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Hospital the other day, i have the mask right here, i carry it. I will use i had gladly, no problem with it. I said. That i say if you can use the mask, when you can, use the mask reporter and President Donald Trump sending treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and his chief of staff to the hill today, with a starting point for cares four of one trillion dollars. The hour long meeting with republicans those there say the administration now may be open to giving 25 billion for states for testing. Republicans also want payroll tax relief. 105 billion to reopen schools safely, business Liability Protections and incentives for going back to work. The american job market needs another shot of adrenaline. Senate republicans are laser focused on getting American Workers their jobs back. Reporter mnuchin also met with Senate Majority leader, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer as well as nancy pelosi while he was up on capitol hill. Both of them criticized the administration that they came to them with ideas and not actual legislation. Schumer went on to criticize the president for this briefing. Listen. When the White House Coronavirus briefings resume President Trump should not take the podium. Every time President Trump takes the podium at one of these briefings he is a threat to public health. Reporter now on the vaccine the president pointed out that two of the vaccines are going, you see there, the president talking about the masks. He tweeted about the masks. The president saying that two of the vaccines were actually going to phase three trials this month others in the weeks to follow. An executive for astrazeneca, said they believe they can have a vaccine in october ready to go with 300 million doses if it gets approved. Back to you, liz. Elizabeth interesting, thank you, edward. The also said he is willing to work with anyone, including potentially china on a vaccine. Good to see you, edward lawrence. Joining me Trump National 2020 press secretary hogan gidley. Great to see you. Notably absent, dr. Fauci, anthony fauci. He said he was not asked to join the briefing. Is there a reason. There is reason were getting closer to the vaccine people are talking about that people are actually working. Lets not forget the president set up the Coronavirus Task force and he asked our amazing Vice President mike pence to lead it. The president is in there sometimes, all the doctors are talking to the Vice President , relaying all the information to him and the president meets with the Vice President multiple times a day. I wouldnt read a thing into that dr. Fauci wasnt at the briefing. Dr. Birx, dr. Redfield, dr. Hahn all of them are around the white house all the time. They always communicate with the president. They have conversations. The science is changing. What we knew in january is not what we know now. Things are different. The masks the president talked about today are important preventing the spread. Even pulled out of his pocket i wear one. That is nothing new forepeople who know him like myself and people with him a lot, like myself. That is leadership what you saw up there, today, liz. Lets be honest, a lot of president s, a lot of elected officials will not deliver bad news to the American People. They only show up in times of plenty for ribbon ribbon cuttine deals, this president talks to the American People said it will get worse before it gets better, and we will get through this together. That is the leadership of donald trump. Elizabeth also this, reports of the Coronavirus Task force document released by the center of Public Integrity that the task force was going to recommend governors in 18 states to dial back their reopenings because they are in the red zone for new cases. Your reaction to that . Because of what, im sorry . I missed the last part of that. Elizabeth so basically the White House Coronavirus task force was going to advise governors in 1states to dial back on their reopening because they are in the red zone for new cases. That could involve also battleground states. Your reaction to that . Center for Public Integrity has the report. Were talking about american lives here. The president is on the front lines of the fight. He deals with his health experts, medical experts the scientists every day. He makes recommendations on what he hears. Lets not forget the president shut down travel from china and europe. It was a decision that was quite frankly pilloried in the mainstream media. Joe biden even called it racist and xenophobic. Then a month later realized probably saved lives and had to say donald trump was right. I was wrong. It was smart to do so. The president made decisions based on the Scientific Evidence he is given and well see what happens as it relates to the guidelines and guidance moving forward in those states. Elizabeth what about the reaction to the controversy, the president decided he did not like the cdc guidelines for schools to reopen and ordered the cdc to revise them . Also the move by the Trump Administration to basically shift the