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Full court has now reversed them as well. Without basis in law and precedent any where in our court system and has sell oral arguments for august 11th to effectively retry general flynn and persecution of him as of 3 years has not been more than enough to watch as a corrupt politically corrupt department of justice and federal bureau of investigation needed the help of the leftwing judges who make up the Dc Circuit Court of appeals. 7 of those 11 judges appointed either by bill clinton or barack obama. Thats right, this is an obvious and outrageous politically motivated judiciary. 7 of the 11 judges left wing and acting as if they not constituted a leftwing organization. It is a disturbing trend to say the least emerging in our legal system, progressive groups and leftwing billionaires like george soros are packing courthouses and district attorneys offices with leftwing sympathetic judges and prosecutors all across the country, all who support the radical lefts agenda and then most cases support the violence in americas democratrun cities. St. Louis circuit attorney called the district in most regions. Kim gardner is one of the candidates supported by soros. She announced felony charges against the st. Louis couple who were pictured across the country with their weapons in their in their arms and hands, but within their property and at their home would be charged and kim fox notoriously from cook county, illinois, another sorosbacked state attorney drew National Attention for dismissing the case against host er smulett. Other beneficiaries of the soros contributions are advocate to go fundamentally transform the Justice System. District attorneys from San Francisco, philadelphia, boston have all been participating in a project founded by leftwing radical activist john king. That group is called the, quote, truth justice and Reconciliation Commission and Justice System is operating the way it was designed and function and thats why we are imagining and building something new. Political Action Committee cofounded by king has also supported several sorosbacked prosecutors and state attorneys generals since 2018. One of their candidates is mike smith who has become top prosecutor, thats right, portland oregon. His term begins this saturday in this critical moment when left wing anarchists are attacking Law Enforcement including federal agents protecting the federal courthouse. Schmidtt telling that he would drop charges from nonviolent protestors. If he can find nonviolent protestor with supporting video that would be quite astonishing itself. Former president today in atlanta for the john lewis services. The former president chose moment to raise his voice to further attack the Trump Administration and support mailin voting. There are those in power who are doing their darndest to discourage people from voting by closing polling locations and targeting minorities and students with restrictive id laws and attacking our Voting Rights with surgical precision even undermining the Postal Service in the runup to an election. Lou in the runup into the election. Former president s someone running for office, doesnt he . Mr. Obamas worry for people getting sick from the china virus made before a packed church with people Standing Shoulder to shoulder in the pews. Im sorry, what is that about . Twitter is defending their decision to block tweets from President Trump and allow antisemitic tweets to be published and stay up from iran s ayatollah, telling israeli lawmakers that they were just, quote, foreign policies saber rattling on military Economic Issues that are generally not in violation of our rules. Is there a more corrupt arbiter of what should be permitted to be expressed than twitter . Well, a reminder the former deep state fbi is now on the twitter legal team, actions like these raise more questions as to why the house judiciary and one of their subcommittees failed to bring up the section 230 protections for big tech and the lawsuits that are underway by the Justice Department and states attorneys general to deal with their massive and deeply anticompetitive behavior. Neither of the hearings over the past few days that is featuring the attorney general and four tech titans had decided not to talk about the central issue. Joining us tonight to talk about the central issue involved here is brendan carr, commissioner of the fcc, he previously served as the fcc general counsel, brendan, its good to have you here, thanks for being here. Remarkable display with all of the time spent on capitol hill in the democraticled house that the central issue here. The behavior of those massively powerful economic and politically titans of technology, wasnt even discussed, how can that be . This is most important conversations we could be having within conservative movement. When it comes to big tech many people on the right and including people in dc we simply have to sit on our hands and do nothing faced with massive accumulation and abuse of power they take an ostrichlike approach and i dont think that is right and some in dc standing up. The Trump Administration took a big step in the right direction to file petition of fcc where i work on section 230 which is going to look at some of the special protections that these social media forms have enjoyed above and beyond the First Amendment rights that you have