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History and there is nothing i know even about it. I had seen that today just a little while ago. I said what is this all about . I know nothing about it. Just a continuation of the witchhunt. Didnt work out for congress. Didnt work out for mueller. Didnt work out for anybody. What they are doing, they send them around all over the country, maybe. It is a terrible thing that they do. It is really a terrible thing. The witchhunt has gone on long enough, okay . What else . Reporter you mentioned the Vaccine Development program. Could you assure the American People that Politics Around the election will not interfere with President Trump absolutely, absolutely. Reporter playing a role how it is distributed in the country. President trump no it wouldnt have anything to do with. We want to make People Better send it to areas that most need it. I think it is good good. Jeff . Reporter you said early this week that dr. Birx was taking bail from speaker pelosi. What do you mean by that, describing the facts about the case of the pandemic right now across the country . I think were doing very well and i think that we have done as well as any nation, if you really look, if you look at what is going own with all the flareups on nations that were talking about. Were much bigger, other than india and china. China is having a massive flareup right now. India has a tremendous problem. Other countries have problems and i notice in the news, in the evening news i never read about that. In india. I dont read about the other countries. Youre starting to see other countries are having very big flareups, countries thought they were over it. Like we thought we were over it in florida and it comes back. They do come back. I think were doing very well. I told dr. Birx were doing very well. She was in my office a little while ago. I have a person that i have Great Respect for. Nancy pelosi has treated her very badly, very badly and she was nasty. Im referring to the fact i thought they should say the job weve done on ventilators or testing, we tested over 60 million people. No other country is even close to that. We tested 60 million people, with freight, many cases 50 rapid fire, meaning five to 15 to 20 minute tests where you get the result almost immediately. Nobody has anything like that. Nobody. And, i think were just doing very well. Reporter just to followup quickly disagree with her characterization, mr. President . President trump go ahead please. Reporter thank you, mr. President i want to follow up couple things you said earlier. The first on tiktok and second on coronavirus. On tiktok you said you wanted money for the u. S. Treasury. Does that mean you expect the Chinese Companies to pay the u. S. Treasury directly or are you talking about . President trump microsoft or or chinese, what the price is the United States should get a very large percentage of that price because were making it possible. Without us, i used the expression, like the landlord and the tenant and without the lease, the tenant doesnt have the value. Were sort of in a certain way the lease. We make it possible to have this great success. Tiktok is a tremendous success but a big portion of it is in this country. Reporter from the sale, directly. Would. President trump would come from the sale, whatever the number is, nobody would think about it but me. That is the way i think. I think it is very fair. We want no Security Problems with china. It has got to be an american company. It has to be american security. It has to be owned here. We dont want any problems with security, et cetera. And something could come out. I will tell you there is a lot of excitement, not only by microsoft but by other companies in terms of buying it. Well see what happens. We want and we think we deserve a big percentage of that price coming to america, coming to the treasury. Reporter on the negotiation on capitol hill you expressed some frustrations that you might take executive action to address President Trump might do that, yes. Reporter wonder if you talk about both how you might prevent evictions through executive action. President trump i can do that if i want. I want to do that. I dont want people to be evicted. When theyre evicted, thrown out of their, whatever the place may be, in many cases they go to big shelters and if you talk about pandemic this, is a pandemic. They go to shelters. Number one theyre thrown out viciously. It is not their fault. It is chinas fault. It is not anybodys fault. It is chinas fault. If they are thrown out they often times will go to a shelter with tremendous numbers of other people and the virus will spread and we dont want that. Reporter are you considering collection of payroll taxes . President trump i can do that also through executive order. Well be talking about that. We are having a good discussion with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. The problem they want to do bailouts of various democratrun states and cities. They want a lot of money. They want a trillion dollars for that. They want to do much