collection of hospital covid date to hhs away from cdc . Your take on that . Well you have seen some missteps and mistakes by the cdc the president wants accurate data. Lets be honest. The way you end up combating viruses like these with information. We had no information early on because china lied to the world. It lied to the united states. The w. H. O. Was complicit in that lie. Covering up for china. The president saw that malfeasance. Well not fund the w. H. O. Well not keep spending hundreds of millions of dollars to an organization that wont be open and honest with the globe. Contrast that with joe biden. One of the things he says he wants to dough is refund the w. H. O. He wants to defund the police but refund the w. H. O. It makes no sense at all. The president wants this country to be reopening he has been very clear about. That he wants to do it in a safe manner. Were talking about american lives. Were talking about safety and security of the American People and their health. The president has taken a very sobering approach to this, dealing with those that know it best, Infectious Disease experts and lets be clear, dr. Fauci, dr. Birx, and others are completely experts in this field, no one is an expert on coronavirus yet. This is something that is brand new. We had to develop tests. We had to develop information based on what we know now across the globe and china was not forthcoming in that and that is why the president has been so hard on that country. Elizabeth i hear you. The sars coronavirus one was 2003. It went away within months. This is sars 2 coronavirus. Its a different kind of virus. To the story that the white house released a statement to reporters noting that the time, dr. Fauci has been wrong on things, including dr. Faucis doubts early on aye symptomatic spread, that face masks were needed. That is early on in outbreak. Should you give him a pass. Trade advisor Peter Navarro, citing the same things about dr. Fauci in the usa today. Oped. What did you think about that . I will not get into any perceived or reported palace intrigue. I deal with it enough at the white house. I will not deal with it in the campaign especially at the white house, not here. Lets be honest, the cdc was not sure about masks early on. There is conflicting reports from them and w. H. O. Other entities Johns Hopkins pointed out theyre not necessarily sure how effective they are. There are a strong percentage of people dont get covid if you cant social distance to wear those masks. That is what the president was talking about here. It is okay to point out, scientists their theories are meant to be tested or challenged. When i was in the rooms we would talk about the data, what does it actually mean, what is it telling us . Dr. Fauci had good data. He is a good man and very smart. So is dr. Birx, she is incredible woman. A lot of the doctors around the table had differing opinions. Put the president has to make the decision. You hear from scientists shut everything down, economists say open everything up, there has to be a balance to protect the American People, not just their health but the economy as well. I want to give you this data. It is published in medical journals. It was going to give the viewer the perspective on this virus. It is new data. Hogan, it is talking about the death rate for covid19 is about 36 per 100,000 in the u. S. That is far below the asian and hong kong flus of the 1950s and 60s, both for the world and u. S. World rate is 7 per 100,000. By the way World Population was about half today, half today, let me back up was way smaller back then. So the media seems to be misreporting what is going on with this virus and most of the outbreak is really taking out 90 of all death occurs with elderly over 70 years of age, hogan. Wait for it, they already have preexisting conditions like kidney disease, lung disease, heart disease, obesity. Majority of the elderly do recover. That is the issue. Is the science reporting is the media reporting the science on this correctly, what do you think . Or overreacting . Look, media i think a lot of types, they just report the narrative they want out there, the narrative they want to drive. Lets be clear, a lot of people who are on television now, the talking heads are praising someone like Governor Cuomo where a massive amount of deaths occurred in his state, upwards 10 times of florida which has similar population. Part of that is because we actually knew it affected earlierly more with the comorbidities, those preexisting conditions you talked about, he kept sending people back to Nursing Homes. Early on, some of the predictions, 2. 