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At here. What is happening in new york city bears watching because if this phase one plan goes well in couple weeks, they could extend to restaurants, other offerings. It gets a little it about more involved than that. Kristina partsinevelos following it all. Kristina. Reporter neil, you said the word busier and that is a great way to explain it. There is a lot more traffic on the street. A lot more people on the corners. Im seeing people waiting in line on bus. A lot of retailers in the city remain closed. Im in times square, normally we would be packed like sardines trying to get to a shop. The old navy behind me, the gap behind me kept their doors closed. Phase one is supposed to allow, agricultural, manufacturers, construction sites, retailers all to open their doors but were seeing not even Curbside Pickup. A lot of major retailers saying theyre holding off. They want to see if people are comfortable going back out on the street especially since many businesses urged their workers to stay home. You had the mayor of new york just speak about an hour ago about trying to encourage people to get out there and, let them know it is safe. Listen in. Ive talked to a lot of people the last few days when i have been out in neighborhoods, they all say, i hear a lot of people want to come back but theyre watching to see how it goes. I will be taking the subway too. It is great to take the subway. We need to show people we think really important work has been done to make subways and buses safe. Reporter further on that, yes the subway system is up and running here. It will be closed at night. But if we continue on with the situation here in new york, we know a lot of places are boarded up because of the protests. Well, now the Governor Andrew Cuomo released a tweet. He also said that he has enacted an agreement with the legislature enacting overhaul of Police Practices. What that means. He tweeted out new york state must reform in quotation, say their name, reform agenda. What is on the agenda, Police Disciplinary records transparent. You have to ban chokeholds. Make false racebased 9 11 reports a hate crime. That is the situation that happened in central park. Not at least on the outline, the attorney general must act as a independent prosecutor in place. So these are breaking. It is just coming out right now when andrew cuomo is saying in terms of overhauling Police Practices here in new york. Like you said, neil, phase two is supposed to happen maybe two weeks. The mayor alluded only beginning of july. A lot of misses are going to wait and see foot traffic before they officially open their doors. You can see in times square, movement, busier like you said, nowhere near prelockdown levels. Back to you. Neil welldone, kristina. My friend, Kristina Partsinevelos on all of that. Of the lets get the read from Hillary Vaughn is occurring because as the president is not only addressing reopenings, but on going protests across the country, the move to disband or completely restructure Police Departments. Congressional democrats are leading the charge on the federal level. Weve already heard what minneapolis wants to do to disband the police force, get them out of the schools. New york kicking around taking 6 billion in money available for police and Law Enforcement and spreading it elsewhere. Hillary following all developments and president planning a roundtable later today with Law Enforcement officials. Hey, hillary. Reporter lei, neil, before democrats that pulled out sweeping legislation that would change every Police Department in america, they took a knee in honor of george floyd, kneeling in silence. Were there for eight minutes and 46 seconds, on our knees. My members will attest, its a very long time. Reporter democratic lawmakers in the house and senate introducing a proposal with major changes to Police Departments around the country. The proposal would mandate the following changes. Making it mandatory for police to wear and use their body cameras. It would ban the use of chokeholds. It would made federal funding based on police getting training in racial bias. Any complaints, discipline records, also track any terminations. While democrats work on reforming the police, some Democratic Leaders in cities around the country are looking to defund their Police Department. Last night the Minneapolis City Council vote to end its Police Department. The council says reforms have not worked. Theyre moving towards a policefree future. They dont know what the future will look like just yet. New york city mayor bill de blasio latest leader to reduce funding for police. Pledging first time to reduce funding for nypd, but today he would not say by how much. No, not today. They will because in the next three weeks in negotiation with the city council were going to decide the budget for the city. Reporter neil, there is growing pressure by local leaders, especially the mayor in d. C. , to support defunding the police. I want to point out what protesters added on streets here. This street reads, black lives matter, that was sanctioned by the mayor, over the weekend they added this lettering, black lives matter equals defund the police. Local leaders around the country, neil under pressure by protesters here and around the country to support this action. Neil . Neil all right. Hillary vaughn, thank you very much. Joe borelli here on all of this. New York City Council minority whip. Trump 2020 conew york chair, much, much more. Joe it is getting a little extreme here, not only what theyre doing in new york, reallocating funds meant for Law Enforcement and this and Congressional Democrats new ways to fund Law Enforcement, not the way were doing it right now, even defunding some areas of Law Enforcement in minneapolis where schools want to kick police out and the council is leading charge to completely gut Police Department as we know it and start with something new. What do you think . Neil, there is a lot of unpack. The first thing that should concerns americans, how quickly the idea of Defunding Police went from sort of obscure progressive hashtag to serious policy consideration in americas largest cities. I think we expected there to be a lot of Police Reforms in the wake of derek chauvin. We have never seen america this united in criticizing the role of that officer and his colleagues. The issue that were going to have is this defund the police, especially in new york, is going to be a cut that affects the agencies core competency and core mission. Were already facing cuts due to covid but in 6 billiondollar budget you can go with a scalpel figure out inefficiencies and waste. That would be welcome. The numbers were talking about would actually jeopardize Public Safety in and around new york. Last week alone, our record, 21,372, the 911 new yorkers were witnessing crimes or witnessing crimes. These are real people, real new yorkers need a uniform cop to show up save the day, sort out problems. Im concerned that the cuts the mayor will propose very soon, the cuts that members of the city council are going to want to see are going to be so deep that they will affect nypd to do its mission. Neil you know, a lot of the aid that the city gets, particularly from the federal government, say allocated to Law Enforcement, i dont know whether the whole six billion is, you just cant change that and put it in a different pot or put it in a different category. I mean, this dough comes with strings attached, so easier said than done but lets say he succeeds. Im sure you have your worries . Oh, sure. I mean most of the federal grants are categorical grants with joint federal task forces on terrorism and firearms, things like that. We dont spend it on those things we dont get that money. There really wont be any way to make up the difference if the cuts are that significant. There just wont be. If youre talking about cutting a billion dollars in a six billion dollars budget that is around 18 . That is unsustainable. That is something that would be unprecedented in my record of city budget for any agency let alone one performing a critical function. Neil i just worry, regardless of your views about some police policies, whether they as minneapolis addressing whether they need chokehold policies, i get that, but some of this other stuff, if youre giving a heads up at a School System in the minneapolis area, you dont want police there, isnt that like engraved invitation to those who solicit drugs and those who are part of gangs, that it is open season now . Look, you know the nypd went into the schools a few decadeses ago in response to growing crime and growing problems within the new york city public School System. Their affiliation with the nypd, they have unarmed officers in new york city schools, their affiliation with the nypd has proven successful and has kept schools safe, school my kids go to safe. I just cant see why there is a such a kneejerk reaction to pulling people out and replacing them with someone else. That is the bigger problem. I have caught an interview with one of the Minneapolis City Council members on a Different Network who had no answer who someone would call with a problem in their neighborhood, a problem in the school or elsewhere . They havent thought this out. The city of camden, for example, is the only other city that disbanded its Police Department due to systemic problems, but they replaced it right away with a new county Police Department that took over the role right away on day one. We dont see that coming from minneapolis or even people that want to cut funding here in new york city. Neil yeah. If you want to address grievances on whether