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Fbi and the Justice Department in actions against general flynn. In the motion to dismiss, the department of justice said they were not persuaded that a january 2017 interview of flynn by two fbi agents, quote, was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and, therefore, does not believe mr. Flynns statements were material, even if untrue. Moreover, we do not believe the government can prove if either the relevant false statements or their materiality beyond a reasonable doubt. That motion of dismissal is signed by the u. S. Attorney general for the District Of Columbia who is described as attorney general William Barrs righthand man at the Justice Department. Clintonappointed judge emmett sullivan, who still needs to officially approve this decision by the Justice Department to withdraw the case fully. President trump today heard of the news during a white house meeting with the governor of texas, greg abbott. Heres the president s reaction. He was an innocent man. He is a great gentleman. He was targeted by the Obama Administration, and he was targeted in order to try and take down a president. And what theyve done is is a disgrace, and i hope a big price is going to be paid. A big price should be paid. Theres never been anything like this in the history of our country. What they did, what the Obama Administration did is unprecedented. Its never happened. Never happened. A thing like this has never if happened before in the history of our country, and i hope a lot of people are going to pay a big price, because theyre dishonest, crooked people. Theyre scum, and i say it a lot. Theyre scum. Theyre human scum. This should never have happened in this country. A duly elected president , and they went after him by going after fine people. And those fine people said, no, im not going to lie. I cant lie. Hes not the only one. There are many of them. And they all said i cant lie. They could have said something like, oh, make up a lie. Trump loves somebody or something or some country. And they said, oh, you wouldnt have any problem. Thats what they were trying to do, and its a disgrace. The Obama Administration Justice Department was a disgrace, and they got caught. They got caught. Very dishonest people. But much more than dis treason. Its treason. So im very happy for general flynn. He was a, a great warrior, and he still is a great warrior. Now, in my book, hes an even greater warrior. Lou President Trump on the dismissal of general flynns case. The dismissal follows the recent release of exculpatory evidence revealing how the Obama Administration era fbi conspired to set up and then frame general flynn. Discussing even how to get him to lie so he could be fired or prosecuted. Those documents also showed the fbi had found, quote, no derogatory evidence against general flynn and recommended closing down the case and, in fact, were set to close the case code name crossfire razor 16 days before President Trump was to take office. The dojs actions also coming less than 24 hours after the release of a less redacted memo from august 2017 that former Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein used to expand Robert Muellers Russian Investigation far beyond its initial scope. Rosensteins memo authorizing mueller to look into criminal allegations that dud not exist did not exist against carter page, paul manafort, george pop papadopoulos, Michael Flynn and a still unidentified fifth person. Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham finally getting his head on straight. He drew this conclusion there was no legitimate reason to believe any of these four were working with the russians on august the 2nd, 2017. Therefore, the entire Mueller Investigation was illegitimate to begin with. Thats very important. Lou very important. And tom fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, joins us now. He has called for the dismissal of this case, a pardon, whatever it took to get flynn free of this frameup. Tom, good to have you with us. You have been absolutely tire he is in your defense of tireless in your defense of flynn and criticism of the Justice Department and fbi. How do you feel tonight about general flynn with his, ostensibly at least at this point, off his back . Well, God Bless America and god bless general flynn. This is vindication for general flynn. Its a vindication for folks like you, lou, and Judicial Watch who have been highlighting the insipid corruption behind the targeting of flynn and President Trump through mueller and everything else. This was a startling document that was filed today. It reads like an indictment of james comey. And we have to remember this goes back to barack obama. Sally yates admits that obama discussed flynn specifically, and the implication was going after him on the logan act which was the fake crime they used to try to impeach him or corner him on perjury. The Justice Department disavowed all of that today, and it shows you, frankly, though the Justice Department and the fbi had this information for years, yet they continued to pursue and harass general flynn. And theres something deeply rotten in the infrastructure at the fbi and Justice Department. And its exposed today. And as youre highlighting and senator Lindsey Graham finally highlights of course, we called on mueller to be fired from the get go because we knew it was the corrupt, what he was doing. Lou right. The whole Mueller Investigations corrupted. When barr came in, he should have audited mueller immediately. You can presume everyone that mueller touched was corruptly pursued. Everyone should be pardoned; witnesses, targets, everyone. Lou thats an interesting point because, obviously, the fbi was corrupt from the inception preceding the special counsel investigation as well. It is, it is a