more than covid related. They want to bail out cities and states in trouble for years with bad management. In all cases democratrun cities. We dont think thats fair. You understand that. You have heard it before. Yeah, please, go ahead. Reporter thanks, mr. President. I wanted to ask but the Justice Department sending federal agents into cities like chicago as part of operation legend. How exactly do you envision federal forces working alongside Police Departments. Reporter it is not a mass send but sending very talented people to help them with the drugs and shootings and guns and things that are happening. It is not like sending in the National Guard and stopping it cold. Which is an example, a lot of progress has been made in portland, frankly sending in the National Guard like we did in minneapolis it stopped it cold. From the time we sent the National Guard, they walked down the street it was over in minneapolis. Now it may start up again. These are democratrun cities and states. It hasnt been a pretty picture to watch. We will help chicago. Well help new york, if they request, they have to request the help but we want to stop the drugs. We want to symptom stop the guns. A lot of chicago is guns, what it is drugrelated, and largely gangrelated. With i. C. E. We send out thousands of ms13, thousands and thousands of ms13 we send them back or some cases we put them in prison, theyre too violent. Theyre truly violent. Theyre helping out, look what is happening in chicago and some other cities with the shootings and the killings they need help and we havent met with resistance i have to be honest with you. I think it is good we havent. Were only looking to help them. Were only looking to help them. Oian . Reporter thank you, mr. President , in our nations 243 year history there has never been a stronger push for mailin ballots to determine a national election. President trump yeah. Reporter are you considering a executive order with mailin ballots and why are people [inaudible] President Trump there has never been a push for mailin ballots and if you look at the new york congressional race which is a disaster, carolyn, it has been a total disaster. Theyre six weeks into it, they have no clue whats going on. I think i can say right here and now you have to re ruin run that race. Nobody knows what is happening with the ballots and lost ballots and fraudulent ballots i guess. I think you probably have to take the Carolyn Maloney race to run it over again. How can you do this . This is a small race with literally thousands of people, small thousands of people, it is all messed up. Look at patterson, new jersey, it is all messed up. These are small, easy to control. They should be able to do it easy. You talk about like nevada, where last two nights ago they in the darkness of night, without people, without having any meetings of the public, without having anything they approved a ridiculous, you dont have to look at signatures. You dont have to approve anything. You can have double mailings. You can have all sorts of things. Nobody ever seen anything like it. It is a disgrace. Honestly its a disgrace. Its a very good question. The mailin ballots, if you look at some of the small, the small places, the small races, congressional race in new york, should be very easy. Normally that would be announced at 7 00 and there would have been down to the wire and everybody would have loved it. If it was at all complex it would taken extra 45 minutes an hour, they would announce it a little bit later. They have know clue. It is about six weeks ago, they have no clue what is going on. They have lost ballots. There is fraudulent ballots. Its, how are you going to do that for an entire nation . Theyre using covid to try and get the mailin ballots. Now absentee ballots are great. You have to request them. They go through a process. They get them. Universal mailin ballots turned out to be a disaster. What nevada has been doing last few days you have to look what they have done. You can have two ballots. You can harvest, it is harvesting, you can take thousands of ballots, put them together, dump them down on somebodys desk after a certain period of time. They have something where if you vote, the vote can count up to seven days later. If the vote is going to count seven days later, that means, if it depend on the one state, like nevada, that would mean simply that you cant have, supposing it is down to that one state. It could be. Its a great state but supposing it is down to that one state . That means you have to wait seven days but they wont have it there. This is something that is so messed up and by the way, i have to say the post office, for many, many years has been you know, run in a fashion that hasnt been great. Great workers and everything but they have old equipment, very old equipment. And i dont think the post office is prepared for a thing like this. You have to ask the people at the post office but how can the post office be expected to handle, they have regular mailing. And then now on top of that they have the internet where you have amazon and these