here and that i have. Lou you know, watching jim jordan and matt gaetz and handful of others, they raised a voice in defense of our constitution and conservatives who are being crushed by each one of the people that you saw, whether its amazon and jeff bezos, facebook and mark zuckerberg. It is just stunning to watch what they are doing and with almost without comment from the National Media which should be standing up you would think of all things freedom of expression section 230 to protect these Technology Companies, the social Media Companies in particular from liability for their users, that has become an artifact is it not, a relic of a moment that no longer exists on our history. Why should there be special protection and immunity for these massively powerful Technology Companies who are swinging that power in the direction of the conservatives with seemingly every opportunity they get . Well, its interesting theres bipartisan support for this. Vice President Biden has said that section 230 should be revoked immediately. Section 230 was passed in the 1990s to deal with limited concept moderation that websites like prodigy were engaged in. Flash forward 20 years, the moderation that is going on today looks nothing like 1990s. Courts have taken 230 and given it expansive reading. The Trump Administration filed petition asking rules that clarify the scope of section 230 so we can view more closely to text and purpose of the law. Lou the text, the purpose and the conclusive action it seems to me should be, brendan, get the hell rid of it, why should there be immunity for any reason . There should be if anything else protection from them for every american citizen. Theres a lot of strawman arguments out there about preserving and we dont have section 230 in europe and the websites still exist in europe. 230 consistent with First Amendment, not right. Theres no First Amendment right to section 230 and i think theres plenty of paths that we can go forward to promote speech. Thats what 230 is about. The law itself talking about diversity views an impowering users to engage concept moderation filtering. We should turn off the bias filters and let people make their own decisions about concept moderation of what they want to see online. Lou well, it is the mood and the appetite of the fcc to as you evaluate this and interpret it what is the likely time frame for a decision and how quickly will we see that. The administrations petition came in this week. It was interesting academic petition. We will move to put that petition out for public comment. Everyone can participate and i hope we move expeditiously from that point. Ive put out 3 ideas, transparency, accountability and user empowerment. Look at internet providers today. We have a rule in place if you will manipulate traffic, block traffic, lawful content, you need to be transparent about it and if you violate that you can be held accountable. Thats a good baseline for big tech. Right now its a black box. Let people know whats going on when they post things on the internet. Lou ive got an addendum for that if one of the firms manipulates or blocks traffic or in any way shows any favor to one political view or another, it should be shut down, that is power to do so and the power should reside with the fcc. Brendan carr, come back soon. We will talk about this i can tell you. The u. S. Nasa launches to mars but a member of the bush family is helping chinese and own space venture to red planet. We will tell you all about it. Also tonight the fbi defends fisa application. Congressman andy biggs and my new book, preorder the trump century, how our president changed the course of history forever. This is an important Building Block in our effort to save the republic and drive the left nuts. You can do so preordering at trump century amazon. Com or barnsandnoble. Com. B b are are are hey, kids welcome to camp tonsafun on xfinity its summer camp, but in your living room. Learn how to draw with a minions expert. How to build an indoor Obstacle Course plus. Whatever shes doing. And me, jade cattapreta. The host of es the soup camp tonsafun. Its like summer camp, but minus the poison ivy. Unless you own poison ivy. In which case, why . Just say summer camp into your xfinity voice remote to join. Lou breaking news now china getting help in the space race from a member of the bush family. Neil bush, the younger brother of george w. Bush is the cochairman of a chinese Real Estate Firm thats partnering with the Communists Party principal producer of space and military equipment, Senate Republicans also continuing investigation into joe bidens son hunter biden and his Business Practices in china. We will be taking all of this up in the broad cast and also breaking the fbi and department of justice found 29 fisa Court Applications during obamagate had, quote, inaccuracies but not enough to affect how the court ruled. This adds to 17 errors or omissions the fbi made to spy on carter page and trump campaign. 