certain officers go too far, by all means but to say i junk the whole bunch, be careful what you wish for. Joe borelli, thank you for having me, my friend. Thank you very much. I want to go to glen hall. This occurs in the backdrop of protests going on right now. The dow jones newswire editor complicates coming out of the whole coronavirus thing. Youve seen, glen, we had a spike in cases, those states that have reopened, particularly on states like california and utah, arizona, north carolina, arkansas, even texas, not to the degree it is a panic alert here but it is worrisome, so that these hundreds of thousands of protesters who have been sandwiched together, cumulatively in all the cities and states, that could be a problem down the road, right . It is definitely something people are starting to worry about because while the protests have had sort of mixed participation around the country, they have been widespread and you know, when weve seen all the video footage, we have not always seen everybody taking all the precautions that are recommended in terms of Wearing Masks and all that. So there is the risk that causes another spike, and that would be not just by itself, because we cant ice light that impact but been seeing the reopening as you mentioned across other states also surging, not surging but increasing the numbers of new cases after some stability there neil you know obviously, we might go after shop owners and all of that, if there are people converging around shops that are there trying to reopen a little bit early and do nothing against protesters who are amassing for whatever profound decency of their cause, no one bats an eyelash of the crowds that are formed but they will down the road if there is this spike that some are fearing. Even the cdc outlined as a major worry, i wonder what weapon do then . Yeah, neil, there is a lot of, you know, challenges in all of this because, you know, we have, you know, already difficult situations foreso many people with the lockdowns. Then to have these other societal issues coming to the fore, there is a lot of concern out there. Everybody is trying to find a balance that allows this civil discourse to continue, eastern while we try to keep society safe. Neil you know, glen from your perch at dow jones im curious the markets have been incredibly resilient through this. Im not going on the protest, the idea that reopenings obviously will lead to, you know, restaurants, stores, getting back in the groove, Airlines Getting back in the groove. It might not be Immediate Impact but maybe more than we appreciate . Or are the markets getting ahead of themselves . You know, it has been amazing. Markets were ahead of the economists when it came to fridays jobs report. The enthusiasm was justified when we saw creation of 2 1 2 million jobs and the employment rate going down and everybody expected it to go further up. On the other hand, and there is always another hand, there is possibility that there could be massive revisions coming. States have a really difficult time collecting unemployment data during the crisis. The truth is we really dont have a good read on the economy just yet. There is a lot of optimism out there. You know, part of the surges in increases in cases weve been seeing recently could be also due to an increase in the ability to test and to determine that you know, those cases have occurred. So all of these things make it really very difficult but the markets, as you say are very interested in continuing to see a return and growth in the economy sooner than maybe some of the pessimists have been predicting. Neil well watch it very closely, my friend. Good seeing you. Continued good health to you and your family. Glen hall, the dow jones newswire chief editor. Very, very smart guy. Appreciate taking time. Another very smart guy, they call him the Thomas Edison of our times, elon musk pretty happy about getting success of two men in space on the International Space station. So much so, spacex begun a new baby. That is a top priority for it. So a lot of tesla car owners are saying, about us, after this. There are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. Leading armies to battle . , music was that your greataunt, keeping armies alive . Drafting the plans. Taking the pictures. Was it your family members . Who flew. Who fixed. Who fought. Who rose to the occasion. When the world needed them most. Find and honor your ancestors who servered in world war ii. Their stories live on at ancestry. You say that customers maklets talk data. S. Only Xfinity Mobile lets you switch up your wireless data whenever. I accept 5g everybodys talking about it. How do i get it . Everyone gets 5g with our new data options at no extra cost. Thats good. Next item corner offices for everyone. Just have to make more corners in this building. Chad . Your wireless your rules. Only with Xfinity Mobile. Now thats simple easy awesome. Switch and save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus get 200 off a new Samsung Galaxy s20 ultra. Neil you know, tesla is certainly on fire. The stock is moving fast, fast enough and putting up enough numbers that elon musk was able to secure 700 milliondollars incentive performance bonus. So the fact that the stock is on fire is merely coincidental to that. There is luster of spacex success which has nothing to do with tesla, you other than inside of the dragon capsule looks like a big cab sewell. Tesla in china the Company Announced it sold more than 11,000 of those new model 3 vehicles in may which essentially was triple what it told there in april. Now that alone, the attention around spacex cant be lost on anyone. Mark luschini following all of this. He is the january janney chief investment strategist. I wonder if luster around musk now is benefiting, what do you think, mark . Neil, i couldnt disagree with you. In fact he has the same rock star, iconic status, steve jobs of course was reknowned for. Same through here. He seems to have a golden touch with regard to what it is he is doing and people buying in many cases more on faith than necessarily profitability and were starting to see that in the taste of tesla, so far at least. The storyline is exhe had h exceedingly impressive although with mistakes to deliver on expectations. Keep those that had the faith continue to be invested in and committed to the evolution of what theyre doing there which is terrific news and combating competitors which seem to have a wider moat than we regard to things like electric vehicles and much earlier adopter presence in china but obviously he is beating them to the competition in many ways. Neil it is interesting because the chinese are not taking it out on him as they were and are on a number of other American Companies. I know he is South African by birth but if tesla were being received like other American Companies its sales wouldnt be soaring right now, let alone tripling so what does this teach us about doing business there . Because he is very fussy about not letting the chinese in on how tesla vehicles are made, whereas other manufacturers routinely give that up just so they have a presence in that market . What do you think he is up to . Kind of interesting. Obviously again given his status and again maybe a bit of antagonist to the u. S. Government and certainly the Securities Exchange commission, maybe that is sort of emboldened his character in china, they like the fact he is willing to push back on authority and you know, do what he needs to in order to advance his causes with regard to tesla or other matters like spacex. But in addition to that, i have some appreciation for the fact that china of course is buying more of everything, including automobiles. And they have a policy initiative that has been in place for a number of years to have electric vehicle sales represent a larger proportion of overall automobile sales. So there is a certain, if you will a by way of policy initiative helping to underwrite that, but at the same time, obviously they are leaning into his cars which you know, are obviously very impressive in a lot of different ways including optics of them, let alone maybe his, again sort of contrarian status. Neil real quickly, mark, i want to discuss what is going on in the markets continue to advance pretty heady advances in record territory. Nasdaq 100, s p, not too far from records. A lot of people say the market is just getting back to where it was but now at levels harkening back to a Team Three Months ago we had 20 plus million more jobs. Are the jobs supposedly going to catch up with that . Is that what the market sees or is the market due to fall back to levels because were not up to 20 million additional jobs . What youre asking is the question every investor and strategist is asking of themselves at the moment because youre absolutely right, think about it. Were at a level, call it 6 below where we peaked back on february 19th and under normal conditions you would look at that say a normal pull back, nothing to lose any sleep over. You look at Economic Situation being what it is today, as you said, it is miles different from where we left it in february, the market is of course a discounting mechanism. Looking at Economic News we have today clearly bleak but improving but expecting were going to see this recovery. This recovery will have to take place in ernest, and a vshaped recovery in the stock market. It needs to be matched by Economic Data coming through. So far the rebound is certainly encouraging when we talk about chinese u. S. Trade tensions, escalating, talking about the fact we have a domestic tensions here rising with regard to the protests, with regard to the president ial election just five months away at this point, we have a number of variables out there that look, that could undermined this rally. I think at the moment as long as we look at Economic Data fulfill, early on albeit it has. Market has further legs to advance. Neil yeah. In fact beat it a lot of times like the employment report. Mark, always a pleasure. Be safe and well, mark luschini, janney chief investment strategist. Uncanny read of markets. Talked to but the protesting cities and municipalities want to do away with the Police Departments, it is understandable given palpable rage in these locals, t. D. Jakes here to say everyone has to bring it down a notch or two after this. There are people who say things arent made here anymore. Those people should make a trip to michigan. Or kentucky. Or illinois. Where youll find our workers and dealers and engineers and technicians. Building for america. Were proud to employ more hourly workers than any other automaker in this country. Because we build for this country. And let me tell you something, rodeo. I wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. 