stunning document, as you say, and it is also gratifying that the attorney general, william barr, appointed a man u. S. Attorney jensen who moved this to a decision in a matter of months instead of what we have become used to, a painful, prolonged procrastination. This was, i think, a timely exercise of a power to stop an abuse of power. Yeah. And general flynn deserves tens of millions of dollars from the federal government for what they put him through. The next step in justice, in my view, thats required are prosecutions of his persecutors. And you see this in the Justice Department filing who ought to be targeted, james comey. I mean, if mr. Durham doesnt talk to barack obama, that will be a miscarriage of justice. It goes back to barack obama. Its difficult to overstate obamas role in this. And hes been a predict protected person and he shouldnt be. Lou well, you know, the entire lot of them, the top of the fbi well, thats right. Lou have been at least removed from office. They are also, as you say, the product of the obama era. It is almost, i think, inconceivable and i want your opinion to think that a fbi director, a department of justice could proceed as they did against the president in point of fact as he said today, they went after everyone working for him, it seemed. It is just remarkable to its unthinkable, in my opinion, that president obama or the white house did not know what was going on. Well, look, weve had comey talk about it, weve had sally yates talk about it, obama knew. He knew about the dossier and this infamous meeting he had on january 5th, 2017. And they all talked about it. Obama was there, biden was there, susan rice was there, sally yachts, clapper, i think brennan was there as well. The next day james comey took that dossier information and went and ambushed President Trump. And obama knew that was the plan. They talked about it. And then, of course, the document toddies closes today discloses that comey, behind the scenes, was pressing the obama view that this was a logan act violation, and he was trying to keep it alive, and he was purposely avoiding full disclosure to the president of the United States, the white house, President Trump about this issue. And he secretly went and sent agents to ambush flynn. Thats not me saying it, thats the Justice Department saying it. Relying on the testimony of obamas, well, obamas appointee, sal ily yates. Sally yates says she was dumb founded. She said she call comey up and said youve got to let them know, and comey said, no, ive already sent the agents to question flynn. Yates says she hit the roof. She was obviously involved too because she was pushing the logan act as well to get flynn fired. No clean hands here, lou. No clean hands. Lou and demonstrated today in the dismissal, the motion for dismissal which i presume and would like to get your opinion very quickly, will you be do how you expect judge sullivan to approve this motion . Not only do i expect hell approve the motion, i expect that he will institute proceedings, potentially criminal contempt proceedings, against those involved in the fraud upon the court. These documents were withheld from the court and the defense, they were withheld from the American People by this Justice Department and this fbi including the current leadership. What did wray know and what did he know. Id hike to know that. Id like to know that. And if i were the judge, id be calling in everyone, put em under oath. Lou well, well find out what kind of judge sullivan really is. He has not been a particularly active judge to this point with plain evidence staring him in the face throughout. Tom fitton, we appreciate it, and we thank all that you do as always at Judicial Watch and, in particular, this case tonight. The dismissal of the Justice Department case against general flynn. Up next well have more on todays bombshell decision from the Justice Department. Well be talking with general flynns defense attorney who has led the fight to free him from this frameup. Sidney powell. He tuning we take up her efforts in flips yearslong fight for justice. She joins us right after the she joins us right after the break. The new house is amazing. So much character. Original crown molding, walk in closets. We do have a ratt problem. Round and round with love well find a way, just give it time. At least geico makes bundling our home and Car Insurance easy. It does help us save. Round and round with love well find a way, just give it time. Round and round what comes around, goes around. For bundling made easy, go to geico. Com its a great escape. 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Shes the author of the book revolution trump, washington and we the people. Kt, first, your reaction great to have you here. First your reaction to this day of good news for general flynn. Oh, its been a long time in coming, and thank goodness, you know, the Justice Department finally realized what they should have realized at the very beginning, that there was he committed no crime and that he deserves to be exonerated and restored to all of the glory that he would have otherwise had. But its also a great day for the country and for trump. Because trump started a revolution. President trump went to washington to clean the swamp, and the swamp tried to talk him down, and it couldnt do it. And so now, finally, president t trump has prevailed in this. Lou that is exactly the context for this event. Going after not only President Trumps National Security adviser, but going after his Deputy National security adviser, you [laughter] thank you. Lou you know because you experienced part of what general flynn has gone through. You were one of those people that the special counsel, special counsel attorneys tried and fbi agents tried to get to lie about flynn, right . Well, and about President Trump. I