companies doing, you know all the buying instead of going to a department store, they go buy through the mail. So you have massive numbers of purchases now going through the post office, purchases of items and gifts. And thats tremendous strain on the post office. The post office loses a fortune it has been for many, many years, for decade. So now on top of it has this. And the amazons of the world and others they pay very, very little money. They lose money on post office loses money, which is ridiculous on every package it delivers on top of that, im not just talking about amazon, but all the competitors, if there is such a thing to amazon, there will be but if there is such a thing on top of that, somebody like the governor of nevada come out with this massive plan out of nowhere to take millions of ballots and send them all over the place. You will never know who won that state. It will get messed up just like new york and just like patterson, new jersey and just like many other places. In West Virginia they indict ad adding a man for for doing something bad. You know. That many cases all over the country, there a list of them all over the country, that has to do with universal mailin. Absentee is great, it works n florida, they do absentee, it works. But universal mailin ballots will be a embarassment to our country. Reporter [inaudible] President Trump i have the right to do it. Well see what happens. Well be suing in nevada. That already has been taken care of. Well probably file something tomorrow. I do want to say were going to be introducing a tremendous Health Care Plan sometime prior, hopefully prior to the end of the month. It is just about completed now. In addition next month well be doing the immigration plan. So well be doing that in september. Well be doing sometime during this month the Health Care Plan. And i think that will be before the end of the month. I think it will be very impressive to a lot of people. Thank you very much. [reporters shouting questions] reporter mr. President , the Postal Service released a statement saying it has ample elizabeth President Trump is wrapping up a News Conference at the white house where he just made news. He did tackle everything from the covid crisis to bungled trumprussia probe and likely the administration will sue the state of nevada tomorrow for passing mailin balloting. He called the democrat race involving Carolyn Maloney a total disaster because of mailin balloting. Lets welcome back to the show. Corey lewandoski Senior Trump Campaign advisor this is big news. The president saying yes, they will sue, the administration will sue the state of nevada for doing automatic mailin balloting. What is your response to that . Well the president s most important issue Going Forward is the integrity of the 2020 election cycle. Look we know in 2016 there were foreign entities who tried to interfear when barack obama and joe biden were in the white house. Comey, brennan, clapper let that happen or failed under their watch. This president will not allow anything to interfere with the integrity of our ballot system. Which means we cant be sending ballot to dead cats. Weve seen this story many times every person whoever lived at andres will be shipped a ballot. There will be no verification in place. No i. D. Checking, no signature checking. That is a prone base baseball lot disasters to happen. Around to steal an election. Our elections are too important for that. Elizabeth what he is explaining absentee ballots are something different. Absentee ballots voters sign up for them, get approved. What nevada is doing along with six other states like vermont and california, automatically sending out mailin ballots to voters. He is talking about just now, the president saying there could be voter fraud. There could be what is called ballot harvesting. Nevada is hall allowing people outside of a voter as family to collect the ballots and turn them in. Political groups could pick up the ballots, doing what every they can with the ballots to sway a race. What do you say . That is exactly right. Look here in my home state of New Hampshire we tightened laws require you to be a resident of the state to vote in our election. We were the last state that didnt require residency to vote in the state of New Hampshire. Everybody agrees. If you have an excuse not to be somewhere on election day, ailing issue, traveling, absentee voting is 100 legal and 100 legitimate. Stood the test of time. What we are concerned of, the notion every person that ever lived at an address will get a ballot, regardless how long they lived there, if they moved 20 years ago. Weve seen this, former pets of individuals are being registered by these third party groups, pets that arent even alive anymore are being sent ballots. That is where the real problem comes in. Our elections are too important. If youre not a u. S. Citizen, you shouldnt be voting in this election. If you dont live at that address, you shouldnt vote there either. Elizabeth corey, the president said, quote, automatic universal mailin balloting will be an embarassment, will turn