99 of all the warrants sought in 42year history, doing important work for the nation, dont you think . Well, joining us tonight congressman andy biggs chairman of the House Freedom caucus and member of House Judiciary Committee who was at the hearing with attorney general barr. First of all, great to have you with us, congressman. Lets start with finding out that a member of the bush family is doing business with the chinese on a level that i find outrageous, hunter biden, the same situation in effect its corruption. It is it is driven by the trading on their fathers and in one instance brothers standing as a public servant. Its outrageous and sickening that its permitted, your thoughts . I agree with you, lou. I looked back, recent china is economically viable and has deep water navy, middleclass, stealing our intellectual property is direct result of washington elite establishment thats been in place for 20some odd years and giving them this information and thats a huge problem and thats one more example of that. Lou yeah, dont lever out the people who fund their corruption, that is, of course, the chamber of commerce, the business round table, representing the the interest and pleasures of the big Business Establishment and, of course, wall street with sloshing fortunes around in pursuit of further profit. Its disgusting, its appalling. I have to say i was encouraged by you, by matt gaetz and jim jordan and others to take on to take on the issue before attorney general william barr, which is the absolute despicable conduct. It is as if every democratic district in the country sends the biggest low lights and liars that they can find in their communities to represent them. It is outrageous what these people stand for. Yeah, lou, it was despicable, you had a member saying i cant believe you will treat member of congress with such lack of respect after they pummeled the guy and wouldnt let him answer questions, maltreated him and misrepresented him and it was quite frankly, it was an old style soviesque style of hearing and we were trying to allow him to make opportunities to respond to them. They didnt want that. We bill barr sat there and patiently and when he asked for a bathroom break, you had jerry nadler didnt want to give him a bathroom break and they wouldnt give him a minute to answer the question. They would say they want to reclaim the time which is not the usual method of doing that. Lou i have to tell you, i watched that. You know what my take away was, though, i was really angry with you, you republicans, paul ryan, speaker to have house who sacrificed 40 seats and turned control to left wing that is obnoxious, this is disgusting what the what the Republican Party did to good people like attorney general barr. And i dont by the way, i dont see the fire amongst you republicans, a handful of you, yes, but it looks like the same sorted nonchalants about Critical Issues and fight for the soul of this country in november. Its as if much of your party doesnt give a damn how it comes out. Am i wrong about that . Well, i pray youre wrong because we have got to fight and i know theres plenty of people fighting with me and sometimes we look back and we think they are behind us, all right, but they are way behind us. We have to take this back, lou, if theres nothing that we have seen, your first story about the china intervention, thats part of this uniparty thats here and we saw the way they treated bill barr and the way they are trying to suppress President Trump and his agenda, those types of things are actually going to lead to defeat. We have got to recognize that President Trump, the standard bearer, he will get out the vote and he will be the guy that we have our wagon to. Thats the argument. We have leaders that want to undermine the president and that we cant stand for that. We have to call them out when they do and we have to keep fighting for the agenda he ran on and quite frankly we ran on including people who dont really want to support him, but weve got to take this back, we have got to take this back. Its a crisis moment. Lou yeah, it is a crisis moment and its my judgment that the president will be reelected and i dont know whats going to happen to the house and to the senate because those are some of the most cowardly people ive ever seen in politics and ive been covering politics for a very long time, to see the lowlives of the democrats and the gutless wonders of the rinos and the Republican Party, its a hell of a its a hell of a situation in the nations capitol, thank god weve got this president and a handful of folks like you and jordan and gaetz to lead the way. Appreciate it, congressman andy biggs. Thanks, lou. Lou i want to remind you of my new book, the trump century, how the president changed course of history forever. It is available immediately for preorder. You can order as many copies as you wish, one to infinity. You can do sot at trumpcentury. Org. Amazon. Com and barnsandnoble. Com and just do it to annoy the dickens out of the left in the country. I assure you that will be the effect and of course, your own immediate entertainment and enjoyment. We will be right walking into the Chocolate Factory and you won a golden ticket. All of these are face masks. Back. Lou legal scholar jonathan layed in to National Media for complicitly and ignoring the Obama Administration and use of security briefing to spy on 2016 trump campaign. Its astonishing that the National Media refuses to see what is one of the biggest stories in decades. They are refusing to look at the reality and they are major part of the coverup in my opinion. Professor goes onto say that the Obama Administration targeted the campaign of the opposing party based on false evidence, willful blindness but in washington success often depends on not what you