mean, they tried to catch me in a perjury trap, which they couldnt, and they wanted me to plead guilty to a crime i didnt commit, perjury. They wanted me to say things about flynn which he didnt do. They wanted me to say things about President Trump which he didnt do. They tried to break me. They tried to break me financially and every other way, break my career, break my reputation. They did the same thing the general flynn with one added addition, they tried to blackmail him because they threatened his son, and general flynn sacrificed himself so that husband son wouldnt be charged. His son wouldnt be charged. Now, is this the american Justice Department . No. This is the people who were trying to get back at donald trump because he head a revolution. He led a revolution. And, finally, justice has prevailed. Lou he has, he has prevailed. It has been three long years as well for general flynn under this immense burden. One can hardly imagine how his family has felt throughout all of this, the stress that the man has been put under and the absolute political corruption and without conscience. The fbi agents who went after flynn, the special counsel, the Justice Department attorneys, this is ignorance and evil, and it is obviously rampant within the obama era Justice Department and fbi. Yeah. Lou, i mean, ive been in government long enough to know this is not some midlevel bureaucrats who are conducting this. This is a cabal of people at the highest levels of the Justice Department, the fbi, the intelligence community. Who knows, maybe even into the obama white house. And it was a concerted effort to reverse the will of the people who had just elected by a land slide, surprise victory a person who wanted to come in and clean out washington, to reverse course and policy but also in practice. And they should all be held its not just about exonerating Michael Flynn and all the rest of us who were pulled into that trap, its about going after the people who were responsible. Id like to know what did comey know and when did he know it and then move up the food chain. Lou kt mcfarland, thank you very much. We appreciate it, as always. Good to see you. Thank you. Lou our next guest this evening, one of the main reasons the department of justice dropped their case against Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. Her push to reveal documents concealed from flynn by the corrupt department of justice as well as his own former attorneys has been a great service. Joining us tonight by phone, sidney powell, Michael Flynns attorney, former federal prosecutor. First of all, sidney, congratulations to you and to general flynn. Your reaction today upon learning of the department of justice decision. Oh, thank you so much, lou. We are both, obviously, relieved and gratified that we have an attorney general and other attorneys in the department of justice now with enough integrity to bring the truth to light and agents who were willing to help dig for it until they found it and then the expose it so the public can see it. The government made a significant filing today. I havent even had a chance to read all of it yet. There are a number of additional exhibits attached to it. Mr. Schiff wouldnt know the truth if it poked him in one of his bug eyes because general flynns plea if was neither knowing or voluntary. This is a restoration of the rule of law and a huge step in the right direction toward getting rid of the people who have deliberately sought to subvert a lawful election and the will of the American People writ large. And this president , presidency. Lou and i want to give you credit in your defense of general flynn because you are also among those who produced, as a result of your efforts, produced documents that led to adam schiff being absolutely revealed for what he was clearly but not necessarily evidentially proved, as an evil and absolutely ignorant partisan force within the democratic party. It is beyond it, to me, is beyond imagination that he still is running off at the mouth talking as he did today in reaction after being held up and demonstrated to be a liar for the past two years. Its just amazing. He is obviously an extremely disturbed and deceitful person. We sought the truth from the very beginning of my appearance in general flynns case. That is what we are getting. Im sure theres still more to be revealed, but we have made a huge step in the right direction thanks to the real lawyers and agents in the department of justice who speak truth and not conviction. Lou well, its gratifying to hear you compliment the energy and the acts of fbi agents who were instrumental in producing this material on the attorneys of the Justice Department under william barr. And, again, u. S. Attorney jensen making a timely decision. He only took up the role of scrutinizing that case in february. So by legal standards of late, he was working at warp speed. And you throughout, sidney, have been absolutely terrific, and we compliment you for all youve done for general flynn, for the presidency of donald trump and the country. Thanks so much. Sidney powell. Congratulations. Up next, President Trump raging against the leftwing National Media for their complicity in the deep state and radical dems push to overthrow his presidency. Well take that up and a lot more right after this quick break. Ill be talking with congressman matt gaetz. Please stay with us. You ever wish you werent a motaur . Sure. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. Yeah, like a regular person. No. Still half bike half man, just the opposite. Oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top . Yeah. Yeah, i could see that. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. Shes confident, protected, her strength respected. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Shes confident, protected, her strength respected. Lou well, were back with kt mcfarland, former Deputy National security adviser, also tom fitton, the president of Judicial Watch. And i want to ask both of you now what do you think we are working toward . Were watching a review of all of this, the barr investigation, if you will, of the investigators, durhams investigation. The president is finding vindication in this process and watching and i want do you both again about adam schiff. Tom, let me begin with you. This man is out of control. He is vicious, he is venal, he is outright evil personified. Well, in my view, the Justice Department should have been investigating him for some time, especially his communications with the alleged whistleblower which may have involved the dissemination illegally of classified information. Schiff has major ethical issues. If i were the president of the United States and ive been calling on this to happen for some time, id cut him off if access to classified information. Theres no law requiring he be given access. He cant be trusted to handle it, and so he should be denied that privilege. Lou how closely do you believe, kt, that democrats, the radical dems like adam schiff and various others, were working with the deep state and the obama era Justice Department and fbi . Oh, i think they were working hand in glove. And i would add to that, that Partisan Press that leans towards obama, i think they were all passing things back and forth. I know from my own experience that things i was saying in the Mueller Investigation were finding their way to the committees on capitol hill, finding their way into the new york times. If always edited, twisted, spun, not what i had said and the way i said it, but with their own spin and interpretation. So i think they all three were working together and doing the bidding, frankly, of russian disinformation. This was russian disinformation, and the Justice Department knew it from the first day. And when and at trump tower on january 6th when president elect trump met with the heads of the intelligence agencies and comey tries to shake him down, from that point on the intelligence community, they knew the steele dossier was a fake, and yet they went through everything including the Mueller Investigation. And what they knew it was a scam and a sham. Lou and, tom, its also obvious that as these documents have been revealed as a result of general flynns defense, as a result also of the release of, the pending release of documents from the Intelligence Committee, the transcripts of 53 witnesses and theres not an ounce, an ounce of indication let alone evidence of anything remotely approaching collusion. Well, as strzok and page, the infamous text messages, there was no there there. And when Rod Rosenstein, after the fact, blessed muellers investigation, he was blessing an investigation based on what they all knew to be a fraudulent dossier. Look, its one thing to have russia disinformation, but you then had the fbi continuing to work with the well, assuming it was russia disinformation, you had the fbi and Justice Department continuing to work with, they were seeking out steele as a source. Despite the evidence, he was a front for the russians. In the end, i dont think the russians were behind this disinformation. I think it was an inside job. The evidence is it was all a clinton operation, fbi, western intel pretending it was russia intel, and they were all deciding, began this extradition against the incoming president. Remember the attack, the targets of flynn was about flynn, but was also about the coup against President Trump. Flynn, kt, others, they were trying to destroy the presidency. Lou yeah. It was all about exactly that as we have discussed it was yes. Lou the attempted overthrow of the president of the United States. Kt, tom, we thank you both for being here. We appreciate your insight and sharing your perspectives with us here tonight. Thank you. Up next, the slew of recent developments exposing the corrupt efforts to bring down President Trump by the likes of, among others, james comey and the deep state. Well, one of the people defending the president throughout, congressman matt gaetz joins us right after these quick messages. Please stay with us. 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Confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. Theyre all possible with a cfp® professional. Find yours at letsmakeaplan. Org. Lou President Trumped today speaking about the trump today speaking about the national leftwing medias role in framing general flynn. He said what he thinks should happen to socalled journalists. Here he is. The medias totally guilty. And all of those writers and socalled journalists, theyre not journalists. Theyre thieves. All of those journalists that received a Pulitzer Prize should be forced to give those Pulitzer Prizes back. Because they were all wrong. There was no because if you sawed today, more documents came out saying there was absolutely no collusion with russia. Lou and joining us tonight, congressman matt gaetz, a member of the house judiciary and Armed Services committees and stalwart throughout defending the president and calling for justice from the department of justice and the fbi through the obama era and beyond. Thank you very much for being with us, congressman, good to see you. Your reaction, first, to the, to the motion to dismiss charges against general flynn. Its great to see honor restored to general flynns good name. The media didnt have any honor to begin with, and the only way to bring it back to the department of justice is to see these prosecutions through to insure that the people who engaged in this activity are never able to frame someone like they framed general flynn ever again. The boomerang has really come back on a lot of these house