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Learn how homeowners are strategically using a reverse Mortgage Loan to cover expenses, pay for healthcare, preserve your portfolio, and so much more. Look, reverse mortgages arent for everyone but i think ive been round long enough to know whats what. Im proud to be a part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. So you can. Retire better. Neil all right. The leader of the taliban now musing on the New York Times editorial page is one thing. Senator tom cotton editorializing on same page is quite another thing. Who do you think was more anathema to New York Times staff . Apparently the senator. That already resulted in the New York Times Editorial Page Editor resigning and his number two being reassigned. Jackie deangelis, at the controversy still building at the old gray lady. Reporter sure it absolutely is, neil. James bennett is the gentleman that resigned, New York Times Editorial Page Editor. The resignation came in the wake of that publication of republican senator tom cottons oped which was published last week. In that oped cotton said President Trump should invoke the insurrection act and deploy military to quiet the civil unrest weve seen across the country after the death of george floyd. Bennett initial said that the New York Times opinion section to owes it to readers to show them counterarguments particularly from people in a position to set policy. He later walked that back and said that he didnt read the piece ahead of publication. Either way, staffers at the newspaper were outraged by the publication and were quite vocal about it. Having said that tom cotton responded this morning on fox news. I want you to listen to this. The publisher defended the decision to publish the column after it was published and the mob in their newsroom began to demand it be taken down, there would be consequences. Within a day it turned into Something Like the struggle session account cultural revolution in mao china the adults had to boss straight themselves in front of the woke New York Times children that run the newsroom. Reporter what happened here raises a big after bigger question. Sure we said this paper is a little left and a little right but are these papers starting not to lean anymore but really push an editorial agenda here to try to ininfluence people, especially at a time, papers, theyre folding. Subscriptions are dwindling. It is a tough time for print media right now. Not all the majors are having trouble though. I will say this. The times saw roughly 26 growth in digital subscriptions last year compared to about 13 at the wall street journal. It seems like the little guys are getting squeezed out. The major outlets are grabbing some of that share and by that account, theyre gaining more influence but also, another incident, the executive editor of the philadelphia enquirer also stepping out after a controversial headline, buildings matter too. Shows what newspapers are printing inpacks their bottom line that could have very, very significant implications, neil. It is something to think about when youre choosing what you want to read. Back to you. Neil all right. Jackie, thank you very much. Jackie deangelis. A man trying to argue for cooler and calmer heads to prevail, is bishop t. D. Jakes, the Jake Foundation chairman, potters senior pastor, much, much more. Very good to have you. People are rightfully still alarmed and obviously apoplectic over the death of george floyd, i get that, but these measures that so many are considering to defund or remove Police Departments, is that overdone . What do you think . Well, i think that if you just look at it through the prism of george floyd you missed a bigger issue that, what i think were witnessing is a revolution from years and years of discrimination and Police Brutality that has reached a head after years of years trying to explain it and express it in calm terms and interviews and Peaceful Demonstrations have not been successful but we have reached a Tipping Point where america, not just black people, are starting to say, that they now recognize it. I think George Floyds case helped that to happen. When you start looking at eliminating Police Department funding, my view is, the funding should be predicated on their ability to comply with federal regulations against mandates, against consistency across the board. Weve had a lot of misplaced violence both in terms of on the streets with some of the looters infiltrating the protesters but let us not become so engrossed with the weeds that we leave the vegetables behind. There is a just cause to be taken up here. It is also uncover ad lot of violence in various areas of the Police Department. What we have to do now that were entered into the second phase calm down a little bit and work through the process to make sure that anger turns into action and we end up with a better country and not just a political fight. Neil we tried to avoid these political fights, bishop. But the president has been called on the carpet by a number of these groups, inconcluding a number of Establishment Republicans from jim mattis, former defense secretary were told, george w. Bush who has chosen his words quite carefully, mitt romney marchs with demonstrators, that this is a real problem and his language is coarse to the point of being divisive, do you agree with that . I havent heard message so i cant really comment specifically on his case but i think this is a time that everybody has to be careful with their language because the country is enraged on both sides of the issue, i think we need to have calmer heads to prevail and come up with reasoned policies that begin to work. We have had several years of extremism, and extremism has deteriorated the integrity of our democracy and put us at risk around the world in such a way were seeing demonstrations all over the world because what goes on in america affects the global economy, affects the Global Society and often reflects what is going on around the world this is a chance for america to lead a global conversation on equity, equality, and justice and to demonstrate it. I realize it has to go through a political process, and i realize that is going to be tough. Neil right. I dont want it to become so politicized we lose reason in the process of trying to prove who has a stronger point. I think a task force needs to be put together of democrats and republicans working together to come up with best practices and set an example for the rest of the world and i think that could an could be done. Neil in is great talk comparing now what was going on in 1968. The company was very sharply divided. There are things in common. Many others not. There was a raging war going on at the time as well and certainly two assassinations. Martin luther king and later on robert kennedy, so i grant those differences but it is going to lead to an upheaval and this fear that, god forbid, there should be another controversial incident like tragedy around the floyd case. All bets are off. Are you worried for the future of this country . I have been worried for the future of this country for some time. In actuality im a little bit more optimistic than i have been in times past. There will always be those george floyd incidents, those Ahmaud Arbery incidents on and on. I dont think any legislation or policy can totally regulate human behavior. People because of Mental Health reasons or because they go off the rails will go off the rails and i think the black community and American Community at large understands that. What is at war here is how do we handle it when it happens . No one can control human behavior. People are going to do what theyre going to do but the reason people have filled the streets is the way these cases are being handled. That is what we can control. At that is what we have to focus on. There will be situations arise between blacks and whites and millenials and boomers, everybody. People do what theyre going to do but we need a consistent policy of truth, a stable truth that gives us us guidance. Supposed to be the american laws. Those laws are dysfunctional for years and years and look the other way in a good ol boy system, based on who it was and who was the perp straight tore. If i assault somebody i get arrested immediately. If the Police Assault somebody they may not ever get arrested. The d. A. May soft serve them some ice cream. One person murder as whole slew of people in middle of bible class gets taken to wendys, the other one gets choked to death with a knee. Those kinds of inconsistencies