see but what you can unsee or what you can cover up is another way to express it and that is precisely what the National Liberal media and the Democrat Party has done for years now. Joining us sidney powell, one of the most important people working to make sure they dont get away with it. Attorney general for general michael flynn, former prosecutor, bestselling author, friend of the broadcast. Great to see you, sidney. Now we know that the first intel briefing for candidate donald trump in august of 2016 that general flynn was in the cross hairs of the fbi Justice Department and very clearly the Obama White House to entrap him, to frame him and to go after President Trump. Do you agree . Oh, definitely, lou. They had to take out general flynn because he would have quickly discovered everything that they had been doing, all of the illegal surveillance, all of the laws they had broken and he would have tracked down the entire operation, plus he was going audit the intel agencies and downsize everything, but remember the timeline, they opened cross fire hurricane on july 31st of 2016, then on august 15th strzok and page are texting about the insurance policy they discussed in mccabes office. The very next day they opened the file on flynn and the day after that they sent agent to what was supposed to have been a trusted president ial briefing to spy on flynn and President Trump who were two of the only 3 people that were there. Lou its astonishing and for that to just be coming out of the intel briefing is to me, its mindbogglingly, that these things keep trickling out, the more and more that we learn is at the slowest pace possible and it is absolutely maddening that the American People are putting up with this to me. Well, the existence of the briefing and the fact that it was held and they used to spy on the president was actually revealed in the inspector generals report of december 2019, but the fact and the report of it that agent did has only been just declassified. Lou and agent, do we know how hes been so successfully hidden and his the context he can provide has been so effectively, well, gagged . He is still with the fbi as i understand it. When people learn he was in San Francisco they moved him somewhere else. He is well protected by the fbi. Lou should ray be indicted for covering all of this up . I mean, what is he doing . I wish i knew what Christopher Wray was doing. Lou this is beyond stonewalling. We still dont have the original 302 in the flynn case and we know it was materially altered to include things that he did not say that he based the lies of the false statement prosecution on. I mean, the fbi made up the entire case against general flynn. There was nothing there. Its just lou im sorry. Ive got to share with you jonathan, the urleys comments. I know that you as a lawyer, Jonathan Turley respect mightily and here is what turley said and i would like to put it up in the screen. You get the jest of this, but the fact is this is not willful blindness, this is a coverup. This is complicity with leadership and deep state to as they refuse to even honor the basic tenant of journalism in this country which is to go after to go after the truth. How can you possibly put up with this. The evidence that they pursued said if we can go back to sidney, please, how in the world can we have a situation where the fbi made up the evidence, worked with, coordinated with the Democratic National committee, the Clinton Campaign and created what is a completely bogus story framed, framed, trying to frame the president of the United States to unseat him and certainly general flynn and now we are watching the Appellate Court taking its sweet time to dismiss a a District Court judges ruling that you could have amicus briefs and that he could insist on having his own prosecution. This is nuts. Does the judiciary look understand they are complicit in all of the political corruption of this government and the Obama White House . I mean, do they understand that . Given the brief that we filed last monday and that the government filed too which effectively dropkicked judge sullivan into country, the court should certainly understand that he has no position here whatsoever and the rehearing petition must be denied. The whole process at this point has started to impugn the integrity of the court and its important for article 3 judiciary to stand up and enforce the rule of law as they know exists. Lou let me be clear at least for myself. I think the judiciary right now is a rotten politically corrupt joke in this country and its going to take a long time for them to recover and i think probably just as long as it will take the fbi and the department of justice to recover if ever. Sidney powell, thanks for all youre doing for justice and for general flynn. We would like to hear your thoughts about all of this. Share your comments, follow me on twitter at lou dobbs and follow me at instagram at lou dobbs tonight. Up here what exactly is being done to protect integrity of elections this november, is there anything at all . Judicial watch tom fitton joins us with that and more. Lou joining us tom fitton president of judicial watch, tom has a new book thats coming out this summer republic under attack available for preorder right this very minute, well, not this moment but a couple minutes later. Good to have you with us, tom, lets start with the president s