democrats, adam schiff and nancy pelosi have egg on their face. You and i have been telling people, lou, for three years that this wasnt a crime, it was a coverup for the fact that democrats were actually colluding with russians through christopher steele. Everything weve said has been proven true, and adam schiff is now a man who is caught in a lie and then used an impeachment over ukraine to cover up that lie. Lou and still lying, saying today in response to the motion to dismiss that general flynn still is lying as a result of the investigation by the fbi and the Justice Department. Which is patently untrue. The lying was james comey and all of those at the top of the obama Era Department of justice and the fbi agency itself. Your thoughts about adam schiff. You know him very well. Look, you know, history will not be kind to what these folks did to our country, to our president. And if you really think about it, this demonstrates how the house of cards has come falling down. We would always show the bias, the evidence of mistreatment, and then the democrats would say, well, yeah, but flynn pled guilty. Now you see that was all based on this phony setup done by the fb i. But heres, i think, a bigger issue. If you zoom out from Michael Flynn if, you see a common trend. Folks were trying to set up the people who were close to the president when that was Michael Flynn, george papadopoulos, donald trump jr. , corey lewandowski, any of these folks that got wrapped into having to respond to the Mueller Investigation were largely there to try to create leverage against the president. The only reason we know that to be the case for certain flynn is because someone actually wrote it down. But its not as if comey and that whole cabal try to flame flynn and then didnt try it frame flynn and then didnt try it against anyone else. The only person a they got the leverage against was Michael Cohen because he had some dirty business with the taxi cab medallions that he couldnt answer for. For the most part, everyone else told the truth, they didnt fall for the traps, and now were really starting to see who the real criminals are, and i think these prosecutions that are upcoming will further ill human nate that illuminate that. Lou as i said earlier on the broadcast, it is nice to see a u. S. Attorney, jensen, who made the decision to move the motion to dismiss against the general. This is the beginning of what appears to be William Barrs reform of the u. S. Justice department. It is great to see. Your reaction. I am very heartened by the determination that the attorney general has shown, but i still think that at the end of the day, lou, this cant all end with a series of reports that say, well, people broke the law, but theyre not really going to jail. That does not do it. That is not a sufficient antidote to the virus that was down on the department of justice, you know, during the beginning of the Trump Presidency and during the trump transition. And so i think that to fully rad candidate that, were actually going to need to see criminal process brought against the people who were directing these illegal acts. James comey has essentially admitted to it. He took advantage of the fact that it was a new government in transition and got away with something he never would have gotten away with otherwise, and that was the framing of Michael Flynn. But flynn wasnt the only one. They tried it over and over again, and i dont think a Single Person should spend a day in jail as a consequence of the Mueller Investigation because it was built on a rotten foundation. Mueller really should have been investigating those subsources of the steele dossier and figuring out their collusion with the democrats and the dnc and Glenn Simpson and the perkins law firm. Lou more to come. Congressman matt gaetz, thanks so much. Good to see you. Texas, of all places, with two examples of overzealous, overbearing local Law Enforcement of their pandemic regulations. In dallas, texas, the state Supreme Court ordered a judge to free a salon owner he jailed for disto obeying an executive order to close. In west odessa, texas, they brought up a s. W. A. T. Team to railed a bar. Raid a bar. Hands up you in the green shirt, put your hands up. I cant see em. Lou can you believe thats happening on the streets of odessa, texas . Unbelievable. The s. W. A. T. Team arrested the bar owner and several people who were part of a proprotest group opposing the executive order to close bars. Governor greg abbott has removed jail as a penalty for violating such orders. Well, up next, how the communist Chinese Government is ramping up production of a new weapon in the sky. We take that up and more. Dr. Michael pillsbury joins us. Well be right back with that. 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Crude oil lost about 2 , 23. 53 a barrel. 3. 2 the million unemployment claims last week, nearly 33. 5 million americans is have fueled since mid march, and this latest report a marked decline from the previous weeks level. A reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. Red storm rising, china to unveil a new h20 Stealth Bomber this november, we are told. The Stealth Bomber closely resembles the u. S. B2 Stealth Bomber. Imagine that coincidence. According to Chinese State media, the h20 bomber would be equipped with missiles, a takeoff weight of at least 200 tons giving it an advantage over or the u. S. B2 bomb or. Joining us to take this up and more, dr. Michael pillsbury with the hudson institute, author of the 100year marathon. 