the u. S. Into an embarassment before the world. He is saying the u. S. Postal service cant handle mailin balloting. We see decrepit board of election systems here in new york city. Two congressional races in new york have problems with mailin balloting. Hundreds of thousands of ballots came in but not on time. They have not declared a winner in race involving Carolyn Maloney. Weeks are going past. Are democrat okay with this . Democrat ares trying to turn the 2020 race and election into total chaos. So democrats are okay with this not being so stateoftheart, not ready for prime time . Theyre okay with boards of elections, cities not ready for this . The u. S. Postal service not ready for nationwide mailin balloting . Let me bring it back to the iowa caucus. This year in 2020, the democrat iowa caucus took a week to determine 100,000 votes because they couldnt count them properly because the app they put in place failed. The phone systems jammed. It took a week for the dems to count 100,000 votes to determine who won the iowa caucus for president of the United States of america. What other important job they have counting votes properly. They cant get it done right in new york. Congressional election is going on. If the republicans were doing this, the media would be outraged by the fact we couldnt count the votes properly. The fact in states like patterson, new jersey, in that community and new york we have congressional races still not called after six weeks. It should be only indication we need to know that this all mailin ballot in these states is never going to work. Elizabeth all right. Corey lewandoski, thank you so much for joining us. Really great to have you on as we wrap up the president s press conference in the White House Press room with corey lewandoski. Great to see you. Coming up mark green from House Homeland Security with violent protesters threatening a shakedown of local businesses in places like louisville, kentucky. Small momandpop shops, the momandpop businesses are saying if they dont accede to protesters demands, that the protesters saying we will tack attack you on line. The stores are getting vandalized. The story next with republican mark green. So you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Find your getupandgo. Find pants that arent sweats. Find your friends. Find your sense of wander. Find the world is new, again. At chevy wed like to take you there. 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Tomorrow, a hearing in the senate on violent anarchists still rioting in cities like portland and seattle. Texas senator ted cruz will chair the Senate Subcommittee hearing. It will focus on rioting, not peaceful protests as democrats face withering criticism staying silent on the violence. Including joe biden, barack obama, nancy pelosi and jerry nadler who called antifa violence a myth. Outrage is coming in nationwide over protesters in portland, oregon, burning bibles and an american flag, using that as kindling for bonfires outside of the federal courthouse there. Violent rioting continuing in portland, even after federal Law Enforcement pulling back to let state and local police take over. They targeted officers with lasers, trying to blind them. Threw things like glass bottles. Protesters are pushing a list of demands on local Small Businesses, local momandpop shops in cities like louisville, kentucky, threatening the momandpop stores and restaurants. Welcome republican mark green of tennessee. He is on House Homeland Security. He is also a combat veteran. Great to see you, sir. The protesters are threatening Small Businesses saying if you dont do things like give 1 1 2 of your net revenues to causes we support and if you dont put up display signs in our stores about our causes that we like, were going to attack you and your businesses on the internet. Your reaction to that, sir . Yeah. All of this antifa stuff is basically bullying of a sort. It is akin to mafia type behavior and activities, we have to put a stop to it, number one. It is all in line with the whole defund america, defund the police, dismantle america. What you heard from ilhan omar, it is all in that same sort of theme. And interestingly enough about an fifa particularly, and you mentioned the bible burning all of that in portland, their name is an incredible misnomer. Their actives is more fascist weve seen anything since 1945. They hate ideologies and they are attacking them and theyre, the most, least diverse of anything. Theyre a terrorist organization. Thank goodness the president declared them such. This is, this is, this is crazy. Weve got to [inaudible]. Elizabeth congressman, lets talk about what is going on in louisville, kentucky. Sure. Elizabeth businesses, local residents are rallying behind the owner after local cuban restaurant. This, he is an immigrant i believe who owns it. His restaurant has been targeted with vandalism and attacks. The owner publicly spoke out saying that protesters are threatening him with, quote mafia style shakedowns and theyre trying to extort local business. Theyre justifying, injustice with more