tweet talking about online voting, mailin voting. This is i dont get the sense that the Republican Party is doing a thing about assuring the integrity of this election. There should be, you know, to me a lot of volunteers at every polling booths in the country. What is your reaction to whats being done . I think republicans and democrats should be nervous about the election. We have 43 million ballots according to the Washington Post that are going to be automatically mailed. In new york they have been swamped with ballots, many of which they were unable to count meaning that they were invalidated because they were not properly cast. You want your vote to count, you should go vote in person. That should be the message from republicans and democrats. This vote by mail scheme, obviously democrats because the opportunities of fraud in my view but in the end people may not vote by mail and they may not vote in person which would be a disaster for all parties. Lou well, youre concerned about the democrats i find surprising because its the democrats who want to have mailin voting. Its pretty clear why they do and what they have done so far and every instance of voter fraud that im aware of has been democratically crafted inspired and led. So im not so worried about that as i am the fact that the Republican Party once again looks like a party thats just right for getting rolled and i dont see Energy Behind it. I dont see any imagination, i dont see any statement whatsoever about the Republican Party is doing to assure election with integrity and security and by god im so tired of hearing strong letter to follow from the the republicans on capitol hill or in their local chapters. This is this is a real crisis that the president is focusing on. Tom well, the party has filed a lawsuit here and there and you point out the Justice Department. I know we have been following lawsuits in North Carolina and pennsylvania to clean up the rules under federal law. We are doing the enforcement of the law, not the Justice Department. Theyve been completely awol in voting roles. Billions across the country, Many Republican elected officials have bought into this coronavirus madness. Lou youre knot making me feel better. Tom tom its a serious issue and when i say democrats and republicans i mean voters, people deserve to have their vote counted and they are being sold mailin ballot scam that in my view can cause chaos in election day and, look, primaries in new york are lou what can we do about this . We know this. The president has been talking about it. We know about it. Now its time, you know, its like the commercial, you know, we dont do anything about bank robberies, we just monitor them. My god, when are people actually going to do something. Republicans are starting to scare me as a donothing party. Theyve got a lot of talk, people talk about strong letters even lawsuits, tom, with all respect and i mean right now this is a political moment that means people have got to be as you say voting in person but theyve also got to be securing those voting places. Tom well, thats true, the Justice Department can take immediate steps to make sure they can secure lord forbid provide money and right now the many ways the train has left the station in terms of mailin voting and it aint going to be pretty because people have pointed out in new york its been a train wreck in that primary up there where you had tens of thousands of votes being thrown out potentially. Lou let me very quick i will go to lindsay graham. Wont talk to president obama, hillary clinton, but meanwhile says that the fbi has been lying through their teeth. Who does he think organized that, supervised it and inspired obamagate. Does the name give him a hint or anything or is obtuse that that is impercentable . Tom yeah, he clearly doesnt want to take the fight, biden as well, mrs. Clinton, her lawyers. The guy lou im sorry, say that again . Tom durham has yet to talk according to the dossier sources lawyer to the key of the dossier. Lou tom fitton inspiring us with optimism. We appreciate your skepticism, thank you, tom. I want to remind you of my new book, the trump century, how our president changed the course of history forever. It is available immediately for your preorder, you can order as many copies as you wish, one to infinity. You can do so at the trumpcentury. Com, of course, amazon. Com, barnsandnoble. Com and just do it to annoy the dickens out of the left in this country. I assure you that would be the effect and, of course, your own immediate entertainment and enjoyment. We will be right back [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Save without even leaving your house. Just keep your phone and switch to xfinity mobile. You can get it by ordering a free sim card online. Once you activate, you only have to pay for the data you need, starting at just 15 a month. There are no term contracts, no activation fees, and no credit check on the first two lines. 