9 mike if, good to see you. Lets start with the b2 bomber. Thats a close resemblance, isnt it . Yes, lou. Its a surprise on two counts. First of all, the sheer audacity to steal our designs and technology, but secondly, they promised us they would never develop a longrange Stealth Bomber. This is not in chinas cultural dna. They promised the same thing about aircraft carriers and outer space lasers. Now theyve done all three. So this is quite a surprise, i think, to the people with who underestimated chinese ambition withs. Lou well, underestimating their ambition and certainly underestimating their intents in the south china south china seay continue to expand and seem to be taking possession of that disputed territory and region. Yeah. Theyre basically bullying, to use the pentagons word last weekend, theyre bullying four countries now, lou. After promising president obama they would never if militarize or have bases in the south china sea, now theyre using these bases to send out patrols. Apparently, it looks to me like whenever a country like ma a laze ya, vietnam or the philippines start toss to actually drill oil or gas, the chinese show up, and they intimidate the ship, the survey ship or the drilling ship to stop. So its a kind of business or mafiatype approach. Keep out of the china sea, it belongs to china. And this is even though the u. N. Tribunal ruled four years ago this is not chinese territorial waters. Theyre acting in defiance of a u. N. Tribunal decision. Lou well, they mustnt be quivering too much about the prospect of u. N. Response or, for that matter, u. S. Response because four years have gone by and still they persist with their expansion their doctrine. Well, you remember under obama and biden there was a fouryear pause which i believe was a mistake on freedom of navigation patrols by our navy in the south china sea. President trump has increased them. There have been four just in the last few months. I think this is one way to get the chinese attention. And just yesterday, lou, our air force flew two b1 bombers guam out a toward taiwan and back again. So were trying to send signals. I think President Trump is saying dont test me, dont take advantage of this epidemic to make progress on your territorial claims. I hope it works, lou. Lou we a all do. We all do. And theres much for the president to consider here. Not only the south china sea, of course, and their ambitions there, but the wuhan virus, this pandemic, the extraordinary decision by, by xi not to warn e rest of the world when we were approaching well, we are at hundreds of thousands of fatalities as a result. The president has a difficult choice to make here including trade relations with china. Your thoughts on how the phase one trade agreement is going and the prospects going forward. Well, lou, i think theyve been slug you should. Theyre behind sluggish. Theyre behind schedule in their purchases, only about roughly half what they had to purchase by now. What we see lou excuse me. What . Lou excuse me. Miking weve just received word that the House Intelligence Committee has released those 53 transcripts of witnesses before the House Intelligence Committee. The chairman, adam schiff, of the Intelligence Committee giving in to direct pressure from the director of national intelligence, richard tremendous can knell. Grenell. His House Intelligence Committee releasing 57 transcripts, in fact, to the public. Additional material also being made public if, all of it part of the committees investigation in 2017 and 18 into russias interference in the 2016 election. And sources are telling fox that not one of the people that the committee interviewed and the transcripts that we will assess, well be able to read here shortly, was able to provide any evidence whatsoever of russian collusion with anyone they talked to in that investigation. No one. Mike, i apologize for the interruption. Go back to you, if we may, and pick up with your thoughts about some of the decisions that the president has before him. Were in close time, if you will here. Well, lou, the chinese keep assessing how strong the president is. Whether they should test him or go ahead and meet their commitments in the phase one trade deal. Exoneration of general flynn, the release of these documents, it all helps the chinese the understand not to test, not to test president President Trump,d meet their obligations. I hope they will because if they dont, lou, i think the [inaudible] will come back. Lou all right. Michael built bury, thank you very much pillsbury, thank you very much. I apologize for the loss of time. Well make it up to you soon. Well be right back with much more. Stay with us. This is an athlete, twenty reps deep, sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. Shes confident, protected, her strength respected. Depend. 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Trelegy, 1,2,3 man save at trelegy. Com. Lou President Trump today charging the Obama Administration era justice and fbi officials guilty of treason. I hope a lot of people will pay a big price. Theyre dishonest crooked people. Theyre scum, human scum. The Obama Administration Justice Department was a disgrace and they got caught. They got caught. Very dishonest people. But much more than dishonest. It is treason. It is treason. Lou thats it for us tonight. Thanks for being with us. Good night from sussex neil america can Work Together and were going to put a lot of stuff together that addresses that right now, right here on fox business. Im neil cavuto. Thank you very much for joining us. We live in an environment where a lot of people are scared for their health, scared for their jobs, just scared, period. So we thought we would step back from all of this, start taking your questions and man, oh, man, were we pelted with a lot of them. Happy for your participation. But it all comes down to this. Will we get through this . I think my next guests say yeah, because theyre living proof you can get through crises. Look at our long history, look at what we got through, a depression, a financial

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