2 Million Deaths in this country if we did nothing, donald trump is the leader here. He is the one who had the bold, decisive, strong actions and those actions saved lives. Lets be clear when joe biden and his administration were in charge, they faced pandemic, they said well not test anymore. We know it is spreading across the country, we dont want to quote, unquote, waste the resources. Difference is clear. Leadership of President Donald Trump saved lives and will move us past coronavirus to a healthy nation. Elizabeth hogan gidley, thank you so much for joining us, come back soon. Absolutely. Will do. Elizabeth coming up, good to see you. Coming up we have got breaking news coming into the studios over this, democrat mayors in places like chicago, kansas city, portland, now condemning federal agents now dispersing rioters in their cities as Homeland Security now reportedly preparing to deploy 150 federal officials to chicago, possibly, philadelphia, new york, oakland, california, might be next. Violent crime wave is taking hold in these cities. Civil rights attorney leo terrell, he is fired up and ready to go. He joins us next. Stick there. Power rests with them. They can partner with the federal government in the event theyre unable to control violence in their cities. That is certainly what weve seen from mayor de blasio who seems not to have a hard time criticizing Police Officers but you have a fullly hard time polling streets of new york city its virtually any place you are. Just download and use the chase mobile app. Visit chase. Com mobile. To visit all the places we didnt know meant so much. 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Lets welcome back to the show civil rights attorney leo terrell. Leo, it is great to have you back on. Good to see you, my friend. Leo, democrat mayors in seattle, atlanta, chicago, portland, kansas city, d. C. , theyre condemning use of federal troops to get rid of rioters in their city. They wrote that in a letter to trump white house. What do you say . Im very disappointed. That is one of the reasons i left the Democratic Party. These democratic mayors in democratic cities are allowing their cities to burn at the expense of playing politics. Who is suffering . People of color that live in the cities. Why are they doing this . Theyre playing politics, trying to somehow placate the extreme left, black lives matter, and try to hurt the president. The president is standing for law and order, liz. He is bringing in federal agents who have the right, i want to make sure this is clear. This is in my wheelhouse, im a civil rights attorney. They have the right to go in there and protect property. President trump can bring hundreds of fbi agents in those cities to protect federal property and enforce federal crimes. The oddity of this, liz, why are democratic cities and democratic mayors allowing these cities to burn . Politics. I will submit to you, the following statement. That is not protesting. Those are criminal. Those are rioters. Those are people who are burning down property. They are using the George Floyd Death as a pretext. Elizabeth leo, i want to read this to you, a report coming out of the Justice Department about what exactly is going on in portland. These are the following details. 1,000 protesters, theyre using radio frequency jammers. Theyre using pellet air rifles to injure officers. U. S. Marshal impaled his right hand onboard filled with nails at a corner of the federal courthouse there. Rioters are barricading officers inside of the courthouse. The Justice Department, leo, is also investigating suspicious devices planted outside of the courthouse configured in a way to injure individuals. Your reaction to that . Are these people protesters . Very clear. These are wellorganized, extremists. They have manipulated social media. I give them an aplus. Very organized. They have got tactics. Theyre hurting Police Officers. That is what makes it odd for these mayors, especially mayor of portland, telling, focusing on the uniform of federal officers while theyre letting these cities burn . Its a disconnect because these federal officers brought in by President Trump is there to protect federal property. But these individuals are extremists. No question about that. Elizabeth all right. I want to show that, because there is a fight. President , white house within the law to do this. The Washington Post says yes. The president can do this. He can send in troops. Citing the 1807 insurrection act that says, yes the president can send the military to shut down the protests. Here is what you need to know. The white house plans to send, the administration plans to send 150 federal troops to chicago. That is reports coming in dealing with the gun violence. Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot says theyre not allowed to do that. Listen to White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany citing the letter of the law saying, yes, administration is within the letter of the law to do this. Watch Kayleigh Mcenany here. My second question is, where in the constitution does the president derive the authority to send federal Law Enforcement officers to the streets of American Cities against the will of the elected officials in those cities . Yes. What youre referring to is portland and 40 u. S. Code 1315 gives dhs the ability to deputize officers in any department or agency like i. C. E. , customs, border patrol, secret service, as quote, officers and agents they can be deputized with the duty in connection of property owned or occupied by the federal government and persons on that