a shutdown because of coronavirus. The pandemic, something we are all dealing with. I understand the risks around mail in voting but the president cant sue every state that d sides to send mail in voting ballots out can he . Given that they can say we have to send them out because of the coronavirus shutdown . There are mechanisms in place to vote through absentee voting. This situation democrats are trying to do universal mail in voting is rife with potential for fraud and cheating. Democrats always project on to republicans the things they themselves are guilty of doing. They accuse this president of colluding with russia to change the outcome of an election. It was the democrats who actually bought and paid for a russian dossier filled with things from a british spy. Talk about foreign interference. This issue is the same. They are accusing the president of trying to change the date of the election. And ten state democrats are suing so that those states can all our votes to come in after election day. They are literally trying to change the date of the election and blaming us for it. Nevada legalized ballot harvesting meaning i can take 500 votes to the polling place anytime i want, the legalized voting after election day. Like if i woke up on nevada wednesday morning and said donald trump is winning by 5000 votes the dnc says 5 me 5001 votes. You can do that under nevadas new law. It makes the election system compromise and takes away the sacred right of one vote for one person and it wont count the way it is because people can double dip. Those universal votes will come to their homes whether they requested them or not meaning they can go on election day and vote by mail, they make it stop. The democrats have done that. Hillary clinton paid for the dossier spying on the Trump Campaign, the media was involved to whether it be mail in votings, technology and the new thing that comes out where the media was on board for it, the idea of no d bates, joe biden should not do any debate, tom friedman, doing a debate, how are you going to stop it . What can the president really do, where people decide on the next president s. Can you do that with the president suing nevada . The media are good, protecting their own and the democrats, a group side with politically, it mirrors their own personal agendas. Through this mail in Voting System through the d bates it is no different. You have seen on the stump when not scripted, youve seen them follow fall apart, children loving others leg hair and all types of claims, all kinds of date of 9 11, those are the things they dont want the public to see. The democrats are counting on the media, we are counting on the people. Those stand up and say we want a free and fair election. Donald trump will be reelected to four more years. Do you believe these polls . It is lagging, joe biden, what is the story on the polls . So many polls are bad for various amounts of reasons, exit polling in 2016, where democrats, they are sampling 46 of democrats. They are enthusiastic. No one was excited about joe biden. One is watching, in the trump 2020 campaign. A personal milestone, marks 25 years to the day since i first reported from the floor of the Stock Exchange, and next we look back at the most special moments. You are watching mornings with maria. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. Thats why were helping you stay ahead and adapt with a network you can count on, 24 7 support and Flexible Solutions that work wherever you are. Call or go online today. 25 years to the day that Maria Bartiroma became the first reported to appear live from the floor of the Stock Exchange. , you have to remember at the time it was a see of soup, all men. Everything is Maria Bartiroma. I got the job because the chairman and ceo wanted to be demystify things and explain how trading works. He wanted somebody to do that. That i helped democratize information and investors get on a level Playing Field which Institutional Investors at the same time. I did face obstacles when i got down there because a lot of people dont want me there. I had to have sharp elbows and stand my ground and in the middle of it, pushing you out of the way. I used to tell my assistance, or short skirts, dont wear that again. You want to be taken seriously, to understand your talking professionally about business and dont have a lot of distractions to think about other stuff. I was never offended by the term money honey. Arent you upset people call you this . Know. I found it to be a complement and i never questioned whether my viewers or sources took me seriously. I knew they did. I watched the first plane going the first building on television from my office and then raced downstairs, went to the corner of wall street and broadway, watched the second plane for the second tower, i hid in the metlife building across from the Stock Exchange under a stairwell. A woman was crying so much, you have to stop crying, we need to get through this together. The markets reopened, dont forget when you go on today the world is watching. It was sobering. You could only say we are down but not out. We will rise again. The best piece of advice i was ever given was by my mother who said to me, excellent preparation. In a test of paper, decades ago, i always would look at it every morning. I knew some guys had it in for me and i went home and said i will own this job. The floor of the Stock Exchange, it was incredible. When somebody leaves they do a clap off and basically trading stocks, i couldnt believe it. I started hysterical crying. Im grateful for all the people on the Stock Exchange i have been able to grow with, and incredible place, to support one another. Dagen thank you to the Stock Exchange for the use of photographs and all of that footage. It makes me emotional for so many reasons. I know what you did for women in finance and across the country, standing and being your strong self, what is your most significant moment looking back . Maria thank you. What i said in that piece, then investors can get information about trading. I used to be on the floor, going into the crowd. It and is the stock to watch and walk into the crowd. What does the market look like him. I would it be able to get out before you call your broker. That was so significant. Opening the morning call, getting into the office and call sources, so your individual can be on the same Playing Field as the institution. The Stock Exchange was kind to me even though a handful of people didnt like the idea, dick grassoh open it up, me, a woman having the camera, most of the people were so supportive and wanted me to do well. I made so many friends, so grateful not just of the Stock Exchange, for all they did to help democratize and put me on the floor of the exchange. I cant believe it has been 25 years. It has been emotional looking back on this. Dagen collect your self so i dont get emotional. More on marias 20 fifth anniversary after the break. I wanted to tell you about my greatgrandmother. She was not able to vote in her lifetime, but i wanted to honor all that she had done to ensure a Lasting Legacy of education and civic involvement. Im very proud to carry on her story. Yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. Well, xfinity makes moving super easy. I can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. Wow, that is easy. Almost as easy as having those guys help you move. We are those guys. Thats you . The truck adds 10 pounds. In the arms. Okay. Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. Dagen marking a milestone. Maria bartiroma, the wall street boys glove made your life tough when you were broadcasting from the floor of the Stock Exchange but you powered through. You were a picture of grace and strength and toughness and brilliance in women across the country could watch you. Young girls could watch you. I was starting of the financial journalist and you gave me inspiration and a roadmap how to do my job. Words fail to capture the impact you have on so many people in this country and around the world. Maria when women saw me down there, she is in the middle of all those guys, in the middle of a sea of suits, why arent i i hope it did give the emerging women and emerging generations the confidence to go get them. Dagen we have something for you to show how much we love you and all your work. There you go. Maria thank you so much. Dagen hydrangeas, orchids. I interrupted you. Go ahead. Dagen i could not be more comfortable to you and this team. Patrick, rachel, the entire team that worked to put this program on every day, i am so proud of it in the last 25 years, so much has happened i feel so grateful to all of you at the Stock Exchange, cnbc, fox business. I am loving it, very grateful. We will take a break. Marking 25 years. I will be ringing the opening bell in honor of my anniversary. I hope you will join me. More mornings with maria live after this. All with no commissions. Stocks by the slice from fidelity. Get your slice today. Maria thank you, dagen, jon, lou. Great to see you. Okay. To the next 25 years with dusty. Shes joining the show. Have a great day, everybody. That will do it for us. Varney Company Begins right now. Stu, take it away. Ill see you in 30 minutes time when i ring the opening bell. Stuart i want is it dusty . Is that the name . Dusty . Maria yes, dusty. Stuart i want to see dusty and maria a half hour from now. Thats great. Congratulations, maria. Congratulations. Good stuff. All right. Maria thank you, stu. Stuart sure thing. Good morning, everyone. Listen to this. The president wants the treasury to get a piece of the tiktok sales price. He says america opened the door to the deal so america should get some of the money. Chinese state controlled media call this open robbery. 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