enraged the american people. Justice has to be equal across the board. Behavior cannot be totally controlled. We can curtail it but cant totally control it. Neil arent africanamericans most vulnerable if we take the place out of schools as they want to do in minneapolis or just out of the Public Domain as they want to do in other locals and cities, come up with a Different Force . I mean, isnt that greenlighting some of the more violent groups of any race that would take over School Systems, that would be, you know, look at this, take over whole towns. What do you think . I think you oversimplified the question. It isnt about just taking police out of the schools and out of our communities that were aiming at. Were trying to get the police not to have to respond to every type of call, when it is a Mental Health issue, we need somebody who handles Mental Health people. The police are undertrained, underqualified and illprepared to respond to Mental Health issues, medical issues, people with emotional issues. Theyre one size fits all. They have to respond to everything with little or poor training t takes more training to be a plumber than it does to be a police officer, then they have to be qaesar and work in a drawer that fits absolutely everything in a way that is totally inappropriate. We dont have to abolish the system to have specialists that respond. We do it in the White Community, when the White Community has a drug problem they go to rehab. When our children have a drug problem they go to jail. Not like we cant do it. We dont do it. We ought to do it across the board equally. That is what were looking for. The police are illsuited to respond to all those cases. Some of the frustration were asking them to do everything for subordinate pay. Theyre trying to protect cities they cant afford to live in. Theyre overwhelmed with the task of having to be, to fit every situation. I think it is possible for america, we do it about doctors, we dont ask doctors to be specialists about everything. I think we could do it legalities and crisis calls through 911 and direct the right person to the right call. Neil well, in minneapolis, sir, they are talking about Getting Police presence out of the schools because they think theyre doing more harm than good. Youre quite right to say police are spread too thin, but could you be making a bigger problem if you do Something Like that in a School System if it came to that . I dont know. If you do that alone and you dont increase Economic Opportunities for families, then you dont change housing and you dont upgrade education and then your point might be valid and completely right. This has to be a comprehensive, 360degree turn around for america. It is not just about criminal justice. It also has to be about Job Opportunities because, to that point, if you dont have to have Police Officers in white schools, you wont have to have them in black schools if we have equal opportunities, better housing, better training and a path forward that creates hope. It is hopelessness and despair that creates violence, not the color of skin. Neil t. D. Jakes, thank you very much, my friend. Very good catching up with you especially now. Bishop t. D. Jakes on all of this. Well continue to monitor this as well as the president s latest tweet of roger godell of the nfl. He might have opened the whole kneeling debate again, maybe not in the way goodell and the nfl had hoped. After this. There are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. We the National Football league admit we were wrong for not listening to nfl players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest. We, the National Football league, believe black lives matter. Neil all right. President trump heard that and couldnt believe what he was hearing, more or less saying in a tweet, does this mean when the nfl season resumes that everyones going to be on a knee during the National Anthem . Really couldnt countenance that. Will americans this fall . Jack brewer joins us, nfl great, Jack Brewer Foundation ceo. Spoken very eloquently on the whole issue riveting all races across the country and the world. Jack, if i think i get the president at face value from these tweets, he doesnt want to see that, he doesnt want a lot of people taking a knee with the flag flying behind them during the National Anthem no less. And this case shouldnt have changed things. What do you think . You know im not going to condone on condemn anyone who peacefully protests in peace. I think that is what our nation is all about. Im also not going to condemn the president for wanting to stand up for the american flag. I think you can see both ways and i think that you can understand both of these comments but at the end of the day we cannot politicize oppression. I think that is what is beginning to happen, that is what is so sad. As americans, you know that flag has given us the fight for our freedoms and the ability to become the most prosperous nation on earth but weve done that under god and i think it goes back to that. It goes back to the godly principles. What were all taught. To love our neighbors as ourselves and to go out and help the oppressed but we dont politicize the oppressed. It shouldnt matter if you believe in standing for the flag or not. If were talking about poor people and talking about the issues front and center in america today, we all should be uniting no matter what you feel, no matter if youre Colin Kaepernick or President Trump. Both individuals who have talked about helping black people constantly. And so i think we have a lot that unite us but the problem is we let politics divide us and these are not the issues. You know, talk about reforms and talk about law changes and let those things be political. When it comes to the oppressed we need to unite. Neil well, drew brees is finding out maybe the hard way that is easier said than done but just talking about you know, standing and continuing kind of what he had been doing through all these prior seasons. Now it is a different world, different environment. They claim on him like a ton of anvils. Is that warranted . No, its a shame actually and i think when you look at someone like drew brees who gave millions of dollars to the poor folks during katrina, who were in louisiana, majority black area. He always had their backs. You never heard a bad thing about drew brees, high character guy. I dont like the fact they condemned him like that. I dont think he deserves it. Everyone has the right to have their own opinion. These folks are protesting in peace and neil they have got to be nervous, they got to be nervous my friend, right, jack, think about it . Yes. Neil drew breess wife brittany apologizes, says we are the problem. A lot of people are wondering that, why cant you be outraged at the treatment of george floyd and still want to stand during the National Anthem or the waving of the flag . I mean are they somehow inseparable . Theyre not and but, politics are making them and people want to have the division and theyre making folks draw sides in the mail of oppression. That is just so wrong and so evil when you look at it. Imagine being a coach on the sideline. I talked to former coachs who have been in the military and they dont know what to do. I talked to people around the country, they dont know what to do. Folks dont know how to react. People in america are looking for answers how they even discuss race because they have good hearts but everything that they say is being dissected. Its crazy. Neil yeah, youre right about that, my friend. You are that calm in the storm, though, jack. We appreciate that, jack brewer, former nfl player, Jack Brewer Foundation. He puts his money quite literally on his actions where his big heart is as well. Were following what is going on in the market. Were not amiss there and also following what goes on in the housing industry, because you think stocks are booming . You see what is happening in housing. Were all over that after this. Save hundreds on your wireless bill without even leaving your house. Just keep your phone and switch to Xfinity Mobile. You can get it by ordering a free sim card online. Once you activate, youll only have to pay for the data you need starting at just 15 a month. There are no term contracts, no activation fees, and no credit check on the first two lines. Get a 50 prepaid card when you switch. Its the most reliable wireless network. And it could save you hundreds. Xfinity mobile. Neil all right. Joe biden apparently does not think we should be looking at defunding Police Departments around the country. He does support, however, the urgent need, quoting here, for reform. It is a bit of a tightrope for Anyone Running for office, let alone the presidency of the United States, because you do want to see reforms but you dont want to see Police Departments wholesale junked. That is the balancing act for joe biden. More after this. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Unlike ordinary wmemory supplementsr . Neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. Neil all right. Well, stocks are up because the economy is opening up, and the biggest of them all opening up today, new york city, phase one. Its tentative, very very careful, and they are very very cautious and there are no guarantees the next stage, phase two, will happen before the end of this month. Lets get the latest from David Lee Miller on what starts and hopefully continues after this. David lee . Reporter hi, neil. New york city is back in business, at least sort of. As you mentioned, today is the beginning of phase one of the reopening. That includes wholesalers, manufacturing, construction and curbside retail. They say that as many as 400,000 people are today going to report to work. Many of them are going to need to rely on mass transit, specifically the subway system. Starting today, it is going to resume regular service. Governor andrew cuomo, who rode the subway today, said the system is safe. He says face masks must be worn and they are going to be provided. Free Hand Sanitizer will also be available. The mta which runs the subways, says with ridership expected to increase, social distancing is not going to be possible. This afternoon at his Daily Briefing, cuomo tried to reassure new yorkers. Because if it wasnt safe, i wouldnt ask anyone to go on the subway. I make these decisions and for me, its very simple. I just i just assume im making the decision for myself and for my children. Reporter as part of new york citys phasedin reopening, restaurant dining, offices, hair salons and theaters will reopen in the weeks ahead, as long as there is no resurgence of the virus. The recent looting could delay some stores from getting back to business. Theres also concern that the street protests could have spread the infection. Governor cuomo is urging demonstrators to get tested and says 15 testing sites are going to be available specifically for people who took part in the protests. During his Daily Briefing today, new york city mayor bill deblasio said that the infection rate for the city is now at a record low of 3 . That is significant, because if that percentage should hit the threshold of 15 , the citys reopening could be halted. Neil . Neil David Lee Miller, thank you, my friend. Lauren simonetti right now on the ongoing concerns about two weeks after the fact, the death right now of george floyd and the fallout with derek chauvin, the officer who infamously had his knee on mr. Floyds neck appearing in court today for the first time. Lauren, what can you tell us . Lauren the future of policing is in question right now, neil. So the Minneapolis City Council voted to dismantle the minneapolis Police Department for the killing of george floyd in their custody. Listen. The mayor is not on board. Am i for entirely abolishing the Police Department, no, im not. So over the coming days and weeks, im looking forward to working with council, talking with them about deciphering what particularly they mean when they say ending an abolishing. Lauren what does a policefree minneapolis or any city, quite frankly, look like . Nobody knows at this point. Thats what theyre discussing right now. People that i have spoken to say its about reducing the breadth of police work and turning to market forces, the job market, community programs, to fix some problems such as mental capacity and drug abuses. So thats a possibility. Meanwhile, the officer, the former officer, he was fired by the minneapolis Police Department, derek chauvin, charged with the killing of george floyd, had his First Court Appearance today. Within the hour, neil. It will be a video conference. Wont be there in person. Hes charged with Second Degree murder, third degree murder and Second Degree manslaughter. He faces up to 40 years behind bars but the upgrading of these charges from third degree to Second Degree murder could complicate the way he is, in fact, convicted and finally, neil, because everybody is talking about defunding and or dismantling Police Departments, former Vice President joe biden running for office right now says this. He does not believe the police should be defunded. He hears and shares the deep grief and frustration of those calling out for change and is driven to ensure that justice is done and that we put a stop to this terrible pain. So thats what the biden camp is saying, but this is an issue as we have seen from about two weeks of protests now that the country is trying to figure out the way forward. Neil . Neil thank you very very much. Lauren on all of that. Judge Andrew Napolitano now on how difficult it really is to go about Defunding Police or to reallocate funds meant for Law Enforcement in big cities like new york for other purposes. Judge, where do you think this is going . Good afternoon, neil. I think its all political and its all the use of terminology. I dont know what defunding the police means. If it literally means shutting down the Police Department, so that if somebody is breaking in your home, you dial 911, no one is going to come in response to the call, that of course would violate the charter of new york city which requires it to have a Police Department. The charter of the city of minneapolis requires it to have a Police Department. The charter is an agreement between the state of minnesota and the city of minneapolis, between the state of new york and the city of new york and the people that live there. So they are going to open up a can of worms if they abolish the Police Department or defund it to the point where it cant provide for Public Safety. And that will invite the states to come in. Remember, the governor of new york can dismiss the mayor of new york for a finite time period if hes failing to enforce new york law which requires that there be a Police Department. Neil im wondering, too, if its earmarked as a bad word, especially in the case of new york, you got billions of dollars, a lot of that allocated from federal resources and lets say you want to, as mayor bill deblasio has advocated, accord it to Youth Services or some such thing, can you legally do that . Yes. The mayor has tremendous discretion. Well, the city council has absolute discretion. The mayor has been given by the city council in new york tremendous discretion as to how dollars for Public Safety are to be spent. For example, he could take money from the Police Department and give it to social services and then remove the obligation of police to accompany social service officers, so social service workers, when they visit the homes of their clients. A lot of them would prefer to be accompanied by the police when they visit these clients of theirs in their homes. But the mayor has tremendous discretion and he cant run for reelection and he has very very strong views on this. So who knows where its going to go. He is not going to allow the police to stop doing their jobs. Neil i just wonder how far this goes, though. If you want to defund whole Police Departments or call them Something Else or start from scratch and come up with Something Else, in the meantime, that gap as far as Law Enforcement is concerned, could be pretty rocky, especially for the most vulnerable communities including minneapolis. What do you think . Yes. Yes. And as has been pointed out earlier this morning, on fox business, the people that want to defund the Police Department for political reasons often live in communities that need the police the most. That are profoundly victimized by the thugs and criminals and as we saw in the past two weeks, anarchists who will be unrestrained if they know theres no police. They want to change the name and call them the local constabulary or Something Like that, if its cosmetic, who cares. If its actually going to take police off streets or guns away from police or remove their authority to stop crime from happening, in the midst of crime, the result is going to be chaos. Neil we will watch it closely, judge. I think we are in for some big sweeping changes here, whether good or bad. Well see. Judge Andrew Napolitano, fox news legal eagle and much much more on that. I want to go to karl rove because the backdrop for this environment is a new poll that shows 8 in 10 americans are convinced things are going out of control. I dont know the political breakdown of all of that, karl, but the numbers are pretty stunning, because that is higher than it was when a similar question was asked in 1968. What do you make of it . Well, we have been hit by three big events, a pandemic, an economic collapse, and now, you know, protests in the streets over the killing of george floyd. So any american after experiencing weeks if not months of those kinds of things i suspect theres a good reason why 80 said things appear to be out of control. Neil you know, the president s handling of this, karl, has come under criticism. Mitt romney was marching with protesters, maybe that was to be expected, but we are also hearing in little more than the same week, jim mattis, his former defense secretary, weigh in on the divisive language of the president , george w. Bush, your former boss, pretty clearly hinting, you know, he doesnt like the way this president s handling it, separate reports he might not even vote for him. Where is all of this going . Well, first of all, i think we need to be a little bit careful about sort of putting this all on the political basket. I dont believe the former president s statement on behalf of he and laura bush on tuesday was directed at the president. It was directed at the situation that the country finds itself in. But yes, if you want to talk about the politics of the moment, these three things, the pandemic, the economy, and the state of Race Relations in america are going to be big issues in the Fall Campaign and how each candidate handles those issues or handles their responsibilities in the case of the president are going to be key to the decision of the voters when we down to the end. But again, weve got to be careful about putting this all in the political environment. I dont think people look at President Trump and say he was responsible for the pandemic. I dont even think that a large number of people look at him and say hes responsible for the economic, you know, sort of lockdown weve had to go through as a country and what that did to jobs and the Economic Growth but what they will look at the