property. When a federal courthouse is being lit on fire, commercial fireworks being shot at it, being shot at the officers, i think that falls pretty will within the limits of 40 u. S. Code 13. That is easy call. Elizabeth leo, your reaction. Kayleigh is spot on. Mayors, any cities, trying to sue the federal government. They will lose in federal government. She is spot on the law. The government has the right to protect federal property. Its a nobrainer. Elizabeth leo terrell, come back soon. I knew you would be fired up. Great to have you on, my friend. Thank you, liz. Elizabeth okay. Up next, heres the backstory to what is going on with the covid19 pandemic. Kaiser Family Foundation, Nursing Homes are driving a doubledigit increase in new covid cases in 23 hot spot states. Governor andrew cuomo slamming President Trump after he was hit hard with his executive order putting covid19 patients back into Nursing Homes. Senator bill cassidy has a lot to say about this. He happens to be a doctor. That story next. President trump were being vigilant with respect to Nursing Homes. You know all the problems we had with so many people so sadly, they were infected. Now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. All with no commissions. Stocks by the slice from fidelity. Get your slice today. Stocks by the slice from fidelity. Find your getupandgo. Find pants that arent sweats. Find your friends. Find your sense of wander. Find the world is new, again. At chevy wed like to take you there. Now during the chevy open road sales event, get up to 15 of msrp cash back on select 2020 models. Thats over fiftyseven hundred dollars cash back on this equinox. Its time to find new roads, again. 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The virus came here because the federal government missed it. This as Governor Cuomo in a major firestorm still over his executive order putting recovering Covid Patients back into Nursing Homes in new york blamed for the deaths of thousands. Kaiser Family Foundation out with new numbers. Coronavirus cases are being driven in 23 hot spot states. Why . Because of a surge of new infections in nursing home and longterm care facilities. That is driving the case count and deaths higher. Welcome republican senator, dr. Bill cassidy of louisiana. It is great to have you back on, senator. You look at the numbers in these 23 states, up 18 cases in longterm care facilities. Nearly 20 rise because of Nursing Homes. What do you say . I say nursing home patients are particularly vulnerable. Youre going to see those patients, if they get infected they will have symptoms. Hats off to the Trump Administration. Theyre putting out rapid tests so whoever comes to visit or work in a nursing home can be checked and 15 minutes later have the response. And so theyre going to effectively set up a moat, a fence around a nursing home. You only go in only if youre negative. Theyre responding quite well to a terrible situation. Elizabeth your take on what Governor Cuomo said . My take on what he says . Thats a total pass the blame. No medical expert told him to put those folks back in Nursing Homes. That is not what medical science says. You have a hot spot of infection, with very Vulnerable People, you dont put the Vulnerable People in the hot spot. That is his decision. Clearly he is trying to pass the buck, that bucklands on his desk, on his desk and the buck stops there. Elizabeth doctor, the numbers are staggering in Nursing Homes in florida. 51 increase in cases in Nursing Homes over the last 14 days. Texas is up 47 . I mean the nursing home covid cases are driving the data dramatically higher. I want your reaction to the data coming in from medical journals, the current per capita death rate for covid19 is 36 per 100,000 in the u. S. That is below the asian and hong kong in yous in the 1950s and 60s. What do we know going on now . Throughout the world, 80 to 90 of the covid19 cases are among the elderly, 70 or older. Plus the elderly have preexisting conditions like kissimmee and heart disease. What is your opinion. Putting tests in Nursing Homes is the way to do it. You have to protect the patients if one nurses aid comes in infected, infects 10 patients, one of those goes to another unit, you infect those patients that is what you have to stop. The Trump Administration, unlike what cuomo did, how do we set up a motor a fence, so that no one infected goes into one of these. Dont just think about where youre headed this summer. Think about how youll get there. And now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person. 