injustice . I supported the u. S. I support america. I condemn your socialism. I love freedom. He is apparently got a child who is gay. So you know, he is saying his business is not racist but he is getting attacked. Your reaction . That mafia description is a perfect, you know, analogy i guess. This is criminal behavior. Theyre extorting a businessman to compel that he give a certain amount of money to their cause. That is exactly what the mafia used to do. And it is a criminal act and we should enforce those laws and put those people in jail. Elizabeth lets talk about the double standard. Prolife activists were arrested saturday morning for writing chalk on the ground, black, preborn lives matter in front of a washington, d. C. , planned parenthood. They told the d. C. Mayor weeks ago they were going to, this is students for life of america, Frederick Douglass foundation. They got a permit for the event. They sent a letter in late july to d. C. Mayor muriel bowser. The mayor of new york reportedly did not get, black lives matter protesters did not get a permit. When they put black lives matter on the street here in new york city but these guys get arrested . What is going on here . Its a massive double standard. You look in, i think it was nevada or, you know, utah, cant remember which state, just recently, the Supreme Court ruled that you know, casino could be open but a church cant . And they can actually increase the size of their, you know, the number of people based on the size of the facility whereas a church couldnt do that . It is absurd what is going on. Were hearing this stuff from the left going on all of the time. You cant, i guess you have a meeting, even if youre following social distance rules, if your belief, whatever your petitioning forgoes against what liberal democrats want you to. This is insane. It goes back to that, if you dont think the way we do, you dont get to hold your meeting. Thats bizarre. Theyre denying First Amendment rights to speech. And theyre denying First Amendment rights to assembly and have religion and have faith. It is insane. That is who they are. That is the leadership of the democrat party. Elizabeth were running out of time. Got it. Elizab this. A grandmother in portland, oregon, turned in her 18yearold grandson saw him on television. She identified him. He is being charged with arson for throwing an explosive against a federal courthouse in portland. It set fire to wood and heard blocks around. Talk about crime in portland, oregon, places there after they moved to defund the police. Portland has more homicides in the month of july than any other month the last three decades. Wall street journal, 50 largest cities reported homicides up 25 . Seven of the worst send 10 cities are run by democrats. Theyre seeing more shootings and homicides than all of 2019. Your reaction. 62 of americans do not want police defunded. In all the cities, vast majority are run by democrats where they talked about, or decreased the funding of police there has been a doubledigit increase in homicides in 36 of those top 50 cities. Doubledigit. That is 10, maybe hundreds of americans who are dead because of these ridiculous democrat policies. I mean, those lives are on their hands. You look what is happening in chicago. Even when the president offers to come in and help, they want to push back from that . The police themselves in chicago want the feds to come in and help yet those local leaders are pushing back . I mean that is again, it is all these democrats are. Elizabeth well, children are getting killed. A nineyearold boy was shot dead in chicago this weekend t has come to this. I want to get to this. Minneapolis Police Department are advising local residents of minneapolis, youre on your own in minneapolis. Be prepared to give up your cell phone, purse, wallet, approached by robbers. Robberies are going to happen. Dont argue, or fight with the criminal, do as they say. People are getting assaulted, maced in these robberies, sell phones, purses, maced, assaulted with guns that is going on in minneapolis. Your reaction . Theyre being killed. There are rapes going on. What are they saying . Give in, you cant even defend yourself . That is absurd. Never happened in tennessee, i can assure but that is what is happening there in those democratrun bastions. Theyre throwing up their hands, letting criminals own the city. It is absurd. Elizabeth congressman mark green, great to see you, sir, come back soon. Thanks, liz. See you. Elizabeth he will be back. Senator ron johnson now pushing back hard on former obama officials foredodging questions and downplaying whether former president barack obama directed and ordered any of the surveillance on the Trump Campaign in 2016. Now this, reports are coming in that under the Obama Administration, the question is this for members of congress. Talk to former independent counsel ken starr on that next. Looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. Theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. 