president on is how is he handling each of those three things. Not good marks on the coronavirus, pretty good marks on the economy, particularly if you want to look in the political in a political vein between he and joe biden, as yet we dont know what its going to look like and we wont know for a couple more weeks with regard to the outcome of the nationwide protests over George Floyds killing. But you know, we got a long way, 140 some odd days until the general election. It will be one weird election because people will be looking at these candidates and not merely judging them on the here and now but judging them on how do they think they will be able to help the country in the days ahead. Its going to be a big challenge for both of them. The president has an advantage on the economy but he doesnt have an advantage on the other two, the pandemic and the state of Race Relations in america, and those are very those issues are both very much up for grabs. Neil as you often remind me, polls are very very fleeting so to look at National Polls and the popular poll and now this latest one that has the president trailing joe biden by 14 points nationally, thats one thing but in battleground states is another. Having said that about battleground states, though, where its supposedly more competitive, the president doesnt enjoy the National Type of support among republicans he once did, and a lot of these battleground states, forget about what hes winning or losing on, you know, independents, not as many republicans support him as they did. They still overwhelmingly do, dont get me wrong, but in some of those battlegrounds, its down 10 points from what it was. Does that alarm you or is that in the moving nature of this . Well, if i were inside the Trump Campaign i would be alarmed at the National Polls. Now, you got to put it first of all, i like averages of all National Polls and in the realclear politics average theres about a six or seven point margin. Even that is probably a little bit too rich for biden because if you look, for example, in the Washington Post abc poll, among all voters it was a ten point lead, among likely voters it was like a four point lead. Weve got to be a little cautious about this. But does this suggest that the president has a lot to do, yes. Does it suggest that hes behind and that hes the underdog . Absolutely yes. But that doesnt determine the outcome of the election. Let me give you one example. We talked about coronavirus. The president s handling of that is, you know, upside down but what happens if joe biden tries to make it an issue . The president can say i took tough actions and when i did, i was criticized by you. I took the action of saying were not going to accept anybody else from china except american citizens coming home and you criticized me the same day by saying it was xenophobic and racist. When you begin to debate these issues it will be between two men and their views and values and biden has, for example, in that instance, a problem. We dont know how this last issue of how the nation is going to respond to the killing of george floyd by those by one officer assisted by at least with three other officers standing by, we dont know exactly how thats going to play out and you know, i think biden made a very smart move today by immediately disassociating himself from the extremists in his party who say we ought to defund the police. But thats still going to play out over the next couple of months and people are going to be saying which party is more likely to try and do that kind of thing and which party is less likely to do it. I think i know how which party is going to be identified with what position and the question is going to be how deeply do people feel about it and how deeply do people who are among that small group of swing voters feel about it. Weve got a lot of partisans who made up their minds but the election is going to be settled among the relatively small group of swing voters and there is plenty of time for them to swing from one side to another depending on how the campaign plays out day by day by day, particularly following the conventions in august. Neil i know you cant get inside his head but you work with and know president bush very very well. Do you think that he would end up not voting for donald trump or skip voting for president all together as some did . Look, i think hes going to approach this election in the same way that he approached the 2016 election which is hes not going to be talking about it. He believes he owes his successors a chance to occupy the stage without him playing a role, you know. He didnt make a statement about what he was going to do in the 2016 election. I suspect hes going to do it in the 2020 election. I thought it was interesting, the New York Times story that sparked all of this was based upon people quote, familiar with the former president s thinking. Thats a way of saying people who had an opinion and wanted to opine it to a New York Times reporter who is more than eager to get on the front page of his newspaper by with that assertion. Were not going to hear from the former president of the United States about how hes going to vote just like we didnt hear about it before the 2016 election. Neil very interesting. Try to put you on the spot, it didnt work, my friend. Karl rove, always a pleasure. Thank you, neil. All the best. Neil all right. Be well. Be healthy. All right. Lets go to something a little less divisive right now. Major league baseball. They are very close to deciding on launching a season. Might be abbreviated. They might have worked out some salary issues. Then again, they might not have. We might never see a season. We dont know. I bet Charlie Gasparino knows. music thats why ive got the power of 1,2,3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved, oncedaily 3 in 1 copd treatment. With trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to open airways, keep them open, and reduce inflammation for 24 hours of better breathing. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Trelegy is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Think your copd medicine is doing enough . Maybe you should think again. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy. We know times are hard and were here for you. Find support at trelegy. Com. Neil all right. You know, a lot of people stop me when we were looking at dunkin and want to know whats behind Dunkin Donuts looking to hire 25,000. They assume that i have a connection with dunkin. But my point is that this is among many of the retailers who are preparing for what will be open businesses. Dunkin donuts, of course, drivethroughs have been open through all of this but again, as more states and cities including new york begin to consider opening retail establishments a few weeks after that, maybe restaurants, you can understand why dunkin is planning for those days and looking to hire that many folks. A lot of people also ask about Charlie Gasparino. They want to know what is he really like. I said what you see on the air is charlie. They said thats impossible. I go nope, thats charlie. He is as you see him. Nothing fake about him. You might not like that and i always bring that, but um telli im telling you, he is who he is. Thats a compliment, charlie. Thats the best i can do. Charlie you say you may not like that, i think i heard screams across all of connecticut here. Neil i want to get to the story, my friend. You follow these vagaries here. Is it on or off or what . Charlie lets just say so close but so far. That old cliche. Fox business exclusively reported last night that the owners were going to hold a meeting today to come up with some sort of counter proposal to the players latest proposal that rejected the owners initial proposal. You get where we are. We are kind of in a stalemate today. They did come up with that counterproposal. The players did reject it again. Let me go through what they proposed. The owners proposed a 76game season and the players would be getting 75 of their pro rata salary. That means you made a million bucks, you would get some sort of pro rata based on that since you are only playing 76 games, not 162 games or i dont know the exact number of games they play these days, but you get what im talking about. And you get 75 of that. Players said no. Mlb also proposed to cut that pro rata salary to 50 if there are no playoffs. Again, players say no. This is what its looking like its coming down to. Its either coming down to no season, if they dont agree on some sort of numbers game here and these numbers are from both sides. The owners obviously want to make the numbers work in their favor. They believe that they are taking tremendous hits because of the fact that they are going to play in fanless stadiums. They are trying to make the numbers work in some way to their benefit. The players are saying hey, you know, i get that, youre not making money this year but you made gazillions in years past and we shouldnt be taking on it the chin totally here. I think its going to come down to this, neil. Either no season where both sides decide hey, you know, do we really want to go through this more negotiating, do we want to have a shortened season and if its no season, its either no season or a 50game season, is that worth it. I think thats what we are coming down to, meaning that both sides, they would play a very shortened season, players i guess would get most they would get a pro rata salary based on 50 games, they would have their entire salary but pro rata based on 50 games, is that worth it. I think, you know, thats something that is going to be developed over the next week or so. Particularly