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He seems bound and determined to take general flynn to a hearing and then to a sentencing but he does not have standing. He is not a party to the case. And he doesnt even have a right to file a brief with the d. C. Circuit court of appeals like he did. So that is one of the reasons we have moved to have the mandamus go ahead issued bit circuit court. And lift the stay they put on it when he petitioned and there are many other reasons too. In fact there is not a single case in the country that allows him to do what he is trying to do. Every single case requires the governments motion to dismiss be granted completely, with prejudice. Elizabeth okay. The Justice Department has asked that the case be dismissed. The judge Emmet Sullivan is saying no to that. What was meant by the statement in the your filing saying, quote, the district court, the judge, Emmet Sullivan, has hijacked and extend ad criminal prosecution for three months for his own purposes. What is his own purpose here . The purposes at minimum to drag out the litigation against general flynn for whatever his personal reasons are. There is no legal basis to do that. And, i mean i wish i knew what he was thinking but it is not following the law. Elizabeth so he is taking on the role of prosecutor, not judge, is that it . Exactly. He has been trying to proceed with the prosecution that the government asked to be dismissed on may 7th. The dismissal should have been entered may 8th. He doesnt have any legal base is to do anything other than grant the dismissal. He cant throw off his robe and pick up the gauntlet of a prosecutor. Elizabeth lets move on to the durham criminal investigation in the trumprussia probe. The declassified documents, sidney, show chaos behind the scenes at the fbi in both trumprussia probe and Michael Flynn case. Were seeing indications that the durham probe may wrap up by the end of the year. We dont know yet. Recognizable names, attorney general flynn is saying, could be called on the carpet. Who do you think will be called on the carpet . Well, there better be some fbi called on the carpet for obstructing justice and falsifying government records. We know that happened with the flynn 302, the fbi report of the interview where they added statements to it not said and not found in their notes, they made up the entire case against him. Elizabeth okay. So heres the thing. Were seeing also comments coming out from conservatives saying, i want you to listen to this, tell us if this is right or wrong, that Michael Flynn was lied to, set up multiple times, perjury trap set up for him about it fbi, no miranda warning, no lawyer present, falsely accused, threatened with his son being indicted. Provided Legal Counsel from the same firm initially where obamas former attorney general eric holder worked, is that all correct. That is mostly correct. Miranda warnings were not required because he was not in custody but the fbi routinely warns people of a potential false statement when they talk to them. They specifically decided not to warn general flynn or even mention that to him. They also decided, contrary to their rules, not to show him any of the evidence that they had because they had full transcripts of his conversations with the Russian Ambassador and he knew they did. Hey, you guys have the transcripts. And he told mccabe that and the agents that. They all knew. They knew from his work they had the transcripts. So there was nothing to argue about what was said. Elizabeth okay. Lets move back to the durham probe. Im so sorry to keep flipping back and forth. This trumprussia probe which eventually wrapped up your client Michael Flynn began with the Hillary Clinton and the democrats funding christopher steele. Christopher steele dug up Opposition Research on trump team and candidate trump and somehow that information found its way inside of the fbi by the fbi used it to get fisa wiretaps on individuals like carter page. Should john durham, u. S. Attorney, sit down with Hillary Clinton and ask what was going on with their funding of the steele dossier . I think Hillary Clinton should be subpoenaed before a grand jury to answer those questions as should be the lawyers from the perkins coy firm who helped mastermind the whole thing and Glenn Simpson with fusion gps. That information found its way to the fbi through numerous sources including one of the lawyers at perkins coy, who gave james baker, fbi general counsel a thumb drive with information on it. Nellie ohr was feeding it to her husband bruce ohr. Some came from the state department. Some came from christopher steele. It was a wellorganized, multifaceted operation. Elizabeth all right. Sidney powell. Great to have you on. Come back soon. Great to hear from you. Thank you, liz anytime. Thanks. Elizabeth okay. Coming up, look at this recent pew poll out of pew research. Nearly 60 , sick out of 10 americans, a majority of americans say that police around the country do do an excellent job of protecting people from crime this is fueling the black the blue, defend the cops movement, dont defund them. Republican doug come lanes from house judiciary will talk to us about this. Joe biden softening his decades of his tough on crime positions . Will that be a factor in the 2020 race . That story next. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. I wondered. 