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Senator Lindsey Graham once again doing, well, a lot of talking, Judiciary Committee he chairs is finally doing something. It passed a bill that would allow americans to sue china for the impact of the china virus, he said, quote, i promise to hold china accountable for the coronavirus and i am. This is on legislation to hold saudi arabia accountable after september 11th. You know how that worked out. The globalist at the economist magazine seeking to apiece the communist chinese party. The globalist magazine saying a treaty is the best way to stop the chinese fishing fleets encouragement on the golapagus islands. Ecuador was overreacting to the chinese fishing armada, 260 fishing trollers moving in within 20 miles of the Marine Reserve that surrounds those islands saying theres little ecuador to stop china from rand sacking marine life and international waters. Well, theres something the United States and United Nations can do and something that the United Nations should be doing but no one, no one i assure you is holding their breath about that and the department of agriculture says chinese seeds that were mailed may be a marketing scheme and suspect artificially boost sales by sending free seeds to all 50 states. Theres no word yet on who mailed the seeds, whether they are harmful nor how that particular scam works but thats what we are getting, just we wanted to bring you up to date. Now you know what we do which is not enough about this sorry business that mystery batch of seeds mailed all over the country. Christopher steele secret exposed, congressman devin nunes after the break. Stay with us. Safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him hes here. Hes right here. Hi hi. Hey thats totally him. Its him thats totally the guy. Safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Lou joining us now congressman devin nunes, House Ways Means Committee and a Leading Light in what has been the darkness of obamagate for 4 almost 40 years congressman, great to have you with us, what more can you tell us about your investigation into the sub subsource farce by the fbi and special counsel and Justice Department on the American People . Well, lou, i would just say when you dont think it gets crazy, it does get crazy and much worse and we have the Brookings Institute, a leftwing think tank, we suspected that they had dealings with the dossier but now we know that they were involved in the development, dissemination and information and what we now know primary sub source we were led to believe by the fbi that he was a russian and might get killed if something happens, no, a swamp creature living not far from here, im coming from the capitol this evening and he lives right here. Hes not in any danger and the whole thing was made up and the fbi knew about it and so now the question is, you know, can we get to the bottom of this and will durham get to the bottom of this and now we also have to begin to look at should the leftwing think tank, a nonprofit, should they have nonprofit status if they are in the job of developing a political hit piece and decimating a hit piece and defending the hit piece for four years. I think they need to be looked at by the irs. Lou i have im just stunned that four i mean, come august, four years since the well, actually the end of the month, four full years since this conspiracy against the president began and it stuns me that we are really learning this. The Brookings Institution, are you kidding . Yeah, i know. Lou do you have any doubt that they were involved just out of curiosity . Its hard to believe, i know, we knew the president of brookings was involved but now we know for sure he was involved. We know that he was texting, im not going the say he was texting buddies with christopher steele, the author of the dossier at a very important time, when they were involved trying to disseminate this. Now you add this to it that we have a swamp creature that was supposed russian source that wasnt a russian source, i mean, what youre really looking at here, lou, i dont want your viewers to get too confused about this. This story was made up by the Clinton Campaign. Lou yeah, and pushed and pushed by the justice, the fbi and the Obama White House it appears. The Brookings Institution and all of this, can you get a report out, can you get something out before the election as a result of your investigation into the dossier . Well, look the key here is, lou, this wasnt just some lowlevel Brookings Institute person, the president at the time involved in disseminating the dossier and now we know the Brookings Institute fellows were involved in the creation of it. We are continuing to press on with our investigation and we will continue to do that, but, look the irs will have to look at this also. This is also just beyond the Justice Department, we also have to look at tax status of this group. Lou congressman devin nunes, as always, we learn every time we talk with you. Thanks so much for everything that youre doing. Thats it for us tonight. Follow on twitter at lou dobbs and like me on facebook and instagram at lou dobbs tonight and reminder i will be interviewing the president next week, be sure to join us for that and tomorrow. Goodnight so what would talking to Willie Nelson be without this . What, these marijuana things . Im harvey levin. This is the story of the Country Music outlaw who went against the grain his entire career, a career than spanned more than 60 years. On the road again i just cant wait to get on the road again Willie Nelson grew up in abbott, texas, dirt poor, and quickly discovered music was his calling. Harvey being on the road was wild. Women and parties. You had quite the time, i understand. What do you know

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