if the players come back with another proposal after this. So again, so close yet so far. The real question is, is it worth having baseball with just 50 games. I mean, is that enough of a season to make things work to give fans some taste of baseball. I dont know. I could just tell you right now that the players said no to this proposal and its now in come u Something Else maybe the owners could agree on. Its sad. I mean, we live in very difficult times. One thing i think that people would love to have a break from, you know, coronavirus and protests and Everything Else is some sports. You know, we dont have it and its sad. If theres ever a need for baseball, a communal sort of moment where we can get together and enjoy something, its now and it doesnt look like were getting closer. Again, they could decide on just a very short season. That may be where they come out on this. Back to you. Neil yeah. That would be a very short season. A third of the normal season, 162 games. I dont know if its worth it. All right. We will watch it very closely, my friend. Thank you very much. Charlie i am who i appear to be gasparino. There you go. We are keeping track at the corner of wall and broad. The dow is up about 258 points. Interest rates are backing up. Gold is doing very very well today here on the idea the more stimulus thats provided for economies around the world, and certainly the reopenings that so far, so good, all good for the world and all good for investments. Stay with us. Turn on my tv and boom, its got all my favorite shows right there. I wish my Trading Platform worked like that. Well have you tried thinkorswim . This is totally customizable, so you focus only on what you want. Okay, its got screeners and watchlists. And you can even see how your predictions might affect the value of the stocks youre interested in. Now this is what im talking about. Yeah, itll free up more time for your. Uh, true crime shows . British baking competitions. Hm. Didnt peg you for a crumpet guy. Focus on what matters to you with thinkorswim. Neil all right. They call it the justice in policing act. Congressional democrats are leading the charge to come up with something that reforms Police Departments, not just in the minneapolis area but across the country. The details are sketchy but if theres anyone who knows where theyre going or what they might be, its chad pergram, our congressional correspondent. Chad, what do you know about this . Reporter well, this is a question by democrats here. They fundamentally want to change police culture. Now, there are some on the extreme left in the Democratic Party who want to defund the police. Thats going to be an issue that theyre going to have to address inside the party and work out those fissures internally. The House Majority leader steny hoyer says they could put this bill on the floor, his word, soon, but they have not given us a timetable yet. The speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, calls this a transformative moment in american politics. The martyrdom of george fl d floyd, gave a moment of national anguish as we grieve for the black americans killed by Police Brutality. Reporter lets run through the specifics of the legislation. It would lift part of the shield off called qualified immunity which protects officers from civil and criminal action. There would also be a registry to better track officers who could be problems if they skip from one department to another. Democratic california senator kamala harris, whose stock as a potential vp candidate has gone up in recent days, says there needs to be a National Standard for use of force by police. Republicans are skeptical, many republicans would take their cues from President Trump. Expect republicans like Freedom Caucus chairman andy biggs of arizona to highlight the call to Defund Police as being out of the mainstream. If that becomes the case, and you defund policing and take away equipment which nancy pelosi said is part of the bill as well, you are going to allow the police to be disadvantaged again like we saw in the 70s when we had high crime rates because they at any time have the equipment that they needed. Reporter the nrcc, the campaign arm for the house republicans, they have already been trying to portray democrats as being too extreme here. They are saying quote, whats next, defund the Fire Department . So again, we dont know specifically when this bill will be on the house floor. One thing that you should know, though, is that wednesday, the first hearing on police abuse comes up. Thats before the house judiciary committee. One of the witnesses will be the brother of george floyd. Neil . Neil chad pergram, thank you very very much. A. B. Stoddard, real clear politics associate editor, very good read on things happening in the Nations Capital and beyond. I notice when it came to the politics of this, joe biden is walking a tightrope considering the push to defund Police Departments. Hes not for that. He is for revamping things. Will the American Public get that distinction . You know, neil, i think thats the most essential question here, around this entire debate, is whether or not we are going to see voters engage in binary thinking on this. Its all black or white or its all good or bad, procop or anticop, or whether or not they can live in the nuance. As you look at the reactions so far, we have seen that people do not want violent looting destroying businesses in their neighborhoods, they dont want arson, and they are horrified by what happened to george floyd. So i think that there is, you see a radical shift in ten days time in the polling, a hunger for some kind of police reform. Biden was smart to come out today and say hes not for defunding. Defunding the police is crazy talk. The democrats will have to make that very clear that thats not what they are calling for. Its a very easy punchline for republicans and they would be smart to put that to bed as soon as possible and talk about how to make sure that the police can rebuild social trust which is badly needed in order to do their job and i think biden is going to have to find a way to have that kind of, you know, complicated conversation. President trump, on the other hand, is really not talking about police reform. Wasn he wants to make this very binary, make this procop or anticop. Hes taking advantage of the fact cops are a little upset with joe biden right now. It will be a challenge for joe biden but as we see the polling continue to move in this direction it will be political more injurious to President Trump. Neil interesting, too, because the president will be meeting with Law Enforcement types at the white house later on today but even among republicans, he has been criticized not on Police Funding issue but on this idea that hes been very divisive, so much so that jim mattis turned on him, his former defense secretary, george w. Bush with that editorial with laura that would at least seem like vail eveiled criticism to mitt romney marching with protesters, thats a lost relationship any tl wway, i get, but a number of prominent republicans are parting from the president in terms of the way hes handled this matter. What do you make of it . I think as you know, they felt this way for a long time on different issues but reserved chose to remain quiet. I think the combination of just how traumatized the American Public was by the onset of the pandemic and then these protests, and riots, and all of the passions that stirred about questions about the police, President Trumps response to be divisive really became sort of the last stand, where people felt like they had to come out and say something, that hes not fit to unify the nation in this moment when things are really scary and 80 according to the wall street journal nbc poll yesterday believe the country is out of control. It would have been so simple for the president and he could still do it today, though itbeli ago have said on the one hand, you know, he empathized with people who were grieving over the violence against george floyd, his life lost to senseless violence from the police, a man with his hand in his pocket, to enjoy sitting on his neck until he could no longer breathe, and at the same time, say we need to deescalate, we need to soothe each other, we need to heal, we need to unite, we need to talk to the police about how they can rebuild that trust. He chose not to. I think that that was a mistake, if you look at how many, not just general mattis, other military leaders have come out and said scathing things about trump is a threat to the constitutional order, his disregard for the system that we have of checks and balances and that we dont want military officers in the streets. It could have been easily avoided if he just tried to live in that compromise, that complex space and talk about the different emotions people have. We are not anarchists. No one wants to defund the police in the majority of the country. So i think he should take the opportunity in the days and months to come to try to find that line where the voters are. Neil i dont know. Well watch very closely because that has not happened yet. It might still happen but it would be smart for his polling if he were to look at the results in the surveys, neil. Neil no, no, no, youre right. For these republicans who criticize him, maybe, they know whatever they say, they are going to be tweeted about, awful things will be said. The fact that more are saying this, though, even prepared for that, tells you something. A. B. , thank you very much. Always enjoy chatting with you. A. B. Stoddard. What i always liked about a. B. , she calls a spade a spade. She doesnt care where the chips fall. Thats called good journalism. We expected the president would respond to joe bidens plan here to not support some democrats efforts to Defund Police. But that did not win support from the president. Well explain after this. [shouting] [clapping and shouting] [cymbals clanging] [knocking] room for seven. And much, much more. The firstever glb. Get 0 apr financing up to 36 months on most models, and 90day firstpayment deferral on any model. And let me tell you something, rodeo. I wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. Find out how reverse mortgages really work with aags free, noobligation reverse mortgage guide. 