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Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Whats around the corner could be your moment. Ask your doctor about eliquis. Its like walking into the Chocolate Factory and you won a golden ticket. All of these are face masks. This looks like a bottle of vodka. But when we first got these, we were like whoa [laughing] my threeyearold, when we get a box delivered, screams mommys work mommys work. With this pandemic, safety is even more important to make sure we go home safe every single day. Elizabeth okay. A recent poll from pew research, six out of 10 americans, majority of americans, say yes, police around the country do do an excellent job or a good job protecting people from crime. That number is little changed from what people said four years ago. Here is the story. Will joe biden dialing back on softening his decades of tough on crime positions will that be a factor in the 2020 race. Biden himself says his name is on nearly every crime legislation in the past. In 1990, senator biden was promoting tough on crime bills. My crime bill is loaded on money for more cops, drug agents, soldiers we need to fight the war on crime. Now the National Head of association of Police Officers, the countrys Biggest Police group told us a story we broke last week that joe biden didnt even show up to ask for their endorsement. Welcome republican doug colins of georgia. Congressman, great to see you again. My reaction to all of that . My reaction what we do not need to joe biden pandering to whoever he thinks will elect him president. Someone like joe biden takes the position in the 90 as, he was tough on crime, he was cause of criminal Justice Society we grew up in the persecution in minority communities and others they felt trapped. This is the same thing that during the First Step Act with President Trump and myself and others we sought to correct what they went into the in the 90s. Joe biden is simply willing to say anything, to anyone elected because he knows he cant beat donald trump on issues of the day. That is the problem we have with joe biden. Joe biden stands for nothing anymore. Elizabeth now he is talking about getting rid of the same tough on crimes policies that he championed, like longer prison sentences, basically legislation that post cops and police in Public Schools to stop crime. Your take on that . He is unwinding his own policies. He is. This shows you the pressure, liz, we told you before, this shows the modern Democratic Party. The modern Democratic Party does not like civil order. They have have been leading group of the far liberals here are wanting to defund the police. Aoc said 1. 5 billion was not enough cut out of the new York Police Department budget. We see tragic disaster which is portland right now and seattle. See it in my one of my hometowns of atlanta, where you have a mayor who wont back up her Police Officers down there what he is trying to do, he is trying to pander basically to the left. That will not work with people who want to be safe to walk down their streets and not feel like theyre threatened. Elizabeth yeah. Minority communities are really upset about this, saying we need the cops to defend us and help us. Your take on biden now giving a somewhat of a nuanced position on defunding the police. He is saying i dont support wholesale defunding. He supports redirecting Police Funding towards other purposes. But conservative columnist byron york points out when House Republicans said cut back, redirect money away from planned parenthood to other Health Clinics that was called defunding planned parenthood. Are we talking about semantics here and definition of terms, or is this something that we should be debating what joe bidens position is on defunding the police . I think what you have to do, you have to look through it, you have to see it is politically correct for whatever they want to say. When it is money for planned parenthood and vendetta killing the unborn theyre willing to say whatever it is to justify their position. From police they say theyre trying to help others. Look across the country, most of our Police Departments are understaffed, undermanned. If you take money away from them, redirect to social agencies i believe should be funded with Mental Health and drug addictions, need to be funded separately. What dot police evers do left out on the streets . Most are responding by themselves in situations. They may not have backup close by. That is nothing but defunding the police. Nothing but taking away their safety. That is sad place to be if youre a Police Officer in some of these bigger cities. Elizabeth congressman doug collins. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. Elizabeth next up we have key new developments, breaking news on a story we brought you last night. The Trump Administration moving against china. That story next. 49. 50 i found you good job. Now im gonna stay here and you go hide. Watch your favorites from anywhere in the house with the Xfinity Stream app. Free with your xfinity service. Now any room can be a tv room. Stream live tv, on demand shows and movies even your dvr recordings. Download the Xfinity Stream app today to stream the entertainment you love. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Elizabeth okay. Secretary of state mike pompeo in Great Britain today. Both countries putting forward, the uk, the u. S. , putting forward a show of unity, delivering blistering criticism of china over its handling of the covid pandemic and hong kong, asking other countries to join them. This as a senior chinese official accuses the uk ever pandering to the u. S. Bring in former state Department Official christian whiton. Your take on Trump Administration sanctioning 11 chinese companies, blocking them from buying American Technologies because some of them are linked to alleged human rights abuses including the use of chinas prison concentration camps . This is great what the administration is doing. Sort of reverse what the china has been doing us slowly past few decades, boiling the frog slowly. Obtaining western technology to use it against us andspeak with moral clarity about what china is doing which is atrocious f you look in the path weve known its mistreatment of tibetans, its mistreatment of christians and now it is mistreatment of uyghurs, muslim chinese citizens sent to concentration camps, reeducation camps and making it clear to the world what were dealing with in this regime. Elizabeth christian, state department estimates show that as many as two million muslims and minorities are in enormous concentration camps because after crackdown by china. A thinktank in australia, a number of u. S. Companies rely on some of the slave labor to make their own products. They cite nike, apple, calvin klein. 82 companies, 83 companies maybe getting products made by slave labor in the press con press con camps. Your reaction to that . This is the same woke Companies Whose pr departments are out of control here in the united states, who like to lecture americans about morality and piety and preen and you turn around, you see, they are using what is closeor in fact slave labor in china. Putting that at risk. Putting our supply chain at risk. One thing if it is sneakers from nike, although that is not good. Technology like independent iphones made in china. It is aggravating. Were seeing a lot of supply chain move out of china whether to vet name or vietnam or rest of the southeast asia. Ideally it will come to america. Elizabeth a factory in eastern china manufactures shoes for nike, equipped with watch towers, bashed wires, fences, police guard boxes. Inhumane conditions. That is quite a report. Well stay on the story. I like your reaction to what the president said a short time ago at the White House Coronavirus briefing that were just begun again today. He said he would be willing to work with anyone, even china to get a vaccine. Watch this. Reporter would the administration be willing to work with china to bring a successful chinese vaccine with to the u. S. . President trump well work with anybody that will get us a good result. Elizabeth so, anything, even working with china to stop the covid19 virus. Your reaction, christian . I think that is the right pragmatic thing. If you look at the three candidates that are fartherrest ahead for a widespread vaccine used quickly, perhaps early september, it is astrazeneca product, pfizer, one made in china being produced there, in interest of saving most american lives what the president said is right. He had to walk a tightrope in this situation, wants to get tougher on china and has begun to. Were dependent on china for personal protective equipment. Were dependent on advance pharmaceutical ingredients. I think he is playing it safe on this. Once he gets through the crisis then it will be time to turn the screws on china. Elizabeth christian, does this have traction with u. S. Voters . Because 90 of all u. S. Antibiotics come out of china . The president is trying to move that manufacturing back home. Your final word. There is effort underway led by Peter Navarro the trade advisors in the white house. There is talk of tax incentives to do. That japan is paying some of its companies to come back home. Jobs and economy will be the top issue in the election, china, the source of the coronavirus i think will be up there. Joe biden very weak record. Donald trump changed the whole dynamic and got tough on china. Christian whiton. Great to see you. Come back soon. Thanks for your insights there. Thanks, liz. Elizabeth im elizabeth macdonald. Youve been watching the evening edit on fox business. That does it for us. Thanks so much for watching. Well stay on all the breaking headlines tomorrow night. Join us then. Have a good evening. Lou dobbs tonight. Have a great night. Everybody. Lou good evening, everybody. President trump this hour is expected to make his return to the White House Briefing room to resume the daily updates on the china virus pandemic and the response of local and state governments to the pandemic and, of course, the response of his administration as well. The president will not only be updating the American People on his administrations response to the virus, but also taking a broad range of questions about other policy issues as well, we expect. The president and his china virus Task Force Last held a briefing on april 27th. Since then the virus

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