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This ask continuation of the witchhunt. It is democrat stuff. They failed with mueller. They failed with everything. They failed with congress. They failed at every stage of the game. This has been going on for 3 1 2, four years, even before i got in, this was starting with the mueller deal, mueller started a little bit after but it started with some of the people that you know very well the names, strzok, and page and all of the different people. Elizabeth lets welcome former independent counsel ken starr. Ken, always great to have you back on. What was your reaction when you heard all of this . Oh, i thought, my word, why cant we get to the truth . We have been struggling mightily to get to the truth, just get all the facts out and i must say, senator ron johnson is one of the most respected members of the United States senate. He is very tenacious. He is very wise. He is an enormous amount of respect from his colleagues but now the infighting has begun. So when he was joined in a really powerful letter by senator charles grassley, likewise a deeply respected member of the senate, reknowned for his total integrity, the two of them essentially are saying to their colleagues and to the American People, we really want to get to the bottom of this at long last. What did among other people, president obama himself know and when did he know it . We need to know these facts and Valerie Jarrett and others need to cooperate but i dont think that is what were going to be getting. Elizabeth well, lets show you what senator johnson said Valerie Jarrett basically dodging maria bartiromos questions, Valerie Jarrett saying this happened four years ago. Lets move on. Watch senator johnson here. Well answer your question. She just talked about in general what the process should be. That is not the process they followed. It is very clear that there was corruption at the highest levels of certainly the fbi. We have evidence of it. Im looking forward to john durham wrapping up his investigation. You know, i personally believe that the Intelligence Community was involved in this thing. You know, their initial goal was to exonerate hillary clinton. When, so see could win an election. When she lost the election, their goal shifted to first, first and foremost i think sabotaging the Trump Administration which they have done a pretty good job of. Elizabeth your reaction, ken . Well, Valerie Jarrett has no excuse. If youre asked a question, you need to answer it. You cant simply say, hey i joined the latest movement on moveon. Org. Im sorry, he is United States senator. He is chairman of a very important committee, homeland security, answer the questions. If you dont answer the questions, it is fair i believe in the political arena to joined a verse inference. In other words, if you dont answer the question, the question would be exculpatory. There would be guilt written all over your answer. That is a strong reaction. I think at this point four years into President Trumps administration, it is absolutely time to get it all out. Elizabeth ken, reports are coming in it may be worse than realized. The second investigation led by u. S. Attorney john bash were seeing reports that they could be probing obama officials for unmasking, meaning exposing the names of trump team members in their communications and that the u. S. Attorney may be looking at wrongdoing in unmasking by obama officials going back to 2015. It could include the collection of nas raw data, National Security agency raw data from u. S. Senators, u. S. Citizens, u. S. Citizens, and giving that raw data to outside contractors working for the fbi. Ken, finally the project for privacy, surveillance accountability, bob goodlatte, former house judiciary chair, ken, your reaction that the Obama Administration reportedly may have been spying on members of congress . Were talking about four dozen, current and former members of both the house and senate starting in january 2018 to january 15, 2020. Your reaction to that . It is shameful and if in fact these things happened and it is appearing that they did, it is fair and accurate to use the term, liz, abuse of power. That is the abus of power. In fact it may constitute criminal conduct, especially if there was a revelation of some of this information to outsiders who especially the press, did not in fact need to have that information. Elizabeth ken, is this an indication of potential corruption at the highest levels of the Obama Administration if these reports are true, if theyre true . Yes. If theyre true, then were talking about the use of the Intelligence Community, for totally inappropriate reasons. And that is exactly one of the bases on which Richard Nixon was impeached, for the abuse of power, for the misuse of intelligence agencies. So definitely a political crime, a political offense and a abuse of power. Is it a crime in the traditional sense . That remains to be seen. Elizabeth ken starr, great to see you, thanks for coming on. Thank you, liz. Elizabeth sure. Coming up, American Conservative Union chair matt schlapp on President Trumps Reelection Campaign releasing two new advertisements in key swing states, painting joe biden as beholden to the far left socialist wing of the democrat party, saying america, you do not want to turn socialist under joe biden. Matt schlapp is next. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. 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Dont let another morning go by without asking your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. Xeljanz. Elizabeth President Trumps campaign releasing two new advertisements today saying joe biden is beholden to the far left socialist wing of the democrat party. These are four, basically 30 second spots in four early voting swing states. One of the ads, biden is depicted alongside far left senator bernie sanders, representative alexandria ocasiocortez and Representative Ilhan Omar saying joe biden has embraced policies of radical left on taxes, the border, police funding. Radical left has taken over joe biden and democrat party, dont let them take over america. That is the new message from the Trump Campaign. Welcome American Conservative Union chair matt schlapp. Will this resonate with voters . Absolutely. The American People are quaking over what theyre seeing going on the streets across this country and theyre just nervous about what americas future is and President Trump speaks for people who want to aggressively defend this notion that america is still a good and decent place filled with good and decent people. Elizabeth you know Trump Campaign Senior Advisor jason miller said the election is not going to be delayed. That joe bidens choice for Vice President , is bidens quote, living will. Matt, joe biden basically said by his own admission he conceded that he merely is a placeholder. He told a fundraising audience in may, i you view myself has a transition candidate for the next generation of democrats. What is your reaction to that . Joe biden got the nomination because clinton, incorporated, obama, incorporated kind of shoved all the other democrats who had plenty of money and doing well in poles out of the race. They thought they had to focus on picking joe biden as the inevitable nominee. The problem, liz, he seems to not understand whats going on around him and so the president , the president needed his Campaign Needs to hit this head on. Joe biden is simply not ready to be president. When he was a senator he was radical and wrong on almost every important Foreign Policy question that hit the senate. So they have to hit him on the fact that he has been wrong for a long time. And they have to hit him on the fact he is simply not up to doing this job. He is not up to keeping a full day of campaigning. Elizabeth whats your take on the groundwork being laid in the media for biden to not do the pressdential debates . Clintons former White House Press secretary joe lockhart is saying joe biden, dont do debates. It seems theyre worried that biden has trouble articulating his views. That he will look frail next to President Trump. How would media react if President Trumps supporters saying dont do debates . Washington posts, New York Times, editorials, saying yeah, joe biden, dont do that. New york times saying president ial debates are not that important. Shame on the New York Times. Shame on joe lockhart. The fact is president ial debates have been a part of the president ial campaigns for almost my entire lifetime. Weve had them almost every cycle and they always helped the American People who really arent that political, liz, to focus in and make their decision. The reason why they dont want joe biden to debate donald trump is he doesnt have the medical acuity to be able to be on a stage with donald trump for a long period of time and take tough questions, even when he asked questions, answers questions, now, theyre given to him in advance. If you notice he has paddles on the screen. The answers are on the teleprompter he has to read and he has trouble with. That how will you sit across the table with china . How will you sit across the table with russia, if you cant even answer a couple of puffy questions from the New York Times . Elizabeth matt schlapp, great to see you. Thanks for joining us. Thanks, liz. Elizabeth coming up, house Border Security caucus cochair andy biggs, what is rarely covered, significant crime, economisted by illegal aliens who came in under president obamas daca program. That story next. 1 in 5 people you meet wear dentures. Yeah. That many but right now, is not the time to talk about it. So when youre ready, search my denture care. Poligrip and polident. Fixed. Fresh. And just between us. I appreciate what makes each person unique. Thats why i like liberty mutual. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Almost done. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Now temperature balancing, so you can sleep better together. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. Will it help me keep up with mom . Youve got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, no interest until january 2023 on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. Elizabeth to the border. A fourth Law Enforcement official now dead in texas. This is due to a july drunk driving crash, allegedly caused by an illegal alien who was allowed to stay in the u. S. Under former president obamas daca program. Former house Border Security caucus chair, andy biggs of texas. Congressman, what disthis mean for the issue of critical behavior in the illegal immigrant population . Because were seeing data going back from fiscal 2013 to 2017, 2100 illegals came in under daca, thought to be alleged criminals or gang members, they were kicked out. Were studying the data here. Were digging into it. Your reaction to this . Liz, there is actually far more than that number but this is the number that weve been able to get so far. A lot of these cases are low profile. You dont hear much about them. The policy itself allowed two convictions for misdemeanors. People think, oh, that is shoplifting but includes dui, prostitution. In some cases it includes pimping prostitution. These are serious crimes and unfortunately this individual should have been removed from the country years ago and as a result of his allowed to be remain in this country, we have four innocent officers who were killed by him just not too very many weeks, too many days ago actually. Elizabeth lets dig into this case. This illegal alien who was arrested in texas, he is ivan navejas, 28 years old. Charged by the kerr county, texas six accounts of intoxicated assault with a vehicle. Six counts of intoxicated vehicle manslaughter. He killed four members of the thin blue line group. This is a motorcycle club. Theyre active duty servicemembers, Law Enforcement officers, retired officers. He critically injured nine others of the group. He is here, has been here, he also was charged with other crimes prior to this crash. Your reaction . Yeah. Just two quick points. Number one, he has a prior arrest for dui. He also had been released on bail for an aggravated assault where he assaulted somebody and bit their ear off. So this is the kind of guy this was. He was allowed to remain in this country. As the officers who were there who survived have indicated, when he crossed right into their formation, crossed the middle line into them, there were other cars behind them. If these officers hadnt been hit, he would have hit and some other people as well. He would have hit other cars. This is an unnecessary tragedy. This is something that we have that is unforced error. People like this should have been vetted, should have been removed. And i would say this, the Trump Administration has been trying hard to correct that because that first arrest was i believe in 2015 or 2016 and, he was allowed to remain here. That should never have been the case. Elizabeth you know, its sensitive subject for democrats. Democrats dont like to talk about crime committed by illegal aliens. On this show, we talk about the victims. We dont treat them as rounding errors or just statistics. The three other victims killed in this crash by the illegal alien, 4yearold retired officer joe from chicago. 47yearold retired colonel. We think in 20s. Retired officer Michael Weiss of chicago. The point they served the country. That he had been in the u. S. With daca program. It is difficult to get statistics on daca, tough to get nailed down what the concrete data is, there is not good sufficient data to track them. Your reaction to this . Now servicemembers and Law Enforcement officers killed by an illegal alien in one crash. My heart goes out to the families of officer heart per, widen. I have one killed in my own district. The one officer was killed by illegal alien driving on the wrong side of the road. We dont get the data. Weve never been able to ascertain exactly how many people qualify for the original daca program. How many people were immediately stopped from going, well over 100,000 we believe. Literally hundreds of thousands of people here from daca. Weve not done a great job vetting vet vetting these people. That is the problem on that side of the issue as well as for the victims. Elizabeth so sorry we had a mistake in our copy. Producer put in youre representative from texas. Youre from arizona. Congressman andy biggs from arizona. Great to see you. Thank you, liz. Elizabeth okay, im elizabeth macdonald. Youve been watching the evening edit on fox business. That does it for us. Thank you so much for watching. We hope you have a good evening and join us tomorrow night. Good to see you. Lou good evening, everybody. Were waiting for the president this hour to hold his News Conference in the White House Briefing room. Now, we expect President Trump to give us an update on his administrations fight against the china virus and potentially take some questions from the assembled White House Press corps. They get along so well, you know. Well be bringing you the president s remarks, nonetheless, just as soon as he takes the podium. And be sure to join us here tomorrow for my exclusive interview with President Trump. Thats at 5 p. M. Eastern right here on the Fox Business Network on lou dobbs tonight

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