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Im proud to be a part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. So you can. Retire better. Neil all right. Forget china. The president talking tough right now with the European Union. Edward lawrence has all the details on that. Edward . Reporter yeah. And neil, when you hear this story you might ask how do lobsters and auto tariffs get mixed in together . Well, President Donald Trump sitting together with maines lobster industry, saying that auto tariffs on the European Union of cars coming in from the European Union could be sooner rather than later. What set him off, fishermen telling the president that lobsters from Canadian Companies have no tariffs to the eu. But 20 tariffs from the u. S. Companies are added. Now, canada does have a trade deal with the European Union but the lobsters come from the same waters. Heres the president from friday. The European Union has ripped this country off so much its unbelievable. Im going to call them, david, youre going to come in, write a letter, and if they dont change, were going to put a tariff on their cars until they change and theyll change right away. Okay . Its unbelievable how badly, you know, people hear about the European Union, sounds nice. They have been almost as bad over the years as china in terms of trade. But nobody talks about it. Reporter lobster exports are in the millions and imports of cars are in the billions. Now, President Donald Trump also saying that he will add more tariffs on china unless they reduce their tariffs on lobsters and they will put tariffs on something so precious from china if china doesnt get back to buying 600,000 pounds a year of lobste lobsters. Its fallen to about 100,000 pounds. U. S. Also watching china on many fronts. A source says the next deputy level meeting between the two countries will happen on wednesday. Thats just below the primary level, just below u. S. Trade representative robert lighthizer. Lobsters could be on the menu to discuss. The president also expected to sign a bill that Congress Passed both in the house and senate on the uighur Minority Muslim Community in china. Now, this bill pushes the administration to condemn the mass detentions that have been going on there. Now, the chinese for their part deny that they have done anything wrong, denied that thats happening and say this is an internal issue with that minority population inside their country. Neil . Neil edward lawrence, thank you very very much. We have been telling you about what has stocks moving up today, the reopenings across the country. The biggest of them all that got so much scrutiny because it was like waiting for godot, when will it happen. It started happening today in new york city. Phase one of a reopening that is limited and tentative and involves all of 400,000 who will be commuting back and forth to new york versus the eight and a half million but it is a start. After this. music neil whatever your thought on the protests that have been going on around the country, you do have to think about how a lot of them are packed together, ignoring social distancing rules, for cause, they say, but is the result going to be a lot more cases of coronavirus popping up in the days and weeks ahead . Steve harrigan has been looking at that and whether thats the one aspect of this we are not really considering. Certainly many in the medical community are. Steve . Reporter thats right. The cdc certainly is considering it. They are warning about a possible spike in coronavirus cases due to the nationwide protests over the death of george floyd. The governor of minnesota where that death took place is already saying that such a spike within minnesota of new cases is inevitable. As many as one million americans across the country have basically been going out for the past two weeks to protest. Some of them have been observing social distancing and Wearing Masks. Others have not. Number of Health Care Experts say the results, the new spikes from these protests, could begin to surface as early as this week. We are certainly going to see transmission coming out of these gatherings. Theres no question about that. The prevalence in the United States of infection right now is about 1 in 200 people so you can estimate how many people probably have the infection in these gatherings. Reporter some experts are already putting a number on potential new cases. One seattle researcher says for every day of protests, that could add another 6,000 new cases of coronavirus. The mayor of los angeles says these protests could serve as a quote, superspreader. Several states have opened up popup clinics just to test protesters and the mayor of atlanta is saying anyone who has taken part in protest marches should get tested for covid19. Back to you. Neil steve, thank you very very much. In the meantime, this reopening we told you about going on in new york, you would think first of all, since it includes retail establishments, you know, in its sidewalk pickup, dropoff, that sort of thing, but not everyone would benefit. For example, Boutique Clothing store in brooklyn not part of that. The guy who runs that and owns that joins us now. Very good to have you. Your store has been around awhile. Obviously its a destination for a lot of people looking for something special, unique, but youre not part of this. How does that work . How did that happen . Yeah, no, im not included even though [ inaudible ]. However, basically clients come in and look around and there is so much to look at, i could not keep up with the Online Business even though im working to remedy that. This week we may be starting a commercial website. Its been a long time waiting and you know, the protests which i absolutely understand, how frustrated people are right now, its not helping. My neighborhood has been boarded up just as we were approaching the reopening and today, i have been sitting in my store and theres a note on my door that says knock because im here, but im not officially open and no one has yet knocked on my door. Im just sitting here waiting for a better future. Neil so how does it work . I know with Curbside Pickup and that sort of thing, do you leave a note to say order something or go online, if you like something in my shop, i can have it waiting outside if you come by, are people unaware of that or what . Its not something that im so comfortable with. First of all, for anyone to come pick up something curbside, they would have to have seen it on the website. We do have an Instagram Account where we love to show some great clothing or items. However, we havent yet created a platform that would enable our clients to come and pick up curbside. I think they would feel more comfortable getting it shipped. No one really wants to venture yet because its kind of open but not really. We are in an inbetween phase. We are trying to adjust and you know, im usually confident and comfortable but these are the times we live in and you know, i encourage people to wear masks at all times. I would love for everybody to get tested. I did get tested and i was negative so i think we will have to do it in terms of Civic Responsibility and taking charge and getting tested. That would be really helpful. Neil real quickly, you would really have to wait until phase two and that could be july at the earliest. Are you able to hold on that long . Well, im doing my best. Even though, yes, it really does affect your mind. My mind has been affected. Last week i started to crack under pressure. We are designing a website thats commercial which hopefully will be helping until, however, its going to be awhile until things get back to normal and people are comfortable and confident enough to come in. Neil all right. You hang in there, cc. Everyone tells me its a vintage shop destination. Im sure people will show up. But be well, be safe, be healthy. The business will follow for sure. Cc mcgurr, he will grale grande owner. Thank you very very much. More after this. Tech. Find a stock based on your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Neil all right. In and out of day highs for the dow jones. Look whats going on with airlines . Look what is going on with cruise related stocks. Even though cruises are getting pushed back and airlines are concerned whether they make enough to warrant staving off cutting people or their salaries hope springs eternal. Now to charles payne. Hey, charles. Charles neil, thank you very much. Great seeing you. Good afternoon, everyone, im charles payne. This is making money. At this moment the rally roars on even hottest tech names even though theyre h theyre waivering, sectors tethered to the economy are showing quick recovery. Most dangerous bear readies an attack. Risk versus fear tactics. I will go in depth. Well get expert analysis for you as well. Calls for deep and major Police Reforms gaining momentum across this country as indianapolis moves to dismantle the entire Police Department. What Defunding Police actually looke

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